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Are we ready for a serious discussion about changing the Second Amendment?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:28 am
by Ahso!
AnneBoleyn;1426311 wrote: Sure ya will. A$$hole.Well, at least we've been given an explanation for all that nonresponse - and our suspicions have been verified.

Are we ready for a serious discussion about changing the Second Amendment?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 6:04 am
by AnneBoleyn
Jeerleader;1426593 wrote: Perhaps the most notable were the "Federalist" series of 85 widely published articles advocating for the ratification of the Constitution. Madison, Hamilton and John Jay all wrote under the single nom de plume of PUBLIUS.

From the other side various commentators wrote (mostly) anonymously arguing against PUBLIUS' articles. These are now known as the Anti-Federalist Papers.

I like your name.

Are we ready for a serious discussion about changing the Second Amendment?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:39 pm
by kmag
My opinion.

"The 2nd amendment needs to be changed so that it's not constantly being broken."

Thats' not totally unlike legalizing rape because there is too much of it.

Look, the US is flooded with guns. As a European I am astounded by it. I am against guns here but in the USA a ban only disarms law abiding people.

I have never held a gun in my life. If I lived in the USA I would never leave home without one. As for limiting the type, size and power of guns all that decision does is ascertain just how much at a disadvantage we want the good guys to be.

Anything people want which becomes illegal quickly flourishes in the black market.

So instead of buying guns from a trained, registered and insured dealer, people buy from a new maffia.

Guns aint goin away even if a majority tells em to.

Besides. All the people killed on the roads everyday but we magically understand the need to fear the driver and not the car?

I can understand euro citizens like myself being against guns.

America is at a far more advanced stage of ubiquitiousness of firearms.

A gun is something you dont have to use but in very particular and serious circumstances it may give you options.

Are we ready for a serious discussion about changing the Second Amendment?

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:56 pm
by Accountable
kmag;1436125 wrote: My opinion.

"The 2nd amendment needs to be changed so that it's not constantly being broken."

Thats' not totally unlike legalizing rape because there is too much of it.

Well ...... except that undeniably rational people are willing to make exceptions to keeping and bearing arms, while I'm not sure you can find rational people to say some rape is okay under the right circumstances.

Thanks for the rest of your comment. It shows understanding.