Obama's birth certificate

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Obama's birth certificate

Post by Omni_Skittles »

because it was silly, just silly. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!
Smoke signals ftw!
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by LarsMac »

Omni_Skittles;1358792 wrote: because it was silly, just silly. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!

Right, and Michelle Bachman for VP.

bedebedebedebedebede,...eh, That's all folks!!
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by spot »

I reckon what you need is a reputable Brit running things. I'll make an offer, how's that. I'll swap places with Nomie, he can come to the UK for eight years and I'll stand in for him, we can't look that different if he'd comb his face and maybe stand upright instead of slouching. Once I'm on a soapbox pushing my agenda in a Presidential race, all those American colonial genes will spring into action. The electorate will hear my accent and salute involuntarily, I'll be in that White House before you can say George Washington, and if anyone wants to see my birth certificate I'll have Nomad's in my pocket ready for them.

I assume he has one.
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by Wandrin »

But if you ran as a Republican, you'd have to come up with speeches about how science can't be trusted, giant corporations are more important than people, evolution didn't/doesn't happen, and caring about people is socialism. I presume that you would hire some good fiction writers...
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Obama's birth certificate

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I would, I feel, need to stand out somehow from the pack.

I'll run as a Communist, that ought to do it.
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by spot »

Let's give it a shot...

My proposed United Socialist Republic of North America would relegate the individual States to agrarian reform bodies with no rights to levy taxes, it will consolidate the territories currently designated as NAFTA, and we'll immediately reduce the voting age to ten. Comrades, are you with me! Vote spot for a better future!
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by Wandrin »

How much of North America would you propose to annex?
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by spot »

Everything from Panama to the Pole, basically. Except I'd leave the Territorial Collectivity of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon untouched, it would annoy too many people to try taking that.
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by gmc »

spot;1359571 wrote: Let's give it a shot...

My proposed United Socialist Republic of North America would relegate the individual States to agrarian reform bodies with no rights to levy taxes, it will consolidate the territories currently designated as NAFTA, and we'll immediately reduce the voting age to ten. Comrades, are you with me! Vote spot for a better future!

So would there be any five year plans to reindustrialise the american economy?
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by spot »

gmc;1359647 wrote: So would there be any five year plans to reindustrialise the american economy?

How any country can claim to have a drought while at the same time releasing several cubic miles of fresh water to destructively scour good farmland into the Gulf of Mexico baffles me, I might start with the construction of a few large strategically-placed reservoirs.

That's not a catchy slogan for the campaign though. Let's try a few that will guarantee my election:

Suppress the reactionary clergy with utmost haste and ruthlessness!

Down with all colonial policy, down with the whole policy of intervention and capitalist struggle for the conquest of foreign lands and foreign populations, for new privileges in new markets.

What kind of war was that? A perfected, civilised blood bath, the massacre of Arabs with the help of the “latest” weapons! (and yes, that's an authentic quote).

Not a handful of rich people, but all the working people must enjoy the fruits of their common labour!

We must strive harder toward the abolition of coercive domination of one part of society over another! Communism cannot be imposed by force!
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by spot »

spot;1359651 wrote: How any country can claim to have a drought while at the same time releasing several cubic miles of fresh water to destructively scour good farmland into the Gulf of Mexico baffles me, I might start with the construction of a few large strategically-placed reservoirs.

That's not a catchy slogan for the campaign though. Let's try a few that will guarantee my election:

Suppress the reactionary clergy with utmost haste and ruthlessness!

Down with all colonial policy, down with the whole policy of intervention and capitalist struggle for the conquest of foreign lands and foreign populations, for new privileges in new markets.

What kind of war was that? A perfected, civilised blood bath, the massacre of Arabs with the help of the “latest” weapons! (and yes, that's an authentic quote).

Not a handful of rich people, but all the working people must enjoy the fruits of their common labour!

We must strive harder toward the abolition of coercive domination of one part of society over another! Communism cannot be imposed by force!

Vote spot for a better behaved proletariat! Economic crime is a direct consequence of capitalist oppression. In any sensible analysis it would be capitalist oppression which was the crime, not the inevitable reaction of the oppressed.
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by katsung47 »

665. Obama faces extortion (4/18/2011)

Today the Feds have occupied the high ranking of government office. They manipulate the politicians to squeeze money and power through false flag terror attacks and war. They used to set up a plot, then let the President sign it so they would not have to take any responsibility. The president becomes an important role in their plot.

Here are the cases:

1. According to the article “CIA spy captured giving nuclear bomb to terrorists”, President Kennedy was assassinated because he rejected the Cuba war plan “Operation Northwoods”.

2. President Clinton was seriously humiliated by “Lewinsky scandal” because he didn’t approve the request of “war on Iraq” proposed by the Neo-con group.

3. G.W.Bush was awarded the post of President(2001-2004) for the promising of Iraq war. (In a controversial election “Bush vs. Al Gore” with the background that Clinton finished his term with splendid economic achievement- an unprecedented budget surplus)

G.W.Bush also was rewarded with second term of President (2005-2008) for the promising of Iran war. (At the background that he activated Iraq war with a big lie (WMD)) The plot signaled with the event of a B-52 loaded with nuclear missiles flied over US continent. The plot was failed to go through.

4. Now President Obama faces the Iran war deal. He is under extortion: a puppet of the Feds – Donald Trump is waging a propaganda war – Birthers’ movement. The purpose is clear: either you approve the war on Iran or you lose the chance of second term. What I worry is worse: Obama may be sacrificed for Iran war. Iran war needs big justification. Nothing is bigger than the assassination of the President. They killed President Kennedy. So what for the Feds to kill another one?

, “CIA Spy Captured Giving Nuclear Bomb To Terrorists

Most ominous in this SVR report, though, is Pakistan’s ISI stating that top-secret CIA documents found in Davis’s possession point to his, and/or TF373, providing to al Qaeda terrorists “nuclear fissile material” and “biological agents” they claim are to be used against the United States itself in order to ignite an all-out war in order to reestablish the West’s hegemony over a Global economy that is warned is just months away from collapse.


“Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.”

Though Operation Northwoods had the “approval” of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it did not have the approval of their boss, President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963), but who barely one year after his outright rejection of this monstrous plan to kill thousands of innocent Americans was gunned down as an example to any future US leader what would happen to them if they dared go against the wishes of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC).

Today, as the US Department of Homeland Security has just issued a grim warning that the threat of terror strike on America is at a higher level than it has been since September 11, 2001, and the WikiLeaks release of secret US government cables reveals that al Qaeda is on the brink of using a nuclear bomb, a new President stands between his people and the CIA warmongers with the only question being will he protect them like Kennedy did?

CIA Spy Captured Giving Nuclear Bomb To Terrorists | EUTimes.net

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Obama's birth certificate

Post by spot »

What's a Fed, katsung?
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Obama's birth certificate

Post by katsung47 »

spot;1363823 wrote: What's a Fed, katsung?

D.o.D. and D.o.J. (FBI and DEA).


670. New warning in May (5/20/2011)

On 4/18, at the high tide of birthers' movement, I wrote "665. Obama faces extortion (4/18/2011)". I said the Feds was pushing hard on Obama to approve the project of Iran war. I worried that he even might be assassinated. Right that day an incident proved my opinion. An Air Force jet with first lady aborted landing and had to circle round for some time because it was too close to a military cargo plane. The error committed by an air traffic controller could cause a collision. I think that was an intimidation to Obama. The life of him and his family are in the hands of the Feds.

Obama surrendered. The compromise date should be between 4/18 (the plane incident of the First lady) and 4/25. (Al Qaida issued warning that they would nuke US if Bin Laden captured or killed) It took the Feds five days to plan the hoax "Operation Geronimo".

Everybody saw the rest development. On 4/26, media said, 63% Of Americans Say They Wouldn’t Vote For Donald Trump, Obama released his "Birth certificate" on 4/27.

Donald Trump hinted he wouldn't run for president in early May. The birther's movement lost its power and scattered away. That's what Obama got.

Now Americans are facing a false flag "nuclear bombing" after May 1st, "Bin Laden's death". Since it is also planned as a distract on my case, I saw a synchronized activity against me the same day. At 5/1 night, C.Y. and W.S. came to my house, said they need to borrow a mini-van to pick up three relatives from China. (see "668. Chinese secret police (5/5/2011)")

My wife collaborated. They borrowed the car for unusual long time - more than two weeks. (5/2 to 5/17) I believe the car was under "surveillance warrant" of the FISA. Those "three relatives" are real Chinese agents. It is a deliberate plant arranged by US and Chinese secret police. To connect me to the car, they created a car breakdown, asked me to help. So the Feds could take a picture to show to the judge for warrant. I refused. I also refuse to attend their son's wending party and allege that week-end(5/15) a possible action day.

Now 5/15 passed. What's new? Another plot is planned immediately. Yesterday (5/19), my wife informed me that she would leave on Friday(5/20) for Boston to attend an education ceremony of her friend's son. It's an one day's notice. It is a sudden arrangement which I never heard of before. It's an order from the Feds, obviously. My wife's foot was hurt last month. She can't drive until now and is still difficult to walk. But she has to collaborate. She said, "it doesn't matter, I can use a handicape chair in air-port."

Once again, I issue a warning, Feds likely will frame a case on this week end, (5/20 - 5/22) followed with false flag nuke attacks in the name of Al Qaida.

It reminds me of another plot planned in February 26 this year. Feds created an unusual snow that day in order to finish the case before Patriot Act extinguished.

This time they do it again before Patriot Act ends in that three months extension period. What makes this May special is: To justify a nuke terror attack, they created a hoax "Bin Laden's death" show.
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