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Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:23 pm
by G#Gill
Well we did have a lovely Christmas this year, as a complete little family. Very quiet and very chilled out. :-6 Then we went to our friends on the Sunday afternoon and stayed over-night. That was a very enjoyable day and night, and our friends are very hospitable. The TV wasn't switched on once the whole time ! We did play a good game of Scrabble and no I did not win :yh_tong2 . I came third out of four ! :wah:

The weather has improved temp wise, but it has rained. We had been warned locally that we could get 10 cms of snow starting in the evening and carrying on over-night on Monday, but we were rather glad that it came as rain. It has been spitting on and off all day, and the day today, has been what my mum would have called a 'scruffy' day.:wah: It is only lulling us into a false sense of security by being a little milder - we have been warned that the temps will fall for next week and we'll probably be in for more snow ! :yh_eyerol Still, on the plus side, we are spared the frequent thawing out detail on that damn out-flow pipe ! A short respite methinks, but not for too long me also thinks :-5 :-5 :mad:


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:27 am
by G#Gill
Tis very foggy today, so I'm glad I don't have to go out anywhere ! It's cold, but not the bitter cut-through-you-with-a-knife type of cold that froze me outside condenser pipe. Hey we haven't had to pour very hot water over that pipe for several days now !


Hope you all had a good Christmas and will enjoy bringing in the new year. Hopefully 2011 will be happy and healthy for you all. :-6

Looks like a few changes will be occurring with regard to moderation, and not before time, I will add. Let us hope that changes include punishment for moderators who are nasty, belittling and downright rude to others, particularly other moderators!! :-5


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:26 am
by chonsigirl
I'm glad you enjoyed Christmas, and the weather is a little better. It is warming up here, almost 40 today!


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:48 pm
by Helen
hey everyone.........

i did have a good xmas day, lots of good food, beautifully cooked by my youngest daughter..............

sadly that was the end of it !! i was in hospital by the end of the night with kidney stones again !!! they pumped me full of pain killers and anti sickness medicine and sent me home cos it was xmas,staff shortages etc !!

had another mild attack sunday afternoon after dinner at kevs mums but i slept that off........ monday nite was a different story, kev went off to work and within an hour it had come back with a vengance so i took the tablets, slept for a while and took some more,slept and took some more,slept and took some more, by then not realizing it had only been 6hrs all told and wen kev got in at 4am i was being violently sick so off to hospital we went again............. they kept me hanging about for nearly 4hrs waiting to be seen, by that time it had started wearing off and i was sent home again............. again for staff shortages and i slept for over 12hrs.

kev stayed home with me yesterday but has had to go back to work tonite and so far so good, just the odd twinge, its left me with cronic heartburn but i can live with that...............

its warmed up here too, positivly spring like at 10c but now weve got drizzle and fog lol !! but at least i dont look like the mitchelin man wen i go out now cos ive shed all my extra woolie pullies lol


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:48 pm
by ZAP
It's possible we may get some snow flurries here in the California desert tonight. It's been sprinkling, the wind blowing and temperatures dropping all day. Supposed to be below freezing tonight and stay that way for 3 nights. The last time that happened 3 or 4 years ago we lost a lot of outside plants so we're covering as many as possible. Ah, winter in the desert!


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:59 pm
by G#Gill
Oh Helen, it's New Year's Eve friday night as well, so can you survive till after the weekend? If you are in desperate pain, and Kev is there, you bloody go to hospital, and bugger the drinkers and the staff shortages. Is Kev a fairly forceful fella ? That would be a good time for him to flex his vocal muscles. Nobody can plan when they get ill, or suffer agonies. We know it's a busy time of year, but it may be a good idea for the bloody drunks to be left to sober up, and the genuine patients be attended to straight away.

You take care and have plenty of rest Helen. I hope you have plenty of pain killers too.


Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:53 pm
by Helen
never let yer other half fiddle with yer putor !!! he put a new anti vius protectin thingy on it and it objected very strongly to it and refused to work so he had to take it back to factory settings and start over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the only reason we were up til nearly 2am this morning..........

we didnt go out, most of our friends have all got some bug, flu or something else disgusting so they decided to stay in so we got up today, hangoverless and with money still in our pockets which i promptly spent in comet and matalan on new towels and a new vacume cleaner !!!!

after yet another trip to the docs yesterday lunch time, i finally saw someone who took their time to listen to what i was saying, gave me her full attention and gave me medication that actually worked !!! and for the last 36hrs ive been pain free..................

now im desperately trying not to over do things even though ive got shed loads of housework that needs doing but as someone famouse once said................... tomorrow is another day !!! lol


Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:22 pm
by G#Gill
Thank goodness you've managed to get some decent painkillers, and thank goodness you found somebody who actually listened to you !

Will you have to wait till you pass another stone, or will you need an operation? You don't arf go through it Helen ! By the way you tell your husband that some anti virus softwares do not mix with others and some recommend you uninstall an existing antivirus thingy before installing a replacement. Norton does not like other anti virus software. I have Norton and if I want a different anti virus, I will have to uninstall literally everything to do with Norton before I install the different new one.

You take care of yourself, Helen.


Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:27 pm
by Helen
sat here and practically wrote a bloody essay and now it wont let me post it, keeps saying im 3 charactors short of a message pmsl knew that already but it still wont let me post anything !!!!!


Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:24 am
by G#Gill
I've just brought this thread back to say tara to the few friends that I had here that are still posting from time to time. I'm truly sorry that Forum Garden has changed so much, and lost a lot of what made it such a good site. I hope that it can survive this phase and then do a phoenix, but of course that is up to the members who are left.

I have very fond memories of FG, because this is where I made a lot of friends and had so much fun, but like a lot of good things, they come to an end. Sad but true.

I have found another site which is lighter than Forum Garden is now, people just 'get on' with each other.

I'm still a subscribing member, so may pop in from time to time, probably just in the arcade but messages can still be left if you want to, till my membership runs out and I become a 'guest'. I think this will be my last post though. It was fun till the middle of 2010.

Tara to those of you who were a friend to me........................................

I expect that if Flopstock or Koan read this post and listen to the music I have posted, they will both be rolling their eyes, puffing and panting and muttering 'drama queen' under their breath :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

"Time" by Alan Parsons Project.

Time flowing like a river, Time beckoning me.

Who knows when we shall meet again, if ever

But time, keeps flowing like a river, to the sea. Goodbye my love, maybe for forever. Goodbye my love, the tide waits for me.

Who knows when we shall meet again, if ever.

But time, keeps flowing like a river... on and on, to the sea.... to the sea.....

Till its gone forever....gone forever..gone forever........Ahhhhhhh!!

Goodbye my friend, maybe for forever?...

Goodbye my friend, who knows when we shall meet again. the stars wait for me.

Who knows when we shall meet again, if ever

But time... keeps flowing like a river..To the sea... to the sea.....Till its gone forever... gone forever.... gone forever.....Ahhhhh!!!!!!

Forever more!!

Forever more!!

Forever more!!


Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:37 am
by BeccaRachel
G#Gill;1362097 wrote: I've just brought this thread back to say tara to the few friends that I had here that are still posting from time to time. I'm truly sorry that Forum Garden has changed so much, and lost a lot of what made it such a good site. I hope that it can survive this phase and then do a phoenix, but of course that is up to the members who are left.

I have very fond memories of FG, because this is where I made a lot of friends and had so much fun, but like a lot of good things, they come to an end. Sad but true.

I have found another site which is lighter than Forum Garden is now, people just 'get on' with each other.

I'm still a subscribing member, so may pop in from time to time, probably just in the arcade but messages can still be left if you want to, till my membership runs out and I become a 'guest'. I think this will be my last post though. It was fun till the middle of 2010.

Tara to those of you who were a friend to me........................................

I expect that if Flopstock or Koan read this post and listen to the music I have posted, they will both be rolling their eyes, puffing and panting and muttering 'drama queen' under their breath :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

"Time" by Alan Parsons Project.

Time flowing like a river, Time beckoning me.

Who knows when we shall meet again, if ever

But time, keeps flowing like a river, to the sea. Goodbye my love, maybe for forever. Goodbye my love, the tide waits for me.

Who knows when we shall meet again, if ever.

But time, keeps flowing like a river... on and on, to the sea.... to the sea.....

Till its gone forever....gone forever..gone forever........Ahhhhhhh!!

Goodbye my friend, maybe for forever?...

Goodbye my friend, who knows when we shall meet again. the stars wait for me.

Who knows when we shall meet again, if ever

But time... keeps flowing like a river..To the sea... to the sea.....Till its gone forever... gone forever.... gone forever.....Ahhhhh!!!!!!

Forever more!!

Forever more!!

Forever more!!

YouTube - ‪Alan Parsons Project "TIME"‬‏

Was the FGarden ever active? Each time I pop in it's dead.

You're openly emotional about it. Consider some ppl aren't designed for message boards.
