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My Life After Death Story - Take that Atheists!

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:16 am
by mikeinie
The thing about Atheism is this, people often talk about it, like it is a religion, and it is not. It has no doctrine, no system, there are no ‘churches’ for atheists to gather and not pray, there are no atheists knocking door to door trying to uncovert people, there are no atheist priests & stuff.

Atheism is a general discretion of people who do not believe.

I for one consider myself an atheist. I was raised in the Catholic Church and always had a great interest in a many different forms of religion and learned a fair amount about many of them.

I do not deny that there is a possibility that there could be something greater than us out there. Just watching a beautiful sunset would make you wonder.

However, I do not believe in religion, I do not believe that the men, who designed religion and use religion to suppress people, (particularly women) or be self righteous thinking that they are the ‘saved ones’ or better than other people who practice other religions.

I think that God, if there is one, would be so above all that, and he/she/whatever, would be laughing at the behaviors of those on this planet who think that they are somewhat supreme because of their beliefs.

Maybe there is an afterlife, maybe there is not one, I don’t know and I don’t care. The only thing I know is that this is the life, here now, that I know and am living, and until I die I will live life to its fullest, love as many as allow me to, be happy, treat the earth with respect so I can pass it on to my kids, and get on with it.

I will be more that happy on my last day to stand before any God, if there is one, and justify my life as a good man. If I am damned because I did not spend my life on my knees praying into the wind, then so be it.

I would not comment on your experience, it sounds like a marvelous one and I am in no position to believe or disbelieve. If it is what gives you strength, then more power to you.

My Life After Death Story - Take that Atheists!

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:39 am
by binbag
Saint_;1330043 wrote: Simple:

1. It proves that there is a force that exists after our death. (We Christians call it a "soul" but other religions have a similar belief.)

2. Since we do not understand that force, it implies that there may be other forces we do not understand... including God.

As to your reference that this was all my imagination, I, of course, cannot prove it to you, despite the fact that similar stories exist stretching across mankind's history. But the fact that I am a teacher and a scientist should carry some weight. have you thought of this? If you are right and I am wrong, then we will cease to exist when we die and my belief in a Creator will not affect anything. But if I am right and you are wrong, you will face the Creator Himself. It seems to me that the logical course would be to hedge your bet and believe.
You surprise me Saint.

You've declared yourself a Christian, but the expressions used in your first post of this thread come across as being aggressive.

All Christians should know they will be despised in this world.

You should not be surprised by words aimed at you!!!

Instead, you should be thinking, privately, of how best you can be of service to those who hate you, and all that you stand for.

You will never attract folks if you aim harsh words towards them, you'll only attract antagonism.

Instead, think carefully how you portray yourself.

Remember, your words bare witness.

Remember, everything in moderation.

Remember, Christians are hated by many, especially in this day and age.

Remember, don't despise the ones who despise you.

Remember, Think of them, think how best you could be of service to them.

Remember, attract them, don't cause them to turn further against you.

Be an example, a good example.

Most of all, Remember, show genuine, sincere, love and kindness in all that you do,

in all that you say.

At least I take it, that that's the formula for a true Christian.

Kind regards.
