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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:26 pm
by Raven
gmc;1257240 wrote: Think what a turban looks like. Must admit not heard it used for years

oxford english dictionary

Just in case you think we are making up the words.

For instance you might construct a sentence thus-Griffin is pillock who talks a load of bollocks. It's funny we use words like that in everyday speech (well depends who you're talking to ) but Americans seem to find them shockingly rude.
Personally, I think it's part of your charm. I about passed out laughing the first time my husband called someone a plank! These vis-a'-vis, dead pan deliveries of bombast are an artform you have perfected with utmost genious! And the scathing scorn only adds to the effect. :-4

By the way...Most Americans have laughed their arses off to Benny Hill from way back. We dont find you rude, we just get those funny looks on our faces when you say something we arent quite sure what it means. Just not sure how to react is all. And of course there are those Americans, when confronted with the unknown, fall back on 'ol faithful. :yh_rotfl Aaaaawwwww F-you! hehehe then duck, because a fist is usually coming next. Poor simple ba$tards.