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Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:43 pm
by Mickiel
spot;1201668 wrote: It's not the existence of the cave I challenged, it's the identification you claim as history. Why do you think it's been authenticated by archaeologists as Abraham's? .

I have several links, but you can go here first,, but mind you, I am not trying to convince you, I already know that no amount of evidence can change your belief. I am only giving you the evidence that convinced me.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:36 pm
by Mickiel
The " Ishtar Gate", which was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar, is one of the most impressive monuments discovered in the Ancient East. The gateway, flanked by twin towers and ornamented with pinnacles, was colored with enamelled bricks. Dragons and bulls, which symbolized the gods Mardok and Adad, were bright yellow and brown, surrounded by blue tiles. This was the gate to Nubuchadnezzars Place and again the bible records it.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:16 pm
by spot
Mickiel;1201672 wrote: I have several links, but you can go here first,, but mind you, I am not trying to convince you, I already know that no amount of evidence can change your belief. I am only giving you the evidence that convinced me.And the closest the article gets is "Dr. Jevin looked around full of awe and found clay shards dating from Israelite times, perhaps from Abraham's era-artifacts almost 4,000 years old"? That's proof of who was buried there or who owned it? If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Since when, out of interest, does 4,000 years ago qualify as Israelite times?

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:20 am
by Mickiel
spot;1201730 wrote: And the closest the article gets is "Dr. Jevin looked around full of awe and found clay shards dating from Israelite times, perhaps from Abraham's era-artifacts almost 4,000 years old"? That's proof of who was buried there or who owned it? If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Since when, out of interest, does 4,000 years ago qualify as Israelite times?

I am not trying to prove anything to you, what you believe is of no intrest to me. You can't prove these things to Atheist, thats a waste of time. They will deny these truths until their death, its a committment to blindness. The bible reveals Who bought the cave, who it was purchased from, and where it was purchased. They have found the cave, that is all the evidence that " I need."

So, in this article, I am giving to others what " I have Accepted", then along comes those like yourself who do not accept. Well I am not looking to change you, you certainly cannot take my belief away, so when we exchange ideals, its just a positive vs. negative flow bypassing each other. Archaeology is a real science, it has proven to me that the bibles historical relevance is real.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:53 am
by Mickiel
Another most astonishing Archaeological find are the discoveries at " Gibeon" by James Pritchard. The men at Gibeon were punished by being made " Hewers of wood and water carriers", Josh.9:22-27. Pritchard found that the city had one of the most extensive water systems ever unearthed in Palestine. Tunnels were hewn out of solid rock a distance of 389 feet, with more than 172 steps for " Water Carriers" to have easy access to the pools or cisterns. This city was widely known for its water supply, Jer. 41:12.

The pictures I have of the stepts are astounding, hewn right out of the rock, they spiral all the way to the pools. How did Pritchard know this was Gibeon? Well he found the water jars and inscribed on them in Hebrew was " Gibeon." He also found pottery listed in the Name of " Hananiah", a name given to the son of Azur the prophet who was " Of Gibeon", Jer. 28:1.

Even more astounding Pritchard found additional inscriptions with names of some of Gibeons prominent citizens, who obviously used their pottery to obtain water. Some were biblical names, Azariah, Amariah, Nahum and Meshullam. Again the bible shows its historical relevance and Archaeology confirms it.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:53 pm
by Mickiel
The subject of Archaeology, as it relates to the word of God, is quite interesting, leastwise it is to me. I started looking into it last year and just became bogged down in all the evidence avialible on the subject matter. Because see I am one of those who at times doubts Gods existance, and I need encouragement that is based on facts, not just belief. Archaeology has given us living messages from a buried past.

Archaeology is a scientific study of the remains of population centers, written materials, artifacts and monuments of the past, both historic and pre-historic. Its simply an investigation of Ancient things which were lost but now are found. Archaeology does not seek to prove things, it just works with the facts, the evidence at hand. Now it can be a very personal proof to the one convinced of the evidence, it can be that, and it has been that to me.

The evidence is simply overwhelming, and can be a gold mine of help in the life of a believer in God.

An Archaeologist is a student of history whose career leads to ruins.

An Artifact is anything discovered that has been made by human skill.

A Dig is a term used for an excavation.

Epigraph is writting on a statue , wall or other surface.

Virgin Soil is the top soil of a natural landscape.

Potsherd is a peice of broken pottery.

These are just some of the terms I will be using.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:29 pm
by spot
Mickiel;1201919 wrote: I am not trying to prove anything to you, what you believe is of no intrest to me. You can't prove these things to Atheist, thats a waste of time. They will deny these truths until their death, its a committment to blindness. The bible reveals Who bought the cave, who it was purchased from, and where it was purchased. They have found the cave, that is all the evidence that " I need."

So, in this article, I am giving to others what " I have Accepted", then along comes those like yourself who do not accept. Well I am not looking to change you, you certainly cannot take my belief away, so when we exchange ideals, its just a positive vs. negative flow bypassing each other. Archaeology is a real science, it has proven to me that the bibles historical relevance is real.

I'm not an atheist, I'm a committed Christian who's sick to the back teeth with fanatical fundamentalists who debase what's otherwise one of many rational experiential approaches to spirituality. I regard what you're doing in this thread as an offence against God, you're denying reality to anyone with an enquiring mind and an ability to think straight.

If this thread was posted by a Mormon making an equivalent set of claims about Moroni, you'd be mocking it to pieces and laughing your head off at the folly shown by the poster. I'd be interested to hear some attempt at a reply to that very relevant comment.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:11 pm
by Mickiel
spot;1202032 wrote: I'm not an atheist, I'm a committed Christian who's sick to the back teeth with fanatical fundamentalists who debase what's otherwise one of many rational experiential approaches to spirituality. I regard what you're doing in this thread as an offence against God, you're denying reality to anyone with an enquiring mind and an ability to think straight.

If this thread was posted by a Mormon making an equivalent set of claims about Moroni, you'd be mocking it to pieces and laughing your head off at the folly shown by the poster. I'd be interested to hear some attempt at a reply to that very relevant comment.

I hold no intrest in christians either, nor mormons. I am not interested in what you reguard, and I hold no intrest in any kind of debate with you. I reguard what I am doing in this thread as a ratifying of historical references to God. And I hold no intrest in experimental approachs to spirituality, which is just new age theology at its root.

I am just not interested in the way you think, and your accusations are meaningless to me. I am open to all inquirys, as long as they show more respect than you have.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:27 pm
by Ted

I've only read one thing that Mickiel has written in months but I do enjoy your rebuttals.



Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:37 am
by Mickiel
Ted;1202080 wrote: Spot:-6

I've only read one thing that Mickiel has written in months but I do enjoy your rebuttals.



I write on many websites, and wherever I write, many people read it because of intrest. I also encounter the rage of christians and believers, because they know that I am not like them.

And I can smell their fear, as they hide behind their insults. They fear what they do not understand.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:48 am
by Mickiel
Ted;1202080 wrote: Spot:-6

I've only read one thing that Mickiel has written in months but I do enjoy your rebuttals.



When believers rebutt Archaeological evidence of biblical characthers and places, it shows that they are really not believers, but they masquerade as believers, until someone comes along and shows the masquerade.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:51 am
by Mickiel
The bible stands as a testimony that not all men rejected God. Adam accepted God, Gen. 3:21. Seth's line produced a man like Enoch, who walked with God, Gen.5:22. Noah found grace in the eyes of God when all the rest of mankind had forsaken righteousness, Gen.6:8. Can you imagine that, a whole planet of humans, and only one was a righteous man. This is what Rev. 12:9 means, the whole earth can be deceived by the influence and sway of evil.

Abraham was called a " Friend of God", James 2:23. Moses was known as " The Man of God", Duet. 33:1. David was known as a man after Gods own Heart, Acts 13:22, and through his own flesh came the Lord Jesus Christ, Rom.1:1-4. These men left an impression on history, because God left an impression on them. Job was a man who was " Perfect", only because God showed that if he wanted to, he could create a human who would be perfect all their lives, as was Jesus.

God has not done this to a human that much in history, but I think it is the ultimate destiny of all of humanity, no one is to be left out. Out of darkness and doom, God will recreate all that we know. Thats how he first created the universe, out of darkness and nothing. God is behind the great nothing that even evolutionist can see.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:35 am
by Mickiel
In 1947 a Judean shepard found the " Dead Sea Scrolls" in the wilderness near the Dea Sea in a mountian cave. This discovery startled the biblical world. In the cave, inside of jars, Leather scrolls were found, fragments of the book of Genesis, the complette book of Isaiah, many portions of Daniel, a commentary on part of the book of Habakkuk, and a discipline manual. Numerous non biblical scrolls were discovered along with hymns.

Radio carbon count dates the linen in which these scrolls were wrapped in, from 175 B.C. to A.D. 225. Paleography, or style of writing, dates them 250 years before A.D. 70. Also found was a cache of over 500 silver coins, which are first century B.C and A.D.

Its of intrest to me how we continue to unearth these kinds of material, and yet people still deny the biblical history of humanity. Its because they really long to remove the bible from our history, which at its root, is an effort to remove God from our past.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:14 am
by Mickiel
The " Essenes and their Dead Sea Scrolls", contained many books that were not a part of the bible, but gave historical beliefs in humanity during those times. The " Apocrypha", a name given to 14 books, were written during these times. These books were never in the Hebrew Old Testament Canon, were not reconized by the Jews, never refered to by Christ, nor accepted by the New Testament writers and early church Fathers. But Archaeology found them.

The " Pseudepigrapha" were religious compositions written between 200 B.C. and A.D. 200 by authors who attributed them to many well known old testament characthers, and were primarily legendary.

The " Targums" were renderings of the Old Testament Scriptures into Aramaic when this language became common in Palestine after Israel's exile in Babylon.

The " Talmud" is a compilation of Hebrew civil and canonical laws based on the " Torah", or Law of Moses.

All of these have been a part of the history of humanity, a large mixed bowl that really opened the door for Christ comming on the scene. It can be said that " Greek Learning and Culture", Roman Law and Roman Roads, Jewish Monotheism and Synagouges, Jewish Apocalyptic and Messianic hopes prepared the world for the comming of Christ. Divine Providence can be traced everywhere in our long history of religions. Something has planted things all along the way;

And Archaeology is helping us to see these intentional tamperings with humanity.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:35 pm
by Mickiel
Then we have the " Nuzi Tablets". Nuzi was a Hurrian administrative center not far from the Hurrian capital at Kirkuk in northern Iraq. The Hurrians are equivalent to the Horites in the Old Testement, also called Hivites and Jebusites. Excavations were carried out at Nuzi by American teams from 1925 to 1933. The major find was more than 5,000 family and administrative archives spanning six generations, ca. 1450-1350 B.C. They deal with the social, economic, religious and legal institutions of the Hurrians. And they compared these tablets to the information that the bible has in it, the simularity was undeniable.

The tablets tell of practices which are simular to those in the book of Genesis, such as adoption for childless couples, Gen. 25:29, Children by proxy, Gen. 16; 21:1, Inheritance rights, Gen. 25:29, marriage arrangements, Gen. 28, Levirate marriage, Gen. 38;Duet. 25:5. They also demonstrate the significance of the deathbed blessing, Gen. 27:48, household gods, Gen. 31:14. The archaeological find was really an open window to the history already recorded in the bible.

Some Nuzi tablets, called the " Tablets of sistership", revealed agreements in which a man adopted a woman as a sister. In the society of the Hurrians, a wife enjoyed greater protection and a superior position when she also had the legal status of a sister. In such a case, two seperate documents were drawn up, one for marriage and the other for sistership. This may explain why both Abraham, Gen. 12:10,20:1 and Isaac, Gen.26:7, said their wives were their sisters. Adopted them as sisters to give them higher status according to the customs of that day.

And this is how we use Archaeology to confirm the bible, and use the bible to confirm our human history.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:57 pm
by Fyrenza
Mickiel;1202153 wrote: When believers rebutt Archaeological evidence of biblical characthers and places, it shows that they are really not believers, but they masquerade as believers, until someone comes along and shows the masquerade.


i, too, am a committed Christian, and i have a question for you ~

When believers "make up" Archaeological evidence of Biblical characters and places,

aren't THEY masquerading as believers?

Don't forget ~ satan is the father of ALL lies...

You seem like a well-meaning person, and if you'd let this thread be a DISCUSSION of the various evidence you've found,

you'd learn what is absolute truth, and what is "guess-timate!" ;)

As Christians, we believe and we don't really need evidence;

the evidence is , well , self-evident.

But, pal? If you're trying to sell non-Christians this bologna, you need to get a grip, get some Christian counselling, and learn how to be a witness ~

a good, true witness.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:15 am
by Mickiel
Fyrenza;1206897 wrote: i, too, am a committed Christian, and i have a question for you ~

When believers "make up" Archaeological evidence of Biblical characters and places,

aren't THEY masquerading as believers?

Don't forget ~ satan is the father of ALL lies...

You seem like a well-meaning person, and if you'd let this thread be a DISCUSSION of the various evidence you've found,

you'd learn what is absolute truth, and what is "guess-timate!" ;)

As Christians, we believe and we don't really need evidence;

the evidence is , well , self-evident.

But, pal? If you're trying to sell non-Christians this bologna, you need to get a grip, get some Christian counselling, and learn how to be a witness ~

a good, true witness.

I will NEVER, get this, NEVER even allow a christian to do anything to my learning. There is absolutely nothing a christian can do for me. I will get my learning from God, and nothingelse. I will get my counseling from God and nobodyelse. I am not getting it from him yet, but until I do, I walk alone, I am through with men. I don't need to discuss the things I write about, I couldcareless about others opinions.

I have said this before when christians attack me, and I will continue to say it when they insult me. Thats one reason why I do not like christians, they insult and attack the truth, but yet masquerade as children of God.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:23 am
by Mickiel
The ancient city of " Mari", located in northern Syria, was a thriving metropolis ca. 2800-1760 B.C. From about 2000 B.C. until its demise in 1760 B.C., Mari was the capitol of the Amorites. Amorites were spread far and wide throughout the ancient near east, including the hill country of Canaan vanquished by the Israelites, Num. 13:29, Josh. 10:6. The French have been excavating Mari almost continuously since 1933.

The major discovery was an enormous palace covering 6 acres, with nearly 300 rooms on the ground level, and as many on a second floor. An archive of about 15,000 texts were found, and in them as well were documents, letters, treaties and religious texts that again confirm the bibles relevance in history.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:40 pm
by Mickiel
With all the advantages of our age, science, medicine, jet and space achievements, one would think the farther back the Archaeologist went the more primitive he would find man to be. This , however, is not the case in my view. Findings at excavations have proved a " Suddenness" with which civilization appeared in the world. I am not one of those believers in God who foolishly believe the earth to be only 6,000 years old, I know that God created the first humans many thousands of years ago. In my view, Adam and Eve were simply the first humans God created that had " Consciousness".

I don't believe the Cro-magnons and Neanderthals , or the " Cave Men",had consciousness, I think God created them sinular to animals, having only instincts to survive. Adam and Eve were created " In Gods Image", meaning they had Consciousness.

Prehistoric civilization shows man building houses, palaces, temples and cities. Archaeologist have expressed surprise and astonishment at the high rate of culture in the very earlist stages of the Egyptians. So God had to have done something " Different to created humans" in order for them to advance so quickly. Well, he gave them Intelligent consciousness, Adam being the " First human created with Intelligence and morality." Cave men didnot have this, they didnot build and construct, they only survived like animals.

And I want to detour into that.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:26 am
by Mickiel
We have errouneously assumed that Adam and Eve were the first humans God created. No, they were the first " Created in his Image", or the first created with consciousness. The Genesis account simply is not clear enough on human creation. In Chapter one, verse 26, God creates man in his own image likeness, but made him smarter than any other beast. In chapter 2:7, he again creates man, but this time from the dust of the ground, then " Breathed into him" and this man became a " Living Being." So something happened that was differing in these creations, and I think they were millions of earth years apart, but just the next day to God.

I am unsure as to what exactly occured, but through Archaeology and science, I know God created humans far before he created Adam. Adam was not a " Cave Man", when God blew his personal breath into Adam, he " Did something to him", which gave him Consciousness and Reasoning ability, and thats when I believe Humanitys era of Civilization began. We can trace civilization back 6,000 years, construction and reasoning abilitys that are advanced, but not 10,000 years ago, but humans were here 10,000 years ago. And I think thats the missing link in understanding, those humans didnot have Consciousness. They were not advanced, they were not " As we are", the key is consciousness.

Just what is consciousness? Are animals conscious? Are fish conscious?

And I want to go into just what consciousness is.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:26 pm
by Mickiel
Consciousness is active thought and reason within the mind. Deep intelectual awareness and ability to understand what you are aware of. Now although God created human consciousness, many humans are not conscious of him. And it is from this point of view that many reject God, and simply do not believe in him. Now I have much more Archaeological finds to go over concerning the Bible, but those who are not conscious of God, simply willnot be conscious of what I have already shown, and will show. They can look at it, read it, understand it, but still not believe it, so belief has a lot to do with consciousness. Belief is stronger than facts, stronger than evidence, stronger than reality itself. If someone does not believe, facts will do nothing for them, no matter what subject is being discussed.

So our beliefs are tied into our consciousness, as if by design. This is why I believe God controls all human consciousness, he will either open our consciousness to him, or close it from him, and we then are locked into that groove all our lives. Consider Romans 11:32;" For God has shut up all into disobedience that he might show mercy to all." This means that God has purposely locked all of humanity into a pattern of thinking, that we cannot free ourselves from. We cannot be aware of God, conscious of God, unless he allows it. And then even if he does, we still can only be conscious of whatever level of consciousness that he gives.

And I want to go into that.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:14 am
by Mickiel
Archaeology is a physical record of what went on in the conscious minds of humans past. Artifacts, Buildings, Carvings, Manuscripts, Historical sites and Excavations all express Consciousness of humans. We then debate on the relevance of what humans were conscious of, but it is evidence, at the least, that humans were conscious.

Now, why didnot the prehistoric humans advance as quickly as those humans who appeared some 6,000 years ago? What was the defining difference in these two sets of humans? Well I think it was Consciousness. God didnot give prehistoric humans consciousness, not at our levels, and again this shows Gods complette control over humanity, both past and present. I don't understand why God created the prehistoric humans, but the fact remains that he did, and they never advanced to a civilization. There is no record of prehistoric man ever becomming civilized.

Because God trapped them into their behavior, they could only be what their creator wanted them to be.

And God has not changed, presentday humanity is no exception to this most powerful fact of life.

And I want to get into that.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:06 pm
by Mickiel
The creation epic in the first few chapters of Genesis couldnot have been literal human days according to our calender. No, no, a thousand years to God is as a day, so I don't think those creation days were anywhere near 24 hours, as many believe. I don't know how long they really were, but I suspect many of thousands of " Human Years " apart. If we measure it by our way of counting. Nor do I believe Genesis describes all the creating that God did on each day. He created a lot of things that Genesis does not mention, that we know got created.

But he himself does not exist in time, is not physical, and is not time constrained, but he created the earth and humanity to be bound by these things. God is said to be patient, so I see absolutely no reason why he would try and create this universe in just 7 human days. That makes no sense, why should he be in that kind of hurry. No, he took his time in creation, and the creation of humanity. As you know, I believe the first human was NOT Adam, but " Cave Men", prehistoric men that God did not give a high level of consciousness. I believe he gave them instincts to survive, and they were more or less , human animals. Who mated, survived and lived on the instincts they were given.

Now Adam was the first human with Consciousness, thus really the first one created in Gods Image. Now why would God do it this way? Create prehistoric cave men first, with no maturing intellect, and let them roam with animals for thousands of years. Was he " Experimenting" with differing stages of his creations? Were the prehistoric humans being judged as we are? Was it a " Learning experience for God?" I have considered many things, but I am just really not sure, I just don't know or understand.

But I do think God was withholding human consciousness until Adam, and then instilled it into Adam and Eve and their children. And thats really when civilization began. I don't think God meant to judge prehistoric humankind, nor will he. Will they be ressurected, I doubt that also, I think God looked on them as human animals, nothing more.

It is also why I think many of us resort to acting like animals in our morals and behavior.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:21 am
by Mickiel
In Revelations 2:1-7, the city of " Ephesus" is mentioned. In Pauls day this city was vibrant, but when John wrote to its members, Ephesus was a dying city. Business was lagging and the Ephesians seemed to have lost the fire and creativeness and hope that made it a metropolis where one of the seven wonders of the ancient world was located.

Did you know Archaeologist have found this city? They have unearthed Ephesus. John used the dying city to show the church there that they were dying spiritually.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:45 pm
by Mickiel
The Apostle Paul left Athens and began a work in Corinth. He became acquainted with Aquilla and Priscilla and stayed with them for one and a half years, working at his trade as a Tentmaker. He reasoned with the Jews every Sabbath, persuading both Jews and Greeks that Jesus was the Christ. Finally, opposition arose amoung some Jews and they charged Paul with preaching a religion contrary to Roman Law.

He was brought before Gallio, the pro-consul of Achaia, Acts 18:1-17. An inscription found in Delphi in 1908 bears the name of Gallio when he was in office. From a fragment of this inscription discovery we are able to date Pauls visit to Corinth at about A.D. 51-53. When Paul wrote to the Corinthians several years later, remembering he had appeared before Gallio's judgement seat, he said in effect: " All might not have to appear before an earthly Judge, but all must appear before the judgement seat of Christ", 2Corinth. 5:10.

Archaeologist have unearthed the ruins of Gallio's " Bema", or judgement seat where Paul was tried.


Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:51 pm
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1195639 wrote: Even hisrorical writers who were secular give evidence of Jesus. Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Josephus, Lucian of Samosata and the Babylonian Talmud all mention Jesus. These writers were not a part of some elaborate hoax, they were historians and relevant to their times.


I saw this list from an old thread; and I just wanted to add to it; just add more historical writers of Jesus I have discovered since I first wrote this thread;



Sextus Julius Africanus



Dionysius the Areopagite




Porphyry of Tyre

Trajan's correspondence





Justin Martyr


Mara Bar-Serapion


Paulus Orosius

The Toledot Yeshu


Macarius the Elder

Julian the apostate

All wrote about Christ in history. Just stunning historical evidence!

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:09 pm
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1433872 wrote: I saw this list from an old thread; and I just wanted to add to it; just add more historical writers of Jesus I have discovered since I first wrote this thread;



Sextus Julius Africanus



Dionysius the Areopagite




Porphyry of Tyre

Trajan's correspondence





Justin Martyr


Mara Bar-Serapion


Paulus Orosius

The Toledot Yeshu


Macarius the Elder

Julian the apostate

All wrote about Christ in history. Just stunning historical evidence!

You can add John Ray to this list; Philosopher and perhaps Britian's founding Father of natural history.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:06 am
by Mickiel
The " Sumerian King List", found at different places at different times; the first fragment was discovered in the Temple library at Nippur, Iraq. It list Kings that the bible list; a stunning find, its archaeology is incredible.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:55 pm
by Ahso!
You might find this interesting.

The list blends prehistorical, presumably mythical predynastic rulers with implausibly lengthy reigns with later, more plausibly historical dynasties. Although the primal kings are historically unattested, this does not preclude their possible correspondence with historical rulers who were later mythicized.
Sumerian King List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:03 am
by Mickiel
Ahso!;1433992 wrote: You might find this interesting.

Sumerian King List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I really don't respond to name callers;

Peace on your journey.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:22 pm
by Mickiel
Some articles you may want to research on biblical Archaeology;

The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser

Cuneiform Tablets

Epic of Gilgamesh

Hammurabi Code of Law

House of Yahweh Ostracon

The House of David Inscriptior

Shishak Relief

The Moabite Stone

The Merneptah Stele

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:21 am
by Mickiel
In Gen. 47:11,27, Exod. 1:11,12:37 The city of Ramesses is mentioned Did you know they found that along the eastern nile at Tell el-Dabaqantirin. A stunning excavation.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 6:10 am
by Mickiel
The Campaign of Israel by Pharaoh Shishak, ( 1 Kings 14:25-26), recorded on the walls of the Temple of Amun in Thebes, Egypt.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:26 am
by Mickiel
We have the archaeology that historically confirms the bible; absolutely no doubt about it; and Atheist can do nothing to change history;

The revolt of " Moab" against Israel , ( 2 Kings 1:1, 3:4-27), as found recorded on the " Mesha Inscription."

The fall of Samaria , ( 2 Kings 17:3-6,18:9-11), to " Sargon II", king of Assyria , as found recorded on his palace walls.

The campaign of the Assyrian king " Sennacherib", against Judah, ( 2 Kings 18:13-16), as discovered recorded on " The Taylor Prism."

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:31 am
by Mickiel
Then we have " The siege of Lachish" by Sennacherib, ( 2 Kings 18:14-17), as found recorded on " The Lachish Reliefs."

The fall of Nineveh as predicted by the prophets Nahum and Zephaniah, ( 2:13-15) , found recorded on the " Tablet of Nabopolasar."

The fall of Jerusalem to Nubuchadnezzar , king of Babylon, ( 2 Kings 24:10-14), as found recorded on " The Babylonian Chronicles."

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:39 am
by Mickiel
We have found the tomb of " Darius-I the Great", ( Ezra 6:1-12), cut into a cliff near the Persian capital of Persepolis, Iran.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:28 am
by Mickiel
We have found the actual bones of Caiaphas, the High Priest who slapped Christ in the face, and Simon the Cyrenian, who carried Jesus cross; both stunning finds and proofs of Jesus existence.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:25 pm
by Saint_
What you have found is physical evidence a man called Jesus existed. What you have not found is evidence he had supernatural powers.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:55 pm
by Mickiel
Saint_;1434381 wrote: What you have found is physical evidence a man called Jesus existed. What you have not found is evidence he had supernatural powers.

I am not looking for evidence of super powers; I am content a historical Jesus is fact, and no cynical Atheist can change that fact.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:38 am
by Mickiel
I tell you, with some people the truth hurts!

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:55 am
by Saint_
Mickiel;1434397 wrote: I am not looking for evidence of super powers; I am content a historical Jesus is fact, and no cynical Atheist can change that fact.

Actually, I'm Presbyterian and a devout Christian. I rely on faith to provide the evidence of Jesus' divinity. Archeological evidence doesn't impress me much.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:06 am
by Mickiel
Saint_;1434497 wrote: Actually, I'm Presbyterian and a devout Christian. I rely on faith to provide the evidence of Jesus' divinity. Archeological evidence doesn't impress me much.

I am not interested in impressing Christians, I am interested in the biblical concept of " Proving all things." Proving them to myself, and sharing that with whoever listens.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:15 pm
by Ahso!
Mickiel;1434499 wrote: I am not interested in impressing Christians, I am interested in the biblical concept of " Proving all things." Proving them to myself, and sharing that with whoever listens.That's just one of the many contradictions in the Christian bible because you're supposed to believe by faith which only means that there is no proof because it's a fairy tale. Someone was smart enough to put that "faith" thing in there early on. That doesn't make them wise though, it makes them a swindler, a con-artist and a charlatan.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:44 pm
by Mickiel
The archaeology is there; use it to your advantage and learn our true history and roots.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:13 pm
by Ahso!
Mickiel;1434538 wrote: The archaeology is there; use it to your advantage and learn our true history and roots.Yes, there are some historical facts contained within the christian bible, but that does not make the book and story itself accurate or authentic.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:29 pm
by Mickiel
Archaeology takes us back for sure, something is back there that explains up here! A skull in Chad 6 million years old; Fossils in Ethiopia's Afar Dessert 4.4 million years old; A statue in Germany a woman carved out of Ivory with extra large breast and hips 35,000 years old; this is why I disagree with Christianity saying the earth is only slightly over 6,000 years old, a horrid misinterpretation of the bible.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:10 am
by Mickiel
I think I will continue this thread also.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:47 am
by Mickiel
The courts ruled that the " Ossuary" or bone box archaeologist discovered that had the inscription " James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus", is not a forgery.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:13 am
by Mickiel
If you like biblical archaeology, then you will like;

The Nag Hammadi Library

Ain Dara Temple

Tel Dan ( David) Stela

Mona Lisa of Galilee

Yahweh and his Asherah

Peters House

The Siloam pool in Jesus time

Ashkelons arched gate

Stepped stone structure

Babylonian siege tower and arrow heads

The house of David inscription

Amulet Scroll

Galilee boat


Hezekiahs tunnel.

Archaeology and the Bible.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:57 am
by Mickiel
Archaeology is just uncovering what was already there.

Thats why I know it will lead to God.