Hell, what is it?

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Hell, what is it?

Post by koan »

Thank you, sagan.

I recall having read of these similarities but had no clue exactly what the references were or how to find them.

Uncanny and hard to deny that a shadow of a doubt has been cast.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

sagan wrote: So Ken, does the sun really die every night and is reborn every morning as ancient Egyptians believed?

Thought the greeks were onto something about the sahpe of the earth then?

Not as far as I'm concerned Ken. All the tribal myths and folk tales of ancient cultures are of interest.

Why bother if they don't supply any tangible evidence?


Buddha: Siddhartha Gautama. Born circa 643 B.C, died 563 B.C. The 'enlightened one', was around about 30 years old when he began his ministry.

"Buddha, according to a tradition known in the West, was born of a virgin."

Dean Milman,

History of Christianity

(Vol. I, p. 99).

He was visited by wise men who recognized the divinity of the child. He was of royal descent and his birth was announced by a star.

He had a band of disciples. He formulated commandments, including: 'Not to kill; not to steal; not to lie; not to commit adultery.'

Getting any feelings of Deja-Vu here Ken?


Krishna, avatar of Vishnu, around 1000 years before the bible: Went down to hell to preach to the inmates with the view of reforming them, and getting them back to heaven, and was willing himself to suffer to abridge the period of their torment.

The Christian translator of the Bhagavat, Rev. Thomas Maurice, records these parallels between their births:

Both were miraculously conceived;

Both were divine incarnations;

Both were of royal descent;

Devatas or angels sang songs of praise at the birth of each;

Both were visited by neighbouring shepherds;

In both cases the reigning monarch, fearing he would be supplanted in his kingdom by the divine child, sought to destroy him;

Both fled to distant countries after their birth;

Foiled in their attempts to discover the babes, both kings issued decrees that all the infants should be put to death.

Sound familiar?

The parallels between ancient Greek and 1st Century religions contemporary with early Christianity are even more pronounced.


Sagan? sagan! sagan. How could you use as the basis of your evidence some narrow minded Christians essay on Bhuddism. Tch tch. Bhudda renounced his heritage to go out and seek enlightenment. The parallels that ae drawn seem to be drawn to show that theywere all into saving the souls and that only Christ was the true saviour.

A fellow Bhuddist and I once had a discourse on who the greatest of them all was. The contenders? Bhudda and Christ. When we finished our thoughts we both came to the same conclusion. If Bhudda were alive in the times of Christ then he would have become a Christian.

I study and live Bhuddism because I was really sick and tired of the Christians. In Bhuddism you live your faith and ideals to the point of practicing them everyday. I was sick of the Christian ethic of ritualization of the promise of salvation that allowed them to go out each day and do the sh*t that is completely contrary to their belief but because they went through the ritual of being forgiven each week they thought that everything was copacetic.

Sound familiar?
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

sagan wrote: Because if you don't look, you won't find out. Believing/disbelieving without investigation is a thesist mind set.

I’m not sure how you actually come to this conclusion Ken. For a Christian minister to highlight these parallels in a “narrow minded Christians essay on Buddhism” smacks of theological suicide on his part.

He would have been quite aware that Buddhism was the earlier belief system, and he would have also been quite aware that listing these remarkable similarities would cast grave doubts on the originality of the storey of the birth of Jesus. Why would he do that? How does it advance the cause of christianity?

Yes Ken, it sounds very familiar. It sounds like every monotheistic religion I have come across.

When you tell lies and ridicule me youae treading on dangerous ground fella!

You jhad better get your sh*t together when you present your argument. Not spice it up with specious and outright prevarication.

You do not want to p*ss me off.

Go back and correct your bs. bozo. Read up and stop trying to put having only read so much as being the end of the road forthe knowledge that there is!
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Hell, what is it?

Post by koan »

I was waiting to see who would get upset with what ARE the facts. It is very disturbing. What do the FACTS mean though? It is like statistics in a way, you can string them together to tell whatever story you want.

Joseph Campbell was the first source in which I read of the similarities between Christ and other heroes of religion. Joseph Campbell is no narrow minded fool. He was a brilliant and spiritual man who devoted his life to religious studies.

That this information is upsetting to many is understandable. But the facts remain. Wait to absorb the information and get over the assault of what it could mean. Then think about whether or not some imitation in the description of Christ's birth and life really change who he was.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

sagan wrote: Lies? Ridicule? Please explain. Or even give examples.

Using the Christian as the basis of drawing your spurious parallels so as to prove your point. Not basing your information on fact but something that makes your story more plausible!

Indeed not. And I'm at a loss why you should think this should be the case.

When you offer as the be all and end all of informative information which is not even close to the truth historically, then you have crossed over the line. When you continue to use it as the basis for your premise then you are ridiculing my take on things by suggesting that they are fantasy. You had better check your facts for yourself and stop relying on other people's proofs to prove your case.

Would you like to clarify?

Start doing your research and that will clarify it for you!
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

koan wrote: I was waiting to see who would get upset with what ARE the facts. It is very disturbing. What do the FACTS mean though? It is like statistics in a way, you can string them together to tell whatever story you want.

The facts are what this thread is all about. No proof. No fact of there being a God or hell. To aver that Bhudda and Christ came from similar backgrounds is specious at best. An outright lie at worst.

Joseph Campbell was the first source in which I read of the similarities between Christ and other heroes of religion. Joseph Campbell is no narrow minded fool. He was a brilliant and spiritual man who devoted his life to religious studies.

That this information is upsetting to many is understandable. But the facts remain. Wait to absorb the information and get over the assault of what it could mean. Then think about whether or not some imitation in the description of Christ's birth and life really change who he was.

He may hhave come from a very distinguished academic and spiritual background but that doesn't mean his word is more valid than anyone else's opinion, right or wrong, when it comes to the way things are! I have read too many books by too many experts from too many religions to not realize that they all have their own little, hidden agendas happening.

Just because it makes sense doesn't mean that it is right! I have never read any of his stuff and if this is where his writings are at then I am glad that I have not wasted my time with consuming his non factual evidence.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by koan »

kensloft wrote: The facts are what this thread is all about. No proof. No fact of there being a God or hell. To aver that Bhudda and Christ came from similar backgrounds is specious at best. An outright lie at worst.

These were/are facts. The stories told about Buddha, Krishna, and Christ have many similarities. Are any of the stories fact? We don't know. But it is a fact that the stories are told in similar ways because the stories are written and they match. Two different sources have been given now. What are your sources?

He may hhave come from a very distinguished academic and spiritual background but that doesn't mean his word is more valid than anyone else's opinion, right or wrong, when it comes to the way things are! I have read too many books by too many experts from too many religions to not realize that they all have their own little, hidden agendas happening.

It makes his opinion more valid than the opinion of those who have not studied the religions for a lifetime. An opinion more valid than his would be that of someone who was there when it happened. Other than that, his opinion is, indeed, more valid than my own. What are your "qualifications"? Please find a comparable source.

Just because it makes sense doesn't mean that it is right! I have never read any of his stuff and if this is where his writings are at then I am glad that I have not wasted my time with consuming his non factual evidence.

I can't believe you said that.

Please rethink the logic of not reading something to assess it's value because you don't like what he is saying. If you don't read it you can't have an opinion on it at all. You may debate it but you may not discount it without knowledge of his work.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

sagan wrote: Not my parallels, but parallels drawn up by a christian minister over two hundred years ago. Parallels that had never been refuted since their publication in 1768. If you think they are spurious and not based on fact, please, post a rebuttal.

These documents are 200 + years old? Guatama Buddha is not the person he is referring to because that is not Guatama's background. I could see how it would be taken as gospel by the Christians of the day but it isn't where it is at according to the recountings of Bhuddists. Guatama was a prince. He left his station in life and decided to teach what is referred to as 'enlightenment' or the path.

I disagreed with your analysis. How does this come close to 'ridicule'? And please show me where I use the word 'fantasy’, or any similar word in the context of your beliefs. You are personalising the issue.

If I am not telling it like it is factually then I am in fantasy. It is inferred.

And here's your perfect chance to prove the Rev. Thomas Maurice wrong and give us the evidence that his work was a “narrow minded Christians essay on Buddhism". And looking for evidence for taking a position on an issue by referring to the work of others is what research is about.

I have never read his works but they do not gibe with what has been written in other cultures. Who were his sources?

I'll get back to this down the road.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by koan »

kensloft wrote: If I am not telling it like it is factually then I am in fantasy. It is inferred.

Gotta walk the dog. I'll be back!

Unfortunately, I just packed all my books so I can't double check which "heroes" Campbell specifically mentions.

Your reasoning on the fantasy thing is rather black and white.

Getting fresh air for a moment is a good thing. I'm going to search the web for more data while you are walking.

Meet ya back here.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

koan wrote: These were/are facts. The stories told about Buddha, Krishna, and Christ have many similarities. Are any of the stories fact? We don't know. But it is a fact that the stories are told in similar ways because the stories are written and they match. Two different sources have been given now. What are your sources?

I am totally wrong! I misread the information and somehow mistook the parallels of Christ and Krishna as being those of Bhudda and Christ. It was not wrong. I was wrong. Mea culpa.

It makes his opinion more valid than the opinion of those who have not studied the religions for a lifetime. An opinion more valid than his would be that of someone who was there when it happened. Other than that, his opinion is, indeed, more valid than my own. What are your "qualifications"? Please find a comparable source.

I was wrong. I misread and misunderstood.

Sorry sagan. Mea culpa.

I can't believe you said that.

Please rethink the logic of not reading something to assess it's value because you don't like what he is saying. If you don't read it you can't have an opinion on it at all. You may debate it but you may not discount it without knowledge of his work.

When most people think of the Buddha, they are thinking of the most famous Buddha, Siddhartha Guatama. But there have been many Buddhas throughout the ages recognized and unknown. Buddhists do not worship Buddha as a patriarchal, all-knowing entity like Christians. Rather, a Buddha can be many things to many people. A Buddha is pure Enlightenment. To realize the Buddha-nature of your own consciousness, is to realize Enlightenment.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

sagan wrote: Sh*t happens! :) Don't worry about it.
sagan wrote: Therefore no evidence. No reason to assume as valid.

So Ken, does the sun really die every night and is reborn every morning as ancient Egyptians believed?

Nor have I. I do not dismiss anything out of hand.

Not as far as I'm concerned Ken. All the tribal myths and folk tales of ancient cultures are of interest.

I have looked at it, and Hinduism, the gods of ancient Greece, and others. And they all bear striking similarities to the Christian faith. It seems some tribal myths are more persistent than others.


Buddha: Siddhartha Gautama. Born circa 643 B.C, died 563 B.C. The 'enlightened one', was around about 30 years old when he began his ministry.

"Buddha, according to a tradition known in the West, was born of a virgin."

Dean Milman,

History of Christianity

(Vol. I, p. 99).

He was visited by wise men who recognized the divinity of the child. He was of royal descent and his birth was announced by a star.

He had a band of disciples. He formulated commandments, including: 'Not to kill; not to steal; not to lie; not to commit adultery.'

Getting any feelings of Deja-Vu here Ken?


Krishna, avatar of Vishnu, around 1000 years before the bible: Went down to hell to preach to the inmates with the view of reforming them, and getting them back to heaven, and was willing himself to suffer to abridge the period of their torment.

The Christian translator of the Bhagavat, Rev. Thomas Maurice, records these parallels between their births:

Both were miraculously conceived;

Both were divine incarnations;

Both were of royal descent;

Devatas or angels sang songs of praise at the birth of each;

Both were visited by neighbouring shepherds;

In both cases the reigning monarch, fearing he would be supplanted in his kingdom by the divine child, sought to destroy him;

Both fled to distant countries after their birth;

Foiled in their attempts to discover the babes, both kings issued decrees that all the infants should be put to death.

Sound familiar?

The parallels between ancient Greek and 1st Century religions contemporary with early Christianity are even more pronounced.


The way the information is laid out is misleading, therefore, I took it at its worth. If you read this there is nothing to say that the multiple comparisons are between Christ and Krishna. It could be construed as being Bhudda and Krishna(as I did) are being the parallel entities being compared. I was wrong for inferring the information was as such and sagan is guilty of not making the differences in the people being made absolutely clear.

I forgive you too, sagan.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by koan »

I was off trying to find info from Hero With A Thousand Faces and, in my travels, started thinking that Campbells example of similar birth circumstances compared Christ to Mithra. I have found lots of intriguing info and pictures of Pagan gods that resemble drawings of Christ (including a crucifixion of Dionysus) This is so far off topic but so interesting that I want to start a different thread on it and return this one to discussions of Hell concepts.

kensloft :-6

We all misread things from time to time. I think I was wrong about the direct comparison subject of Campbell's literature as well.

It is a very touchy subject and, to some, blasphemous.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

sagan wrote: Glad we're all friends again, but I think this is going to be my last post for a while. Today’s session in the Garden has proved to be both physically and mentally exhausting, and I feel I am at the onset of a relapse. I'll still browse the forums but typing and marshalling my thoughts to produce coherent posts is becoming difficult. Bye!

Sorry to hear that. You get better real fast because we're all pulling for you. Even if you don't like it, I'm going to say a few prayers for you.

Bless you and take care,
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Hell, what is it?

Post by koan »

Rest well, sagan.

IMHO the world needs you.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Beth »

I am a weak Atheist, no religious beliefs, really. If anything, I could possibly entertain atheistic pantheism. I also am a materialist in some things and a secular humanist in others, but well, that is philosophy, not religion.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

Beth wrote: I am a weak Atheist, no religious beliefs, really. If anything, I could possibly entertain atheistic pantheism. I also am a materialist in some things and a secular humanist in others, but well, that is philosophy, not religion.

Sounds a little oxymoronic? How about agnostic? Do you belive that there is a hell or not?
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Beth »

Oxymoronic? How so? There are many beliefs and assertions in life that seem to contraction one another, but it does not mean that they are oxymoronic.

I am agnostic, but by definition, I am atheist. A weak atheist tends to be agnostic, while still being, by definition an atheist. Atheistic pantheism is not the same as a belief that has pantheistic dieties. It is more in line with Zen buddhism (which is rather atheistic) or Toaism.

I believe in no hell and I believe there is no afterlife.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Beth »

And, my apologies. I use a tabbed browser and I typed in the wrong post box in the wrong tab. The initial post of mine was supposed to be in a thread asking about beliefs. So, this was a flub.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

Beth wrote: And, my apologies. I use a tabbed browser and I typed in the wrong post box in the wrong tab. The initial post of mine was supposed to be in a thread asking about beliefs. So, this was a flub.

Not to worry. Now, you don't believe in hell so... ?

Zen Bhuddists not believing in God? Hmm? Is their enlightenment different?
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Beth »

kensloft wrote: Not to worry. Now, you don't believe in hell so... ?

Zen Bhuddists not believing in God? Hmm? Is their enlightenment different?So...? What else do you want me to say? And why do you want to turn this in a debate about Zen Buddhists being more enlightened? I don't understand. If you have studied Zen, you will see atheistic pantheism in some of the religious philosophy. I never said they are more enlightened, so why did you write that?
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

Beth wrote: So...? What else do you want me to say? And why do you want to turn this in a debate about Zen Buddhists being more enlightened? I don't understand. If you have studied Zen, you will see atheistic pantheism in some of the religious philosophy. I never said they are more enlightened, so why did you write that?
I did not say that they were more enlightened. (another oxymoron) I asked if they had a differnet enlightenment?

It is the term atheistic pantheism. A= without..theism= god pan=many theism=gods? I know that ther is another connotation. I am not sure which is being used?

I don't want to fight.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Beth »

Oh, I gotcha, maybe secular would be easier to grasp? This pantheistic view really does not embrace god/s, it sees the Universe as a collective energy. Some may also include impersonal god/s, but it is not required.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Beth »


Naturalistic Pantheism is a form of Pantheism which holds that the universe, although unconscious and non-sentient as a whole, is a meaningful focus for human spirituality. Accordingly, Nature is seen as being "God" only in a non-traditional, impersonal sense.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by kensloft »

Beth wrote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturalistic_Pantheism

Thanks for the clarificaton. 2nd connotation.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Daniyal »

Hell is A state of mind created by Religious Beliefs . The description of Hell and all it contains would Render you in Hell Already . I will try to give you An Overstanding of What being call Hell in this day and time . It is up to you of course , To make the choice . The Religious Beliefs That Imprison You In Such States As A Hell , That Is Someone In A Dark Pit . With Tormenting Demons . So what and where is Hell ? Is something many people , both young and old , Often ask and question , So you know what and where Hell is ? Or do you just have your own Religious Concept ? Is There A Hell , For That Matter ? Do You Expect To Ever Go There ?

Do you care one way or the other ? Have your ever noticed that many people NowAdays give praise to the devil the evil one and his Advocates ; Television , Movies , Music . Advertisment , Novels , Religions, And A host of other ways , Even in something as obscure as everyday conversation , For Instance , '' Hell..? ; '' Here Comes The Devil ... ' ; That's The Pits ... ; Hello ... ; '' The Devil Made Me Do It ... '' Speaking Of The Devil ... And they say '' Let Me Play The Devil's Advocate '' ; That Kid Is A Real Devil '' Etc Etc . Think about it !!! If you even begin to define some of the words associated with Hell you will soon begin to realize the evil hypnotic word tricks being played . For example , look at the words **** . Serpent , Devil . And Hell .

**** ( Dam ) V . Damned , ****-Ing , Damns . --- Tr . 1 . To pronounce an adverse judgment upon see synonyms at Condemn . 2 . To bring about the failure of ; Ruin . 3 . To condemn as harmful , illegal , or immoral ; A cleric who damned gambling and strong drink 4 . Theology . To condemn to everylasting punishments or A simlar fate ; doom .

ser-pent ( Sur-PeNt ) N . 1 . A reptile of the order serpentes . A snake . 2 . Other Serpent .A. The creature that tempted eve . B . Satan . 3 . A subtle , sly or Treacherous person . [ Middle English , From Old French , From Latin , SerpeNs , Serpent - From Present Participle Of Serpere . To Creep . ]

dev'il ( DeV'el ) N . 1 . Often Devil . Theology . In many Religions . The major personified spirit of evil . Ruler of Hell , And foe of God . Used with the . 2 . A subordinate evil spirit ; A demon . 3 . A wicked or malevolent person 4 . A person ; A handsome devil ; The poor devil 5 . An energetic , Mischievous , Daring , or Clever person . 6 . Printing A printer's devil . 7 . A device or machine , especially one having teeth or spikes and used for tearing . 8 . An outstanding example , especially of something difficult or bad ; Has a devil of A temper . 9 . A severe reprimand or expression of anger ; Gave me the devil for cutting class , 10 . Informal used as an intensive ; Who the devil do you think you are ? 11. Christian Science . The opposite of truth ; Error . -- Dev-ll Tr. V dev'lled or Dev'llled , Dev'll'Ing or Dev'll'Ling . Dev-lls or Dev'lls , 1 . To season ( food ) heavily . 2 . To Annoy . Torment , or Harass . 3 . To tear up

( Cloth or Rags ) In A Toothed Machine .

Hell ( HeL ) N . 1 .A. Often Hell . The abode of condemned souls and devils in some Religions ; The place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death , Presided over by satan . B . A state of separation from God . 2 . The abode of the dead . Identified with The Hebrew Sheol and The Greek Hades ; The underworld . 3 . Hell . Christian Science . Mortal Belief ; Sin Or Error . 4 . A. Situation or place of evil , Misery , Discord . or Destruction ; '' War Is Hell

( William Tecumseh Sherman ) . B . Torment ; Anguish ; went through hell on the job . 5 .A. The power of darkness and evil . B . Informal One that cause trouble , agony , or annoyance ; The boss is hell when a job is poorly done . 6 . A sharp scolding ; Gave The Student Hell For Cheating . 7 . Informal Excitement , Mischievousness , Or High Spirit ; We Did It For The Sheer Hell Of It . 8 . A . A Tailor's Recptacle for discarded Material . B . Printing . A Hellbox Taken From The American Heritage Dictionary

Have you ever had A fiery argument with an arrogant , But close friend ; And in anger , His final outburst was . '' Go To Hell ! '' How did it make you feel ? Did you laugh or did you cry ? Did you want to hit him or tell him to '' Go To Hell ? '' What do you think he though hell was when he said it ; A Darkness Of Nothing , A Place Where The Devil And All Bad People Stay . Or A Fiery Inferno ?
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Daniyal »

Consider the familiar , casual morning salutation Good Morning ! Does it really mean '' Good Morning '' . Or is this saying . Mourn . Good Mourning ? Then there is the famous Hello ! Are you sure the other person was not implying its reverse ; O Hell or Hell Is Low Or Mourn Good ? What Do You Mean When You Say These Phrases ? What Do You Mean When You Use Any Of The Following Expressions .

Why in the hell can't I go ... Till hell freezes over .... How the hell can I go ...

He ran like hell to catch the bus ... He scared the hell out of me ...

Out all night helling around ... A hell - of -a flying experience .....

Walked home by the old school for the hell of it ... Hell's low --- hello

We're staying , Come hell or high water .... Went through hell on the job ....

The boss is hell . when a job is poorly done ... What the hell are you doing ?

Gave the student hell for cheating ... We did it for the sheer hell of it ...

Get the hell out of my face ... How in the hell should I know ? That's one hell of job ... You did one hell of a job ....

Hell no I wont ... Driving in A hilly town is hell on the brakes ... The hell I will ... If we're wrong , there'll be hell to pay ....How the hell am I suppose to know ? The hell if I know ... Go to hell ... He ran out of the house like A bat out of hell ... Who the hell are you ?

When you deal with The Phonetics Of The Word Hell You Get Held , They have you thinking that you are saying SomeThing Different but in actuality you're saying Hell !!! Spelled Different , And Subliminally It Sounds The Same Thus , In Your Subconscious It Is The Same .

You'll be held responsible ...... Held the suspect for questioning .... You held is up .... The storyteller held the crowd spellbound ..... They held up A bank .... The dam held the floodwaters .... Held the reins tightly .... Thieves held the stolen painting for ransom .... Held A hose on the fire ... Students held the administrative building for A week .... The court held that the defendant was at fault ... She held her temper .... Held the race in florida .... Held A meeting of the board , Etc ....

If everyone knew what Hell was . They wouldn't be so quick to use the word so Freely . Life , Death , Hell . Heaven . Angel Devils . Sin . Righteousness --- These Are All Things That Are Real . Each Day That Dawns And You Are Alive To See It . It Brings You That Much Closer To Realizing That They Are A Reality . The Suhuf , The Old Testament , The New Testament . The Hikmah , Revelation , And The Koran Tells You About These Thing ,

What Is Hell ? Hell Is Defined In The American Heritage Dictionary As ;

Hell ( HeL ) N . 1 .A. Often Hell . The abode of condemned souls and devils in some Religions ; The place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death , Presided over by satan . B . A state of separation from God . 2 . The abode of the dead . Identified with The Hebrew Sheol and The Greek Hades ; The underworld . 3 . Hell . Christian Science . Mortal Belief ; Sin Or Error . 4 . A. Situation or place of evil , Misery , Discord . or Destruction ; '' War Is Hell

( William Tecumseh Sherman ) . B . Torment ; Anguish ; went through hell on the job . 5 .A. The power of darkness and evil . B . Informal One that cause trouble , agony , or annoyance ; The boss is hell when a job is poorly done . 6 . A sharp scolding ; Gave The Student Hell For Cheating . 7 . Informal Excitement , Mischievousness , Or High Spirit ; We Did It For The Sheer Hell Of It . 8 . A . A Tailor's Recptacle for discarded Material . B . Printing . A Hellbox Taken From The American Heritage Dictionary

According To The American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language It Is .

( 1 ) . The abode of the dead ; The underworld where departed Souls were believe to dwell ; Specifically in Hebrew Scriptures ; Sheol , And In Greco - Roman Trdadition , Hades ,

( 2 ) . The abode of condemmed souls and devils ; Place or states or Torture and Punishment frot the wicked after death , presided over by satan .

( 3 ) . The infernal powers of evil and darkness .

( 4 ) . A place or state of great iniquity , Misery , Discord or destruction .

( 5 ) . Torment ; Anguish ; Something that cause agony .

According To The Westiminster Bible Dictionary Hell Is .

( 1 ) . The Place Of The Dead ,
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Daniyal »

Do The Religious Scholars Really Know What Or Where Hell Is ? They don't know where hell is . They don't even know if there is A such place as Hell that really exist . They can't tell me where Hell is . They can't even decide where Hell is . Which one it it ? Is it the Lake Of Fire Revelation 20;10 And I Quote ; And the devil that deceived them was cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are . and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever ,

Or The Pit Revelation 11;7 And I Quote ; And when they shall have finished their testimony . the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them , and shall overcome them and kill them ,

Or is it A PLACE WHERE YOU WILL BE GIVEN Oozing Pus to drink like The Koran describes Koran 14;16 , ( In Arabic ) And I Quote ; From Behind Him is Hell and he shall drink of the Water of Pus ,

Or A place where you will be roasted Koran 17;18 ( In Arabic ) And I Quote ; Whoever wants ( this world ) to hurry ( just for himself quick returns and short term benefits ; ) we made it be quick for him in it what we Eloheem / Anunnaqi please , for whom we Eloheem / Anunnaqi want . them , we made for him

Hell , He will burn in it ( and arrive at it ) , abused and disgraced

Or A prison Koran 17;8 ( In Arabic ) And I Quiote ; Maybe your '' Sustainer , who is Rabb , will Show Yielding ( mercy ) on you and if you return , then We Eloheem / Anunnaqi return and We ( Eloheem ) made Purgatory ' a prison for the ones who concealed what they know to be the facts

And How Did The Pit Get There ? How Did A Big Place Of Fire Get Beneath Us ? Did God Create It Down There ? ( Why is it that scientist haven't discovered it yet being they have dug holes straight down to the center of the earth ? ) Why is it that you can't find Hell if it really is A place that exists ? Scientist have listen to the ground . They have all kinds of Advanced Technical Equipment with computers . Have they heard Cracking Fire ? No !!! Why Not ? Because Hell Is A State Of Mind . It Is What You Make It . It Exist With You , For Each One Will Pattern His Or Her Hell According To What He / She Believes Hell Is .

They don't hear anybody down there Screaming and Hollering or any Torturing . So What Makes You Believe That There Is Some Place '' Down There '' That You Will Go If You Are A Sinner Where There Is Fire And Demons ? The Bible ? Let's Be FoReal !!! There Is Nothing In The Bible That Has Been Proven To Be Facts Yet , You Can't Even Prove That The Characters In Your Bible Really Exists , Let Alone A Place Called Hell ! The Hell That Your Preacher , Teachers , Pastors , Rabbis , Imaams , And Sheikhs Preach To You About Is Another Trick To Keep You Trapped Under Religion ,

Revelation 19;20 ( In Aramic ) And I Quote ; And the beast was taken , And with him the lying prophet who with his hand made sign which he used to lead many into darkness , Those who took the mark of the beast and those who prostrated to his image . Both of them were cast alive into the lake of fire which is burning with Sulfur .

Hell Isn't Down There . They Don't Hear It . And Don't Be Deceived Into Thinking That It Does . ( If Some One Comes And Says That There Is Such Thing As Hell , Tell Them To Prove It !
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Carolly »

That told us:-2:rolleyes:
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Daniyal »

Where Is Hell ? It Exist In You , For Each One Will Pattern His Or Her Hell According To What He / She Believe Is Hell ,

Hell Is Where Heaven Isn't . But , you have been taught all you life by Religion , that Hell is someWhere '' Down There '' And Heaven Is '' Up There '' the words they use to translate Heaven is the Aramic / Hebrew word meaning '' Up There '' . And For Hell Where Exactly Is That '' Down There '' . They never tell you about ,

That is the problem with Religion Catholic Refer To A Sort Of '' In - Heaven '' Place Called '' Purgatory '' Or '' Limbo '' For Souls . And Neither Of These Two Words Can Be Found In The Bible That They So Proudly Preach From . The word '' Hell '' appears in The Old Testament 21 Times , The Aramic /

Hebrew word being used for Hell is Shehole meaning '' Underworld , Grave , Hell , Pit , '' In The New Testament there are three words used for '' Hell , Hades Is the first mentioned in Matt 11;23 , And is used 11 times . According to '' '' A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament .

It states and I Quote The word '' Hades '' Is A Is A Heathen Word And Comes Down To Us Surrounded With Heathen Traditions , Which Had Their Origin In Babel . And Not In The Bible And Have Reached Us Through Judaism And Romanism '' Notice That There Is No Indication Of Any Eternal Fire

Burning , No Pot Of Boiling Oil , Etc , Gehenna is found in Matt 5;22 , being used 12 Times and Is defined as '' A Place Of The Future Punishment Call ' Gehanna Or ' Gehenna Or Fire '' ' Gates Of Hell ' . Ghehenna Was originally the valley of Ghi - Hinnon , Or Hinnon . South of Jerusalem , Where the filth and dead animals of the city were cast out and burned .

Make note that The Muslim's word for '' Hell '' Is the same as The Greek -- Gahenna , Lastly , In 2 Peters 2;4 And I Quote ; '' For If God Spared Not The Angels That Sinned , But Cast Them Down To Hell . And Delivered Them Into Chain Of Darkness To Be Reserved Unto Judgements '' .

And The Greek Word Being Used Here Is Tartoro meaning '' The Name Of A Subteranean Region , Doleful And Dark , '' It Is Also Described As The Deepest Abyss Of Hades And Was Regared By The Acient Greek As The Abode Of The Wicked Dead , Where They Suffer Punishment For Their Evil Deeds ; It Answers To Gehenna Of The Jews ; To Thrust Down To Tartoros .

Its No Coincidence That The Word Tartoros Is Closely Related To The Name Of One Of The Beings Who Dwell In The Cities Within The Earth , The Teros , Also Known As The Sunaynans . As you can see . The Indication Of The Word Hell Was Originally Used For A Place Where The Dead Reside

And Has Nothing To Do With Whether You Were Righteous Or Not . Also Make Not That It Says That Tartaro'o '' Hell '' From Tartoros ( The Deepest Abyss Of Hades ) , Is A Place To Be Reserved Unto Judgment , So They Are Not In Hell , Yet . They Are In A Place Where There Overseers Are The Teros . So For Those Of You Who Believe That This Was A Fictitious Place . It All Being Confirmed .

Here Is A Excerpt From The New Unger Bible Dictionary , Page 551 Which Explain This Hell Concept Very Clearly . ( The Bible Doctrine Of Hell Is By No Means Confined To The Terms Above Mentioned And To The Passage In Which They Appear . There Are Many Phrases In Which The Overshadowing Idea Is

Presented With Great Distinctness , Such As '' Unquenchaable Fire '' Black Darkness , '' '' Furanace Of Fire , '' '' Fire And Brimstone , '' The Smoke Of Their Torment '' . The Lake Of Which Burns With Brimstone , '' Where Their Worm Does Not Die , '' '' The Eternal Fire Which Has Been Prepared For The Devil And His Angels '' Van Oosterzee Does Well To Remark

; There Is No Doubt That The Holy Scriptures Requires Us To Believe In A Properly So-Called Place Of Punishment . In Whatever Part Of God's Boundless Creation It Is To Be Sought . That The Different Images Under Which It Is Represented Cannot Possibly Be Taken Literally Will Certainly

Need No Demonstration ; But It Is Perhaps Not Unnecessary To Warn Against The Opinion That We Have To Do Here With Mere Imagery . Who Shall Say That There Reality Will Not Infinitely Surpass In Awfulness The Boldest Pictures Of It ,

The Koran mentions Hell and has Seven Different words for '' Hell '' Jahannam

Koran 2;106 , Jahiym Koran 44;47 , Saqar Koran 54;48 , Sa'iyr Koran 4;10 , Haawiya Koran 101;6 , Lazaa Koran 70;15 And Hutama Koran 104;4 , And Only One Heaven Jenna Koran 2;25 , If you are '' Bad '' you have A choice of Which Hell You Can Go To ? Why Is There Only One Heaven ? Why Don't The '' Good '' People Have A Choice Of Which Heaven They Are Going To ?

Regardless to what Hell is called , Each Religion teaches that this is The Dwelling Place of the Devil or Leviathan which is A Sea Demon . or Haylal . Shaytaan . Or whatever name you want to call him . Who is evil and Teacherous . When they say that you are going to Hell They Always Point Down . Which is A Subtle Confession that Down There , Is A Place That Exist . DOESN'T IT SOUND RIGHT TO SAY THAT THE EVIL PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE TORTURED BY GOOD BEINGS ?

Your Preacher , Teacher , Imaam , Scholars , And Other So-Called Religious Leaders Have You Thinking That Hell Is Some Place Beneath Your Feet . Where The Devil Rules , And You Will Burn Eternally . When In Actuality Hell Is Right Here On

The Planet Earth . This Is The Devil's Playground Right Here . Let's Be FoReal , If A Person Has Troubles Day And Night , That Can Be A Form Of Hell . If You Are In Bad Health And Cannot Get Or Afford The Proper Attention . That Is A Kind Of Hell . If You Are Hungry . Clothes Ragged And Living In A Society With Closed Doors To Your Well-Being And Economic Progress ;

That Is Hell . If You Walked In The Wrong Neighborhood On The Right Night . It Will Be You Screaming When You Are Getting The '' Hell '' Beat Out Of You . That's Hell ! When Your Child Is Born With A Fatal Disease , That Is A Hell For The

Parents And I Can Go On And On . I'm Sure You Can Think Of A Host Of Other Things That You Would Consider '' Going Through Hell , '' Or Something That Can '' Put You Through Hell . '' Thus , A Form Of Hell Is What You You Are Walking Around In Today , The Planet Earth

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Hell, what is it?

Post by Nomad »

koan;30146 wrote: Hell is human life. Doomed for eternity means endless reincarnation for those who just can't seem to get it right.

If this is hell I cant wait to see what heaven is. Sign me up please.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Galbally »

In answer to the question of what hell is.

Other people? :thinking:
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Clint »

Hell is the state of mind one finds himself in when trying to figure out who has the truth about Hell.
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Daniyal »

Where Did The Concept Of Hell Come From ?
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Hell, what is it?

Post by Daniyal »

Ans ; The Concept Of Hell Is Something That Was ( Created In The Hearts And Minds Of The Authors Of Your Bible And Koran ) . Before You Were Informed Of What And Where Hell Was, ( It Never Crossed Your Mind To Even Think About It . So Within The Pages Of Your Scriptures Hell Was Born . Just As A God Could Not Exist Without A Devil , Heaven Could Not Exist If There Wasn't A Hell . ( Refer To '' Does God And The Devil Exist ? Scroll #93 ) So Where Did Hell Come From ? It ( It Didn't Exist In Adam's Time . It Didn't Exist In Noah's Time And Didn't Exist In Abraham's Time . It Is Something That Was Fabricated So That They Could Capitalize Off Of Your Fear .

According To An Article In The U.S. News & World Report Magazine , March 25 , 1991 A.D. Entitled '' Hell's Roots In The Bible'' On Pages 58 It Says And I Quote , '' Much Of What Christians Believe Today About Hell Is The Result Of Centuries Of Theological Development And Literary Imagination '' . What They Are Saying Is That Hell Is Made Up . Leaving You With Many Question That Are Left Unanswered Such As ; Where Is Hell ? Is It Hot Or Cold ? Is The Fire Real Or Metaphorical ? Is The Torment Physical Or Psychological ? Are The Condemined Punished Forever Or Are They Rehabilitated -Or Perhaps Annihilated ? Who Goes To Hell ? When You Question Your Leader About It , They Simply Can't Give You Any Answers .

El's Qur'aan 55 ; 128 ( Persian Arabic Script )

Wa ( And ) Yowma ( Day ) Yah-Shurhum ( He Shall Gather Them ) Jamee -Aan ( All Together As A Community ) Yaa-Ma -Ashara ( O Assembly ) Al Jinni ( Of Evil Race , Jinns ) Qad ( Certainly ) Astakthartum ( You All Have Seduced ) Min ( From ) Al Ins ( The Enosites ) Wa ( And ) Qaala ( He Said ) Awliyaaa -Uhum ( Their Nearest Friends ) Min ( From ) Al Ins ( The Enositers ) Rabbanaa ( Our Masters ) Astamta - A ( Profited ) Badunaa ( Some Of Us ) Be Badin ( By Others ) Wa ( And ) Balaghnaa ( We Have Reached ) Ajalanaa ( Our Term ) Al - Lazeee ( Which ) Ajjalat ( Was Appointed ) Lanaa ( For Us ) Qaala ( He Shall Say ) Al Naar ( The Fire ) Mathwaakum ( Your Abode ) Khaalideena ( Eternally ) Feehaa ( In It ) Illaa ( Except ) Maa ( For What ) Shaaa-a ( He Pleases ) Al - Lahu ( The Source ) Inna ( Surely ) Rabbaka ( Your Source ) Hakeem ( Is Wise ) Aleem ( Knowing ) .

And On The Day When He , The Source , Shall Gather Them As A Jamiyaan 'Community' ( The Nubian , Caucasian , Mongolid ) O Assembly Of The ( Malevolent Beings , Cherubeen , Evil Race ) - Jinn , Certainly You Have Astakthartum 'Seduced ' Most Of The Enosites . He , Satan / Samael ) Said ; ''Their Awliyaa - Uhum 'Nearest Friends 'Are Those Of The Enosites , '' Our Rabb , Some Of Us , Has Astamta - A 'Profited By Others , And We Have Reached Our Appointed Term , Which You ( You Not Us ) Did Appointed For Us - ( 6,000 Years Is Up ) He Shall Say ; ''Al Naar 'The Fire ' Is Your , ( The Evil Ones And His Helper And Followers ) Abode , To Abide Eternally In It ''; Except As For What Allah Pleases , And Surely , Your Rabb Is The Hakiyumun 'Wise ' , Aliymun 'Knowing

Mistranslation By Abdullah Yusuf Ali 1938 A.D.

''One Day Will He Gather The All Together , ( And Say ) ; ''O Ye Assembly Of Jinns ! Much ( Toll ) Did Ye Take Of Men '' Their Friends Amongst Men Will Say ; ''Our Lord ! We Made Profit From Each Other ; But ( Alas ! ) We Reach Our Term - Which Thou Didst Appoints For Us '' , He Will Say '' The Fire Be Your Dwelling Place You Will Swell Therein For Ever , Except As God Willeth . For Thy Lord Is Full Of Wisdom And Knowing .

Hell Is What You Make It!!!

Hell Is A State Of Mind . If You Believe In Terrifing - Half -Human , Weird Monsters Whose Grotesque Bodies Are Of Strange Mangled Parts , With Heaads Of Flesh -Eating Animals And Birds . Then That Is What Your Hell Will Have ! If You Believe That Hell Is A Place Where You Are Torured By Being Roasted , Castrated , Mutilated , Hung By Your Tongue And Suffocated With Smoke . Then That Is What Your Hell Will Be ! If You Believe That Hell Is A Pit Of Darkness Where All You Hear Are The Cries Of Torment And Whipping And Gnashing Of Teeth ; Then That's What Your Hell Will Be Like !!!

Matthew 12 ; 42 ( Modern Greek Script )

Kahee ( And ) Shall Bal-Lo ( Cast ) Ow - Tos ( Them ) Into A Kam -Ee -Nos ( Wailing ) And Broog -Mos ( Gnashing ) Of Od-ooc ( Teeth ) .

And The Son Of Human Being Will Cast Them Into A Furnace Of Fire ; There Will Be Wailing And Gnashing Of Teeth .

Mistranslation For King James 1611 A.D.

''And Shall Cast Them Into A Furnace Of Fire ; There Shall Be Wailing And Gnashing Of Teeth ''

If You Are An Adulterous Woman And You Believe That All Adulterous Women Are Dangeld By Their Hair Over Boiling Filth; And All Adulterous Men Are Hung Upside Down With Their Heads In The Filth , Then That Is What Your Hell Will Be ! If You Think Hell Is A Torture Chamber Where Your Eyes Are Pricked , Your Hair Pulled , Your Feet Pinched , Your Body Branded The Number Of Times You Have Lied , And Your Mouth Filled With Drops Of Boiling Hot Lava , Then That Is What Your Hell Will Be !

El's Quraan 64 ; 48 ( Persian Arabic Script )

Thum - Ma ( Then ) Sub -Boo ( You All Are To Pour ) Foe -Qa ( Over , On Top Of ) , Raa-A -Si - Hee ( His Head ) Min ( Of , From ) ' Azaa -Be ( Pain Of ) Al - Hameem ( The Boiling Water )

Then You All Are To Pour Over His Head , The Pain Of Al Hamiym '' The Boiling Water , ( Hell Has Trees And Boiling Water , It's A Physical Place ) .

Mistranslation By Abdullah Yusuf Ali 1938 A.D.

Koran 44 ; 48

'' Then Pour Over His Head The Penalty Of Boiling Water '' .

Hell Is Many Things To Many People . Many Have A Fear Of An Actual Place Where The Devil Keeps A Roaring Fire Burning In An Open Furnace ; Or The Concepts That Are Captured Within The Pictures You Have Seen Of Hell . However , Remember , Hell Will Not Be A Hole In The Earth , Called A ''Pit '' , In Which All Damned Bodies Will Be Thrown To Burn For Eternity . And It Will Not Be The Devil With A Pitchfork Standing Over A Large Stove . Hell Will Be What Your Mind Can Conceive !!!

If Your Idea Of Hell Is An Open Fire Where You Are To Be Roasted And Barbecued Alive . That Thats What Your Hell Will Be !!! Will It Be A Large Cauldron Filled With Boiling Oil In Which The Devil Cooks You For Eternity ? Then That's What Your Hell Will Be !!! And If Your Concept Is A Devil With A Pitchfork , Standing In Front Of An Open Furnce , And Yor're Chanied To The Wall ! Then You Have Already Sentenced Yourself !!! ( Koran 14 ; 49 - 51 , 92 ; 14 - 15 ) . This Is What Your Teachers Wants You To Believe Hell Is Like When In Actuality The Fires Of Hell Will Be Kinled In Man's Breast Because He Will Be Justed By His Disagreeable Acts , Not For Them . The Disagreeable Acts That Humans Commit , Originates In Their Heart Center As A Redult Of Them Exercising Will .

There Was A Movie That Came Out Entitled '' Dr . Faustus '' . Dr . Faustus '' Is The Motion Picture Made From The Play '' Faust '' By Christopher Marlowe . It Explores How Man Ends Up In Hell Because Of His Greed . Faustus Is A Magician And Alcemist Who Sells His Soul To The Devil In Exchange For Power And Worldly Experince . Fausatus ' Escort , Though The Many Different Phases Of The Life He Desired So Passionately . Is Mephistopheles ( Another Name For Satan , Lucifer , Etc ) . The Devil Was True To The Binding Agreement He Made With Faustus And Granted Him The Wealth And Worldly Experience He Desired . Yet , Was Faustus Willing To Be True To His Part Of The Agreement When The Time Came To Pay His Debt ? This Is The Exact Statement Mephistopheles Makes To Faustus When Asked About His Own Damation .

'' Where Is Hell ? Anywhere Heaven Is Not . I Was In Heaven When Lucifer Was Cast Down Along With His Followers , We Were Condemmed To Everlasting Damnation . This Is Hell To Me Right Here Because I Was In Heaven . I Must Go To Hell For Everylassting Death Because Of My Non - Repentance To The Sustainer ... Hell Is Under The Canopies Of Heaven , ''

Mistranslation By Abdullah Yusuf Ali 1938 A.D.

Koran 14 ; 22

''And Satan Will Say When The Matter Is Decided ; '' It Was God Who Gave You A Promise Of Truth ; I Too Promised , But I Failed In My Promise To You . I Had No Authority Over You Except To Call You . But Ye Listen To Me . Then Reproach Not Me , But Reproach Your Own Souls . I Cannot Listen To Your Cries . Not Can Ye Listen To Mine . I Reject Your Former Act In Associating Me With God . For Wrong -Doers There Must Be A Grievous Penalty .

The Legendary Pact Between Mephistopheles And Faustus Guaranteed The German Doctor Wealth , Knowldge , Power , And Love ; But Cost Him His Soul For All Eternity ,

Hell Will Be In Your Heart Center Because It Is The Center Of All Emotions ; And Things Of Which Your Mind Can Distinguish Between Love And Hate .

Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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