Environmentalism as Religion

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Environmentalism as Religion

Post by Singh-Song »

BTS- First, The USA, ISN'T THE WHOLE WORLD! There haven't been any major extinctions there in my lifetime, because virtually all of North America's large, indigenous wildlife has already been wiped out, it's past the stage where there's nothing left profitable to kill! Trying BROADENING your horizons to developing countries, nations at the same stage now that America was at in the early 1900's, and you'll see the list of extinctions lengthening by the day. The truth is, the only reason that the rate of extinctions for the 'fluffies'- mammals and birds, exotic and well known lizards, fish and amphibians- has gone down is because of the efforts of environmentalists' breeding programmes for captive animals and reintroduction to the wild. If not for their efforts- in other words, if they had all had the same sort of attitude on the issue as yours- then virtually every cetacean, primate, big cat and every other animal on the endangered list would already have gone extinct by now...
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Environmentalism as Religion

Post by BTS »

Singh-Song;687962 wrote: BTS- First, The USA, ISN'T THE WHOLE WORLD! There haven't been any major extinctions there in my lifetime, because virtually all of North America's large, indigenous wildlife has already been wiped out, it's past the stage where there's nothing left profitable to kill! Trying BROADENING your horizons to developing countries, nations at the same stage now that America was at in the early 1900's, and you'll see the list of extinctions lengthening by the day. The truth is, the only reason that the rate of extinctions for the 'fluffies'- mammals and birds, exotic and well known lizards, fish and amphibians- has gone down is because of the efforts of environmentalists' breeding programmes for captive animals and reintroduction to the wild. If not for their efforts- in other words, if they had all had the same sort of attitude on the issue as yours- then virtually every cetacean, primate, big cat and every other animal on the endangered list would already have gone extinct by now...

Remember the sky is falling and man is destroying our planet.............

So prove it.......OK?

OK then............last extinction on earth in your lifetime? (NOT USA)

Name it!!!!!!

FYI.......... Here is a great example of the naysayers on MASS extinctions with NO documentation on how many have been eradicated by man.....

JUST that many have died.....

How many?

Did they name them? (extinctions)

No they prance around that we don't know how many die because we are losing a 100,000 acres a min. in the rain forests and there are SOOOOOO many unidentified species............

HUH...............100,000 acres a min.............burnt!!!!!!

DO DE MATH singh singh............. It's Not a happening.. at ALL!!!

BULL puckey

I love this........(below) with never a reference to ANY extinctions just pipe DREAMS.......AKA (CRAP)

(Singh.......... u need ta jump ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

We are in the midst of a mass

extinction, the likes of which has not been seen in 100's of millions of

years! Much of these are thought to be due to human influence.

"Endangered" species are often defined legally, so if a species

is on the verge of extinction; it may not be considered endangered unless

someone complains about this. As our rain forests are destroyed at 100's of

acres per minute, many species are going extinct, perhaps even before they

have even been discovered by humans. I will try to see if i can find out how

many are now considered endangered. I just finished reading Last Chance to

See by Douglas Adams. He described his experience with seeing endangered

species, before they went extinct. I recommend it. There are about 1.4

million described species of living things. About 1 million described animal

species. But it has been estimated that there are 10-100 million left to be

discovered. Extinction rates for the last few million years has been about 1

species lost per century. But since human populations have exploded,

extinction rates have been accelerating. Most extinctions within human

history have occurred in the last 300 years (the "industrial revolution").

Most of the extinctions in the last 300 years have occurred in the last 50.

And most of the extinctions of the last 50 years have occurred in the last 10.

Now extinction rates are around 1000's of species per year (that is a 100,000

times increase over the last 5000 years!). We are in the midst of a mass

extinction, the likes of which has not been seen in 100's of millions of

years! Much of these are thought to be due to human influence. Currently,

there are about 5200 threatened animal species, and about 17,300 threatened

plant species. The saddest part perhaps being that we will never know how

many species humans caused to go extinct, and will certainly cause the

extinction of thousands of species, without ever having seen the organisms,

and without ever firing a gunshot. Habitat destruction is one of the most

effective ways of reducing the number of species in an area. If you want to

see how to kill lots of fascinating species, go to one of the tropical

islands, like Hawaii. According to a pamphlet called Endangered Species from

the U. S. Department of the Interior, more than 600 spp. of life were either

endangered or threatened in the U. S. as of 1991. Another 500 spp. were

listed from outside the U. S. About 50 to 100 spp. are added each year and

there are thousands of species that are thought to be in danger but there is

not enough data to prove it.
"If America Was A Tree, The Left Would Root For The Termites...Greg Gutfeld."
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Environmentalism as Religion

Post by Bored_Wombat »

BTS;690165 wrote: Remember the sky is falling and man is destroying our planet.............

So prove it.......OK?

OK then............last extinction on earth in your lifetime? (NOT USA)

Name it!!!!!!

It's more sort of an evidence thing than a proof.

Habitat loss must be causing the extinction of undiscovered species.

If the species has been named and lost, it takes a couple of decades for it to be declared extinct, because it is not known whether it will show again.

But for examples of named species that are no more, there have been 129 named species of frog that have gone extinct since 1980, as at January last year. (source)
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Environmentalism as Religion

Post by gmc »

Environmentalism isn't a religion and no one in all seriousness would claim that it is. On the other hand characterising all those who express concern as tree hugging lunatics is a convenient way of disparaging what they have to say without having to take the trouble to argue the case. You do have to wonder at the motives if not the intelligence of those who think taking care of the environment should not be a normal concern for everybody. When did we all decide their opinions and freedom to do what they like matters more than the rest of us?

So does arguing that environmentalists are anti business because they want to stop industry polluting the waterways and the atmosphere. Anyone suggesting that waste chemicals being dumped without proper controls because it might harm people in the area where the dump is has just got to be a lunatic. Everyone knows companies wouldn't do that kind of thing.

Arguing about how many species have really been wiped and does it matter if frogs get killed is a waste of time with someone who doesn't think it matters in the first place. But I would point out that you (in the US that is) came pretty close to wiping out your national symbol. Though no doubt those whose mentality is big bird-shoot, kill wouldn't understand the irony anyway.


In 1940, noting that the national bird was "threatened with extinction," Congress passed the Bald Eagle Protection Act which made it illegal to kill, harass, possess (without a permit), or sell bald eagles. In 1967, bald eagles were officially declared an endangered species (under a law that preceded the Endangered Species Act of 1973) in all areas of the United States south of the 40th parallel. Federal and state government agencies, along with private organizations, successfully sought to alert the public about the bald eagle's plight and to protect its habitat from further destruction.

We ignore the environmental consequences of mankind's actions at our peril.

http://archives.radio-canada.ca/IDD-1-7 ... pollution/

Course who cares if there is nice scenery or not business is good for everyone.

posted by BTS

Who are the REAL stewards.........

In my opinion it is the people who work the land, whether it be farming or ranching.

They have done MORE good than ANY Govt. program ever has.

Just look at what all the environmentalist say about their lands while they are trying to take over so they can be the stewards of the land:

They say oh this land is sooo PRISTENE and we gotta save it............

Oh really SAVE IT?

From what?

A family that has worked it for generations and left it in BETTER shape than when they found it in the 1800's?

Save it from WHAT and for WHO I ask?

Might I offer a suggestion?


Who are the REAL stewards.........

In my opinion it is the people who work the land, whether it be farming or ranching.

Maybe you should ask them to be more careful

http://sciencenewsmagazine.org/articles ... /bob13.asp

If soon-to-be-published analyses of stream-sampling data by the U.S. Geological Survey confirm that livestock drugs are getting into the environment, Sundlof says, new regulations may be called for. He doesn't envision a phase-out of livestock steroids, but he says that farmers might be asked to assume greater diligence in managing the animals' wastes.

posted by 911

You should read (if you haven't already) his book, State of Fear. It's excellent and will make you think twice about the so called evidence that is thrown at us daily. He backs up most of his characters information with facts and charts from our own government.

Have read it, enjoyable story and no it didn't do much to change my opinion. Ever seen Erin Brockovich? good film and based on a true story-or was it a propaganda film put out by the environmentalist lobby. Personally I wouldn't trust your own government but thankfully not being an american I don't have to worry about them too much. My own gives enough to worry about.
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