Did Jesus keep the Law?

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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by chonsigirl »

sixyearsleft wrote: What the hell do Christians know about god?

there the devil spawn it's self, my ambition in life is to destroy all there churches and burn them to the ground, i despise there gothic architecture, each stone placed is mortored by blood and death, my whole purpose in life is to free the human mind from manipulation, i will forgive the one's who know not what they do, but to the ones who claim to own gods house, i will destroy, and i'm not kidding....... theres not much time before the **** hits the fan, so the zombies better wake up.

Six, why are you angry at those who choose to believe?

Or is your vehemence against the Church hierarchy?

*no comment on some of your analogies*
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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

chonsigirl wrote: Well, I seem to remember Jesus getting picked on by those Pharisees by disobeying the Law-picking ears of corn on the Sabbath, healing on the Sabbath, etc.

Even I'm not THAT old!
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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

spot wrote: I think there's only beliefs (which I avoid and shun) and faith (which I embrace).

Christ, damn'd Catholics get everywhere! What is Faith without Belief? :-)

We're either using the terms differently or I've mis-understood a lot that I've heard.
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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Ted »


You are entitled to your opinion. I and millions of others don't agree.

Perhaps someday you will understand if you try hard enough.


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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Ted »


May you find the Peace of Christ some day. Until then my prayers are with you.


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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Ted »

Jesus came to fulfill the law and did that on Calvary.

We are no longer subject to the law but live under and with God's grace and unconditional love--agape.


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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Ted »

Bryn Mawr:-6

Personally I find the expression "damned Catholics" offensive. I may disagree with the Catholic Church on many issues but would not refer to "damned Catholics".

The word "Catholic" means universal so in that respect all Christian churches that follow in the footsteps of our Lord are Catholic. We just have a lot of different flavors. LOL That is in itself good. If we were all the same it would be terribly boring.

Our unity is not in dogma or doctrine but in Jesus Christ and Him crucified.


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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Ted »


I wasn't going to respond in any detail but I feel I must to your last paragraph.

You are questioning the intelligence of millions of folks in this world past and present. Quite frankly that is offensive. It must be nice to think of oneself as having all the answers. After some 9 years in university the one thing I have learned is how little we humans really know or understand. Obviously I have nothing to teach you since you seem to know it all.

Blessings and peace.

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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by memebias »

You are questioning the intelligence of millions of folks in this world past and present.

No Ted, I am questioning the beliefs of millions of intelligent folks past and present. Big difference.

Quite frankly that is offensive. It must be nice to think of oneself as having all the answers.

As I've said before Ted, it's the religiously inclined who believe they have all the answers, I'm just questioning the validity of those answers.

And if you find people questioning your faith offensive, rather than an opportunity to publically defend your faith based position in friendly open debate, then maybe your faith isn't built on the solid foundations you seem to think it is.

Obviously I have nothing to teach you since you seem to know it all.

I'm always willing to review my opinion on any subject Ted, because I am well aware I don't know it all. And as I've no dogmatic position to maintain, I'm also quite willing to listen to anything you think you can teach me on the subject of the validity and truth of your religion.

Let's see if you can do so without recourse to words and phrases such as "faith", "belief", or "inner feelings".

Blessings and peace.

Thank you Ted, much appreciated.
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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Ted wrote: Bryn Mawr:-6

Personally I find the expression "damned Catholics" offensive. I may disagree with the Catholic Church on many issues but would not refer to "damned Catholics".

It was not my intention to offend and I appologise for doing so.

As per the smily, it was not intended to be take literally
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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Ted »


So you say.

Tell me have you burned any churches lately? I would indeed be careful how you answer.


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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Ted »


You certainly are entitled to your opinion. I do not agree and that has not been my experience.


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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Accountable »

sixyearsleft wrote: Ted,

If your actions are free from cruelty, and your soul can take on the plite of others,

so go you,

I don't understand this phrase.
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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by OpenMind »

Accountable wrote: I don't understand this phrase.

I believe that the word he meant to use is 'plight'. To shoulder the burdens of others less fortunate would be the context.
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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by spot »

OpenMind wrote: I believe that the word he meant to use is 'plight'. To shoulder the burdens of others less fortunate would be the context.I managed that - it was the "so go you" that threw me.
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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by OpenMind »

spot wrote: I managed that - it was the "so go you" that threw me.

That went so far over my head, I didn't even see it.:-2 :D

(Or did it dash between my legs?)
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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Ted »


That is my position and action in living. You too can follow the same path and perhaps you do. That I don't know.


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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Ted »


Thanks. However, I to am not perfect. It seems to be a human problem. We all make mistakes. It really is up to each of us to judge ourselves.

Sometimes I come on strongly too. It is a direct response to those who also come on that way. Damned difficult to follow our Lord in our journey but we work at it.


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Did Jesus keep the Law?

Post by Daniyal »

At this time I feel it quite nesessary to show you , How for years '' Christians '' Have propagated as Yashu'a's Law , Who you all refer to as Jesus Christian what they feel are Yashu'a's teaching

. It is obvious that they don't have a clear Overstanding to the question they are asked , So they figure they'll just tell them anything . Since Christians have propagated that Yashu'a is their '' Personal Savior '' , I want to known , If that's so , Then why don't they follow the same laws that Yashu'a followed ?

For example ; You don't find Christians dressing like Yashu'a ( Jesus ) dressed in his times ! And they know how he dressed , Don't let them fool you . They read about it every day or every sunday or every friday depending on their Beliefs , When they read their Bibles , In Revelation 3 ; 5 , 4 ; 4 , 6 ; 11 . They know because you find them wearning White for their Baptism Ceremonies , You also find them wearing The Veil when they are getting married . Most of their pictures of Yashu'a show him waering a Long White Gown . Read these quots and tell me they don't know , or are they just too lazy to follow all of Yashu'a's

Revelation 3 ; 5 ( Modern Greek Script ) And I Quote ; As For Him Who Overcomes And Repents , So Surely He Will Be Dressed In White Outer Garments And I , Will Not Remove His Name From The Scroll Of Life . Rather , I Will Confess And Speak Up For His Name Before My Patayr ( Adopted ) Father And Before His Agelos ,

Revelation 4 ; 4 ( Modern Greek Script ) And I Quote ; And All Around The Throne Were 24 Thrones ; And I Saw 24 Elder Stitting , Clothed In White Outer Garments ; On Their Head Crown Of Gold .

Christians don't even receive their Circumcision properly like Yashu'a did ! ( Luke 2 ; 21 ) .

Luke 2 ; 21 ( Modern Greek Script ) And I Quote ; And When Eight Days Were Accomplished For The Circumcising Of The Child . His Name Was Called Yashu'a , Which Was The Name Give By The Messenger Before He Was Conceived In The Womb .

Why don't the Christians practice The Sabbath on the same day such as Jesus did , If they say they follow his laws ? And you know they know because The Seven Day Adventists And The Jehovah's Witnesses do ( Mark 2 ; 27 ) . Christians don't pray like Yashu'a ( Jesus ) prayed . You know what get me , And I want to ask you . Why is The Pope always seen prostrating ? ( Matthew 14 ; 23 , 26 ; 39 ) .

Matthew 14 ; 23 ( Modern Greek Script ) And I Quote ; And When He Had Sent Away The Multitudes , He Went Into A Mountain On His Own To Pray ; But When The Evening Came To Pass , He Was There Alone .

So Im just asking . What laws are the Christian following ? Why don't they follow them laws that Jesus followed . When they say they follow Jesus footsteps and are waiting for return someday ? During the time of Yashu'a ( Jesus ) . The Children of Israel had strayed far , Far away from the laws that Thoth - Mose ( Moses ) , Son of Amram and Jochebed , Taught and followed . He was the one sent to deliver The Children of Israel from the land of Tama - Ra ( Egypt ) .. ( In Which They Were In Captivity For Over 430 Years ( Exodus 12 ; 40 ) . Remember the twelve tribes were brought into the land of Tama - Ra ( Egypt ) by way of Joseph ( Son of Jacob By His Favorite Wife Rachel ) . ( Exodus 1 ; 5 - 7 ) . After Thutmose ( Moses ) Successfully released The Children of Israel out of Bondage , He was given a set of Laws , Commandment , And tablets so that The Children of Israel could obey his instructions .

Exodus 24 ; 12 ( Modern Hebrew Script ) And I Quote ; And A Yahuwa Said To Moses Come Up To Me In To Har The Mountain , And Be There ; And I Will Give You 'Tablets Of 'Stone ' , And A Torah Law , And '' Commandments Which I Have Inscribed ; That You May 'Teach ' Them .

Thutmose ( Moses ) received his scriptures in portions ; They are ofyen referred to as '' Pentateuch ''

What Is The Meaning Of The Word '' Pentateuch ? Derived from The Greek for '' Five Scrolls '' , This term applies collectively to the first ( Five Books Of The Old Tesament ; Genesis Completed In ( 1512 B.C.E. ) / Exodus Completed In ( 1512 B.C.E. ) / Leviticus Completed In ( 1512 B.C.E. ) / Numbers Completed In ( 1473 B.C.E. ) / Deuteronomy Completed In ( 1473 B.C.E. ) ..

What Are The Arabic And Hebrew Names For These Books ? In Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) these books are referred to as At Tawraah - arabic - . This word originates from The Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) root word '' Wara'a - arabic - And its meaning may be expressed in the well known saying '' Seeing Is Believe '' . The ( Aramic ) Hebrew name for these books is '' Torah - aramic - Which means '' Law '' Or '' Teaching '' In the sense of divine instruction . Many people think that The Old Testament consists of 39 books , However , The Torah that was inspired to Thutmose ( Moses ) only consisted of five books ; Genesis , Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers and Deuteronomy .

The Book Of Genesis ~ Which mean '' Origin '' Was given to Thutmose ( Moses ) at the age of 80 in the wilderness , In 1512 B.C.E. This book contains the account of man's creation , The great flood of Utnafistim ( Noah ) , Son of Lamech , Time and a large record of the early history of those chosen family . This book covers the lives of men from the line of Kadmon ( Adam ) 4026 - 3096 B.C.E. Down to Joseph 1818 - 1708 B.C.E. The son of Jacob 1918 - 1771 B.C.E.

The Book Of Exodus ~ The second of the five books of The Torah was called '' Exodus '' Which Thutmose ( Moses ) received in Syriac ( Ancient ) Arabic and Hebrew in the wilderness in 1512 B.C.E. Exodus Means '' Going Forth '' . This book entails recording of the history of The Children of Israel and their journey to The Land of Canaan under the leadership of Thutmose ( Moses ) .

The Book Of Leviticus ~ The next book Thutmose ( Moses ) received was The Book Of Leviticus Meaning '' The Law '' Thutmose ( Moses ) received this book in the wilderness in 1512 B.C.E. This book entails The Laws Concerning Morals , Cleanliness , Dietary Habits , Etc . For more information on The Book Of Leviticus , ( Refer To '' Leviticus ) .

The Book Of Numbers ; The fourth of the five books of the torah is called Numbers Meaning '' Counting The People '' . This revelation was received by Thutmose ( Moses ) In Syriac Arabic , In the plains of Moab in 1473 B.C.E. This book contains the accounts of The Pilgrimage Of The Children of Israel and their forty years wandering in the wilderness . For more information on The Book Of Number , ( Refer To '' Introduction To Number ) .

The Book Of Deuteronomy ~ Last , The Book Of Deuteronomy which literally mean '' The Repetition Of The Law '' . This book was also given to Thutmose ( Moses ) In Syriac Arabic in the plains of Moab during 1473 B.C.E. This book contains accounts of the end of Thutmose ( Moses ) days with the rebellious Israelites and the beginning of their destruction . With these books , Besides the details of the life and action of the messengers , Starting from Kadmon ( Adam ) and ending with The Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad , They contained codes of laws that were given to Thutmose ( Moses ) for the ordering of the common life . This is why when you read the books ; Mainly the four Gospels ( Matthew , Mark , Luke and John ) , You will frequently see Yashua ( Jesus ) . Referring to the laws of old brought by Thutmose ( Moses ) .

Luke 24 ; 44 ( Modern Greek Script ) And I Quote ; But He Said To Them , These Are The Word Which I Spoke To You , While I Was Yet With You , That All Things Must Be Fulfilled , Which Are Written In The Law Of Moses , And In The Prophets , And In The Psalms , Concerning Me .

John 1 ; 17 ( Modern Greek Script ) And I Quote ; The Torah Was Given By Way Of Moses , But Greace And Facts Was Given By Way Of The Messiah Yashua ( The Anointed Saviour ) . ;.... Also Read John 1 ; 45 ,

John 7 ; 23 ( Modern Greek Script ) And I Quote ; If A Human Being On The Sabbath Day Raeceive His Cirumcision , That The Law Of Moses Should Not Be Loosened ; Are You Angry At Me , Because I Have Made A Human Being Completely Sound On The Sabbath Day ? ''

What Is The Meaning Of The Word '' Law '' ? According to '' The American Heritage Dictionary '' The word '' Law '' Is defined as ; 1 . A Rule Of Conduct Or Procedure Established By Custom , Agreement , Or Authority . 2 A . The Body Of Rules And Principles Governing The Affairs Of A Community And Enforced By A Political Authority .

The Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) word for Law is Shari 'ah - arabic - Which means ; '' A Rule Established By Authority ; Society Or Custom 2 . A Code Of Ethics Or Behavior , '' This word takes it's root from ; Shata'a - arabic - Meaning to introduce , Enact , Prescribe , Give , Make Laws .

The Aramic / Hebrew word for Law is ; '' Towrah '' or '' Torah '' - aramic - These letters are equivalent to Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) word Wariyya - arabic - When mean '' A View '' . In Greek , The word for Law is ; Nomos '' .

What Is The Difference Between Laws And Commandments ? As mentioned previously the word for Laws in Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) is '' Shari'ah '' - arabic - The word for Commandment is '' Wasiah '' - arabic - And means Direction , Istruction , Injunction , Order '' . Many times throughout the scriptures you will see a distinction being made between a '' Law '' And a '' Commandment '' . Take a look at ( Exodus 24 ; 12 ) .

Exodus 24 ; 12 ( Modern Hebrew Script ) And I Quote ; And A Yahuwa Said To Moses Come Up To Me In To Har The Mountain , And Be There ; And I Will Give You 'Tablets Of 'Stone ' , And A Torah Law , And '' Commandments Which I Have Inscribed ; That You May 'Teach ' Them .

As you can see Yahuwa made a distinction between Law , Commandment and stone tablet . ( The Commandment Is What Is Asked Of You ) . For instance the first Commandment that was given to man , Kadmon ( Adam ) , Was Not To Partake Of The Tree Of The Knowldge Of Good And Evil .

Genesis 2 ; 17 ( Modern Hebrew Script ) And I Quote ; However , Of That Special Tree Of Hallucination That Is In The Center You Are Not To Eat From It , For In The Very Same Day You Eat From It You Will Be Destined To Die .

This was the first Commandment given to man . This was '' Asked '' of him . because man violated this Commandment , He was punished for this action , And was expelled from the delight and his gift of evertlasting life was revoked . As time went on , Man was given a second chance by Yahuwa to amend for his sins and if he obeyed , Then he would inherit his right back to the enclosed garden of delight ( Commonly Known Today As '' Heaven '' Or '' Paradise '' ) . However , Man continued disobeying his Commandmenta until man became so displeaseing in the eyes of Yahuwa , That he destroyed the entrie population by water ( Known To Many As The Great Flood Or Deluge ) During The Time Of Utnafishtim ( Noah ) Son Of Lamech And Kamiylah .

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