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Bryn Mawr
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More on Saudi Rape Victim

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Peg;725593 wrote: I'm rather curious how she came up with these statistics if the rapes weren't reported.

Usually as a result of confidential surveys of a random sample of the population.
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More on Saudi Rape Victim

Post by RedGlitter »

Reality also says there are a great deal of women who are NOT victimized by police or doctors when they report a rape. Let's not paint it worse than it is. As far as I am concerned, although I understand why a person would want to keep quiet about it, doing so is a cop-out. It's a crime and unless you have Mafia type connections to rectify the situation, it warrants reporting.
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More on Saudi Rape Victim

Post by RedGlitter »

I'm getting the impression that we're supposed to automatically believe a rape victim because she's a woman and she claims it happened. There are reasons for prosecution and cross examining. Some woman lie. That's a fact. Many or maybe even most, do not but like any crime you have to go through the standard rigamarole and that's just how it is. That is no excuse for not doing it so it doesn't happen to some other woman.
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More on Saudi Rape Victim

Post by RedGlitter »

koan;725330 wrote: Where do you find evidence that it is a religious or cultural law?

In Africa, where it is more prevalent, they have started passing laws to ban it.

The fact that it's the same as footbinding was in the former centuries, and that one will be ostracized without succumbing makes it effectually, a law. Not in the legal sense but in the sense that it is natural rule.

The practice predates Islam, has been practiced by a wide range of cultural groups including Christians and a Jewish sect, has been given many reasons, one of them being for sanitary issues. Male genital mutilation is done for much the same reasons. The people I know who have had their sons mutilated gave the reason being that they wanted them to look the same as their father... purely aesthetic.

Surely you do not actually believe cutting out a labia and clitoris makes a woman's punani more sanitary?! I hope I have misunderstood you. Same with men. It doesn't matter what sect or culture does it, including Americans, it is abhorrent and invasive as well as ignorant and done in ignorance evidently.

Is there some cause fighting to stop male genital mutilation in all parts of the world?

I don't know about other parts of the world but I do know there is a serious effort being made in America to stop male circumcision.

My roommate, when in Africa, was asked to video record the mutilation of one of the boys at his coming of age circumcision. The family and the boy being mutilated thought of it as a very proud moment. During and after the procedure, the boy had to sit and show no pain and allow people to touch his bleeding appendage.

I find that repugnant.

My friend was horrified watching it but said nothing as he realised that it was a very important ceremony that everyone was pleased about. I would likely have filmed it for them as well even though, if I had a son, I wouldn't have wanted him to go through the same thing.

Personally, there are other causes I devote my time to. I am against any form of unnecessary surgery, including hysterectomies that are performed in large quantities without sufficient reason. I have so far not joined any group of people campaigning against doctors or circumcision of either gender.

Thank you for finally answering my question.

It's nice to be open minded. But in cases like the one you described above I think it's perfectly fine to call something out as wrong if that's how you see it. If it were done to an adult I would say little. But brainwash a child or teenager into thinking that's a good thing to do and then do it possibly against his will is wrong. Maybe your boy above didn't mind it. But I will bet there are many more who do.
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More on Saudi Rape Victim

Post by spot »

RedGlitter;725687 wrote: If it were done to an adult I would say little. But brainwash a child or teenager into thinking that's a good thing to do and then do it possibly against his will is wrong. Maybe your boy above didn't mind it. But I will bet there are many more who do.O may be completely confused here but I understood that over half the male population of the USA has been treated this way, mostly in early life, and that it's affected around 30% of the male population of the planet. What am I misreading?
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More on Saudi Rape Victim

Post by RedGlitter »

spot;725693 wrote: O may be completely confused here but I understood that over half the male population of the USA has been treated this way, mostly in early life, and that it's affected around 30% of the male population of the planet. What am I misreading?

I'm not sure Spot; what are you confused about?
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More on Saudi Rape Victim

Post by koan »

RedGlitter;725679 wrote: I'm getting the impression that we're supposed to automatically believe a rape victim because she's a woman and she claims it happened. There are reasons for prosecution and cross examining. Some woman lie. That's a fact. Many or maybe even most, do not but like any crime you have to go through the standard rigamarole and that's just how it is. That is no excuse for not doing it so it doesn't happen to some other woman.

This is rich coming from someone who cares about dogs more than people.

I recently listened to a woman telling me about a policeman telling her to stop calling them, they lost her rape kit and evidence that she was administered the date rape drug. In the USA. Rape victims deal with enough guilt already without your judgment heaped on them. You show a complete lack of understanding for what a rape victim goes through yet seem to think you are more compassionate. I've said what I need to say here.
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More on Saudi Rape Victim

Post by Sheryl »

I think this thread would be more productive with out the personal jabs!
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More on Saudi Rape Victim

Post by RedGlitter »

koan;725708 wrote: This is rich coming from someone who cares about dogs more than people.

I recently listened to a woman telling me about a policeman telling her to stop calling them, they lost her rape kit and evidence that she was administered the date rape drug. In the USA. Rape victims deal with enough guilt already without your judgment heaped on them. You show a complete lack of understanding for what a rape victim goes through yet seem to think you are more compassionate. I've said what I need to say here.

First, your opening remark is smartassedness and therefore discounted. Second, I've listened to you **** and moan about your personal knowledge as if no one else has any of their own and I've also listened to your general misinformation about victimhood. My best friend was raped at 18 in the park while taking a shortcut home. She reported it. The SOB went on to rape again and in part because of my friend, was finally caught, convicted and imprisoned.

Koan, you're whining. That's what it amounts to. Boo hoo, poor me, poor victims, the cops all suck and nobody else understands. Give it a rest. And next time we interact, try a little harder to leave the jabs out of it. I do care more for dogs than people. Do you have some sort of issue with this fact that does not even concern you?
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