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Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:41 pm
by Snowfire
Wow ! Just when you think you have enough on your plate, along comes another helping. Me too, my condolences

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:54 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1425252 wrote: A phonecall at 5.30 am this morning told me my brother ,junior by four years, had died following a heart attack.

This evening his daughter tearfully told me how sorry she was that his demise might hinder my situation.

Now that is a funny emotion to handle. So sorry for your loss.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:48 pm
by Accountable
Bruv;1425252 wrote: A phonecall at 5.30 am this morning told me my brother ,junior by four years, had died following a heart attack.

This evening his daughter tearfully told me how sorry she was that his demise might hinder my situation.

Now that is a funny emotion to handle.
Whoa. Kinda like getting hit in the gut while swimming ... under water.

Condolences, friend.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:09 am
by Bruv
This could be MY annus horribulous, if the Queen can have a bad can I.

And as a final kick in the teeth JLS is splitting up (You have to laugh......don't you)

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:04 am
by theia
I feel like appealing to the "powers that be" and telling them to leave our Bruv alone...sending you my sincere condolences, Bruv.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:38 pm
by AnneBoleyn
Bruv, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. His daughter sounds like a loving, caring person. You are in my thoughts every day.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:16 pm
by Betty Boop
theia;1425292 wrote: I feel like appealing to the "powers that be" and telling them to leave our Bruv alone...sending you my sincere condolences, Bruv.

Echoed by me, I wrote Bruv c/o Forumgarden in our healing book at church tonight so lots of healing will be sent your way to give you strength. :-4

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:45 am
by Bruv
I can only thank you all for your good wishes, and thanks for thinking about me when away from the PC

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:49 am
by Bruv
I am about to start the premeds............. Moviprep, sounds really delicious doesn't it.

I have took Theia at face value concerning writing about it all, I started a Blog here.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:25 pm
by Snooz
I always wondered about the name "movieprep"... is it because it cleans out your bowels in preparation for putting the camera up your butt? I hope you get a copy and post it to youtube.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:38 pm
by Bruv
I thought it was a film about US colleges.

It very definitely clears you out, I can vouch for I go again.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:49 pm
by Snooz
All right Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:49 pm
by Accountable
Bruv;1425718 wrote: I thought it was a film about US colleges.

It very definitely clears you out, I can vouch for I go again.

Been there. When I had to get "cleansed" for my colonoscopy I put ice in the sink to keep the drink cool and put my laptop on a tv table to watch a movie ... or two.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:12 pm
by Bruv
I am now an empty vessel.

I am going to premix tonight and put it in the fridge for tomorrow morning.

I did a lot better tonight than the last time, swallowed half of it in one go.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:02 pm
by Accountable
:yh_sweat :wah: I love your writing style.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:50 pm
by Bruv
Accountable;1425736 wrote: :yh_sweat :wah: I love your writing style.

I have style ? I am well chuffed.

This mornings batch of vile stuff is nearly finished, less than a quarter to go (think I slipped into American spelling there) It hasn't kicked in yet, but I am sure it will and soon.

Spoke too soon byee.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:12 am
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1425740 wrote: I have style ? I am well chuffed.

This mornings batch of vile stuff is nearly finished, less than a quarter to go (think I slipped into American spelling there) It hasn't kicked in yet, but I am sure it will and soon.

Spoke too soon byee.

Just concentrate on that lovely full English Breakfast you can have when It's all over.

Frenchay hospital has a resturant In the grounds and that's the first place I head when my procedure's are finished.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 5:14 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Bruv;1425099 wrote: Update......

Got a phone call this morning, they have brought the op forward from 3rd May to 30 April.

Some thing tells me it is essential to get it done quickly.........or they had a cancellation.

Im opting for the cancellation

What! I come back only to find I'm too late to wish you luck - I'd best get to the back of the thread quickly to find out how it went!

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 5:17 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Bruv;1425252 wrote: A phonecall at 5.30 am this morning told me my brother ,junior by four years, had died following a heart attack.

This evening his daughter tearfully told me how sorry she was that his demise might hinder my situation.

Now that is a funny emotion to handle.

Oh Jasus - that is not right at all.

Condolences to you and the family.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 5:52 am
by Bruv
I have just hobbled from the hospital to the car, then from the car to my house, basically I am home and fit and well if aching a be honest aching a lot, but it all went as it I am well, and thats the main thing.

To be honest I don't own a laptop, and everybody that promised one never came across, but I don't think there would have been many visits here anyway, I am doing this under extreme protest from my everloving wife as it is.

I will be back I will give a full and detailed run through of every unsavoury detail and my opinions about our marvelous health service (Don't you feel jealous already you Americans?)

Might be back later after a sleep maybe not.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:05 am
by Accountable
Glad you made it through. Glad to have you back.

Take your time. The world stopped while you were gone so you didn't miss nuthin.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:16 am
by Oscar Namechange
Get plenty of rest first. The anesthetic can linger for a while and make you sleepy for a few days. Eat little and often to keep your strength up. Glad you are safely home and yeah, you can't knock the health service.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:06 am
by Týr
I'm delighted to see your return, that was a long moment of suspense.

You do have a digital camera, I hope. Your report is eagerly awaited.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:31 am
by theia
Good to have you back, Bruv :-6

I read your blog and wanted to respond but got myself in a right kerfuffle trying to register...nothing new there

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:49 am
by Accountable
Ooooo. Kerfuffle. Good word. :yh_clap

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:53 am
by theia
Accountable;1426132 wrote: Ooooo. Kerfuffle. Good word. :yh_clap

Isn't it just, Acc :-4

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:58 am
by Oscar Namechange
Accountable;1426132 wrote: Ooooo. Kerfuffle. Good word. :yh_clap When combined with Discombobulated' It's even better.

English people like nothing more than a discombobulated kerfuffle.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:03 pm
by Bruv
Thankyou thankyou thankyou.......I shall copy my officail relase notes, means not a lot to me, most of it anyway, except the bit about vomiting, I remeber that very well.

Then I am away again, maybe able to give pictures of the scar especially for Tyre or whatever his name these days.

Patient attended for elective anterior resection. Side to side anastomosis with CD 29. Patient post op day 2 had vomiting and abdominal pain. This was relieved with NG tube which was removed day 3. Patient went for gastrograffin enema which demonstrated no large leak. Patient was monitored and continued with physio. Referred to MDM for further discussion post-operatively. Patient discharged home with simple analgesia and follow up appointment.

The medics amongst you will understand, the ex patients might know the other's will get a blow by blow suck by suck insight from the 'Patient' soon.............................I do need my rest right now.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 4:43 pm
by LarsMac
Glad to see you back in one piece (relatively speaking) and of sound mind.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 4:49 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1426179 wrote: Thankyou thankyou thankyou.......I shall copy my officail relase notes, means not a lot to me, most of it anyway, except the bit about vomiting, I remeber that very well.

Then I am away again, maybe able to give pictures of the scar especially for Tyre or whatever his name these days.

Patient attended for elective anterior resection. Side to side anastomosis with CD 29. Patient post op day 2 had vomiting and abdominal pain. This was relieved with NG tube which was removed day 3. Patient went for gastrograffin enema which demonstrated no large leak. Patient was monitored and continued with physio. Referred to MDM for further discussion post-operatively. Patient discharged home with simple analgesia and follow up appointment.

The medics amongst you will understand, the ex patients might know the other's will get a blow by blow suck by suck insight from the 'Patient' soon.............................I do need my rest right now.

I am no expert but as an e patient, I loosely understand that.

It appears everything went according to plan. If there were any unusual abnormalities found, your report would have stated so. It appears to be rather routine. Simple pain relief and follow up appointment means it went well. Good show.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:03 am
by tabby
Bruv, hopefully your operation was every bit as successful as Teddy's!

Don't watch if you're squeamish ... it's not real but still kinda gruesome if you don't like medical procedures & knives. I would hate to be responsible for psychologically damaging someone!

You can't be too careful with the crotch unicorn!

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:29 am
by Bruv
I believe my crotch unicorn was intact ........thankfully.

Who is that targetted at? It could give kids nightmares, I will have to be rocked to sleep tonight after watching.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 2:54 pm
by AnneBoleyn
Good Gawd Tabbbbeeeeee!

The voice sounded like the spokesman for the Man-Boy Love Association!

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 3:24 pm
by tabby
lol ... does it??? Well no wonder poor Bruv won't sleep well tonight!! :yh_ooooo

I thought it sounded a little like a weird Vincent Price ... in case he isn't weird enough!

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 4:16 pm
by Bruv
I was disappointed I didn't get to count down from ten, I feel cheated.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:33 am
by tabby

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:07 am
by Bruv
OK .....that is

I suppose I should give an update on my trials.

My recovery continues well, I think I thought it was over too early, and didn't rest as much as I should have done.

Now I continue to be tired but it is getting better every day.

The wounds have all healed well, the pain has all but stopped thankfully.

My bowels are working properly............too much information ?

I have an appointment this coming Saturday for a CT scan, following the bone marrow sample given earlier, and then it's the 17th for the next stage of treatment for the Lymphoma.

My Blog is here......very amatuerish, just like me.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:51 pm
by Accountable
Bruv;1428834 wrote: OK .....that is I can relate.

Glad you're doing better.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:47 pm
by Oscar Namechange
I'm waiting

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:10 pm
by Bruv
I have just spent two weeks north of the border, most of it was fine, until the going away meal.

I had a Chinese in Edinburgh last Tuesday before boarding the plane, worked Wednesday and Thursday, leaving early with some urgency, spent the rest of the day and Friday on and off the *cough* facilities.....WC.

Saturday morning felt the need to phone 111 National Health Direct, and got an appointment at 2.00 at my local Hospital. The Doctor suggested I see a Medical Doctor (Not sure what that meant) so he sent me with a letter to A&E, where I sat patiently (cause I was a patient) until 4.00 when I told the nice nurse that I could see they were busy and I would visit my GP on the Monday. Aghast she said that was not wise, and because I thought she liked me she arranged for me to see a Doctor on the Ward. I sat on a bed in a ward that was like One flew over the cuckoos nest or Mash on a bad day.

One blind old bloke kept waving his walking stick about, obviously confused, he had drilled holes in it to thread a blue nylon string, so he could call it his bow. He often set off to leave, "Going to the police station" he said. Another chap opposite kept throwing his bedclothes off and shaking feebly tried to swing his legs off the bed to stand, he had no chance of making it. Another fellow stood away from his bed mid aisle and dropped his jamas, displaying his undercarriage. There was also a loud young chap that was obviously known by the nurses, he stated loudly he had tried to leave but "The Police wanted to arrest me if I leave here" his conversation told of his punching the walls as he "couldn't handle it again" He went walkabout to A&E and the nurses spoke of problems down there and police, the guys mother came looking for him, afraid he was bleeding again.

It wasn't till gone 8.00 that night they actually confirmed I was being admitted, or thought I was "When the Doctor has seen you"

I saw a Doctor at approximately 10.00.

I asked the nurses if I had to stay if it was possible to move somewhere away from here.

My wife rushed home for suitable nightware and I settled down with a drip and two beds away a fellow who kept up a barrage most of the night that went along the lines of "Brian let me speak to her please (LOUDER) Brian Please let me speak to her"

Then he asked the nurses to "Speak to me nurse please" and he wanted someone to lend him a pen, then for Brian to buy him a drink, then for Mary to lend him a pen "It's not asking too much is it?" .....on and on and on he went until at least 4.30am when I fell into a deep sleep..................until about 6.00 am when a pretty nurse woke me....for my stats.....or something.

About 8.30 an elder Doctor came and said I was free to go.......after the paper work was done.

I walked free at 10.00 am.

Yes illness is a bugger.......still recovering, but staying away from Hospitals.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:11 pm
by Bruv
oscar;1437420 wrote: I'm waiting

You call that waiting ?

You ever been in A&E on a Saturday evening ?

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:16 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1437425 wrote: You call that waiting ?

You ever been in A&E on a Saturday evening ? Never waited more than an hour... anyway... how are you then ?

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:19 pm
by Bruv
Getting over it.

Wasn't a good Chinese anyway.

I have on going bowel 'issues', my Doctor said today it's normal.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:16 pm
by Týr
I'll take care not to become ill in Scotland after reading that.

eta: okay, I re-red it and it wasn't a Scottish hospital. The lesson seems to be that I take care not to become ill at all.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:59 pm
by LarsMac
Týr;1437430 wrote: I'll take care not to become ill in Scotland after reading that.

eta: okay, I re-red it and it wasn't a Scottish hospital. The lesson seems to be that I take care not to become ill at all.

I would avoid the Chinese in Edinburgh, for a start.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:27 am
by Bruv
To be fair I don't think it was the Chinese, my daughter had no ill affects of course the Doctors should know best.

It was a buffet eat as much as you like type carry on, so we didn't eat the same stuff.

I have been having problems since the op, par for the course I have been told, my main concern was the frequency and sustained strain on my insides during this episode.

I still feel as if I have been violently and excessively ravaged intimately (Put that as politely as I could)

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:02 am
by Týr
Each day is, one hopes, an improvement on the last.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:08 am
by theia
I feel for you, Bruv. We have a patient in the room next to the ward station who repeats the same sentence constantly for an hour or so. Then she counts or recites the alphabet over and over again. The staff can go home after a shift but the inpatients can't. Our ward doctor thinks that the lady needs 24 hour companionship as she will hold a fairly reasonable conversation with us staff when we have 5 minutes to spare. But, sadly, she won't get that as she has no family around, and there is no money in the pot to employ a full time sitter.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:21 pm
by Bruv
Týr;1437450 wrote: Each day is, one hopes, an improvement on the last.

On the whole yes I think you are right, but I am too close to it all. I was told it might take 12 months it has only been 5 and I am impatient...................think I should heal as quick as a teenager....I dont.

Illness it's a bugger ennit ?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:35 pm
by Bruv
theia;1437454 wrote: I feel for you, Bruv. We have a patient in the room next to the ward station who repeats the same sentence constantly for an hour or so. Then she counts or recites the alphabet over and over again. The staff can go home after a shift but the inpatients can't. Our ward doctor thinks that the lady needs 24 hour companionship as she will hold a fairly reasonable conversation with us staff when we have 5 minutes to spare. But, sadly, she won't get that as she has no family around, and there is no money in the pot to employ a full time sitter.

The ward was the Clinical Diagnoses Unit, so a holding tank for any incoming questionable patients, so any waif and stray is held there until a placement can be found.

Many are in transit from or to special care units, many were elderly and confused, abandoned by family or at a crisis point in their lives.

It showed me a side of hospital life that I hadn't considered, and it worried me that such a mix could be thrown together overnight with the potential for a catastrophe.

I imagine this night was not a one off occurrance.

There should be a rapid response so that these unfortunates can be given the treatment they need in the correct facilities their conditions demand.