Friends Of Carol Part 1

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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Helen »

morning girls,

joan, hope you have a good day, looks like the weather will hold out for you. lovely place you're going to, not been there in a while.

well, got my revenge for being kept up by that rabble !!! they did it again last night but it didnt start til 3-30am. they woke me boss up too and he came up and gave em a right going over :wah:

it didnt take long for em to shut up. !!
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Carolly »

Helen;594716 wrote: morning girls,

joan, hope you have a good day, looks like the weather will hold out for you. lovely place you're going to, not been there in a while.

well, got my revenge for being kept up by that rabble !!! they did it again last night but it didnt start til 3-30am. they woke me boss up too and he came up and gave em a right going over :wah:

it didnt take long for em to shut up. !!
Oh gawd Helen tell yer mate Id bleedin have those little gits.......still lets see if the boss made any difference to them doing this in the future. Have a nice day babe and mine will be a nice piece of cod an chips.........oh and a rude comments pleaseeeee lol xx:wah: ;)
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Helen »

lol carol,

yes i do now what a wally is !!! disgustin yuuuuuuuuuukk !!!
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by kazalala »

you have probably all seen this ,,, but i love it!! awww:D

:yh_hugs Kaz.


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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by dubs »

Joannee;594671 wrote: Good Morning from Cornwall where it is a little cooler this morning.

That is not a bad working week Kaz lol.

Hello to our new friend Dubs, being nosey what part of Warwickshire do you come from?Helen make the most of the lull between now and the Spring break, Tony and I will be in Eastbourne then and will certainly have fish/chips while we are there,

the only difference now I think they are served in cartons not like the greaseproof paper and then wrapped in newspaper that I remember from my childhood.

Hi to Bryn and to anyone who follows.:-6

Hi Girls! Alright Joannee? I come from a village right at the tip of North Warwickshire, just short of the Staffordshire border! It's about four miles from Tamworth, and roughly twenty from Brum. I used to live t'other side of the Tamar, in Plymouth!......:)

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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Carolly »

dubs;594848 wrote: Hi Girls! Alright Joannee? I come from a village right at the tip of North Warwickshire, just short of the Staffordshire border! It's about four miles from Tamworth, and roughly twenty from Brum. I used to live t'other side of the Tamar, in Plymouth!......:)Hiya Dubs...... I had a terrible car accident on the M6 (poxy place lol) a few years ago approaching Brum...a flipping lorry went into me...........but thats another story.....................

I used to go to Stoke alot buying stock. Oh gawd I dont miss that journey, mind you the last time I went I took a different route and missed the M6.....a much better way. Hope your ok kid.

:guitarist ;)
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Carolly »

kazalala;594811 wrote: you have probably all seen this ,,, but i love it!! awww:D

:yh_hugs Kaz.Yes thats a great site Kaz and thanks for showing our friends here it.Hope your ok mate and not working toooooo right if!!!! xx:lips: :thinking:
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Carolly »

Joannee;594826 wrote: Hello friends, didn't make my trip to Looe today sensibility had to be the name of the game still plagued with this blasted chest infection, I have finished the antibiotics but it looks as if I will need another course.

Glad the boss chap sorted them out Helen nothing worse than sleepless nights with noise from inconsiderate people.

Hope you enjoyed your meet up with your friend Carol not forgetting the fish/chips

Thanks for the utube thingy Kaz.


Joan x:cool:The fish an chips were bleedin andsome (yes I know I forgot the h.....but sorry cockneys dont say it!!) but never got me wally......still we wont go into that as dont want to make our Helen ill!! So sorry you missed your trip Joan and I wish you better my love and a big warm cuddle to warm up the cockles of yer heart ((((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))))))).... there that better??? Ere Joan have you thought of rubbing Vic in??? Thats if his free of course!!!rofl xxxx;)
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Carolly »

Ok how about a laugh guys as theres enough gloom going on in the world, lets escape for awhile................There was a man who had worked all of his life, had saved all of his

money, and was a real miser when it came to his money. Just before he

died, he said to his wife, "When I die, I want you to take all my money

and put it in the casket with me. I want to take my money to the

afterlife with me."

And so he got his wife to promise him with all of her heart that when he

died, she would put all of the money in the casket with him.

Well, he died.

He was stretched out in the casket, his wife was sitting there in black,

and her friend was sitting next to her. When they finished the

ceremony,just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the

wife said, "Wait just a minute!"

She had a box with her; she came over with the box and put it in the

casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket down, and they rolled it


Her friend said, "I know you weren't fool enough to put all that money

in there with your husband."

The loyal wife replied "Listen, I'm a Christian; I can't go back On my

word. I promised him that I was going to put that money in that Casket

with him."

"You mean to tell me you put that money in the casket with him!!!!?" "I

sure did" said the wife. "I got it all together, put it into my account

and wrote him a cheque. If he can cash it, he can spend it." ...Boom Boom!!!:wah: :p ;)
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by G#Gill »


EARLY SIGNS OF GETTING OLD :yh_sad :yh_rotfl

You start calling your best friend of twenty five years "Thingy"

You discover that your car has mysteriously parked itself on the other side of the road.
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by G#Gill »


Well hello everybody, hope you've all had a good day, another sunny day (where I live anyway - Nottinghamshire). But I hope you didn't have to work too hard !:yh_rotfl

Carol I really do behave myself so zip it Mrs.!

Joan, Hi, I really did tell your bugs to take a hike - they're soooo disobedient !

Dubs, welcome to the thread ! We used to run a charter/trip boat called Tamar Belle on the River Trent at Nottingham a few years ago. This boat, a Dunkirk Little Ship, started her working life as a ferry boat on the River Tamar, then moved round to the Thames, then up to Nottingham ! She was built on the Isle of Wight by the same Company that built the Titanic, so we had to be careful not to make too much of a thing about the ice cubes on the bar! She left the Tamar River in the 1930s. And you Dubs, don't live a million miles away from me ! Welcome aboard Dubs !

Kaz, you ain't arf gorra good job there matey !

Bryn, Hi to you matey - xxx

Helen, I hate to say this - but I always thought a wally was another name for a pratt ! So tell me, what is the wally you're talkin about ?:yh_think

To anybody I've missed, hi, and I'm very sorry - you'll just have to come on the thread and tick me off !

Nite nite all, sleep tight, C U L8R :-4
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by dubs »

All the best folks come from the Midlands Gill! That's right ain't it bab..;) :wah:

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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by G#Gill »

:guitarist dubs;595076 wrote: All the best folks come from the Midlands Gill! That's right ain't it bab..;) :wah:

Of course they do Dubs - the quality shows ! And the best looking girls, I'm afraid, are found in Nottinghamshire ! Born and bred in Notts. - me !:yh_rotfl
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by dubs »

G#Gill;595106 wrote: :guitarist

Of course they do Dubs - the quality shows ! And the best looking girls, I'm afraid, are found in Nottinghamshire ! Born and bred in Notts. - me !:yh_rotfl

I ain't goin' to argue with that! I've had a few good nights out in Nottingham, in me time!.....:thinking: ......:wah:

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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Carolly »

Hiya Girlsxx oops sorry Bryn if your there lol

Its flipping 5am and Im wide awake after getting up early sooooooooo me finks me better go back to bed or Im gonna be like a walking zombie later...........Gill shut it!!!Oh and while we are on the subject a wally is a pickled cucumber lol apart as yes a pratt as you so nicely put it ...........oh you do have a way with words dearheart.

An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole, which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water, at the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.

After 2 years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."

The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?" "That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.

SO, to all of my crackpot friends, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path!
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Helen »

Carolly;595185 wrote: Hiya Girlsxx oops sorry Bryn if your there lol

Its flipping 5am and Im wide awake after getting up early sooooooooo me finks me better go back to bed or Im gonna be like a walking zombie later...........Gill shut it!!!Oh and while we are on the subject a wally is a pickled cucumber lol apart as yes a pratt as you so nicely put it ...........oh you do have a way with words dearheart.

An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole, which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water, at the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.

After 2 years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."

The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?" "That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.

SO, to all of my crackpot friends, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path!

carol mate , you're about as cracked as they come, to me you are anyway.:D

good mornin wotsit er thingy oh yeah gill pmsl

its a shame you couldnt have your day trip joan but better safe than sorry eh.

hello dubs nice to meet you.
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Helen »

got invited to play darts last night so thats why i wasnt on here. we got runners up and got a meal for two in the pub where we played, didnt get in til late.
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by G#Gill »


Mornin all ! EE EK IT'S ANOTHER LUVLY DAY - But I'm a bit worried about these temperatures - sposed to be April showers at the moment. These temperatures are too high for the time of year - what is it going to be like in June, July and August ? I don't do HOT, if I did do HOT I'd have been living in Spain or somewhere like that !

Hi Joan ! Just you look after yourself and do what Doc says - I had a very long 'do' with a chest infection which lasted several weeks, and I had to have a double go at the antibiotics, but they finally did for the infection.

Hi Dubsy xx

Hi Bryn xx

Helen, hi - this is er er um er um um G'day sport !

Carol - you've heard of 'Sod' and his perishin Law ? Well I've gotta go on a mission of mercy from 10.30 till 12 noon - didn't know about this till late last nite!

'Sod' you can take a hike an all mate !

C ya' all :-4

P.S. Where's our Kazababy ?
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Betty Boop »

Joannee;595202 wrote: Dubs you came from the Tamar area originally, I came from Solihull about twelve miles out of Brum so was there an exchange system going on at the time do you think??we moved to Cornwall in 1974,I think there is still some resentment to the emmets moving into tis county and I often wonder if anyone who has moved from the west country has experienced the same sort of thing, we have always met and made some really great friends and have never experienced any sort of resentment,but I know quite a few who have so maybe the problem could be with themselves.

Joan xx:wah:

I'm Cornish, and we do joke about emmets :lips: I guess we should be used to the fact that we get invaded every summer by now but never mind, us locals like to have a grumble about them, makes a change from talking about the weather.

Most of my friends down here have actually moved to Cornwall from elsewhere, at a quick count I think three of my friends are actually Cornish, the rest are immigrants ;)

From my own experience of waitressing a few summers ago I remember holiday makers complaining about the wait for meals, they'd be shown the big sign that said 'Everything here is freshly prepared, this is not a fast food joint, so sit back, relax and unwind, enjoy the view, you're on holiday!' Still didn't work for lots of people though, they just seem unable to relax and rude, well I won't start on that one, but they really treated waitresses like scum of the earth! :-2
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Helen »

hi betty,

im in cornwall too.the place where i work was once a hotel. my boss got really fed up with the damage, noise, being dragged out of bed at 3am in the morning when they forgot their keys. when it came to cleaning the rooms, we'd find roads signs, traffic cones, plant pots. broken furniture and even big holes gouged into the walls and doors ( one of which had a dead dogfish dropped in it )which we didnt find for three days !! phewey.

so they have gone for a complete turn about and its now a fish and chip shop / cafe. ok, the hours arent as long but the work is just as hard and we get moaners about waitng times and its always the men that moan.

what we have to remember is that they pay our wages so for the summer season we just grin and bear it.:-5
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Betty Boop »

Helen;595237 wrote: hi betty,

im in cornwall too.the place where i work was once a hotel. my boss got really fed up with the damage, noise, being dragged out of bed at 3am in the morning when they forgot their keys. when it came to cleaning the rooms, we'd find roads signs, traffic cones, plant pots. broken furniture and even big holes gouged into the walls and doors ( one of which had a dead dogfish dropped in it )which we didnt find for three days !! phewey.

so they have gone for a complete turn about and its now a fish and chip shop / cafe. ok, the hours arent as long but the work is just as hard and we get moaners about waitng times and its always the men that moan.

what we have to remember is that they pay our wages so for the summer season we just grin and bear it.:-5

Yep, grin and bear it! :D Don't even get me started on the gridlock on the roads, people with big flash cars and 4 x 4's should leave the damn things home because they can't reverse and don't know the width of their cars in narrow lanes. Mousehole is an absolute delight at this time of year! :rolleyes:
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by kazalala »

Hi all xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sorry i not been around much, didnt have a very good weekend:-1 , then work on Monday, then the Virgin Media man finally came on Tuesday to put me new modem in.

I have just dyed me hair so gonna go dry it (if i can find me brush!). be back soon.



In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Carolly »

Morning Campers lol.

Hope yer hair comes out ok sorry didn't mean that to sound nasty pmsl xx

Joan ye looks like yer getting back to normal.......thats have been through it Mrs (((((((((((hug)))))))))))) xx

Helen whose a bleedin crackpot?????MEEEEEEEEEEEEE.........NEVER!!! (Dunno what shes talking about!!!!) Hope to catch up with you maybe tomorrow morning as im tied up for most of the day and night now (now get rid of that naughty grin as I mean doing things ok!!) but if I can get back on here later this afternoon I will. Ere them fish an chips I had yesterday was bloody andsome and we sat and ate them in such lovely surroundings............over looking flipping Asda, now is that romantic or what!!! I know now what most householders in Chelmsford have in their cupboards !!! lolxx:-6 :p ;)
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Carolly »

Betty Boop;595249 wrote: Yep, grin and bear it! :D Don't even get me started on the gridlock on the roads, people with big flash cars and 4 x 4's should leave the damn things home because they can't reverse and don't know the width of their cars in narrow lanes. Mousehole is an absolute delight at this time of year! :rolleyes:
Betty erm I dont know how to say this babe but I will try........................ I have a 4x4 BUT it it aint a great big one an being a cab driver once Im an awful good driver...............honest!!!!!Anddddddddddd I live in the country and I need it and now fanks to HRH Blair my road tax is gonna be 400 quid so Im paying for the fact that I need a 4x4. Also due to something that happened 3 years ago which wasted my muscles away and I had to learn to walk again I need a high car to get in and out without to much discomfort, so hope Im forgiven!!Good to have you herex;) :cool:
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Carolly »

Hiya Gilly baby sorry you had to do whatever lol.Opps just seen you come on MSN so I will see you soon lol!!!xx:driving: :guitarist :p
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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by kazalala »

Hi Carolxxxx

Well my hair turned out ok thank you!:rolleyes: But i cant find me brush!!:-5 Just dryed it anyway and am now off to straighten it, and when im finished it will look bloody beautiful ( as usual:wah: )

Might have a wander along the beach later with hubs, then i have to go to a boring meeting tonight, (yes football :p ).

have a good day everyone and take care.

Kaz xxxxxxxxxxx


In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

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Friends Of Carol Part 1

Post by Betty Boop »

Carolly;595260 wrote: Betty erm I dont know how to say this babe but I will try........................ I have a 4x4 BUT it it aint a great big one an being a cab driver once Im an awful good driver...............honest!!!!!Anddddddddddd I live in the country and I need it and now fanks to HRH Blair my road tax is gonna be 400 quid so Im paying for the fact that I need a 4x4. Also due to something that happened 3 years ago which wasted my muscles away and I had to learn to walk again I need a high car to get in and out without to much discomfort, so hope Im forgiven!!Good to have you herex;) :cool:

I used to drive a Disco, my sister drives an X5, I'm not against 4 x 4's, just people with 'big' flash cars who can't then drive them around our narrow country lanes!! :D
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Post by dubs »

Joannee;595202 wrote: Hello to all my friends.

Great story Carol, how are the dawgs ? my little darling is having his grooming again next Tuesday, not before time being so low from the ground his belly is always black from running through the muddy stuff down at the duckpond, wash him off one day just as bad the

Gill I think the only answer is to get rid of these blasted bugs is to send a terrier down after them.

Small world Tony's parents came from Nottingham well Mansfield actually, never realised you were a Midlander too like wot I are !!

Dubs you came from the Tamar area originally, I came from Solihull about twelve miles out of Brum so was there an exchange system going on at the time do you think??we moved to Cornwall in 1974,I think there is still some resentment to the emmets moving into tis county and I often wonder if anyone who has moved from the west country has experienced the same sort of thing, we have always met and made some really great friends and have never experienced any sort of resentment,but I know quite a few who have so maybe the problem could be with themselves.

Girls I have just realised I must be feeling better I have started my nattering again, hope Helen and all of our other friends are o.k.


Joan xx:wah:

No love! I'm a Midlander born and bred(born in Nuneaton)I just worked down there for a number of years, came back here about 3 years ago! Solihull! OOH! Posh folks come from Solihull ;)

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Post by Helen »

gill tried to send you mail on here this morning but it wouldnt have it:-5 nothing important though. c ya later xx
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Post by G#Gill »


AW Helen, I wonder why that was :yh_questn I'll try to catch you tonight:) I've been out most of the day, popped in briefly late lunch, then out again ! In out in out - bit like a rower or something !:yh_rotfl
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Post by G#Gill »


Two years ago we went to our local RSPCA shelter and chose a dog - we'd had dogs virtually all our married life, and all but the first (5 including our latest Rex) were 'rescue' dogs. We had been so upset with the passing of 'Lady' (an alsatian - honey coloured, black muzzle) in her 16th year, that we had been dogless for over a year. But the house seemed 'empty' without a dog. When we chose Rex, it was a little risky - he was 8 years old and an alsatian. I looked at his eyes, and they were what I would call a 'kind' eye, and we thought 'who would adopt him at his age'? So we did, okay we may only have him for a few years, but he'll be loved and looked after, and have lots of TLC.

He settled in very well, very quickly, and we soon realised that he had accepted us as his new pack and he was lowest in the pecking order - but we knew that he would lay his life on the line for us.

Over time, various little foibles have become apparent. He has a soft toy, a Garfield cat, which he adores - but he does let us pick it up with no problems.

But if he sees a cat slinking by the fence he'll grab poor Garfield and rumbling deep down in his 'boots' shakes the poor thing violently! If somebody 'breaks wind' audibly in the sitting room Rex gives ME (I'm innocent!) a most reproachful look, grabs Garfield and stomps out of the room ! I'm afraid he has us in fits ! The sitting room is the only place he reacts like this ! Odd isn't it ? What upsets me and makes the others roar with laughter is his accusing glower at ME, when it ain't me that's done it ! There are all sorts of little things he does, which crack us up - he's an absolute gem, and we love him dearly.

I thought I'd share that with you, and I apologise to any of you who may think that talking about 'effervescent reverberations of audible proportions' is not the done thing !:wah:
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Post by kazalala »

HI Gill:D Love your dog:wah: Guess what i never went to that meeting:wah:

me and hubs had a nice walk along the seafront, then we stopped for a pint,, then we went to a pub for our tea, a lovely carvery which i was ready for as i had only had a banana all day! Then we came home and got a taxi to a closish pub (i know lazy) had a few more drinks,, and then home! Much better than a boring old meeting lol.

Kisses ....... Kaz.


In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

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Post by G#Gill »


Another hilarious activity our Rex dog engages in is telling us very vocaly that the phone is ringing. That is if we're not quick enough to pick up the receiver by the second ring ! Sometimes, when we're not quick enough - he's just taken a very deep breath and as we pick up the receiver he lets out the most loud and plaintiff howl which goes on and on ( he must have enormous lung capacity !). So far the reactions from the callers have been varied - hysterical laughter, gobsmacked silence, and "what the hell is that ?" - all while whoever answers the phone is trying to apologise for the dog howls !

And I'm afraid there's more.................................... another time !:yh_wink
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Post by G#Gill »

kazalala;595518 wrote: HI Gill:D Love your dog:wah: Guess what i never went to that meeting:wah:

me and hubs had a nice walk along the seafront, then we stopped for a pint,, then we went to a pub for our tea, a lovely carvery which i was ready for as i had only had a banana all day! Then we came home and got a taxi to a closish pub (i know lazy) had a few more drinks,, and then home! Much better than a boring old meeting lol.

Kisses....... Kaz.
You said your spelling was atrocious, so you edited - you said you didn't think it was anything to do with the drinkies !

As if...............:yh_rotfl
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Post by Helen »

hello anyone around ??:D
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Post by kazalala »

HI all xxxxxxxxxxxxx:)

just popping in to say hi and hope you are all well. :-6

Kaz :yh_hugs


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Post by G#Gill »

:guitarist kazalala;595880 wrote: HI all xxxxxxxxxxxxx:)

just popping in to say hi and hope you are all well. :-6

Kaz :yh_hugs

Hi Kazababy ! What a luvly day, just the sort of day to nip down to the local chip shop and ask if they've got any chips left, then when they say they have, you say

"You shouldn't have cooked so much !"
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Post by Carolly »

[QUOTE=kazalala;595880]HI all xxxxxxxxxxxxx:)

just popping in to say hi and hope you are all well. :-6

Kaz :yh_hugs[/QUOT

Hi Guys hope you are all well today, Im off out soon so maybe wont be here much but hope your all having a good dayxx

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Post by kazalala »

G#Gill;595887 wrote: :guitarist

Hi Kazababy ! What a luvly day, just the sort of day to nip down to the local chip shop and ask if they've got any chips left, then when they say they have, you say

"You shouldn't have cooked so much !"

:wah: :yh_rotfl :D


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Post by kazalala »

Carolly;595888 wrote: [QUOTE=kazalala;595880]HI all xxxxxxxxxxxxx:)

just popping in to say hi and hope you are all well.

Kaz [/QUOT

Hi Guys hope you are all well today, Im off out soon so maybe wont be here much but hope your all having a good dayxx


Have a good day Carol,, and slow down!!! You gotta be careful at your age you know:wah:

oops better run now:p


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Post by G#Gill »


Hi everybody, hope you're enjoying this lovely day :-6

Attached files
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Post by kazalala »

G#Gill;596049 wrote: :guitarist

Hi everybody, hope you're enjoying this lovely day :-6

Its raining here Gill:(


In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

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Post by Helen »

afternoon all,

cant believe its 5pm already, the days gone so quick. we did a bit of shopping after work then got mcd's and went to sit by the boating lake to eat it.came back and finished cleaning up, discovered me duvet wouldnt go in the machine so i put it in the bath and walked up and down on it !!! with water of course now my feet smell of springtime comfort !!

got me curtains to do tomorrow.:-6
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Post by Carolly »

G#Gill;596049 wrote: :guitarist

Hi everybody, hope you're enjoying this lovely day :-6Yes we are Gilly but Im not to sure about Rex though.....his looking somewhat erm different.....but its fine if you look at him sideways pmsl xx

:wah: :p
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Post by Carolly »

Joannee;595903 wrote: Hi Girls what a beautiful day again just what the doctor ordered, no bikini for me today I am just going for my afternoon siesta but those of you who like the sun enjoy it while you can.

Well another ten day course of even stronger antibiotics because I am still *rattling*, a bit of a blow especially as I was beginning to feel a bit better, but guess when you are well over twenty one!!!!!!! like wot I are !!

it takes us longer to get over these awful bugs.

Never mind keep smiling.

:-6Joan hope you get abit stronger every day love (((((((((hug)))))))))xx
Women are bitchy and predictable are not and that's the key to knowing the truth.
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