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Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:43 pm
by booradley
Jives wrote: . Sure we have heated discussions around, here. We sometimes vehemently disagree with each other over sensitive topics such as abortion and religion.


good lord!

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:44 pm
by booradley
Far Rider wrote: Seems you're good at this age 7 banter.

I have a child like quality, ':)tis true:)

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:45 pm
by booradley
Far Rider wrote: That kind of remark I don't even tolerate from my children.


Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:57 pm
by Jives
booradley wrote: she needs counselling doesn't she. Sheesh!

Here's your nasty post, Booradley.:cool: It pretty much puts you in the same category as Southern.

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:07 pm
by BabyRider
Far Rider wrote: Please be woman of your word.
Can we add "passive-aggressive" to that list?

Far, Jives, and the rest: We have seen scenes like this how many times before? Folks come in, act like children, try to stir the pot, succeed in a little reaction from all of us defending our friends, and then we get bored with them and wait for them to hang themselves, at which point we have a quick giggle, and go back to our peaceful garden. Every once in a while, when things get quiet around here we'll drag out the old threads, having a good laugh at how quickly trolls are spotted and eliminated, and that is the end of it. It never, EVER fails. The ignorance of the trolls is their undoing every time. Like LC said with the last one: "Don't feed the trolls." They'll be history soon enough.

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:37 pm
by Jives
You got it, BR. I loved your original post in the thread, BTW.:D

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:26 pm
by Southern Belle
Jives wrote: Here's your nasty post, Booradley.:cool: It pretty much puts you in the same category as Southern.

Oh, that's a good one, Darlin'. Considerin' Boo was referring to me at the time? And that's not a nasty post at all:wah:

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:29 pm
by Penelope_Pitstop
Southern Belle wrote: Oh, that's a good one, Darlin'. Considerin' Boo was referring to me at the time? And that's not a nasty post at all:wah:

I agree, how on earth was that nasty or rude? I actually found it witty and rather amusing :D

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:35 pm
by Southern Belle
Jives wrote: Hmmm....not exactly the manners of a "Southern Belle" there, eh? You certainly put the lie to your name, Southern. (After that, I can't call you a "Belle" can I?)

Obviously, you've never been to the South. Down here, the 'Ladies' are expert at that back-stabbing, passive-aggressive, sweet-little-ol'-me that seems to be the stock in trade of a few posters on here. I won't name names, since y'all are rather sensitive to that. :-6

And y'all have made comments about Moonies 'ganging up' on newbies - can I have a different explaination for what we've seen here today? Of course, I'm sure that y'all will have a totally different viewpoint from any normal person who'd see pushy questions being answered.

*shakes head* I'd be willing to bet that your version of a moderator will be along eventually to clean up 'my' mess and put things back to your version of 'right'.

Oh yeah,,,,,just one more passing comment. Thanks for the assumption of youth for me. I lied on the age thingo when I signed up. :p

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:43 pm
by anastrophe
okay, it's time for the stalking interlopers to either BEHAVE, or exit. for the latter, you can do so gracefully and with dignity, or you can be banned.

my patience for childish forum-stalking is very thin right now. we have a community here. when people come into the community and start walking around the neighborhoods hassling those who've lived here peacefully for quite a while now, well, it pisses me off. this is a 'gated community' as it were. we have the right to toss out the riffraff if we want.

take a hike of your own accord, or be shown the door.

your choice.

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:51 pm
by Southern Belle
So, am I 'Riff' or 'Raff'? Gotta be one or the other since 'Riffraff' was male and in THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW :D

Alright already,,,,, *salutes smartly* Since y'all can't read and realize that BabyRider started all this with pushy-shovey questions, well, that's just your loss :p

Very nice door - Buh-bye, for now :wah:

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:07 am

booradley wrote: Wow, you have a special gift, Raven. I do like one of your sons.

Which one?

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:00 am
by Jives
SnoozeControl wrote: I've tried to stay out of this, but apparently I'm being lumped in with you j*rkoffs... your sanctimonious claims of innocence are complete bullsh*t,

As we can well see.

I've seen the thread in Wicked Moon where Olin posted a photo of Raven's sons and you all proceeded to insult her ability, her sons' appearance, her appearance and any other thing your diseased little minds could come up with.

In other words, it's the direct antithesis of this forum, where we all compliment, support, and comfort each other. No wonder they don't fit in.

When boo posted the link to this place, she said it was important to "play nice" which I thought included your herd, but once again you prove that's an impossibility.

So there we have the sad story of the beginning of this mess. It was Booradley who led the barbarians to our gate.


I read you loud and clear, Snooze. And I have to say, that it's pretty obvious, you don't act like them at all. Just for my own information, and so I can update my ignore list.....would you mind listing the "bad guys" for me? Who exactly is in the group from WickedMoon. (And what an appropriate name for their forum, I might add!)

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:10 am
by Southern Belle
LOL - you're right Snoozie, you're not with 'this group'. We've spent the last several months banning you on a weekly basis, since you keep signing up over there.

But no,,,,,you're really not with us.

And Jives? it wasn't Boo who started all this.

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:18 am
by Jives
So... are you the leader of the WickedPeople Southern?:cool:

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:21 am
by Southern Belle
Jives wrote: So... are you the leader of the WickedPeople Southern?:cool:

Um,,,,,no. Sorry. That wouldn't be me

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:10 am
by Wolverine
abbey wrote: Been a member of FG for almost a year now and i'm sad to say that for

the first time ever i just dont like it here!

Now, I'm Pi ssed.

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:36 am
by minks
Wolverine wrote: Now, I'm Pi ssed.

and rightly so, you and abbey voice the opinions of most of us here in FG.

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:40 am

SnoozeControl wrote: I've tried to stay out of this, but apparently I'm being lumped in with you j*rkoffs... your sanctimonious claims of innocence are complete bullsh*t, I've seen the thread in Wicked Moon where Olin posted a photo of Raven's sons and you all proceeded to insult her ability, her sons' appearance, her appearance and any other thing your diseased little minds could come up with. When boo posted the link to this place, she said it was important to "play nice" which I thought included your herd, but once again you prove that's an impossibility.


I'm being nice here.:(

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:41 am
by minks
Leaders aside, all of you joined this Forum within days of each other. Whomever tipped you off must have some reason to bring you all in here. I again am going to state my point in all this, you have come in here with the wrong intentions. If you have issues with anyone in particular deal with them on your own time in your own space. FG does not take kindly to attacks by outsiders.

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:59 am

minks wrote: If you have issues with anyone in particular deal with them on your own time in your own space. FG does not take kindly to attacks by outsiders.
When have I ever had any issues with you?

Did I ever do anything to make you feel unwelcome on WM?

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:59 am
by Wolverine
i am at a loss.

i have no problem with newbies. the more the merrier. the more crowded it gets the easier for me to cop-a-feel.

but when Newbies come in here and start lashing out in their first few posts...

you haven't earned the privilege to go off on anyone yet. not that you should belittle someone in public anyway. if you have a problem with someone in here send them a PM, or put them on your ignore list. Contact on of the Mods. and if all that fails, LEAVE.

where the F**k are your manners. It is just plain rude.

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:37 am
by Bez
Southern Belle wrote: My kind? You mean people who say what they mean when they mean it? To your face as opposed to back-stabbing?

Well, Darlin', iffen you think that door needs fixin', I guess you better get to fixin' it :wah:

You used the word 'MEAN' 3 times in this post....that (as an adjective) about sums up the some of the people that have crawled into FG.lately . You've dumped BAD karma here....please pick it up and find the exit. The guys and gals here deserve better....upsetting a bunch of wonderful people is NOT ON ! :mad:

Note: A lot of 'newbies have joined lately....PLEASE don't think that this thread reflects the norm. It doesn't... A black cloud has passed will soon be gone and the sun will come out again.:-6

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:57 am
by Jives
Actually, It's good to know out in the open what's going on. If it wasn't for this thread, I would've assumed the the influx of aggressive and mean-spirited newbies was coincidental.

Thanks to this thread, I took a walk over to WickedMoon to see what kind of a place it was.

Imagine my horror at what I found. Insults, degradation, and flaming are the rule not the exception. It's not a mirror image. It's the negative of this picture. Depravity, immorality, sacrilige, and hatred abound.

They even have a thread for bashing weaker people. Can anyone who was a part of that fit in here, where a the exact opposite is true?

Frankly...I doubt it.:cool:

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:17 pm
by wizzard
Jives wrote: They even have a thread for bashing weaker people. Can anyone who was a part of that fit in here, where a the exact opposite is true?

So you reall gave the place a decent read then did you?? If you didn't understand the place you must be american.

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:30 pm
by BabyRider
wizzard wrote: If you didn't understand the place you must be american.


Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:42 pm
by anastrophe
wizzard wrote: So you reall gave the place a decent read then did you?? If you didn't understand the place you must be american.

First and last warning. Your choice.

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:44 pm
by Skeeter
Nuff Sed !!:lips: Over..... And Permanently Out.;;;

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:11 pm
by booradley
can we please get back on topic here or move this elsewhere. This is Raven's thread and we're trampling all over it.

White flag, people.

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:01 pm
by wizzard
anastrophe wrote: First and last warning. Your choice.

Just goes to prove that americans dot get sarcasm.

My last word on this OK

Art by Raven

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 1:10 am
by Bez
Jives wrote:

Thanks to this thread, I took a walk over to WickedMoon to see what kind of a place it was.

Imagine my horror at what I found. Insults, degradation, and flaming are the rule not the exception. It's not a mirror image. It's the negative of this picture. Depravity, immorality, sacrilige, and hatred abound.

They even have a thread for bashing weaker people. Can anyone who was a part of that fit in here, where a the exact opposite is true?

Frankly...I doubt it.:cool:

Against my better judgement, but in order to be better informed, I also took a peep ....'Bar Room Brawl'.....?????....made me feel sick ! :yh_sick

Art by Raven

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:41 pm
by StupidCowboyTricks
wizzard wrote: Just goes to prove that americans dot get sarcasm.

My last word on this OK

Americans dot get sarcasm?????? :-3 whats that?

Art by Raven

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 6:27 pm
by Penelope_Pitstop
wizzard wrote: Just goes to prove that americans dot get sarcasm.

My last word on this OK

No more words ... *waves* Hello precious

Art by Raven

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:26 pm
by StupidCowboyTricks
Penelope_Pitstop wrote: No more words ... *waves* Hello precious
LOL, what were the words? *waves to wizzard* with PP.;)

Art by Raven

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:56 am
by buttercup
:confused: okey dokey back to the point of the thread,

hi raven, i love the blue rose pic

Art by Raven

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:18 pm
by Penelope_Pitstop
StupidCowboyTricks wrote: LOL, what were the words? *waves to wizzard* with PP.;)

Do I know you? And :lips: I'm not telling :p

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:03 am
by Raven
Alas, the painting is located in a garage in the states, and as strega has since changed locations, and I am unable to contact her, in a garage it remains.

(I painted it for free) The painting is indeed titled 'Strega's Rose'.

In the time between me painting it and getting it to her, I've moved twice and I believe she has moved as well.

Art by Raven

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:18 am
by Raven

Y'all had a party whilst I was away???:yh_rotfl

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:02 pm
by Nomad
Awesome !

I recently bought some canvasses and oils. Any tips for a beginner ?

Art by Raven

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:16 pm
by minks
Nomad wrote: Awesome !

I recently bought some canvasses and oils. Any tips for a beginner ?
wear your fathers old shirts over your clothing to keep clean.

Art by Raven

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 6:50 am
by Bez
Nomad wrote: Awesome !

I recently bought some canvasses and oils. Any tips for a beginner ?

Try 'painting by numbers' first ??:D

Art by Raven

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:03 am
by Raven
Nomad wrote: Awesome !

I recently bought some canvasses and oils. Any tips for a beginner ?
Yes. Start simple. Experiment with mixing colors. Buy some technique books such as Bob Ross or Bill Alexander and follow the guides! I promise you'll be painting wonderful pics with your first attempt! Relax and enjoy the experience! Its a great outlet for stress. And remember, nothing limits you but your own imagination!:-6