Is God Real?

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Another way to know that God is real, is the improbability of " Luck." The one thing we know for certain is that life has arisen once, here on this very planet. But we have no idea at all whether there is life anywhere else in the universe. Its entirely possible that our backwater of a planet is literally the only one that has ever born life. How much luck then are we allowed to assume in a theory of the orgin of life on earth?

And I want to examine that.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

My question was, how much luck are we allowed to assume in a theory of the orgin of life on earth? Begin by giving a name to the probability, however low it is, that life will orginate on any randomly designated planet of some particular type. Lets call this the spontaneous generation probability or SGP.... Suppose that our best quess of the SGP is some very very small number, say one in a billion. This is obviously such a small probability that we haven't the faintest hope of duplicating such a fantastically lucky, miraculous event as the orgin of life in our laboratory experiments. All chemist have failed in their attempts to duplicate the spontaneous orign of life in the laboratory. Even if the maximum amount of luck we are allowed to assume is extended to 1 in 100 billion billion, the results would be the same.

And I want to continue on how we can use the improbability of " Luck" to prove God.

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Is God Real?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Mickiel;1343099 wrote: My question was, how much luck are we allowed to assume in a theory of the orgin of life on earth? Begin by giving a name to the probability, however low it is, that life will orginate on any randomly designated planet of some particular type. Lets call this the spontaneous generation probability or SGP.... Suppose that our best quess of the SGP is some very very small number, say one in a billion. This is obviously such a small probability that we haven't the faintest hope of duplicating such a fantastically lucky, miraculous event as the orgin of life in our laboratory experiments. All chemist have failed in their attempts to duplicate the spontaneous orign of life in the laboratory. Even if the maximum amount of luck we are allowed to assume is extended to 1 in 100 billion billion, the results would be the same.

And I want to continue on how we can use the improbability of " Luck" to prove God.


Luck does not enter into the equation the SGP has to have a value of one or we would not be here asking the question.

If we assign a value to the SGP of one in a billion then there will be several thousand planets containing life. On each of those planets there will be lifeforms saying that it is fantastically improbable that they should be there.

As to the generation of life in the lab, look up the Miller experiment and then remember the scale of the experiment that was the Earth, both in volume and in time.
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Bryn Mawr;1343102 wrote: Luck does not enter into the equation the SGP has to have a value of one or we would not be here asking the question.

If we assign a value to the SGP of one in a billion then there will be several thousand planets containing life. On each of those planets there will be lifeforms saying that it is fantastically improbable that they should be there.

As to the generation of life in the lab, look up the Miller experiment and then remember the scale of the experiment that was the Earth, both in volume and in time.

Well I disagree. The maximum amount of luck that we are allowed to assume, before we reject a particular theory of the orgin of life, has odds of one in N, where N is the number of suitable planets in the universe. We can't comprehend these levels of improbability in our minds. If the theory that DNA and its copying machinery arose spontanaeously is so improbable it obligues us to assume that life in this universe is just plain luck. Atheist claim not to believe in miracles, but if you examine how they define the orgin of our universe, its nothing short of a miracle.

This assumption of luck, clearly defines God.

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Is God Real?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Mickiel;1343114 wrote: Well I disagree. The maximum amount of luck that we are allowed to assume, before we reject a particular theory of the orgin of life, has odds of one in N, where N is the number of suitable planets in the universe. We can't comprehend these levels of improbability in our minds. If the theory that DNA and its copying machinery arose spontanaeously is so improbable it obligues us to assume that life in this universe is just plain luck. Atheist claim not to believe in miracles, but if you examine how they define the orgin of our universe, its nothing short of a miracle.

This assumption of luck, clearly defines God.


There is no "maximum amount of luck we are allowed to assume" - the limit you are prepared to accept is an individual judgement call and certainly has not universal value.

The theory is not that DNA arose spontaneously - such a jump would indeed be improbable but is not called for in evolution. Before you can disprove a theory you must understand it and here you quite plainly fail to do so.
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

The " Law of Entrophy" is another way to determine that God is real. It says that closed systems go from a state of high energy to low energy and from order to disorder. All closed systems, including our universe, disintegrate over time as they decay to a lower order of available energy and organization. Entropy always increases and never decreases in a closed system. All scientific observations confirm everything continues to move towards a greater state of decay and disorder. Because the availible energy is being used up and there is no source of new energy, the universe couldnot have always existed. Stunning proof it had to be created.

If the universe has always existed, it would now be uniform in temperture, suffering what is known as " Heat Death." Heat Death occurs when the universe has reached a state of maximum entropy. It is a fact that one day our Sun and all stars in the universe will burn out. Electromagnectic radiation will dissappear and all matter will lose its vibrational energy. Because the stars cannot burn forever and because they are still currently burning, they couldnot have always existed because they would have already burned out by now.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Science is another avenue to help determine that God is real. The " Law of Biogenesis" is a sure way to know that God is real. It states that living things can only come from other living things and not from non-living matter. Life only comes from life. The second part of the law states that when living things procreate, their offspring are the same type of organism they are. This is absolutely consistant with the account of Genesis in the bible.

Again, stunning proof of God.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Another way to determine if God is real is the " Laws of conservation." These are basic laws in physics that state which processes can or cannot occur in nature. Each law maintains the total value of the quantity governed by that law ( e.q. matter and energy) remains unchanged during physical processes. Conservation laws have the broadest possible application of all laws in physics and are considered to be the most fundamental laws in nature. In 1905, the theory of relativity showed mass was a form of energy and the two laws governing these quantities were combined into a single law conserving the total amount of mass and energy. This law says neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed. This fact leads to an inescapable question:

If matter and energy cannot be created, how did they orginate? Where did the entire universe come from?

Again, it is impossible to create matter and energy through natural methods. However, they do exist, so we find ourselves in a quandary. It would seem to the unbiased either matter and energy made themselves from nothing or a supernatural creator made them. Both answers violate the law of Conservation. But they are the only two answers that I know of. In my view, creation by a creator is far more reasonable than self creating energy and matter.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Male - female reproduction is proof of God. God created two different species and decreed that they reproduce after their own kind in Genesis. This is the only way that life can be produced, two females cannot reproduce, two males cannot procreate. Humans cannot be born from apes, apes cannot be born from humans.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Answered prayer is proof that God is real. Again, this is one of those " Personal proofs", that no one can take away from you, and no one need believe. You know! You experienced it for your self, time and time again. One of my most personal proofs, I couldcareless who believes it.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Primordial man is one of my favorite proofs of God. They are a prime example of what humans would be like if God didnot " Add to them more ingredients." Such as consciousness and civilization, two things whhich cannot evolve. Primordial man lived thousands and thousands of years with no advancement whatsoever, which proves that human advancement comes from God. Absolutely proves it! It is God who gives Consciousness, we didnot give it to ourselves. It is God who is the orgin of human civilization, we didnot start it on our own, or primordial man would have.

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Is God Real?

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We can track our great civilizations from the past through archaeology, we have found the tomb of " Cyrus the Great" Mentioned in Isaiah 45:1-3, 2Chronicles 36:22-23, Ezra 1:2-4. He ruled the great Persian empire from 559-530 B.C., he is best known for his capture of Babylon in 539 B.C. These were great civilizations and the bible recorded them all. As you consider Gods existance, you must consider the existance of these very real biblically recorded empires. They dovetail together with Gods existence. They were just as real as God.

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Is God Real?

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Another proof of God is the human Eye. Although accounting for just one fourth- thousandths of an adults weight, it is the medium which processes some 80% of the information received by its owner from the outside world. The tiny retina contains about 130 million rod shaped cells, which detect light intensity and transmit impulses to the visual cortex of the brain by means of some 1,000,000 nerve fibers, while nearly 6 million cone-shaped cells do the same job, but respond specifically to color variation.

The eyes can handle 500,000 messages simultanmeously, and are kept clear by ducts producing just the right amount of fluid with which the lids clean both eyes simultaneously in one five-thousandths of a second. It is impossible for evolution or natural selection to achieve this. To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems absurd in the highest possible degree. It is absolute proof that God is real.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

As you examine the question, " Is God Real", you in your own mind must be for real with yourself and your search. You got to be serious about this, and not be predujice or afraid, you have to be brave with the reality of true revelation, this is not for cowards. Your mind must be ready to " Move" forward into areas that you may noy have realized before. This " Motion" is proof of God within itself.

We know there is motion in the world, whatever is in motion is moved by another thing, this other thing also must be moved by some force. To avoid infinte regression, we must have a " First Mover", which is God.

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Is God Real?

Post by flopstock »

Mickiel;1343176 wrote: As you examine the question, " Is God Real", you in your own mind must be for real with yourself and your search. You got to be serious about this, and not be predujice or afraid, you have to be brave with the reality of true revelation, this is not for cowards. Your mind must be ready to " Move" forward into areas that you may noy have realized before. This " Motion" is proof of God within itself.

We know there is motion in the world, whatever is in motion is moved by another thing, this other thing also must be moved by some force. To avoid infinte regression, we must have a " First Mover", which is God.


Proofs For And Against The Existence of God
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Is God Real?

Post by flopstock »

Mickiel;1343173 wrote: Another proof of God is the human Eye. Although accounting for just one fourth- thousandths of an adults weight, it is the medium which processes some 80% of the information received by its owner from the outside world. The tiny retina contains about 130 million rod shaped cells, which detect light intensity and transmit impulses to the visual cortex of the brain by means of some 1,000,000 nerve fibers, while nearly 6 million cone-shaped cells do the same job, but respond specifically to color variation.

The eyes can handle 500,000 messages simultanmeously, and are kept clear by ducts producing just the right amount of fluid with which the lids clean both eyes simultaneously in one five-thousandths of a second. It is impossible for evolution or natural selection to achieve this. To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems absurd in the highest possible degree. It is absolute proof that God is real.


Apologetics Press - Seeing is Believing: The Design of the Human Eye
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

flopstock;1343177 wrote: Proofs For And Against The Existence of God

Interesting website.

Another proof that God exist is order. Since all things have an ordering about them, orelse they would lack reason, there must be a being that gives order to all things and plans all things. As we all know when we fail to plan something we fail at it. We do not succeed by mere chance. So all things must have had their plan established, especially those things without a mind or intelligence. They must have been " Given" structure and order about them.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Mickiel;1343179 wrote: Interesting website.

Another proof that God exist is order. Since all things have an ordering about them, orelse they would lack reason, there must be a being that gives order to all things and plans all things. As we all know when we fail to plan something we fail at it. We do not succeed by mere chance. So all things must have had their plan established, especially those things without a mind or intelligence. They must have been " Given" structure and order about them.


The universe operates in an orderly manner according to laws. The laws of physics, gravity and motion, the laws of chemistry and biology. The world follows rules, rules that are fundamentally mathematical, rules that humans can figure out. Gravity holds the planets in their orbits. Biology fixes our differing species, and no new species has come into existence, none of these laws have been broken.

How did these laws originate? Where did they come from? Who set them in motion? How are they substained?

Law demands a Law giver and law substainer, and that is God.

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Is God Real?

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It is of intrest how the bible continually has proven itself to be Gods message to this world. And Archaeology has consistantly proven this;

The campaign into Israel by Pharaoh Shishak ( 1Kings 14:25-26), recorded on the walls of the temple of Amun in Thebes, Egypt.

The revolt of Moab against Israel ( 2Kings 1:1; 3:4-27), recorded on the Mesha inscription.

The fall of Samaria ( 2Kings 17:3-6,24; 18:9-11) to Sargon11, king of Assyria, as recorded on his palace walls.

The defeat of Ashdod by Sargon 11 ( Isaiah 20:1), as recorded on his palace walls.

The campaign of the Assyrian king Sennacherib against Judah ( 2Kings 18:13-16). as recorded on the Taylor prism.

The siege of Lachish by Sennacherib ( 2Kings 18:14,17) , as recorded on the Lachish reliefs.

The assassination of Sennacherib by his own sons( 2 Kings 19:37), as recorded in the annals of his son Esarhaddon.

The fall of Nineveh as predicted by the prophets Nahum and Zephaniah ( 2:13-15), recorded on the tablet of Nabopolasar.

The fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon ( 2 Kings 24:10-14), as recorded in the Babylonian Chronicles.

The Captivity of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in Babylon ( 2Kings 24:15-16), as recorded on the Babylonian Ration Records.

The fall of Babylon to Medes and Persians ( Daniel 5:30-31), as recorded on the Cyrus Cylinder.

The freeing of Captives in Babylon by Cyrus the Great ( Ezra 1:1-4; 6:3-4), as recorded on the Cyrus Cylinder.

The forcing of Jews to leave Rome during the reign of Claudius ( A.D. 41-54) ( Acts 18:2), as recorded by Suetonius.

These are facts in history that can help any searcher to understand that God may indeed be real.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

God created this universe, it has a beginning, and it will have an end, it willnot last forever. Saturn is cooling off, it radiates three times more energy than it receives from the Sun. Its not massive enough to retain its primevel heat from formation 4.5 billion years ago. Because its still giving off internal heat, it cannot be billions of years old.

The earths rotation is slowing a fraction of a second per year. If the earth were billions of years old, the centrifugal force should have notably deformed the earth.

Just some things to think about.

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Is God Real?

Post by koan »

The logic is flawed in your archeological conclusions. I wouldn't be surprised to find that all of the places exist but you can't use their existence as a proof that the story is true.

To make the error in logic clear, if you read The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice, she sets her story throughout recorded history from early Egypt to modern (pre Katrina)New Orleans. She deliberately intertwines her characters and plot line with events that really took place and has them interact with people who really existed so that it seems more real. Should we then believe that the Vampire Lestat and all his buddies are real? I think Anne Rice would get a chuckle if you called her books documentaries.
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

koan;1343197 wrote: The logic is flawed in your archeological conclusions. I wouldn't be surprised to find that all of the places exist but you can't use their existence as a proof that the story is true.

To make the error in logic clear, if you read The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice, she sets her story throughout recorded history from early Egypt to modern (pre Katrina)New Orleans. She deliberately intertwines her characters and plot line with events that really took place and has them interact with people who really existed so that it seems more real. Should we then believe that the Vampire Lestat and all his buddies are real? I think Anne Rice would get a chuckle if you called her books documentaries.

I hold no intrest in the use of myths as support for arguements, I use only facts. My views are flawed in your eyes, not in mine. The archaeology is proven facts. Such as " The Black Obelisk", it mentions Israels King " Jehu", ( 2Kings 9-10.) King Shalmaneser 111 had it built. A stunning find it gives more credance to the bibles accuracy, and its God. We found the " Ivory Palace of King Ahab", ( 1Kings 22:39) built from Ivory, its still there and was exactly as the bible described it. Definte proof that King Ahabs story is true, as well as King Jehu, and the God they confronted.

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Is God Real?

Post by koan »

The fact that places and people existed does not confirm that the story woven around them is true.

You can list as many links to biblical landmarks as you want and it will remain a logical fallacy to conclude that it proves the stories set there actually happened the way they were written.
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

We don't know everything, but we know things are defintely happening to our universe. The Moon is receding very slowly from the earth. Both are considered to be 4.5 billion years old. The Moon never could have been closer to the earth than 11,500 miles. This distance is known as the " Roche Limit." The tidal forces of the earth on a satellite of the Moons dimensions would break it up into rings like those of Saturn. Based on the present rate of lunar recession, the Moon would have been within the Roche limit around 1 or 2 billion years ago, 50-75% too soon.

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Is God Real?

Post by koan »

Just to be clear, I'm not saying all your views are flawed. I'm trying to help you eliminate flawed arguments from your presentation to make it stronger. I would like to see someone prove the existence of God. So far, you're not being cautious enough to be the one to do it.
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Another way to understand that God is real, is " Memory." Our ability to recall previous experiences. We can retain and revive our Conscious experiences. This is something , again, evolution and natural selection simply cannot produce. We can recall, with feelings, persons, places and things. Then we can use our memory to learn and educate ourselves.

Simply astounding proof of a designing creator.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

koan;1343207 wrote: Just to be clear, I'm not saying all your views are flawed. I'm trying to help you eliminate flawed arguments from your presentation to make it stronger. I would like to see someone prove the existence of God. So far, you're not being cautious enough to be the one to do it.

I appriciate the offer, but I do not need your help.

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Is God Real?

Post by koan »

Mickiel;1343209 wrote: I appriciate the offer, but I do not need your help.


Well, you need someone's.

Grade: Fail

Better luck next time.

Peace out.
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

As I have said, we don't know everything. The earths magnectic field has been measured scientifically for over 100 years. Studies reveal the strength of this field is decaying exponentially at a half life of 1,400 years. If this measurement is consistant with the past, the magnectic field would have been comparable to that of a magnectic star as few as 30,000 years ago. The estimated heat produced by those currents would have melted the earth.

It is God who is keeping these things from occuring, not nature.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

koan;1343210 wrote: Well, you need someone's.

Grade: Fail

Better luck next time.

Peace out.

You give an offer to make my presentation stronger, it is declined, and then you fail me.

Your offer was transparent, I see through it.

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Is God Real?

Post by koan »

Your thread fails because you don't care about logical fallacies.... Not because you refused my help

Perhaps you'll let wikipedia help you.

Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.[1] In a non sequitur, the conclusion can be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion. All formal fallacies are special cases of non sequitur. The term has special applicability in law, having a formal legal definition. Many types of known non sequitur argument forms have been classified into many different types of logical fallacies.
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

koan;1343216 wrote: Your thread fails because you don't care about logical fallacies.... Not because you refused my help


If it fails, why are you reading it?

Interesting that you think I need help, but you take to yourself the gall to grade me as if your the teacher or judge.

Anyhow, that aside, I like the Archaeology that you refute as evidence, its fascinating to me. Such as the " Moabite Stone", which confirms 2Kings 3:4-5, it proved that " Mesha" was not a fictitious characther.

Ashurnasipals Monument was a stunning find also.

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Is God Real?

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Mickiel;1343217 wrote: If it fails, why are you reading it?

I'm stopping with the reading. I do, however, try to reply when someone addresses me so if you'll stop doing that we can be done.
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

koan;1343222 wrote: I'm stopping with the reading. I do, however, try to reply when someone addresses me so if you'll stop doing that we can be done.

I have never addressed you before, and you approached me first. So thats illusion. But be on your way, I wish you well on your journey.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

When fighting broke out between the Jews and the Arabs in 1947, the bible brought to light a simular invasion by Israel against Syria 2800 years ago, ( 2 Sam. 8:5-6,10:17-19). Believing the terrain would force a simular invasion route, the Israelites familiarized themselves with the countryside and used the bible to study the details of that battle centuries ago. As expected, the Syrians followed that same route and the Jewish soldiers won that battle over Syria.

The " Six Days war" ( June 1967), in which Israel overwhelmingly defeated three countries- Syria, Jordan and Egypt, was due largely to Israel using the bible to plan their attacks. The used old biblical valleys and hills to route all three countries, and this is taught in their schools.

Stunning proof of the bibles reality, and thus its God.

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Is God Real?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Mickiel;1343163 wrote: Male - female reproduction is proof of God. God created two different species and decreed that they reproduce after their own kind in Genesis. This is the only way that life can be produced, two females cannot reproduce, two males cannot procreate. Humans cannot be born from apes, apes cannot be born from humans.


Try Sea Urchins - two females can each quite happily reproduce. Either way it proves nothing about the existance of God, just informs about modes of reproduction.
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Is God Real?

Post by Ahso! »

Mickiel;1343163 wrote: Male - female reproduction is proof of God. God created two different species and decreed that they reproduce after their own kind in Genesis. This is the only way that life can be produced, two females cannot reproduce, two males cannot procreate. Humans cannot be born from apes, apes cannot be born from humans.

Peace.Male and female humans are different genders of the same species.

There you go again with the Ape stuff. Nobody of evolutionary merit has ever made the claim that humans came from Apes. Where are you getting this information?
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Bryn Mawr;1343245 wrote: Try Sea Urchins - two females can each quite happily reproduce. Either way it proves nothing about the existance of God, just informs about modes of reproduction.

No, it reveals a design by a designer. A design that you would take from a God, and give credit to evolution or nature. Something I refuse to do.

There is a little known creature called the " Australlian Termite". Actually it is four creatures in one, each depends on the other for continued existence. This termite represents the case that you cannot have one without all the others. Mixotricha Paradoxa lives in the gut of the Termite. They are covered with hairy like creatures called " Spirochetes", a totally different type of microorganism. On the Mixotricha there are bumps where the Spirochetes are attached, and " Bacillus" are lodged on the other side of the bump. 3 Totally different germs that decided to live together in a community.

An interdependance between a large microorganism, a Spirochete, a Bacillus and an Australian Termite, and even the trees the termite feeds upon. I suppose if you are an evolutionist, you would believe that they randomly over time, just happened to have met and formed a committee and decided to work together, the Mixotricha " Developing" bumps where the Spirochetes could bury their heads behind which the Bacillus could hide. All of whom " Decided" to live in the gut of a Termite.

Obviously this illustrates the case for special creation of all these creatures at the same time. They couldnot have developed seperately and ever made it to the point where they could " Rendezvous" and forever spend their existence interdependant and together. Again, stunning proof of God.

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Is God Real?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Mickiel;1343247 wrote: No, it reveals a design by a designer. A design that you would take from a God, and give credit to evolution or nature. Something I refuse to do.

There is a little known creature called the " Australlian Termite". Actually it is four creatures in one, each depends on the other for continued existence. This termite represents the case that you cannot have one without all the others. Mixotricha Paradoxa lives in the gut of the Termite. They are covered with hairy like creatures called " Spirochetes", a totally different type of microorganism. On the Mixotricha there are bumps where the Spirochetes are attached, and " Bacillus" are lodged on the other side of the bump. 3 Totally different germs that decided to live together in a community.

An interdependance between a large microorganism, a Spirochete, a Bacillus and an Australian Termite, and even the trees the termite feeds upon. I suppose if you are an evolutionist, you would believe that they randomly over time, just happened to have met and formed a committee and decided to work together, the Mixotricha " Developing" bumps where the Spirochetes could bury their heads behind which the Bacillus could hide. All of whom " Decided" to live in the gut of a Termite.

Obviously this illustrates the case for special creation of all these creatures at the same time. They couldnot have developed seperately and ever made it to the point where they could " Rendezvous" and forever spend their existence interdependant and together. Again, stunning proof of God.


You make the mistake of implying sentience to a mechanical activity. Symbiosis consists of a relationship that is mutually beneficial so, at the point at which organism one bumps into organism two there is a remote possibility that each can provide something that the other needs. In the vast majority of cases this is not so and the two go on their way, in the rare case where it happens the two out-compete their neighbours and become fruitful and multiply.

It does not matter that the probability of it happening is low - there are billions of organisms bumping into each other every second and evolution can wait for millions of years to move forward.

No "design", no concious control, just persistence and lots of time.

This does not mean that God exists - equally it does not mean that God does not exist. You limit God to mechanisms that you understand, He is bigger than that - God is not restricted to designing a finished product, He is quite capable of designing an evolving system that will build into the world that He wants.
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Bryn Mawr;1343249 wrote: This does not mean that God exists - equally it does not mean that God does not exist. You limit God to mechanisms that you understand, He is bigger than that - God is not restricted to designing a finished product, He is quite capable of designing an evolving system that will build into the world that He wants.

In my view it means God exist, and I never limit him. Irreducible Complexity is proof of God in my understanding. Which part of a mousetrap could you remove and still have it work? Not one, so it is with the termite. Certain living organism also cannot be simplified or reduced in complexity, and survive. The removal of any single part causes the system to cease functioning. Irreducible complex systems cannot be produced gradually, by slight successive modifications from a less complicated pre-condition, I certainly disagree with that. They must exist exactly as they are- whole- complette, or they cannot exist at all. Protiens only function in the body when all componants are there.

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Is God Real?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Mickiel;1343252 wrote: In my view it means God exist, and I never limit him. Irreducible Complexity is proof of God in my understanding. Which part of a mousetrap could you remove and still have it work? Not one, so it is with the termite. Certain living organism also cannot be simplified or reduced in complexity, and survive. The removal of any single part causes the system to cease functioning. Irreducible complex systems cannot be produced gradually, by slight successive modifications from a less complicated pre-condition, I certainly disagree with that. They must exist exactly as they are- whole- complette, or they cannot exist at all. Protiens only function in the body when all componants are there.


You work backwards from the complex to the simple. Life worked forwards from the simple to the complex, adding a bit here, dropping a bit there - forever becoming that bit more viable and better able to survive. Over time conditions changed and what was a survival trait at one point in time became a liability and what was a liability became a survival trait. The Earth has not always been as it is now and we would not have survived on Earth as it was in the beginning.
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Is God Real?

Post by Ahso! »

Mickiel;1343252 wrote: In my view it means God exist, and I never limit him. Irreducible Complexity is proof of God in my understanding. Which part of a mousetrap could you remove and still have it work? Not one, so it is with the termite. Certain living organism also cannot be simplified or reduced in complexity, and survive. The removal of any single part causes the system to cease functioning. Irreducible complex systems cannot be produced gradually, by slight successive modifications from a less complicated pre-condition, I certainly disagree with that. They must exist exactly as they are- whole- complette, or they cannot exist at all. Protiens only function in the body when all componants are there.

Peace.The religious are still trying to argue irreducible complexity? That collapsed as soon as Michael Behe invented the argument, though they continue to assert it. The era of intelligent design is over, Mickiel.

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Is God Real?

Post by TruthBringer »

Mickiel;1343024 wrote: Consciousness is just not important in animals, nor is communication between them important. There is no need for language in animals, but there is a need for man to communicate.

And I want to go into that.


lol. My Brother what is your infatuation with downgrading the Animals to almost a robotic like level? They have no need to communicate? They have no language? In many ways many of them can communicate with each other in more advanced ways than we Humans can. Again I say ALL God's creatures are created Equal. Not one is above another. All Creatures are of the essence of God. Therefore each one is a piece of the Divine. To separate Animals from God is to separate the Creator from It's Creations. To do so would be blasphemy of the Truth.

Ask yourself this Mick. No really, ask yourself. How can one piece of the Divine be better than another piece of the Divine? Both pieces are OF the same thing. Is your little toe worse than your entire right arm? Even though your right arm can do more? Is your right arm therefore "better" than your big toe? If we are all (everything LIVING in existence) extensions of our Creator, than we are all working units of the same Life-Force spread out throughout the Universe. Including the Animals. With a capital A. Trust me when I tell you, within the animals can be found our Brothers and Sisters. Our Mothers and our Fathers. The Male AND the Female. They are ONE with IT just like WE are.
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Is God Real?

Post by TruthBringer »

Mickiel;1343116 wrote: The " Law of Entrophy" is another way to determine that God is real. It says that closed systems go from a state of high energy to low energy and from order to disorder. All closed systems, including our universe, disintegrate over time as they decay to a lower order of available energy and organization. Entropy always increases and never decreases in a closed system. All scientific observations confirm everything continues to move towards a greater state of decay and disorder. Because the availible energy is being used up and there is no source of new energy, the universe couldnot have always existed. Stunning proof it had to be created.

If the universe has always existed, it would now be uniform in temperture, suffering what is known as " Heat Death." Heat Death occurs when the universe has reached a state of maximum entropy. It is a fact that one day our Sun and all stars in the universe will burn out. Electromagnectic radiation will dissappear and all matter will lose its vibrational energy. Because the stars cannot burn forever and because they are still currently burning, they couldnot have always existed because they would have already burned out by now.


Energy is never destroyed. Only transformed from one form to another. It is infinite. Therefore it can not be "used up" as in "consumed and destroyed" which is the context you are trying to use it in. Even though it can be utilized, it will be transformed into something else. Just because we can't see where something went doesn't mean it didn't go somewhere.

I think the reason you are failing in many ways here and why Bryn Mawr is starting to get your number is because you are not Truly using your God Center to expand upon your awareness. I can tell you are not, whether you say you are I know you would be lying. You are PURELY using textbook material and or creationism science to back up your arguments. When you are not using your own inner Truth to guide your ways, you are at the mercy of the information that was given to you. Second hand information is only useful for an individual if you are able to transition it into your own thoughts and feelings. Only then does it become a part of YOU. Not when it is spit it out entirely in it's handed down form like a reel of video footage that only has so much information to spare.
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Is God Real?

Post by TruthBringer »

Mickiel;1343119 wrote: Another way to determine if God is real is the " Laws of conservation." These are basic laws in physics that state which processes can or cannot occur in nature. Each law maintains the total value of the quantity governed by that law ( e.q. matter and energy) remains unchanged during physical processes. Conservation laws have the broadest possible application of all laws in physics and are considered to be the most fundamental laws in nature. In 1905, the theory of relativity showed mass was a form of energy and the two laws governing these quantities were combined into a single law conserving the total amount of mass and energy. This law says neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed. This fact leads to an inescapable question:

If matter and energy cannot be created, how did they orginate? Where did the entire universe come from?

Again, it is impossible to create matter and energy through natural methods. However, they do exist, so we find ourselves in a quandary. It would seem to the unbiased either matter and energy made themselves from nothing or a supernatural creator made them. Both answers violate the law of Conservation. But they are the only two answers that I know of. In my view, creation by a creator is far more reasonable than self creating energy and matter.


It looks like you have already familiarized yourself with this law. Good. Now you don't need to use the burning out of Suns to explain that the Universe is "dying". Because nothing Living ever Truly dies. Everything living in the Universe (including Suns, Planets, etc.) will never Truly die. Only transform. So you see this is why you confuse me. You are aware of this law, but yet you still talk about "death" as if it is reality. Unless you are talking physical death, which is a temporary illusion. In that case it makes more sense. But is the Universe actually dying? No. Not at all. It is Transforming. Infinitely. As is everything else that is Living. And the Universe gives birth just as all Living things do in one way or another. Procreates as you mentioned before. But the Universe, just like the Animals (capital A) has it's own children. And in it too, just as with ALL Living Things, can be found the Image of the Mother and Father. The Images are revealed by the Light that is contained within Them. "How much can we bare?" And what Images? The Images I am speaking of are ONE. There is No Father and no Mother when they become ONE. There is just God. JUST the Light. But until all creation returns to the ONE form, there will be the continued separation of the feminine from the masculine into our World and the next. The continuation of DUALITY in all of it's various forms.

All who follow the path that leads to Unification MUST understand and remember the ORIGINAL Image. The Image of the ONE.

Jesus responded:

"When You make the Two into One, and when You make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the upper like the lower and the lower like the upper, and thus make the Male and the Female the same, so that the Male isn't Male and the Female isn't Female. When You make an eye to replace an eye, and a hand to replace a hand, and a foot to replace a foot, and an Image to replace an Image, then You will enter The Kingdom."

Jesus Said:

"He who doesn't hate His Father and Mother cannot be a Disciple of Mine. He who doesn't hate His Brothers and Sisters and bear His Cross as I do will not be worthy of Me."

For The Days are coming when You will say "Blessed are the womb that has never conceived and the breasts that have never given milk."

In the Original Image there was no conception. There were no children. not even our Brother in Heaven The Christ.

Jesus Said:

"Anyone who doesn't hate His Father and His Mother as I do cannot be a Disciple of Mine. And Anyone who doesn't love His Father and His Mother as I do cannot be a Disciple of Mine."

One day, the Source will return to Itself. As a Single One. As it was in the Beginning.

Jesus replied:

"Have You found the Beginning so that You now seek the End? The place of the Beginning will be the place of the End."

"I will choose one of You out of a thousand and two of You out of ten thousand. They will stand up and They will be alone."

Alone as in ONE.

"For there are Many who are First who will become Last. They will be a Single One."

Jesus said:

"There are Many standing by The Door, but only The Single will enter The Bridal Suite."

Only the Single ONES.

Jesus Said:

"Blessed are the Single Ones and the Chosen Ones, for You will find The Kingdom. Because You emerged from It You will return to It."

The single ONES. The Chosen ONES.

And He said:

"Whoever finds the correct interpretation of these sayings will never die."
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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

Is God real? Oh what a question we all should realize, God cannot be measured in any certain size. What he is to you and me, thats what is out there to be or not to be. How big is God, is he bigger than the ocean, wider than the sea, larger than the mountian, but not to far from me! These are prhases from a song I heard at my youth, I still remember it. Still sing it to myself.

Still wonder.

I want to go into how God can be real to you as an individual, your personal experience. Personal experience is proof of God.

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Is God Real?

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Visions are defintely an experience that is personal, they are for you, nobodyelse. And they " Can be" evidence of God, if they were real and from him, its hard to tell though. I have only had one in my life. It was a weird experience for me. I had just awakened from a good nights sleep, and was just laying in the bed preparing to get up. I had a lounge chair next to my bed at the time, and I saw an animal head materialize on the chair. It had the head of a horse, and the eyes of a man. It just sat there and looked at me. I rubbed my eyes and cleared my head as best I could, and it was still there. I even reached out with my hand to touch it, but my hand went right through it.

At the time I was previously developing a theory I was thinking about God, which I won't go into to. It was a wild theory, and the head looked at me and spoke to my mind. It impressed on me that the theory was wrong, and then it slowly disapeared. Well I no longer persued the theory, I was kind of scared to. That is the only vision I have ever had. It was a strange experience, because I am not given to foolishness, I am for real.

But I will never forget that experience.

These are the personal types of experiences that rivet your attention to God being real, or there being more to life than we know.

And I want to go into that.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

I have often stated that Consciousness is proof of God, and its perhaps his main way of communicating with and influncing a human. It has been my personal experience to have my consciousness heavily influenced in certain areas, that I know was not my doing. One area in particular, is the rejection of eternal hell punishment. God has profoundly influenced my consciousness in this area, he does not want me to accept this doctrine. This is how I know God can over ride the human will and cause you to think in a manner that he insist, and there is nothing you can do about it. It is a great power, but an educating power. He molds your mind in the direction that he wills, but teachs you all along the way that it is right.

Once you personally experience things like this, they are everlasting motivations and proof to yourself that God is real.

And I want to continue on that.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

The Bible is also proof of God, no doubt in my mind there. Once God has influenced your consciousness, it opens the bible to YOU, as never before. You begin to learn and see so much. And the experience of that can be applied to your everyday life, as you understand just how powerful the bible really is. How relevant and wise it is. How revealing it is, and how misunderstood it is. But you got to keep it personal, because so many reject it and do not see it as you are now seeing.

One thing about God being real that I believe and the bible confirms, is that God himself has to reveal himself to the human, or they willnot see him in reality.

And I want to go into that.

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Is God Real?

Post by Mickiel »

It has been my personal experience with God to grow in a most unusual manner. He has not given me his Holy Spirit, he does not talk to me, I have never seen him. He has not shown me his church, nor put me in it. I walk alone in my belief. But inspite of these things, I still believe. This thing in me willnot go away. I have tried to manipulate God into giving me more of himself, giving me his Spirit, and that just does not work for me. That is how I learned that God cannot be manipulated, hes going to do things his way, no matter how you feel. So he influences my consciousness from a distance, but always just enough to allow me to know that he is there.

Not like I want him to be, but as he wants it to be. I am then content, when I do not want to be content. To have a personal relationship with God would be quite something, I long for it to one day happen to me.

This longing, this Hope, is then proof of God.

And I want to go into that.

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