New Gay Marriage Thread

southern yankee
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by southern yankee »

Odie;1054674 wrote: not a pretty site, and why keep on debating it!:-5 that's right not me BYE BYE:mad:
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by Accountable »

Odie;1054674 wrote: not a pretty site, and why keep on debating it!:-5 ... -pass.html

It was one of the classics. I think we actually changed minds then.

We debate because it forces us to examine our own beliefs to see if they're as sound as we think they are. :-6
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Post by Odie »

Accountable;1054728 wrote: ... -pass.html

It was one of the classics. I think we actually changed minds then.

We debate because it forces us to examine our own beliefs to see if they're as sound as we think they are. :-6

but debating it for so long and its now become a second thread?:rolleyes:

what is one trying to accomplish, yet again?:-5

so many have their own beliefs...and they will not change them and I don't blame them.....everyone has their rights to their own beliefs.
Life is just to short for drama.
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by Accountable »

Odie;1054816 wrote: but debating it for so long and its now become a second thread?:rolleyes:

what is one trying to accomplish, yet again?:-5

so many have their own beliefs...and they will not change them and I don't blame them.....everyone has their rights to their own beliefs.
First off, because people obviously find it important, or at least interesting, enough to talk about it ... a lot.

Second, because acting on some people's beliefs impose on others' ability to act on theirs. That's what the OP is about.
southern yankee
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by southern yankee »

Odie;1054816 wrote: but debating it for so long and its now become a second thread?:rolleyes:

what is one trying to accomplish, yet again?:-5

so many have their own beliefs...and they will not change them and I don't blame them.....everyone has their rights to their own beliefs.
this topic is as personal as Abortion. It will only cause temper flares and resentment. I like you all to much to make enemies;)
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by gmc »

posted by hoss

Talking about this stuff on FG keeps the higher thinking evolved from getting killed by the lower thinking knuckle dragging Neanderthals who are right!

Got that wrong, the higher thinking evolved ones are the ones who invented bows and arrows so the neanderthals couldn't get near enough to get at them. :sneaky:

I am about to make some sweeping generalisations here so no one take anything personally.

The Religious used to argue against property rights for women because according to the bible it was woman's place to get married and just have children, they and the children were the man's to dispose of as he saw fit. women weren't capable of making decisions.

They also argued against divorce laws as it was against the sanctity of marriage and did their best to impose their beliefs on even those who do not share their religion. Children born out of wedlock were bastards with no rights and those who bore them pariahs to be shut away from society. Even in fairly recent times you cold be locked away as feeble minded for bringing that kin of disgrace to yur family.

The church used to argue that it was the natural order of things that some were born to rule and others to serve and to suggest otherwise was blasphemy. Slavery of the black man was justified cos it was in the bible-they'd already lost the argument about enslaving white people-used to be just Christians you couldn't enslave but didn't those smart alec black people just go right ahead and convert to Christianity and demand their freedom.

For generations the church has tried to control their followers by controlling when and where and with whom they can have sex and made pariahs out of those who would not conform.

Basically the religious are in no position to lecture others on morality. You could argue that some of the progress we have made in individual rights is due to the religious but more often than not it has been in the teeth of string and often violent opposition from the established churches.

Words like liberty, free, democracy, individual, tolerance are all pagan words in origin and we owe very little to demented middle eastern religions for the values we hold most precious in our society.

I am ambivalent about homosexuals. Like most people I was brought up to find it abhorrent. Even now I cannot understand the attraction but I will tolerate it and let those who choose that lifestyle live their lives in peace. I even have a few homosexual friends that on get on well with.

I will also tolerate religious people even if I find their beliefs ludicrous and their intolerance of those who don't share their beliefs irritating and their delight when they find someone to hate and look down on despicable.

If marriage is a contract before god and there are same sex couples who want to take their vows and churches that will accept them them let them be. No one is forcing you to go to the wedding or buy presents, if god isn't happy let god tell them his own way and those who believe they can hear the word of god and know how he feels about it mind their own business. Who are you to stand between a man/woman and their god and tell them they have no right to be married?

Why anyone should be allowed to dictate how people live their lives and tell us who should be despised because of their lifestyle is an age old question. If you like living in a society that tolerates your beliefs then you have to accept that you have no right to deny others that same tolerance. Religion is an incredibly destructive force in society when it is gains too much power. Your pilgrim fathers emigrated to escape religious persecution but by god they were not averse to practising a fair bit of it themselves and even today their inheritors sit like a cancer waiting to spread.
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by koan »

I think marriage is a lost art.

I have no idea why gay couples covet it so much.
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by wildhorses »

Hoss;1056186 wrote: I imagine they want to be 'normal'. It tells me that they don't see themselves that way, so they covet what they think will make them 'normal'. I think they are very confused individuals.

They think they are normal. They just want to be treated like everyone else thats all. What is the big deal?
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by gmc »

koan;1056185 wrote: I think marriage is a lost art.

I have no idea why gay couples covet it so much.

They want the right to be as miserable as everybody else:sneaky: Home is where you hang your head even of you don't know what you did. (a comment I find most married men get straight away and women just look puzzled)

posted by hoss

Pardon me but that’s exactly the churches job, to teach morality, to point the way to Christ and to be an example towards righteousness. If they don't do it neither should you. I think the church needs to lead by example here.

Oh no it's not. It's up to each individual to learn right from wrong the church is one of the more important ways you can receive guidance but by no means the only one. This idea that you can only be a moral person if you are religious is a load of cobblers. Though I suspect we will not agree on this.

posted by hoss

God requires every man to care for and provide for his children, any man that sires a child has a moral obligation to be his father. It is a sin to have a child out of wedlock, but shame is a natural outward consequence of the action, the child is innocent. I'd have much more respect for a man that cares for his sins and all the consequences from it, including a child, than if a man sinned and discarded the child, to me that's double sin and double shame.

Says who? It is not the role of the church or anyone else to dictate when a woman can or cannot have a child or whether she should have access or not to contraception.

posted by hoss

Marriage is NOT a covenant between man and man, or woman and woman, those two things don't fit together, can't fit together and cannot be one, they are not equal, but unequally yokes if they single each other out to be 'together'. No matter what man says they can do and what they can get government to justify or force in some declaration or contract God never meant it to be so.

Says who? that is your opinion and why should anyone accept your interpretation of what god meant? At least the ones that want to get married share your belief in god. Does their lifestyle make that belief any less real?

posted by hoss

I can tolerate homosexuals, no problem, but I draw the line at being forced to give their lifestyle validity by government intervention. It is my choice on whether I accept them and validate their relationships, they have no right to take a tradition and make it their own.

I can tolerate the sanctimonious, no problem, But I draw the line at being forced to give their lifestyle validity by government intervention and allowing them to impose their prejudices on others and make them the state's.

posted by hoss

Religions don’t have to be destructive at all, they don’t have to be cancerous either, they should be quietly leading by example and that’s all. I am very much opposed to any church or religious organization getting involved politically, I think its wrong, a church should preach its doctrines to its members and anyone else who COMES to listen, we should never ever force anyone to believe the way we do, I thinks its immoral even to attempt to do it. How can anyone force anyone to believe something? By the same token it’s wrong for the secular people or pagans to try to encroach on the church to draw away the members as well or force them to believe their ways.

maybe they don't have to be destructive but the simple fact is around world they cause misery to millions usually be being intolerant of others. If you think it wrong to force others to believe a you do why do you think it right to deny others the right to live life as they choose. Why are the churches getting involved politically and trying to force their beliefs down everybody's throats?

In what way are you prevented from worshipping as you please or living life as you choose and why do you believe you have the moral authority to dictate to others.

Most law in both our countries are basically derived from people sitting down and deciding what is an isn't right without recourse to religious texts-a pagan tradition. No people where there is a monotheistic theocracy ever came up with concepts like individual liberty, equal rights, democracy but always where monotheism gets a grip those ideas are the first to go and god's law as interpreted by the "right kind" of people . King's law by divine right

We're obviously not going to agree on this. The thing is I would always defend your right to worship as you please so long as you respected the right of others not to agree with you and live life as they saw fit.

posted by hoss

By the same token it’s wrong for the secular people or pagans to try to encroach on the church to draw away the members as well or force them to believe their ways.

You can't force people to believe but you can make is socially unacceptable to not at least overtly believe. If you see pagans with strange beliefs do you not feel an 0bligation to make them think about it? Or worry about Muslims and mormons brainwashing their children and keeping them separate from the rest of their peers so they don't get contaminated by other ideas? In america is it not the case that the religious are trying to ban the teaching of the theory of evolution in the schools? I don't see secularists demanding that the churches stop teaching about adam and eve.

posted by hoss

I think all those words and their specific ideologies are written into the bible in various forms and examples. They are not exclusively pagan.

i didn't claim they were but I see many religious arguments and and treatises where the idea that there is no morality before Christianity and that our ideas of liberty etc stem solely from the rise of monotheism, quite frankly that is a load of cobblers.
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Post by Nomad »

Hoss;1056186 wrote: I imagine they want to be 'normal'. It tells me that they don't see themselves that way, so they covet what they think will make them 'normal'. I think they are very confused individuals.

Theres a simple saying that resonates within me, it can be applied to almost any type of situation.

It starts out until you have walked a mile in my shoes.....

For a young man you seem to have some extremely firm convictions.

Its a big world out there Hoss, when we occlude all other possibilities as having merit we stop learning.

And why do you feel so strongly about what others do ?

I mean dont you have work in your own life to do ?

I dont intend that to be harsh, I dont feel harsh towards you its just that Im always amazed when I hear people define how they think others should live.
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Post by sunny104 »

but apart from two people loving each other and wanting to spend the rest of their lives together marriage also provides certain legal rights regarding insurance, medical decisions, property, children, etc.
General 21
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Post by General 21 »

That's great that our people of California voted Yes on Prop 8 to save our land from those filthy natural brute beasts.Homosexuality is sin Romans 1:26-32.
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Post by flopstock »

General 21;1261414 wrote: That's great that our people of California voted Yes on Prop 8 to save our land from those filthy natural brute beasts.Homosexuality is sin Romans 1:26-32.

Are you always this slow? You need to stay more up to date.

California's new claim to fame is pedophilia... but not to worry, I'm sure that particular heterosexual is finding religion as we speak..:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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General 21
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Post by General 21 »

flopstock;1261417 wrote: Are you always this slow? You need to stay more up to date.

California's new claim to fame is pedophilia... but not to worry, I'm sure that particular heterosexual is finding religion as we speak..:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
The pedophiles are everywhere including in Catholic Church.These perverts spread like rats and cockroaches.
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by gmc »

General 21;1261421 wrote: The pedophiles are everywhere including in Catholic Church.These perverts spread like rats and cockroaches.

Yes but they can go to church and they will be forgiven meanwhile the victims are condemned for provoking the attack by being sexually appealing to them. (Forgive me lord for I gave in to temptation and I truly repent). The man in the dress wearing a funny hat that lives in Rome is infallible and he says it's OK-especially if you are a priest.

Blessed is the logic of the truly religious for it only makes sense if you truly believe.
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by General 21 »

God is not mocked.Galatians 6:9-10

Fags are the abomination and they go to Hell.Romans 1:26-32 and Leviticus 18:22.
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by abbey »

General 21;1261593 wrote: God is not mocked.Galatians 6:9-10

Fags are the abomination and they go to Hell.Romans 1:26-32 and Leviticus 18:22.It seems you need to read FG rules.

May I draw your attention to 1.5

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Post by General 21 »

We are civil and we tell the truth.
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Post by flopstock »

General 21;1261671 wrote: We are civil and we tell the truth.

Good god almighty! Are you one of those multiple personality folks? Or are you a sports or rock start that you can only refer to yourself in the 3rd person?:p

I believe the point is to be civil to everyone, not just those who agree with your POV. Which I don't, BTW - on this issue..

It's not so much PC as manners.

but we always have smoking law..:-6
I expressly forbid the use of any of my posts anywhere outside of FG (with the exception of the incredibly witty 'get a room already' )posted recently.

Folks who'd like to copy my intellectual work should expect to pay me for it.:-6

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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by abbey »

flopstock;1261675 wrote: Good god almighty! Are you one of those multiple personality folks? Or are you a sports or rock start that you can only refer to yourself in the 3rd person?:p

I believe the point is to be civil to everyone, not just those who agree with your POV. Which I don't, BTW - on this issue..

It's not so much PC as manners.

but we always have smoking law..:-6Why does the name paula keep springing to mind? :-3
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Post by Peg »

abbey;1261683 wrote: Why does the name paula keep springing to mind? :-3

Funny, I was thinking the same thing.
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Post by Bryn Mawr »

General 21;1261671 wrote: We are civil and we tell the truth.

A very limited truth according to your very limited view of the universe.
General 21
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Post by General 21 »

For he who desires to save his life will loose it,but he who desires to loose his life for God's Kingdom, will find it.

I will never kiss the fag ass to please this Satan ridden world that is doomed for Hell.I will kick the fag ass to please God and His Commandments.
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Kathy Ellen
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Post by Kathy Ellen »

General 21;1261883 wrote: For he who desires to save his life will loose it,but he who desires to loose his life for God's Kingdom, will find it.

I will never kiss the fag ass to please this Satan ridden world that is doomed for Hell.I will kick the fag ass to please God and His Commandments.

It's pathetic, to me, for someone like this to try to wind up our members.

What a loser you are..Go away:rolleyes:
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by K.Snyder »

I'm completely against anyone teaching children about sex!

I feel sex is the only thing children have to learn on their own!

Which I should make a thread about!

Having said that, I'm completely against homosexuality being taught to children in the sense that it's normal! What's normal, as defined appropriately, is left up to the opinions of those defining it, from which is self complacency. How else do we get the definition of "different" other than being insecure within "yourselves"?
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by K.Snyder »

General 21;1261883 wrote: For he who desires to save his life will loose it,but he who desires to loose his life for God's Kingdom, will find it.

I will never kiss the fag ass to please this Satan ridden world that is doomed for Hell.I will kick the fag ass to please God and His Commandments.

I don't believe homosexuality is natural:thinking: but you dear sire are ignorant
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by Ahso! »

General 21;1261593 wrote: God is not mocked.Galatians 6:9-10

Fags are the abomination and they go to Hell.Romans 1:26-32 and Leviticus 18:22.Never mind - its bound to be a waste of time and I don't have time to waste.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


I have only one thing to do and that's

Be the wave that I am and then

Sink back into the ocean

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Post by YZGI »

Robert J;1261888 wrote: Never mind - its bound to be a waste of time and I don't have time to waste.
You have an amazing grasp for the obvious. he he:wah:
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by Ahso! »

YZGI;1262057 wrote: You have an amazing grasp for the obvious. he he:wah:I have my moments! For me its important to advertise them as they're far and few between.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


I have only one thing to do and that's

Be the wave that I am and then

Sink back into the ocean

Fiona Apple
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by hoppy »

General 21;1261883 wrote: For he who desires to save his life will loose it,but he who desires to loose his life for God's Kingdom, will find it.

I will never kiss the fag ass to please this Satan ridden world that is doomed for Hell.I will kick the fag ass to please God and His Commandments.

I LIKE this poster.:D
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by Ahso! »

hoppy;1262076 wrote: I LIKE this poster.:Dthat could sound rather gay to some, though I notice you did't say 'love', but then again, we usually don't commit to a loving relationship before the 'like' stage completes.

You know I'm playing with you, don't you?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


I have only one thing to do and that's

Be the wave that I am and then

Sink back into the ocean

Fiona Apple
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by hoppy »

Robert J;1262077 wrote: that could sound rather gay to some, though I notice you did't say 'love', but then again, we usually don't commit to a loving relationship before the 'like' stage completes.

You know I'm playing with you, don't you?

I know your trying really hard to sound smart. :p
General 21
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by General 21 »

Abbey.You can't stop the real truth.Word fag is not a slang,it is a profound theologial word.
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by Ahso! »

hoppy;1262078 wrote: I know your trying really hard to sound smart. :pI'll assume its working then?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


I have only one thing to do and that's

Be the wave that I am and then

Sink back into the ocean

Fiona Apple
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by Ahso! »

General 21;1262080 wrote: Abbey.You can't stop the real truth.Word fag is not a slang,it is a profound theologial word.Perhaps you can point us to that profound theology? Wikipedia maybe, that should be easy enough.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


I have only one thing to do and that's

Be the wave that I am and then

Sink back into the ocean

Fiona Apple
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by hoppy »

Robert J;1262082 wrote: I'll assume its working then?

You ASSume way too much, and i stress the ass.
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Post by YZGI »

hoppy;1262084 wrote: You ASSume way too much, and i stress the ass.

hoppy;1262085 wrote: You ASSume way too much, and I stress the ASS.
Watch it Hoppy, too much ass stress can cause hemorrhoids.:wah:
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by Ahso! »

hoppy;1262085 wrote: You ASSume way too much, and I stress the ASS.I missed you, Hoppy. I'm no more intelligent than you. I think you're well aware of that.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


I have only one thing to do and that's

Be the wave that I am and then

Sink back into the ocean

Fiona Apple
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Post by abbey »

General 21;1262080 wrote: Abbey.You can't stop the real truth.Word fag is not a slang,it is a profound theologial word.
And the word bollocks is a profound English one.
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New Gay Marriage Thread

Post by Ahso! »

abbey;1262134 wrote: And the word bollocks is a profound English one.And th difference in usage between the two terms is noteworthy. One addresses and criticizes people and the other address and criticizes an ideal.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


I have only one thing to do and that's

Be the wave that I am and then

Sink back into the ocean

Fiona Apple
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