Did Judas go to heaven?

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Did Judas go to heaven?

Post by spot »

Jester;765245 wrote: The question isnt a suicide, in my opinion the bible doesn't idicate that suicide itself is a sin, I think it is assumed that to commit suicide one must be in despair, to despair is to be without God, the indication then is that killing onself is done without belief in God.I did think koan at least glimpsed in that direction when she posted. If suicide weren't a sin keeping people out of heaven, why would any rational believing Christian not say "I'd rather be in heaven than here" and kill themselves immediately to get there - it's anything but despair, it's despair's reversal, it would be pure joyous faith. Only knowing it to be an unforgivable sin is what stops every Christian from doing it.
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Did Judas go to heaven?

Post by nvalleyvee »

The Jesus savior - the Jesus guy would not have been persecuted or resurrected if it was not for Judas. Get a grip Christians.
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