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Bereaved People

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:06 pm
by RedGlitter
Delilah;582136 wrote: In the says.."the death of their loved ones"...

Many posters in here have lost a I was wondering if I am in the right thread..

Yesterday I found out my Aunt passed away. I'm still in somewhat hasn't all sank in yet..but I'm still fairly upset. I loved her very much..and she was the only person in my family I had much in common with. We were a lot alike, and I loved that I fit with someone, as it seemed I didn't fit much with the rest of the family, and was that "different" one, very much the opposite from the others.

Anyway..appologies if this thread is solely for parents..

Hey Delilah....

You are in the right place. I'm sorry you have reason to be here, if you know what I mean. If you want to tell us about yoru aunt sometime, we'd love to read about her.... :yh_hugs

Bereaved People

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:08 pm
by Ritz
Thank-You to all of you how caring you all are,do you know you sound like a close warm family on here God bless you all...

I have another funeral later in the day today,It is my last uncle John for I have no more uncles all gone now,I am the eldest now long with my last auntyI love her so much,I have to go,me en uncle John have alway got into fights with each other when the family were all a round, for it as always been play acting others did not know that or I thought, I was on phone to aunty and I said I have a bone or two to pic with him,so I said to my aunt could I get up on the rostrom to say a few words, and this is what I am, going to say(Your selfish Uncle John, who the heck do I argue with now,at last uncle I get the last laugh for the first time ever well I have to try en get a laugh smile out of my aunty.yes I am hurting but I have to be there for my aunt now.(God bless Missie,Uncle John, and my partners dad-in law) and God bless you all for this wonderfull forum...

All the best to you all from... Lady R L*** of Lochaber

Ritz I am known with on the land of the PC.

Bereaved People

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:11 pm
by guppy
i am so sorry for your loss ritzy....:-4

Bereaved People

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:10 pm
by Ali.
I have just read through all the post's and would like to give my deepest condolences to all of you.I have just lost my dear mother in law a special person.It has brought back all the memorys of my mum who passed several years ago,2 years after that my beautifull sister passed,sadley it was a very slow passing the big C of coarse, then 2 years later my dad passed of cancer as well.It was a hellish time as we where just comming to terms with one passing it all started again.We don't think at the time we are ever going to get over it, you don't really, but with time it gets a little less painfull.To all of you my thoughts are with you.For this subject we are all as all xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bereaved People

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:10 am
by Carl44
Ali.;676043 wrote: I have just read through all the post's and would like to give my deepest condolences to all of you.I have just lost my dear mother in law a special person.It has brought back all the memorys of my mum who passed several years ago,2 years after that my beautifull sister passed,sadley it was a very slow passing the big C of coarse, then 2 years later my dad passed of cancer as well.It was a hellish time as we where just comming to terms with one passing it all started again.We don't think at the time we are ever going to get over it, you don't really, but with time it gets a little less painfull.To all of you my thoughts are with you.For this subject we are all as all xxxxxxxxxxxxx

:-6:-6wow you have been through a lot , more than your share ,your strength and positive thinking will inspire others who are going through their own hell ,my thoughts and admiration are with you :-6:-6

Bereaved People

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:13 am
by RedGlitter
That's an awful lot of loss to have to work through at one time and now this. I'm sorry Ali. Why is there never anything adequate to say in this situation. Words fail me. I hope you will make use of this thread any time you want to. We will always be here to listen.

Bereaved People

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:18 am
by Carl44
RedGlitter;676054 wrote: That's an awful lot of loss to have to work through at one time and now this. I'm sorry Ali. Why is there never anything adequate to say in this situation. Words fail me. I hope you will make use of this thread any time you want to. We will always be here to listen.


i thought of this yesterday ,your my friend red that inspires me

inspired :D the way my brain cell works worries me at times :wah:

Bereaved People

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:21 am
by RedGlitter
jimbo;676057 wrote: inspired:-6

i thought of this yesterday ,your my friend red that inspires me

inspired :D the way my brain cell works worries me at times :wah:

Wow!! Thank you Jimbo! You just made me smile a mile wide! :D

Bereaved People

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:22 am
by Ali.
Jimbo,Red. thank you both very much,your thoughts are so appreciated.Yes red there isnt a lot u can say to people at this timebut everyone understands.Im sorry for ur loss its so very hard.I lost it completly when they told me my mum had died,she had only gotten out of hospital on the friday,and she died on the saturday.We were going to go down and see her that night but though we would wait till sunday and I will never forgive myself for putting it off untill the next day.Jimbo my thoughts are with u to, we all heal in differant ways, but we get there life has to go on.Thanks again guys tc Ali.xxxxx

Bereaved People

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:03 pm
by changinglanes
I am sorry about your loss. I think it hits a daughter in the worst way when losing their mother. I know how you feel. I miss mine so much and not picking up that phone every day to call her is the hardest. Not being able to seek that motherly advice and the laughter we shared tears me up. Christmas was the worst.

My mother was in remission from breast cancer but the radiation treatments caused Myleodysplasia, an incurable blood disease, also known as pre-Leukemia.

I was the one that knew she was dying and cared. I begged my step dad to go to with to her dr. appt. or I would. He said he would but when I asked mom she said he didnt go because he doesn't care. Her exact words. My brother continued to dump his kids on her so he and wife go go out and get drunk at the bars. They even wanted her to clean their house 2 weeks before she died. I told mom that she either tells them no or I will call them. I sent her $200 floral arrangement 1 week before she died. She asked why and I said because I can, wanted to and love her. I did right by her and miss her everyday.

We lost our best friends our self extentions. A new chapter of our lives open but where to begin............ Many hugs to you. WE have to be strong and we are.

Bereaved People

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:24 pm
by moonpie
I lost my mom too about six years ago, and we used to talk on the phone everyday. I had two brothers, and we don't talk anymore. It seems that when death occurs, it brings the worst out in families. I am and have been at the point that they can go screw themselves. I know I did more for mom than those two a$$holes did. She would never hesitate to call me and hubby for something, before she called them. I was the only one with her when she died. The nursing home could not get a hold of one of them, because he was online. Screw them. I have no guilt feelings here.

Bereaved People

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:10 am
by changinglanes
You're lucky. No one called me to inform me she was hospitalized the day before she died. I could have been there to talk and see her but they stold that from me.

They called me 5 hours after she died. It was to hurt me and I will never forgive them for it. She relied on me for making out her diet and going to specialists.

Step-dad was mad we talked her into chemo treatments.

Im very bitter.

Bereaved People

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:21 am
by Mia
Red,I do find that this time of year we find that our greif starts to surface again.We remember who shared the Christmas meal and who we celebrated new year with.It is true that the pain is not so intense after a while,and of course it is not that long since you lost your dear mum. We carry the love of our lost families and friends in our hearts for the rest of our life,this is a good thing.

I hope you are feeling a bit better today,I do understand just what you are going through.

Mia x

Bereaved People

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:29 am
by RedGlitter
changinglanes;753615 wrote: She asked why and I said because I can, wanted to and love her. I did right by her and miss her everyday.

We lost our best friends our self extentions. A new chapter of our lives open but where to begin............ Many hugs to you. WE have to be strong and we are.

This is so true for many of us! Our best friends...extensions of ourselves, how well said, that.

CL, if you know you did right by your mom then you can lay your head down at night with some sort of peace. Remember I told you that mothers know what's in your heart. And yes, we are strong, partly because our mothers were.

moonpie;753617 wrote: I lost my mom too about six years ago, and we used to talk on the phone everyday. I had two brothers, and we don't talk anymore. It seems that when death occurs, it brings the worst out in families. I am and have been at the point that they can go screw themselves. I know I did more for mom than those two a$$holes did. She would never hesitate to call me and hubby for something, before she called them. I was the only one with her when she died. The nursing home could not get a hold of one of them, because he was online. Screw them. I have no guilt feelings here.

I have noticed that too Moonpie, that death brings out the worst...and the best in families. Maybe we can all rest our head knowing we did right by our mothers.

Mia;753631 wrote: Red,I do find that this time of year we find that our greif starts to surface again.We remember who shared the Christmas meal and who we celebrated new year with.It is true that the pain is not so intense after a while,and of course it is not that long since you lost your dear mum. We carry the love of our lost families and friends in our hearts for the rest of our life,this is a good thing.

I hope you are feeling a bit better today,I do understand just what you are going through.

Mia x

Thank you, Mia. Christmas is a tough one. It just seems to reinforce that things will never be the same, life will never be as we once knew it. But it can be made to be ours again, if different, but ours just the same. :)

Bereaved People

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:31 am
by RedGlitter
Jimbo, I hope you know how sorry I am that you are feeling so badly.

Especially in light of Suzy's recent loss. It does not seem fair to any of you guys. I'm glad you posted here.

And... may I say this? Happy Birthday Casey!!

Your Red FRIEND.
