Any Lutherans In the House?

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Any Lutherans In the House?

Post by flopstock »

My daughter went to bible camp last summer and had a great time. Couldn't wait for it to come around this year.

I think she's genuinely curious about things that I really have no interest in on a day to day basis.

So, I'm considering letting her join the lutheran chruch that's only a few blocks from our house because the pastor(or whatever they are called) seemed normal as compared to the Catholic priests of my youth...:p

Anyone have anything I need to know that may change my mind... :-6
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Any Lutherans In the House?

Post by chonsigirl »

It is a very nice denomination. If your daughter likes it, there is nothing wrong with it. I know many fine people who are Lutherans.
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Any Lutherans In the House?

Post by Ted »


That sounds fine here. I am an Anglican but our church advertises itself as Anglican/Lutheran. We have a Lutheran pastor come over at least once a month and his is a most delightful person. In fact he is married to an Anglican Priest and just finished a stint as a fill in at an Anglican church.

Both the Anglican and Lutheran churches have liturgical services very much like the Roman Catholic Church but much less emphasis on dogma. If your local Lutheran pastor is anything like Marvin it should be great.

Lutherans are encouraged to think for themselves as far as I can see.


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Any Lutherans In the House?

Post by flopstock »

Well, we did it. The daughter and I got up and went to church Sunday at her church of choice ... st johns Lutheran..

It's kinda catholic without all the kneeling and statues of christ being crusified...:thinking:

When they have everyone extend peace or whatever to each other... everyone started wandering around the church greeting everyone - US INCLUDED! Catholic church only as far as i could reach in the olden days... not sure how it is now..

I had six dollars in my purse so i let her fill out an envelope for her offering... but boy did we have a heck of a time finding our place in the books...and the little turds comments afterward????

She really liked it and thinks it's funny that she's found something i don't know a lot about...:rolleyes:... Ya know, ya get up, find clean clothes and go with her (to show you really do support her curiosity) rather then just drop her off ... that's the thanks i get???:D:wah:
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Any Lutherans In the House?

Post by flopstock »

Hoss;956510 wrote: I have been going to church all my life. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't go to church. We used to go out for early breakfast then to church at the post chapel non-denominational service. On the farm we'd all meet at gramma's and have breakfast there. Some of those churches I liked, some I didn't. But I always liked breakfast. Still do, even better would be breakfast at church.

I make a mean breakfast! It's the only meal my kids wouldn't prefer dining out for -when I'd cook...:rolleyes:

If you are ever in Illinois, you stop by and I'll make breakfast.... in return you can take the little one to church while i go back to bed...:D Just don't ever tell your dad you saw me in a kitchen... it would ruin my reputation...:wah:
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Any Lutherans In the House?

Post by WonderWendy3 »

Hey Flopstock,

My grandparents attend a Lutheran church and I like it a lot! I attend Baptists churches reg., so it is a bit different, but I like diversity!

I'm so glad that you went and that you and your daughter had a good experience.
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