Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

Post by Daniyal »

Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus Christ , told his chosen disciples whom he chose in Matthew 14 ; 18 - 21 , And I Quote ; He said Bring them hither to me . Verse 19 . And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass , and took the five loaves , and the two fishes , and LQQking Up to heaven , he Blessed and Broke and gave the loaves to his disciples , and the Disciples to the multitude . Verse 20 . And they did all eat , and were filled ; and they took up of the Fragments that remained twelve baskets Full . Verse 21 . And they that had eaten were About Five thousand Men beside women and children .

And Luke 6 ; 12 - 16 , And I Quote ; And it came to pass in those days , that he went out into a mountain to pray , and continued all night in prayer to God . Verse 13 . And when it was day , he called unto him his Disciples and of them he chose twelve , whom also he named Apostles Verse 14 , Simon ( whom he also name Peter , ) And Andrew his brother , James and John , Philip and Bartholomew , Verse 15 , Matthew and Thomas , James the son of Alphaeus , and Simon called Zelotes , Verse 16 , And Judas the brother of James and Judas Iscariot , which also was the traitor .

To go NOT into the way of the GENTILES ! You will find in Acts 13 ; 46 , And I Quote ; Then Paul and Barnabas Wax Bold and said , It was Necessary that the word of God Should first Have Been Spoken to you ; but seeing ye put it from you and Judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting Life lo , we Turn to the Gentiles .

That Saul , Shaool , Paul , and Barne-bee , Barnaabaa , Barnabas ( 19 B.C. -62 A.D. ) who was with him knew the teaching of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus Christ were to go and find the children of Israel ( Jews , Judeans ) . Acts 13 46 , says '' Then Saul , Shaool , Paul and Barne-bee , Barnaabaa , Barnabas waxed bold and said It was necessary that the word of ( God Theos , Elohyeem ) should first have been spoken to you ; but seeing yet put it from you , and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life , lo we turn to the Gentiles .

So they knew they had to be rude to want to teach '' Gentiles , '' Rude or '' insolent '' to whom ! Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus words of course . LQQk at that . They waxed bold which means to be bold or '' insolend , rude '' , Full of pride , big - chested . According to Acts 13 ; 47 , they claim that since the Judeans ( Jews ) would not accept their teachings , then the Lord ( Kurios ) commanded them '' I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles , that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth .

If Saul , Shaool , Paul did in fact have these acclaimed visions and is an Apostle to the Gentiles only . then why did he go against Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus Christ teaching as well as the laws that Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus followed from Mosheh , Musa , Moses ? Why would Saul , Shaool , Paul plan to eliminate the laws and the teaching for the Gentiles instead of teaching what Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus taught ? Nowhere in the scriptures does Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus say , '' Well , Paul since I'm sending you to the Gentitles teach them what you want ,

If Saul , Shaool , Paul was going to teach the Gentiles then he should have been converting them to the teaching and the laws of the person whom he claimed to be receiving all of these visions from . For Example ;

Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus Said ; Keep the Sabbath ( Mark 2 ; 27 ) circumcise male children on the 8th day ( Luke 2 ; 21 ) .

Saul , Shaool , Paul ; Circumcision is not necessary ( Romans 2 ; 26 ) all you need is '' circumcison of the heart '' ( Romans 2 ; 29 ) that is going against what Jesus Christ said in John 7 ; 22 - 23 . The word ANTI meaning , '' to go against '' so Anti - Christ means to go against anything that Jesus Christ taught .

Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus Said ; Unless you are baptized you shall not see the kingdom of God ( John 3 ; 3 -5 ) .

Saul , Shaool , Paul ; You are saved by accepting Jesus ; he does not mention Baptism ( Roman 10 ; 9 - 10 ) .

The Law of Mosheh , Musa , Moses says ; In 2Chronicles 7 ; 12 - 16 , it says that , the Lord dwells in chosen temples , a law through Mosheh , Musa , Moses ,

Saul , Shaool , Paul says ; in Acts 7 ; 48 , '' The Most High does not dwell in temples , '' God dwells in light in 1Timothy 6 ; 16 says Saul , Shaool , Paul

Saul , Shaool , Paul says ; Anger is approved by him in Ephesians 4 ; 26 , as well as , in Proverbs 22 ;24 .

The Law of Mosheh , Musa , Moses says ; It is law that every man - child be circumcised in Genesis 17 ; 10 ,

Saul , Shaool , Paul says ; You will gain nothing if you are circumcised in Galatians 5 ; 2 .

The Law of Mosheh , Musa , Moses says ; Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy in Exodus 20 ; 8 ,

Saul , Shaool , Paul says ;Don't judge a man who does not keep the Sabbath in Romans 14 ; 5 And Colossians 2 ; 16 ,

The Law of Mosheh , Musa , Moses says ; Do not eat pork in Leviticus 11 ; 7 , And the swine , though he divide the hoof . and be cloven footed , yet he cheweth not the cud ; he is unclean to you , '' Saul , Shaool , Paul says ; You can eat anything in Roman 14 ; 2 , '' For one believeth that he may eat all things ; another , who is weak , eateth herbs ,

Saul , Shaool , Paul even went against the Baptism 1Corinthians 1; 14 , 17 , And I Quote ; I thank God ( Theos , Elohyeem ) that I baptized none of you , but Crispus and Gaius ( 17 ) For Christ sent me not to baptize , but to preach the gospel ; not wisdom of words , lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect , '' which Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus , himself was given by Yowkhanan Yahya , John

( Baptist ) . Make not that Yowkhanan Yahya , John ( Zebedee ) still spoke of Baptism after Saul , Shaool , Paul's statement because his books came later , Yet , still in John 1 ; 26 , it says '' John answered them , saying , I Baptize with water ; but there standeth one among you , whom ye know not .

Mark 1; 9 , And I Quote ' And it came to pass in those days , that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was Baptized of John in Jordan .

John 1 ; 33 , And I Quote ; And I knew him not ; but he that sent me To Baptize with water , the same said unto me , Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on him , the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost .

John 4 ; 1 , And I Quote When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and Baptized more Disciples that John .

And Saul , Shaool , Paul is going against Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus and makes a false statement by saying , '' For Christ Sent Me Not To Baptize .... '' Christ DID NOT SENT PAUL ... CHRIST NEVER KNEW PAUL ,.. This Is A Historical And Undisputable Fact . And when And Saul , Shaool , Paul , claimed in Acts 28 ; 28 that '' The salvation of God ( Theos , Elohyeem ) is sent unto the Gentiles and they will hear it '' . This is not True , Saul , Shaool , Paul is the Apostle of the Gentiles Only and the Gentiles only salvation come through us .

The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel . So how is it that Saul , Shaool , Paul can say that salvation of God ( Theos , Elohyeem ) was sent to the Gentiles when the son of God .

Matthew 3 ; 17 , And I Quote ; And lo a Voice from heaven saying , This is my Beloved Son in whom I Am Well Pleased .

The Noble's Koran 4 ; 171 , And I Quote ; Oh 'Family of 'The Scripture ' ,

( the Torah ) , don't trangress in your means of judgement , and don't say things about The Source , except fact ( beyond any doubt ) . Surely 'The Messiah Isa 'Adopted Son of Miriams is One Sent , ( of ) The Source Allah and ( A bearer of ) His Words ' , He Threw It Ilaa '' To Miriam and A Soul 'From Himself ( Himself Not Us , Or We ) ; so have faith in The Source , and his 'One Sent , and don't say Three ( He , The Source , is part of a trinity ) '' 'It is time to Finish it '' , It is good for you all . For The Source , Allah is One Allah ' Source ; ( so far be it ) His ( His Not Our ) glory , that there should exist for Him ( Him Not Us ) a 'Physical Son ; and all that is in 'The Planet Earth ' is His ( His Not Ours . All Enosites on Earth are His sons , and daughters ) , and He ( He Not We ) is 'Sufficient' as a

'Advocate '' .

The Noble's Koran 61 ; 6 , And I Quote ; And when Yashu'a Adopted Son Of Miriam said ; O Children of Israel / Jacob , 'I'am a One Sent of The Source , Allah to you all ; 'Confirming ( in truth ) , that which is between my hands from 'The Torah - ( the law , 5 books of the Eloheem Mosheh , The Prophet Aharown , And Mosheh's Successor , The Apostle Yehowshuwa ) , and '' Gives ( You ) Good News , about a

'One Sent , who will 'Come From after me ; ( Yashu'a / Tammuz of 2,000 years ago ) ; and his name is Ahmad ( the grateful comforter ) , So when ( Muhammad ) came to them ( tribe of Judah ) with the 'Clear Evidernces ' , ( the Qur'aan ) ; they said ; This is ' Clear Magic .

The word of God John 1 ; 14 , And I Quote ; And the Word Was Made Flesh and dwelt among us ( and we beheld his Glory the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father ) Full of Grace and Truth

The Noble's Koran 3 ; 45 , And I Quote ; So when The Angelic Messengers , ( The Eloheem Anunnaqis Michael , Gabriel and Raphael ) said ; O Miriam , surely Allah gives you glad tidings with a word from Him ( Him Not Us ) , whose name is 'Illustrious ' in 'The Physical ( Being Flesh ) World ; and at 'The End ' , ( the spiritual being a spirit to come ) and of 'Those Who Are Near ( to The Source , Yashu'a / Isa is half Angelic Being ) .

The spirit of God The Noble's Koran 4 ; 171 , And I Quote And I Quote ; Oh 'Family of 'The Scripture ' ,

( the Torah ) , don't trangress in your means of judgement , and don't say things about The Source , except fact ( beyond any doubt ) . Surely 'The Messiah Isa 'Adopted Son of Miriams is One Sent , ( of ) The Source Allah and ( A bearer of ) His Words ' , He Threw It Ilaa '' To Miriam and A Soul 'From Himself ( Himself Not Us , Or We ) ; so have faith in The Source , and his 'One Sent , and don't say Three ( He , The Source , is part of a trinity ) '' 'It is time to Finish it '' , It is good for you all . For The Source , Allah is One Allah ' Source ; ( so far be it ) His ( His Not Our ) glory , that there should exist for Him ( Him Not Us ) a 'Physical Son ; and all that is in 'The Planet Earth ' is His ( His Not Ours . All Enosites on Earth are His sons , and daughters ) , and He ( He Not We ) is 'Sufficient' as a

'Advocate '' .

Who is Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus , Said Not To Even Preach Unto The Gentiles , And Not To Go To In That Direction Matthew 10 ; 5 - 6 , And I Quote ; These twelve Jesus Sent Forth commanded them saying Go not into the Way of the Gentiles . and into any city of the Samanritans enter ye not . Verse 6 . But go rather to the Lost sheep of the house of Israel .

Matthew 15 ; 24 , And I Quote ; But he answered and Said , I Am not Sent but unto the Lost sheep of the house of Israel ! Jesus said I am the way , the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father , but by me ( John 14 ; 6 ) NOT Saul , Shool , Paul ,

The Noble's Koran 61 ; 6 ( with Arabic script ) And I Quote ; And remember Jesus son of Mary said ; On children of Israel , I am a messenger of God sent to you confirming the Pentateuch ( 5 books of Moses ) and giving glad tidings of a messenger that is to come after me , his name shall be Ahmad ( Muhammad ) . So when he had come to them with clear verse , they said this is nothing but clear magic . Matthew 4 ; 23 , And I Quote ; And Jesus went about all Galilee . Teaching in their synagogues , and Preaching the Gospel of the kingdom , and Healing all manner of Sickness and all manner of Disease among the people . Deuteronomy 18 ; 15 - 18 , And I Quote ; The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee , of thy brethren , like unto me ; unto him ye Shall Hearken . Verse 16 , According to all that thou desiredst of the Lord thy God in Hored in the Day of the Assembly saying , Let me not Hear again the voice of the Lord my God , neither let me see this great fire any more , that I Die not . Verse 17 , And the Lord Said unto me ; They Have Well spoken that which they Have Spoken . Verse 18 , I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren , like unto thee , and will put my Words in his Mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I Shall Command him . John 15 ; 16-17 ,And I Quote ; Ye Have not Chosen me but I have chosen you , and ordained you . that ye should go and bring forth fruit , and that your fruit Should Remain that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name he may give it you . Verse 17 . These things I Command you , that ye Love one another . The Noble's Koran 3 ; 45 , ( with Arabic script ) And I Quote ; When the Heavenly Hosts said , Oh Mary ! Verily God gives you the good tiding by way of a Word from him ( Jesus Christ , The Word Of God ) his name shall be the saviour son of Mary ( the Messiah Jesus ) , glorified in this world and at the end and he is of those who is nearest to God .

None of the other disciples , why by the way were still living at the time , ever made these claims . So how was Saul , Shaool , Paul . able to ? It would have been much more believeable coming from John because he was the disciple that Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus loved as it so clearly states in John 13 ; 23 - 25 , And I Quote ; Now there was leaning on Jesus Bosom one of his disciples , whom Jesus Loved . Verse 24 . Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him , that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake . Verse 25 . He then lying on Jesus Breast saith unto him , Lord , who is it ? John 21 ; 20 , And I Quote ; Then Peter turning about seeth the Disciple whom Jesus Loved following which also leaned on his breast at supper , and said , Lord which is he that betrayeth thee ?

Not to mention that John was the disciple who was entrusted to receive the entire book of Revelation in the year 96 A.D. After Saul , Shaool , Paul accredited books for Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus , from The Heavenly Father by way of the angel to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass ; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John ( Revelation 1 ; 1 ) . The Book of John came in three parts 90 A.D. ,. 93 A.D. And A.D. who bare record of the word of God , and of the testimony of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus , and of all things that he saw ( Revelation 1 ; 1 ) .

So how is it that Saul , Shaool , Paul , above all of the other disciples , received all of these messages from Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus ? Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus spoke about these kind of people in Matthew 7 ; 22 - 23 , And I Quote ; '' Many will say to me in that day , Lord ( Kurios ) , Lord ( Kurios ), have we not prophesied in thy name ? And in thy name have cast out devil's ? And in thy name done many wonderful works ? And in the following verse . Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus reply to them was , And then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me , ye that work iniquity , Also read what John said in John 6 ; 64 , '' But there are some of you that believe not , For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not . and who should betray him .

This Saul , Shaool , Paul negated the Sabbath Colossians 2 ; 16 , And I Quote ; Let no man therefore Judge you in meat , or in drink , or in respect of a holy day , or of the new moon , or of the Sabbath days . Negated circumcision 1Corinthians 7 ; 18 - 19 , And I Quote ; Is any man Called Being Circumcised Let him not Become Uncircumcised is any called in Uncircumcised let him not be circumcised , Verse 19 . Circumcision is nothing , and Uncircumcised is nothing , but the Keeping of the Commandments of God .

Told them they could eat pig Roman 14 ; 2 , And I Quote ; For one BELIEVETH that he may eat all things ; another who Is Weak eatheth herbs ....

Don't have to pray three times a day , don't have to wear a head covering and in fact , negated all the laws Colossians 2 ; 16 , And I Quote ; Let no man therefore Judge you in meat , or in drink , or in respect of a holy day , or of the new moon , or of the Sabbath days .

Inclusive of those that he led astray were the true seed of Israel Saul , Shaool , Paul led the seed of Israel to the Gentiles and they adopted their way of life and became Goyim ( Gentiles , Heathens ) . He led Hebrews or true Israelite and family of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus , away from The LAW The Convenant , Protection and The Salvation of The Heavenly Father and has them Disobeying The Laws of Mosheh , Musa , Moses ; even using wrong names for The Most High , Just like you say God the German word '' Ghutt '' for when you could say '' Elohyheem '' and God phonetically is Guard , as in to protect , You say ''Lord '' the Latin word Lares meaning '' Tutelary god , household deities ; home '' from A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by Dr . Ernest Klien , Unabridged One -Volume Edition Elsevier Publishing Company Amsterdam London New York 1971 A.D. when you could say '' Yahayyu or Yahweh '' But you let the Gentiles even replace the holy names , things that render them ineligible for the kingdom of Heaven. In fact , Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus never called on the name '' God '' ; he called on '' Eli .

Matthew 27 ; 46 , And I Quote ; And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice , saying Eli , Eli lama sabachthani ? that is to say My God , my God , why hast thou forsaken me ?

Mark 15 ; 34 , And I Quote ; And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice , saying Eloi , Eloi lama sabachthani ? which is , being interpreted , My God , my God , why hast thou forsaken me ?

Teaching Of M.Z.York
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
Posts: 1399
Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:56 pm

Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

Post by Daniyal »

Paul The Author Of All The Epistles Accredited To Him ?

The Second Testament ( which is referred to as The New Testament ) was compiled in 325 A.D. by the Council of Nicaea , and consisted of 27 books , Although the Second Testament is thought to be the Book of Jesus the Messiah , it is not . The book of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus is the book of Revealation the Evangel or Al Injiyl of The Noble's Koran 3 ; 48 .

The Noble's Koran 3 ; 48 ( with Arabic script )

And he will teach him ( Jesus ) the Scripture , and the book of wisdom , and the Pentateuch , and the gospel ( Isa 40 . 13 - 14 , Luke 1 ; 32 - 33 , 80 , 2 ; 40 , 52 , Rev 1 ; 1 )

This book was given to Yowkhanan , Yuhanna , John son of Zebedee By an angel but it's Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus ' own book Revelation 1 ; 1 '' The Revelation of Jesus Christ , Which God gave unto him , to show unto his servants thing which must shortly come to pass ; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John ; for his servant Yowkhanan , Yuhanna , John son of Zebedee in the year 96 A.D. to show . This is the only book in The Holy Bible attributed to Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh , Isa Al Masih , Jesus the Messiah . The remaining twenty - six books are listed below ;

Twenty - Seven Man - Made Books Of The Second Testament

1 . St Matthew 41 A.D.

2 . St Mark 65 A.D.

3 . St Luke 58 A.D.

4 . St John 98 A.D.

5 . The Acts 61 A.D.

6 . Epistle To Romes 56 A.D.

7 . 1Corinthians 55 A.D.

8 . 2Corinthians 55 A.D.

9 . Galatians 52 A.D.

10 .Ephesians 61 A.D.

11 . Philippians 61 A.D.

12 . Colossians 61 A.D.

13 . 1Thessalonians 50 A.D.

14 . 2Thessalonians 51 A.D.

15 . 1Timothy 64 A.D.

16 . 2Timothy 65 A.D.

17 . Titus 64 A.D.

18 . Philemon 61 A.D.

19 . Epistle of Hebrew 61 A.D.

20 . Epistle of James 62 A.D.

21 . 1Peter 64 A.D.

22 . 2Peter 64 A.D.

23 . 1John 98 A.D.

24 . 2John 98 A.D.

25 . 3John 98 A.D.

26 . Jude 65 A.D.

27 . Revelation 96 A.D.

Of the 27 man made books , only 4 of these books are considered The Major Gospels ;

1 . Matthew written by Matthew 41 A.D.

2 . Mark written by Mark 65 A.D.

3 . Luke written by Luke 58 A.D.

4 John written by John 98 A.D.

These four men are supposed to hold the true accounts of the life and mission of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus . However only two of the four are true disciple Matthew 10 ; 1 - 6 , And I Quote ;

1 And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every infirmity. 2 The names of the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zeb'edee, and John his brother; 3 Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; 4 Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. 5 These twelve Jesus sent out, charging them, "Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.;...

Matthan , Mattay , Matthew was a tax collector who authored The Book Of Matthew in 41 A.D. and Yowkhanan , Yuhanna , John ( Zebedee ) was a fiserman who authored The Book of John in 96 A.D. , John's 3 letters 1st John 98 A.D. , 2nd John 98 A.D. ,. 3rd John 98 A.D. and Revelation 96 A.D. The remaining two authors of the Gospels are Yowkhanan , Markos , John - Mark who was a property owner and was the nephew of Barene - bee , Barnaabaa , Barnabas . Yowkhanan , Markos , John -Mark travelled with Barne - bee ' . Barnaabaa , Barnabas and Saul , Shaool , Paul in the year 45 A.D. when they went on their first missionary journey . And Lud , Luqa , Luke who was a physician who authored The Book of Luke in 58 A.D.

Who was Matthew ?

Matthan , Mattay , Matthew son of Kheehlef and Mayrawb was the older son of two boys and four girls . Of the 12 disciples , Matthan , Mattay , Matthew was the 8th disciple to be called Matthew 10 ; 1 - 3 , And I Quote ; 1 And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every infirmity. 2 The names of the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zeb'edee, and John his brother; 3 Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus;

Matthan , Mattay , Matthew . The publicans were people who formed the Roman taxes , and they were usually , in later times , Roman knights , and persons of wealth and credit , As a publican , one would have to be an expert in language , especially Syriac '' Arabic '' , Galilean and Aramaic ( Hebrew ) and some Roman '' Latin '' and Yavan '' Greek '' in order to communicate with the farmers and other from whom taxes were collected . Yet with all of this knowldge , when Yashua , Isa , Jesus called Matthan , Mattay , Matthew , he heeded the call , quit gis job , and followed the Master Matthew 9 ; 9 , And I Quote ; 9 As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax office; and he said to him, "Follow me." And he rose and followed him.

As an Israelite religious believe of the tribe of Judah , he left his occupation as tax collector in order to become a disciple of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus Matthew 9 ; 9 - 10 , And I Quote ; 9 As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax office; and he said to him, "Follow me." And he rose and followed him. 10 And as he sat at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Jesus and his disciples. Who was John Mark ? Yowkhanan , Markos , John - Mark son of Levi ( 14 B.C. - 60 A.D. ) and Mary ( 1 B.C. - 63 A.D. ) was a self - proclaimed disciple of Yashu's , Isa , Jesus and a cousin of Barne - bee ' , Barnaabaa , Barnabas Colossians 4 ; 10 , And I Quote ;
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
Posts: 1399
Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:56 pm

Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

Post by Daniyal »

Who was John Mark ?

who was a Levite , Yowkhanan , Markos , John - Mark was not considered as one of the twelve disciple of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus . He became an evangelist and traveled with Barne - bee , Barnaabaa , Barnabas and Saul , Shaool , Paul as they did their ministerial jobs , Mark accompanied Saul , Shaool , Paul and Barne - bee ' , Barnaabaa , Barnabas as their minister on their first missionary journey , Yowkhanan , Markos , John - Mark served as a deacon and a servant to Saul , Shaool , Paul , He translated Saul , Shaool , Paul's sermons into Greek so that the Goyim or Akum , which means heathen or Gentile , could understand and he attended to Saul , Shaool , Paul's needs . Yowkhanan , Markos , John - Mark did not continue with Saul , Shaool , Paul's on his journey . Saul , Shaool , Paul's was going further into Pisidan Antioch , and planned on working with the Gentiles , Yowkhanan , Markos , John - Mark , did not agree with this change of plan and decided not to continue following Saul , Shaool , Paul's in his missionary journey .

Who Was Luke ?

He was the evangelish son of Abda and Hodesh , and the writer of the third Gospel and Acts of the Apostles . He was born in Antioch in Syria in 4 B , C, Lud , Luqa , Luke , was a Greek / Gentile , but of the seed of Asshur ( Genesis 10 ; 21 ) and was a physician who was also a companion of Saul , Shaool , Paul on his second journey to teach the Gentiles , Lud , Luqa , Luke was in no way related to any of the 12 disciples , Lud , Luqa , Luke was the personal physician and companion of Saul , Shaool , Paul , Luke also wrote the book of the Acts of the Apostles , which is supposed to provide the life of Saul , Shaool , Paul . Lud , Luqa . Luke was a Gentile from Antioch in Syria who first met Saul , Shaool , Paul in 53 A.D. in Troas , a city of Alexndria in North Asia Minor . This was during Saul , Shaool , Paul's second mission ( 51 - 54 A.D. ) Saul , Shaool , Paul was on his way to Europe Acts 16 ; 9 - 11 .

Lud , Luqa , Luke was also a well - traveled man with knowldge of navigation and was a great writer . He was able to bridge the gap between the so-called Jews and the Gentiles . Lud . Luqa , Luke taught that Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus was a universal saviour , This is another lie , LQQk at what Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus says to his followers in Matthew 10 ; 5 - 6 , These twelve Jesus sent forth , and commanded them , saying , ' Go not into the way of the Gentiles , and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not . But go rather to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel .

The theme of his books , The Gospel of Luke ( 58 A . D . ) and the Acts of Apostles ( 61 A.D. ) is that Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus was sent to all nations .

Both of his works are directed towards Gentiles , These two books were originally a two - volume narrative of the start of Christianity in Jerusalem and its spread to Rome . They became separated in the second century A.D. when the four Gospels of the Second Testament ( Matthew , Mark , Luke and John ) were being circulated as '' The Gospel '' .

When Lud , Luqa , Luke refers to '' we '' in his works , he is talking about Saul , Shaool , Paul and himself .

The Holy Bible - Luke 20 ; 6 ( with Greek script ) '' But and if we say , Of men ; all the people will stone us ; for they be persuaded that John was a prophet , ''

Lud , Luqa , Luke never claimed to be a disciple , yet he relates events before his appearance on the scene as he heard them from Saul , Shaool , Paul and from other accounts , It's the Christian Church who portrays him as a disciple .

The Holy Bible -Acts 16 ; 10 ( with Greek script ) '' And after he had seen the vision , immediately we endeavored to go into Macedonia , assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them ''

So you see , neither Yowkhanan , Markos , John - Mark nor Lud , Luqa , Luke were disciples of Yashu'a . Isa , Jesus . They were both companions of Saul , Shaool , Paul , They Like Saul , Shaool , Paul , never met Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus , Their writing were only based on hearsay and were not divinely inspired . That's why their books are not the same as John's book . But the other 3 ; Matthew , Mark and Luke are much more alike , For agreement look

Matthew 9 ; 2 - 8 , And I Quote ; 2 And behold, they brought to him a paralytic, lying on his bed; and when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic, "Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven." 3 And behold, some of the scribes said to themselves, "This man is blaspheming." 4 But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts? 5 For which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Rise and walk'? 6 But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins" --he then said to the paralytic--"Rise, take up your bed and go home." 7 And he rose and went home. 8 When the crowds saw it, they were afraid, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to men

Mark 2 ; 3 - 12 , And I Quote ; 3 And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. 4 And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him; and when they had made an opening, they let down the pallet on which the paralytic lay. 5 And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "My son, your sins are forgiven." 6 Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts, 7 "Why does this man speak thus? It is blasphemy! Who can forgive sins but God alone?" 8 And immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they thus questioned within themselves, said to them, "Why do you question thus in your hearts? 9 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Rise, take up your pallet and walk'? 10 But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins" --he said to the paralytic-- 11 "I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home." 12 And he rose, and immediately took up the pallet and went out before them all; so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, "We never saw anything like this!"

Luke 5 ; 18 - 26 , And I Quote ; 18 And behold, men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed, and they sought to bring him in and lay him before Jesus; 19 but finding no way to bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus. 20 And when he saw their faith he said, "Man, your sins are forgiven you." 21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began to question, saying, "Who is this that speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?" 22 When Jesus perceived their questionings, he answered them, "Why do you question in your hearts? 23 Which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 'Rise and walk'? 24 But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins" --he said to the man who was paralyzed--"I say to you, rise, take up your bed and go home." 25 And immediately he rose before them, and took up that on which he lay, and went home, glorifying God. 26 And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, "We have seen strange things today."
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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Then LQQk At Matthew 10 ; 22 , And I Quote ; 22 and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.

Mark 13 ; 13 , And I Quote ; 13 and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.

Luke 21 ; 17 , And I Quote ; 17 you will be hated by all for my name's sake. 18

So Christian Base Their Whole Life On Men Who Didn't Even Know Yashua , Isa , Jesus , 95 % Of Mark's Book Came From The Book Of Matthew .

Who Was John Son Of Zebedee ?

Yowkhanan , Yuhanna , John son of Zebedee and Salome was A fisherman known affectionately by Yashua , Isa , Jesus as his beloved disciple John 13 ; 23 , And I Quote ; One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was lying close to the breast of Jesus; ;....

He is also referred to as Saint John The Apostle , The Disciple , The Evangelish and St . John the Divine . Of the 12 disciple he was the 4th disciple to be called . John was the nephew of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus through Jesus '' stepsister Salome .

So he was in the blood of Mashiakh , Masih , Messiah '' Christ '' . He and his brother Yaqov , Ya'aqub , James were one of the first disciples to be callled to walk with Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus when they saw him teaching about the Kingdom of God in Galilee Matthew 4 ; 17 , And I Quote ; From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

They were also disciples of Yowkhanan , Yahya , John the Baptist . Yowkhanan , Yuhanna , John ( Zebedee ) became very close to Yashu'a , Isa Jesus . Proof of this is expressed by the title in which Yowkhanan , Yuhanna , John ( Zebedee ) held as the disciple whom Yashu'a , Isa Jesus loved John 19 ; 26 , And I Quote ; 26 When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son!"

Yowkhanan , Yuhanna , John ( Zebedee ) acquired this title and chief role in the ministry because of his devoted and spiritual nature . He was the constant companion of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus , and was able to bear witness to the many memorable events and miracles Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus , performed .

Yaqov , Ya'aqub , Luke's books headed the books of the Second Testament concerning this so-called disciples Saul , Shaool , Paul , as well as his philosophies . These books are .

Romans 56 A.D.

1Corinthians 55 A.D.

2Corinthians 55 A.D.

Galatians 52 A.D.

Ephesians 61 A.D.

Philippians 61 A.D.

Colossians 61 A.D.

1Thesslonians 50 A.D.

2Thesslonians 51 A.D.

1Timothy 64 A.D.

2Timothy 65 A.D.

Titus 64 A.D.

Philemon 61 A.D.

Did Paul actually write all of the books accredited to him ?
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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According to the book entitled , What You Didn't Know About The Bible , by J . Carter Swaim as well as , scriptural evidence , Saul , Shaool , Paul didn't write all of the books accredited to him .

Furthermore , the books are not even in the order in which they were written , According to The Hebrew / Greek Key Word Study Bible by Spiros Zodihates on page 1578 he states ''

Most scholars suggest that this book O The Book of James ) was written shortly before James martyrdom in A.D. 62 . There are some , however , who place the time of writing close

to the time of the Jerusalem council in A.D. 46 , Nevertheless , it seems likely that the Book of James was the first New Testament book that was written , '' This is another confirmation

that the order of the books of The Holy Bible , are not necessarily in the order in which they were written , Because today James is 18th in order in the Second Testament .

According to the book entitled The True Authorship of the new Testament , by Abelard Reuchlin in 1979 A.D. he states on page 4 lll . THE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW

TESTAMENT BOOKS - Let God be true , but every man a liar ... ( Roman 3 ; 4 ) The principal authors of the New Testament were Arius Calpurnius Piso ( Josephus ) ; his son

Fabius Justus ; and his granddaughter's husband , Pliny the Younger . Following is a list of the actual authors of the various books , and the approximate dates wrtten ;

Names Of The Books Dates The Actual Authors

The original Mark 60 CE Lucius Calpurnius Piso

Matthew 70 - 75 Arius Calpurnius Piso

The present Mark 75 - 80 Arius Calpurnius Piso

Luke 85 - 90 Arius Calpurnius Piso

with Pliny's help

John 105 Justus Calpurnius Piso

Acts of the Apostles 96 - 100 Chapters 1 - 15 , A.C. Piso

with Justus ' help 16-17 by

Justus ; chapter 18 - 28 , some

written by Justus , some by


Roman 100 Proculus

Calpurnius Piso

1Corinthians , Galatians

And Ephesians 100 - 103 Justus

llCorinthians , Phillippians 103 - 105 Justus

Colossians 106 - 107 Justus with his son Julianus


lTimothy 105 Pliny

llTimothy 107 Justus

l and llThessalonians 105 - 110 Justus with help of Julianus

and his nephew Silanus

Titus 103 - 105 Pliny

Philemon 105 - 110 Justus with help of Julianus

James 110 Justus

l , ll Peter 110 - 115 Proculus

l,ll,and lll John 110 - 115 Justus Calpurnius Piso

Jude 110 - 115 Justus

Revelation 136 - 137 Justus

Hebrew 140 Flavius Arrianus ( Arrian )

aka Appian , younger

grandson of Piso by

Claudia Phoebe
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

Post by Daniyal »

Did Paul write the Book of Romans ?

Saul , Shaool , Paul sent his letters back and forth to the Roman , co - authored the book of Romans , however he was not the author of the book in totality . Throughout the book of Romans , Saul , Shaool , Paul repeatedly refers to himself in the first person singular . This book was actually the 6th book to be written in the spring of 56 A.D. by a man name Tertius , Romans 16 ; 22 , '' I Tertius , who wrote this epistle salute you in the Lord , ''

Who was Tertius ?

According to the Easton's Revised Bible Dictionary , Tertius is a Roman , Christian whom Saul , Shaool , Paul employed as his manuensis in writing his epistle to the Romans .

Did Paul write the Book of lCorinthians ?

Saul , Shaool , Paul was the co - author of lCorinthians along with Sosthenes , a chief ruler of the synagogue ( lCorinthians 1; 1 ) . It is evident that Saul , Shaool , Paul didn't write most of his book , There are contradictory passages as well as an abrupt difference in the writing style . For example , in one part it promotes law , however , through the remaining chapters of this book , it totally opposes law . As a matter of fact , this chapter also proves further that Saul , Shaool , Paul is a liar ( John 8 ; 44 ) . For instance ,

in lCorinthians 15 ; 1 -3 , '' Moreover , brethren , I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you , which also ye have received , and wherein ye stand ; By which also ye are saved , if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you . unless ye have believed in vain . For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received , how that Christ died for our sins ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES ,

Now , notice in verse 3 , Saul , Shaool , Paul says , these things happed '' according to the scriptures '' , but the scriptures he is referring to ( the synoptic gospels , Matthew , Mark , Luke and John ) were written almost forty years after Saul , Shaool , Paul so-called Epistles , And it states in John 20 ; 9 , '' For as Yet They Knew Not The Scripture , that he must rise again from the dead , ''

Now John sons of Zebedee the Beloeved disciple of Jesus said THEY KNEW NOT THE SCRIPTURE , SO WHERE DID PAUL GET THIS FROM ? That's right Saul , Shaool , Paul was a habitual liar .

Is there any other evidence that Paul didn't wtite lCorinthians ?

lCorinthians 3 ; 22 says , '' Whether Saul , Shaool , Paul , or Apollos , or Cephas , or the world , or life ... '' Notice that this verse is written in third person . If Saul , Shaool , Paul did write this , it would read ; Whether I , or Apollos ... '' Also , in lCorinthians 1 ; 13 , '' Is Christ divided ? Was Paul crucified for you ? Or were ye baptized in the name of Saul , Shaool , Paul ? Therefore , one can cleary see that there are two different authors in this Book , Furthermore , the though pattern of lCorinthians is totally different from that of 2Corinthians .

Did Paul write the Book of 2Corinthians ?

Saul , Shaool , Paul was the co-author of 2Corinthians along with Timothy in 55 A.D. However , unlike lCorinthians , this book can be attributed to Saul , Shaool , Paul according to llCorinthians 10 ; 1 '' Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ , who in presence am base among you , but being absent am bold toward you ; '' Notice the definite article '' I '' in front of his name .

Did Paul write the Book of Galatians ?

Yes . Saul , Shaool , Paul wrote the book of Galatians around 52 A.D.

Did Paul write the Book of Ephesians ?

No . Many scholars believe that Ephesians was written in Saul , Shaool , Paul name by a follower of Saul , Shaool , Paul around 61 A.D.

Is there any evidence that Ephesians was not written by Paul ?

According to What You Didn't Know About The Bible by J . Carter Swaim published by Bell Publishing Company New York 1984 A.D. distributed by Crown Publishers Inc , by arrangement with The Vanguard Press , It was Paul's custom to address himself to particular situation in the young congregations , especially situations where trouble has arisen ; this letter deals only with matters of the sublime and general character , Further , Paul habitually names in his letters many individuals to whom he sends greeting . No individual is mentioned in this letter except Tychicus , a faithful minister ( Ephesians 6 ; 21 ) . Since Paul had spent between two and three years in Ephesus ( Acts 19 and 20 ) , It is difficult to believe he could have addressed a letter to the Christians there without mentioning any by name .

Did Paul write the Book of Philippians ?

No this book was written by Timotheos , Timuthawus , Timothy ( Philippians 2 ; 22 ) in 61 A.D.

Did Paul write the Book of Colossians ?

No this book was also written by Timotheos , Timuthawus , Timothy in 61 A.D.

Did Paul write the Book of 1Thessalonians ?

No this book is accredited to Timotheos , Timuthawus , Timothy written in 50 A.D. Some theologians say that Saul , Shaool , Paul was a co - author to this book .

Did Saul , Shaool , Paul write the Book of 2 Thessalonians ?

No this book was actually written by Silvanus Timotheos , Timuthawus , Timothy and some say Saul , Shaool , Paul , But they are wrong .
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

Post by Daniyal »

Did Paul Write The Book Of 1Timothy ?

The author of this book is Timotheos , Timuthawus , Timothy's father in 64, A.D. according to 1Timothy 1;2 , '' Unto Timothy , my own son in the faith ; Grace , mercy , and peace , from God our father and Jesus Christ our Lord , '' ( 1Timothy 1 ; 18 , 2Timothy 1;2 ) Notice, this verse said '' my own son '' , and whenever Saul , Shaool , Paul referred to Timotheos , Timuthawus , Timothy's he referred to him as '' brother '' ( Philemon 1; 1 , Hebrew 13 ; 23 ) .

Is There Any Further Proof That Paul Couldn't Have Been The Author Of The Book Of Timothy ?

According to What You Didn't Know About The Bible By J, Carter Swaim , the ideas in 1Timothy , differ from those generally associated with Saul , Shaool , Paul . For instance , '' In view of Romans 7 ; 7 -25 , it would be strange if Paul could write the law is good ( 1Timothy 1 ; 8 ) , In view

Galatians 2;20 it would be strange if Paul could talk of ' the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ

( 1Timothy 6 ; 3 ) or bid Titus 'teach what befits sound doctrine ( Titus 2;1 ) , In view of Galatians 1;8 it would be strange if Paul should speak of 'the elect angels ' ( 1Timothy 5 ; 21 ) , Also , there is a distinctive vocabulary . The terms 'godliness ' ( in the Pastoral Letter nine times ) and gravity ( three times ) do not occur elsewhere in letters attributed to Paul .

Did Saul , Shaool , Paul Write The Book Of 2Timothy ?

This book is also written by Timotheos , Timuthawus , Timothy's father in 65 A.D. According to 2Timothy 1;2 , To Timothy , my dearly beloved son ; Grace , mercy , and peace , from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord .

Did Paul Write The Book Of Titus ?

The author of this book is unvertain . But most accredited this book to Saul , Shaool , Paul .

Did Paul Write The Book Of Philemon ?

Saul , Shaool , Paul .also co-authored this Book with Timotheos , Timuthawus , Timothy's around 64 A.D.
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

Post by Daniyal »

Who was Timothy ?

According to Online Bible Easton's Revised Bible Dictionary Saul , Shaool , Paul whose name means '' Honouring God '' was a young disciple who was Saul , Shaool , Paul

companion in many of his journeys . His mother , Eunice who is Jewish , and his grandmother , Lois , are mentioned as eminent for their piety 2Timothy 1 ; 5 , Timotheos , Timuthawus , Timothy's father was Greek Acts 16 ; 1 . Timotheos , Timuthawus , Timothy's , is first brought into notice at the time of Saul , Shaool , Paul second visit to Lystra Acts 16 ; 2 where he resided , and where it seems he was converted during Saul , Shaool , Paul first visit to that place 1Timothy 1;2 , Titus 3 ; 11 .

He was designated to the office of an evangelist ITimothy 4 ; 14 and went with Saul , Shaool , Paul on

his journey through Phrygia , Galatia , and Mysia . He also went to Troas and Philippi and Berea Acts 17 ; 14 . As you can see a lot of the Books in the New Testament were credited to Saul , Shaool , Paul but , he didn't write most of them ! Notice the Books that he did definitely have something to do with like Romans , Galatians and 2Corinthians . These are the Books were he speaks against Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh , Isa Al Masih , Jesus the Messiah '' Christ '' the most . The other remaning Books , were either written with Saul , Shaool , Paul or in the name of Saul , Shaool , Paul by one of his followers .

Are There Any Other Scholars That Feel That Saul , Shaool , Paul Wasn't The Author Of Most Of The Books Accredited To Him ?

According to Encarta 2000 , Ferdinand Christian Baur ( 1792 A.D. - 1860 A.D. ) a German Protestant Theologian entitled , In Saul , Shaool , Paul The Apostle of Jesus Christ ( 1845 A.D. trans , 1873 A.D. - 1875 A.D. ) he aroused controversy by regarding only Galatians , 1&2 Corinthians and Roman , as genuine Saul , Shaool , Pauline epistles .

Also , The Holy Bible , translated out of the original tongues and with the former translation diligently compared & revised King James Verseion American Bible Society New York , claim that Saul , Shaool , Paul was not the author of any of the books accredited to him . Below are the author of any of the books accredited to him . Below are the authors of the Epistles of Saul , Shaool , Paul according to the American Bible Society New York .

Romans - written to the Roman from Corinthus , and sent by Phebe servant of the church at Cenchrea .

1Corinthians - the first epistle to the Corinthians was written from Philippi by Stephanas , and Fortunatus , and Achaicus and Timotheus .

2Corinthians - the second epistle to the Corinthian was written from Philippi , a city of Macedonia by Titus and Lucas .

Galatians - unto the Galatians written from Rome .

Ephesians - written from Rome unto the Ephesians by Tychicus .

Philippians - written to the Philippians from Rome by Epophroditus .

Colossians - Wrtten from Rome to the Colossians by Tychicus and Onesimus ,

1Thessalonians -the first epistle unto the Thessalonians was written from Athens

2Thessalonians -the second epistle unto the Thessalonians was written from Athens .

1Timothy - the first epistle of Timothy was written from Laodicea . which is chiefest city of Phrygia Pacatiana .

2Timothy - the second epistle unto Timotheus , ordained the first bishop of the church of the Ephesians , was written from Rome , when Paul was brought before Nero the second time .

Titus -it was written to Titus . ordained the first bishop of the church of the Cretians , from Nicopolis of Macedonia .

Philemon - written from Rome to Philemon , by Onesimus a servant .

Hebrew - written to the Hebrews from Italy by Timothy .

This brings us to the overall conclusion that the Books accredited so Saul , Shaool , Paul were actual letter written back and firth from Saul , Shaool , Paul and his friends to different groups of people .

( Conclusion )

In spite of not being an apostle , Saul , Shaool , Paul proclaimed himself to be one of the apostles who lived with Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus . Peter explicity declared that Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus after his resurrection , did not show himself in public , but to the disciples only . The four accounts of the gospel writers testify the same in Matthew 28 ; 1 - 16 , Mark 16 ; 9 14 , Luke 24 ; 1-10 , and John 20 ; 1 - 4 ,

But Saul , Shaool , Paul to confirm his apostleship , contradicts them all , saying that Jesus '' ... was seen of Cephas , then of the twelve ; After that , he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once ; of whom the greater part remain unto this present , but some are fallen asleep . After that , he was seen of James ; then of all the apostles , And last of all he was seen of me also , as of one born out of due time . For I am the least of the apostles , that am not meet to be called an apostle because I persecuted the church of God ''

In 1Corinthians 15 ; 5 - 9 , For the sake of the Gentiles , Saul , Shaool , Paul and Peter and those who followed changed the religion taught by Jesus . They believedinhis crucifixion and resurrection and that he was '' accursed '' to redeem them of their sins . They taught the people that it was sufficient for a man to believe in the blood of Jesus to obtain salvation , Gradually this easy religion , which should be called Saul , Shaool , Paulism , became more and more prominent until it swept away every principle taught by the founder of what is known as Christianity today ,

When the scriptures were change from Hebrew to Greek the influence of the language trapped and limitem the meaning of the teaching of Yashu'a , Isa Jesus . The teaching had to be reworded . This is another point that shows that the teaching of Yashu'a , Isa Jesus , was never meant for them !! The changes that were made from the Hebrew gospels into Greek were permanent . Certain books were picked from amongst these translated scriptures to make sure that the new doctrine of Saul , Shaool , Paul would remain , while all others were destroyed . This explains why there are so many denominations of Christianity , This was an intentional plot to confuse the world and make everyone follow after the teaching of a man who never knew Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus .

Remember , Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus warned us of false prophets to Matthew 7 ; 22 , who said , '' Many will say to me in that day . Lord , Lord , have we not prophesied in thy name ? and in thy name have cast out devils ? and in thy name done many wonderful works ? ''

However , in the following verse Jesus will profess , '' And then will I profess unto them I NEVER KNEW YOU ; depart from me , ye that work iniquity , '' ( DON'T BELIEVEME CHECK IT OUT ! )


Barthel , Manfred . What the Bible Really Says . Bell Publishing Company New York' 1980 A.D..

Bramley , William . The Gods of Eden . Avon Book , New York ' 19889 A.D.

Cook , Thomas Taken . Dell Publishing , New York , 2002 A.D.

Halley , Dr . Henry . Halley's Bible Handbook , Zondervan , Grand Rapids . 1965 A.D.

Hone , William ( compiler ) , Jones , Jeremiah , Archbishop Wake ( Translators ) The Lost Books of the Bible , Bell Publishing Company , New York , 1979 A.D.

North , Gary . 75 Bible Question Your Instructors Pray You Won't Ask 2nd Ed . Institute for Christian Economics , Tyler , 1988 A.D.

Pinkham Mark Amaru . The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom . Adventures Unlimited Press , Kempton , 1997 A.D.

Pinkham , Mark Amaru . Conversations with the Goddess . Adventures Unlimited Press , Kempton , 1997 A.D.

Swain , J . Carter Ph . D. What You Didn't Know About The Bible Question and Answers Bell Publishing Company , New York , 1965 A.D.

Von Daniken , Erich . The Return of the Gods Vega , London , 1995 A.D.

Teaching Of M.Z.York
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

Post by Daniyal »

The early Bibles used in Britain were produced in The Latin language Abbot Aelfric translated The Old Testament in the 10th Century into English Myles Coversale and John Rogers revised The English Bible which is called The Matthew's Bible . During the time of Queen Elizabeth . The Geneva Bible came about , Two edition of The Bishop Bible came about in 1568 A.D. And 1572 A.D. Which preceeded The King James Version , The King James Version of The Bible is still the most widely used English Bible . Which was not translated from The Original Language Of The Torah ( Aramic [ Hebrew ] ) .

The Many Different Versions Of The / Origin And Growth Of The Bible .

( 1 ) . Syraic ( Ancient ) Arabic Phoenician Hebrew

( 2 ) . New Testament ( Greek ) From The Hebrew

( 3 ) . Septuagint ( Greek ) The First Translation

( 4 ) . The Vulgate ( Latin ) c , 400 A.D. New Latin version by Jerome using Greek and Hebrew texts .

( 5 ) . Lindisfarne Gospels 698 - 721 A.D. Gosples In Latin

( 6 ) . Bede d. 735 A.D. Part of John Gospel in Anglo - Saxon

( 7 ) . Erasmus Greek and Latin New Testament 1516 . A.D.

( 8 ) . John Wyclffe First Bible In English 1526 A.D.

( 9 ) . William Tyadale First printed English New Testament 1526 A.D.

( 10 ) . Mlles Coverdale First Printed English Bible 1535 A.D.

( 11 ) . The Great Bible 1539

( 12 ) . The Geneva Bible First Small Edition in Roman type 1560 A.D.

( 13 ) . The Bishop's Bible First printed English Bible

( 14 ) . The Douai - Rheims Bible Roman Catholic Version 1609 A.D.

( 15 ) . King James The Authorized Version 1611 A,D,

( 16 ) . King James English Revised Version 1881 - 5 A.D.

( 17 ) . King James Revised Standard Version 1952 A.D.

( 18 ) . Jerusalem Bible 1966 A.D.

( 19 ) New English Bible 1970 A.D.

( 20 ) Good News Bible 1976 A.D.

( 21 ) . New International Version 1979 A.D.

( 22 ) . The Book Of Revelation Translated by Dr . Malachi Zodok York - El 33 / 720

Just To Name A Few

It is A scientific fact that Atcheologist have found Tablets dated thousands of years before you actual ADAM , A name merely meaning of the '' Dark Brownish Red , Ground '' And EVE ( HAWWAH ) Which means '' Life or Living '' . The earliest known documents in Cuneiform were recorded in Sumerian , The language of the inhabitants of Southern Mesopotamia and

Chaldea . These Documents were Tablets known as The Atra - Hasis , The Enuma Elish , And The Gilgamesh Epics , Tablets Of The Descent Of Ishtar To The Underworld . Tablets Of Nergal and Arishkgal , Tablets of Adapa , Tablets Of Etana , The Akkadian Tablets and many more . Cuneiform was used as A script as well as A spoken language by The Eloheem , And later from This language came The Languages Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) And Aramic / Phoenician ( Hebrew ).


Aramic ( Hebrew )

Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic )

The Enuma Elish '' means ''When On High , '' The Enuma Elish , Which is the Babylonian story of creation is named after the first two words of The Narrative of The Babylonian Book . '' Enuchus ''

These Tablets were recorded way before Aramic / Phoenician ( Hebrew ) Ashuic / Syriac ( Arabic ) even existed . The Ashuric language spelled Asshur Stemmed from Asshur , A son of Shem Who was the son of Noah , Just like Aram ..

Genesis 10 ; 21 - 23 , And I Quote ; And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran '' place of cavens '' ; And his 'Mother ' Hagar 'Took ' for him a 'Confidante Wife ' , her name was Faatima '' weaning '' out of that part of the Planet Earth called Mitsrayim ( Egypt son of Cush son of Noah ) . And in time , Abimelek and '' he who was strong of the Philistines of Gerar of Gaza '' the captain of his host spoke to Abraham , saying , '' The Eloheem are with you in all that you 'Do ' , Now therefore make a 'Oath ' to me here by in the name of the Eloheem that you will not deal as falsely with me , nor with my 'Progeny ' , nor with my 'Progeny's ; But according to the the 'Kindness that I have done to you , you will do to me , and to this part of the Planet Earth where you have sojourned Which means '' A Plateau '' In The Aramic ( Hebrew ) , It appears in the feminine form as PADANA Which means '' A Plateau '' . All of the Syrians are Arameans , Meaning '' The People Are Called Aramaeans '' And they are also The Assyrian Nation ,

But speaking a different dialect don't confuse The Aramaeans , or Syrians of the past with the people who reside in these areas called Iraq and Syria today . The Aramic ( Hebrew ) language evolved into different dialects and is labeled as Ancient , Official , Middle , Late , Eastern And Modern Aramic ( Hebrew ) . However , Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) Was A Late Dialect Of Aramic ( Hebrew ) Written In A Number Of Flowing Scripts . You might ask , Is Aramic ( Hebrew ) and Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) The same language ?

What Is Called The Aramic ( Hebrew ) Tongue Is Translated As The Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) Tongue ; And Because These Language Were The Most Ancient and they sounded similar , They were sometimes thought to be the same language . You can see that the language Aramic ( Hebrew ) and Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic )

Came from Accadian also spelled Akkadian , One of the language of Sumer was also A form of Cuneiform in the Aramic ( Hebrew ) ACCAD In the Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) Acaad Comes from Genesis 10 ; 10 . The Accadian ( Akkadian ) language , Written in Cuneiform , Was A Semitic tongue related to

Hebrew , Arabic , And Aramic , The Oldest Accadian ( Akkadian ) Cuneiform indcriptions date from The Old Accadian or early Accadian period during The inscriptions of the great ruler SARGON ( 2334 - 2279 B.C.E. Isaiah 20 ; 11 ) . Of Accad . The excerpts from The Bible were extracted from these tablets which help to prove that The Bible wasn't divinely sent by some all powerful loving deity who lives up in heaven.

Also The Torah couldn't originally have been recorded in Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) or Aramic ( Hebrew ) if the first time the language were mentioned were in Genesis 10 ; 22 , The Gilgamesh Epic Pre - Date The Bible . The Gilgamesh Epic , Is considered one of The Greatest Stories of The Accadian language .

Gilgames , Is said to be the fifth king of URUK ( Around 2600 B.C.E.) , A City In Mesopotamia in Genesis 10 ; 10 As ERECH ( URUK ) . The Tables themselves are not named . Just The Story On The Tables . EPIC Means '' Stories Or Fables '' . Theologians call these writeing The Gilgamesh Epic '' , Which is really The

Muniyr Tables or Tablets of Light , Also known as The Illumination Tablets , Because it focuses on A King whose name was Gilgamesh ( IZ DUBAR ) ; The name GILGAMES Is from Cuneiform or Chaldean , The Great Ruler Of The Two Rivers Tigris ( Idglat ) And Euphrates ( Furattau ) Who Was 2/3 ELOHEEM And 1/3 Human .

They also give more Accurate accounts of these events concerning the creation , Thus , The story on The Tablet Of Gilgames , Parallels With The Story Of NOAH And The Flood . NOAH'S real name was UTNAFISHTIM And he was also called ZIU SUDRA And KUMARBI . It Aramic ( Hebrew ) the name NO - AKH

Means To Rest Down Upon ( Genesis 8 ; 4 ) Desctibing what the Ark itself did , And if you read it in The original language , it tells you that it not only floated , But it also flew , '' Or lifted up off of the water ; The word is NAW - SAW '' To Lift Bear Up .

Lift Up '' When it landed , And not the person NOAH , But A Craft . So how could that be his name before this Yahuwa ( Genesis 7 ; 9 ) called him at the age of 600 in Genesis 7 ; 6 To build A TAY - BAW '' Ark or Craft , or A Vessel '' In Genesis 6 ; 14 , Another EPIC Written in CUNEIFORM SCRIPT Is called The ENUMA ELISH Which is THE BABYLONIAN CREATION EPIC , The Story Has Similarities To The Biblical Story Of Creation ..

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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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How Do Other Christian Scholars Feel About The Self -Appointed -Apostle Paul ???

The following are some of the viewpoint by famous Christian scholars and historians . . The train of thought is distinctively his own . Whether it is altogether in accord with the mind of Jesus is not so evident in spite of his claim in direct revelation .. at the same time . Jesus conception of the law is hardly in accordance with that of Paul .. in this respect Saul , Shaool , Paul's - claim that his received his gospel by revelation from Christ is rather problematic .

states in his own words in this book titled , Christ to Constanting as follows . '' At his conversion he went away into Arabic

( Nabatae ) - apparently to think out the implications of his new faith , rather than to preach to Nabataeans . It was only three years later that he went to Jerusalem to visit Peter and James . the Lord's brother , presumably to consult them on the tradition about Jesus .

The Encyclopedia Britannica , Inc . by William Benton , Publisher , 1943-1973 A.D. Helen Hemingway Benton Publisher , 1973-1974 A.D. states ; Paul quickly saw the need to stay in a quiet and peaceful area where he could reflect over his new position . Hence he went to the southern regions of Damascus .. the main problem facting him was to interpret the law and teachings of Jesus in a new form in the light of his own novel experience .

The Encyclopedia Britannica decribes the word of Paul ; One group among the writers . represented for example by W . Wrede, who was by no means opposed to Paul , opine that Paul changed Christianity to such an extent that he has become its second founder . In reality he is the founder of that church Christianity which is totally different from the Christianity taught by Jesus simultaneously ,

In a book titled The Black Messiah . By Albert B. Cleage Jr . of the Shrine of the Black Madonna , it states , ... there is the spiritualized Jesus , reconstructed many years later by the Apostle Paul who never knew Jesus and who modified his teaching to conform to the pagan philosophies of the WHITE GENTILES . Considering himself an apostle to the gentiles , Paul preached individual salvation and life after death . We , as black Christians suffering appression in a white man's land do not need the individualistic and other worldly doctrines of Paul and the white man .

So it is clear that Saul , Shaool , Paul teaching were not in agreement with Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus or the original disciples who also questioned him him about what he was teaching , This is nothing we made up . Other Christian scholars who took the time to study the original language that The Holy Bible was written in also see Saul , Shaool , Paul's discrepancies. We worship on Elyon El . The Father Of Us All . The God Of Jesus and we follow The Messiah Yashu'a Isa , Jesus and Makhud , Muhammad , Mohamet and Al Mahdi and want to bring their teachings back to its pristine purity as the true words of The Most High , The Highest .

On the other hand , those who followers of Saul . Shaool . Paul , are slowly removing Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh , Isa Al Masih , Jesus the Messiah '' Christ '' from the picture and replacing him , his teachings . and his way of life with Saul . Shaool . Paul . Trying to get their genes or genealogy into the pure seed . As the Indo -Arabs did to the true Islamic teaching of The Quraan / Koran and replaced it with '' Tradition '' Hadith '' . Customs '' Sunna '' . a new religion different from Millat Ibrahim '' Rituals of Abraham , What is taught nowdays by Muslims are not the original teachings and this has also happened to the original teaching of Jesus .

Euro-Christians , Euro-Jew are trying to take over it . For they know that they will not be included in the court as it states in In the Book of James ( who was the oldest half-brother of Yashu'a Isa , Jesus and His Disciple

Matt 13;55 , Chapter 2 verse 20 Also in James 2;26 , Rev 15;3 , This goes to show that the Angels of God / Elohyeem recognize the works done by God / Elohyeem , and if man is in the image of God / Elohyeem as it states in Genesis 1;27. Also if you read Romans 3;27-30 , Now in one breath Saul , Shaool , Paul was saying all you need is faith yet in Roman 3;31 he contradicts himself ,

And to reinforce the words of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus , in Matt 19;16-17 ( KEEP THE COMMANDENTS ) . Yet , with all of these words that were written by men that walked with Yashu'a Isa , Jesus , Saul , Shaool , Paul . is insistent on defying the teaching of Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus , Saul , Shaool , Paul obviously feel that living by faith is merely enough . However .if that is not what Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus taught who is the Son Of God ( Matt 3;1 , Word of God ( John 1;1, Quraan 3;45 ) and was filled with the Spirit of God ( Matt 3;18 , Quraan 4;171 ) Then who is Saul , Shaool , Paul , to go against what he taught and tell people that faith is enough ?

LQQk at what Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus said in Matt 4;4, As stated previously . it was Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus said that he did not come to destroy the law or the prophet but to fulfill it in Matt 5;17 . As You have seen , fulfill means perform the law do it , act upon it . So According to whose teaching , is Saul , Shaool Paul following ? So again , Saul , Shaool , Paul had no intention of ever following or teaching or the law of Elyon El The Most High God of Israel who gave the law to Moshed , Musa , Moses , NOWHERE in the scriptures does Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus say that he came to abolish the law .

So whose teaching in Saul , Shaool . Paul Propagating ? Exactly , Saul , Shaool , Paul was propagating the teaching of the ANTI-CHRIST . Saul , Shaool , Paul deviated people towards lawlessness , through his strange philosophy that the observance of the law promotes Sin . This was simply a means for his innovation reggarding the abolishment of the Law of The Holy Torah . But you must remember the Christ Testament wasn't written until the year 40 A.D. With the Book of Matthew way after Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus had gone . So Yashu'a , Isa . Jesus could only have been living by and practicting the laws in The Holy Torah .
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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Has TruthBringer returned under a different name?
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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Bryn Mawr;918052 wrote: Has TruthBringer returned under a different name?

Unlike You I Don't Dress / Look / Talk / Use Fake Name / Set Up People / Because I Disagree With What They Post .... I'm Man Enough To Speak My Mind . And I Don't Speak Out Of The Back Of My Neck .
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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Daniyal;918124 wrote: Unlike You I Don't Dress / Look / Talk / Use Fake Name / Set Up People / Because I Disagree With What They Post .... I'm Man Enough To Speak My Mind . And I Don't Speak Out Of The Back Of My Neck .

Shall we take this one by one?

How do you know how I dress / look or talk?

How have I set you up?

Is this not a discussion forum where poster can agree or disagree without fear or favour?

Do I not speak my mind?

In what way do I speak out the back of my neck? I'm not built that way!

I do not indulge in personal attacks and I'll thank you not to start.
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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Bryn Mawr;918138 wrote: Shall we take this one by one?

How do you know how I dress / look or talk?

How have I set you up?

Is this not a discussion forum where poster can agree or disagree without fear or favour?

Do I not speak my mind?

In what way do I speak out the back of my neck? I'm not built that way!

I do not indulge in personal attacks and I'll thank you not to start.

Then Don't Step To Mean With Your Socalled Smart Mouth I'm Not Impress . And Don't Even Act Like You Don't Know Where I Coming From . I Have No Problem With Anyone Disagree With Me , But Know What Your Talking About , Ok
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

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To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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Daniyal;918150 wrote: Then Don't Step To Mean With Your Socalled Smart Mouth I'm Not Impress . And Don't Even Act Like You Don't Know Where I Coming From . I Have No Problem With Anyone Disagree With Me , But Know What Your Talking About , Ok

I'm quite happy for you to show me where I don't know what I'm talking about - it's called discussion.

And no - I have no idea "where you're coming from".
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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What are some of the ways that Paul think that he's Yashua , Isa , Jesus ,

Well , according to 1Corinthian 1 ; 2 ...Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both their's and our's: This book is being written to the people of Corinth , Corinth was in Asia Minor . In Greek mythology Corinth is the city where Hercules was born . What you must remember isthat people during that time didn't refer to it as Greek mythology . It was considered their religion . We call it mythology today . Yet those people of Corinth , which Saul , Shaool , Paul went to practiced it .

LQQk closely at the Book of Corinthians ,

1Corinthians 1 ; 12 ... '' Now this I say , that every one of you saith , I am of Paul ; and I of Apollos ; and I of Cephas ; And I of Christ .

Saul , Shaool , Paul explains that some say they are of Saul , Shaool , Paul , other of Apollos , , other of Cephas and others Christ . This shows that there is a difference between the doctrines of Paul , Apollos , , Cephas and Christ , which showed to the point where some of these people saw Paul as one who taught his own doctrine others said they followed Apollo . Some Cephas and Some Christ .

Apollos was the co -founder of The Egiptian Church of Karast '' Christ '' , Hebrews 1 ; 14 .... Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Yaqov , Ya 'aqub , James and Shimshown , Shamuwn , Samon '' Apollos ''

traveled together and established the Egiptian Church of Karast '' Christ '' In Alexandria Egipt , they followed the of Mirian , Maryam , Mary ; Yowsaf , Fusef , Joseph and Yashua Isa , Jesus in Egipt an set up churches along the

way ;...

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Ans ; According to '' The American Heritage Dictionary '' The word '' Law '' Is defined as ..

1 . A rule of conduct or procedute established by custom , Agreement , or Authority . 2 . A . The body of rules and principle governing the affairs of A community and enforced by A political Authority ;

The Ashuric Syriac ( Arabic ) word for Law is Shari'ah which means ; '' A Rule Established By Authority ; Society Or Custom 2 . A Code Of Ethics Or Behavior , '' This word takes it's root from ; Shara'a meaning to introduce , Enact , Prescribe , Give , Make Laws .

The Aramic / Hebrew word for Law is ; '' Towrah '' or '' Torah '' These letters are equivalent to The Ashuric Syriac ( Arabic ) word wariyya Which means '' A View '' . In Greek , The Word For Law Is ; Nomos '' .
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What Is The Difference Between Laws And Commandments ?

Ans ; As mentioned previously the word for Laws in Ashuric Syriac ( Arabic ) Is '' Shari'ah '' .

The word for commandment is '' Wasiah '' And means direction , instruction , Injuction , Order '' . Many times throughout The Scriptures you will see A Distinction Being Made Between A '' Law '' And A '' Commandment '' . Take A LQQk At ( Exodus 24 ; 12 ) ;

Exodus 24 ; 12 ( Revealed In The Year 1512 B.C.E. And I Quote ; And the Lord said unto Moses Come up to me into the mount , and be there ; and I will give thee tables of stone , and a Law and Commandments which I have written ; that thou Mayest Teach them .

As ypu can see The Most High made A Disinction Between Law , Commandment And Stone Tablet . The Commandment Is What Is Asked Of You , For Instance The First Commandment That Was Given To Man , Kadmon ( Adam ) , Was Not To Partake Of The Tree Of Knowldge Of Good And Evil ;

Genesis 2 ; 16 -17 ( Revealed InThe Year 1512 B.C.E. ) And I Quote ; And the Lord God Commanded the man , saying , of every tree of the garden 'thou mayest freely eat ; Verse 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , Thou shalt not eat of it ; for in the Day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely Die ....

Genesis 6 ; 22 ( Revealed InThe Year 1512 B.C.E. ) And I Quote ; Thus dis Noah according to all that Commanded him , so did he .

Genesis 17 ; 10 - 12 ( Revealed InThe Year 1512 B.C.E. ) And I Quote ; The is my covenant , which ye shall keep , between me and you and thy seed after thee ; Every Man Child among you Shall Be Circumcised . Verse 11 . And ye Shall Be Circumcised . the Flesh of your Foreskin and it shall be a Token of the covenant between me and you . Verse 12 , And he that is eight Days old Shall Be Circumcised among you , every man child in your generation , he that is born in the House , or bought with money of any Stranger which is not of thy seed .

Genesis 26 ; 5 ( Revealed InThe Year 1512 B.C.E. ) And I Quote ; Because that Abraham obeyed my voice , and Kept my Charge , my Commandments my Statutes , and my Laws .

( Genesis 2 ; 17 ) The was the first commandment given to man . This was Asked of him because man violated This Commandment , He was Punished for this Action , And was Expelled From The Garden Of Delight And His Gift Of Everlasting Life Was Revoked , As time went on , Man was given A Second Chance By The Most High To Amend For His / Hers Sins And If He Obeyed , Then He Would Inherit His Right Back To The Enclosed Gaeden Of Delight ( Commonly Know Today As '' Heaven '' Or '' Paradise '' ) .

However , Man Continued Disobeying His Commandments Until Man Became So Displeasing In The Eyes Of The Most High , That He Destroyed The Entire Population By Water ( Known To Many As The Great Flood Or Deluge ) During The Time Of Utnafishtim ( Noah ) Son Of Lamech And Kamiylah . ...
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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What's The Difference Between A Disciple And An Apostle ?

Ans ; Firstly , Let's Define The Two Words '' Disciple '' And '' Apostle '' . According To '' The American Heritage Dictionary '' The Word Disciple Is Defined As ;

dis - ci - ple , N . 3.A.A Person Who Is Being Educated ; Student .

In Arabic , Hebrew , And Greek , They All Share The Same Definition For , Disciple . As A Student ;

Arabic --- { Tilmeeth } - Literally Meaning Young Student

Hebrew ---{ Limmuwud Or Limmud } Meaning Instructed , Disciple , Learned From The Root Word

[ Lamad ] Meaning '' To Goad , To Teach ''

Greek --- { Manthetes } Meaning , Learner ( Pulpil , Disciple ) From { Manthano } Or [ Matheo ] Meaning To Learn ( In Anyway )

Now Apostle Is Defined As ;

A -pos -tle --- N , 1 .A. One Who Pioneets An Important Reform Movement , Cause , Or Belief .

Arabic ---- { Rasool } Meaning '' One Sent , Messenger ''

Hebrew --- { Basar } A Prim . Root ; '' To Be Fresh , Announce ( Glad News ) ; Messengers ''

Greek --- { Apostolos } '' Ambassador Messenger , Envoy , One Who Represents The Sender ''

As You Can See There Is Definatly A Distinction Between The Two Words In All Three Languages . Basically A Disciple Is A Student And An Apostle Is A Messenger
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

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How Did Yashu'a ( Isa , Jesus , Christ The Son Of Maryam Meet His Disciple And Who Were They ?

Ans ; Well , It all started when Andrew , Simon Perter's brother found his brother Simon and told him , We have found A Messisah which is being interpreted as Christ . Then he took Simon to Tashu'a . Yashu'a looked at him and said said ; Your name is Simon , Son of John , But You Will Be Called , '' The next day Yashu'a decided to go to Galilee . He found Philip and said to him '' Come With Me , '' For this Philip was from Bethsaida , The town where Andrew and Peter lived .

Philip found Nathaniel And told him we have found the one Who Thutmose ( Moses ) Wrote about in the scripture of the law and whom The Prophets also wrote about . He Yashu'a , The adopted Son of Joseph of Nazareth . '' Can Anything From Nazareth ? Nathaniel asked , '' Come And See , '' Answered Philip . When Yashu'a ( Jesus ) saw Nathaniel coming up to him he said about him ; Here is A real Israelite , There Is Nothing false in him .

Nathanie asked him , '' How do you you know me ? Yashu'a answered '' I Saw You When You Were Under The Fig Tree Before Philip Called You . '' Rabboni answeered Nathaniel , '' You Are The Ibn , A Neteru = The Son Of God . You are the ruler of all Israel . '' Yashu'a Said , '' Do You Have Faith Just Because I Told You I Saw You When You Were Under The Fig Tree ?

You will see much greater things than this . '' And he said to them , '' I Am Telling You The Truth , '' You Will See Heaven Open And The Neteru = God Going Up And Coming Down , On The Walad , Son Of A Human Being . That Human Being Mary , Thus He Was Called '' The Ibn . Son Of El Eluh = God The Walad , Son Of A Human Being '' Yashu'a Had Twelve Disciple In All . The Following List Below Shows You The Name Of Yashu'a Disciples And Who They Were ;

Matthew 10 ; 2- 4 , And I Quote ; Now the names of the twelve apostles are these ; The first Simon who is called Peter , and Andrew his brother ; James the son of Zebedee , and John his brother . Verse 3 . Philip , and Bartholomew , Thomas , and Matthew the publican James the son of Alphaeus , and Lebbaeus whose surname was Thaddaeus ; Verse 4 . Simon the Canaanite , and Judas Iscariot , who also betrayed him .

( 1 ) . Cephas -- Which is another name for Simon Peter , Who was one of The 12 Disciple Of Yashu'a ( John 1 ; 42 ) .

( 2 ) . Andrew -- A follower of John The Baptist ( John 1 ; 35 - 40 ) who was one of The Twelve Disciples Of Yashu'a .

( 3 ) . James -- .Who was one of The 12 Disciple Of Yashu'a

( 4 ) . John --- . Who was one of The 12 Disciple Of Yashu'a

( 5 ) . James --- . Who was one of The 12 Disciple Of Yashu'a

( 6 ) . Jude -- . Who was one of The 12 Disciple Of Yashu'a. He was also A secret disciple ,

( 7 ) . Philip -- . A native of Bethsaida , The city of Andrew and Peter . He was among The Galilean peasants who flocked to hear the preaching of John The Baptist .

( 8 ) .Bartholomew -- Who is commonly known as Nathanael was an Israelite who A disciple of The Messiah Yashu'a and the brother of Philip . He was also one of The 12 Disciple Of The Messiah Yashu'a . His real name was Amos And as for Bartholomew , Son Oh Hai's , His home was in Cana Galilee . He too died of A horrible death . He was flogged to death .

( 9 ) . Matthew -- Was also one of The 12 Disciple Of The Messiah Yashu'a , Matthew whose name was Levi , was A Tax Collector Publican from Capernaum . He was the offspring of Alaphaeus . Matthew displayed courage and loyality when Yashu'a proposed to return to Judea in spite of Judahite Hostility . He was Martyred by A Lance a long shaft with A sharp pointed or steel head in Ethiopia .

( 10 ) . Thomas -- Who Was also one of The 12 Disciple Of The Messiah Yashu'a ( Jesus ) was also known as Didymus meaning ' Twin '' In Greek and Judas . It is believed that his twin was Lydia . Some Theologians Falsely Say He Was The Twin Brother Of The Yashu'a ( Jesus ) . Thomas Who Was Popularly Known As Didymus Was The Son Of Simon . Thomas Was Claimed By Syrian Christian As The Founder Of Their Church , While Thomas Was In Prayer He Was Martyred Shot By A Shower Of Arrows .

( 11 ) . Simon -- Was The Twin Brother Of The Yashu'a He was also A Tamahu From Cannan Or Zealote And Was The Son Of Dani'el . Simon Was From Galilee . He Was An Isrealite Who Resided In The Land Of Canaan , He Died A Horrible Death By Way Of Crucifixtion .

( 12 ) . Judas --- Who Was also one of The 12 Disciple Of The Messiah Yashu'a ( Jesus ) Was Said To Be A Mercenary . He Was Also The One Who Betrayed Yashu'a ( Jesus ) . Judas The Son Of Simon Iscariot Was Best Known As The Betrayer . His Real Name Was Yahuda Iscariot From Kerioth Of Judea . Judas ' Life Came To An Ultimate End When He Was Beat Beyond Recognition Crucified And Thrown Off Of A Cliff At Calvary In Jerusalem . The Whole Point Was To Destroy All Those Who Knew About The Real Jesus . Rabbi Yashu'a And Bring A New Jesus . Who Was Simon Bar Jesus , The One That Paul Followed .
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

Post by Daniyal »

Did Yashu'a ( Jesus ) Have Anymore Disciple ?

Yes . Yashu'a Had What You Would Call Secret Disciple Who Were Known As Nicodemus , Who Was A Member Of The Sanhedrin . He Not Only Sought Out Yashu'a To Inquire About The Kingdom , But He Pleaded With The Sandredrin For Greater Fairness In Their Treatment Of The Messiah , Joseph Of Arimathaea Who Was An Israelite By Birth , A Wealthy Man And Was A Member Of The Sanhedrin Was Also Another One Of Yashu'a Secret Disciple , Nicodemus And Joseph Of Arimathea Were The Ones Who Requested For The Body Of Judas

By M.Z.York
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

Post by Daniyal »

Because many people read but don't comprehend or interpret what they are reading even though it is written in plain English . Many people are living and dying by the books of Saul , Shaool , Paul Who admitted that he lied to gain has following . He lied to them to say he was was a Jew or whatever it takes and that was not Jesus' Way John 1 ; 14 ; 14 ; 6 ; Roman 2 ; 2 . Now LQQk why Saul Shaool . Paul , a Gentile would just lie Roman 1 ; 18 - 32 . Now LQQk at Roman 1 ; 25 , '' Who change the truth of God ( Theos . Elohyeem ) into a lie , and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator , who is blessed forever . Amen ,

Again that's what Saul , Shaool , Paul did for instance , in verses 5 & 6 of Roman Chapter 3 . Saul , Shaool , Paul . states Roman 3; 5 , '' But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God ( Theos , Elohyeem ) , what shall we say ? Is God ( Theos , Elohyeem ) ,unrighteous who taketh vengeance ? ( I Speak As A Man ) '' , and in Romans 3 ; 6 , he states '' God ( Theos , Elohyeem ) forbid ; for them how shall God ( Theos , Elohyeem ) judge the world ? ''

Saul , Shaool , Paul make it cleal that he is confused about how to bring people to the truth of God ( Theos , Elohyeem ) . He even goes to question God ( Theos , Elohyeem ) in verse 5 . By the mere statement , I Speak As A Man , Saul , Shaool , Paul admits his immorality by propagating lies to Convert People . Saul , Shaool , Paul even justifies it in Romans 3 ; 1

where he says and I quote ; What advantage then hath the Jew ( Judean ) ? Or what profit is there of circumcision ?

By that , Saul , Shaool , Paul is implying , what advantage is circumcision if you're not a Judean ( Jew ) ? That is to say what advantage is it inpropageting God's law , if you don't understand it ? Saul , Shaool , Paul is the institution of man's law , as opposed to God's law . Therefore , his very own statement , I Speak As A Man , fits right in . Is not the power of God through Yashua , Isa , Jesus enough to propagate the truth ? Does Saul , Shaool , Paul really have to lie to make God Almighty appear greater than he already is ? Law concerning Christianity hangs on the words of a man who lied to get your loyalty .

What Does The Holy Bible Say About '' Liars ? That the truth is not found in a liar as it states in 1John 2 ; 4 - 6 And I Quote ; 4 He who says "I know him" but disobeys his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him; 5 but whoever keeps his word, in him truly love for God is perfected. By this we may be sure that we are in him: 6 he who says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.

John 8 ; 44 And I Quote ; 44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Yes , God of The Holy Bible declare the swine ( hog , pig , pork ) unclean and prohibits the eating or consumption of the swine , flesh '' meat '' The Aramic / Hebrew word for swine is

kha-zeer . As you can see Elohyeem '' God '' did not change the name of this unclean creature the pig . Elohyeem '' God '' order humans in Leviticus ( which means the law ) in Chapter 11 verse 7-8 , not to eat or touch swine's flesh .

Leviticus 11; 7- 8 And I Quote ; And the swine, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 8 Of their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch; they are unclean to you.

John 1 ; 17 , And I Quote ; For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Also Read Luke 24 ; 44 And I Quote ; Then he said to them, "These are my words which I spoke to you, while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled."

It is very clear from the word out of Yashu'a own mouth that he kept the law of Moses

Matthew 5 ; 17 And I Quote ; Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them.

He was of the seed of David Matthew 1 ;1 And I Quote ; The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

Making him not just of the tribe of Judah , but also an Israelite living by the laws of the Israelite , a Hebrew ,The prophetical book of Isaiah confirms these laws about swine being an abomination ,

Isaiah 66 ; 17 And I Quote ; "Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating swine's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, says the LORD.

Isaiah 65 ; 3- 4 And I Quote ; a people who provoke me to my face continually, sacrificing in gardens and burning incense upon bricks; 4 who sit in tombs, and spend the night in secret places; who eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels

The God of Abraham ( 2078 - 1903 B.C.E. ) Isaac ( 1978 - 1798 B.C.E. ) Jacob ( 1918 - 1771 B.C.E. ) And Mose ( 1593 - 1473 B.C.E. ) commanded his chosen people not to eat pig's flesh , not to even touch it , which means they couldn't even sell it to others , And Yashu'a followed those laws ,

Lev 11; 7 , And I Quote ; And the swine, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you

Deu 14 ; 8 And I Quote ; And the swine, because it parts the hoof but does not chew the cud, is unclean for you. Their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch.

Isa 65 ; 4 And I Quote ; who sit in tombs, and spend the night in secret places; who eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels

So at what point did the true devotees of Yashu'a change the law before it was fulfilled ? Who stepped into their lives and influenced them to break the of Moses given to him by the Creator of all things and the faith of the children of Israel ? It clearly says the law will not

perish in Jeremiah 18 ;18 And I Quote ; Then they said, "Come, let us make plots against Jeremiah, for the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not heed any of his words."

Also , The Holy Bible says keep the law in Deuteronomy 17; 19 And I Quote ; and it shall be with him, and he shall read in it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, by keeping all the words of this law and these statutes, and doing them;

Deuteronomy 30 ; 10 And I Quote ; if you obey the voice of the LORD your God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which are written in this book of the law, if you turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

Joshua 22; 5 And I Quote ; Take good care to observe the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, to love the LORD your God, and to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and to cleave to him, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Joshua 23 ; 6 And I Quote ; Therefore be very steadfast to keep and do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, turning aside from it neither to the right hand nor to the left,

1Kings 2 ; 3 And I Quote ; and keep the charge of the LORD your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his ordinances, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn

2Kings 17 ; 3 And I Quote ; Against him came up Shalmane'ser king of Assyria; and Hoshe'a became his vassal, and paid him tribute.

1Chronicles 22 ; 12 And I Quote ; Only, may the LORD grant you discretion and understanding, that when he gives you charge over Israel you may keep the law of the LORD your God.

Psalms 119 ; 34 And I Quote ; Give me understanding, that I may keep thy law and observe it with my whole heart

Psalms 119 ; 44 And I Quote ; I will keep thy law continually, for ever and ever;

So How Did Paul Justify Eating Pork Let Me Try To Explain It . It is know that Paul was a Levitical officer or in other words , a Reform Jew , who lived by the laws under the land controlled by the Romans , Therefore he ate pork and liked it 2Corinthians 10;16 And I Quote ; so that we may preach the gospel in lands beyond you, without boasting of work already done in another's field.

Paul tried to use this verse to justify eating pork and break the law . So he though of a way to keep it in his new gospel . Remember Paul said you can eat anthing in Romans 14 ; 2 And I Quote ; One believes he may eat anything, while the weak man eats only vegetables.

Many people like to use Matthew 15 ; 11 ,

To advocate following Paul and also break the law . Yashu'a said in Matthew 15 ; 11 And I Quote ; not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man."

What Is Matthew 15 ; 11 If it isn't referring to if it is not talking about food ? It is also talking about the law , the law coming out of your mouth . And the law going into your heart in your

body , the priest or man Jeremiah 31 ; 33 And I Quote ; But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Job 22 ; 22 And I Quite ; Receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.

Psalms 119 ; 72 , And I Quote ; The law of thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.

Malachi 2 ; 7 And I Quote ; For the lips of a priest should guard knowledge, and men should seek instruction from his mouth, for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.

Note in John again written after Paul's books , Yashu'a himself says in John 10 ; 34 '' Is not written in your LAW

Matthew 4;4 And I Quote ; But he answered, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"

Luke 4 ; 4 And I Quote ; And Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.

Revelation 10 ; 9 And I Quote ; So I went to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll; and he said to me, "Take it and eat; it will be bitter to your stomach, but sweet as honey in your mouth."

Galatians 3 ; 10 -11 And I Quote ; For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed be every one who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law, and do them." 11 Now it is evident that no man is justified before God by the law; for "He who through faith is righteous shall live";

So Yashu'a follow the law and Paul doesn't . In 1Corinthians 15 ; 55 he teaches that the only way to overcome the fear of death is by keeping the law , It is clear that this man's intention was to confuse the laws of Yashua .

So how did Paul justify abolishing the law of Moses ? Simple , because Paul said that the law ended with Yashu'a Roman 10 ; 4 And I Quote ;

Also in Romans 7 ; 2 & 4 And I Quote ; Verse 2 . Thus a married woman is bound by law to her husband as long as he lives; but if her husband dies she is discharged from the law concerning the husband.

In this verse , Paul is saying that as long as the husband of the woman is alve then the law binds her to him . But if her husband is to die then the law noger bind her to him .

Romans 7 ; 2 & 4 And I Quote ; Verse 4 . Likewise, my brethren, you have died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead in order that we may bear fruit for God.

Now notice how Paul is comparing Yashu'a to a widowed woman , Stating simply that since he claims that Yashu'a is dead then the law died with him . These words are not words from a follower of Yashu'a , For any follower of Yashu'a knows that he is not dead .
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
Posts: 1399
Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:56 pm

Paul's Christianity Vs Jesus Christianity By ( M.Z.York )

Post by Daniyal »

Ques ; What's different about Saul , Shaool , Paul's Heaven ?

When the Children of the devil speaks of Heaven , He is not speaking of the same Heaven as the Holy Seed . The children of the devil Heaven is the Vatican The concept of Heaven having Pearly Gates waiting for you at these gates comes from the gold , andSt, Peter waiting for you at these gates come from the Roman Catholic Church . The Roman Catholic Church was the first Christian Church . All other church come out of it . But being that there is no life after death for the children of the devil , he has his Heaven here .

Ques ; How does the Vatican tie in with Peter?

The Vatican is a city that is laid in gold it has pearly gates and St . Peter is waiting to greet you at the entrance , St , Peter's Basiica , And the Father is waiting for you , Father - Papal - Pope . They say Basilica means church or assembly but it come from ;.... Basilica , from the word - Basilisk -a kind of lizard or snake . ( L - GK )

the serpent called a basiliske ; Holland's pliny . Also in E.E.Psalter . 1 . basilicus same ref - GK . Baailikos from a white spot , resembling a crown , on the head ( pliny ) GK - King ; of doubtful origin .

Ques ; So why is thischurch called St . Perter's snake ( Basilica ) ?

The snake isa serpent or reptilian and fish are also reptilians . Just as the serpent in Genesis Chapter 3 , which isthe devil and Satan in Revelation 12 ; 9

Genesis 3 ; 1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Revelation 12 ; 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

The dragon , which is a serpent , is called Satan , And in Matthew 16; 23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

Yashua , Isa , Jesus , called Sapheer , Safaa , Peter '' Satan ''

Ques ; Is the Vatican known by any other names ?

The Vatican is in Vatican City like the Crystal City , which is called the Holy City Revelation 21 ; 10 - 11 ... And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal ;...

Vatican City isalso called the Holy City to Paulites . It's their Heaven . And it is called the New Jerusalem because , Saul , Shaool , Paul , was taking you away from Jerusalme to this New Jerusalem . which is the Vatican , which is in Rome , People make pilgrimage to the Vatican instead of Jerusalem , They go see the Pope not Yashua , Isa , Jesus . Saul , Shaool , Paul was half - Roman , The Book Of Revelation also mentions pearly gates .

Revelation 21 ; 21 ... And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. ...

Revelation 21 ; 2 .... And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

The Pope issupposed to be a representative of God on Earth . He is a go - between , But Yashua , Isa , Jesus said , '' I am the Way .... '' in John 14 ; 6

John 14 ; 6 ....Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ;..... And 1Timothy 2 ; 5 Says , For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus ;....

So all the Roman Catholic who believe in the Pope are not going to be with the Father , So these devil who can't get to the Heavenly Father are worshiping this Pope . The Children of the devil can't go through Yashua , Isa , Jesus , They have to come through the true follower Of Yashua , Isa , Jesus ,But they will still will not het to the Father , All the world's religious leaders went to Roman to bow before the Pope . This shows that the RomanCatholic Church is still in power , The word Basilica also comes from Baailikos -from a white spot , resembling acrown , on the head ,

Ques ; What does Pope mean ?

Ans ; Father .

Ques ; What Did Yashua , Isa , Jesus say about Father ?

To pray like this Matthew 6 ; 9 - 13 ... After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen ;...

Ques ; Did hesay anything else about Father ?

Yes in Matthew 23 ; 9 Yashua , Isa , Jesus Said ;.... And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Ques ; So why do the Roman Catholic call priest Father andthe Pope Father Because they have their own Father ;... Revelation 13 ; 1 ... And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. Ephesians 4 ; 17 .... This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind;...

Ques ; What is the purpose of these Pharisees , Sanhedrin , Sadducees , AndScribes , known today as Father ?

These Pharisees , Sanhedrin , Sadducees and Scribes were concerned with the control of the people and having the wealth they did not care about the people . So when Yashua , Isa , Jesus came with the Words or Good News , they feared losing their control , Instead of following the laws of God ( Elohyeem ) , they were following thelaws of men that would suit them . This is why Yashua , Isa , Jesus called them devils . Just as today many of the religious community are caught up in the lust and greed with no interest in the Sould of the people . And this is why they get angry at Me ... Not because they find fault , but necause it will stop their control and cash flow Ephesians 4 ; 19 ... Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. ;...

Ques ; At what point did Peter turn over to the Romans ?

Yashua , Isa , Jesus , met them fishing at the sea of Tiberius , Tiberius - Tiber . This is where Sapheer , Safaa , Peter went to the Romans ; fishing on the river of Rome , The sea of Tiberius isalso in Roman mythology as the river where Romulus and Remus were thrown in .

Ques ; Who is Romulus and Remus ?

According to Encarta 2000 , in Roman mythology Romulus was the founder and first knig of Rome in 753 B.C. He and his twin brother , Remus , were the sons of Mars , god of war , and of Rhea Silvia , also called ilia , one of the Vestal virgins . Rhea Silvia was the daughter of Numitor , king of alba Longa , who had been deposed by this youngers brother Amulius , Amulius had made Rhea Silvia a priestess so that she would have no children to make claims against his throne . After the birth of her two boys , to remove any threat against himself , he had them thrown in a basket into the Tiber River . The twins were not drowned , however . They were rescued andnursed by a she - wolf on the slope of the Palatine Hill and were later discovered by the shepherd Faustulus and reared by his wife , Acca Larentia . When they grew to manhood , the brothers deposed Amulius and placed their grandfather Numitor on the throne . The brothers then decided to build a city , After quarreling over the spot , they finally chose the Palatine Hill . Romulus build a wall , over which Remus , to show its inadequacy , scornfully leaped ; Romulus or one of hiscopmanions thereupon killed Remus , andRomulus became sole ruler of thecity .

Ques ; Getting back to Paul's heaven , what can the Vatican be compared to?

The Vatican and the Kaaba have similar designs . There are seven statues at St . Peter's Basilica and 7 pillars or Minarat of Al - Haram mosque in Becca '' Mecca '' They are similar because Musaliymah's people built Mecca . Musaliymah was a Jesuit priest . There is also a Church of the Holy Sepulcher , Basilica in Jerusalem , built over the site in the Garden of Joseph of Arimethea where Yashua , Isa , Jesus is believe to have been placed in his tomb after the crucifixion . Roman Emperor Hadrian attempted to erase the memory of the spot by building a temple of Venus there , in the 2nd Century A.D. The sepulcher or tomb of Yashua , Isa , Jesus , survived to be restored by the first Christisan emperor , Constantine the Great , in the 4th Centuray Constantine built a Basilica on the site , which formed an adjunct to the circular church of the sepulcher that has been buried under Hadrian's temple . Yashua , Isa , Jesus always went to Jerusalem where he said said men ought to worship and it is called they city of the king ;....

Matthew 5 ; 35 ... Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.

John 4 ; 20 ... Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship

Mark 11 ; 15 .... And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;

Luke 13 ; 22 .... And he went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem.

Acts 2 ; 5 ....And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.;....
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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