The Candidates' Marketing Strategies

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The Candidates' Marketing Strategies

Post by Accountable »

9 OF first 20 Youtube videos by McCain (227 total) are anti-Obama ads, some criticising, some ridiculing. Click the link and look to the right for More From: JohnMcCaindotcom.

He's made this campaign into a decision to vote for Obama or against Obama. I guess that's because he has trouble draw clear differences between them.

Obama is letting him.

of the 20 videos submitted by BarackObamadotcom (1066 total), 1 is anti-McCain - and that one is a response. Rather, Obama's putting out vids that make it look like he's already started his reign, er, term.

Of the 56 videos BobBarr2008 submitted, almost no ads, save this one:

The vast majority are hardhitting interviews from all sides. Refreshing. Too bad the party doesn't have the funds (or vision) to take advantage of this opportunity.

Obama comes out on top in the marketing dept.
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