How will our troops vote?

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How will our troops vote?

Post by Tombstone »

plazul wrote: I did a cursory Google search but I haven't seen any polls that indicate which presidential candidate has the most support from our troops.

I can't quote a source, but I'm fairly confident the career Military folks are pro Bush. I bet the Reservists are re-thinking. ;)

I've seen research showing that enlisted men and women are more conservative than the general population but it wasn't scientific. I know they are more patriotic than the general population but contrary to what the Bush campaign says, patriotism is not synonomous with conservatism.

Almost a thousand troops have died and thousands have been injured and permanently disabled. Instead of receiving thanks and support from the Iraqis (many are grateful but are afraid if showing it) our troops are dodging bullets and suicide bombers on a daily basis. Is combat and compassion fatigue setting in and will that translate into votes for Kerry even though he's said he'll finish the job? Has mistrust of Iraqis evolved into hatred and bitterness? Are the majority of our troops proud of their accomplishment or do they feel betrayed by the WMD debacle? What is your impression?

Hard to call on each issue. What many servicemen and women can say publicly is sometimes different than what they say privately.

The latest Presidential Poll has these two guys neck-to-neck when you take the standard deviation into account.

If I was President Bush, I'd spend more time on domestic issues like illegal immigration. My friends are beginning to swing away from Bush on this issue alone. They don't like Kerry, but they can't stand the blase' nature of our immigration enforcement.
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How will our troops vote?

Post by Tombstone »

Warsai wrote: Allow me to help. The Washington Post. The same day that Clinton released "My Life".

I read that, troops tend to follow Republican leaders more than Democrats (so was FDR just lucky?).

However, with the current situation in Iraq, will the troops go with Kerry?

I don't think this guy will. ;)

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How will our troops vote?

Post by Tombstone »

plazul wrote: Yeah, too bad all the guys in the flagged draped coffins can't vote.

I bet they'd vote for peace.
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How will our troops vote?

Post by Clint »

plazul wrote: Yeah, too bad all the guys in the flagged draped coffins can't vote.

Are you saying they would take back their sacrifice?
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How will our troops vote?

Post by greydeadhead »

Sorry folks.. but speaking as a veteran.. neither candidate impresses me in the slightest. I read a recent poll that stated that Bush has a marked advantage in the military ranks. I shall search for it and after I find the story post it for all to read.
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