Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

I had a talk about this with someone yesterday. How bad is Hillary's crying going to affect her campaign? Does it mean she couldn't handle the job? Would she be too emotional? Was this the kiss of death for her credibility?

Clinton chokes up, is applauded, at campaign stop

Story Highlights

Clinton begins talking about how others have criticized her, gets emotional

She was with mostly female voters in New Hampshire on a campaign stop

"It's not easy," she told them

The New York senator is trailing Sen. Barack Obama in pollsPORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire (CNN) -- Hillary Clinton became visibly emotional at a New Hampshire campaign event Monday after a friendly question from a voter.

At the close of a Portsmouth campaign stop, Marianne Pernold-Young, 64, asked Clinton: "How do you do it? How do you keep up ... and who does your hair?"

Clinton said she had help with her hair on "special days," and that she drew criticism on the days she did not.

Then she added: "It's not easy, and I couldn't do it if I just didn't, you know, passionately believe it was the right thing to do.

"You know, I have so many opportunities from this country, I just don't want to see us fall backwards," she said, her voice breaking a bit. The audience applauded.

"This is very personal for me, it's not just political, it's I see what's happening, we have to reverse it," she said emotionally, adding that some "just put ourselves out there and do this against some pretty difficult odds.

"But some of us are right and some of us are wrong. Some of us ready and some of us are not. Some of us know what we will do on day one, and some of us really haven't thought that through enough."

"So as tired as I am and I am. And as difficult as it is to try and keep up what I try to do on the road, like occasionally exercise and try to eat right -- it's tough when the easiest food is pizza -- I just believe so strongly in who we are as a nation. So I'm going to do everything I can and make my case and you know the voters get to decide." Watch Clinton become emotional as she's answering a question »

The New York senator is under pressure after some weekend surveys show opponent Barack Obama with a sudden almost double digit lead, with less than a day to go until the New Hampshire primary.

At a New Hampshire campaign event, presidential rival John Edwards told reporters he was unaware of Clinton's emotional reaction and would not respond to it.

But he did say, "I think what we need in a commander in chief is strength and resolve, and presidential campaigns are a tough business, but being president of the United States is also a very tough business.

"And the President of the United States is faced with very, very difficult challenges every single day, difficult judgments every single day."

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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by abbey »

Would Maggie Thatcher have been voted in as prime minister if she'd have cried on TV?

Hell no!

She got voted in because she had balls,

who wants to see the possible future president of the US snivelling like a kid in the playground that's had her pigtails pulled?

Get real Hillary and grow some balls.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by suzycreamcheese »

You cant compare Maggie Thatcher to Hillary Clinton. maggie Thatcher was a hard assed bitch who was only out for those with money.

I dont see her "balls" as a positive trait at all
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by Accountable »

How can you compare that guy to a clown?? A clown has a cherry-red nose. That guy's nose is clearly candy-apple-red. :D

Nah, her crying won't hurt at all and it may help. Makes her look more human.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by weeder »

The crying makes her human, or it makes her weak. The problem is that in the Clinton family... if they decided that human was the way to go, it might have been staged. Id like to believe that this woman really has a mission, and that she wants to make changes. But I cant help suspecting that what shes really doing, is trying to show Bill up. Pay back for humiliating her, and trying to prove that she is a better " Man than he is. The Clintons lost a lot of credibility because of the incident with Bill. It was a three ring circus. They seem like kind of an oddity as a couple. Which is their business in real life, But in the public eye, I dont think they have the right profile for the White House. Even if its phony, it has always been class and grace, and keeping private stuff private. We are not responsible for each others sins, but unfortunately stigmas often cling to spouses. Having Hillary in the White House, means having Bill back in the White House. He forfeited his right to be there by threatening national security, with his cavorting in the Oval Office. I think that HIS behavior is going to hurt her in the end. I think the public has been letting her entertain them thus far. Many people have wondered about a woman who would stay with Bill. Ive heard a lot of comments that lead me to believe she has the homosexual vote. But conservatives? I think shes out of that ball park.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by Galbally »

I would say that a debate about whether Hillary is "up to the job" because her voice broke a little during this gruelling publicity tour that all these presidential hopefuls have to undergo is a bit pointless. Obviously she is a normal human being and the stress she is under got to her emotionally, (a little bit, its not like she was drinking vodka and dancing with the chorus line like Boris Yeltsin used to do). There is also a subcurrent of "oh are women are too emotional to be president" which should be dimissed out of hand of course. It seems that Barak Obama is really starting to hurt the Clinton campaign and he obviously is touching a popular nerve among democratic voters, but I wouldn't write hilary off just yet as she is a formidable politician in her own right (regardless of Bill), so we shall see. The Republican race is just as interesting actually where you have the pastor vs the robot, vs the Action Mayor, vs the War Veteran. It should all make for a very interesting election this year in the US.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

:wah::wah:Just when you think you've seen it all..

By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer

2 hours, 56 minutes ago

SALEM, N.H. - Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign stop was interrupted Monday when two men stood in the crowd and began screaming, "Iron my shirt!" during one of her final appearances before the New Hampshire primary.

Who are they to protest me? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!


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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755168 wrote: It's nice to read some reasonable comments (Suzzie and Galbally), what is disappointing to me is they all are coming from non-Americans..What a pity!!

That should say something about what Americans are feeling about the choice of candidates at this point.

If anyone is an embarrassment regarding this election, it is the American voter.

Oh now...I can't go that far. Just because we're not fond of Hillary doesn't mean we're a disgrace. It simply means we want better than what we're being offered.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

could be menopause?
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755199 wrote: Where did I use the word "disgrace"? I said "disappointment" and "embarrassment".

You have yet to describe anything that your interested in. The only thing you ladies have done is insult another woman for staying with her husband.

Disgrace was my word. I chose to use that.

I don't think you're understanding, RJ. Is that all you're reading into our replies? Why is that? We ladies haven't insulted Hillary at all. We have judged her character which is what hopefully everyone does with a presidential candidate. Bill lost his integrity when he got blown by someone other than his wife. Don't think we're not faulting him as well. And don't think his character isn't our business. A self respecting woman with an ounce of backbone would have nailed his sorry butt and gotten rid of him. Hillary chose to stay with a repeat infidel. No integrity there, no class, no self respect. How could I possibly vote in someone like that for president?!

I accept that you like Hillary but you'll have to accept a lot of people don't.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

I accept that you like Hillary but you'll have to accept a lot of people don't.

That is just part of life. Not everyone likes everyone and we must respect everyone's opinion even if we disagree. I have a saying I tell my daughter when we don't see eye to eye. "Let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that."
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

To be honest I don't like any of the front runners.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by suzycreamcheese »

RedGlitter;755205 wrote: hink we're not faulting him as well. And don't think his character isn't our business. A self respecting woman with an ounce of backbone would have nailed his sorry butt and gotten rid of him..

err she might have still loved him? She might have wanted to see through her marriage vows for better for worse? She might have wanted to try and work it out?

Since when is chucking in a marriage at the first opportunity seen as a good thing????
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

suzycreamcheese;755211 wrote: err she might have still loved him? She might have wanted to see through her marriage vows for better for worse? She might have wanted to try and work it out?

Work what out? The marriage was over the first time he stepped out. I don't care for her personally how she chose to handle it but as a potential presidential candidate she does not have my respect and that means I won't vote for her.

Since when is chucking in a marriage at the first opportunity seen as a good thing????

When self respect is an issue.

rjwould;755213 wrote: Then judge character based on history relevant to the job and ones entire life. You or me or nobody else knows why she stayed with her husband, Everything I have heard is hearsay and conjecture. She chose to stay and so do a lot of other people. It sounds like a bit of projecting to me from some.

I couldn't care less who does not like Hillary--this is not a pageant.

So, if you were to hire a female and after a couple of weeks, you and her go out for coffee and she confides in you that she decided to stay with her husband after he cheated on her, you would fire her? Or at least you would be sorry you hired her even though she was the best person for the job?

Seems kinda silly when it is put like that, doesn't it?

No, it seems like apples and oranges RJ. I will judge Hillary based on anything I choose to and I choose to judge her character and integrity as a woman. As for your example, no I wouldn't fire the employee for staying with a lout. But I sure wouldn't vote for her as my president either!

ChangingLanes...good advice. :)
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by suzycreamcheese »

it doesnt mean she doesnt have self respect though.

You might have that as your personal boundary, and so do a lot of people, but there is more to love than that.

The fact she tried to work at her marriage before giving up can only be seen as a positive thing surely. Otherwise what on earth is the point of marriage at all?
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

SCC, he broke the marriage. Surely there's nothing respectable in allowing oneself to be repeatedly subjected to that. Before the Oval Office he had screwed around with others. She knew and she still stayed. That cost her my respect. I'm pretty firm on this so I'll just leave it there. We're all doing a lot of agreeing to disagree these days. :wah:
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

1. Her personal life should not effect her professional life. Seperate enitities.

2. Can she really do the job?

3. Is America really ready or even want a woman for prez in these days and times?

4. why is this such a big deal when everything is still up in the air right now.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

changinglanes;755236 wrote: 1. Her personal life should not effect her professional life. Seperate enitities.

I disagree. Here's why. If I am a whore or a thief in my personal life, is that still a separate entity or does it bespeak my character? If I cheat on my husband how can I be loyal to my country when I couldn't even be loyal to him?

2. Can she really do the job?

I do not think she is capable of it. I haven't seen anything that says otherwise. That's my feeling.

3. Is America really ready or even want a woman for prez in these days and times?

America is past ready for a woman president. But let's get one who can do the job and not settle for just what we can get.

4. why is this such a big deal when everything is still up in the air right now.

I'm not sure how you mean. It's just conversation.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755240 wrote: So, her record on civil rights, womens issues, animal issues, education, equal employment, corporate greed, workplace safety and so on means nothing to you because she stayed with her husband? You're right, Red, it is apples to oranges.

No. it means I am not impressed with her record on any of those issues. RJ.

I understand you are fond of her so you want to defend her but I am saying the woman does not impress me and in my eyes is absolutely not presidential material.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

rjwould;755187 wrote: And besides being silly, this is significant because......................?

It is significant, because I say it is! Where have you been anyways??:rolleyes::D
Who are they to protest me? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!


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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755242 wrote: How do you know what she knew????

What, didn't you listen to her talk about it?
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

RedGlitter;755241 wrote: I disagree. Here's why. If I am a whore or a thief in my personal life, is that still a separate entity or does it bespeak my character? If I cheat on my husband how can I be loyal to my country when I couldn't even be loyal to him?


True. I meant the little things. You are right though.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

I just see what a mess our country is in and I have no idea if anyone can fix the damage Bush has rendered. It just kep getting worse.

I don't feel Hilary can do the job nor more than Obama and Oprah by his side didn't help matters.

Rudy.......he makes me laugh.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

I have faith that the right person could turn us back around again. But I'm not so sure that right person is even running.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

We all do right or wrong. I'm just undecided at this point. I watched gov. tv last night and everyone one of them would not address a question they danced around it as a means to avoid answering it. I hate that.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

RedGlitter;755256 wrote: I have faith that the right person could turn us back around again. But I'm not so sure that right person is even running.

Thank you thank you thank you!
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755263 wrote: Are we looking for some sort of super hero or something, Red? Nobody can "turn us back around", but we can elect a president who is familiar with the political system, national security and foreign policy so the country can run the way it was designed to by its founders...

We're looking for someone who can return America to its former glory. Bush has damaged us but we're not broken, just badly bent. I still have faith it can be done.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by spot »

rjwould;755263 wrote: we can elect a president who is familiar with the political system, national security and foreign policy so the country can run the way it was designed to by its founders...

I'm not sure that "so" is a reasonable connector there. One can have A without performing B even though you need A to do B properly.

There's a built-in problem with Hillary winning, much though I admire her. There's so much negativity among her many detractors that she'd be a lame duck from the first day, all her efforts would be focused on answering bile-laden critics. There's no honeymoon with Hillary, there's no free hand to create a new environment with the sympathetic acquiescence of the population which every president's traditionally started with.

On the plus side though, she's the only potential President with a guarantee there's no skeletons in her closet, she's been stripped and paraded for the last fifteen years by the extraordinarily nasty let's-rape-the-Clintons wing of the Republican party. All those moral midget Ann Coulters have given her the stamp of purity usually associated with your average Seraphim.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by weeder »

RedGlitter;755205 wrote: Disgrace was my word. I chose to use that.

I don't think you're understanding, RJ. Is that all you're reading into our replies? Why is that? We ladies haven't insulted Hillary at all. We have judged her character which is what hopefully everyone does with a presidential candidate. Bill lost his integrity when he got blown by someone other than his wife. Don't think we're not faulting him as well. And don't think his character isn't our business. A self respecting woman with an ounce of backbone would have nailed his sorry butt and gotten rid of him. Hillary chose to stay with a repeat infidel. No integrity there, no class, no self respect. How could I possibly vote in someone like that for president?!

I accept that you like Hillary but you'll have to accept a lot of people don't.

DITTO.......... She is ball less... But then some women will eat anything, rather than face life on their own, and the end of a cushy life.

Actually, I dont care what he did with who. The problem for me is where he conducted his extramarital affairs. In the Oval Office. He is a disgrace, and she validated his actions, by staying with him.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755272 wrote: America will never return to it's former "glory" because the rest of the world has caught up to us and has even passed us because we are so stuck on silly sh1t like gossip and being self righteous. Other countries are actually doing the work of their people like bettering education, resisting run-a-muck capitalism, offering a reasonable and compassionate health care system, resisting religion mingling in their politics.....should I go on? America had better learn to be an equal partner in the world and stop thinking it's sh1t doesn't stink. It has to learn to play nice...

Oh how I differ. America has always been a great country and I see no reason why it would stop. While other countries have their own things they do better than us, I certainly don't feel we've been surpassed by anyone. I think you bought into the load of bs that the rest of the world smears on us like a collective gas station bathroom wall. Have they valid gripes? Several. Does that mean their implications stand in fact? Not necessarily. Lord, between this and Hillary, you and I are liable to be here all day. :rolleyes:
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by spot »

rjwould;755278 wrote: The thing is, she already has the support of the business community. They know they can work with her because she has already gone head to head with them more than once. Her and they have a fair understanding of one an other now.

Ann Coulter and the rest of the Republican commentators who tell lies strategically to cause damage rather than stay honest and discuss issues aren't the business community. How does that link through "the thing is"?
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by spot »

RedGlitter;755279 wrote: Oh how I differ. America has always been a great country and I see no reason why it would stop.RG, your ship of state is dead in the water. A huge explosion in your engine room has torn a hole below the waterline, your shaft's bent beyond repair, your captain's solely interested in making off with the hull insurance money. There's no way back to port. All you can do is either stand on the bow and salute or take to a lifeboat and watch from a distance, there's no fothering on earth big enough to patch the damage. You should have checked the captain's certificate of competence before you allowed him on the bridge.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755283 wrote: Perhaps you would like to reread my post when you are less patriotically emotional. You have read way more into my post than is there.

And how so, RJ?

One thing I am is patriotic, a quality not looked upon as favorable at this forum but one which I respect in others. I make no apology for my passion.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

spot;755289 wrote: RG, your ship of state is dead in the water. A huge explosion in your engine room has torn a hole below the waterline, your shaft's bent beyond repair, your captain's solely interested in making off with the hull insurance money. There's no way back to port. All you can do is either stand on the bow and salute or take to a lifeboat and watch from a distance, there's no fothering on earth big enough to patch the damage. You should have checked the captain's certificate of competence before you allowed him on the bridge.

Oh Spot, it's not as dire as that. Not even close. By the way have you ever noticed that other countries, in this case the UK, say all they please about Bush ruining the world, yet we never seem to say much about Blair?
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by yaaarrrgg »

With women ... if she is forgiving and shows emotion, people will say she has no balls. But if she did have "balls" then people would say she's "a cold bitch." There's no winning. I think the game is rigged so that she loses before even given a fair chance to play.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755295 wrote: I'm not asking you to apologize for your patriotism, I'm looking for some rationality in it.

I care for the US, too. Thats why I'm in this...

I got news for you, Red. Hillary Clinton has done more to serve this country than both of us combined, even more than probably all of us combined.

I'd like to know how you figure that, RJ. Some specifics please.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

yaaarrrgg;755296 wrote: With women ... if she is forgiving and shows emotion, people will say she has no balls. But if she did have "balls" then people would say she's "a cold bitch." There's no winning. I think the game is rigged so that she loses before even given a fair chance to play.

I think you're right, Yarg, but as a woman, I don't want to see my woman candidate cry. Especially over the fact she was being criticized. That's ridiculous. What's she going to do in the White House when her policies are ripped to shreds? Or when we have to have a war?

She's hurt because people are picking on her? I'm sorry Princess!

That's me being sarcastic, but directed at Hillary/woman candidate and not at you, Yarg! :)
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755300 wrote: Obviously, to me, she has a lot of big, hairy balls, because I bet she knew this kind of bullsh1t would come her way for staying..BTW I'd take a blow job in the oval office too, only it would be with someone I loved. But hey, Bill was with someone he loved---Himself...Monica was just willing..

We should probably not go there regarding the oral with someone besides his wife. It would not bring out my best. :D
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

If a husband cheats and disgraces you publicly isn't that a form of abuse?
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755303 wrote: On what? ME? You? Hillary? I already gave all the info you need to see the validity of my claims on her behalf in my opening post....

Well then, I have to fall back on the fact I wasn't that impressed with her record.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755307 wrote: She didn't cry, Red, she got emotional. You know that thing (emotion) all you women are experts at and us men lack understanding of?

Emotion has its place RJ. Whining because people picked on you when you're wanting to run their dang country is unacceptable. She did just what men accuse us of. We can't have that.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by yaaarrrgg »

rjwould;755300 wrote: Obviously, to me, she has a lot of big, hairy balls, because I bet she knew this kind of bullsh1t would come her way for staying..BTW I'd take a blow job in the oval office too, only it would be with someone I loved. But hey, Bill was with someone he loved---Himself...Monica was just willing..

Yeah, she took a lot of heat for staying with Bill. I saw her on an interview the other day speaking highly about Billy Graham, since back in the day he was one of the few prominent people that understood and respected her decision. She was raked over the coals for forgiveness and honoring her marriage vows ... Christian values.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755311 wrote: If a wife cheats and disgraces you publically, isn't that a form of abuse?

If a spouse cheats and disgraces you publically......

Who cares which gender does it? It's wrong either way.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by spot »

RedGlitter;755309 wrote: Well then, I have to fall back on the fact I wasn't that impressed with her record.

Her record as what? FLOTUS creates a record?
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by suzycreamcheese »

RedGlitter;755292 wrote: Oh Spot, it's not as dire as that. Not even close. By the way have you ever noticed that other countries, in this case the UK, say all they please about Bush ruining the world, yet we never seem to say much about Blair?

Maybe because

1. Americans arent renowned for taking an interest in anything outside america.

2. Most of Britain didnt like Blair anyway, and

3.Blair isnt actually prime minister anymore anyway. Its Gordon Brown.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »


Wrong. When they are representing my country it damn sure IS my business and the business of every other American!! Make no mistake on that.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

rjwould;755328 wrote: It's a personal matter, Red. It's none of anyones business but theirs. You want perfect?---No wonder you cannot find a candidate to vote for, he or she does not exist. I suggest looking into all the candidates and finding one you can live with because if you're as much of a patriot as you say you are, you owe it to your country to do just that...A true patriot does not waste time, they get behind someone and fight for that person because they believe in them and know they can do the job...Who is your choice, Red?

It is not a personal matter when they are the first couple of America and stand to represent what we hold faith to in America. I'm not deviating from that, I believe completely in that.

I am not looking for a perfect candidate. But I'm not willing to settle either.

My choice is still open, at this point I have not decided.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

:wah::wah:suzycreamcheese;755324 wrote: Maybe because

1. Americans arent renowned for taking an interest in anything outside america.

2. Most of Britain didnt like Blair anyway, and

3.Blair isnt actually prime minister anymore anyway. Its Gordon Brown.

It would be really nice if you could avoid posting stuff that makes me laugh out loud at work!:D
Who are they to protest me? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!


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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

It's a form of abuse and she was disgraced by his actions and humiliated. Abuse comes in many forms. I don't care if my husband was Prez or not his ass would be out the door. That balls. I would not want public pity. Strong women do strong things like "NOT BEING A DOORMAT."
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