Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Pheasy »

ThePheasant;697359 wrote: Thanks for the great feedback on this - there are many different views/concerns. I have found that as far as parents go, specially those who ‘aware’ how bad things can get, they don’t seem to mind not sending peanut snacks (kindergarten).

Here’s a few things I learnt (my school district only - but would welcome news from other districts/countries) - might help others who are dealing with medical issues at school.

1. Bus company not prepared to add ‘bus monitor’ for high-risk buses. (In my opinion, with the amount of trouble on buses and potential problems, all school buses should have monitors).

2. School teachers are not trained in basic CPR or recognition of symptoms/treatment of common problems, such as asthma, anaphylaxtic shock etc. (in my opinion, anyone responsible for others ie. Child care or old people etc. should be trained in these things). - I feel another poll coming on.

3. Schools do not always have a nurse available full time (shocking IMO).

4. ‘Chapter 504' is available to children - in my case allowing the ‘child cannot carry meds on person’ rule to be changed and other non-standard precautions put in place.

5. School does not send nurse or other trained person on school trips.

Just a few things I learnt that maybe will help others in the future. :-6

Also.....to the people who suggested home-schooling and self prevention/awareness, you have many valid points. However, in my opinion, school provides children with far more ‘life skills’ than just academic skills. Social skills, team work, dealing with conflict, compassion for others, mixing with people from all walks of life ........ the list goes on. Granted ‘home-schooled’ children appear to be more advanced academically, you can’t beat the one-on-one teaching, but school teaches much, much more. As far as self prevention/awareness, yes as with any illness, we MUST prepare our children for the ‘real’ world and any dangers it imposes.

How have I dealt with this for my 6 year old? She is VERY aware of her allergy. She knows how to inject herself, although past experience has shown that within seconds she is not in a condition to administer it herself, but I live in hope that, God forbid, she is ever in that situation alone, that somehow she is able to. She NEVER eats anything that has not been checked before hand (even if previously OK, as manufacturers change production sites/add product lines all the time). She never shares drinks or drinks from public water fountains.

At school, she eats in a separate room with 2 ‘selected’ friends. Me and the other 2 parents work very closely together to ensure there is no exposure. We chose 2, so that if at anytime one of the girls wants peanut butter they can, but just go to the canteen and not in room with my daughter. The parents don’t mind, after all, I would do anything in my power to protect other kids (not just my own) from a life-threatening situation.

All teachers, aides and substitutes are trained to recognise and treat anaphylaxis. My daughter carries her medication on her at ALL times. She does not take the school bus, as the bus company was not prepared to deal with this - I should of pushed this but after taking on the school system, teachers union and school solicitor, I just couldn’t be bothered - I take her and pick her up from school. I feel guilty about the bus thing, as the whole process has enabled her (and future children at the school) to be able to attend school with confidence and sense of security.

Sorry for rambling on, I just wanted to share so if anyone else goes through this they can see what can be done.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by RedGlitter »

Pheasy, you might think I'm nitpicking on these but I assure you I'm not trying to be that way... :o

ThePheasant;697359 wrote:

2. School teachers are not trained in basic CPR or recognition of symptoms/treatment of common problems, such as asthma, anaphylaxtic shock etc. (in my opinion, anyone responsible for others ie. Child care or old people etc. should be trained in these things). - I feel another poll coming on.

Why only those two groups? Do we leave the middle group to fend for themselves And why not go further and say that all employers should be trained in CPR as well as bus drivers, stewardesses, etc? In fact say, anyone who might deal with people, even the kid running the video store, should know CPR. I think as a whole that would be a good thing to require as human citizens but I don't feel it should be a law.

3. Schools do not always have a nurse available full time (shocking IMO).

That is a little disturbing. Ours always had one at school. Always. Are they trying to cut costs?

5. School does not send nurse or other trained person on school trips.

If they send the only nurse on a field trip, who is the nurse for the classes staying behind? I don't see why a nurse needs to accompany kids on a school trip. If a kid breaks a leg, you take him to a doctor, not the school nurse and as for upset stomachs and such, any adult teacher can handle those. As far as allergies, what would the nurse do that the teachers can't? I would hope that anyone with an allergic child has taken the time to meet with the kid's teacher and discussed what to do in an emergency and shown the teacher how to give an injection. Or is this not legal for a teacher to do for a student?

ThePheasant;697403 wrote: Also.....to the people who suggested home-schooling and self prevention/awareness, you have many valid points. However, in my opinion, school provides children with far more ‘life skills’ than just academic skills. Social skills, team work, dealing with conflict, compassion for others, mixing with people from all walks of life ........ the list goes on. Granted ‘home-schooled’ children appear to be more advanced academically, you can’t beat the one-on-one teaching, but school teaches much, much more. As far as self prevention/awareness, yes as with any illness, we MUST prepare our children for the ‘real’ world and any dangers it imposes.

But the real world doesn't allow for special treatment so why ask for it from a school? I would disagree about the benefits of public school vs. homeschooling since the school system has gone to hell in the last 20 years and all the things you mentioned can be had if the parents try hard enough. Most importantly the environment could be reasonably controlled and that is what you're wanting.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by valerie »

There was that story a while back about the guy on the airplane who

asked that no peanuts be served 3 rows in front of him or 3 rows

behind... airline messed up and he broke out in hives.

One problem, especially among the lower income schools, is that

peanut butter is an EXCELLENT and very cheap protein source.

Long lasting, doesn't need refrigeration. Hard to take that away from

say, 20 kids for the one who is allergic.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Pheasy »

RedGlitter;697428 wrote: Pheasy, you might think I'm nitpicking on these but I assure you I'm not trying to be that way... :o

:wah:No I don't think you are nitpicking - a good healthy debate :-6

If they send the only nurse on a field trip, who is the nurse for the classes staying behind? I don't see why a nurse needs to accompany kids on a school trip. If a kid breaks a leg, you take him to a doctor, not the school nurse and as for upset stomachs and such, any adult teacher can handle those. As far as allergies, what would the nurse do that the teachers can't? I would hope that anyone with an allergic child has taken the time to meet with the kid's teacher and discussed what to do in an emergency and shown the teacher how to give an injection. Or is this not legal for a teacher to do for a student?

They would not need to, if the teacher or some other CPR trained person was there - is was not the case at our school, until we made it a requirement

But the real world doesn't allow for special treatment so why ask for it from a school? I would disagree about the benefits of public school vs. homeschooling since the school system has gone to hell in the last 20 years and all the things you mentioned can be had if the parents try hard enough. Most importantly the environment could be reasonably controlled and that is what you're wanting.

Not sure what you mean on last bit here?
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by minks »

pinkchick;697361 wrote: I have a question......

Where the heck have all these food allergies come from? When I was a kid growing up, very few children had food allergies! :confused:

I sometimes think 2 things... lack of exposure.... I mean as kids we were exposed to all foods, there was no delay to eggs, or peanut butter etc. Now when exposed later in childhood we see allergies it is like they ability to be immune is weakened.

Secondly, chemicals, polution surely has to weaken the respiratiory system, thus contributing to allergies, dyes, preservatives, herbicides, insecticides ... surely these wreck havoc on our immune systems as well.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Pheasy »

Quote RED: Why only those two groups? Do we leave the middle group to fend for themselves And why not go further and say that all employers should be trained in CPR as well as bus drivers, stewardesses, etc? In fact say, anyone who might deal with people, even the kid running the video store, should know CPR. I think as a whole that would be a good thing to require as human citizens but I don't feel it should be a law.

For some reason my 'quote' did not pick this one up.

My 'etc' means including others not just these two. I mean anyone who is responsible for others, not anyone who just deals with others. Certainly not the kid running the video, if I go to video store I am not expecting him be taking care of me other than helping me rent a video.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Pheasy »

spot;697400 wrote: Here's what to watch out for then. Food-related anaphylactic deaths are so few they wouldn't show on this scale:

Hint: the key-word here is road traffic.

Yes thats why we teach our children road safety, and at a very young age don't let them cross the road alone. Thats why we spend a lot of time and money teaching our teenagers safe driving skills. Thats why a lot of money, and police effort is focused on drink driving. Awareness and prevention. If we had not been doing these things for years, the fatality figures for road traffic deaths would be much higher.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by RedGlitter »

ThePheasant;697436 wrote: Not sure what you mean on last bit here?

[But the real world doesn't allow for special treatment so why ask for it from a school? I would disagree about the benefits of public school vs. homeschooling since the school system has gone to hell in the last 20 years and all the things you mentioned can be had if the parents try hard enough. Most importantly the environment could be reasonably controlled and that is what you're wanting.]

I'm sorry. I was trying to say that IMO the benefits of homeschooling outweigh that of public school and that the social benefits and real life exposure you find in public school can be had if the parents are willing to expose their child to a lot of those situations. But then I remembered we're not arguing the benefits of homeschool vs public so I cut myself off. :wah:

You mentioned public school being good for exposing children to all kinds of things, the real world aspect of it, and I tried to point out that part of living in the real world means accepting how in many things, the majority wins, and that in the real world there's no asking for or getting special treatment, so why do that in public school? My last comment was that in a homeschool environment, the parents could control what their kid is in exposure to and I think by what you're saying, that's what you would like to see- a controlled environment for a minority of children in a public place.

Sorry Pheas, I'm not always clear in what I try to say.:o

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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by spot »

ThePheasant;697403 wrote: Sorry for rambling on, I just wanted to share so if anyone else goes through this they can see what can be done.It's a good thread, there's a lot in here. You still haven't given an approach to what I left earlier as the hard question though - here it is again:Assuming you can ban all 8 of those foods from the entire school premises - what are you going to do with the other 10% of children who go into anaphylactic shock with different environmental triggers? All you're doing is reducing the scale of the problem, you still have the same question to answer - how do you school that subset of at-risk children?Answering that is central, I think. You're saying leave nobody behind, despite it only relating to 20 deaths nationwide a year. I'm saying how do you avoid leaving that final 10% behind, because in my eyes it's as big - or as small - as the group you're discussing.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by spot »

magenta flame;697656 wrote: Oh I see....................You guys feed your kids at school. It's the norm here for packed lunches we don't even have a tuck shop at our school. Children bringing peanut products into school in their packed lunches is the problem under discussion.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by laneybug »

No, schools shouldn't ban certain foods simply because others may have an allergy to it. Those who can eat it shouldn't be punished because there are people who can't. If a kid takes food from another student knowing their allergic to something in it, that's their choice and their responsibility.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by laneybug »

magenta flame;698190 wrote: that's a very strange attitude. why do you see it as 'punishment'?

what if a school saw that a portion of students/children were becoming obese and they changed the menu to only healthy foods? Is that a punishment to other students as well?

just wondering

We're not talking about the epidemic of obesity. We're talking about people who have allergies. Obesity can afflict pretty much anybody if they don't take care of themselves. Allergies are much different. Learning to pick healthy foods is a necessity to a long and healthy life. Learning to stay away from foods that your neighbor may be allergic to but you never have been is just ridiculous.

As for calling it a "punishment." Yeah, that's a harsh word. And fitting, I think. To me, it's a strange attitude to take away a person's right to choose what they want to eat simply because the person next to them may be allergic to it. In general, I'm seeing that a person's ability to choose because of what someone else may "feel" is being hampered and it ticks me off. It stinks of political correctness.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by guppy »

thats a tough call..maybe let the child who is that allergic have a seperate room for lunch? i know it sounds cruel on the surface..but its life..insulin dependent diabetics cant eat sweets..even though that is served in school..I wouldnt consider taking away pe because some cant participate.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Lady G »

The primary school that my son used to attend (now just my 2 dauhters attend) agreed with me that an all out ban on nuts be implemented due to the severity of my boys allergy to nuts, especially brazil nuts.

I did research and had the society for anaphalactics (or whatever it was called) to contact the school and give them a heads up about the severe reactions. The school immediatley sent letters home asking parents to NEVER allow their children to bring nuts to school again and the reasons etc.

There has been NO nut reactions since and not one parent complained
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by spot »

Lady G;703270 wrote: There has been NO nut reactions since and not one parent complainedOut of interest, how many nut reactions had there been at the school before the letter?
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Pheasy »

spot;703290 wrote: Out of interest, how many nut reactions had there been at the school before the letter?

I cannot answer that one in my case - I dunno. All I can say is that no parents minded being asked not to bring in peanut snacks - after all we are not asking everyone to give them up, just not send them to school. This was in kindergarten, because there would of been children sitting next to her in class eating, say peanut butter cup cakes. Now she is full-time, and at school during lunch, she takes a few friends and goes to a different (peanut free) area. All the kids can eat what they like. :-6
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by spot »

ThePheasant;703302 wrote: I cannot answer that one in my case - I dunno. All I can say is that no parents minded being asked not to bring in peanut snacks - after all we are not asking everyone to give them up, just not send them to school. This was in kindergarten, because there would of been children sitting next to her in class eating, say peanut butter cup cakes. Now she is full-time, and at school during lunch, she takes a few friends and goes to a different (peanut free) area. All the kids can eat what they like. :-6

Let me rephrase the question then - how many nut reactions are you aware of at the school before the letter?
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Pheasy »

spot;703370 wrote: Let me rephrase the question then - how many nut reactions are you aware of at the school before the letter?

Two - which were not fatal - epinephrine was administered in time and was effective (which is not always the case - as I stated before (and the manufacturers also state, this can fail)). Not worth the risk in my opinion. Lets rely on prevention, far safer IMO.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by spot »

ThePheasant;703378 wrote: Two - which were not fatal - epinephrine was administered in time and was effective (which is not always the case - as I stated before (and the manufacturers also state, this can fail)). Not worth the risk in my opinion. Lets rely on prevention, far safer IMO.

Pheasy, I'm actually trying to get Lady G to answer the other half of her "There has been NO nut reactions since and not one parent complained" observation. I'm sure she'll be back in a while.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Pheasy »

spot;703389 wrote: Pheasy, I'm actually trying to get Lady G to answer the other half of her "There has been NO nut reactions since and not one parent complained" observation. I'm sure she'll be back in a while.

:wah::wah:Well shut my mouth :wah:
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by spot »

ThePheasant;703395 wrote: :wah::wah:Well shut my mouth :wah:

I'm having a bad day!

ok, I'm having a bad year.

If you don't change that "Banned by Spot" user title I'll sit in the middle of the forum and cry and tell everyone it was all your fault.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by sunny104 »

spot;703429 wrote: I'm having a bad day!

ok, I'm having a bad year.

If you don't change that "Banned by Spot" user title I'll sit in the middle of the forum and cry and tell everyone it was all your fault.

*sunny holds spot against her food and drink stained chest*

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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by spot »

sunny104;703457 wrote: *sunny holds spot against her food and drink stained chest*Spot looks extremely guilty for a moment and then decides there must be worse fates
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Pheasy »

spot;703429 wrote: I'm having a bad day!

ok, I'm having a bad year.

If you don't change that "Banned by Spot" user title I'll sit in the middle of the forum and cry and tell everyone it was all your fault.

:wah: Now that I wanna see :wah: Shove up I'll join you, I'm due for a good tantrum :D
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by laneybug »

Lady G;703270 wrote: The primary school that my son used to attend (now just my 2 dauhters attend) agreed with me that an all out ban on nuts be implemented due to the severity of my boys allergy to nuts, especially brazil nuts.

I did research and had the society for anaphalactics (or whatever it was called) to contact the school and give them a heads up about the severe reactions. The school immediatley sent letters home asking parents to NEVER allow their children to bring nuts to school again and the reasons etc.

There has been NO nut reactions since and not one parent complained

Just one question. How severe were his allergies? I mean, would just looking at nuts send him into systemic shock or something, for god's sake? As far as I know, to have an allergic reaction one must either eat the nuts or get their oils on the skin. Simply watching someone else eat nuts is not going to do any harm. Again, as far as I know.

I think the logical answer here is to teach children to stay away from what is bad for them, not teach children that others must stay away from it too. Teach individual responsibility. The other students as a whole should not be responsible for your kids' allergies.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Lady G »

spot;703290 wrote: Out of interest, how many nut reactions had there been at the school before the letter?

There had been one 2 weeks previously to it. However I didnt ask how many throughout its existance.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Lady G »

laneybug;703503 wrote: Just one question. How severe were his allergies? I mean, would just looking at nuts send him into systemic shock or something, for god's sake? As far as I know, to have an allergic reaction one must either eat the nuts or get their oils on the skin. Simply watching someone else eat nuts is not going to do any harm. Again, as far as I know.

I think the logical answer here is to teach children to stay away from what is bad for them, not teach children that others must stay away from it too. Teach individual responsibility. The other students as a whole should not be responsible for your kids' allergies.

Hahaha, no he cannot react from just looking but his reactions are severe and and have been near fatal in the past. Kids like to throw things around, flick things off the table etc and if a cracked nut shell came into contact with my sons skin alone, he will start to react.

We tested him once by cracking a nut (brazil) open, touched the inside of the shell and then touched his arm. The second our fingers came away from his arm a red weel formed immediatley. His allergy is severe where nuts are concerned.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Lady G »

I was not trying to make anyones lives difficult, it had just been discovered and I was terrified about him dying in school (yes, rather dramatic I know) through the school having no knowledge of it all so I did my research and spoke withthe school and had them put in contact with the nut ppl. The school took it all on board and made some minor changes that did not affect anyone but taught many children the dangers of allergies.
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by laneybug »

Lady G;704519 wrote: I was not trying to make anyones lives difficult, it had just been discovered and I was terrified about him dying in school (yes, rather dramatic I know) through the school having no knowledge of it all so I did my research and spoke withthe school and had them put in contact with the nut ppl. The school took it all on board and made some minor changes that did not affect anyone but taught many children the dangers of allergies.

In that case, I believe education and information is essential. If the banning of nuts was generally agreed on by most people (parents, teachers, etc.), than I don't see anything wrong with that. Obviously, your son's allergies are severe and sometimes small sacrifices made by other people can certainly save someone's life, or at least not put it in fatal harm. In that case, I would agree with the ban.

Your fear of your son dying was very real and warranted taking some kind of action to keep him safe.

Just out of curiosity.... what about peanut butter? Is he allergic to peanut butter touching his skin?
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Poll: Do you think School should ban certain food due the Allergies

Post by Lady G »

laneybug;704672 wrote: In that case, I believe education and information is essential. If the banning of nuts was generally agreed on by most people (parents, teachers, etc.), than I don't see anything wrong with that. Obviously, your son's allergies are severe and sometimes small sacrifices made by other people can certainly save someone's life, or at least not put it in fatal harm. In that case, I would agree with the ban.

Your fear of your son dying was very real and warranted taking some kind of action to keep him safe.

Just out of curiosity.... what about peanut butter? Is he allergic to peanut butter touching his skin?

Unsure about peanut butter. When he was little little, I used to make peanut butter sandwiches and marmite ones. I always noticed he would have slight red marks on teh sides of his mouth. I never put 2 and 2 together.

Funnily enough he will eat things that say !may contain nuts" or "Made in a factory that produces nuts" without any problems.

It really is Brazil nuts, tho' after reading what I just wrote a nut test may be suitable right about now.
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