Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by Tombstone »

Mark Townsend

Sunday August 8, 2004

The Observer ... 93,00.html

It should make us happy, but environmentalists are deeply alarmed: Prozac, the anti-depression drug, is being taken in such large quantities that it can now be found in Britain's drinking water.

Environmentalists are calling for an urgent investigation into the revelations, describing the build-up of the antidepressant as 'hidden mass medication'. The Environment Agency has revealed that Prozac is building up both in river systems and groundwater used for drinking supplies.

The government's chief environment watchdog recently held a series of meetings with the pharmaceutical industry to discuss any repercussions for human health or the ecosystem.

The discovery raises fresh fears that GPs are overprescribing Prozac, Britain's antidepressant of choice. In the decade up to 2001, overall prescriptions of antidepressants rose from nine million to 24 million a year.

A recent report by the Environment Agency concluded Prozac could be potentially toxic in the water table and said the drug was a 'potential concern'.

However, the precise quantity of Prozac in the nation's water supplies remains unknown. The government's Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) said Prozac was likely to be found in a considerably 'watered down' form that was unlikely to pose a health risk.

Dr Andy Croxford, the Environment's Agency's policy manager for pesticides, told The Observer: 'We need to determine the effects of this low-level, almost continuous discharge.'

Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrat's environment spokesman, said the revelations exposed a failing by the government on an important public health issue. He added that the public should be told if they were inadvertently taking drugs like Prozac.

'This looks like a case of hidden mass medication upon the unsuspecting public,' Baker said. 'It is alarming that there is no monitoring of levels of Prozac and other pharmacy residues in our drinking water.'

Experts say that Prozac finds its way into rivers and water systems from treated sewage water. Some believe the drugs could affect their reproductive ability.

European studies have also expressed disquiet over the impact of pharmaceuticals building up in the environment, warning that an effect on wildlife and human health 'cannot be excluded'.

'It is extremely unlikely that there is a risk, as such drugs are excreted in very low concentrations,' a DWI spokesman said. 'Advanced treatment processes installed for pesticide removal are effective in removing drug residues,' he added.
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by illuminati »

'This looks like a case of hidden mass medication upon the unsuspecting public,' Baker said. 'It is alarming that there is no monitoring of levels of Prozac and other pharmacy residues in our drinking water.'

I should say so! If this doesn't alarm you, then you must already be medicated. Ignore this post if that is the case.

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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by sharedfastlane »

And finally the message of " drink your nice 8 cups of water a day " was beginning to penetrate my stubborn nature. Well, I heard being hydrated might help against wrinkles.I was feeling proud of myself that I actually get up a thirst for it these days - must be the secret ingredient! Back to silly filtered I guess.
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by guppy »

Wendybird;557685 wrote: With the amount of water I drink in a day should I be worried? :wah:

if you are worried then maybe you should drink some more water....:yh_wink
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by RedGlitter »

"treated sewage water?!"

That's what we're drinking?!

two words: SOYLENT GREEN!
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by guppy »

can you buy english bottled water?:p
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by crazygal »

Ooh I am already on anti-d's, better go drinking more water, may sort out my moods. :D
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by Sweet Tooth »

I dont think this is such a bad idea- with all the nasty people out there, it might make everyone a little nicer! :wah:
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by laneybug »

I used to be on Prozac... wasn't too bad really! Hey I'm all for antidepressants in the water if that's what it takes to calm people down! :p

Yes, it's a real concern, but it could always be worse.
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by Chookie »

This might be more exciting:-

There’s Viagra In the Water

Just outside of Johnson city on a dark and twisting road

In a Kenworth 18 wheeler with a heavy shifting load

He was pushing through to Bingamton though the hour was getting late

Buys his finest sons a mission to the pharmacies upstate

He was on a holy mission, there were men who couldn’t wait

It was 20,000 pounds of viagra

He clocked 700 miles since he climbed into the rig

Just another 25 or so would finish up that gig

But the trailer hit an oil slick and down the hill did fly

Till it landed at the bottom in the towns water supply

It was instant rigamortis what a hard way die

Save your sons, shield your daughters there’s viagra in the water

All over Johnson city people rising with the dawn

They drank their morning coffee, took their showers watered lawns

And who could have predicted all the changes up ahead?

Men were getting up for work and women back to bed

So many called in sick you would have thought a virus spread

Down at the courthouse coffee shop stared in disbelief

As a pack of thirsty lawyers started filling out their briefs

But at the local college young men appeared much smarter

No chomosomal mystery they simply studied harder

Now water on the rocks is the latest party starter

Save your sons, shield your daughters there’s viagra in the water

The Johnson city firemen they cursed their reched luck

They could not get their firehoses wound back on the truck

Sprikling holy water at a funeral father Ryan said…

I know I’ve saved your souls but I’ve never raised the dead

Would a couple stong men help me now close the casket lid?

Old man Weisse just took the shower of his life

Then he marched into the kitchen and he called out to his wife

She knew something was up as he stood naked at the table

Holding two cups of coffee and a half a dozen bagels

It had been at least a decade since the last time he was able

Save your sons, shield your daughters there’s viagra in the water

Believers seeking miracles the pilgrims came in hordes

The waters of viagra grew more popular than Lordes

The clergy quoted scripture but they found it hard to sell

Those who chose to be anointed were pointed straight to hell

Despite the dire warning the crowds began to swell

Some hardened politicians came into town one day

With their permits and their pipelines pumped the waters all away

From the heart of Johnson city came rose the mournful cry of men

But the women knew another truck was commin’ through again

Don’t worry there’s a truck next week, we’ll spread the oil again

Save your sons, shield your daughters there’s viagra in the water

Greatful thanks to Christine Lavin
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by laneybug »

Eh, this reminds me of young men who take Viagra to be "better" or whatever and then having heart attacks. Really quite stupid.

Honestly, I'm sure there's all kinds of crap in our water. Sadly, stating the facts isn't making the water any cleaner.
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by zinkyusa »

I'll take a gallon pleeeze...
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by kumininexile »

All I can say is: Thank God Prozac is available in a cheaper generic form in the U.S. these days.
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Stay calm everyone, there's Prozac in the drinking water

Post by RedGlitter »

magenta flame;608552 wrote: Is that really the answer to all our woes though? stick everyone on a pill?

No, it's not. But for many people those pills are lifesavers. Every antidepressant has a mess of side effects and a lot of them have been blamed for all kinds of things; thievery, murders, suicides. And *maybe* in some cases that's true. But you have to take into account that the people who are unfortunate enough to have to use these drugs aren't balanced to start with. Psychiatry is not an exact science and in many ways is still quite experimental. And it's impossible to completely know how any of these Rx's are going to affect someone. There's good and there's bad but most of the outcomes are positive.

The idea of intentionally putting any kind of medication in mass public drinking water is lunacy, not to mention a grievous invasion of personal choice. Remember flouridated water?
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