My trip to the emergency room

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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Delilah »

Having a nut allergy is a tremendously fun ordeal.

Especially when you actually eat a nut, or peanut butter things..

Last night I asked roomate to buy me some chocolate chip cookies..he brought them home, he ate 3 of them. (He knows I'm deathly allergic to the peanut butter and all nuts) So I don't think anything about them and eat them myself. I swallow...I sit..hmm..this tastes really a lot like peanut it's doing weird things to my throat/mouth. Go look at the're peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. Good times. Call for roomate. Show said package. Within about 5 minutes my mouth swells up, my lips are swollen. We're trying to find my Epi-Pen. (Needle with stuff in it you're meant to stab in leg upon eating this stuff, or people who are allergic with bee stings, etc)

Cant find Epi-Pen. Roomate calls 911.

Ambulance comes, I can no longer swallow when they arrive (about 2 minutes from when we called..good timing!) they start an IV, put Benadryl in it and they have the Epinephrine stuff with them so they jab that into my arm. Not good, getting worse...starting to not breathe. They put oxygen mask on, whisk me away in blood pressure jumping up, throat closing over. Gasping ensues. They didn't have the siren on or anything before, but now the paramedic yells to the driver Code 2! and the siren comes on and they speed their way to the hospital. I receive more shots and IV stuff..and a second Epinephrine shot to my arm. And the second does the trick. About another 5 minutes later while at the hospital, throat is opening. Yay! They give me more benadryl, horrah for the sleepy. And after another bit of time..swelling subsides and I'm no longer headed for the bone yard.

Got to come home an hour and a half later or so. With predisone pills and some more benadryl. Sleep time, inevitable.

That was my night yesterday. :wah:
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by cherandbuster »

Oh that sounds terrible! You must have been so scared.

Glad to hear you're back with us! Rest well, my friend, and so glad all has worked out. :)
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by RedGlitter »

Good grief, Delilah! You must have been terrified! I'm so glad you're okay.:-4
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Imladris »

I am amazed that you are able to keep your sense of humour! Glad that you are ok.
Originally Posted by spot

She is one fit bitch innit, that Immy

Don't worry; it only seems kinky the first time
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Bill Sikes »

Delilah;574875 wrote: Having a nut allergy is a tremendously fun ordeal.

Especially when you actually eat a nut, or peanut butter things..

"Always read the label"!
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by valerie »

Oh dear! I'm glad you came out okay... time for someone to make sure

where her Epi-pens are, huh? ;)

Years ago, we were having a meeting at work and they had sweet rolls

for all of us... I bit into one that had marzipan (almond paste) in it and

stood up and yelled across the room "CINDY, STOP!" my friend who was

allergic to nuts was about to bite into one. A lot of other people sort of

lucked at me like I was crazy but she was glad I did!

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My trip to the emergency room

Post by WonderWendy3 »

Wow Delilah, I'm glad you didn't go to the "bone yard" poor thing. I hope you get some rest now...take it easy, and I'm making my note for the Christmas list next "nutty" candy for YOU!:-4
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Delilah »

cherandbuster;574897 wrote: Oh that sounds terrible! You must have been so scared.

Glad to hear you're back with us! Rest well, my friend, and so glad all has worked out. :)

Wasn't scared, no. It's happened before, so I know the drill. The not breathing anymore thing is a little..annoying. :thinking: But thankfully the Epinephrine and such medicines are out there. And thankfully everytime I've had it happen, I've been able to get to a hospital before it got to the point where I wouldn't be coming back home. Been lucky in that regard. This is about the third time in my life its happened. Thank you for your kind words and support!

Same to you, RedGlitter. Thank you for your continued kindness. :-4

Imladis...gotta keep a sense of humor in life if you want to come out alive!:)
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by SuzyB »

I am so glad you are still around to write the post! :-4

People never seem to realise just how serious this type of allergy is, I am glad your ok, please make sure you locate your pen ;)
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Delilah »

valerie;575078 wrote: Oh dear! I'm glad you came out okay... time for someone to make sure

where her Epi-pens are, huh? ;)

Years ago, we were having a meeting at work and they had sweet rolls

for all of us... I bit into one that had marzipan (almond paste) in it and

stood up and yelled across the room "CINDY, STOP!" my friend who was

allergic to nuts was about to bite into one. A lot of other people sort of

lucked at me like I was crazy but she was glad I did!


:o Yeah, my roomate constantly tells me to make sure I have my Epi-Pen around me...which is somewhat amusing now, as he's the one who gave me Peanut butter Maybe he was trying to teach me a lesson, eh?

Wow, Valerie, that's awesome that you had the presence of mind to yell STOP to Cindy. Close call! I'm sure she was thankful and appreciative. It wouldn't be fun for her to blow up like balloon during a work meeting! Don't worry about those other people who thought you were crazy, you saved her life! Well usually I always do, but my roomate bought and gave them to me, and he's very aware of my allergy and how bad it is, and he is always the one pestering me about carrying my Epi-Pen and to be I didn't think he'd give me peanut butter anything. But everyone makes mistakes, and I came out okay.

Thank you WonderWendy! That is so sweet of you. :-4 lol nope, please refrain from sending the Peanut Brittle if you could. haha
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by minks »

Whew that sounded hellish Deli, glad you came through it though....
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Delilah »

Soberano;575085 wrote: Glad you are ok Delilah, prawns does it for my son. Have to be so careful with pizzas and the like cos it only takes a kitchen utensil that has touched prawns to infect something he is eating and his tongue starts to balloon. I would think nuts would be worse cos they seem to be every where.

Pizzas? Never heard of prawns on pizza? What are prawns, Soberano? Some kind of shellfish or shrimp things? Shellfish seems to be a big allergy as well. Some people can balloon as well. I usually run into problems when I have told friends that I am allergic to nuts, but than they don't realise that it's ALL nuts..they think it's just peanut things, but it's everything. Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans, every kind of nut. So they think those are alright for me to have.

Does your son carry an Epi-Pen? They're good to have..if you don't lose it, anyway..:o
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by minks »

Delilah;575290 wrote: Pizzas? Never heard of prawns on pizza? What are prawns, Soberano? Some kind of shellfish or shrimp things? Shellfish seems to be a big allergy as well. Some people can balloon as well. I usually run into problems when I have told friends that I am allergic to nuts, but than they don't realise that it's ALL nuts..they think it's just peanut things, but it's everything. Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans, every kind of nut. So they think those are alright for me to have.

Does your son carry an Epi-Pen? They're good to have..if you don't lose it, anyway..:o

you are allergic to all nuts Deli? Poor you from my understanding there are 2 kinds of nut allergies, peanuts alone, then almonds and cashews, and one other is the second set and walnuts, pecans and others is the 3rd so some folks are allergic to some nuts but not all. Oiy you poor girl. Prawns are like giant Shrimp.
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Fibonacci »

Glad you're OK Delilah. :)
The poolhall's a great equalizer. In the poolhall, nobody cares how old you are, how young you are, what color your skin is or how much money you've got in your pocket... It's about how you move. I remember this kid once who could move around a pool table like nobody had ever seen. Hour after hour, rack after rack, his shots just went in. The cue was part of his arm and the balls had eyes. And the thing that made him so good was... He thought he could never miss. I know, 'cause that kid was me.
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Delilah »

Soberano;575295 wrote: Sea food pizza, absolutely gorgeous. I have never heard of an Epi-Pen, i will look into it for him. Fortunately he has only been caught out twice and both times it was infected cutlery.

Epi-Pen is the abbreviated version. It's actually an injection of Epinephrine. So they call it an Epi-Pen. (Not sure where the pen part comes's a needle, not a don't write a letter with the dern thing.)

When I had to buy one without insurance it was just over 100 dollars. With my insurance, it was only 15. They expire in about a years time. Also something to keep in mind, because if you have an expired Epi-Pen but don't realise it's expired until its too's useless and you'd still be screwed.
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Delilah »

minks;575292 wrote: you are allergic to all nuts Deli? Poor you from my understanding there are 2 kinds of nut allergies, peanuts alone, then almonds and cashews, and one other is the second set and walnuts, pecans and others is the 3rd so some folks are allergic to some nuts but not all. Oiy you poor girl. Prawns are like giant Shrimp.

Yeah, all nuts..:(

Ahh okay. Don't eat seafood much, thank ya. :D
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Tater Tazz »

Glad you are okay!
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by cars »

Delilah;575275 wrote: Wasn't scared, no. It's happened before, so I know the drill. The not breathing anymore thing is a little..annoying. But thankfully the Epinephrine and such medicines are out there. And thankfully everytime I've had it happen, I've been able to get to a hospital before it got to the point where I wouldn't be coming back home. Been lucky in that regard. This is about the third time in my life its happened. Thank you for your kind words and support!

Same to you, RedGlitter. Thank you for your continued kindness. :-4

Imladis...gotta keep a sense of humor in life if you want to come out alive!:)

Wow Deli, you really do have a severe allergy to nuts! Glad you're OK!!!

(Maybe you may want to consider wearing the Eli-pen around your neck as a pendant! :p:wah:)

Reminds me of a story about a friend of mine. He rides a motorcycle, & he rode it to an outdoor resturant we had lunch at. It was hot so of course he took off his leather jacket, & put it over the chair. After lunch, we started going back to work, so he put on the jacket. And low & behold all of a sudden he grabs his back, & starts to look really ill. As it turned out after he ripped off the jacket, out falls a BEE that evidently had stung him! Of which he was extremely allergic to Bees. So his Eli-Pen that he carries was in his Bike's saddle bag, that was about a 100 yards away in the parking lot.

So I ran over & got it for him, & all turned out good in the end. But it sure was a sobering event, seeing first hand how serious allergic reactions can really be.
Cars :)
Ciao, Bella!
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Ciao, Bella! »

I'm so glad you're alright! I've a friends, a married couple at that, who are allergic to nuts. Thankfully, they're both former EMTs, and know what to do.
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by NoPeanuts »

This is a moving post. Our young daughter (21 months at the time) had an anaphylactic reaction to peanut in December. It was terrifying to watch as a parent. You are a true survivor to keep such a serious event in perspective but, as we say, it is what it is. You just manage the allergy the best you can and try to be prepared for these episodes. Please make sure that you know where your Epipen is! (says the parent in me) ...

I have linked to and commented on this post on my blog ... I can't post the URL so here is the addres in text: www NoPeanutsPlease com.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Be Healthy!


www NoPeanutsPlease com

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My trip to the emergency room

Post by guppy »

delilah i am soo sorry you had to go through that......and am very glad you are ok

you make me think of the time i was with my best friend and she got stung by a bee on her just a few seconds her leg was noticeably swelling from the ankle up .......we had been removing wall paper from her bathroom

had flower parts stuck all over us....she went beserk and started running in circles ...i ran to her kitchen her epi pen and chased her out the front dooor; all the while she is panicking and screaming; and caught her half way across the front of two of our neighbors.....i tackled her and threw her down and gave her the shot......our neighbors thought i was trying to kill her....

it was hilarious........

btw-we are both rns and one of the neighbors that watched us is an rn too.....he was so stunned he didn't even react till it was all over......:wah: :wah:
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Nomad »

Having a nut allergy is a tremendously fun ordeal.

So I take it you're a lesbian then ? Thats cool.

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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Delilah »

cars;576343 wrote: Wow Deli, you really do have a severe allergy to nuts! Glad you're OK!!!

(Maybe you may want to consider wearing the Eli-pen around your neck as a pendant! :p:wah:)

Reminds me of a story about a friend of mine. He rides a motorcycle, & he rode it to an outdoor resturant we had lunch at. It was hot so of course he took off his leather jacket, & put it over the chair. After lunch, we started going back to work, so he put on the jacket. And low & behold all of a sudden he grabs his back, & starts to look really ill. As it turned out after he ripped off the jacket, out falls a BEE that evidently had stung him! Of which he was extremely allergic to Bees. So his Eli-Pen that he carries was in his Bike's saddle bag, that was about a 100 yards away in the parking lot.

So I ran over & got it for him, & all turned out good in the end. But it sure was a sobering event, seeing first hand how serious allergic reactions can really be.

haha, that's a good suggestion as wearing it around my neck. I lose things a lot..don't have a great short term memory. :o

Wow, it's a great thing he had you there with him and you knew what to do! Allergic reactions can turn deadly very very quickly. I'm glad he's okay!
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Delilah »

Ciao, Bella!;577612 wrote: I'm so glad you're alright! I've a friends, a married couple at that, who are allergic to nuts. Thankfully, they're both former EMTs, and know what to do.

Wow, thats quite a couple! That's really good though, to have someone around who would know exactly what to do. Some people don't know what to do, and haven't been informed by the person they're with on what to do either, and that's when it is very dangerous. Of course there can still be accidents/mistakes, but being prepared and informing those around you so that they can be prepared, are great steps to ensure if the time hits, everyone will be ready. (but than there are the forgetful who forget where their epi-pens are..:o )
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Delilah »

NoPeanuts;577734 wrote: This is a moving post. Our young daughter (21 months at the time) had an anaphylactic reaction to peanut in December. It was terrifying to watch as a parent. You are a true survivor to keep such a serious event in perspective but, as we say, it is what it is. You just manage the allergy the best you can and try to be prepared for these episodes. Please make sure that you know where your Epipen is! (says the parent in me) ...

I have linked to and commented on this post on my blog ... I can't post the URL so here is the addres in text: www NoPeanutsPlease com.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Be Healthy!


www NoPeanutsPlease com

It Takes A Village ...

Thank you NP! I have definitely learned my lesson about keeping it near, or at least knowing its location in the future! I'm sorry to hear about your young daughter, I hope she turned out alright? It must be very frightening to be a parent in that situation, especially with a child that is so young!

It is strange, but when I was young my mom tried to get me to eat peanut butter, but I never would, always refused to, because the smell of it made me feel sick. Didn't even realise I had an allergy to it until one day eating something with it in it by accident. Before then, I just figured I didn't have a taste for it.

It is a serious event, but I've been through worse experiences, so that might be why I can take it a little easier into perspective. My roomate was having a rough go of it though, when he realised he was the one who got the cookies in the first place, and kept blaming himself for not reading much of the package when buying. He just saw chocolate chips and assumed it was just chocolate chips. Kept telling him not to be so hard on himself, these things do happen. And now he'll know to be especially careful next time.

I will go check out your site soon. I feel honored you would comment on anything I said in your blog!
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My trip to the emergency room

Post by Delilah »

guppy;577748 wrote: delilah i am soo sorry you had to go through that......and am very glad you are ok

you make me think of the time i was with my best friend and she got stung by a bee on her just a few seconds her leg was noticeably swelling from the ankle up .......we had been removing wall paper from her bathroom

had flower parts stuck all over us....she went beserk and started running in circles ...i ran to her kitchen her epi pen and chased her out the front dooor; all the while she is panicking and screaming; and caught her half way across the front of two of our neighbors.....i tackled her and threw her down and gave her the shot......our neighbors thought i was trying to kill her....

it was hilarious........

btw-we are both rns and one of the neighbors that watched us is an rn too.....he was so stunned he didn't even react till it was all over......:wah: :wah:

:wah: Awww, poor girl. It's funny that you had to tackle her and throw her down. Did she know she had the allergy before hand? You'd think she wouldn't panic if she knew, but it can be pretty scarey. It's a great thing you were there, it sounds like the neighbour wouldn't of been too much help, if he was stunned like a deer in headlights watching her flail around! lol She's lucky to have you around.
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