Fed up with JW's

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Fed up with JW's

Post by Clint »

Accountable;539346 wrote: This post corrects alot of blanks about you I had filled in negatively, and wrong. Thanks. :-6

I'm pissed (American definition) at finding and reading this thread. Bigotry in any form is my enemy. I don't like it, and several posters in this thread will hopefully gain some enlightenment and look back on this thread with regret on what they posted and pride that they no longer feel that way.

Oh enlightened one:yh_worshp With all due respect, please review your posts regarding certain brands of Christian you don't like. I don't know of anyone here who could get clear title to high ground. The best any of us could hope for is temporary squatters rights.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Lulu2 »

Which brings the total (that I know, anyway) to THREE people here with close ties to the faith. You just never know...do you?
My candle's burning at both ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends--It gives a lovely light!--Edna St. Vincent Millay
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Fed up with JW's

Post by abbey »

mrsK;539499 wrote: Well here is another shocker for all of you I was bought up as a Jehovah's Wittness. I don't hate them because I was brainwashed,I was never in a cult.

I also went on to Higher Education I actually work with people with "special needs". So that must make me a really bad person.

Maybe I shouldn't be talking to anyone on here either.:-6

I am sure that will make at least 4 people very happy,you know who you are;)
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :-1
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Fed up with JW's

Post by abbey »

almostfamous;539586 wrote: You waaaaant to talk to us, you neeeeeeeeed to talk to us, if you dooooon't talk to us here at the FG, you will become verrrrrrrrrry sleeeeeeeeeepy.

K it's not brainwashing, more like hypnotism but you get the point.:DWhat she means K is, DON'T GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.:yh_pray
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Fed up with JW's

Post by SuzyB »

Mrs K, Magenta and our other JW's, I haven't posted on this thread as I know religion is a very touchy subject and to be honest I don't feel that I could make a valuable contribution to the thread. I have read the whole thread and can understand why many comments would have upset you, I do understand how it feels, to feel something that you care about being attacked. The reason in my post is to say that I hope you will continue to stay as I enjoy reading you all :-6
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Fed up with JW's

Post by WonderWendy3 »

I want to say that I am sorry if I in any way shape or form offended anyone, I surely didn't mean to...tried to convey that we all believe and worship in different ways. If I upset anyone please accept my deepest apologies....

And want to say:

Mrs. K, Rain and Magenta are fine people and I admire them for who they are....

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Fed up with JW's

Post by Accountable »

Clint;539495 wrote: Oh enlightened one:yh_worshp With all due respect, please review your posts regarding certain brands of Christian you don't like. I don't know of anyone here who could get clear title to high ground. The best any of us could hope for is temporary squatters rights.
:wah: Hey! that's my stick. don't poke me with it.

You're right, of course. I certainly don't have the firmest stance on the moral high ground. I keep slipping off. But I do hope that I haven't slagged a group wholesale here, except in jest.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by ARgi »

Magenta flame;539188 wrote: Well that has just soured things hasn't it.

To my knowledge most have liked me on this board, and it's a great shame that now I know people will persecute or hate me because of my faith. It's a little more difficult to stick around.

what ? Are some of you surprised? did I not fit in with the description given of Jehovahs wittnesses? Well that should tell you something right there shouldn't it.

i'm incredibly saddened that one person can google the internet and pick up a few things that clearly demonstrate to me lies and inuendo about a religion that they have little understanding of. Apparently I'm brainwashed, apparently I have no higher education, apparently I shouldn't be talking with any of you. Does that sound right to you guys?

Well I'm sorry but now I know what kind of people you all are I shall take my leave.

*sigh* i hold no malice toward the individual members, it is the leaders who need a kick in the pants for all the blood-shed they have caused because of their flip-flopping. this is not innuendo, it is not false...it is all true. if you want to accuse me of posting false information then i'd appreciate you proving that it is first. i have attended many, many of their meetings and ceremonies before i felt somehting wasn't quite right and got a deeper knowledge. i know the in's and outs of it like the back of my hand.

it all clicked once i discovered the truth about 'the truth'. your response is typical, but there is no point arguing it. you have every right to believe what you want, as do i.

BUT ...as you can tell this is not a compromising post. i believe firmly in what i know. and i will speak up about what i view as a destructive influence. if it is uncomfortable to you, i suggest you not open this thread in the future. you will not be persecuted or followed around through the threads on this board. that is a pretty big assumption to make.

i will not watch silently... i have to speak up and tell another side of the story. every congregation is different. some are more lax on rules while other more strict, but the standards set for a Jdub are the same by and large. i have not posted a single thing that is false and i take as much offense at your suggestion as you have at what i posted.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Ciao, Bella! »

mrsK;539499 wrote: Well here is another shocker for all of you I was bought up as a Jehovah's Wittness. I don't hate them because I was brainwashed,I was never in a cult.

I also went on to Higher Education I actually work with people with "special needs". So that must make me a really bad person.

Maybe I shouldn't be talking to anyone on here either.:-6

I am sure that will make at least 4 people very happy,you know who you are;)

I never said JW's were bad people. I did however say they are a cult, and that was the extent of it.

You are to be commended for getting a higher education, and for your work with special needs people.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by ARgi »

Ciao, Bella!;539670 wrote: I never said JW's were bad people. I did however say they are a cult, and that was the extent of it.

You are to be commended for getting a higher education, and for your work with special needs people.

:yh_clap yes!
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Ciao, Bella! »

Magenta flame;539658 wrote: Wendy you have not offended us (well not me anyway).

Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses get killed during an earthquake? They're always in your doorway. :wah:

See we can laugh at ourselves !:wah:

That is the first joke about JW's I have ever heard, did you know? All the religious jokes I've heard concern Baptists, my former faith. (Looooooooooooooooooonnnnnnggg story as to why I converted.)
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Ted »

As I have explained before I do not have a problem with individual members of any faith. I am willing to talk with any and certainly do not dislike any. In fact I had an elderly very sick bachelor neighbour whom I visited often just to check on him to make sure that he was safe. His is a Jehovah's "Witness He has since moved away.


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Fed up with JW's

Post by abbey »

Magenta flame;539740 wrote: this should surely get a laugh, Mrs K you'll like this:wah:

I thought it was cute.

Comedy Sketch

Unknown author -

Overheard on a telephone line in a rural area of the USA

".....Well, no, hon, she came over to meet me soon after they moved in and brought some cookies. These people are smart, too! Why, they can read foreign languages! Yes, they can! She is always saying she read something or other in the "Hebrew" or "Greek" scriptures. Fancy that! ......................

Good to see you still here Maj :-4

Oh and i love skin so soft! :D
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Clint »

Accountable;539614 wrote: :wah: Hey! that's my stick. don't poke me with it.

You're right, of course. I certainly don't have the firmest stance on the moral high ground. I keep slipping off. But I do hope that I haven't slagged a group wholesale here, except in jest.

As usual, I grabbed the stick and started poking too quickly. :o

All I can do is keep climbing toward the moral high ground...the slope is sooo slippery though. I know I shouldn't go after groups wholesale but I probably have.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by melindah612003 »

almostfamous;539004 wrote: I learned something new today :-6 Thanks Argi

Sometimes I can be a bit naive when I see a plastered smile. Not sure why, seeing as I "fake it til I make it" quite a bit to hide my own woes from time to time so I should be able to recognize it.

I could only hope that this "religion" was not such a cult but ...... where there's smoke there's fire I think.

These verbatim answers that I've heard are atleast 30 years old, cuz my sis wld give me the same answers then that I hear from jw's today...exact same!!:-5
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Ciao, Bella! »

Magenta flame;539832 wrote: Well at least you can say we're consistent:wah:

LOL, alright, I have to grant ya that!
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Iwokeup »

JWs may not fit the entire description of what some describe as a cult but they most definitely are a high mind control group.

Here are their steps toward acquiring total submission from people. Please bear in mind that most JWs do not even recognize this development as total mind control.

1. The Search. Contact through work, neighbors or door to door preaching. They actually seek and search out those who are searching or down on their luck because those are the most vulnerable and pliable.

2. The Hook. They discuss world issues and how there is no love or peace anywhere. This makes you feel HOPELESS. Then they add to it that God will destroy the "wicked" or non-believers. This makes you feel SCARED and a sense of PANIC. Then they offer to teach you how to save yourself. This makes you so HAPPY. You have found someone who can help you continue to live!!! Thus, someone who is in a searching mode has just been made to feel even more helpless and fearful and that transition causes one to CLING even closer to the JW, almost as a personal savior. You are now hooked.

3. Studying. JWs will take many scriptures and fan through the book with great ease. This IMPRESSES you. You instantly say to yourself "wow"! they must know what they are talking about". Most of the topics at the start will be simple subjects that are based on common sense and thereby the explanations will ring true with you. This makes you think that they have the "truth". They have now laid the foundation of TRUST. Now that you trust them they will have you take the next step to the meetings.

4. Meetings. Most meetings are a question and answer meeting. These are based on Watchtower Society literature only!! (As a side note, please keep in mind that at this point you TRUST them. You do NOT question the literature. You do NOT do your own research. You will not see that much of their literature contains errors in historical dates and events, misquotes from doctors, misrepresentation of science, and the list goes on). Back to the meetings: The literature is read, and questions are asked. The questions are answered by the audience (or in the smaller bookstudies, by someone in the group). The same information is studied OVER AND OVER again. You get to the point where you know the answers before anyone says them. BOREDOM sets in. This is where the DANGER occurs. When the mind becomes bored, it becomes numb. Things you would have normally questioned, are NO LONGER questioned. You ACCEPT everything that is said. It is phrased in such a way to make you think that you are the one reasoning on the scriptures when in fact you have learned everything by rote, memorization, and repetition, all key elements of mind control (or as some term it: brainwashing.)

5. Door to Door. You will be invited into the ministry work. It will go two ways. If someone slams the door in your face and is rude to you, you will be told THAT is what Jehovah wants. To be persecuted is a SIGN that this the true religion. But wait! If someone listens to you, you will be told THAT is what Jehovah wants. To gain people in the fold is a SIGN that this is the true religion. You will be told that the numbers are growing and THAT is a sign that this is the true religion, YET, you will also be told that the love of the greater number is cooling off and many are leaving, and THAT is a sign that this is the true religion. They TWIST everything to suit their message and to back up that they are the true religion.

6. Baptism. This is the biggie. This is where everything changes. Where you were given tolerance before for the way you dress and the music you listen to and the movies you watch and the friends you choose, after baptism you will be "admonished" on these things. You will be told that a "true christian" behaves in this way You will no longer have any say in what you do. Just as members are watching and scolding you, you are also encouraged to report on your fellow JW if you notice his/her conduct is not in strict compliance with the JW rules. While this is done under the guise of "keeping the congregation clean" it is really to keep dissention to a minimum. Guilt and Shame are the main motivators at this point. You will be made to feel like you can never do enough. Many sink into depression but they will never show it because it is drilled into them that they are a "happy" people. You learn to DENY your true feelings and FAKE your moods to PROVE that you are happy. Anything else would make you APPEAR as though you don't have God's spirit and would subject you to their JUDGMENT.

7. The door closes to research. After you are baptized, you will not be permitted to read any other literature from any other churches or organizations. If you do, you will be disciplined and possibly disfellowshipped. This keeps your mind CLOSED. The only direction you are receiving is from the Watchtower Society. Please keep in mind that you will also be discouraged from reading older issues of the Watchtower. Why? Because they have continually changed their doctrines. The older magazines show you that this organization is not from God, that it reflects the social climate of the times. (A few of my favorites are the articles that, due to racial prejudices that existed in the late 1800s the WTBTS taught that only white people would make it to through Armageddon. It said that darker skinned people would BECOME white. Does that sound like something that GOD would direct? There is also another article that claimed that electrical inventions such as the vacuum cleaner were signs that the end was near. ) There were many prophesies that the WTBTS made that did not come true. Yet they ignore the scripture in Deuteronomy that says "if a prophet comes to you in my name and the prophesies do not come true, that prophet is false." They justify all of their WRONG teaching by saying that they are always getting "new light" and that God teaches us things in phases. There are EXCUSES for every wrong teaching they have ever made. You would have to ask yourself, does God direct an organization that needs excuses? As a side note here, JWs MAGNIFY the erroneous teachings of other religions (to make it appear as though they have the truth) and will apply the Deuteronomy 18:20-22 scripture to those religions.

8. The door closes to the truth about the workings within the organization. After you are baptized you will not be permitted to talk with former JWs. You will never know pedophilia and rape are not reported to the authorities but taken care of through “counseling” from the elders. Many are repeat offenders with multiple victims! Husband’s abusing their headship role over their wives, many times in a physical and violent manner. Parents taking their kids away from their non-believing parent never to see them again. Families are totally destroyed by believer vs. non-believer. …..There are just too many to list here. Most witnesses will “poo poo” the behavior of other members once again making EXCUSES saying “Well he/she wasn’t TRULY a witness if they acted that way”. Truth is many of their members are mentally sick. There is no denying it. The elders will cover it up and take matters into their own hands and these jerks are getting a free ride.

These posts don’t go into great detail. I would suggest that you read some books on the subject: Crisis of Conscience, Awakening of a Jehovah’s Witness, Have you Seen My Mother. These are first hand experiences written with detailed and concise information that is very beneficial.

Also, contrary to what they teach, there is A LOT of love in the “world”. You just have to be willing to let it in and they do not. They are pessimistic by nature, finding something wrong with everyone and everything that isn't from the Watchtower Society.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by nvalleyvee »

jesse b;536924 wrote: tell them ya a pagen they dont like that

Dang - that is always what I say OR I say I'm a PhD scientist and i can disprove their beliefs.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Iwokeup »

The next time you encounter a Jehovah's Witness ask them if they know how hypocritical the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's 10 year association with the United Nations was.

The Watchtower Society is headquartered in New York City, home of some of the worlds best and biggest libraries. Not only that but they have branches all over the world, which would give them access to any library in the world. This reminds one of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. They had access to every tree in the garden. They could have gone to any tree for food. Jehovah had given them a simple little instruction at Gen. 3:3 - But as for [eating] of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it that you do not die.' The Watchtower Society has behaved in the exact manner as Adam and Eve. According to their beliefs, Jehovah put restrictions on one thing, the United Nations. Any library in the world was at their finger tips. But they couldn't resist the urge to touch the forbidden UN Library. Which wasn't just for a library card but even if it was, it was a simple command to not touch it. They were told by Jesus you are supposed to flee when you just catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation. They didn't flee, and they didn't not touch it. They ate of the forbidden fruit. They have coupled themselves with the one organization that JW's were instructed for almost 50 years to leave alone. By their own words in their own literature they condemned other religions for touching this forbidden thing by associating with the UN as a Non Government Organization (the only way a religion can associate with the UN) and then they did the same thing that they condemned others for doing. Adam and Eve had every tree availble to fill their need, just as the Society had every library at their disposal. Yet, that wan't enough. The consequences of which are the same as those in Genesis. Revelation 14:9-12.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Ciao, Bella! »

Iwokeup, your first post gave me chills.

I am going to stand up for my rights.

I have the freedom of religion. This means, I should not be subjected to harassment by anyone, from any other faith, up to, and including, the JWs.

I have the right to privacy. I pay my taxes, abide by the law, etc. I do not have to put up with forced intrusions into my quality time with my family.

I have the right to choose. I can be friends with whomever I want, I can read what I want, I can view any movie or tv program I choose. For the record, I've friends who are gay, Canadian, British, Japanese, black, white, Hispanic, young, old, skinny, not-so skinny, crippled, healthy, Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, alone in the world, part of a huge family, divorced, living in sin, hard workers, educated, blue collar worker, frequent travelers, single, somewhat reclusive, near genius, dealing with a learning disability, rich, poor, grandparents, great-grandparents, volunteers, and more!

Now, who, in this group, should I drop as a friend? Why?

I enjoy each of our friends. We each give and take, equally, from our relationship with one another. If I were to join the JW's, I'd have to shun them, wouldn't I?

Doesn't make sense to me.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by pantsonfire321@aol.com »

CARLA;536976 wrote: JUST DON'T ANSWER THE DOOR PERIOD.. EVENTUALLY THEY WILL STOP. Yes they are the only religion that goes door to door.

They don't take no for an answer and it truly is an invasion of your privacy and it is trespassing. You can get a no trespassins sign, no soliciting sign. There are laws and they can be reported to the police. GOOD LUCK..:-5

And if that fails a simple - which part of ***koff don't you understand will definitely do the trick . Trust me ...i've tryed it .

Edited to add ; and with telemarketing companys - they are by far far the most annoying . .;)
Can go from 0 - to bitch in 3.0 seconds .:D

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Fed up with JW's

Post by pantsonfire321@aol.com »

I don't really know much about JWs but i would be interested to know more if one of our members would like to explain a bit about it .

The one thing i've never been able to get my head around would be blood transfusions and denying someone in a life threatening situation . I know as a mother i just couldn't do that . How do you cope . How do you prepair yourself for something like that . I'm sorry if i sound ignorant . It would great if someone could tell us a bit more .
Can go from 0 - to bitch in 3.0 seconds .:D

Smile people :yh_bigsmi

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Fed up with JW's

Post by Valkyrien »

Magenta flame;539188 wrote: what ? Are some of you surprised? did I not fit in with the description given of Jehovahs wittnesses? Well that should tell you something right there shouldn't it.


Well I'm sorry but now I know what kind of people you all are I shall take my leave.

You are SO right, Megan: You did *not* "fit in with the description given" of JW's, especially when you posted these comments,


Magenta flame;532515 wrote: When I was fifteen and swimming? 1 minute 45........since I've begun smoking..32 seconds.:( I know I know. You don't have to tell me.

anyone got any advice on giving up smoking? I really really want to but can't seem to do it.


Magenta flame;532537 wrote: Tried seven times now, each time for about 2 weeks to a month. I think Patches will be my best bet though......The gum gives me massive headaches.

i tried cold turkey for a week, my husband went out and got me a packet of smokes , said it was a marriage saving device.:wah:

Don't you know that you will be DISFELLOWSHIPPED (i.e., excommunicated) and shunned by your fellow Jehovah's Witnesses (whether family or fellow congregants) for the egregious sin of smoking? [JW's believe tobacco smoking to be both physically and spiritually unclean and related to spiritistic/demonistic practices.]

Moreover, have you so quickly forgotten (or chosen to ignore) the Resolutions adopted by your teachers and taken up by you (?) and your fellow JW's around the world at last summer's (2006) District Assembly (a suite of massive congresses/conventions attended for/by Jehovah's Witnesses), namely:

"We the Faithful and Discreet Slave [i.e., the New York-based doctrinal 'leaders' of the religion] have solemly resolved and determined to do the following, given the nearness of our deliverance:

1. We are determined to intensify our preaching activity.

2. To live up to our dedication to Jehovah and give him exclusive devotion.

3. To follow Jesus' example closely and be no part of the world.

4. To manifest our loyalty to Jehovah and Jesus and not compromise Bible principles.

5. Not get involved in interfaith movements.

6. Remain subject to superior authorities but NOT get involved in political issues [where do your previously posted political comments fit in with this?].

7. Be determined to resist spirit of the world; not getting involved in chat rooms, Materialism, Entertainment, Drunkenness, Pornography." [why do you even participate in posting in the 'chat room' or internet discussion board? Are you entertaining the "spirit of the world?"]

I'm just concerned for your own level of commitment to your publicly embraced beliefs.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Lulu2 »

(Don't know who you are, Valkyrien, but this isn't a particularly good way to start!) My opinion, of course.

Magenta's been with us for awhile & we know who she is and what her values are. Jumping on someone, quoting past threads out of context sounds amazingly like a personal attack, doesn't it?
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Fed up with JW's

Post by koan »

That is a fairly bold first post but Magenta is a fairly bold member herself. Reading the info in Valk's post I've no idea if it is true or not but am very keen to hear a response.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Lulu2 »

Nice to know you support the rules of civility for everyone..."bold" or not.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by koan »

Lulu2;540135 wrote: Nice to know you support the rules of civility for everyone..."bold" or not.

Are you suggesting that I don't know what it's like to be challenged? :rolleyes: :wah:
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Lulu2 »

No...this isn't ABOUT you, is it? It's about someone jumping in as a "new" person and getting very close to the line about personal attacks.

We can make two assumptions about the previous post...one: it is someone genuinely "new" who came to this forum, read the thread, has a strong opinion about Witnesses, decided to search through M'F's previous posts and challenge her on them.

Two: it's someone with another agenda and M'F is the target.

Both of those scenarios put this post in the "personal attack" area.

And whereas I'm not a moderator, I'm a supporting member of this board and I care about civility which Tombstone seems to require in his rules of conduct.

So, as you see, it's not about you at all.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by koan »

If you think the post crossed a boundary then by all means report it and tell Tombstone why.

As far as I can see, it is a controversial topic that enticed someone to join so that they could write their thoughts. Many many members read the boards for significant time periods before posting. Your assumptions are just that - assumptions.

The post was on topic and informative.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Lulu2 »

Yes, exactly.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by koan »

Patronizing and rude would not be the worst offense posted on this board.

It is not the job of the members to tell other members what they may or may not write. That is the final decision of the owner. If you think his decision is required then report the post. Otherwise, the post stands.

I was not aware of some of the rules that JWs are supposed to live by. I'm interested to hear if it is true or not.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Lulu2 »

(I didn't ask YOU to moderate the post, Koan. Although I realize you've certainly done this in the past, I think I'm capable of participating on this board to the level of reminding a new member that there are rules, whether or not I am a moderator.

I did report the post and will continue to do so, whenever I see a reason.

Once again...my post wasn't about you.)
My candle's burning at both ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends--It gives a lovely light!--Edna St. Vincent Millay
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Fed up with JW's

Post by koan »

Lulu2;540176 wrote: (I didn't ask YOU to moderate the post, Koan. Although I realize you've certainly done this in the past, I think I'm capable of participating on this board to the level of reminding a new member that there are rules, whether or not I am a moderator.

I did report the post and will continue to do so, whenever I see a reason.

Once again...my post wasn't about you.)

how many posts should a person have before they are allowed to challenge another member's statements?
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Fed up with JW's

Post by koan »

I got asked in a thread about being raped if I thought it might have been my fault. I wonder how many people reported that post. I'd guess none.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by koan »

Lulu2;540135 wrote: Nice to know you support the rules of civility for everyone..."bold" or not.

koan;540185 wrote: I got asked in a thread about being raped if I thought it might have been my fault. I wonder how many people reported that post. I'd guess none.

To point out - rules of civility or non civility should equally apply. That is the reason for comparison.
Ciao, Bella!
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Ciao, Bella! »

Lulu2;540157 wrote: No...this isn't ABOUT you, is it? It's about someone jumping in as a "new" person and getting very close to the line about personal attacks.

We can make two assumptions about the previous post...one: it is someone genuinely "new" who came to this forum, read the thread, has a strong opinion about Witnesses, decided to search through M'F's previous posts and challenge her on them.

Two: it's someone with another agenda and M'F is the target.

Both of those scenarios put this post in the "personal attack" area.

And whereas I'm not a moderator, I'm a supporting member of this board and I care about civility which Tombstone seems to require in his rules of conduct.

So, as you see, it's not about you at all.

I will state this once. I am not a dual poster. However, like Koan, I'd be interested in a reply as well. If my lifestyle can be questioned by a JW, why can't a JW's lifestyle be questioned?
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Fed up with JW's

Post by koan »

almostfamous;540194 wrote: Yes, it was questioned, I myself gave scriptural reference as to some reasoning behind their actions/beliefs and I'm fairly sure that in previous posts other explanation was given.

But stating JW law and then asking someone why they don't adhere to every point is ludacris. Noone is infallible, Christian, JW, Christ himself.

If her behaviour does not follow the normal behaviour of most then she should not use herself to defend the way other JWs behave. She made herself part of this topic. If she withdraws using herself as an example then questioning her behaviour would become inappropriate.
Shweet tatersalad
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Shweet tatersalad »

The more you fight,the more they like it.It's what they want,They like too break up family's and cause trouble with people who care about each other,This way they can talk you into THERE family and the THERE way of life.

How do know this poster is not one of them.

Don't you see? They are winning,you are fighting and they are laughing and watching there work unfold in front of them.You are making it easy for them.


They are not worth turning on each other.We must stop now with the picking at each other.

I laid my sword down in truce for the good of the Garden,because I knew I was upsetting people in the name of a Cult that destroyed my family and took my aunt.And some of my Friends.

But I dropped it,because i realized that by feeding my hate I was satisfying them and they were winning.

I urge you too do the same,drop this subject and let it die like the cancer it is.

By feeding it,you keep it alive.And it will destroy you.And this garden,like many family's before it.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by ARgi »

koan;540171 wrote: Patronizing and rude would not be the worst offense posted on this board.

It is not the job of the members to tell other members what they may or may not write. That is the final decision of the owner. If you think his decision is required then report the post. Otherwise, the post stands.

I was not aware of some of the rules that JWs are supposed to live by. I'm interested to hear if it is true or not.

granted what valkyrein posted is forward, it is true 100% ... i was surprised to see a JW postng on a forum. JW's usually raise an eyebrow if someone so much as blogs online.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by ARgi »

Shweet tatersalad;540232 wrote: The more you fight,the more they like it.It's what they want,They like too break up family's and cause trouble with people who care about each other,This way they can talk you into THERE family and the THERE way of life.

How do know this poster is not one of them.

Don't you see? They are winning,you are fighting and they are laughing and watching there work unfold in front of them.You are making it easy for them.


They are not worth turning on each other.We must stop now with the picking at each other.

I laid my sword down in truce for the good of the Garden,because I knew I was upsetting people in the name of a Cult that destroyed my family and took my aunt.And some of my Friends.

But I dropped it,because i realized that by feeding my hate I was satisfying them and they were winning.

I urge you too do the same,drop this subject and let it die like the cancer it is.

By feeding it,you keep it alive.And it will destroy you.And this garden,like many family's before it.

it's okay, i know the 2 new posters who are ex-jw's. i spoke to them about the topic because i knew it would interest them. i didn't ask them to register here and confront anyone, but they mean no harm. they believe as passioinately as you do about the nature of the JW religion and i guess they felt the need to speak up just like you or i.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Accountable »

Guys, this Valky person's a drive-by, a whisk trying to whip you up, a current member in disguise. Why would a faithful JW come onto a forum to berate another's membership of the same forum by saying said use is against the rules?!?

Now pull the hooks out of your mouths and get out of the boat. You've been fished in.
Shweet tatersalad
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Fed up with JW's

Post by Shweet tatersalad »

ARgi;540245 wrote: granted what valkyrein posted is forward, it is true 100% ... i was surprised to see a JW postng on a forum. JW's usually raise an eyebrow if someone so much as blogs online.

They would foolish not take advanage of the internet.

It has too be great place for them too hunt.

Chat rooms must make them wet there pants.

Buy now WE must be on there radar for sure.

We can expect more,They don't like too be exposed.

We will either have too fight together or fall apart.

You all know where I stand,Right in front, bring it:yh_wave

Shweet tater said that!

oops gotta go,some ones at my door.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by spot »

ARgi;540251 wrote: it's okay, i know the 2 new posters who are ex-jw's. i spoke to them about the topic because i knew it would interest them. i didn't ask them to register here and confront anyone, but they mean no harm. they believe as passioinately as you do about the nature of the JW religion and i guess they felt the need to speak up just like you or i.

I'm sure quite a few people now regular on FG registered initially because there was a particular thread they'd read and wanted to contribute to, and stayed on subsequently because they enjoyed their time here. It describes my experience anyway. Hiya Argi's mates, read a few threads and chuck in a few observations.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by spot »

Accountable;540254 wrote: Guys, this Valky person's a drive-by, a whisk trying to whip you up, a current member in disguise.
Jesus. BigDumbSwede Mark II, Acc? You can be really daft sometimes.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
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Fed up with JW's

Post by ARgi »

Shweet tatersalad;540255 wrote: They would foolish not take advanage of the internet.

It has too be great place for them too hunt.

Chat rooms must make them wet there pants.

Buy now WE must be on there radar for sure.

We can expect more,They don't like too be exposed.

We will either have too fight together or fall apart.

You all know where I stand,Right in front, bring it:yh_wave

oh yes ...but by even reading information against ther teachings they risk being disciplined. THEY ARE TOLD NOT TO TOUCH DISCUSSION LIKE THIS WITH A TEN-FOOT POLE LEST THE DEVIL TWIST THEIR THINKING. yeah, there are jw's who take sport in defending jw teachings online ...they usually leave eventually because there's no way to defend it up to a point and something has to click eventually.
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