this place echo's of past good times, good friends, good drinks, good fun.... I can still hear the banter of times gone by. A place where "some tend to remember and some tend to forget"
Cheers I think it's time to revisit the garden
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�
minks;1424751 wrote: this place echo's of past good times, good friends, good drinks, good fun.... I can still hear the banter of times gone by. A place where "some tend to remember and some tend to forget"
Cheers I think it's time to revisit the garden
And most welcome you'd be too :-6
Telling tales of walks round London and visiting friends - it's about time we did it all over again
minks;1424751 wrote: this place echo's of past good times, good friends, good drinks, good fun.... I can still hear the banter of times gone by. A place where "some tend to remember and some tend to forget"
Cheers I think it's time to revisit the garden
:-6:-6 Helloooooo, it's the lady with the pink hat!
minks;1424751 wrote: this place echo's of past good times, good friends, good drinks, good fun.... I can still hear the banter of times gone by. A place where "some tend to remember and some tend to forget"
Cheers I think it's time to revisit the garden
Good to have you back, Gorgeous!
Thanks all, seems I am having troubles with posting to individuals as my computer thinks I should wait half a decade. Thank you all for the welcome back So amazing to see old friends
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�
minks;1424828 wrote: Thanks all, seems I am having troubles with posting to individuals as my computer thinks I should wait half a decade. Thank you all for the welcome back So amazing to see old friends
tis Friday night and I am looking for a nice bold red wine anyone care to join me by the window as I watch the snow (yeah it's coming again here) and a glass of Tempranillo?
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�
minks;1424929 wrote: tis Friday night and I am looking for a nice bold red wine anyone care to join me by the window as I watch the snow (yeah it's coming again here) and a glass of Tempranillo?
minks;1425186 wrote: I agree with you Saint, "Snow be gone" but "Snowfire you stay" Tuesday only, dang when is it ever going to be Friday again.... sigh.
I know every day is a gift, but where's the receipt for Mondays? I want to exchange it for another Friday......anon
Looking forward to Friday is what gets me through the week
"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."
ok, anne, here it is. i found my soon-to-be sister in law on one of the sub-forums. i recognized her couch, coffee table, and her tattoo...
my question is, do i tell my fiancee what i've found? or let her find it on her own. i am 99.99% sure i say nothing to my SIL or BIL. and it's only a matter of time until my Fiancee finds it on her own.
my gut tells me i should play dumb about it.
Get your mind out of the gutter - it's blocking my view
Mind like a steel trap - Rusty and Illegal in 37 states.
Wolverine;1443476 wrote: ok, anne, here it is. i found my soon-to-be sister in law on one of the sub-forums. i recognized her couch, coffee table, and her tattoo...
my question is, do i tell my fiancee what i've found? or let her find it on her own. i am 99.99% sure i say nothing to my SIL or BIL. and it's only a matter of time until my Fiancee finds it on her own.
my gut tells me i should play dumb about it.
Um, where is her tattoo? Is she doing something wrong?
Wolverine;1443476 wrote: ok, anne, here it is. i found my soon-to-be sister in law on one of the sub-forums. i recognized her couch, coffee table, and her tattoo...
my question is, do i tell my fiancee what i've found? or let her find it on her own. i am 99.99% sure i say nothing to my SIL or BIL. and it's only a matter of time until my Fiancee finds it on her own.
my gut tells me i should play dumb about it.
Like YZGI asked, so what? Was she doing something she shouldn't have been doing, or said something she shouldn't have said? Unless your fiancee knows you check this HUGE site often, every post! playing dumb sounds like a good option. Tell us more please, we love gossip around here!
Well I'm bloody confused I thought wolverine just had a major break up . and that's why the conversations about what he thought was his he's got a fiancee?
I've lost it somewhere along the line. I've missed something or maybe have him confused with someone else .
See this is why I never get gossip........I'm hopeless at it .
fuzzywuzzy;1443544 wrote: Well I'm bloody confused I thought wolverine just had a major break up . and that's why the conversations about what he thought was his he's got a fiancee?
I've lost it somewhere along the line. I've missed something or maybe have him confused with someone else .
See this is why I never get gossip........I'm hopeless at it .
Ahh got you mixed up with someone else.
Well it can't be that bad. You're on the same site. 'Cast the first stone' so to speak. And if you've got a fiancee why are you looking at naked pics of women on hte internet? lol
YZGI;1443625 wrote: I just checked out the site and now realize why you are rarely on FG anymore.:guitarist
Ha. ha. very funny.
"christmas" with that side of the family, over New Years, was tricky. i had to keep coming up with excuses not to be in the same room when she walked in. kept wanting to to Hi-Five the Bro-in-law.
Fiancee was picking up on my... awkwardness... and was trying to fish it out of me. told her i was planning a surprise and she had to butt-out. she stopped asking questions after that.
my new mantra is "I saw nothing. i know nothing. deny, deny, deny"
Get your mind out of the gutter - it's blocking my view
Mind like a steel trap - Rusty and Illegal in 37 states.
Silvio Dante;1458106 wrote: Does this place do food..?
There's always a packet of Cheese & Onion, Peanuts, or even Pork Scratchings, if you're really lucky.
Vodka and Lemonade please, just back from the fireworks and the fair. Marks the start of a crazy weekend, lots of parades tomorrow, many bands, dancers and street entertainment in general all over town. :guitarist
Awww Ye Ole Pub memories, haven't there been a few.
It will take me hours of uninterrupted reading to get through all the old posts of Pub #2 (I don't even recall where #1 is hiding)
The people that came and went, those who stayed, those who returned after long breaks. The mighty pub has stood the test of time. Look Far's Pants are still on the wall.
Gosh I bet there is a whole lot I have forgotten too. (Aging is so hard on the memory)
But look at the posting numbers, wasn't this just the place to be.
Interestingly the bar always remains fully stocked, the barkeep is always ready with a smile, and every guest is welcome.
Allow me to get a little melancholy here for a moment, this forum kept this and #1 pub going for how many years, this one started in 2007, and everyone was welcome as each and every one of us who entered sat anonymously behind our computers and enjoyed the company of other anonymous FG members. We had fun didn't we.
Pour me a nice full body red wine barkeep, I am just going to take a wander down memory lane and toast all the old friends, I have missed you all, and it should be no surprise that I make my way back here for a drink on my first day back.
To friends both near and far, to whom you were and who you are. You have touched my life, and left a mark, emitted flame or just a spark. We came together here to post, I raise my glass to all I toast.
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�
I've been reading some of his old posts. Nomad was one of the most creative members here until he decided to focus on his business startup, but that's six years and it's good stuff. And deciding to build his company made a lot of sense.
Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:36 pm
Last active:
Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:33 am
One in sixty posts on the site are from him.
I'm sorry to hear his health went.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left. Angry women will change the world: 4B is the only legal way forward When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious. Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.