Hi Victoria, welcome back, it's kind of you to show up. The site is a bit older and a bit sparse but we're interested to hear how people are getting along, that's why the mass email started this week.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left. Angry women will change the world: 4B is the only legal way forward When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious. Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
Well its been a while, most of the forums I used to post on have died out or closed. I assumed the same had happened here, FB seems to have taken over everything.
Whats going on with me?..
Good stuff... I have two great dogs to get out and explore the countryside with. I no longer work so I have time for nice long walks, Ive just moved house , this is our retirement house, half the size of the old one and in a small village not a city.. I like my life at the moment.
Bad stuff..All 3 of the dogs I had when I posted here are gone, we lost two of them within a year that was hard..
I lost a brother in 2009 a half brother in 2018 and my mum last September, a long struggle with diabeties kidney failure and leaking heart valves led to a massive stroke.
In 2015 my husband was given a diagnoses of FTD and told that most people live 3 to 8 years after diagnoses.. We reached that milestone last week and he is still going strong and mostly with marbles intact.. But he is the reason I gave up work, we spend every day together and try to make the most of whatever time we have left .
We try to focus on the positive and the today rather than the long term or the nasty stuff thats lurking ahead of us.
So thats me and Im interested to see what develops from your mass email...
Beagle wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:41 am
I received the email invite too, so I am stopping in to say hello!
And good it is to see you. How’s life been treating you?
Life is treating me pretty well. In the time I've been gone, I've changed jobs a few times, but stayed in the same field. I think I finally found a firm that I will stay with.....lol.
I've had a few health issues, but all in all, I think I'm doing pretty well.
My family members are doing well......all except for my Mom, who has Alzheimer's Dementia. She has had it since 2014, but she is hanging in there! We've watched her go through the decline that the disease is known for......it is difficult to watch but we appreciate that she is still here with us.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
I'd rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
Beagle wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:41 am
I received the email invite too, so I am stopping in to say hello!
And good it is to see you. How’s life been treating you?
Life is treating me pretty well. In the time I've been gone, I've changed jobs a few times, but stayed in the same field. I think I finally found a firm that I will stay with.....lol.
I've had a few health issues, but all in all, I think I'm doing pretty well.
My family members are doing well......all except for my Mom, who has Alzheimer's Dementia. She has had it since 2014, but she is hanging in there! We've watched her go through the decline that the disease is known for......it is difficult to watch but we appreciate that she is still here with us.
Alzheimer's is a real pig and I feel for you.
I guess that since you were here I've retired, had more grandchildren (and great-g), written a couple of cars off (both rear end shunts whilst my wife was driving which shook her up some) and learnt how to relax a bit more.
Beagle wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:41 am
I received the email invite too, so I am stopping in to say hello!
And good it is to see you. How’s life been treating you?
Life is treating me pretty well. In the time I've been gone, I've changed jobs a few times, but stayed in the same field. I think I finally found a firm that I will stay with.....lol.
I've had a few health issues, but all in all, I think I'm doing pretty well.
My family members are doing well......all except for my Mom, who has Alzheimer's Dementia. She has had it since 2014, but she is hanging in there! We've watched her go through the decline that the disease is known for......it is difficult to watch but we appreciate that she is still here with us.
Alzheimer's is a real pig and I feel for you.
I guess that since you were here I've retired, had more grandchildren (and great-g), written a couple of cars off (both rear end shunts whilst my wife was driving which shook her up some) and learnt how to relax a bit more.
Congrats on the grandchildren, great grandchildren and retirement! wish I was retired!!
Oh, something I forgot in my last post. I lost both of my dogs in 2020, 3 months apart.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
I'd rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
Beagle wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:41 am
I received the email invite too, so I am stopping in to say hello!
And good it is to see you. How’s life been treating you?
Life is treating me pretty well. In the time I've been gone, I've changed jobs a few times, but stayed in the same field. I think I finally found a firm that I will stay with.....lol.
I've had a few health issues, but all in all, I think I'm doing pretty well.
My family members are doing well......all except for my Mom, who has Alzheimer's Dementia. She has had it since 2014, but she is hanging in there! We've watched her go through the decline that the disease is known for......it is difficult to watch but we appreciate that she is still here with us.
Alzheimer's is a real pig and I feel for you.
I guess that since you were here I've retired, had more grandchildren (and great-g), written a couple of cars off (both rear end shunts whilst my wife was driving which shook her up some) and learnt how to relax a bit more.
Congrats on the grandchildren, great grandchildren and retirement! wish I was retired!!
Oh, something I forgot in my last post. I lost both of my dogs in 2020, 3 months apart.
Have you (or will you be) replaced them? We had dogs for most of our married life but when we lost the last two we said enough - we now get our dog fix by borrowing the kid's dogs when they go out / away. It scratches the itch and gives us the freedom to go wherever, whenever.
Beagle wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:41 am
I received the email invite too, so I am stopping in to say hello!
And good it is to see you. How’s life been treating you?
Life is treating me pretty well. In the time I've been gone, I've changed jobs a few times, but stayed in the same field. I think I finally found a firm that I will stay with.....lol.
I've had a few health issues, but all in all, I think I'm doing pretty well.
My family members are doing well......all except for my Mom, who has Alzheimer's Dementia. She has had it since 2014, but she is hanging in there! We've watched her go through the decline that the disease is known for......it is difficult to watch but we appreciate that she is still here with us.
Alzheimer's is a real pig and I feel for you.
I guess that since you were here I've retired, had more grandchildren (and great-g), written a couple of cars off (both rear end shunts whilst my wife was driving which shook her up some) and learnt how to relax a bit more.
Congrats on the grandchildren, great grandchildren and retirement! wish I was retired!!
Oh, something I forgot in my last post. I lost both of my dogs in 2020, 3 months apart.
Have you (or will you be) replaced them? We had dogs for most of our married life but when we lost the last two we said enough - we now get our dog fix by borrowing the kid's dogs when they go out / away. It scratches the itch and gives us the freedom to go wherever, whenever.
I haven't replaced my fur babies (Harley and Rainey). I don't think that I will. Losing them was so painful. And I am of the same mindset as you. I get my dog fix by spending time with my son's dog Charley...either visiting him or watching him when my son and his family are away.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
I'd rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
We lost Pitstop, our little Chihuahua, a couple years ago. And now the daughter's Shi Tzu is getting aged, and starting to have problems.
We inherited Sister-in-law's cat when she went into nursing home. He is getting up there, too.
When these go, we will probably not bring in any more critters. It just is getting to the point where we don't want to leave one behind when we're gone.
The home of the soul is the Open Road.
- DH Lawrence
LarsMac wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 7:41 pm
When these go, we will probably not bring in any more critters. It just is getting to the point where we don't want to leave one behind when we're gone.
I'm getting to think that way about children. I'll stick while I'm still ahead.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left. Angry women will change the world: 4B is the only legal way forward When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious. Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
Hey! How come I didn't get an email? Oh yeah...because I RETIRED! My email changed,I guess I'd better update my profile. It's been a long time since I've been here, yet I see that this site is still in my "Favorites" folder. How is everyone? After 30 years of teaching, (plus 29 years of Night School and 28 years of Summer School - 87,000 hours in a classroom!) I decided I needed to retire and enjoy time with my girl. this decision was helped along by the fact that she suffered a severe stroke 2 years ago. She's doing great now, though and has completely recovered. I'm working on new songs, new digital art, landscaping projects, and travel. We recently got back from a nice week at CapeCod. Who's still here that remembers me? Hmmm...let's see if I still remember how to operate this website... Here's a retrospective of my career... [video][/video]
Saint_ wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:20 pm
Hey! How come I didn't get an email? Oh yeah...because I RETIRED!
Congratulations and welcome to the OFC (Old Farts Club)
And welcome back to the garden.
Thanks Bryn! How have you been?
Knocking along, still spending a lot of time in Crete, still getting lots of new additions to the family, just changed my motorbike so I now have a project for the winter.
Bryn Mawr wrote: Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:39 amstill getting lots of new additions to the family
For the avoidance of doubt I suggest you make it clear this is at second, third or, quite possibly by now, fourth hand.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left. Angry women will change the world: 4B is the only legal way forward When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious. Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
Saint_ wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:20 pm
Hey! How come I didn't get an email? Oh yeah...because I RETIRED!
Congratulations and welcome to the OFC (Old Farts Club)
And welcome back to the garden.
Thanks Bryn! How have you been?
Knocking along, still spending a lot of time in Crete, still getting lots of new additions to the family, just changed my motorbike so I now have a project for the winter.
How’s about you?
I retired from teaching after 30 years. Now I'm just enjoying and traveling. I just got back from a nice trip to Cape Cod...
Bryn Mawr wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:42 pm
Great video, looks like you had a wonderful time
Thanks! Yeah. Retirement's a challenge, though. I feel kinda useless sometimes. I'm substitute teaching, two or three days a week, but that's just glorified babysitting. I wish I could find something that interests me. Also, when I spend a lot of time at home, I get asthma attacks because my wife's a heavy smoker...
Bryn Mawr wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:42 pm
Great video, looks like you had a wonderful time
Thanks! Yeah. Retirement's a challenge, though. I feel kinda useless sometimes. I'm substitute teaching, two or three days a week, but that's just glorified babysitting. I wish I could find something that interests me. Also, when I spend a lot of time at home, I get asthma attacks because my wife's a heavy smoker...
I know exactly what you mean, since I retired I have no feeling of achievement - I’m a person who used to be this or that and used to do this and that , not someone who IS.
I’ve just spent about 6 weeks completely stripping my motorbike to get the frame and swinging arm powder coated (swinging arm replaced as the existing one was badly rusted). I’ve done about 200 miles since rebuilding it and the satisfaction of having done it on my own is immense.
Bryn Mawr wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 5:34 am
I know exactly what you mean, since I retired I have no feeling of achievement - I’m a person who used to be this or that and used to do this and that , not someone who IS.
That's a pretty good description. I'm substitute teaching now, and I introduce myself as "I'm Mr. Ives. I'm an ex-fighter pilot, ex-teacher, and ex-principal, and I'll be your sub for today."
I’ve just spent about 6 weeks completely stripping my motorbike to get the frame and swinging arm powder coated (swinging arm replaced as the existing one was badly rusted). I’ve done about 200 miles since rebuilding it and the satisfaction of having done it on my own is immense.
that's awesome! I've got a few hobbies going as well. I'm writing music and making digital art (NO A.I.)
Saint_ wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:11 pm
Here my latest artwork: Cats in Love 2
That's extreme talent, you could be designing film sets. I'd not know where to begin and I don't have a cat to model for me either.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left. Angry women will change the world: 4B is the only legal way forward When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious. Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.