Odd event while posting

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Odd event while posting

Post by spot »

I made a post this morning - http://www.forumgarden.com/forums/curre ... ost1485081

It didn't show up on Today's Posts, which puzzled me. I did it again with the same result. I looked at My Posts and it was there so I deleted the duplicate. The first was marked as Moderated Post so I approved it and it appeared in Todays Posts properly.

Two oddities there - only qualifying Newbie posts should be auto-moderated, and my Admin account should have been able to see a Moderated post anyhow.

What happened may not be a glitch but I don't understand it.

This is nothing to do with the 500 Server Error problem.

I'm documenting it here in case there's any me-toos.
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Odd event while posting

Post by Smaug »

Is it just a random error, or is it possible that someone has 'damaged' the code in some way? I know next to nothing about code, servers, etc.
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Odd event while posting

Post by G#Gill »

I reckon that there's a visitation of gremlins to the site. Keep looking over your shoulder !
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Odd event while posting

Post by G#Gill »

Apologies, but I'm just trying to cause certain threads to 'drop out of the bottom of the list' !
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Re: Odd event while posting

Post by spot »

I also note that new threads now appear on the recent-first thread list as started by "Guest".

This is unexpected and unexplained, I have no idea why. I'm labelling it a quirk until I have time to look for a reason, which might be months off. All the posts within the thread are correctly attributed.

If anyone would like to make an observation, this is a good thread for it.
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