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Reeding Allowed

Post by spot »

I'm just puzzling over a puzzle, bear with me. Pretend I'm talking to myself, that being my immediate purpose.

Checking my diary I find that over the last three months I've red aloud several significant chunks of the Bible. The puzzle is which bit to reed next. If it were just to myself I'd press on regardless but the audience is eight and keen, in an hour or so, to hear what happens next.

So far he's had... I'm going to have to get a list, hang on.

Aloud, mind. Bedtime reeding mostly.

Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers. He especially likes lists with patterns so he was in his element with those.

Then we skipped Deuteronomy to avoid repetition.

Joshua Judges and then we skipped Ruth as adult-themed.

1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, skipped Chronicles.

We had a whale of a time in Ezra and Nehemiah with lots of interpolative exposition on slavery in Babylon and Cyrus the Great.

We have not as yet gone near Tobit, Judith, Esther, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Job, the Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, especially not the Song of Songs, Wisdom and Sirach.

I set aside Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Ezekiel and Daniel for later.

Similarly there's a group we have not set foot in with the exception of Jonah because Jonah is fun. We deferred Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

We have crucified Jesus the obligatory four times with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John though we took a break in the middle by reeding the Book of Revelations to make the idea of the end time a bit more clear. It provided the back-story motivation for getting crucified, I thought.

We then traversed the whole of the Acts of the Apostles, at which point I have vetoed the subsequent output of Paul as over-complicated for anyone eight years old so he's just going to have to wait as far as that's concerned. And everyone else's letters too.

Where do we go next, that's the question.

Actually we've red Genesis twice, it being peculiarly designed for story-telling. I weedily dropped Lot's interlude with his daughters. On the other hand we did discuss at some length why Abraham kept passing Sarah off as his sister. I skipped two pages about Amnon too.

I suspect the bits he's had are the bits I find easiest, I have no idea how to make the major prophets coherent. The minor prophets just whinge. The Psalms and Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are unapproachable poetry. Ezekiel is hallucinogenic.

I'll take a run at Isaiah and try to get through to the end of Jeremiah.

I'd do Job but in my experience Job has to be taken in one very long sitting to make sense and the final late-addition chapter has to be ditched entirely or there's no point.

And then, I think, I have to stop. None of the rest is suitable for children.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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Reeding Allowed

Post by spot »


And so we did. The Book of Job naturally breaks into three segments and we red the first, chapters 1 to 13 with discussion of when [1], who [2] and why [3]. He's decided that neither the book nor Job are miserable which is fair, I think, if provocative, because if Job isn't miserable then he's the only honorable character in the book.

If anyone knows the story of Sam Oglethwaite, that's Job in a nutshell with Noah playing the part of God.

[1:] A generation or two after Alexander the Great

[2:]The Temple scribes

[3:]The rain it raineth on the just

And also on the unjust fella;

But chiefly on the just, because

The unjust hath the just’s umbrella.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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Reeding Allowed

Post by G#Gill »

Hello Mr. spot, I do sincerely hope you do not allow your young charge to watch you type on your computer whilst you are using your phonetic spelling !
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Reeding Allowed

Post by spot »

G#Gill;1527426 wrote: Hello Mr. spot, I do sincerely hope you do not allow your young charge to watch you type on your computer whilst you are using your phonetic spelling !

The brute child was teaching himself astrophysics while I was typing that screed. A simulator on his PC called Universal Sandbox 2, he tells me. My experiments with spelling reform are child's play by comparison.

I follow in the steps of H G Wells and of G B Shaw (the playwright, not the destroyer of the Ottoman Empire). Both advocated change though neither persuaded the nation to follow their leed. I have little to give but what I have I will add to the treasury.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Reeding Allowed

Post by Raphael »

What about the books making up the Apocrypha?

Plus the 14 books removed by the Vatican in 1684

And above all -- the people's number one --- The Book of Enoch .

Or does he make Isiah look the poor man's version he was ?
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Reeding Allowed

Post by spot »

Raphael;1527584 wrote: What about the books making up the Apocrypha?

Plus the 14 books removed by the Vatican in 1684

And above all -- the people's number one --- The Book of Enoch .

Or does he make Isiah look the poor man's version he was ?

The boy's Kindle only has the freebie King James on it and I'm far too parsimonious to splash out on anything that costs. However you're quite right, googling shows I can get them for nothing.

I have sullied my laptop if you'll excuse my French, and downloaded the files from and what a horrid place it is to be sure.

I've put the PDFs through to text and thence into MOBI, I'll email them onto his Kindle later. Meanwhile, having reached chapter 4 of 1st Chronicles last night, he can reed the remainder before we branch out.

So far I've only ever told him two jokes and he was kind enough to find them amusing, the one about there only being 10 sorts of people in the world and the one about my dog has no nose. I've saved up my third joke in case of emergency.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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Reeding Allowed

Post by Raphael »

I keep meaning to read the Book of Enoch but failing .

It is definitely flavour of the epoch and seemingly beloved by Fundamentalists and many so called Conspiracy Theorists .

I gather that it is the start point for the ideas of The Watchers and the End of Times .

Given that the Watcher in charge of the Israelites was what the Christians call the one God -- certainly the OT version -- it is great fun to see some of the expanded narratives .

In some , The Donald is a closely guarded and protected person and a road back to absolution . This neatly fits with his German Jewish background and his alleged full conversion to Judaism early in his Presidency . Further , the saga points to the future importance of his son in law in history, but my attention started to wander around that point .

However , I like the idea of the Israel Watcher being a God( from the sky) which neatly fits the Sumerian legends which more literally define him as one of the Anunnaki -- a legend that is mirrored right across the planet . Different names . Same drill .

Great stuff . You cannot read Alice through the looking glass indefinitely .
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Reeding Allowed

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There is a switch, a binary on-off thing, which makes all the difference in the world when reeding the Bible or any other text which purports to tell what will happen. It's the one that says whether it is possible to foretell future events. It's either yes it is possible, perhaps with "but you must be inspired by divine beings or hallucinate" qualifications, or no it is not possible, "reality doesn't work like that".

The boy has his switch firmly glued to off, like all rational people, and it makes the Bible so much more interesting. We discussed the meaning of "thousand" and "hundred" in the old testament context. The Roman military had similar naming convention with Decurion and Centurion, for example, but nobody reeds Centurion as a hundred people. It makes the tribal lists collated at the time of Ezra and the founding of the Temple in Jerusalem so much more credible and informative, not to mention the Exodus and Numbers components put together by the same writing team.

He thinks the Elihu episode in the Book of Job is an interpolation. He didn't actually say interpolation, he said someone had added it in and that it didn't fit. He might well be right. The other interpolation, he couldn't mention simply because I didn't let him see it in the first place. It's Job 42:9 from the colon to the end of the book, and it totally destroys the message the book has spent 41 chapters creating. Whoever allowed that tacked-on sugar-coating should have been cut off from the congregation of Israel.

We got to 1 Chronicles 16 and stopped there, it's a natural break. This-all is improving his sight-reeding and clarity of speech if nothing else.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Reeding Allowed

Post by spot »

Raphael;1527599 wrote: I keep meaning to read the Book of Enoch but failing .

Excluding the present-day Introduction, verse and page numbering it runs to 41,289 words. That may be relevant. It's even longer than The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - I couldn't finish that either.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Reeding Allowed

Post by LarsMac »

I enjoy reading the KJV, usually, because it is an interesting view to the evolution of the English Language.

The poetry of some books is amazing. Some other books in the KJV fall into tedium very quickly, though.
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Reeding Allowed

Post by Raphael »

spot;1527625 wrote: Excluding the present-day Introduction, verse and page numbering it runs to 41,289 words. That may be relevant. It's even longer than The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - I couldn't finish that either.

400 a page, say, is roughly 100 + pages .

Two hours max .

My guess is that I read around 300 000 words most days .Could be more .
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Reeding Allowed

Post by spot »

Raphael;1527661 wrote: 400 a page, say, is roughly 100 + pages .

Two hours max .

344 words a minute, I make it.

John F Kennedy spoke 327 words in just one minute during a speech in 1961, a speed that is still mentioned when extremes are under discussion and gets referenced in the Guinness Book of Records. I recall hearing John Smith address a meeting on Cheapside when he was Labour leader and keeping his audience finely balanced at the limit of comprehension.

An eight year old practising clear diction from a text composed 1700 years ago, averaging 344 words a minute over an unbroken two hours?

I'll record him at 115 words a minute, speed it up by three and post the clip here - we'll see whether intelligibility suffers. I'll even allow you to be the judge if you like.

Or we could settle for

I've seen occasional mention of "goosequil braccahadocheos" - The Life of Jack Wilton springs to mind - but I never expected to encounter one in the wild.

My masters, you may conceive of me what you list, but I think confidently I was ordained God’s scourge from above for their dainty finicality. The hour of their punishment could no longer be prorogued, but vengeance must have at them at all adventures. So it was that the most of these above-named goose-quill braggadocios were mere cowards and cravens, and durst not so much as throw a penful of ink into the enemy’s face, if proof were made; wherefore on the experience of their pusillanimity I thought to raise the foundation of my roguery.

Online forums to a Tee, that.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Reeding Allowed

Post by Raphael »

Good man .

Move north soldiers .

Spray the bastards with hard words .
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Re: Reeding Allowed

Post by spot »

So, I have made progress in the matter of designing a phonographic representation of English using no additional sound symbols than the 26 conventional A to Z.

Here is today's news item fed through my filter:
teevee dauktur miykul mowzlee , nown for popularising the 5 : 2 diyut , haz gon mising wiyl on hauluday on the greek iylund uv Symi .

greek pulees towld beebeesee nooz dauktur mowzlee left hiz wiyf on the beech und set of on a wok too the sentur uv the iylund on wenzdee .

hiz fown wauz fawnd at the plays hee wauz staying with hiz wiyf , hoo reeportid him mising .

aftur ofusurz on the iylund wur unaybul too fiynd dauktur mowzlee , thay rikwestid help frum the greek fiyur dipaurtmunt in athunz . fiyurfiyturz uriyvd in Symi frum nirbiy rowdz at 14 : 00 lowkul tiym ( 12 : 00 BST ) .

the ereeu wer dauktur mowzlee iz bileevd too hav wokt throo too get bak iz in paurts impasubul und daynjurus , ukording too the fiyur dipaurtmunt .

fiyurfiyturz und vauluntirz aur awt luking for him on fut , wiyl drownz hav bin diployd too surch in ereeuz that kanaut bee reecht .

the 67 - yir - owld brodkastur iz wel nown for programmes inklooding the beebeesee sireez trust mee , iy 'm a dauktur und upirunsuz on beebeesee ' z the wun show und ITV ' z this morning .

an upeel saying hee wauz mising wauz powstid on a lowkul faysbuk groop on wenzdee , ulongsiyd a reesunt pikchur uv dauktur mowzlee wering a bloo kap , powlow shurt und shorts .

" hav yoo seen this man ? hee set of too wok bak frum St nik ' z at ubawt 13 . 30 und fayld too mayk it howm , " it sed .

Symi iz paurt uv grees ' z Dodecanese iylund groop und had a paupyulayshun uv 2 , 590 in 2011 .

a forun ofus spowkspursun sed : " wee aur suporting the famulee uv a british man hoo iz mising in grees und aur in kauntakt with the lowkul uthoruteez . "

dauktur mowzlee ' z daukyumenturee wurk haz gaurnurd uwordz , inklooding an emee for a beebeesee siyuns daukyumenturee the hyoomun fays - wich igzamund the siyuns bihiynd hyoomun pursepshun uv byootee .

hee olsow riyts a kaulum for the daylee mayl , und haz mayd sevurul teevee programmes ubawt diyut und eksursiyz - inklooding chanul 4 show miykul mowzlee : hoo mayd britun fat ?

dauktur mowzlee haz bin an advukut for inturmitunt fasting diyits , inklooding throo the 5 : 2 diyut und the fast 800 diyut .

hee haz for childrun with hiz wiyf kler baylee mowzlee , hoo iz olsow a dauktur , othur und helthee living advukut .

the kupul reesuntlee upird at the hay festuvul wer dauktur mowzlee preezentid a speshul udishun uv hiz beebeesee raydeeow 4 sireez und podkast just wun thing .

I do think it's usable, for all its first-sight ungainliness. There is no grammatical capitalization rule, so the letters to be remembered are just the 26 lower case ones, and a completely predictable set of sound values covering all but one phoneme in English. There is one exception I'm still thinking about "th" in "thin" and "this" is two phonemes but just one spelling "th" at the moment.

I have field-tested it with one 13 year old who sat down having seen no filtered output and red the BBC article at a conversational speed with no errors or pauses. Even I was impressed.

I do hope Dr. Mosley is found safe and well but the report is worrying to say the least.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Re: Reeding Allowed

Post by spot »

Still no news of Dr Mosey. It's difficult to think this could end well.

Here's another taster of phonography:
awtbrayks uv foodborne ilnusiz , such az ee kowlee , wil inkrees in the yookay unles urjunt akshun iz taykun too takul suvir shortujuz uv inviyrunmentul helth ofusurz , a baudee reprizenting the prufeshun haz sed .

the worning kumz aftur mor than 100 ee kowlee kaysuz wur reeportid in a fortniyt , having spred viyu food distribyutud ukros britun .

urleeur this yir the gaurdeeun reeportid that the publik wauz inkreesingglee faysing food - rilaytid " rushun roulette " ... alth-staff
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Re: Reeding Allowed

Post by Bryn Mawr »

spot wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:19 am Still no news of Dr Mosey. It's difficult to think this could end well.

Here's another taster of phonography:
awtbrayks uv foodborne ilnusiz , such az ee kowlee , wil inkrees in the yookay unles urjunt akshun iz taykun too takul suvir shortujuz uv inviyrunmentul helth ofusurz , a baudee reprizenting the prufeshun haz sed .

the worning kumz aftur mor than 100 ee kowlee kaysuz wur reeportid in a fortniyt , having spred viyu food distribyutud ukros britun .

urleeur this yir the gaurdeeun reeportid that the publik wauz inkreesingglee faysing food - rilaytid " rushun roulette " ... alth-staff
Before playing with the spelling I would take a good look at the alphabet and rationalise it to ensure that for every letter there is a sound and for every sound there is a letter.

For example, there should be two or three accents, one to make a sound long (differentiate for example between cat and father) so at a minimum all of the vowels and R, one to add a soft aspirant (so S goes to SH, T goes to TH, etc.) and, possibly, one to make a sound “harder” (differentiate between cat and about maybe).

Then there are redundant letters, C should go, it’s either K or S with the exception of CH which should be it’s own letter as in the Greek CHI. Q should go, it is either KW or just K and X should go, it is either KS or Z.

G should always be hard, a soft G is a J. H should always be a hard aspirant with the soft aspirant being the accent.

Only then can you look to changing the spelling.
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Re: Reeding Allowed

Post by spot »

What there is is digraphs for the vowel variations. It means the reader doesn't need to understand the accents and the writer doesn't need to make them, and when the reader is in Year 2 that makes a lot of difference.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Re: Reeding Allowed

Post by spot »

Dr Saleyha Ahsan, his co-presenter on Trust Me, I'm A Doctor, told BBC News he was a "national treasure" and a "hugely talented" man.

That gets the tone right, national treasure. It's distressing news. Extreme heat is not a thing to take lightly, climbing hillsides around the Mediterranean.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Re: Reeding Allowed

Post by Bryn Mawr »

spot wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:00 am
Dr Saleyha Ahsan, his co-presenter on Trust Me, I'm A Doctor, told BBC News he was a "national treasure" and a "hugely talented" man.

That gets the tone right, national treasure. It's distressing news. Extreme heat is not a thing to take lightly, climbing hillsides around the Mediterranean.
Hiking in the low 30s carrying lots of water is one thing but in the 40s it’s a no-no.

Anyroadup, nowadays it’s mostly 2up on the scooter - it’s a couple of years since I did any serious hiking round here.
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