Can the West trust Huawei

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Can the West trust Huawei

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At the heart of the debate is a simple question: can the West trust Huawei or will using its equipment leave communication networks, and our own mobile phones, vulnerable?

The US says Huawei could be used by China for spying, via its 5G equipment. It points to Mr Ren's military background and Huawei's role in comms networks to argue it represents a security risk.

That Pompeo chap was throwing his considerable weight around Whitehall earlier, saying the British should refuse to allow any Huawei hardware to be attached to the UK's phone network on security grounds. We cannot trust the Chinese not to spy on the traffic or interfere with it, he said.

The man is a rogue speaking on behalf of rogues running a rogue nation.

Which country has actually infiltrated most spying hardware worldwide for generations? China? Russia? North Korea? Nothing of the sort.

Has nobody red anything Edward Snowden published? Does nobody believe he was accurate?

It's the wretched Americans who do it regularly, consistently, predictably, to everyone. Including Americans themselves, of course.

And what country's hardware would Mr Pompeo want in the UK 5G network? You don't even have to ask, you already know.

I'd much rather have Huawei, thank you very much. They're more trustworthy.

Switzerland is probing news reports that the US Central Intelligence Agency and West Germany’s spy service used a Swiss company’s encryption technology to covertly crack other nations’ top-secret messages, the Swiss defence ministry said today.

The company, called Crypto AG, sold code-making equipment to Iran, Latin American nations, India, Pakistan and dozens of other countries. The technology was modified to let the CIA and Germany’s BND break codes, the Washington Post reported along with German and Swiss broadcasters ZDF and SRF.

The reports cite a classified CIA history to underpin the allegations, some of which date back at least to 1992, when one of Crypto’s employees was arrested and held in Iran for nine months as a suspected spy.

At the time, the company called reports that it was a secret asset of Western intelligence agencies “an unbelievable conspiracy theory,” according to a report in German magazine Focus detailing a 1994 book on the subject. ... es/1836632
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Can the West trust Huawei

Post by gmc »

Can the west trust america? ... soft_gdpr/

Not to mention Facebook et al selling our information to all and sundry. Even before then we know they were spying on british prime ministers (wilson, who was acfuse dof beimng paranoid but has since been proven correct in his assertion. ... awei.shtml

Mind you not so ling ago microsoft was claiming linux was unamerican which since it's not should be no surprise.
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Can the West trust Huawei

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gmc;1530380 wrote: Can the west trust america?

Talk about wandering down memory lane. Crypto AG was on the Echelon trigger list back in 2001. ... ose_words/

And here's Bruce Schneier on the subject:

The NSA also attacks network devices directly: routers, switches, firewalls, etc. Most of these devices have surveillance capabilities already built in; the trick is to surreptitiously turn them on. This is an especially fruitful avenue of attack; routers are updated less frequently, tend not to have security software installed on them, and are generally ignored as a vulnerability. ... ain_s.html

American hardware? No thank you. Huawei will do nicely. What Mr Pompeo is complaining about isn't that Huawei have surveillance capabilities built in, it's that American hardware won't be everywhere in the UK's network to be tapped at will by the NSA.
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Can the West trust Huawei

Post by gmc »

It's part of the trade war between the US and the EU. Trump thinks the eu wanting the likes of google and amazon to pay taxes in the country's where they make a profit is anti american. ... aid-taxes/
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Can the West trust Huawei

Post by Bryn Mawr »

gmc;1530534 wrote: It's part of the trade war between the US and the EU. Trump thinks the eu wanting the likes of google and amazon to pay taxes in the country's where they make a profit is anti american. ... aid-taxes/

Agreed, and apparently Johnson has folded like a puppet when the US say we’re not allowed to tax their pets.
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Re: Can the West trust Huawei

Post by spot »

I just checked whether the propaganda is still running at full throttle.

A simple Google search for headlines comes up with
US bans Huawei, ZTE equipment sales amid Chinese spying fears
Using Huawei tech opens door to spying, censorship, say U.S. officials
Chinese spy duo charged in Huawei case as US condemns 'egregious ...
CNN Exclusive: FBI investigation determined Chinese-made Huawei ...
Developing countries sign Huawei deals despite US espionage warnings ...
US warnings of espionage by Huawei are failing to dissuade governments in Africa, Asia and Latin America

which suggests the Chinese will accumulate a file on me.

Other news items suggest GCHQ and the NSA have had hardware in place doing exactly that for decades.

So perhaps I should choose. Am I more annoyed to be spied on by Western intelligence or by the Chinese?

It's no contest really. All I need do is decide which agencies do more harm and support more injustice.
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