When is the best time to go on holiday in Iceland?

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When is the best time to go on holiday in Iceland?

Post by Falonne11 »

I'm thinking of going on holiday to Iceland.
I'd like to know if anyone has any information for me.
For example, when would be the best time to go?
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Re: When is the best time to go on holiday in Iceland?

Post by spot »

When to visit Iceland for a holiday depends on what you want to do while you're there.

If you want to stay indoors partying, and you can afford the startling charges for anything alcoholic, the time of year is immaterial.

On the other hand, if you want to see the sights then Christmas is a bit tricky. At the moment there's at most 5 hours of marginal light each day, and 19 hours of night-time. If you wait to May-July there's no night-time at all, it's always light out. If you intend to drive around the road surface is less encumbered by snow too.
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