This is the one... A History of the Bible: The Book and Its Faiths
From the introduction:
There are many ‘prophecy novels’ on the market that deal with these themes. The most famous and
influential are the eighteen or so in the ‘Left Behind’ series. 17 The first, called simply Left Behind,
envisages the rapture as happening all over the world at a single moment. Aeroplanes drop from the
sky as their pilots are ‘raptured’, cars crash and there is immense suffering, but there are also
conversions to Christian faith by those who recognize what is happening. The plot is tied up with other
themes of modern American thought: the threat of Russia, the undesirability of pan-global
organizations such as the United Nations, the need to keep American culture pure and pristine, safe
from demonic influences such as the European Union. Naturally, by no means all Christian Americans
who support Israel do so because they believe in this scenario, but a substantial number do. Pre
millennialism, as the system of thought is known technically, is a widespread evangelical strain in
Anglophone Christianity.
That's a helpful pointer to the way John Barton might be approaching matters.