The Washington Post

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The Washington Post

Post by spot »

My eight year old son is predictably a total fan of all things American, something he no doubt inherits from his father. Given the number of links Lars makes to pages at the Washington Post as a newspaper of record, and the fact that it can't be accessed without a subscription, I offered one to the boy so he is now getting two newsletters a day with links to the site, and there's full access for me as well which is why I suggested it.

The unexpected bit Jowan has extra on his account - which cost me $39 for a year's access - is

Send your 30-Day Digital Pass

Your 30-day digital pass is now ready to send! Copy and share the link below to invite someone to try The Washington Post free for 30 days. They will have unlimited access to and all Washington Post apps.

which may or may not already be available to everyone anyway, I don't know. But if anyone would like the link they could PM me. He doesn't know anyone who would be excited by the offer at school and anyway school's shut until September.
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