Electric Shaver

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Electric Shaver

Post by hannes »

I would like to get a electric shaver but I don't know which one. So far I've used a normal but this whole procedure annoys me.

I thought of a device up to 200, - easy to clean...

What would you recommend?
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Electric Shaver

Post by spot »

I'll tell you what, I'll pose a question and see whether you engage at all.

This is from the Ethics Code Statement of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association:

We practice openness about the relationship between consumers, advocates, and marketers. We encourage word of mouth advocates to disclose their relationship with marketers in their communications with other consumers. We don't tell them specifically what to say, but we do instruct them to be open and honest about any relationship with a marketer and about any products or incentives that they may have received.

We stand against shill and undercover marketing, whereby people are paid to make recommendations without disclosing their relationship with the marketer.


Would you like to to disclose your marketing relationship?

Your IP address has three spam hits which could just be other people using the IP address, we'll let you off that.

Your email address has two hits on stopforumspam which is a bit nearer the edge but it's not lethal.

Discussing viral marketing is a lot more fun than razors though. Besides, the only possible answer to your question is the Butterfly Pro Ladies Electric Shaver, Price: £125.83 & FREE Delivery. Unbeatable quality and value, that. Mine has seen daily use on the most improbable parts of my body for well over a year now and never a nick.
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Electric Shaver

Post by spot »

Go on gabbriel, post the follow-up recommendation. It's why you registered. You're using the identical Romanian ISP, for goodness sake.

Who pays you people?
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Electric Shaver

Post by gabbriel »


I have a [twat product placement URL]. It does a good job and gets my hair well between the Blades. However, I do not shave so often. It also works with shaving foam and is so waterproof that you can even use it in the shower. Not that this is soooo important, but nice to have.

There is also one weakness with the [twat product placement] shaver: It doesn't cut longhair cutter on the top very good but that not a big problem for me.
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Electric Shaver

Post by spot »

gabbriel;1531470 wrote: Hey

I have a [twat product placement URL]. It does a good job and gets my hair well between the Blades. However, I do not shave so often. It also works with shaving foam and is so waterproof that you can even use it in the shower. Not that this is soooo important, but nice to have.

There is also one weakness with the [twat product placement] shaver: It doesn't cut longhair cutter on the top very good but that not a big problem for me.

Yay! She actually posted it! That's made my day.

Where can I buy one, gabbriel? Who sponsored your post?
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Electric Shaver

Post by LarsMac »

I want to know how these things work. I might be in need of the extra income someday
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Electric Shaver

Post by spot »

Ask the Romanian couple, they could run a class here if they'd like to. They're welcome to the space for that.
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Angry women will change the world: 4B is the only legal way forward
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Electric Shaver

Post by FourPart »

spot;1531472 wrote: Yay! She actually posted it! That's made my day.

Where can I buy one, gabbriel? Who sponsored your post?

Nicely done.
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