Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by Ahso! »

Over the past few years, I've done quite a bit of reading on what Neoliberalism is and its consequences. This piece, in which Chris Hedges and David Harvey explore Neoliberalism, is among the better examinations I've come across. It ended up being a nice piece to sit and sip my coffee to in the quiet of my sitting room. ... o-fascism/

Some snippets:

Neoliberalism as economic theory was always an absurdity. It had as much validity as past ruling ideologies such as the divine right of kings and fascism’s belief in the Übermensch. None of its vaunted promises were even remotely possible. Concentrating wealth in the hands of a global oligarchic elite—eight families now hold as much wealth as 50 percent of the world’s population—while demolishing government controls and regulations always creates massive income inequality and monopoly power, fuels political extremism and destroys democracy. You do not need to slog through the 577 pages of Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” to figure this out. But economic rationality was never the point. The point was the restoration of class power.


“As a political project, it was very savvy,” he said. “It got a great deal of popular consent because it was talking about individual liberty and freedom, freedom of choice. When they talked about freedom, it was freedom of the market. The neoliberal project said to the ’68 generation, ‘OK, you want liberty and freedom? That’s what the student movement was about. We’re going to give it to you, but it’s going to be freedom of the market. The other thing you’re after is social justice—forget it. So, we’ll give you individual liberty, but you forget the social justice. Don’t organize.’ The attempt was to dismantle those institutions, which were those collective institutions of the working class, particularly the unions and bit by bit those political parties that stood for some sort of concern for the well-being of the masses.”

“The great thing about freedom of the market is it appears to be egalitarian, but there is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequals,” Harvey went on. “It promises equality of treatment, but if you’re extremely rich, it means you can get richer. If you’re very poor, you’re more likely to get poorer. What Marx showed brilliantly in volume one of ‘Capital’ is that freedom of the market produces greater and greater levels of social inequality.”


Neoliberalism transforms freedom for the many into freedom for the few. Its logical result is neofascism. Neofascism abolishes civil liberties in the name of national security and brands whole groups as traitors and enemies of the people. It is the militarized instrument used by the ruling elites to maintain control, divide and tear apart the society and further accelerate pillage and social inequality. The ruling ideology, no longer credible, is replaced with the jackboot.

As a bit of an aside; I've noticed since the midterm elections that in some corporate media articles I've read, that many of the Democrats who are in fact neoliberals are being referred to as "progressives". It's an interesting sleight of hand. Case in point is this piece from Policico where the caption below the top photo of Rep Adam Smith (D-Wash) reads "Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) who is set to become the first progressive in decades to run the House Armed Services Committee." When Smith is not, in the slightest, a progressive in the traditional sense of the word.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by gmc »

neoliberalism is not aimed at creating a capitalist economy it's intent is to give free rein to greed. Almost the first thing they do is remove all the checks to prevent the abuse by companies of their economic strength to stop any competition and remember the triumphalism as banking controls were lifted by bush the second and over here by thatcher who saw the sell off by the mutual societies for no better reason than they smack of socialism.

It's corporate fascism in a pretty wrapper.

Monetarism is an insane economic theory, wealth is created by what is made or grown bankers don't generate wealth all they can do at best is facilitate things for business.
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by yaaarrrgg »

That's an interesting article!

I think the biggest con in the sales pitch is the idea that economic anarchy is the same thing as personal freedom. Freedom is a slippery idea, since we're never told who is free to do what to whom.

On thing I saw visiting in California this summer was interesting. Large companies are almost creating little self contained cities within a mega campus. Where you can get free food, cheap clothing, medical care, subsidized transportation, etc. Some are even looking at free housing. It's just a perk of working there. It's like a little socialist bubble operating on top of a capitalist system. Almost everything is free. But it's only available if you have an employee badge.

Airports are similar, though nothing is free. They are like a giant mall on the inside once you get past the gate. But everyone goes through a security check.

Imagine if nothing was outside the airport except for dirt fields. That's kinda the direction I expect capitalism to take long term...
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by AnneBoleyn »

Well said, yaaarrrgg, and in a way that was very clear to me. I came away thinking: "Yeah, but you still owe your soul to the company store."
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by LarsMac »

A whole new serf society.
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by AnneBoleyn »

LarsMac;1521418 wrote: A whole new serf society.

I like the comparison, Lars. Well, it's not that I "like" it, it's that I agree.
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by Bryn Mawr »

yaaarrrgg;1521412 wrote: That's an interesting article!

I think the biggest con in the sales pitch is the idea that economic anarchy is the same thing as personal freedom. Freedom is a slippery idea, since we're never told who is free to do what to whom.

On thing I saw visiting in California this summer was interesting. Large companies are almost creating little self contained cities within a mega campus. Where you can get free food, cheap clothing, medical care, subsidized transportation, etc. Some are even looking at free housing. It's just a perk of working there. It's like a little socialist bubble operating on top of a capitalist system. Almost everything is free. But it's only available if you have an employee badge.

Airports are similar, though nothing is free. They are like a giant mall on the inside once you get past the gate. But everyone goes through a security check.

Imagine if nothing was outside the airport except for dirt fields. That's kinda the direction I expect capitalism to take long term...

Nothing outside ... except for dirt fields means that they can charge whatever they like without fear of competition.
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by magentaflame »

yaaarrrgg;1521412 wrote: That's an interesting article!

I think the biggest con in the sales pitch is the idea that economic anarchy is the same thing as personal freedom. Freedom is a slippery idea, since we're never told who is free to do what to whom.

On thing I saw visiting in California this summer was interesting. Large companies are almost creating little self contained cities within a mega campus. Where you can get free food, cheap clothing, medical care, subsidized transportation, etc. Some are even looking at free housing. It's just a perk of working there. It's like a little socialist bubble operating on top of a capitalist system. Almost everything is free. But it's only available if you have an employee badge.

Airports are similar, though nothing is free. They are like a giant mall on the inside once you get past the gate. But everyone goes through a security check.

Imagine if nothing was outside the airport except for dirt fields. That's kinda the direction I expect capitalism to take long term...

I'm still trying to work out how you equate that to socialism? What kind of socialism is that? Sounds more like a commune to me.
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by Clodhopper »

It sounds to me that the US is leading the drive to Corporate States, where the government is unable to control companies that operate with their own extensive private security. Do these corporate communities in California that were mentioned have their own security or do they have normal State Police? That to me is the tipping point, should a government walk away from its duty to protect its people...

Over here we're just a mess. Brexit in any form looks like a disaster fronted by incompetents, promoted and funded by Putin. May's plan is the least appalling Brexit available and no-one on either side wants it except a few of the more intelligent brexiters like Gove who realise it is just stage 1 of running away, stage 2 is the crunch.

Oh, and since both the Queen and the Archbish of Canterbury have called for restraint on both sides, I'm going to be more restrained in my discussion of Brexit. My opinions have not changed, though.
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by FourPart »

The latest addition to the Brexit farce is so unbelieveably bizarre that if this weren't January you could easily mistake it for an April Fools.

The Government has just handed a £13m contract to a new company, Seabourne Ferries, to handle Post-Brexit freight, without so much as putting the contract out to tender.

Believe it or not, Seabourne Ferries don't even own any ships. Furthermore, with only £750 cash assets in the bank, capital assets of about £25,000, and debts in excess of £85,000 they don't even have enough to pay for a deposit on a 2nd hand one.

It has also come to light that they have Copied & Pasted their Terms & Conditions from a Take Away website, without even thinking to edit the original. ... ver-pizzas

The company in question also happens to share a registered address with Mark Bamford, one of the leading Tory Party donors.

The thing is that this is so blatantly corrupt & inept that I can't help feeling it is being deliberately used as a diversion for something far more sinister.
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by Clodhopper »

Well, I think you've just explained the corruption entirely adequately. No need for more sinister or complex ideas. Apart from anything else we are talking Grayling and he really is not the brightest candle in the packet.

Ever heard of Occam's Razor? It's a very useful guide in certain situations: If you have a set of possible explanations for something, the simplest is most likely the right one or damn near it. Why it is called a Razor I have no idea. (and having had a very quick wiki I'm surprised to see that it is believed to originate with an English Friar called William of Ockham in the C13th!) What you are doing is adding several assumptions to suggest something deeper when the simple explanation is what you stated first. No more is needed

I might email my MP and ask him about it since he's a hardline brexiter and an ERG member. Um. Actually, he never replied to my questions about Arron Banks and the illegal extra money and the Russian connections via companies on the Isle of Man. I'll think about it. I may need to send a nice email to get him responding again...
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by FourPart »

The thing is in Politics precedent has shown that the idea of a diversion generally IS the simplest & most likely solution. For example, the "Stupid Woman" issue also nicely concealed a load more NHS Cuts rolled out at exactly the same time.
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by Clodhopper »

Well, that's a fairly well known Parliamentary tactic. In this case it looks to me that Grayling hoped to just slide his scheme through unnoticed as part of the justifiable Brexit preparations. He IS well known as a complete wally. And on the face of it, it does seem reasonable to be hiring companies to ferry in goods in the event of no deal. I think my suspicion is that he's the idiot who got caught and that others have done similar but more subtly and haven't been caught.

I hope the relevant Select Committee has a look at this. Pull him in and roast him - assuming the Guardian is right. If this is proven it's really, really bad and he could be expelled from Parliament...
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by FourPart »

Clodhopper;1521828 wrote: I hope the relevant Select Committee has a look at this. Pull him in and roast him - assuming the Guardian is right. If this is proven it's really, really bad and he could be expelled from Parliament...

It's verifiable from a number of independant sources. I even checked it out on the Companies House website.

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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by Clodhopper »

They've just brazened it out and it has disappeared in today's vote on May's deal. Just another bit of tory Brexit corruption. Shrug. Who cares if a couple more tories get rich from Brexit. It was the real point of it after all.
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Neoliberalism's Dark Path to Fascism

Post by Raphael »

The Guardian

Along with the BBC , Britain's leading Fake News site , politically controlled by GCHQ and therefore part of the Five Eyes arrangement .

Be very careful of anything political written in the Guardian . They were completely infiltrated by the Intelligence Agencies many moons ago and bob up and down like puppets whenever the squeeze is threatened .
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