Hyper Dimensional Design

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Dutch wrote: During Pi-point Steins timeframe around September 5, 2010, I had this intuitive thought while at work.

I had to work it out so it took some time to post it.

I expected somekind of a 'confirmation' of this Pi-based Design as described here in the HDDesign material. This Pi-based Design unveiled that asteroid Stein's orbit is encoded in Earth's orbit based on Pi, indicating that Stein's orbit is intelligently determined.

This very same Design was also applied with spacecraft Deep Impact/Epoxi comet encounters and other major events in our solar system as explained here:

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Q3 2010 timeline, July - August - September 2010

As I suspect that there will also occur developments that will indicate that Mars' moon Phobos is infact artificial, I had this thought yesterday to apply this very same Pi based design on the orbit of Phobos.

The real orbital period of Phobos is 0,3189102 Earth days

If we apply this Pi based design as determined here in the HDDesign material we get:

0,3189102 x Pi x Pi = ......................


...............almost Pi, because Pi / Pi /Pi =0,3183098

This is so very close to expressing Pi, in the very same way as already shown here with the orbit of Steins, Deep Impact comet encounters etc, that it can't be just a coincidence. It shows up just like that after an intuitive thought.

In fact the perfect expression of Pi with the orbit of Phobos is so close that the difference is even less than a minute. 51,87 seconds to be precise,based on available info.

It is known that Phobos has an orbital decay. According to a mainstream space agency, the ESA:

This tiny moon is thought to be in a ‘death spiral’, slowly orbiting toward the surface of Mars. Here, Phobos was found to be about five kilometres ahead of its predicted orbital position. This could be an indication of an increased orbital speed associated with its secular acceleration, causing the moon to spiral in toward Mars.

Eventually Phobos could be torn apart by Martian gravity and become a short-lived ring around Mars, or even impact on the surface. This orbit will be studied in more detail over the lifetime of the Mars Express.

ESA - Mars Express - Martian moon Phobos in detail

The orbital speed of Phobos is about 2.138 km/s so with this 5 kilometer deviation with the calculated position, Phobos is already 5 / 2.138 = aprox 2,34 seconds closing in on the perfect Pi expression.

That means that Phobos isn't only orbitting in an intelligently determined orbit, but that Phobos is in fact telling us that there's a specific future point in time that Phobos will express the Perfect Pi.

The orbit of Phobos is showing us a countdown which we can determine.

Now I am not a scientist nor do I have the proper data to do this, but I'm calling those who are able to do so to determine the exact moment in the near future that Phobos will have closed the gap of these less than 50 seconds so that the orbit of Phobos is expressing the perfect PI.

New astrometric observations of Phobos with the SRC on Mars Express

K. Willner, J. Oberst, M. Wählisch, K.-D. Matz, H. Hoffmann, T. Roatsch, R. Jaumann, and V. Mertens

German Aerospace Center, Institute of Planetary Research, Planetary Geodesy, Rutherfordstrasse 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany

e-mail: konrad.willner@dlr.de

Received 17 March 2008 / Accepted 20 May 2008


Aims. New astrometric measurements for Phobos are reported on the basis of 69 SRC (Super Resolution Channel) images obtained during 28 Mars Express Phobos flybys executed between 2004 and 2007.

Methods. The measurements have been made using a newly developed technique that involves positional measurements of surface control points and verification of camera pointing by background stars.

Results. The astrometric positions are in excellent agreement with currently available Phobos orbit models. However, we find remaining systematic offsets of 1.5-2.6 km such that Phobos is ahead of its predicted position along the track.Conclusions. Our observations will be a basis for further improvements in the Phobos ephemeris. The methods that we have developed will be useful for the astrometric tracking of planetary or asteroidal targets and spacecraft optical navigation in future planetary missions.


(„Phobos ahead of its predicted orbital position by approx. 1 radius“,Bell, Duxbury, et al., Nature")

HRSC/SRC Imaging Results fromthe Phobos and Deimos Flybys


Phobos estimated to be off from its nominal orbitposition by 6 s (approx. 12 km) along-track

HRSC/SRC Imaging Results from the Phobos and Deimos Flybys

Used Orbital period in this scientific artical: (days)0.31910

According to wiki 'current' orbital period of Phobos is 0,3189102 Earth days

That's a gap of 16,39 seconds !!!!!!!

Phobos is nearing the Perfect Pi expression

Phobos is at countdown

At another forum someone provided me with info about this decreasing orbital period of Phobos that , when extrapolated, suggested that Phobos would reach the perfect Pi expression with the orbital period on December 18, 2012. Based on the data provided by this poster.

That would mean Phobos is marking the end of the Mayan Calendar.

I don't trust the info given by this poster because I think he just wanted to mislead me, but it is an interesting thought.

With such deviations in the orbital period of Phobos it IS a possibility

Additional information and confirmation is needed in order to determine when Phobos will reach the Perfect Pi.

Let's hope the analysis of the recent Phobos flyby's will shine a light on it
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

On May 29, 2008 NASA’s Deep Impact / Epoxi spacecraft created a video of the moon transiting ( passing in front of ) Earth as seen from the spacecraft’s point of view. Scientists are using the video to develop techniques to study alien worlds.

"Making a video of Earth from so far away helps the search for other life-bearing planets in the Universe by giving insights into how a distant, Earth-like alien world would appear to us," said University of Maryland astronomer Michael A’Hearn, principal investigator for the Deep Impact extended mission, called EPOXI.

Here we already see this ‘contact’ theme emerging, as will become clearer with the already identified and shared Pi- based expressions in the HDDesign material. As I understand that it’s for most readers a bridge too far to fully comprehend these ‘expressions’ in the right context, I will try to summarize and elaborate on the already posted material.

Deep Impact made history when the mission team directed an impactor from the spacecraft into comet Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005. NASA extended the mission, redirecting the spacecraft for a flyby of comet Hartley 2 on Nov. 4, 2010.

Its beyond the scope of this post to elaborate on the implications of the impact on comet Temple I, in its relation to the Tunguska Events and the use of nuclear weapons, that has already been covered in the HDDesign material.

Around the same time of this Deep Impact/Epoxi –Moon- Earth ( artificial) transit a crop circle appeared in Barbury Castle, expressing Pi rounding up to 10 decimal places.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v117/ ... rlayLo.jpg

mind boggling indeed.

According to the triggerdate system as identified and applied in the HDDesign material ( and in the HDDesign material only), this Deep Impact/Epoxi – Moon – Earth Transit happened exactly at ‘Ascension starttrigger date’ in relation to the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar. Without fully explaining the ‘ascension timeframe’ here, as it is done elsewhere in the HDDesign material, its sufficient to know that the Ascension timeframe is a 3333 days timeframe with a monitored events day in the middle ( end of Mayan calendar ) and a startdate 1666 days earlier ( Deep Impact – Moon Earth Transit).

Keep in mind that all this info initially emerged by intuitive thoughts and syncronicities.

The 3333 days Ascension timeframe and Pi seemed to be connected in the hidden underlying Design of these described events but another ‘confirmation’ really made me alert of the possible profoundness of what was to about to unveil. I decided to devide the ascension timeframe with Pi and it appeared that the outcome was exactly the timeframe between Deep Impact/Epoxi’s impact on comet Temple I and the Deep Impact – Moon- Earth transit: 1060 days, indicating that the latter was intelligently planned to take place at this specific moment in our perception of time, be it consciously or sub-consciously but unveiling the hidden underlying Design nevertheless. Pi in relation to Earth days is the ‘language’ used in the ‘communication’ that is taking place.

As most readers probably know, Deep Impact/Epoxi is heading to a flyby next month with comet Hartley 2 on November 4, 2010. When NASA extended the Epoxi mission, they initially said that the encounter with comet Hartley 2 would take place on October 11, 2010 instead of November 4, 2010. Why is that? What was NASA trying to say by communicating this comet encounter on October 11, 2010 while it would never take place on that day?

The answer is that NASA communicated it this way because its part of the communication that is taking place, consciously or sub-consciously. I intuitively expected a Pi based correlation with our perception of time and that’s exactly what showed up instantly when I gave the timeframes a closer look.

Let me explain

How do you express Pi with 3 events based on our perception of time?

The events are known: Deep impact on comet Temple I on July 4, 2005, de Deep Impact – Moon – Earth transit on May 29, 2008 and the scheduled or communicated comet encounter with Hartley 2 on October 11, 2010.

The timeframe between impact on Temple I and the transit of 1060 days was already identified as Pi based. The ‘hypothetical’ encounter with Hartley 2 had to be scheduled in a way to express Pi. In order to do so we have to split the timeframe between impact on comet Temple I and ‘hypothetical’ encounter with Hartley 2 in 2 timeframes that express Pi, with 1 of them already marked by the Deep Impact –Moon- earth transit ( 1060 days ).

It showed up instantly:

Deep Impact on comet Temple I - ‘hypothetical’ encounter with Hartley 2 = 1925 days

1925 / Pi / Pi = 195 days

1925 minus 195 = 1730 days

1730 / 2 = 865 days, marking Pi

865 + 195 days = 1060 days, marking Pi

865 + 1060 is of course 1925 again.

With the impact on comet Temple I and the Deep Impact/Epoxi – moon- Earth tansit as facts, Pi is only unveiled this way with a hypothetical encounter on October 11, 2010.

An encounter that is expressing Pi in our perception of time that was communicated by NASA but would never take place!

Consider this for a while.

Pi and our perception of time

The example above is applied to 3 events but you can also apply the same Pi based principle on for instance an orbit, as we have seen with the orbit of asteroid Steins, indicating that Steins has an Intelligently Designed orbit.

Steins orbit is 1326,736 Earth days

1326,7 / Pi / Pi = 134.4 Earth days

1327,7 - 134,4 = 1192,3 Earth days

The 2 Pi points are

1192,3 / 2 = 596,2 Days


596,1 +134, 4 = 730,5 Earth days

That’s exactly 2 Earth Years or the same orbital position of Earth.

Or in other words: Earth's orbit is encoded in Steins orbit by Pi

After the flyby of 'asteroid' Steins the Rosetta spacecraft continued its mission and next event on its mission was an Earth flyby on its way towards asteroid Lutetia.

This Earth flyby happened on November 13, 2009 and was the last of 4 planet flyby's of rosetta spacecraft.

The previous flyby ( the third) happened on November 13, 2007!!!!

exactly 2 Earth years!!!!

Rosetta is confirming this Intelligent Pi based correlation between Earth and Stein's orbits right after its encounter with Steins by an Earth Flyby exactly 2 years later than the previous one, exactly the same timeframe as based on the Pi point of Steins' orbit.

This is the same Pi based Design as with the Deep Impact/Epoxi mission and the lunar impact mission, as identified and explained in the HDDesign material with previous posts.

With these 'manmade' events in space as expressed with rosetta spacecraft, we are 'communicating' that the Intelligent correlations with Earth in relation to Steins are understood.

Its so obvious and clear....and its shows up in the HDDesign material just like that, instantly after an initial synchronicity....again showing that 'we' are 'communicating' with our current missions in space based on the same identified Geometry as with the Deep Impact and Lunar Impact missions ( Lunar Impact missions are explained in separate posts ).

Pi and our perception of time

During this predetermined Pi point Steins an intuitive thought made me apply this very Pi based Design on the orbit of Mars’ moon Phobos.

The real orbital period of Phobos is 0,3189102 Earth days

If we apply this Pi based design as determined here in the HDDesign material we get:

0,3189102 x Pi x Pi = Pi.............


...............almost Pi, because Pi / Pi /Pi =0,3183098

This is so very close to expressing Pi, in the very same way as already shown here with the orbit of Steins, Deep Impact comet encounters etc, that it can't be just a coincidence. It shows up just like that after an intuitive thought.

In fact the perfect expression of Pi with the orbit of Phobos is so close that the difference is even less than a minute. 51,87 seconds to be precise, based on currently available info.

It is known that Phobos has an orbital decay. According to a mainstream space agency, the ESA, Phobos was ahead of its predicted position, possibly indicating that Phobos is speading up and together with the orbital decay the orbital period of Phobos is closing in on this Perfect Pi expression rapidly and just less than a minute or perhaps even seconds away.

That means that Phobos is on a countdown

We are still talking about the underlying ‘contact’ theme here, the major theme of the Q3 timeline in the HDdesign material

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - CONTACT ( ENKI thread)

We better get used to the idea.

mainstream, CNN:

'100 percent' life chance on new planet

( yes, the headline on the mainpage of CNN is without the question mark / Dutch )

'100 percent' chance for life on newly found planet? – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs
Posts: 313
Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:05 am

Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Inter–Dimensional Contact

Confirmation by Design

When intuition speaks……….

For practical reasons in the past, I have limited the timeframe around a determined events day to + or – 1 day, creating in fact a 3 days timeframe. I did so consistently from the beginning of this HDDesign ‘research’, but I have often said that this 3 days timeframe is way to rigid and should in fact be seen as a timeframe of a few days around a determined ‘peak’ date. On the timelines I use 3 days before and after a predetermined date, creating a 7 days timeframe.

While doing this HDDesign ‘research’ I have often noticed a 3 days difference (+ or -) between a predetermined events day and the actual ‘confirmation’ in our reality, there are numerous examples of this in the HDDesign material. This 7 days period of creation (as above – so below) is valid for each single moment in our perception of time. Imagine that you have knowledge about inter-dimensional existence and you have to explain this to an early human, you would probably explain it with a story similar to what has been told in Genesis for instance.

This HDDesign ‘research’ seems to indicate that there’s a hidden underlying Design in our reality, connecting all these single moments in our perception of time. The human mind seems to be able to tune in on this hidden underlying Design with intuitive thoughts and noticing synchronicities. This makes it possible to identify the hidden underlying time coded patterns and underlying themes, while the confirmations must show up instantly when the described elements of HDDesign are applied.

The Golden Mean (Phi) has been such an element from the start of this HDDesign ‘research’ and with the Deep Impact / Epoxi – Moon – Earth transit a new element emerged in the HDDesign material: Pi.

The Deep Impact / Epoxi space mission first unveiled the Pi based Design as explained here with previous posts. As we have seen here, this Pi based Design seems to unveil the most profound (hidden) underlying Design of the current times we live in.

Hyper Dimensional Cube timeframe around November 17, 2010 is coming up, a timeframe already identified years ago as one of the major timeframes in the Design of our times. I expect developments in relation to Yellowstone/mount St. Helens ( HD Cube at macro level) as I have already said years ago and I also expect to come with additional information after the 7 days timeframe of creation opens around November 14, 2010.

Another major timeframe is Earth’s recurring orbital position of the Grand cross around June 26. As I have specifically mentioned in advance: around June 26, 2010, June 26, 2011 or June 26, 2012.

Today I had this intuitive thought to consider these 2 major timeframes of around November 17, 2010 and around June 26, 2011 to be the 2 Pi – timeframes based on this very same Pi based Design as first unveiled by Deep Impact / Epoxi.

With these two Pi points the corresponding timeline starts around March 19, 2008, when Arthur C. Clarke has died ( ‘2010 – the year we make contact’ shows up on the timeline for Q3 2010) and this timeline will end around February 24, 2014.

This is based on Pi.

I found it interesting to see Arthur C. Clarke showing up here, because of his ‘contributions’ with the Inter-Dimensional Contact theme, but also because he died at the end of the 911 based Golden Mean time coded spiral 9/11-Madrid Bombings ( another major time coded pattern as unveiled here in the HDDesign material ).

Because of this link with this major Golden Mean time coded spiral I thought to determine both the Phi points too of this timeline, besides the already determined Pi points.

The instant confirmation as required in the ‘research’ instantly showed up: Both the Golden Mean Phi points were marking the same orbital position of Earth as the 2 Pi points: around June 26, 2010 (Grand Cross orbital position) and around November 17, 2011.

Confirmation by Design……..

3 of the 4 Pi & Phi points are in the future: around November 17, 2010, around June 26, 2011 and around November 17, 2011. Only this year’s orbital position of the Grand Cross around June 26, 2010 has already passed.

Let’s see if this timeframe around June 26, 2010 could give some kind of confirmation of this hidden underlying Design as first unveiled by the space mission Deep Impact/ Epoxi.

Fasten your seatbelt

The confirmation is instant and unmistaken……..

Spacecraft Deep Impact / Epoxi fly past Earth for the fifth and last time on its way to the mission's ultimate flyby, a close encounter with comet Hartley 2 in November!!! (Around November 4, 2010).

I recommend keeping an eye on the timeline during the times ahead. HD Tetrahedron around October 21 is coming up, with a possible first indication in relation to Yellowstone/Mount St. Helens, possibly becoming apparent as seismic activities above 60 degrees North latitude as an indication of a Hyper Dimensional ‘inwelling’ ( followed by a possible HD ‘outwelling’ around HD Cube timeframe November 17 at HD Cube location Yellowstone/Mount St. Helens ).

Additional information will probably follow once the anticipated timeframes are open.

Q4 2010 timeline October, November and December 2010

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Q4 2010 timeline October, November and December 2010

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

More than 2 and a half years ago ( March 20, 2008 ) I already posted that we could expect Earth change events to happen around Hyper Dimensional Tetrahedron timeframe around October 20, 2010, that are expressions in relation to the eruption of Mount St Helens and the Sumatra quake/Tsunami.

I wrote:

“It can very well be that we will experience a Hyper Dimensional 'inwelling' at HD Tetrahedron timeframe around October 20, 2010 and a Hyper Dimensional 'outwelling' at HD Cube timeframe around November 16, 2010.

Events to be expected are connected to the massive May 18, 1980 Mount St Helens eruption and the December 26, 2004 Sumatra quake / Tsunami”

Those who have been following this HDDesign material, know that a HD initiated ‘inwelling’ itself could materialize as a ‘seismic mark’ above 60 degrees North latitude and will be followed with the expected Earth change event a few days later.

This possible ‘inwelling marker’ happened on October 23, 2010, within the Hyper Dimensional Tetrahedron timeframe at macrolevel orientation:

I’ve logged in the HDDesign material on October 23, 2010:

“Hyper Dimensional 'inwelling' occurs above 60 degree North latitude

Magnitude mb 4.8


Date time 2010-10-23 20:38:28.9 UTC

Location 63.61 N ; 23.61 W”

According to this HDDesign material, the expected Earth change expressions will follow within the next few days.

Pre-determined, I repeat:

Events to be expected are connected to the massive May 18, 1980 Mount St Helens eruption and the December 26, 2004 Sumatra quake / Tsunami

And that’s exactly what has happened:

Volcano puts Indonesian officials on high alert

Volcano puts Indonesian officials on high alert - CNN.com

7.5-magnitude quake strikes off Indonesian coast

7.5-magnitude quake strikes off Indonesian coast - CNN.com

Death toll from 7.7-magnitude earthquake in Indonesia rises to 40, with at least 380 others missing, officials say.

4 dead, more than 100 missing after Indonesia quake

At least 112 dead, more than 500 missing after Indonesia quake - CNN.com

Mount Merapi’s Swelling Signals Huge Eruption, Scientists Warn

Mount Merapi?s Swelling Signals Huge Eruption, Scientists Warn | The Jakarta Globe

Indonesia's Merapi Volcano Erupts

Indonesia's Merapi Volcano Erupts, At Least 18 Killed - FoxNews.com

At least 112 dead, more than 500 missing after Indonesia quake

At least 112 dead, more than 500 missing after Indonesia quake - CNN.com

Volcano erupts in Indonesia, forcing thousands to flee

Volcano erupts in Indonesia, forcing thousands to flee - CNN.com

According to this HDdesign material, this volcano eruption and the quake/tsunami are only the result of the HD ‘inwelling’, with a potential devastating ‘outwelling’ yet to come, around Hyper Dimensional Cube timeframe at macro level around November 16, 2010.

Keep your eyes at the timeline here

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Q4 2010 timeline October, November and December 2010

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Posts: 313
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

On May 29, 2008 NASA’s Deep Impact / Epoxi spacecraft created a video of the moon transiting ( passing in front of ) Earth as seen from the spacecraft’s point of view. Scientists are using the video to develop techniques to study alien worlds.

"Making a video of Earth from so far away helps the search for other life-bearing planets in the Universe by giving insights into how a distant, Earth-like alien world would appear to us," said University of Maryland astronomer Michael A’Hearn, principal investigator for the Deep Impact extended mission, called EPOXI.

Here we already see this ‘contact’ theme emerging, as will become clearer with the already identified and shared Pi- based expressions in the HDDesign material. As I understand that it’s for most readers a bridge too far to fully comprehend these ‘expressions’ in the right context, I will try to summarize and elaborate on the already posted material.

Deep Impact made history when the mission team directed an impactor from the spacecraft into comet Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005. NASA extended the mission, redirecting the spacecraft for a flyby of comet Hartley 2 on Nov. 4, 2010.

Its beyond the scope of this post to elaborate on the implications of the impact on comet Temple I, in its relation to the Tunguska Events and the use of nuclear weapons, that has already been covered in the HDDesign material.

Around the same time of this Deep Impact/Epoxi –Moon- Earth ( artificial) transit a crop circle appeared in Barbury Castle, expressing Pi rounding up to 10 decimal places.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v117/ ... rlayLo.jpg

mind boggling indeed.

According to the triggerdate system as identified and applied in the HDDesign material ( and in the HDDesign material only), this Deep Impact/Epoxi – Moon – Earth Transit happened exactly at ‘Ascension starttrigger date’ in relation to the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar. Without fully explaining the ‘ascension timeframe’ here, as it is done elsewhere in the HDDesign material, its sufficient to know that the Ascension timeframe is a 3333 days timeframe with a monitored events day in the middle ( end of Mayan calendar ) and a startdate 1666 days earlier ( Deep Impact – Moon Earth Transit).

Keep in mind that all this info initially emerged by intuitive thoughts and syncronicities.

The 3333 days Ascension timeframe and Pi seemed to be connected in the hidden underlying Design of these described events but another ‘confirmation’ really made me alert of the possible profoundness of what was to about to unveil. I decided to devide the ascension timeframe with Pi and it appeared that the outcome was exactly the timeframe between Deep Impact/Epoxi’s impact on comet Temple I and the Deep Impact – Moon- Earth transit: 1060 days, indicating that the latter was intelligently planned to take place at this specific moment in our perception of time, be it consciously or sub-consciously but unveiling the hidden underlying Design nevertheless. Pi in relation to Earth days is the ‘language’ used in the ‘communication’ that is taking place.

As most readers probably know, Deep Impact/Epoxi is heading to a flyby next month with comet Hartley 2 on November 4, 2010. When NASA extended the Epoxi mission, they initially said that the encounter with comet Hartley 2 would take place on October 11, 2010 instead of November 4, 2010. Why is that? What was NASA trying to say by communicating this comet encounter on October 11, 2010 while it would never take place on that day?

The answer is that NASA communicated it this way because its part of the communication that is taking place, consciously or sub-consciously. I intuitively expected a Pi based correlation with our perception of time and that’s exactly what showed up instantly when I gave the timeframes a closer look.

Let me explain

How do you express Pi with 3 events based on our perception of time?

The events are known: Deep impact on comet Temple I on July 4, 2005, de Deep Impact – Moon – Earth transit on May 29, 2008 and the scheduled or communicated comet encounter with Hartley 2 on October 11, 2010.

The timeframe between impact on Temple I and the transit of 1060 days was already identified as Pi based. The ‘hypothetical’ encounter with Hartley 2 had to be scheduled in a way to express Pi. In order to do so we have to split the timeframe between impact on comet Temple I and ‘hypothetical’ encounter with Hartley 2 in 2 timeframes that express Pi, with 1 of them already marked by the Deep Impact –Moon- earth transit ( 1060 days ).

It showed up instantly:

Deep Impact on comet Temple I - ‘hypothetical’ encounter with Hartley 2 = 1925 days

1925 / Pi / Pi = 195 days

1925 minus 195 = 1730 days

1730 / 2 = 865 days, marking Pi

865 + 195 days = 1060 days, marking Pi

865 + 1060 is of course 1925 again.

With the impact on comet Temple I and the Deep Impact/Epoxi – moon- Earth tansit as facts, Pi is only unveiled this way with a hypothetical encounter on October 11, 2010.

An encounter that is expressing Pi in our perception of time that was communicated by NASA but would never take place!

Consider this for a while.

Pi and our perception of time

The example above is applied to 3 events but you can also apply the same Pi based principle on for instance an orbit, as we have seen with the orbit of asteroid Steins, indicating that Steins has an Intelligently Designed orbit.

Steins orbit is 1326,736 Earth days

1326,7 / Pi / Pi = 134.4 Earth days

1327,7 - 134,4 = 1192,3 Earth days

The 2 Pi points are

1192,3 / 2 = 596,2 Days


596,1 +134, 4 = 730,5 Earth days

That’s exactly 2 Earth Years or the same orbital position of Earth.

Or in other words: Earth's orbit is encoded in Steins orbit by Pi

After the flyby of 'asteroid' Steins the Rosetta spacecraft continued its mission and next event on its mission was an Earth flyby on its way towards asteroid Lutetia.

This Earth flyby happened on November 13, 2009 and was the last of 4 planet flyby's of rosetta spacecraft.

The previous flyby ( the third) happened on November 13, 2007!!!!

exactly 2 Earth years!!!!

Rosetta is confirming this Intelligent Pi based correlation between Earth and Stein's orbits right after its encounter with Steins by an Earth Flyby exactly 2 years later than the previous one, exactly the same timeframe as based on the Pi point of Steins' orbit.

This is the same Pi based Design as with the Deep Impact/Epoxi mission and the lunar impact mission, as identified and explained in the HDDesign material with previous posts.

With these 'manmade' events in space as expressed with rosetta spacecraft, we are 'communicating' that the Intelligent correlations with Earth in relation to Steins are understood.

Its so obvious and clear....and its shows up in the HDDesign material just like that, instantly after an initial synchronicity....again showing that 'we' are 'communicating' with our current missions in space based on the same identified Geometry as with the Deep Impact and Lunar Impact missions ( Lunar Impact missions are explained in separate posts ).

Pi and our perception of time

During this predetermined Pi point Steins an intuitive thought made me apply this very Pi based Design on the orbit of Mars’ moon Phobos.

The real orbital period of Phobos is 0,3189102 Earth days

If we apply this Pi based design as determined here in the HDDesign material we get:

0,3189102 x Pi x Pi = Pi.............


...............almost Pi, because Pi / Pi /Pi =0,3183098

This is so very close to expressing Pi, in the very same way as already shown here with the orbit of Steins, Deep Impact comet encounters etc, that it can't be just a coincidence. It shows up just like that after an intuitive thought.

In fact the perfect expression of Pi with the orbit of Phobos is so close that the difference is even less than a minute. 51,87 seconds to be precise, based on currently available info.

It is known that Phobos has an orbital decay. According to a mainstream space agency, the ESA, Phobos was ahead of its predicted position, possibly indicating that Phobos is speading up and together with the orbital decay the orbital period of Phobos is closing in on this Perfect Pi expression rapidly and just less than a minute or perhaps even seconds away.

That means that Phobos is on a countdown

We are still talking about the underlying ‘contact’ theme here, the major theme of the Q3 timeline in the HDdesign material

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - CONTACT ( ENKI thread)

We better get used to the idea.

mainstream, CNN:

'100 percent' life chance on new planet

( yes, the headline on the mainpage of CNN is without the question mark / Dutch )

'100 percent' chance for life on newly found planet? – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Well, well, well..........

Today it's November 1, 2010, and the timeframe around November 4 when spacecraft Deep Impact / epoxi will fly by comet Hartley 2 opens up.

3 days in advance and again something amazing just has happened to me.

I was making fresh orange juice when I got this sudden insight.

If this Pi expression is indeed valid, as explained in the above post, than the moment of the actual flyby with comet Hartley 2 must have been chosen deliberately in order to express the very same pi based Design ( consciously, as a mean to 'communicate' ) or in case the flyby with Hartley 2 wasn't deliberately planned for November 4 and this very same pi based Design shows up indeed, than it would be an unmistaken indication of hidden intelligent design in our reality .

I thought Deep Impact on comet Temple I on July 4, 2005 and the actual flyby of spacecraft Deep Impact/epoxi on November 4, 2010 should express Pi in our perception of time

These are the 2 Pi points on a timeline and I expected that this timeline should give confirmation so I checked it

and guess what.......

July 4, 2005 - November 4, 2010 = 1.949 days

The Pi based design as explained:

1949 x Pi x Pi is total timeline 19.235 days

2 Pi points;

Deep Impact on comet temple I on july 4, 2005 is day 8.643 of this timeline


Deep Impact/ epoxi spacecraft flyby comet Hartley 2 is day 10.592 of this timeline

And with this the confirmation with our perception of time shows up:

This timeline starts on a November 4 ( 1981 ) !!!!!

and ends on a July 4 ( 2035 ) !!!!!!

The very same orbital positions of earth at the beginning and the end of this timeline, marking the very same orbital positions of the 2 Pi points!!!

If you think this is just a coincidence, you have to think again!!
Posts: 313
Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:05 am

Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

When NASA fired a projectile in the nucleus of comet Tempel I on July 4, 2005, it was an event where we passed a red line with. Remember that the material HDDesign already made clear that this event and the decision to use the A-bomb on Nagasaki-Hiroshima, was intelligently marked in our reality with a warning: the Tunguska event on June 30, 1908. Obviously, we need to understand that we have to let go our rigid concept of linear 'time', because this is about intelligent inter-dimensional 'communication'.

After the impact on comet Tempel I the Deep Impact spacecraft got a new mission called epoxy. On its way to comet Hartley 2 there have been an epoxy Transit with the Earth and the Moon, where Pi was expressed with this transit, the impact on comet Temple I and the planned flyby of comet Hartley 2 on Oct. 11, as explained earlier here.

With July 4 2005 as a starting point and October 11, 2010 as the endpoint, Pi is determined precisely at the time of the epoxy-earth-moon transit, while Pi was expressed on earth with a crop circle at the same time. In other words, the planned flyby of Hartley 2 on October 11 is precisely determined in order to be able to express Pi as defined ('inward').

We all know that there hasn’t been a flyby of Hartley 2 on 11 October. The actual flyby was on November 4. Again we see Pi expressed: If July 4, 2005 and the real flyby on November 4, 2010 are considered to be the two Pi points, then the beginning and end of the related timeline is exactly marked on 4 July and November 4, the very same orbital positions of the 2 Pi points.

In this way Pi is expressed ('outside').

In other words, both on October 11, 2010 and November 4, 2010 are determined to intelligently express Pi.

The question is: why did NASA express these Pi correlations with Deep Impact / epoxy space mission?

Is NASA scared of what they found after the impact on comet Tempel I, and is this intelligent "communication" intended to show that NASA indeed made a mistake to impact comet Tempel It? Is this NASA’s effort of communicating an apology? If so, who are they talking to? To intelligence within our own 3D reality or is it an attempt to inter-dimensional communication?

Is it a deliberate action by NASA or just an unconscious action?

In the case of an unconscious action by NASA, the only option remains that these events just reveal the hidden underlying Intelligent Design of our reality, as above so below.

The warning still stands: "stay earthbound and don’t mess with nuclear power."

Since the individual consciousness is able to detect this underlying intelligent design and starts to understand it, it’s also in the hands of each individual to do something with it. We are responsible for transforming the underlying truth to our reality in subtle expressions. The individual consciousness has a positive effect on our reality already by simply recognizing it.

Current scientific knowledge is not enough to describe our reality, this is only possible if the consciousness itself and other dimensional realities are integrated into our scientific thinking. So far we have not. Also, there’s no breakthrough to be expected from the current dogmatic religious movements . It's ultimately not what the Pope says, what Barack is doing or who killed Hariri. The point is that we as individuals can begin to understand that we are part of a multi-dimensional reality, that the evidence of the existence of the intelligent multi-dimensional reality can be identified and understood and that everyone's individual contribution to the collective consciousness is important, especially if it happens with conscious knowledge based on this underlying truth in our reality.

If we depend on others then we are not taking our destiny in our own hands, everyone has their own responsibility in this.
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

This update is about the latest developments in the HDDesign ‘research’.

The Pi-based Design as unveiled here in the HDDesign material, was first identified with the Deep Impact space mission. This very same Pi based Design has unveiled some of the most profound revelations since its discovery, as I‘ve shown you here in previous posts.

The first identified element of hidden underlying Design was the Platonic Solid based Hyper Dimensional Tetrahedron, firmly marked in our reality by 9/11 and the Madrid bombings.

These 2 major described elements of hidden underlying Intelligent Design ( Pi-based Design and HD Tetrahedron ) should confirm each other “as above – so below”, so I thought 9/11 and the Madrid bombings should be the 2 Pi points on a timeline that should express some kind of a confirmation in the Design.

This timeline is exactly 9000 Earth days and the timeframe from the beginning of the timeline until 9/11 and the timeframe from the Madrid bombings until the end of the timeline ( which is the same timeframe in duration ) is both 4044 days, or exactly 18 Venus years in Earth days. Earth's 'evil' twin Venus is marking the beginning ,the end and the 2 Pi points so again we see this very same Pi based design confirmed!

At this point I became very curious about the actual start date of this timeline, because it should give another indication of the inter-dimensional ‘communication’ that is taking place.

The start date is August 16, 1990 and the ´confirmation´ is ´as above, so below:

Asteroid 7015 Schopenhauer was discovered, named after German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. This opens up a completely new field of study within the HDDesign ‘research’. From what I’ve read so far, Schopenhauer has had some very interesting points of view and his insights will be put in perspective of the implications of this HDdesign ‘research’ in a separate thread in the ‘spiritual’ section of the HDDesign material. ( this will be an ongoing process, to continue next year and beyond. It requires serious investigation of Schopenhauer’s work first. Contributions from those familiar with Schopenhauer are very welcome, please post it on this specific thread at the HDDesign forum ).

Read more about Schopenhauer´s philosophy here: Arthur Schopenhauer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The timeframe around HD Cube November 17, 2010 was predetermined years ago and had to do with a possible Earth change event as hidden underlying theme, possibly related to Yellowstone. When this timeframe was determined years ago, I noticed a rather personal confirmation of significance of this timeframe and this significance becomes clear with a personal sudden insight during this HD Cube timeframe. In the early afternoon of November 16 I had this sudden intuitive thought while at work. I had to think about Venus and Pi points and as I've already outlined before, the December 26, 2004 9+ Sumatra Quake / Tsunami took place with Venus at the same orbital position as during the end of the Mayan long Count on December 23, 2012: 13 Venus years in earth days or a similar timeframe as in between the 2 Venus Transits of our times in June 2004 and 2012.

I thought the Sumatra Quake and the end of the Mayan Calendar should be the 2 Pi points on a timeline ( equally as described above here ), because that is the major underlying Intelligent Design of the 'inter-dimensional communication' that is taking place. And indeed at the start of this timeline one of the 2 major underlying themes of the Design of our times shows up, as I have said numerous times before: Stay out of Space / remain Earthbound and don’t mess with nuclear power!!!!

At the start of this timelines Neil Armstrong took his historic first steps on the Moon!!!!!!!!( July 20, 1969 ) The Apollo 11 space flight landed the first humans on Earth's Moon on July 20, 1969. The mission, carried out by the United States, is considered a major accomplishment in the history of exploration.

Apollo 11 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

remember that these 'insights' show up just like that, out of nowhere.

Wouldn't you agree that if the very same Design is applied on these 2 Venus Transits of our times and some kind of a confirmation would show up, that it would be an unmistaken indication that we are dealing here with the most fundamental truth?

At the start of this timeline, with these 2 Venus Transits as Pi points, Apollo 8 landed on Earth!!!!!( December 27, 1968!!!!) . Apollo 8 was the first human spaceflight to leave Earth orbit; the first to be captured by and escape from the gravitational field of another celestial body; and the first crewed voyage to return to planet Earth from another celestial body – Earth's Moon.

During the HD Cube timeframe around November 17 , 2010 I expected seismic activity at Yellowstone as a confirmation of the hidden underlying theme, which materialised with an Earthquake swarm at Yellowstone of 17 small Earthquakes during this timeframe. Its not the first time that such a swarm at Yellowstone shows up as confirmation of the hidden underlying Design. During the space probe Deep Impact Earth flyby around December 28, 2008 a similar swarm occurred, after I had outlined the hidden underlying Design. You can review it here and the posts that follow ( login ‘reader’ password ‘reader’): Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - timeline Q4, 2008 Oct - Nov - Dec

As I have said before, the eruption of Yellowstone is potentially there, but she doesn’t have to blow with full force. Like I said it depends on how we will deal with the given warnings, “stay out of space / remain Earthbound and don’t mess with nuclear power”.

I have said numerous times before that the biggest threat of an evolving war scenario with a possible expression of the nuclear theme comes from the assassination of Rafik Hariri, followed by a US-Korean and or China-Taiwan (US) conflict. Both are monitored in separate threads. The Hariri situation is very tense and is about to explode in the middle East while the Koreans are at a brink of war.

A few days after the HD Cube Venus crossed the Transit lines ( of the Venus Transits of our times ) , around November 22, 2012 ( I added JFK to this date back in 2009 already ).

While it was Neil Armstrong himself who was lecturing here in Amsterdam during the HD Cube timeframe, saying that we should go to Mars ( which I totally disagree with of course ), it was NASA’s Mars Rover Opportunity that visited and photographed two craters informally named for the spacecraft that carried men to the moon, Apollo 12, the second mission to put humans onto the Moon. This timeframe also sowed the expected JFK expressions: After mostly avoiding the spotlight for decades, many of the former U.S. Secret Service agents who were assigned to protect President John F. Kennedy are now offering their accounts of the day he was assassinated, 47 years ago. Also, the news emerged that Leonardo DiCaprio is going to make a movie about the JFK assassination, Leonardo was on board a plane bound for Moscow that had to make an emergency landing at JFK airport shortly after leaving New York.

The Venus Transit of June 8, 2004 showed the ‘passing the Torch ritual’ ( Goro ) from Reagan to Schwarzenegger as expression of the hidden underlying theme "Once and future Kings". This Venus crossing also showed such an expression: polls indicated that the Brits want William to leapfrog Charles as king .

Another “Once and future King” was resurrected during this crossing ( how convenient ): a giant Jesus statue was unveiled in Poland. If I follow my intuition on this ( basically everything in this HDDesign material is initially based on intuition first ), this could symbolise an expected ‘as above – so below’ development on the patterns ahead, ‘above’ as a comet and below as opportunities for consciousness / spiritual growth. More on this will be posted in the dedicated thread about the spiritual implications of this HDdesign material ( and Schopenhauer etc.).

The timelines until the end of 2012 are already opened in the HDDesign material. I will continue to use these timelines ( When ) in combination with dedicated threads ( What ).

Take care,


Hyper Dimensional Design

( login “reader”, password “reader” )

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Pi point on the orbit of 'Deep Impact' comet Tempel 1 is at 1111 days, the awakenings timeframe in HDDesign

more on this later
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

December 20-21, 2010 - Total Lunar Eclipse

When intuition speaks..........

please make sure that you've read these 4 posts from the 'Contact ( Enki thread) ' starting here ( you can login as user 'reader' with password 'reader'):

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - CONTACT ( ENKI thread)

It's essential that you understand the significance of this Pi based Design as explained here in these 4 posts.

I have put this total lunar eclipse on the timeline for 3 reasons. First its marking the end of the Mayan Long Count, second its an Earth-Moon eclipse, in a sense comparable with the Deep Impact - Earth- Moon ( 'artificial') transit that first unveiled this Pi based Design in relation to the impact on comet Tempel 1 ( first Temple) and comet Hartley 2 fly by.

The third reason is that it marks the end of the Mayan Long Count with exactly 2 Earth years, the same timeframe that unveiled this very same Pi connection in asteroid Steins' orbit in relation to our perception of time, indication that the orbit of Steins is Intelligently determined.

With this on my mind I thougt the Total Lunar eclipse of December 20-21, 2010 should be the first Pi point ( 2 in total ) of a timeframe that will end at the end of the Mayan Long count and that started as a result around May 4, 2009, corresponding with a full orbit of Steins. ( second Pi point is around May 4, 2011 )

I decided to look for confirmation around May 4, 2009

May 3, 2009

2009 HC82: A Burnt-Out, Eccentric and Backward Near-Earth Asteroid

The Solar System often throws up surprises for astronomers, but the recent discovery of a 2- to 3-km wide asteroid called 2009 HC82 has sent observers in a spin. A retrograde spin to be precise.

This particular near-Earth asteroid (NEO) should have already been spotted as it has such a strange orbit. It is highly inclined, making it orbit the Sun backwards (when compared with the rest of the Solar System‘s planetary bodies) every 3.39 years. What’s more, it ventures uncomfortably close (3.5 million km) to the Earth, making this NEO a potentially deadly lump of rock…

2009 HC82 was discovered on April 29th by the highly successful Catalina Sky Survey, and after independent observations by five different groups, it was determined that the asteroid has an orbit of 3.39 years and that its orbit is very inclined. So inclined in fact that the asteroid’s orbit takes it well out of the Solar System ecliptic at an angle of 155°. Inclined orbits aren’t rare in themselves, but if you find an asteroid with an inclination of more than 90°, you are seeing a very rare type of object: a retrograde asteroid.

2009 HC82 is therefore not only rare, it is also very strange. It orbits the Sun the wrong way (therefore making it very inclined), it is a potentially hazardous NEO (it is smaller than the 10 km asteroid that is attributed to wiping out the dinosaurs, but it would cause significant devastation on a global scale if it did hit us) and it is very eccentric.

All these orbital components have led to speculation that 2009 HC82 is in fact a “burnt out” comet. Comets originate from the Oort Cloud, a theoretical region cometary nuclei that occasionally gets nudged by gravitational disturbances when stars pass by. The Oort Cloud is not restricted to a belt along the ecliptic (like the asteroid belt or the Kuiper belt), it encapsulates our Solar System. Therefore, this may explain 2009 HC82′s bizarre trajectory; it was a comet, but all the ice has vaporized, leaving a rocky core to fling around the Sun on a death-defying orbit, buzzing the inner Solar System.

Brian Marsden of the Minor Planet Center agrees that some retrograde asteroids could be burnt-out comets. The size and shape of the new asteroid’s orbit “is very like Encke’s comet ( Enki/Dutch) except for inclination,” he said, but the only difference is the fact that 2009 HC82 has no cometary tail.

More observations are needed before a definitive conclusion can be made, but Marsden is confused as to why this object has not been discovered before now. “It should have been easily observable in 2000,” says Marsden. “Why wasn’t it seen then?”

It is hoped further investigation may answer this question…

link: 2009 HC82: A Burnt-Out, Eccentric and Backward Near-Earth Asteroid

I have already said that Pi point on the orbit of 'Deep Impact' comet Tempel 1 is at 1111 days, the awakenings timeframe in HDDesign

( Deep Impact on comet Temple 1 was part of the first discovery of this Pi based Design!!!)

If 2009 HC82 is the expected confirmation, than this very same Pi based Design must be written all over it.

The orbit of 2009 HC82 is 3.39 * 365,25 = 1238,2 days

Applying this Pi based Design on the orbit gives 2 Pi points:

The first Pi point: 556 days !!!!!

Determining the very heart of the 1111 days awakenings timeframe, the very first identified element of Hyper Dimensinal Design which was discovered back in 2004 and is also the base of the intelligent correlations between the orbits of the innerplanets. ( 555 days + monitored eventsday + 555 days = 1111 days )

If this is valid, I thought the 'outward' application of this very same Pi based Design should confirm this 1111 days awakenings timeframe too.

fasten your seatbelt:

Orbit 2009 HC82 * Pi * Pi = 1238,2 * Pi * Pi = 12.221 days

or exactly 11 * 1111

Awakening in optima forma.

2009 HC82 was discovered on April 29, 2009, putting the first Pi point around November 6, 2010 and the confirmation is 'in the face':

its the timeframe of the comet Hartley flyby, the comet that first unveiled this very same Pi based Design!!!!!!!!

Second Pi point is around March 12, 2011, which is a Hyper Dimensional Tetrahedron key date at macrolevel orientation ( think 9/11 - madrid bombings). This date will be put on the timeline Q1 2011 and will be carefully monitored. The first full orbit after discovery of 2009 HC82 will be around September 18, 2012 and will also be mentioned on the timeline.

Second Pi point 'Steins' is around May 4, 2011 as explained above and will also be mentioned on the timelines.

I consider these timeframes to be very significant.
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

I thought I had nothing else to mention at this moment, but this morning I wanted to find out more about the perihelion of comet 2009 HC82. I found the date of the expected perihelion and I just put it on the timeline this morning in order to log the date. I had no additional info when I logged it on the timeline Q4, 2012

new date added:

November 10, 2012 - expected return at perihelion of comet 'Awakening in optima forma' 2009 HC82 ( expressing Pi-based awakeningstimeframe 'inwards' aswel as 'outwards'.)

later this morning the significance already became clear:

Oh yes, synchronicity.......

After I posted the above today December 30, 2010, about the expected return at perihelion of comet 2009 HC82, I thought to give the 2 Pi points a closer look, based on the very same Pi based Design as unveiled here in the HDDesign material. I mean the 2 Pi points on the current orbit of 2009 HC82 that will reach a full orbit on November 10, 2012.

Orbit of 2009 HC82 is 3.39 * 365.25 = 1238,2 days

Pi points are ( as already determined ) at 556 days ( awakening starttirigger date ) and 681 days.

556 days prior to November 10, 2012 gives May 4, 2011 !!!!, a date already identified in my previous post here as very significant in relation to this very same comet 2009 HC82:

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - CONTACT ( ENKI thread)

May 4, 2011, was already metioned on the timeline Q2 2011 as second Pi point Steins, directly connected to the identification of comet 2009 HC82 as part of the 'communication' and the discovery of the Pi based Design in the orbit of this comet in relation to the awakeningstimeframe.

Awakening in Optima Forma

So the orbit of 2009 HC82 is again confirming this very same Design, now when looked at it from the expected perihelion date!!!!!

The second Pi point is at 681 days prior to November 10, 2012:

December 30, 2010!!

That's today, the dicovery of this specific underlying Design!!!!

This is so profound.......

I recommend to follow the postings on the timelines regularly.

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View Forum - Main HDDesign Forum

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

I cannot emphasize enough that this current timeframe is strongly connected to the Deep Impact / Epoxi spacemission itself.

The Pi based Design as described here in the HDDesign material was first unveiled by this very same spacemission Deep Impact / Epoxi on its way from Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 ('first tempel') to its scheduled encounter with comet Hartley 2, expressing Pi during the 'artificial' Earth- Moon - Epoxi Transit.

This specific Pi based Design has unveiled some profound intelligent correlations since its discovery, as has been shown here in the HDDesign material. These correlations show up out of the blue after an initial intuitive thought or synchronicity.

The Deep Impact / Epoxi spacemission flew past Earth on December 31, 2007 for a gravity assist, creating a Hyper Dimensional Tetrahedron with the impact on comet Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005. This flyby was followed by a second flyby during the same timeframe in 2008 and even followed by a third flyby during this same timeframe last year

This year during the same timeframe the intuitive thought comes through to give a closer look to the orbit of comet 2009 HC82. As seen from the next expected perihelion date of this comet, the 2 Pi points of the current orbit were determined ( based on this very same Pi Design).

As an unmistaken confirmation 2 dates showed up: may 4, 2011 which was already determined ( see explanation in previous post ) and the same date of the discovery itself: December 30, 2010!!!!

That means that the revelations in this HDDesign material are as much part of the 'communication' that is taking place as the identified intelligent correlations themselves.

When I talk about 2009 HC82, I talk about 'awakening in optima forma'

and this will become more clear during the given future timeframes.
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Part 1

I want to start this update with a resume written on March 26, 2010:


Is it perhaps possible that the visionaries and profets of ancient times 'saw' our current times and translated them into understandable language of the ancient times, so that we in fact are creating the myths of our past?

After I had discovered the 1111 days awakenings timeframe encoded with the Pi based Design in the orbit of comet Tempel 1, and its esoteric/religious implications as the First Tempel, I wanted to give it a closer look. As usual, I just followed the synchronicities when they occurred and I logged it real-time on HDDesign forum in between my normal daily activities.

I took a look again at Comet Temple 1 ( First Temple).

Freed from the 3 ( or 4) dimensional boundaries of time and tuned in on our collective consciousness, these visionaries of our ancient past would understand this to be a snake in the heavens.

Serpent (symbolism)


As above, so below

Where there's a First Tempel, there must be a Second Tempel.....and here it is:

The Second Temple was discovered with Earth at the very same orbital position as the 'destruction' of the First Temple

July 4

10P/Tempel, also known as Tempel 2, is a periodic comet in our solar system

Discovery date: July 4, 1873

10P/Tempel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Last perihelion of comet Tempel 2 : February 15, 2005


Next perihelion: July 4, 2010


Of course July 4, 2010 has been added to the timeline of Q3 2010 for the Second Tempel but also this date on the timeline for Q1 2011 for the First Tempel:

January 11, 2011 - Next Perihelion comet Temple 1 ( first Tempel), exactly 1 Temple 1- year in Earth days after Deep Impact.

Indeed: Deep Impact was on the last Perihelion (closest point to the sun on the orbit of comet Tempel 1 ) on July 4, 2005

comet Tempel 1:

Last perihelion: July 5, 2005

Next perihelion: January 11, 2011

The Temple in Jerusalem or Holy Temple ( "House of the Holy"), refers to one of a series of structures located on the Temple Mount in the old city of Jerusalem. Historically, two temples stood at this location and functioned as the centre of ancient Jewish worship. According to classical Jewish belief, the Temple acted as the figurative "footstool" of God's presence and a Third Temple will be built there in the future.

Temple in Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As above - so below.....

Take the synchronicities serious.......

Let's place the second Tempel upon the first one.....

Let's do it

As above, so below

The Second Tempel is 'build/placed upon the First Tempel'

The very same Pi based Design as shown in the previous posts is applied and the Deep Impact on July 4, 2005 is on the first Pi point.

The orbit of this 'rebuild Second Tempel' unveils the encoded 'communication'.

Start: around February 1, 2003

First Pi Point: around July 4, 2005 Deep Impact on comet Tempel I

Second Pi point: around January 17, 2006

End: around June 20, 2008

As above, so Below....

On February 1, 2003 manmade Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates during re-entry

Around January 17, 2006: NASA's Stardust mission successfully ends, the first to return dust from a comet. The sample material capsule from Stardust returned to Earth on January 15, 2006 in Utah's Great Salt Lake desert, near the U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground. ( Dugway Proving Ground is called "Area 52" ).

The importance of this system of timelines in the HDDesign material becomes more and more clear:

June 20, 2008 was on the timeline of Q2 2008 and it was already identified as a 'Deep Impact' timeframe.

Take a look at that timeframe again:

June 20, 2008 - Mercury 'the Messenger' at same 'geometrical' position as during the awakenings endtriggerdate of 'Deep Impact'.

possibly 'exit of Sun King' theme related


Mercury 'The Messenger' at same position as during the awakenings endtriggerdate of the end of the Mayan Calendar.

Meteorite could hold solar clues

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Meteorite could hold solar clues

Surprisingly Rapid Changes In Earth’s Core Discovered

Surprisingly Rapid Changes In Earth’s Core Discovered

Mars lander finds bits of ice, scientists say

http://edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/ ... index.html

Proof! Water Ice Found on Mars

Proof! Water Ice Found on Mars | Space.com

Pentagon says its on trail of missing nuclear components

Yahoo! News

US taps Lithuania as alternative to Poland for missile shield plan

Yahoo! News

U.S. says exercise by Israel seemed directed at Iran

http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/06/20/ ... 20iran.php

The mystery story of the Maya slowly reveals new twists

The mystery story of the Maya slowly reveals new twists - USATODAY.com

Life in Earth's toughest places; how about Mars?

http://edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/ ... index.html

Ice on Mars an important breakthrough

Ice on Mars an important breakthrough - Telegraph

since we are talking about Mars here apparently: Nagasaki & Deep Impact, its all here:

Mars' two-faced riddle 'solved' BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Mars' two-faced riddle 'solved'

Mars lander finds soil 'friendly' to life

http://edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/ ... index.html

Martian soil appears able to support life

Martian soil appears able to support life | Reuters

Will religion end on Mars?

Will religion end on Mars? - The Economic Times

Will NASA Ever Find Life on Mars?

Will NASA Ever Find Life on Mars? | Space.com

Cosmic dust brought to Earth artificially......life on Mars.....Deep Impact on Comet tempel I ......disintegration of Space Shuttle Columbia....

There's a story being told here

Stardust in relation to the First and Second Tempel.....

As Above, so below......

After Stardust released its capsule with cosmic dust to Earth, its mission officially ended.

But Stardust was still in space and with Earth at the same orbital position again as during Deep Impact on the First Tempel, another mission was approved for Stardust:

On July 3, 2007 a second mission for Stardust was approved to revisit the comet Tempel 1!!!!!!!!

In July 3, 2007 this extended mission was approved, under the designation of New Exploration of Tempel 1 (NExT). This investigation will provide the first look at the changes to a comet nucleus produced after its close approach to the sun. NExT also will extend the mapping of Tempel 1, making it the most mapped comet nucleus to date. This mapping will help address the major questions of comet nucleus "geology" raised by images of areas where it appears material might have flowed like a liquid or powder. NExT is scheduled to fly by Tempel 1 on February 14, 2011.


Stardust visiting the First Tempel on a February 14??

And here we see the 'confirmation' with the Second Tempel showing up.

February 14 is Earth's very same orbital position as during the Last perihelion of comet Tempel 2 : February 15, 2005 ( Hariri )

And as we've already seen: Tempel 2 with its next perihelion on July 4, 2010, on Earth's very same orbital position as during Deep Impact on Tempel 1

The hidden underlying Design should be evident to everyone
Posts: 313
Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:05 am

Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Part 2

So Stardust is going to visit comet Tempel 1

Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005

Stardust released a sample material capsule on January 15, 2006. It was the first sample return mission to collect cosmic dust and return the sample to Earth.

This second mission for Stardust was approved on July 3, 2007, with Earth at same orbital position as during Deep Impact on comet tempel 1.

I hope its about clear that this specific Pi based Design as determined in this HDDesign 'research' ,was first unveiled with the Deep Impact/Epoxi - Earth - Moon Transit on May 29, 2008 , in relation to Deep Impact and the scheduled/communicated comet encounter with Hartley 2 on October 11, 2010. ( see explanations )

With this specific Pi based Design 2 Pi points are determined on a timeframe, unveiling profound correlations ever since its discovery.

I thought Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 and Stardust MUST give confirmation of this underlying Design

July 4, 2005 ( Deep Imapct Tempel 1) and January 15, 2006 ( Stardust ) are 195 days apart. When considered to be the 2 Pi points, then the timeline is 1925 days and will end on............MAY 29, 2008!!!!!!

The day of the Deep Impact - Earth - Moon transit that first unveiled this specific Pi- based design!!!!!

That was back in time, let's try forward

the 2 Pi points on a timeline of 1925 days that starts on May 29, 2008 are on day 865 and 1060, the first is ..........

the scheduled/communicated comet encounter with Hartley 2 on October 11, 2010!!!!!!! , unveiling this very same Pi-based Design for the first time.

The second Pi point is around April 24, 2011 and will be put on the timeline Q2, 2011

Now back to the timeline of Q1 2011

On March 26, 2010 I’ve added to the timeline of Q1 2011:

“January 11, 2011 - Next Perihelion comet Temple 1 ( first Tempel), exactly 1 Temple 1- year in Earth days after Deep Impact.

Indeed: Deep Impact was on the last Perihelion (closest point to the sun on its orbit ) on July 4, 2005”

On December 2 last year I have added to this timeframe around January 11, 2011 :

as above - so below

Comet Tempel 1 and 10P/Tempel 2

Last perihelion Tempel 1: July 5, 2005 , Deep impact on comet Tempel 1

Last perihelion Tempel 2 : February 15, 2005 , assassination of Rafik Hariri

Next perihelion Tempel 2: July 4, 2010 , Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadl-Allāh from Lebanon died

Fadlallah was sometimes called the "spiritual mentor" of Hezbollah in the media, although this was disputed by other sources. He was also the target of several assassination attempts, including a car bombing in Beirut in 1985.

As one of the alleged leaders of Hezbollah, a status both he and the group denied he was the target of several assassination attempts, including the allegedly CIA-sponsored and funded March 8, 1985 Beirut car bombing that killed 80 people.

According to Bob Woodward, CIA director William Casey was involved in the attack, which he suggests was carried out with funding from Saudi Arabia.

Shines a light on the assassination of Rafik Hariri.

Shines a light on the assassination of Rafik Hariri………………


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Ban reiterates support for UN-backed tribunal during meeting with Lebanese leader

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OfficialWire: Hariri Probe Holding Fire, Syria Says

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gulftoday.ae | Hariri seeks UN help to check Israel

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BBC News - Hezbollah and allies topple Lebanese unity government

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DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

The March 8 coalition is set to topple Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s national unity Cabinet

Read more: The Daily Star - Politics - March 8 set to topple Hariri's Cabinet

(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: Lebanon News :: Middle East News :: The Daily Star - Lebanon)

Hezbollah and allies topple Lebanese unity government

BBC News - Hezbollah and allies topple Lebanese unity government

Obama administration proposes in abstentia trial for Hizballah

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

I have said it numerous times over the last couple of years, the assassination of Rafik Hariri is to be considered the initial trigger in a possible evolving war scenario, followed by a possible US (South Korea) – North Korea and/or China-Taiwan (US) conflict.

Potentially, so we are still able to eventually create a subtle outcome, depending on the state of our ( collective ) consciousness and our commitment to get involved one way or another with the subjects at hand.

The future key-dates are already mentioned on the timelines posted on the main forum of the HDDesign forum here ( which is basically a log of real-time findings of the HDDesign ‘research’):

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View Forum - Main HDDesign Forum
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

As most readers will recall, I have outlined in previous posts that the real orbital period of Mars’ moon Phobos is on an orbital countdown towards 1/Pi as expressed in Earth time, currently only seconds away from this marker but within reach of Phobos soon with its orbital decay and, according to ESA, possibly increasing speed. We talk about less than 1 minute based on available data. I’m very curious about the current orbital characteristics of Phobos, which should be available after these resent flybys with Mars Express.

Right after I posted this revelation about Phobos, someone said to me that it’s just a coincidence that Phobos will express 1/Pi in Earth time and he asked why I didn’t look at Deimos? I had to think about that and I got the very strong ‘feeling ‘ that if it is indeed valid what I’m saying about Phobos, than it should indeed be confirmed by Deimos, in a very precise way.

I decided to give it a look. First step was to collect the real orbital periods so I made this little list, all in Earth days:

Earth: 365,256363

Mars: 686,971

Deimos: 1,26244

Phobos at expected 1/Pi marker: 0,3183099

Pi: 3,141592654

Golden Mean Phi: 2,61803399

I couldn’t wrap my mind around it and I didn’t see how Deimos could possibly confirm this Pi connection between Phobos and Earth. I had to let it rest because in this HDDesign ‘research’ validity comes with instant confirmation after a synchronicity or intuitive thought.

I had to wait until such a synchronicity would occur. For weeks this little list was in a pile of papers on my desk at work, until yesterday………..

The synchronicity occurred yesterday at work. My colleague was on the phone with someone and he was obviously talking about another guy when he said that he thought the guy was a little bit ‘lost’, that it looked as if this guy was not here with his mind, but somewhere between the Moon and Mars.

Between the Moon and Mars……..for me these words struck me like lightening. I instantly knew that this was the synchronicity that would give the confirmation I needed and it gave me the chills. I immediately opened my browser, searched for ‘Phobos orbital characteristics’, took the first link and there it was on top:

Periapsis 5,738.7 mi.

The point of closest approach, the point at which two bodies are the closest, is called the periapsis. This distance between Phobos and Mars is 5,738.7 miles.

Within seconds I found my little list in the pile of papers and within another few seconds the confirmation unfolded right before my eyes:

I divided this number by Pi like I did with Phobos and recognized the number instantly: I thought it was exactly 5 Earth years!! I decided to check with the calculator and found out that it wasn’t exactly 5 Earth Years but that there was a little discrepancy of………exactly 1 orbital period of Deimos!!!!

Look how beautiful it is:

5 Earth Years:

5 times 365,256363 = 1826,281815

5 Earth years times Pi:

1826,281815 * 3,141592654 = 5737,433533

5 Earth years times Pi + Deimos:

5737,433533 + 1,26244 = 5738.6959 = 5738.7 = Periapsis Phobos


Deimos is indeed confirming this Pi based Design!!!!!!

In very precise numbers

I, for one, was flabbergasted

I took a look at my little note again and my eyes read them one by one:

Earth, Mars, Phobos, Deimos and Pi…………perfectly expressing this Pi based Design..

My eyes rested at the last number on my little list, the Golden Mean Phi……

Wait a minute…..this is so profound……if even the Golden Mean would confirm this Design than it would convince even the most rigid minds on Earth!!!

5 Earth Years times Pi / Golden Mean Phi is exactly 6 Earth years ( these harmonic correlations are valid for every 5 full orbits )

5 * 3.141592654 / 2.61803399 = exactly 6

Confirmation by Design

What does it all mean?

Either Alfred is indeed right with his paying dice ("I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice."/Albert Einstein ) or Phobos and Deimos are put somehow in their unmistaken Intelligently Designed orbits around Mars, with the specific purpose for us Earthlings to discover this, probably at a specific moment in our perception of time…….for yet unknown specific reasons.

Because that’s what is happening here………

Stay tuned……

Hyper Dimensional Design

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

On the timeline Q1, 2011 for Hyper Dimensional Tetrahedron timeframe around March 11:

Dutch wrote: December 20-21, 2010 - Total Lunar Eclipse

When intuition speaks..........

please make sure that you've read these 4 posts from the 'Contact ( Enki thread) ' starting here ( you can login as user 'reader' with password 'reader'):

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - CONTACT ( ENKI thread)

It's essential that you understand the significance of this Pi based Design as explained here in these 4 posts.

I have put this total lunar eclipse on the timeline for 3 reasons. First its marking the end of the Mayan Long Count, second its an Earth-Moon eclipse, in a sense comparable with the Deep Impact - Earth- Moon ( 'artificial') transit that first unveiled this Pi based Design in relation to the impact on comet Tempel 1 ( first Temple) and comet Hartley 2 fly by.

The third reason is that it marks the end of the Mayan Long Count with exactly 2 Earth years, the same timeframe that unveiled this very same Pi connection in asteroid Steins' orbit in relation to our perception of time, indication that the orbit of Steins is Intelligently determined.

With this on my mind I thougt the Total Lunar eclipse of December 20-21, 2010 should be the first Pi point ( 2 in total ) of a timeframe that will end at the end of the Mayan Long count and that started as a result around May 4, 2009, corresponding with a full orbit of Steins. ( second Pi point is around May 4, 2011 )

I decided to look for confirmation around May 4, 2009

May 3, 2009

2009 HC82: A Burnt-Out, Eccentric and Backward Near-Earth Asteroid

The Solar System often throws up surprises for astronomers, but the recent discovery of a 2- to 3-km wide asteroid called 2009 HC82 has sent observers in a spin. A retrograde spin to be precise.

This particular near-Earth asteroid (NEO) should have already been spotted as it has such a strange orbit. It is highly inclined, making it orbit the Sun backwards (when compared with the rest of the Solar System‘s planetary bodies) every 3.39 years. What’s more, it ventures uncomfortably close (3.5 million km) to the Earth, making this NEO a potentially deadly lump of rock…

2009 HC82 was discovered on April 29th by the highly successful Catalina Sky Survey, and after independent observations by five different groups, it was determined that the asteroid has an orbit of 3.39 years and that its orbit is very inclined. So inclined in fact that the asteroid’s orbit takes it well out of the Solar System ecliptic at an angle of 155°. Inclined orbits aren’t rare in themselves, but if you find an asteroid with an inclination of more than 90°, you are seeing a very rare type of object: a retrograde asteroid.

2009 HC82 is therefore not only rare, it is also very strange. It orbits the Sun the wrong way (therefore making it very inclined), it is a potentially hazardous NEO (it is smaller than the 10 km asteroid that is attributed to wiping out the dinosaurs, but it would cause significant devastation on a global scale if it did hit us) and it is very eccentric.

All these orbital components have led to speculation that 2009 HC82 is in fact a “burnt out” comet. Comets originate from the Oort Cloud, a theoretical region cometary nuclei that occasionally gets nudged by gravitational disturbances when stars pass by. The Oort Cloud is not restricted to a belt along the ecliptic (like the asteroid belt or the Kuiper belt), it encapsulates our Solar System. Therefore, this may explain 2009 HC82′s bizarre trajectory; it was a comet, but all the ice has vaporized, leaving a rocky core to fling around the Sun on a death-defying orbit, buzzing the inner Solar System.

Brian Marsden of the Minor Planet Center agrees that some retrograde asteroids could be burnt-out comets. The size and shape of the new asteroid’s orbit “is very like Encke’s comet ( Enki/Dutch) except for inclination,” he said, but the only difference is the fact that 2009 HC82 has no cometary tail.

More observations are needed before a definitive conclusion can be made, but Marsden is confused as to why this object has not been discovered before now. “It should have been easily observable in 2000,” says Marsden. “Why wasn’t it seen then?”

It is hoped further investigation may answer this question…

link: 2009 HC82: A Burnt-Out, Eccentric and Backward Near-Earth Asteroid

I have already said that Pi point on the orbit of 'Deep Impact' comet Tempel 1 is at 1111 days, the awakenings timeframe in HDDesign

( Deep Impact on comet Temple 1 was part of the first discovery of this Pi based Design!!!)

If 2009 HC82 is the expected confirmation, than this very same Pi based Design must be written all over it.

The orbit of 2009 HC82 is 3.39 * 365,25 = 1238,2 days

Applying this Pi based Design on the orbit gives 2 Pi points:

The first Pi point: 556 days !!!!!

Determining the very heart of the 1111 days awakenings timeframe, the very first identified element of Hyper Dimensinal Design which was discovered back in 2004 and is also the base of the intelligent correlations between the orbits of the innerplanets. ( 555 days + monitored eventsday + 555 days = 1111 days )

If this is valid, I thought the 'outward' application of this very same Pi based Design should confirm this 1111 days awakenings timeframe too.

fasten your seatbelt:

Orbit 2009 HC82 * Pi * Pi = 1238,2 * Pi * Pi = 12.221 days

or exactly 11 * 1111

Awakening in optima forma.

2009 HC82 was discovered on April 29, 2009, putting the first Pi point around November 6, 2010 and the confirmation is 'in the face':

its the timeframe of the comet Hartley flyby, the comet that first unveiled this very same Pi based Design!!!!!!!!

Second Pi point is around March 12, 2011, which is a Hyper Dimensional Tetrahedron key date at macrolevel orientation ( think 9/11 - madrid bombings). This date will be put on the timeline Q1 2011 and will be carefully monitored. The first full orbit after discovery of 2009 HC82 will be around September 18, 2012 and will also be mentioned on the timeline.

Second Pi point 'Steins' is around May 4, 2011 as explained above and will also be mentioned on the timelines.

I consider these timeframes to be very significant.

The timeframe is open.

Major Solar Flare Erupts

Major Solar Flare Erupts, May Make Auroras Visible in Northern U.S. - Yahoo! News

Massive quake hits Japan

Deaths, tsunamis feared as massive quake hits Japan - CNN.com

China quake kills at least 25

China quake kills at least 25 - CNN.com

Tsunami hits north-eastern Japan after massive quake

BBC News - Tsunami hits north-eastern Japan after massive quake

Utility reports fire at nuclear power plant in north Japan

Utility reports fire at power plant in north Japan | AP | 03/11/2011

and the confirmation is by Design!

Remember this Pi based design in the HDDesign 'research' was first unveiled with the spacecraft Deep Impact - Earth - Moon transit on May 29, 2008 as you can read in the given link above.

timeframe December 26, 2004 9+ Sumatra Quake Tsunami - todays 8.9 Japan quake tsunami = 2267 days

Pi point as explained

2267 /pi /pi = 230

2267 - 230 = 2037

Pi points =>

first: 2037 / 2 = 1018

second: 2267 - 1018 = 1249

1249 days after December 26, 2004 Sumatra Quake Tsunami:

Deep Impact/Epoxi - Earth - Moon transit timeframe May 28, 2008 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again confirming with this Pi based in HDDesign 'research' only

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Well, well, well…….

This specific Pi-based Design as described here in this HDdesign material is continuing to unveil the most profound hidden underlying Design for the times we live in.

“as above – so below”

With Phobos and Deimos confirming this Pi based design in relation to our perspective of time, you might expect that this confirmation will show up again in relation to other current events.

We have already seen this specific Pi based Design, as unveiled in the HDDesign material only, with the Deep Impact – Earth – Moon transit in relation to the comet encounters, Phobos and Deimos, lunar impacts and ofcours, among many other examples in the HDdesign material, the apparent Intelligently Designed orbit of ‘artificially looking’ asteroid Steins, wit its Pi-coded orbit in relation to our perception of time.

As we have seen in previous posts, the Pi point of the orbit of asteroid Steins is matching with an Earth year. The sidereal orbital period of asteroid Steins is 1.326,73 Earth days.

We have just had these Phobos flybys and still have to wait for the release of additional orbital data of Phobos in order to determine when Phobos will reach the 1/Pi marker with its orbital decay and possibly increasing speed, currently only seconds away as explained in previous posts.

Phobos is on count down and we are supposed to understand that.

This specific underlying Pi based Design has to be present in other current events in space too.

What’s up next?


What I’m going to show you is what showed up yesterday by synchronicity when I decided to give “dawn” a closer look. Showing up instantly and unmistakenly, unveiling a cosmic Pi dance of Vesta and Ceres in relation to our perception of time.

Dawn is a robotic spacecraft sent by NASA on a space exploration mission to the two most massive members of the asteroid belt: Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres. Launched on September 27, 2007, Dawn is scheduled to explore Vesta between 2011 and 2012, and Ceres in 2015. It will be the first spacecraft to visit either body.

If its true that the orbits of asteroid Steins and the moons Phobos and Deimos are intelligently determined as explained, than it would be an ‘in the face’ experience if Vesta would confirm it somehow.

And she does, in a very simple way: confirming the Intelligently Designed orbits of Steins, Phobos and Deimos with its very own orbital period!

The orbital period of Steins has already been given above and the orbital period of Vesta appears to be very close: 1.325,15 days and therefor also matching its Pi point with an earth year just like ‘artificial’ Steins!!!!

But how close exactly???

Vesta 1.325,15 + Phobos at 1/Pi marker 0.3183099 + Deimos 1.26244 = Steins 1.326,73!!!!!

Again confirmation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I wanted to know more about Vesta and I needed a marker on Vesta’s orbit:

Epoch ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epoch_(astronomy) ) is: May 14, 2008

On Vesta’s epoch May 14, 2008, dwarfplanet Ceres is starting its last orbit that will end on the end of the Mayan Long count calendar

Orbital period Ceres is 1680,5 days

May 14, 2008 + 1680, 5 days is December 20, 2012 , within the timeframe of the end of the Mayan Long Count!!

Vesta will complete its full orbit from May 14, 2008 on December 30, 2011

The epoch of Ceres however is June 18, 2009 and ( 2nd ) Pi point is therefore December 30, 2011!

First Pi point of Ceres is around July 13, 2011, when Dawn arrives at Vesta and Ceres will be at its brightest ( 6.73 ) on December 18, 2012 when the timeframe around the end of the Mayan Long count opens up.

December 30, 2011 will be added to the timeline Q4 2011 and it should be clear that I will monitor the keydates in relation to this Dawn mission very closely


Ceres (dwarf planet)



4 Vesta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dawn (spacecraft)


timeline Q1 2011 ( login ‘reader’, password ‘reader’)

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Q1 2011 timeline

current timeline Q2 2011( login ‘reader’, password ‘reader’)

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

The HDDesign 'research' still continues, I recommend to keep track on the timelines here:

Hyper Dimensional Design :: Index

you can login with 'reader', password 'reader'.

Dutch wrote: The Sun, as the heart of our Hyper Dimensional Reality we exist in, will provide the answers for the Design of our Times

from the timeline:

June 14-16, 2011 - awakenings starttriggerdate end of Mayan Long Count

starttriggerdate in relation to the 1111 days awakeningstimeframe around the end of the Mayan Long count calender.

The 1111 awakenings timeframe is determined like this:

starttriggerdate June 14-16, 2011 + 555 days = monitored timeframe December 21-23, 2012 + 555 days = awakenings endtriggerdate

creating a 1111 days awakenings timeframe around the end of the Mayan Long Count calender

June 15, 2011:

Major Drop In Solar Activity Predicted

A missing jet stream, fading spots, and slower activity near the poles say that our Sun is heading for a rest period even as it is acting up for the first time in years. As the current sunspot cycle, Cycle 24, begins to ramp up toward maximum, independent studies of the solar interior, visible surface, and the corona indicate that the next 11-year solar sunspot cycle, Cycle 25, will be greatly reduced or may not happen at all.

"This is highly unusual and unexpected"

"Cycle 24 started out late and slow and may not be strong enough to create a rush to the poles, indicating we'll see a very weak solar maximum in 2013, if at all. If the rush to the poles fails to complete, this creates a tremendous dilemma for the theorists, as it would mean that Cycle 23's magnetic field will not completely disappear from the polar regions (the rush to the poles accomplishes this feat). No one knows what the Sun will do in that case."

All three of these lines of research to point to the familiar sunspot cycle shutting down for a while.

"If we are right," Hill concluded, "this could be the last solar maximum we'll see for a few decades. That would affect everything from space exploration to Earth's climate."

Major Drop In Solar Activity Predicted

This current timeframe was preceded with the Venus Transit timeframe:

from the timeline:

June 6-8, 2011 - Earth marking next year's Venus Transit. Also next hit on the last 911 based Golden Mean Phi spiral prior to the end of the Mayan Calender on December 21, 2012, that started on or around June 11, 2006, is also Phi point 'inwards' 911 / 1,61803399.

On June 6 the underlying theme 'solar activity' was identified and added to the timeline:

Did A Massive Solar Proton Event Fry The Earth

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Q2 2011 timeline

and solar activity was strongly expressed during the timeframe around June 6-8, 2011. from the timeline:

Did A Massive Solar Proton Event Fry The Earth

Did A Massive Solar Proton Event Fry The Earth

Probing plasma

BBC News - Audio slideshow: Probing plasma

Oh yes our SUN, I hear ya. synchronicity:

STORM WARNING: NOAA forecasters estimate a greater than 25% chance of geomagnetic storms on June 9th. That's when a CME from the magnificent flare of June 7th is expected to deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field

MAGNIFICENT FLARE: On June 7th at 0641 UT, magnetic fields above sunspot complex 1226-1227 became unstable and erupted. The resulting blast produced an M2-class solar flare, an S1-class radiation storm, and an unbelievable movie

"It looks like someone kicked a clod of dirt in the air," says solar physicist C. Alex Young of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in a Youtube video. "I've never seen material released in this way before--an amazing, amazing event."

SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

Small Sun-watcher Proba-2 offers detailed view of massive solar eruption

Small Sun-watcher Proba-2 offers detailed view of massive solar eruption

A Big Surprise from the Edge of the Solar System

NASA's Voyager probes are truly going where no one has gone before. Gliding silently toward the stars, 9 billion miles from Earth, they are beaming back news from the most distant, unexplored reaches of the solar system. Mission scientists say the probes have just sent back some very big news indeed. It's bubbly out there.

"This is just the beginning, and I predict more surprises ahead."

A Big Surprise from the Edge of the Solar System

found this by synchronicity while looking at a 'connected date' November 18, 2003:

Is The Sun An Iron-Rich Powerhouse

The spate of solar storms to hit Earth in recent days may be caused by the sun's iron-rich interior, says a UMR researcher who theorizes that the sun's core is made of iron rather than hydrogen.

"We think that the solar system came from a single star, and the sun formed on a collapsed supernova core"

a supernova rocked our area of the Milky Way galaxy some five billion years ago, giving birth to all the heavenly bodies that populate the solar system

Solar Flares: Is Iron-Rich Sun The Cause?

and a 'confirmation' by our Sun on November 18, 2003:

Source region of the 2003 November 18 CME that

led to the strongest magnetic storm of cycle 23

The super-storm of November 20, 2003 was associated with

a high speed coronal mass ejection which originated in the NOAA AR 10501on November 18, 2003. This coronal mass ejection had severe terrestrial consequences leading to a geomagnetic storm with DST index of -472 nT, the strongest of the current solar cycle.

http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/081 ... 5046v1.pdf

Oh yes, June 8:

Cosmic blasts point to new class of supernova

Cosmic blasts point to new class of supernova

Both timeframes around June 6-8, 2011 and June 14-16, 2011 were predetermined as closely related to the end of the Mayan long Count calendar based on the principles of this HDDesign 'research' and both timeframe indicate that our Sun is somehow closely connected.
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Keep your fingers crossed.

I have been saying it consistently for more than 6 years now.

The assassination of Rafik Hariri would be considered afterwards to be the initial trigger in an evolving war scenario

over and over again

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Post by Dutch »

Hezbollah indictments in Lebanon could ripple through the region

Another ticking bomb for Assad: Hariri Tribunal heads for Damascus

EU, France 'concerned' by Lebanon's stance on tribunal

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Middle East :: EU, France 'concerned' by Lebanon's stance on tribunal

STL has become part of Lebanon's fabric: Fadlallah

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Politics :: STL has become part of Lebanon's fabric: Fadlallah

Human Rights Watch: Syrian forces ordered to shoot unarmed protesters

Human Rights Watch: Syrian forces ordered to shoot unarmed protesters - CNN.com

The game in Syria

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Editorial :: The game in Syria

Russian envoy: STL results need to be non-politicized

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Politics :: Russian envoy: STL results need to be non-politicized

U.K. urges Lebanon to adhere to STL

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Politics :: U.K. urges Lebanon to adhere to STL

Hariri to make TV appearance Tuesday

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Local News :: Hariri to make TV appearance Tuesday: report

Mobs attack U.S., French embassies in Syria, officials say

Clinton blasts Syria, its president after attack on embassy - CNN.com

Arrest warrants issued in 2005 killing of former Lebanese PM

Arrest warrants issued in 2005 killing of former Lebanese PM - CNN.com

Indictment is not worth the ink it was written with: Hezbollah

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Politics :: Indictment is not worth the ink it was written with: Hezbollah

STL for justice, only politicized if proven to be so: Rai

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Politics :: STL for justice, only politicized if proven to be so: Rai

Clinton blasts Syria, its president after attack on embassy

Clinton blasts Syria, its president after attack on embassy - CNN.com

Hariri vows to topple government

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Politics :: Hariri vows to topple government

BTW 9/11 was predetermined for the current timeframe

Venus at same orbital position again as during 9/11

The timeframe is open: Memorial website racks up 42,000 ticket reservations on first day

Memorial website racks up 42,000 ticket reservations on first day - CNN.com

The timeframe is open indeed: Bin Laden was in on 2005 and 2006 London plots

Bin Laden was in on 2005 and 2006 London plots | Reuters


Mumbai: Explosions shake India's financial hub

BBC News - Mumbai: Explosions shake India's financial hub

Three Bomb Blasts Hit Mumbai: Has Jihadi Terrorism Struck Again?

Three Bomb Blasts Hit Mumbai: Has Jihadi Terrorism Struck Again? - Global Spin - TIME.com
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

During the months ahead I'm going to write a series of articles that will be posted on the internet. These articles are about the most significant findings that have emerged from the HDdesign 'research' and are , in my humble opinion, of importance for the current times we live in and for our immediate future.

The following articles could be expected:

HDDesign Pi-based

unveiling profound intelligent correlations based on Pi in a specific way, which I have called the HDDesign Pi-based Design

Deep Impact on Comet tempel 1

Golden Mean Phi based Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1, Hirhoshima / Nagasaki , Tunguska Event and flight 522 'running towards nuclear event on autopilot'.

Phi-based disharmony between Earth and Venus

Phi-based disharmony between Earth and Venus confirms Hyper Dimensional Tetrahedron based precession cycle.


The 'communication' that seems to be unveiled through this HDDesign 'research'.

The assassination of Rafik Hariri

The assassination of Rafik Hariri as initial trigger in an evolving war scenario, followed by a future US-Korean and/or China-Taiwan ( USA ) conflict.

Solar Activity & the end of the Mayan Long Count

Implications of this HDDesign 'research' in relation to the end of the Mayan Long Count.

Orbital period of Phobos on a Cosmic Countdown

The decaying orbit of Phobos will result, especially because Phobos is speeding up, in an sidereal orbital period on a cosmic countdown towards 1/Pi in our perception of time, currently only seconds away.

st. Helens about to be succeeded by Yellowstone at HD Cube

Yellowstone as the next 'expression' at the main Hyper Dimensional Cube location at macrolevel.

Global Earth Crust Displacements

about early indications of a Global ECD

The regular HDDesign 'research' will continue as usual and I expect more subjects will be rewritten in an article. The timelines for our current timeframe and the immediate are up and running and can be found at HDDesign forum. These timelines are updated regularly and can be found here:

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View Forum - Main HDDesign Forum

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

read todays updates on HDDesign, you know where to find
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Interesting times ...

I take it as it comes

Although I don't know what to expect exactly, I do know that when a timeframe opens up, normally about a few day before an observed events day, the synchronicities led by intuition will unveil what lies in store for us.

That's where my focus is.

I won't be able to cross post findings of the HDdesign 'research', so I recommend to keep an eye on the updates in the HDdesign material.

main forum:

Q4 2011 timeline

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Q4 2011 timeline

Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin)

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin)

science forum:

Noethic theory

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Noethic theory

The Electric Universe

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - The Electric Universe

or keep track on all updates here ( login 'reader' with password 'reader' ):

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

I’ve got very bad vibes about the assassination of Kurdish leader Mashaal Tammo last friday , October 7, 2011, provoking fury in Syria and abroad with the finger of blame being pointed squarely at the regime of president Bashar al-Assad.

It’s about the most stupid thing Assad could do. Tammo’s killing sparked massive demonstrations in Kurdish areas of northern Syria and abroad, creating another domestic enemy for Assad and foreign support to topple the Assad regime.

This morning when I was cycling to work I had tot hink about Tammo again and the apparent similarities with another high profile killing: the assassination of Rafik Hariri on February 14, 2005. In both cases Assad is blamed, while these 2 killings only created additional problems for him. I thought the 2 Golden Mean Phi points and the 2 HDDesign Pi points between these 2 assassinations should unveil the hidden underlying Design. They do, as I will show you.

First let’s go back to the aftermath of the assassination of Rafik Hariri..

February 2005:

Porter: “George, we have solved the Hariri killing”

George: “that’s my boy, good job, do you want a wiskey? Wait a minute, would you want to push that red button for roomservice? When I try that red phone I get that ****ing Russian dishwasher from the kitchen downstairs who doesn’t understand me. “

Porter: “that would be Defcon 1 George”

George: “isn’t that a bit exaggerated?”

Porter: “I mean the red button”

George:“ Oh right, never mind, I have a bottle somewhere…..here it is”

Porter: “do we have a go?”

George: “do we have real evidence?”

Porter: “yes, the file is on your desk, you can read for yourself”

George: “Well, I’ll will read that……………..later. Who did dit?”

Porter: “Ghazi Kanaan”

George: “kick his ass”

Early March the US accusations against Syria started , first by Rice and followed by Bush’s demand to withdraw all Syrian troops and interferences from Lebanon the next day. We all know this was eventually the outcome: Syrian troops had to leave Lebanon.

Albert M.: “are you sure about this Porter?”

Porter: “Presidential order. I know it was before you joined but George said to kick his ass. That’s what he always says when he approves the death penalties. George isn’t stupid, he knows everything is recorded in the oval office. Just make sure our friends don’t use the same people as with Rafik.”

On Wednesday, 12 October 2005 Syria's interior minister Ghazi Kanaan has committed suicide, for many years Kanaan was Syria's powerful intelligence chief in Lebanon, which was dominated by Syria until its military withdrawal earlier in 2005. Bush responded instantly and said Syria must respect democracy in Lebanon, following withdrawal of its troops and investigation into Syrian involvement in Rafik Hariri’s assassination. President Bush didn’t comment directly on the death of Mr. Kanaan, however, before his apparent suicide, the Interior Minister was questioned by U.N. officials investigating the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Now back to the hidden underlying Hyper Dimensional Design. Timeframe between the assassinations of Rafik and Tammo is 2.426 days.

Pi points around February 9, 2008 and October 11, 2008

Phi points around August 29, 2007 and March 25, 2009

Although Kanaan was taken out with Earth on the same orbital position of a Pi point, and therefor marking it, we have to look at the actual Pi- and Phi points in order to unveil the hidden underlying themes.

A few days ago I’ve already posted about the hidden underlying themes for the current timeframe, I recommend to read this post first ( flight 522 crash, Deep Impact, Tunguska, nuclear, Syria first war scenario):

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Q4 2011 timeline

Let’s take a closer look at the Pi- and Phi points:

First Pi point around February 9, 2008.

Flight 522 crash shows up as determined by the triggerdate system as used in this HDDesign ‘research’ ( and only in this HDdesign ‘research’) From the timeline:

February 6, 2008 - Flight 522 crash on the triggers ( awakening )

The flight 522 crash, with 121 (11*11) frozen people on board, is trigger event for a potential chain of events expressing the 'nuclear' theme. Are we running on auto pilot towards a devastating expression or will we be able to co-create subtle expressions of the underlying themes?

February 11, 2008 - Flight 522 crash on the triggers ( control )

Creating a Hyper Dimensional Tetrahedron with the flight 522 crash in Greece on August 14, 2005

The underlying nuclear theme emerges: A Strike in the Dark

What did Israel bomb in Syria?

by Seymour M. Hersh

February 11, 2008

Why did Israel bomb Syria? : The New Yorker

and the Hariri ‘confirmation’:

Syrian military intelligence heaps allegations on Israeli Mossad, blackens Siniora

Its agents are planting tales that an Israeli Mossad officer, abetted by the pro-Western Lebanese prime minister, Fouad Siniora, colluded in orchestrating the assassination of former prime minister Rafiq Hariri three years ago.


There are more related events mentioned on the timeline Q1 2008, please read the timeline on the main HDDesign forum. Don’t forget to give HD Cube around February 14, 2008 a look ( Hezbollah leader Imad Mughniyeh killed in Damascus, right on schedule: Bush expands sanctions on Syria )

The first Phi point around August 29, 2007:

Nuclear theme:

2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident occurred at Minot Air Force Base and Barksdale Air Force Base on August 29–30, 2007. Six AGM-129 ACM cruise missiles, each loaded with a W80-1 variable yield nuclear warhead, were reportedly mistakenly loaded on a United States Air Force (USAF) B-52H heavy bomber at Minot and transported to Barksdale. The nuclear warheads in the missiles were supposed to have been removed before taking the missiles from their storage bunker. The missiles with the nuclear warheads were not reported missing and remained mounted to the aircraft at both Minot and Barksdale for a period of 36 hours. During this period, the warheads were not protected by the various mandatory security precautions required for nuclear weapons.

2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The implications of this event seem to indicate that the use of nuclear warheads could become ‘out of control’ or even ‘manipulated’.

Second Pi-point around October 11, 2008, marked by Kanaan’s ‘suicide’

On October 7, 2008, perfectly marking Earth’s orbital position of Tammo’s assassination:

‘Tunguska conditioning’

2008 TC3 was a meteoroid 2 to 5 meters (7 to 16 ft) in diameter and weighting 80 tonnes,[1] that entered Earth's atmosphere on October 7, 2008, at 02:46 UTC (05:46 local time).[2] The meteoroid was notable as the first such body to be observed and tracked prior to reaching Earth.

Second Phi point around March 25, 2009:

In the face: Forty-seven fragments of the meteoroid 2008 TC3 are discovered in Sudan's Nubian Desert

Also around March 25, 2009:

Italy jails Tuninter Flight 1153's two pilots for ten years for praying before ditching into the Mediterranean Sea

Tuninter Flight 1153 was a Tuninter Airlines flight from Bari International Airport in Bari, Italy, to Djerba-Zarzis Airport in Djerba, Tunisia. On 6 August 2005 ( called ‘hirhoshima’ crash in the Hddesign marterial/Dutch) the ATR-72 on the route ran out of fuel and ditched into the Mediterranean Sea

As a flight 522 reference, ‘running on autopilot towards nuclear event’. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF GAS, 'on autopilot towards potential nuclear event', remember flight 522 crash, Venus at exactly the same orbital position on October 8, 2011, during Tammo’s assassination:

On the Main Hyper Dimensional Tetrahedron area on Earth:

Man ditches plane into ocean off coast of Hawaii after running out of gas

Man ditches plane into ocean off coast of Hawaii after running out of gas - CNN.com

Just like Rafik Hariri’s assassination, Mashaal Tammo’s assassination was a ‘Trojan gift’.
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Post by Dutch »

Dutch wrote: The number 2520 is the Auric Key

It, not 360, is the first number divisible by all nine base digits. It is exactly twice the number 1260, a number referred to cabalistically five times in the Book of Revelations (12:6 and 12:4). It is half of the number 5040, which figures prominently in Plato’s “Laws” regarding his ideal city/state.

This number 2520, more than 360, captures nature’s cyclic behaviors. And the graphic number wheel (synchrograph or mandalog) based on this number reverses to form a mirror image of itself at the midpoint of 1260. The real key involves the sequence in which prime numbers naturally occur in the base-10 continuum.


'Mercury The Messenger' seems to have an intelligent relationship with the Auric Key based on Pi aswel as based on the Golden Mean

Auric Key * Pi = 90 Mercury Years in earth days

Auric Key / Phi Golden Mean spiral = 75 Merury Years in earth days.


2520 * 3.14159 = 7.917 rounded

90 * Mercury year in Earth day 87.9691 = 7.917 rounded

2520 / 1.6180339 ongoing spiral = 6.597 in total

75 * 87.9691 = 6.597

As a consequence: Given the fact that Phobos is in orbital decay, resulting in a decreasing orbital period as a cosmic countdown towards 1/Pi , only seconds away at this moment:

The Auric Key / Phobos countdown zero = 90 Mercury 'The Messenger' years in Earths days

I hear you think......nice to see these 'coincidental' correlations with Earth days based on Pi and Phi.......it's just a coincidence.....

is it?

We have already seen the Golden Mean correlations between the innerplanets and the 1111 days awakenings timeframe on Earth.

As 1111 Earth days * Phi Golden Mean is 8 Venus Years in Earth days


1111 / Phi Golden Mean is 1 Mars year in Earth days

While Mercury 'The Messenger' marks Earth's orbital positions of the start and end of such a 1111 days awakenings timeframe on Earth.

You might think........the total length of a Golden Mean based spiral exactly matching with Mercury's orbital position as in the above example is just a coincidence....

And Phobos....it's not even our own Moon....

Is it true that our perception of time could be expressed with the harmonic orbital correlations within our solar system?

It is Designed to appear random to us, but is it?

not even our own Moon.......

If Earthbased perception of time is indeed somehow connected to the hidden intelligent correlations between the elements of our solar system, based on the Golden Mean ( among other elements of Intelligent Design) as in the example above, wouldn't you expect to see this harmonic Golden Mean based expression between Earth and our very own Moon?

That would be something, right?

Well, you just believe its all just a coincidence or you are touched by the beauty of the underlying Design, its right there under our noses:

One full orbit of Earth expressed in Earth days ( our perception of time ) is 365,256 days.

A Golden Mean based spiral based on 1 Earth Year ( same as in the example above ):

365,256 / Phi 1.61803399 / Phi /Phi /Phi etc ( infinite).....

Has got a total length of 956,254 Earth days

Our very own Mean has an orbital period of 27,32158 Earth days

You can devide the 2 yourselves if you like......

It´s exactly 35 Moon orbits in Earth days!!!!

or the Moon is exactly marking the Golden Mean based spiral of our perception of time.

Eart and Moon are on a cosmic Phi dance!!!

Only to unveil by our perception of time

Wake up!
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Yesterday, while at work, I had to think about the reentry of Phobos Grunt, probably around January 16, 2012, in relation to Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1.

I thought that the specific Pi- based Design as described in HDDesign ( and HDDesign only ), which was first unveiled by the continued mission of spacecraft Deep Impact/Epoxi with the scheduled and actual comet encounters and the Deep Impact/Epoxi-Earth-Moon Transit expressing Pi as described, could give indications of hidden underlying Intelligent Design.

I determined the 2 Pi points as described in HDdesign between Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005, and the expected reentry of Phobos Grunt around January 16, 2012.

The first Pi point is around Venus Transit Midpoint around June 8, 2008, just after the 'artificial' Earth-Moon-spacecraft Deep Impact/Epoxi Transit, the event that led to the discovery of the specific Pi- based element of HDDesign, see timeline Q2 2008 here:

timeline Q2, 2008 April - May - June

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - timeline Q2, 2008 April - May - June

The second Pi point is around February 10, 2009. On that day a Russian and an American satellite collided over Siberia, creating a large amount of space debris.

That was yesterday

The 'confirmation' came today, ISS has to change course in order to avoid collision with this very same space debris caused by this satellite collission at Pi point:

ISS Will do Manuever Friday to Avoid Collision with Satellite Debris

It’s the gift that keeps on giving, unfortunately. Debris from the 2009 collision between an inactive Russian Cosmos 2251 satellite and a commercial Iridium satellite in low Earth orbit is coming dangerously close to the International Space Station. U.S. Space Command has suggested the space station perform a debris avoidance maneuver on Friday, January 13, 2012 to move out of harms’ way and dodge a possible collision with the piece of space junk, said to be about 10 centimeters in diameter.

ISS Will do Manuever Friday to Avoid Collision with Satellite Debris

Last week I already predetermined another underlying theme for January 16+ , based on the Golden Mean.

I wrote on the timeline Q1 2012:

January 16 + , 2012 - expected reentry Phobos Grunt

Stay out of space, human consciousness should remain Earthbound. Don't mess with nuclear power

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hits Jupiter ~ Phi point reentry MIR ( stands for END of PEACE) ~ reentry Phobos Grunt.

Russia was well aware of Phobos-Grunt mission risks

"I don't want to make any accusations, but today there is powerful equipment to influence spacecrafts, and the possibility of their use should not be ruled out," he said.

Russia was well aware of Phobos-Grunt mission risks

I want to emphasize that Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 is also Golden Mean based with the Tunguska Event and Hirhoshima/Nagasaki.

Let's hope we will experience subtle expressions of the underlying themes in the days ahead.

Q1 2012 timeline

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Q1 2012 timeline

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Post by Dutch »

as above - so below

Colliding artificial manmade satellites

and colliding asteroids in space.....during the same timeframe

from the timeline Q1 2009, also with a another splendid 'artificial' Earth-Moon-manmade spacecraft 'transit'( how many 'coincidences' do you need to open up the 'rigid' mind?) :

February 11, 2009 - Flight 522 crash ('running on auto pilot towards nuclear event'): 911 based Ccontrol endtrigger day

New York honours river crash crew The pilot and crew of a plane which ditched into the Hudson River after its engines failed have been honoured with the keys to New York City.

BBC NEWS | Americas | New York honours river crash crew

US, Russia must work to halt nuclear proliferation

http://sg.news.yahoo.com/afp/20090210/t ... 07afd.html

Russia agrees India nuclear deal BBC NEWS | South Asia | Russia agrees India nuclear deal

U.S. official: North Korea might be making missile preparations

U.S. official: North Korea might be making missile preparations - CNN.com

911 based, see post on page 5 in this thread:

Belgian 'al Qaeda cell' linked to 2006 airline plot

Belgian 'al Qaeda cell' linked to 2006 airline plot - CNN.com

synchronicity:Global alert issued for 85 terror suspects

Global alert issued for 85 terror suspects - CNN.com

Russian and US satellites collide

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Russian and US satellites collide

US and Russian communications satellites have collided in space in the first such reported mishap. A satellite owned by the US company Iridium hit a defunct Russian satellite at high speed nearly 780km (485 miles) over Siberia on Tuesday, Nasa said. The risk to the International Space Station and a shuttle launch planned for later this month is said to be low. The impact produced a massive cloud of debris, and the magnitude of the crash is not expected to be clear for weeks. Satellite collision threatens space assets

Satellite collision threatens space assets

Pentagon fails to anticipate satellite collision

Pentagon fails to anticipate satellite collision

Unseen dark comets 'could pose deadly threat to earth' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandte ... e/4592130/


Pakistan: Arrests made over Mumbai attacks

Pakistan: Mumbai attackers trained here - CNN.com

Here's something you don't see everyday. In fact, this is the first time this has ever been seen. On Feb. 10 Japan's Kaguya spacecraft in orbit around the moon successfully took an image of a penumbral lunar eclipse. That's the Earth passing in front of the sun, as seen from the Moon. From the Moon!

Kaguya Captures Eclipse — From the Moon

Kaguya Captures Eclipse — From the Moon

Edit October 21, 2010:

It was a case of celestial hit and run. Two asteroids, both in the wrong place at the wrong time. The result: one big trail of debris and a case of mistaken identity. Now, however, ESA’s comet-chaser Rosetta has unravelled the truth.

Using its OSIRIS camera, Rosetta made the breakthrough because it is far from Earth and so it could look at mystery object ‘P/2010 A2’ from a unique perspective. This showed that instead of being a comet, as first suspected, we are seeing the debris from a pair of colliding asteroids.

Comparing the Rosetta images with those taken from Earth, computer modelling has now shown that the tail is not a continuous stream of ejected material, as would be the case for a comet. Instead, it was thrown into space in a single eruption.

The most likely cause would be a collision between two asteroids. If so, when did it happen?

Dr Snodgrass and colleagues found that the shape and size of the trail, as seen more clearly by Rosetta, allowed them to make a remarkably precise estimate for when the collision must have occurred.

They nailed down the date of the impact to within a ten-day window, centred around 10 February 2009, almost a year before its discovery. "we are really quite confident about that date because of the quality of the data we used,” says Dr Snodgrass

ESA Portal - When is a comet not a comet? Rosetta finds out
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

I haven't posted here for a while, but when I do so, you better take good notice

August 4

9/11 on September11, 2001--Phi 'outwards'---11/9 Amman bombings ( november 11, 2005) ---Phi 'inwards'----June 8, 2008 Venus Transit midpoint-----August 4, 2012 'contact' during London olympics

related info ( login with: reader password: reader ) :

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Q3 2012 timeline

Note that Venus Transit midpoint was a Phipoint aswell:

Venus Transit midpoint is Phi point between July 7 London Bombings and March 29, 2010 Moscow metro bombings

Also note the detonation of a 'Nazi' bomb in London during Venus Transit midpoint:

World War II bomb to be exploded

the largest unexploded World War II bomb to be found in central London for 30 years.

BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Unexploded WWII bomb is detonated

from the link with related info:

Venus Transit Midpoint from the timeline Q 2, 2008, I take May 30 ( corresponding with opening ceremony London olympics) aswell which played a key roll in the 'contact' pi-based revelations in this HDDesign 'research'

This Pi-based HDDesign was first unveiled with Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 as the marker, as readers here might recall. ( Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 , Earth/Moon/Epoxi transit ( may 29, 2008 ) and comet encounter Hartley 2 )

Deep Impact in turn, was already playing a big role in HDDesign with the Golden Mean connections with the nuclear events of WWII and the Tunguska Event....

While I wrote yesterdays post, this synchronicity occurred:

The Tunguska Event!!!!! suddenly.....

July 29, 2012

SciTechTalk: 1908. Target: Earth

When astronomers consider cosmic collisions having impacts on the Earth, their eyes turn either to events of the distant past -- like the asteroid impact 65 million years ago that may have pushed the dinosaurs to extinction -- or to the uncertain future, as telescopes and satellites search for so-called Near Earth Objects that might someday represent a collision threat to our planet.

read on:

SciTechTalk: 1908. Target: Earth

A few days ago I was drinking my coffee in the garden and had to think about flight 522 crash again. As serious readers know, the flight 522 'running on autopilot towards nuclear ecvent' crash is playing a key role in this HDDesign 'research'. Prior to this crash on august 14, 2005 the HDDesign 'research' was focussed on 737 crashes and I posted about it on the internet on the sites I was participating back than. I was aware of the significance of the next 737 crash in advance.

When the flight 522 crash happened I knew it was a major event.

Later it became clear in the HDDesign 'research' that the crash was Golden Mean Phi connected with the Tunguska Event on June 30, 1908, with at Phi point de detonation of the atomic bomb in Hirhoshima.

As you can see on the timelines, flight 522 crash is showing up repeatedly, just like coming up August 14, 2012.

I was thinking about what to expect? In a sense it could be very well something like the March 11, 2011 Japan quake/tsunami, causing the nuclear Fukushima disaster.

I suspected that there should be a reference between the Japanese quake and flight 522. It happened a year and a few months ago I thought and I intuitively I knew it could be 522 days. I had to count it manually because I wasn't online and I had no calculator available but it is confirmed!!!!

March 11, 2011 - August 14, 2012 = 522 days !!

At work I thought that assuming that this flight 522 plane crash is part of the 'communacation' that is taking place, another 'independent' correlation should be out there, based on the Golden Mean and expressing correlations between plane crashes, nuclear events and even 'fire in the sky' / impact expressions ( Tunguska reference), in relation to upcoming August 14, Earth's orbital position during flight 522 crash.

When you think of Fukushima, you thing of Chernobil

2 Golden Mean based Phi points ( 1 'inwards' and 1 'outwards' in our perception of time ) between Chernobil and August 14, 2012

Both showing major airplane disasters!

Phi point 'inwards' around July 28, 2002

Sknyliv air show disaster

The Sknyliv air show disaster occurred on Saturday July 27, 2002, when a Ukrainian Air Force Sukhoi Su-27 of the Ukrainian Falcons crashed during an aerobatics presentation at Sknyliv airfield near Lviv, Ukraine. 77 people were killed and 543 injured, 100 of whom were hospitalised.

Sknyliv air show disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

impact in the crowd

Phi point 'outwards' around May 11, 1996

fire in the sky with high speed impact

ValuJet Flight 592 was a domestic passenger flight between Miami International Airport, Miami, Florida, and William B. Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport, Atlanta, Georgia that crashed in the Everglades on Saturday, May 11, 1996, killing all 110 people on board.

On the afternoon of May 11, 1996,[3] Flight 592 pushed back from gate G2 in Miami after a delay of 1 hour and 4 minutes due to mechanical problems. There were 105 passengers, mainly from Florida and Georgia, on board, as well as a crew of two pilots and three flight attendants, bringing the total number of people on board to 110. At 2:04 pm, the DC-9 took off from runway 9L and began a normal climb. At 2:10 p.m. the flight crew noted an electrical problem and heard a banging noise on their headphones. Seconds later, a flight attendant entered the cockpit and advised the flight crew of a fire in the passenger cabin. Passengers' shouts of "fire, fire, fire" were recorded on the plane's cockpit voice recorder when the cockpit door was opened. Though the ValuJet flight attendant manual stated that the cockpit door should not be opened when smoke or other harmful gases might be present in the cabin, the intercom was disabled and there was no other way to inform the pilots of what was happening. By this time, the plane's interior was completely on fire.

The crew immediately asked air traffic control for a return to Miami due to smoke in the cockpit and cabin. Captain Candi Kubeck and First Officer Richard Hazen were given instructions for a return to the airport. One minute later, the First Officer requested the nearest available airport.

Flight 592 disappeared from radar at 2:14 p.m. and crashed in the Francis S. Taylor Wildlife Management Area in the Everglades, a few miles west of Miami, at a speed in excess of 507 miles per hour (816 km/h). Kubeck, Hazen, the three flight attendants, and all 105 passengers aboard were killed instantly. Recovery of the aircraft and victims was made extremely difficult by the location of the crash. The nearest road of any kind was more than a quarter mile (400 m) away from the crash scene, and the location of the crash itself was a deep-water swamp with a bedrock base. The DC-9 shattered on impact with the bedrock, leaving very few large portions of the plane intact. Sawgrass, alligators, and risk of bacterial infection from cuts plagued searchers involved in the recovery effort.

ValuJet Flight 592 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So keep an eye on the timeline for around August 4 and 14

Q3 2012 timeline ( login with: reader password: reader )

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Note that Venus Transit midpoint was a Phipoint aswell:

Venus Transit midpoint is Phi point between July 7 London Bombings and March 29, 2010 Moscow metro bombings

Also note the detonation of a 'Nazi' bomb in London during Venus Transit midpoint:

World War II bomb to be exploded

the largest unexploded World War II bomb to be found in central London for 30 years.

BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Unexploded WWII bomb is detonated


A reader on another forum just responded, from the given link above:

An unexploded World War II bomb that forced the closure of transport links in east London has been detonated.

The 1,000kg (2,200lb) device, found near Bromley-by-Bow Tube station, was picked up by a digger clearing a site being prepared for the 2012 Olympics.

With this....it is already 'metaphorical' .......I hope
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Space legend Neil Armstrong dies

Coinciding with the 'fall' of Lance Armstrong....a strong indication something essential is going on here.....

I thought the Golden Mean would have to say something about this.....

Neil Armstrong was the first human being that stood on the surface of another element of our solarsystem, on July 21, 1969.

With this first step on the Moon as Phi point and Neil Armstrongs death on August 25, 2012, gives the startdate December 2, 1942.

On December 2, 1942

Manhattan Project: Below the bleachers of Stagg Field at the University of Chicago, a team led by Enrico Fermi initiates the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction (a coded message, "The Italian navigator has landed in the new world" is then sent to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt).

Here we have the 2 major underlying themes in this HDDesign 'research'.

It's in the face....

Stay out of space, human consciousness should remain Earthbound and don't mess with nuclear power!!!!
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Post by Dutch »

I wrote on December 30, 2010 on this forum, already emphasizing the timeframe of November 10, 2012 ( 'awakening in optima forma' )

donderdag 30 december 2010 schreef Dutch het volgende:

I thought I had nothing else to mention at this moment, but this morning I wanted to find out more about the perihelion of comet 2009 HC82. I found the date of the expected perihelion and I just put it on the timeline this morning in order to log the date. I had no additional info when I logged it on the timeline Q4, 2012


later this morning the significance already became clear:

Oh yes, synchronicity.......

After I posted the above today December 30, 2010, about the expected return at perihelion of comet 2009 HC82, I thought to give the 2 Pi points a closer look, based on the very same Pi based Design as unveiled here in the HDDesign material. I mean the 2 Pi points on the current orbit of 2009 HC82 that will reach a full orbit on November 10, 2012.

Orbit of 2009 HC82 is 3.39 * 365.25 = 1238,2 days

Pi points are ( as already determined ) at 556 days ( awakening starttirigger date ) and 681 days.

556 days prior to November 10, 2012 gives May 4, 2011 !!!!, a date already identified in my previous post here as very significant in relation to this very same comet 2009 HC82:

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - CONTACT ( ENKI thread)

May 4, 2011, was already metioned on the timeline Q2 2011 as second Pi point Steins, directly connected to the identification of comet 2009 HC82 as part of the 'communication' and the discovery of the Pi based Design in the orbit of this comet in relation to the awakeningstimeframe.

Awakening in Optima Forma

So the orbit of 2009 HC82 is again confirming this very same Design, now when looked at it from the expected perihelion date!!!!!

The second Pi point is at 681 days prior to November 10, 2012:

December 30, 2010!!

That's today, the dicovery of this specific underlying Design!!!!

This is so profound.......

I recommend to follow the postings on the timelines regularly.

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'Awakening in optima forma', around November 10, 2012


November 9:

Two Iranian Revolutionary Guard fighter jets fire on an unmanned American General Atomics MQ-1 Predator drone in international airspace near Kuwait.

November 10:

Palestinian militants fire a barrage of rockets from Gaza into southern Israel, in a cross-border escalation following an earlier attack in which four Israeli soldiers are injured, two seriously, when an anti-tank missile fired from the Gaza Strip hits an Israeli army jeep patrolling some 200 meters inside the Israeli border with Gaza; Israel carries out counter-strikes

November 11:

The Israel Defense Forces has fired an anti-tank missile in the direction of a mortar position in Syria after a 120mm mortar shell exploded near an Israeli post in the Golan Heights. Although the missile was reportedly intended as a "warning shot" and directed to miss the mortar position on purpose, the IDF's response marks the first time since the 1973 Yom Kippur War that Israel has fired at Syrian territory.
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I cannot force you to do so, but you really should get involved with the issues at hand in the Q4 2012 timeline. You would do yourselves and mankind a favor
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Monday ( December 17, 2012 ) there will be a twin impact on the moon with the Grail probes .....

This twin impacts on December 17, 2012, Deep Impact on comet Temple 1 on July 4, 2005, Chandrayaan's impact on the moon on November 14, 2008, LCROSS / Centaurs impact on the moon on October 9, 2009, Smart-1 at the entering of the Moon orbit on 16 November 2004 and Smart-1 impact on the Moon on september 3, 2006

Are ALL connected intelligently based on the specific underlying HDDesign Pi-based Intelligent Design.

Revealed by synchronicity followed by another synchronicity etc., instantly unveiling the specific Pi based underlying Design, UNDENIABLE intelligently connected.

there are so many more examples of this specific Pi Design in the material ..... but if this is not convincing .... then I really do not know what it takes to get people to open their eyes ....
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Post by Dutch »

When NASA announced on December 13 that the Grail twin probes will crash on the moon on december 17, I instantly had to think about Deep Impact on comet tempel 1 on July 4, 2005, which is playing such a major role in this HDDesign 'research' as you all should know.

One of the most important discoveries in relation to this deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 (if not THE most important discovery, not solely for this HDDesign material but for everything else for that matter) , is the discovery of this specific Pi-based Design, which is unique for HDDesign and has already unveiled many hidden underlying intelligent correlations in our reality.

So when I heard about this upcomming impact on the moon i was at work, thought about Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 and remembered that I've already discovered intelligent correlations based on this specific Pi-based Design in relation to earlier moon impacts.

I instantly decided to check, googled and found India's Chandryaan's impact on the moon and did a quick calculation on the timeframes between the upcomming impacts on December 17, 2012, Chandryaan's impact on November 14, 2008 and Deep Impact on comet tempel 1 on july 4, 2005.

The ratio between these two timeframes gave the instant confirmation to me: I noticed that Chandryaan's impact happened exactly at Pi-point!!!!!

At that moment I knew that I was hitting on something essential, but because I wasat work I had to wait until I had time to dig into it.

When I had time I decided to give the LCROSS/Centaur impact on October 9, 2009 a closer look. When I do this HDDesign 'research' , which is basically an intuitive exercise in the first place, I just follow my intuition and if you have been following this material you will understand that it's logical and in line of thought to expect this specific Pi-based Design expressed with these 2 impacts of Chandyaan and centaur aswell.

I thought to consider them to be the 2 Pi- points on a timeframe/line based on this very same HDDesign Pi-based Design.

If the Chandrayaan and Centaur impacts happened on the both Pi points of a timeline, than that timeline would start on November 16, 2004....

It itself this is already a confirmation by Design, as it is confirmimg our perception of time: Earth at same orbital position ( november 15 +/- 1day)!!!

But look what has happened at the start of this timeline with these 2 lunar impacts at the both Pi-points:

On November 16, 2004, the ESA probe Smart 1 passed from Earth orbit into the orbit of the Moon.

Smart 1...which was also deliberately crashed into the Moon's surface!!! ( on september 3, 2006 )

This should really make you think and to think.........it's so obvious intelligent....

I can imagine that you aren't convinced yet, but would you be convinced if this very same underlying Design will give the confirmation with Smart 1's impact on the Moon?

Well, it does..

Smart 1 crashed on the moon EXACTLY at Pi-point between the start ot the timeframe at hand November 16, 2004, when Smart 1 entered lunar orbit, and Chandryaan's impact on the Moon!!!

All these events in space are intelligently connected with the very same HDDesign Pi-based Design........as numerous other correlations which are logged in the HDDesign material.

What does this all mean?

It means that we are living in the times that the human mind can start to understand that we are experiencing our lives in a reality that is part of a multi-dimensional expression of consciousness......and the fact that we can understand that, we have to consider what it means to us and what we will do with it. We have to become aware of our own 'contribution' to multi-dimensional expression of consciousness and there's no scientist or church who will take over your own responsibility in relation to the evolution of consciousness. We are experiencing it here in our limited perception and we are the only ones who are ultimately responsible for what happens here...


This is what we are apparently....the situation in Syria....Sandy hook...and all these dark expressions that we are able to create in our reality.......

We have nothing to do in space if we can't take care of our own and our home planet...

We're so selfdestructive....

We are probably able to distroy everything we create, but consciousness itself will always exist.....

I think everybody should him or hereself ask the question in what kind of circumstances he want to find himself awake when his expression here is over......If we all know our own answer, we would already live in a better world
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

This is written on the eve of the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar.

This is written with a purpose.

One month ago I wrote about the biggest breakthrough in the HDDesign 'research': the discovery of a specific Pi based Design in our perception of time, first unveiled and identified with the Deep Impact/Epoxi - Earth - Moon transit on May 29, 2008. As the HDDesign 'research' has shown, this specific Pi based Design ( HDDesign only ) is playing a major role in the inter-dimensional 'communication' that is taking place.

I was expecting some kind of ‘confirmation’ of this specific Pi based Design for around December 10, 2012 and it appeared that I expected some kind of a confirmation for the Golden Mean Phi based Design for this very same timeframe as well ( expectation already pre-determined back in May 2010).

The confirmation is by Design!

Deep Impact on comet Temple 1 and the Tunguska Event have a Phi-point in between marked by the detonation of the nuclear bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, giving a clear warning not to mess with nuclear power. A few days ago we have seen this specific Pi based Design confirmed with the Lunar Impacts in relation to Deep Impact as well.

As above – so below, when we crashed our grail’s into a lunar mountain called Sandy, named after the first woman in space, we killed our own innocent children here below at Sandy Hook.

“Stay out of space and don’t mess with nuclear power”, these are the red lines in relation to the destiny of mankind. The end of the Mayan Long Count isn’t the end of the world, but with Mars at the same orbital position during 9/11 and Venus as during the Sumatra quake exactly a timeframe between the Venus Transits apart, we are remembered about the great terror and great floods that awaits us if we don’t take our responsibilities in relation to the inter-dimensional evolution of consciousness. We even have a real Transit of Venus, as seen from Saturn or Cassini. The end of the Mayan Long Count is a time marker. With time as the inter-dimensional medium which unveils the hidden underlying Intelligent correlations, it will be the end of the Mayan Long count at specific Pi and Phi-points that will leads us the way in the future.

Much if not all will depend how we will deal with these pre-determined underlying themes. Will we succeed in our evolution of consciousness or will we be self-destructive?

Our dark-side expressions bare the fingerprints of this hidden underlying Design so we have it in our own hands. We need to change and we have to take care of mankind and our home planet Earth.

I recommend to read through the thread of the timeline Q4 2012.

Hyper Dimensional Design :: View topic - Q4 2012 timeline

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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »


Fact is that I've predetermined the timeframe February 12 -14 ( +/- 1 day as always ) already on December 27 last year, I've logged in on the timeline with:

New date added: Hyper Dimensional Cube at macrolevel orientation around February 14, 2013.

preceded with a Venus transit timeframe ( timeframe between the 2 Venus Transits ) around February 12, 2013: 13 Venus Years in Earth days since the assassination of Rafik Hariri, Earth and Venus at same orbital positions again.

Near-Earth Asteroid 2012 DA14 to Miss Earth on February 15, 2013

Near-Earth Asteroid 2012 DA14 to Miss Earth on February 15, 2013

I have updated this timeframe on February 1, 2013:

Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005.......Deep Impact/Epoxi spacecraft - Earth - Moon Transit on May 29, 2008.......Venus Transit timeframe......the revelation of HDdesign Pi based Design.....The Golden Mean.....The assassination of Rafik Hariri as initial trigger.....

Updated February 12, 2013:

As already said: Venus Transit timeframe since Hariri, the fullfilment of the pentagram.

HDDesign elements are coming together.....

Deep Impact on comet Tempel1-------Golden Mean Phi point at Epoxi-Earth-Moon Transit ------February 12, 2013.

Note that is was spacecraft Deep Impact ( Epoxi) that first unveiled the HDdessign Pi-based Design with the Deep Impact ( Epoxi ) - Earth - Moon Transit on May 29, 2008.

This specific Pi based Design is unique for this HDDesign material ( and as a matter of fact for HDDesign only ) and has unveiled numerous intelligent correlations ever since it's discovery ( these are all logged in the HDDesign material).

May I also remind you of the fact that I stated years ago that Deep Impact on comet Tempel 1 on july 4, 2005 is Golden Mean connected with the Tunguska Event of June 30, 1908, with Hirhoshima-Nagasaki at Phi-point.

Deep Impact and the nuclear theme.

So I expected a Deep Impact echo for the timeframe February 12 - 15 that wouldn't only confirm the underlying theme, but that would also confirm the Golden Mean and, even more important, this specific Pi-based Design......

and what a confirmation it was......

Korea's third nuclear test and a major meteorite impact in Russia ( talk about Tunguska....)

This all has happened on a Venus Transit timeframe since the assassination of Rafik Hariri, the initial trigger to ouster the Assad clan in Syria, probably causing an evolving Syria-first war scenario, followed by an US-Korean and/or US(Taiwan)- China conflict. I have said this consistently during the last decade and it still stands, it's even getting momentum in a way we wouldn't like to see materialized.

This HDDesign 'research' is not meant to predict the future, it's the message that spinns off from it. Consistently....

Unfortunately it seems to be a bridge too far for most, let's hope it still gets enough attention in order to get part of our ( collective) consciousness.

That's the only way for us to deal with these underlying themes in a subtle manner
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

This was an extraordinarily large fireball, the most energetic impact event recognized since the 1908 Tunguska blast in Russian Siberia.

Additional Details on the Large Fireball Event over Russia on Feb. 15, 2013

Additional Details on the Large Fireball Event over Russia on Feb. 15, 2013
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

in order to make a subtle expression possible:

April 30, 2013 - Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands to abdicate for son

BBC News - Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands to abdicate for son

Well, well,

a few days in advance......and the window opens....as so many times before.....

today April 26 intuition speaks again...

On April 30 Willem Alexander will become King of The Netherlands.

This morning I had to think about 'Srebrenica Karma'......

and the confirmation is instant and By Design....

From July 11, 1995 - April 30, 2013 = 6503 days

The 2 Golden Mean based Phi-points & the 2 HDdesign based Pi points are all 4 confirming in our perception of time.

Phi points:

outwards: 6503 / 2,61803399 = 2484 days = April 30, 2002

inwards: 6503 / 1,61803399 = 4019 days = July 11 , 2006

Pi points:

6503 / Pi / Pi = 659

6503 - 659 = 5844

5844 / 2 = 2922 days = first HDDesign Pi point = July 11, 2003

2922 + 659 = 3581 = second HDDesign Pi point = April 30, 2005

Perfectly logging Earth's orbital position in our perception of time on July 11 and April 30

Note that a few days after the first Golden Mean based Phi point April 30, 2002, the Golden Mean 911 based timecoded 'Srebrenica Karma' spiral emerged with the assassination of Pim Fortuyn, on May 6, 2002.

Also note that April 30 was marked in 2009:

Car attack on Dutch royal parade

A car driver has crashed into crowds watching a Dutch royal parade, killing five people, in an attempted attack on the royal family, officials say.

The car careered into a monument metres from an open-topped bus carrying Queen Beatrix and members of her family.

The royals, who were unharmed, watched in horror as the car ploughed into bystanders in Apeldoorn, about 90km (56 miles) east of Amsterdam.

Officials said the 38-year-old driver had suffered life-threatening injuries.

( and died / Dutch)

BBC NEWS | Europe | Car attack on Dutch royal parade


Serbian president apologizes for crimes in Bosnia

April 25, 2013

BELGRADE -- Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić has apologized for all crimes committed in Bosnia-Herzegovina by any individual on Serbia’s behalf.He told Bosnian BHT TV that the genocide in Srebrenica needed to be proven first but added that he was “on his knees, asking for forgiveness for Serbia”.

B92 - Info - Serbian president apologizes for crimes in Bosnia

Serbia's president declines to define killing of 8,000 in Srebrenica as 'genocide'

Serbia's president refuses to call Srebrenica massacre a 'genocide' - CNN.com
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

On April 26 I wrote:

a few days in advance......and the window opens....as so many times before.....

today April 26 intuition speaks again...

On April 30 Willem Alexander will become King of The Netherlands.

This morning I had to think about 'Srebrenica Karma'......

and the confirmation is instant and By Design....

From July 11, 1995 - April 30, 2013 = 6503 days

The 2 Golden Mean based Phi-points & the 2 HDdesign based Pi points are all 4 confirming in our perception of time.

Phi points:

outwards: 6503 / 2,61803399 = 2484 days = April 30, 2002

inwards: 6503 / 1,61803399 = 4019 days = July 11 , 2006

Pi points:

6503 / Pi / Pi = 659

6503 - 659 = 5844

5844 / 2 = 2922 days = first HDDesign Pi point = July 11, 2003

2922 + 659 = 3581 = second HDDesign Pi point = April 30, 2005

Perfectly logging Earth's orbital position in our perception of time on July 11 and April 30

Note that a few days after the first Golden Mean based Phi point April 30, 2002, the Golden Mean 911 based timecoded 'Srebrenica Karma' spiral emerged with the assassination of Pim Fortuyn, on May 6, 2002.

When this timeframe opened, the underlying 'Srebrenica Karma' theme was getting momentum:

BELGRADE -- Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić has apologized for all crimes committed in Bosnia-Herzegovina by any individual on Serbia’s behalf.He told Bosnian BHT TV that the genocide in Srebrenica needed to be proven first but added that he was “on his knees, asking for forgiveness for Serbia”.

Commenting on a presenter’s statement that all the evidence showed that it was a genocide, the Serbian president said that everything that was happening in wars in the former Yugoslavia had characteristics of genocide.

“I am down on my knees because of it. Here, I am down on my knees. And I am asking for a pardon for Serbia for the crime that was committed in Srebrenica. I apologize for the crimes committed by any individual on behalf of our state and our people,” Nikolić stressed.

Blix.ba has reported that the Serbian president had said that he would soon visit Srebrenica.

The interview will be aired on May 7. ( Pim Fortuyn / Dutch )

Serbia's president declines to define killing of 8,000 in Srebrenica as 'genocide'

Serbia's president refuses to call Srebrenica massacre a 'genocide' - CNN.com

Om May 3 I wrote:

keep in mind that this 6.503 days timeframe could find it's echo during the current timeframe. Marked by the fall of Srebrenica on July 11, 1995, which corresponds with April 30, 2013, we are now ( around May 3, 2013 ) entering the echo timeframe of the mass executions.

Following the detentions of prisoners on 13 July, the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) conducted a number of mass executions between 13 July and 22 July. The vast amount of planning and high-level coordination invested in killing thousands of men in a few days is apparent from the scale and the methodical nature in which the executions were carried out. These events generally involved the pattern of isolating men and boys for transport to warehouses, where they were subsequently transported to fields for execution. As of 2005, more than 6,000 bodies have been exhumed from the Srebrenica region. The number of people missing or killed as compiled by the Federal Commission of Missing Persons includes 8,373 names so far.

On May 4 we will remember the victims of WW II in The Netherlands. In 2010 this was disturbed by a mad man causing panic in the crowd. Queen Beatrix had to leave the site at the Dam in Amsterdam for a short while, returning shortly afterwards.

Keep in mind that we remember those who were killed while fighting for our freedom, which we've haven't done for the people of Srebrenica.

May 5 we remember the end of WWII

May 6 is the date Pim Fortuyn was killed, the start of the Golden Mean based 'Srebrenica Karma' timecoded spiral.

Attention is needed untill at least May 11,2013, corresponding with the end of the mass executions.

3 days later, with Earth at the same orbital position as during the assassination of Pim Fortuyn ( which was where the 911 based 'Srebrenica Karma' timecode spiral emerged in our reality ), the 'Pim Fortuyn from Curacao' was killed:

Note that Curacao is part of the Kingdom of The Netherlands!!!

Curacao politician Helmin Wiels shot dead

6 May 2013

A prominent politician on the Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao, Helmin Wiels, has been shot dead.

Witnesses said he was killed on the beach by gunmen who sped off in a car.

Mr Wiels was leader of the Pueblo Soberano party, which campaigns for independence from the Netherlands.

Local media say it is the first time a politician has been assassinated in Curacao. Prime Minister Daniel Hodge said: "This act was horrendous, terrible, and we are in shock."

A motive for the killing remains unclear, but the Curacao government said Mr Wiels had received threats in the past.

Despite winning the most parliamentary seats in elections last year, the Pueblo Soberano party did not have enough votes to form a government.

BBC News - Curacao politician Helmin Wiels shot dead

Srebrenica Karma

Intelligently corresponding ( as explained above) with the start of the mass executions back in July 1995

3 May 2013

Procurator General of the Dutch Supreme Court concludes to reject appeal against Srebrenica judgment

On 3 May, the Procurator General of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands (mr. P. Vlas) concluded in his so-called ‘advisory opinion’ that the appeal against the Judgment of the Court of Appeal of the Hague, which found that the Netherlands was liable for evicting Bosnian nationals from the compound of Dutchbat in Srebrenica on 12 July 1995, should be rejected. The main task of the Procurator General of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands is to provide independent advice (known as ‘advisory opinion’) to the members of the Supreme Court on how to rule in the cassation proceedings that are before the Court.

Procurator General of the Dutch Supreme Court concludes to reject appeal against Srebrenica judgment | SHARES

King of The Netherlands ( and of Curacao ) Willem Alexander shockey the assassination of Wiels

Koning aangegrepen door dood Wiels - Binnenland | Het laatste nieuws uit Nederland leest u op Telegraaf.nl [binnenland]


May 3, 2013

In the cross-examination of the former UNPROFOR chief of staff Cornelis Nicolai, Ratko Mladic’s defense tried to prove that in the summer of 1995 UNPROFOR was not neutral. UNPROFOR ‘sided with’ the BH Army. Both UN and NATO thus became a ‘warring side’ in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ratko Mladic’s trial continued on Tuesday, May 7 2013.


Bosnian TV airs Serb President Nikolic's apology for Sebrenica massacre

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Bosnian TV airs Serb President Nikolic's apology for Sebrenica massacre - Bosnia and Herzegovina - 07-05-2013 - Event - Zapaday

"Positive report on cooperation with Hague"

May 9, 2013

BELGRADE -- Bruno Vekarić says he is convinced that the report to the UN Security Council on the country's cooperation with the Hague Tribunal will be positive.

It will not stand in the way of its EU integration, Serbia's deputy war crimes prosecutor has stated.

B92 - News - "Positive report on cooperation with Hague"
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

On April 26 I wrote:

a few days in advance......and the window opens....as so many times before.....

today April 26 intuition speaks again...

On April 30 Willem Alexander will become King of The Netherlands.

This morning I had to think about 'Srebrenica Karma'......

and the confirmation is instant and By Design....

From July 11, 1995 - April 30, 2013 = 6503 days

The 2 Golden Mean based Phi-points & the 2 HDdesign based Pi points are all 4 confirming in our perception of time.

Phi points:

outwards: 6503 / 2,61803399 = 2484 days = April 30, 2002

inwards: 6503 / 1,61803399 = 4019 days = July 11 , 2006

Pi points:

6503 / Pi / Pi = 659

6503 - 659 = 5844

5844 / 2 = 2922 days = first HDDesign Pi point = July 11, 2003

2922 + 659 = 3581 = second HDDesign Pi point = April 30, 2005

Perfectly logging Earth's orbital position in our perception of time on July 11 and April 30

Note that a few days after the first Golden Mean based Phi point April 30, 2002, the Golden Mean 911 based timecoded 'Srebrenica Karma' spiral emerged with the assassination of Pim Fortuyn, on May 6, 2002.

When this timeframe opened, the underlying 'Srebrenica Karma' theme was getting momentum:

BELGRADE -- Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić has apologized for all crimes committed in Bosnia-Herzegovina by any individual on Serbia’s behalf.He told Bosnian BHT TV that the genocide in Srebrenica needed to be proven first but added that he was “on his knees, asking for forgiveness for Serbia”.

Commenting on a presenter’s statement that all the evidence showed that it was a genocide, the Serbian president said that everything that was happening in wars in the former Yugoslavia had characteristics of genocide.

“I am down on my knees because of it. Here, I am down on my knees. And I am asking for a pardon for Serbia for the crime that was committed in Srebrenica. I apologize for the crimes committed by any individual on behalf of our state and our people,” Nikolić stressed.

Blix.ba has reported that the Serbian president had said that he would soon visit Srebrenica.

The interview will be aired on May 7. ( Pim Fortuyn / Dutch )

Serbia's president declines to define killing of 8,000 in Srebrenica as 'genocide'

Serbia's president refuses to call Srebrenica massacre a 'genocide' - CNN.com

Om May 3 I wrote:

keep in mind that this 6.503 days timeframe could find it's echo during the current timeframe. Marked by the fall of Srebrenica on July 11, 1995, which corresponds with April 30, 2013, we are now ( around May 3, 2013 ) entering the echo timeframe of the mass executions.

Following the detentions of prisoners on 13 July, the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) conducted a number of mass executions between 13 July and 22 July. The vast amount of planning and high-level coordination invested in killing thousands of men in a few days is apparent from the scale and the methodical nature in which the executions were carried out. These events generally involved the pattern of isolating men and boys for transport to warehouses, where they were subsequently transported to fields for execution. As of 2005, more than 6,000 bodies have been exhumed from the Srebrenica region. The number of people missing or killed as compiled by the Federal Commission of Missing Persons includes 8,373 names so far.

On May 4 we will remember the victims of WW II in The Netherlands. In 2010 this was disturbed by a mad man causing panic in the crowd. Queen Beatrix had to leave the site at the Dam in Amsterdam for a short while, returning shortly afterwards.

Keep in mind that we remember those who were killed while fighting for our freedom, which we've haven't done for the people of Srebrenica.

May 5 we remember the end of WWII

May 6 is the date Pim Fortuyn was killed, the start of the Golden Mean based 'Srebrenica Karma' timecoded spiral.

Attention is needed untill at least May 11,2013, corresponding with the end of the mass executions.

3 days later, with Earth at the same orbital position as during the assassination of Pim Fortuyn ( which was where the 911 based 'Srebrenica Karma' timecode spiral emerged in our reality ), the 'Pim Fortuyn from Curacao' was killed:

Note that Curacao is part of the Kingdom of The Netherlands!!!

Curacao politician Helmin Wiels shot dead

6 May 2013

A prominent politician on the Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao, Helmin Wiels, has been shot dead.

Witnesses said he was killed on the beach by gunmen who sped off in a car.

Mr Wiels was leader of the Pueblo Soberano party, which campaigns for independence from the Netherlands.

Local media say it is the first time a politician has been assassinated in Curacao. Prime Minister Daniel Hodge said: "This act was horrendous, terrible, and we are in shock."

A motive for the killing remains unclear, but the Curacao government said Mr Wiels had received threats in the past.

Despite winning the most parliamentary seats in elections last year, the Pueblo Soberano party did not have enough votes to form a government.

BBC News - Curacao politician Helmin Wiels shot dead

Srebrenica Karma

Intelligently corresponding ( as explained above) with the start of the mass executions back in July 1995

3 May 2013

Procurator General of the Dutch Supreme Court concludes to reject appeal against Srebrenica judgment

On 3 May, the Procurator General of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands (mr. P. Vlas) concluded in his so-called ‘advisory opinion’ that the appeal against the Judgment of the Court of Appeal of the Hague, which found that the Netherlands was liable for evicting Bosnian nationals from the compound of Dutchbat in Srebrenica on 12 July 1995, should be rejected. The main task of the Procurator General of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands is to provide independent advice (known as ‘advisory opinion’) to the members of the Supreme Court on how to rule in the cassation proceedings that are before the Court.

Procurator General of the Dutch Supreme Court concludes to reject appeal against Srebrenica judgment | SHARES

King of The Netherlands ( and of Curacao ) Willem Alexander shockey the assassination of Wiels

Koning aangegrepen door dood Wiels - Binnenland | Het laatste nieuws uit Nederland leest u op Telegraaf.nl [binnenland]


May 3, 2013

In the cross-examination of the former UNPROFOR chief of staff Cornelis Nicolai, Ratko Mladic’s defense tried to prove that in the summer of 1995 UNPROFOR was not neutral. UNPROFOR ‘sided with’ the BH Army. Both UN and NATO thus became a ‘warring side’ in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ratko Mladic’s trial continued on Tuesday, May 7 2013.


Bosnian TV airs Serb President Nikolic's apology for Sebrenica massacre

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Bosnian TV airs Serb President Nikolic's apology for Sebrenica massacre - Bosnia and Herzegovina - 07-05-2013 - Event - Zapaday

"Positive report on cooperation with Hague"

May 9, 2013

BELGRADE -- Bruno Vekarić says he is convinced that the report to the UN Security Council on the country's cooperation with the Hague Tribunal will be positive.

It will not stand in the way of its EU integration, Serbia's deputy war crimes prosecutor has stated.

B92 - News - "Positive report on cooperation with Hague"
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

On December 14, 2012, I wrote on the timeline Q4 2013:

October 8, 2013 - HDDesign Pi based correlation with Moon Impacts

If the Chandrayaan and Centaur impacts happened on the both Pi points of a timeline, than that timeline would start on November 16, 2004....

It itself this is already a confirmation by Design, as it is confirmimg our perception of time: Earth at same orbital position ( november 15 +/- 1day)!!!

and ofcourse, the end of te timeframe is also confirmimg our perception of time: Earth at same orbital position as during LCROSS/Centaur impact around October 8, 2013.

( first addition to the timeline Q4 2013, on December 14, 2012 )

So this expectation is is based on these 2 lunar Impacts and what happened around November 16, 2004:

I wrote last year:

wel, well, well......

Lunar impact on November 14, 2008 was Chandrayaan-1

Chandrayaan-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Less than a year later we've had another impact on the moon, by LCROSS with the Centaur impactor:

Centaur impacted successfully on October 9, 2009

LCROSS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wouldn't it be in line of thought to expect confirmation based on this specific HDDesign Pi based Design?

Wouldn't that be 'in the face'?

To see this specific HDDesign Pi-based Design again confirming?

As so many times before?

If the Chandrayaan and Centaur impacts happened on the both Pi points of a timeline, than that timeline would start on November 16, 2004....

It itself this is already a confirmation by Design, as it is confirmimg our perception of time: Earth at same orbital position ( november 15 +/- 1day)!!!

But look what has happened at the start of this timeline with these 2 lunar impacts at the both Pi-points:

On November 16, 2004, The European Space Agency probe Smart 1 passed from Earth orbit into the orbit of the Moon.

2004 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Smart 1....was also deliberately crashed into the Moon's surface!!!!!

(On september 3, 2006)

SMART-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is so profound and essential......

To see this specific HDDesign Pi-based Design expressed by these 3 lunar impact probes....

Earlier I have already unveiled other HDDesign Pi-based underlying Design in relation to a lunar impact...and now again......


So what do we see happening right now during the predetermined timeframe around October 8, 2013?

LADEE entering lunar orbit!

Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer

LADEE is taking an unusual approach in its transit of the Moon. Launched into a highly elliptical Earth orbit, the spacecraft is making three increasingly-larger laps around Earth before getting close enough to enter into Lunar orbit. The transit will require nearly a month, with arrival expected no earlier than October 6

Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LADEE Successfully Enters Lunar Orbit on Oct. 6 Amidst Government Shutdown

Read more: LADEE Successfully Enters Lunar Orbit on Oct. 6 Amidst Government Shutdown

and ofcourse:

LADEE finishes its mission with a targeted impact on the far side of the Moon

In other words:

I talk about 2 moon Impacts, Chandrayaan and Centaur.

When the actual timing of these 2 lunar Imacts are considered to be happening at the 2 Pi points on a timeline in our perception of time on Earth, as determined in HDDesign and HDDesign only, than this timeline would start and end with Earth at the same orbital position again ( in our perception of time ) as during these 2 moon impacts.

This in itself is already a confirmation of this specific HDDesign Pi based Design that has shown numerous correlations in the HDDesign material since its discovery a few years back, especially in relation with space events. ( first unveiled with spacecraft Deep Impact/Epoxi and the comet flyby's )

Besides this 'confirmation' by Design, I also noticed last year that at the start of this Pi-based timeline with these 2 lunar impacts of different missions at the 2 Pi points, ESA probe Smart 1 entered lunar orbit.

Smart 1, that later impacted the moon aswell.

So last year we already had these 3 different lunar impact missions expressing Pi as determined in HDDesign!.

You should be able to be amazed to see the intelligence behind this.

So with this in mind I posted last year (2012) on the timeline for Q3 2013, expecting a related event that would again confirm this hidden Intelligent underlying Design.

And what a confirmation it is........during the pre-determined timeframe LADEE entered Lunar orbit!!!!!

LADEE....... which will also impact the moon and the end of its mission!!

So we have 4 different lunar impact missions. 2 of them going from Earth into Moon orbit at the start and end of the timeline and 2 impacts at the 2 Pi points.........!!!

And you think that its just a coincidence??????

Think again
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

Just want you to know, that I have resumed posting in the HDDesign material just recently, after being away for more than a year due to a tripple minor stroke deep into my right half of my brain back in may 2014
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by Dutch »

I stated on the forum that the solid outer crust is not in balance, with most of the mass at northern hemisphere and also more in the east than in the west. That in relation to possible global ECD's caused by in-/or decrease of polar ice. The centrifugal forces of the spinning Earth causes the San Andreas area to 'want' to move towards equator, but the mass of the closed solid outher crust in the East is preventing that, makes it a trigger for the next big one. If that would be truth, I stated that we should see indications in Africa, where the forces at play work the other way round. With that in mind I stated to keep an eye on the Rift Valley in Afrika and as a matter of fact, just recently a big fracture occured in East Afrika, ripping the African plate apart. This indicates San Andreas is due. Question is: why now? The polar ice factor seems not at play, something else is dragging on the solid outer crust though. Is Nibiru coming?
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Post by FourPart »

There is also the question that if the centrifugal force is supposed to be sufficient to move lands to the equator, then why isn't it strong enough to send everything on the surface flying into space? Gravity is not understood. Just as Creationists say about Evolution - it is only a Theory, therefore doesn't really exist.
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Hyper Dimensional Design

Post by LarsMac »

Fascinating way to look at it.

But, really, the crust is just the hardened outer edges of mantle where the material has cooled, and interacted with the atmosphere.

The tidal forces that keep the mantle moving help to move the crust around, as well.

If you've ever walked on the cooling lava near a volcano like the Hawaiian lava flows you'd see how that works.

Stability of the planets outer crust is really a myth.

Lava flow
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I thought it was generally accepted that the earth's crust was basically just floating on the molten magma underneath - much like ice floes on water.
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Post by LarsMac »

FourPart;1518647 wrote: I thought it was generally accepted that the earth's crust was basically just floating on the molten magma underneath - much like ice floes on water.


Except where edges of it gets abducted back into the still hot magma and melts.
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