The Election Has Already Been Decided

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The Election Has Already Been Decided

Post by katsung47 »

This is a covert totalitarian country. They guide actors to perform a drama. Who will be the president? I think it is Donald Trump. The reason I have given in the other thread "Donald Trump is a candidate of the Feds".

The Election Has Already Been Decided


People get very emotional about major elections, particularly when it comes to how elections impact their money. Yet the scary reality of our modern political system is, your vote doesn’t matter when it comes to who’s really in power. While there are many systemic problems in banking, taxation, trade and monetary policy, none of these systemic problems changes in any meaningfully way by who controls the House, Senate or Presidency.

Regardless of changes in party power, politicians don’t hold the REAL power in Washington. No, the sad fact is, the election has already been decided. And the winner is the banking industry, at the command of the Fed. The Republicans & Democrats have done nothing in a generation to stop the Fed & banking industry from launching us off the fiscal cliff. And neither will Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. ... xSponsored
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The Election Has Already Been Decided

Post by Momus »

Some truth in your post.
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The Election Has Already Been Decided

Post by katsung47 »

The select politicians through rigged election because they control the intelligence. They justify the result by faked poll because they control media.
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The Election Has Already Been Decided

Post by katsung47 »

930. FBI activate a coup (11/6/2016)

I had such information from internet:

Cone of silence

According to an FBI source, Comey had over a hundred letters of resignation sitting on his desk. When he walked through the halls, agents would turn their back and look the other way. Then he reopened the case, and "the entire building broke out in cheers". ... v=messages


BREAKING: Comey mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes

Posted on November 4, 2016

BREAKING: Comey Mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes | True Pundit

Apparantly, Comey under the pressure of FBI officials to re-open investigation on Clinton's email case. That's an open interference in election. The purpose is to help their candidate - Trump to grab the power seat of president. I think the FBI has big plan in next year.

From my point of view, it's no other than a coup. In dictatorship, the officials activate army to take over control. In US, they activate themselves - secret police.

931. Beware of a November surprise (11/7/2016)

On 11/6, Comey says latest emails don't change FBI conclusion on Clinton. What makes the FBI flip flop in a few days? I think the reaction is too strong that they have to change their tactic. Trump is their candidate.They need him for a big plot. Even the Feds failed to pull down his rival - Clinton, they still would make Trump president by rigged election. Remember 2000 election? Although Bill Clinton ended his term with a good economic management - a rare surplus in budget, they let Bush took the seat. Because the Feds had a big plan - Mid East war justified by 9/11 attack. To distance themselves away from the coming controversial election, they pretend to be fair and neutral in email case.

The world reacted the FBI news with a joy by rising stock market and Mexico Peso. It's too earlier. They don't know US is a covert totalitarian. Beware of a November surprise.
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The Election Has Already Been Decided

Post by katsung47 »

930. FBI activate a coup (11/6/2016)

I had such information from internet:

Cone of silence

According to an FBI source, Comey had over a hundred letters of resignation sitting on his desk. When he walked through the halls, agents would turn their back and look the other way. Then he reopened the case, and "the entire building broke out in cheers". ... v=messages


BREAKING: Comey mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes

Posted on November 4, 2016

BREAKING: Comey Mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes | True Pundit

Apparantly, Comey under the pressure of FBI officials to re-open investigation on Clinton's email case. That's an open interference in election. The purpose is to help their candidate - Trump to grab the power seat of president. I think the FBI has big plan in next year.

From my point of view, it's no other than a coup. In dictatorship, the officials activate army to take over control. In US, they activate themselves - secret police.

931. Beware of a November surprise (11/7/2016)

On 11/6, Comey says latest emails don't change FBI conclusion on Clinton. What makes the FBI flip flop in a few days? I think the reaction is too strong that they have to change their tactic. Trump is their candidate.They need him for a big plot. Even the Feds failed to pull down his rival - Clinton, they still would make Trump president by rigged election. Remember 2000 election? Although Bill Clinton ended his term with a good economic management - a rare surplus in budget, they let Bush took the seat. Because the Feds had a big plan - Mid East war justified by 9/11 attack. To distance themselves away from the coming controversial election, they pretend to be fair and neutral in email case.

The world reacted the FBI news with a joy by rising stock market and Mexico Peso. It's too earlier. They don't know US is a covert totalitarian. Beware of a November surprise.
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The Election Has Already Been Decided

Post by katsung47 »

934. Trump, Bush and the return of Tony Blair(11/23/2016)

The president election of 2016 is similar to the 2000 one. Both were rigged to escort the puppets of the Feds to take the president seat. I say so because both happened under the term of Democrat's regime and the economy are pretty well too. In 2000, Bill Clinton left with a rare budget surplus for next president. Barak Obama has having a nice employment rate - 5%. There is hardly a reason to change the ruling party. Yet the Feds have other purpose and they control the election, So we saw the controversial events. To create unreasonable victory of the campaign, they had to make it a tied one. Bush won the election on the controversial Florida votes which depended on the decision of Supreme Court. Trump won a controversial election which caused countrywide protests, the Feds later have to say Hillary Clinton won popular votes to comfort people. They manipulate the voting number at their convenience.

They did so because they had big plan plotted already. The two election also got everything ready for the puppet president to carry out their mission. That is the full control of the Senate and the House. The plan would pass easily in legislative - both controlled by Republican Party. Now we know for Bush's job it was war in Mid-East and 9/11 attack. What will it be for Donald Trump? Here is a news when Trump is interviewing the candidate of his cabinet.

Eurosceptics welcome Tony Blair's political comeback and Brexit intervention

Laura Hughes 21 NOVEMBER 2016

Tony Blair’s plan to make a comeback to political life by spearheading an anti-Brexit group was last night welcomed by Eurosceptics who said it would increase public support for leaving the EU.

Eurosceptics welcome Tony Blair's political comeback and Brexit intervention 

Tony Blair is notorious for his role in Iraq war. Does this mean there will be another war- on Syria, or on Iran? Or another style of war- to split Euro zone?

When they say it's those "low educated white people" who lost their jobs voted Trump to his president seat, do you feel the conflict of that this is the time of full employment (5% unemployment rate)?

Stand high to see these two president elections (2000, 2016) with the return of Tony Blair, you may see how the Feds manipulate the election to chose politicians to control this world.
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The Election Has Already Been Decided

Post by katsung47 »

935. Trump confirms secret deal (11/29/2016)

Another similarity of the two president election (2000 and 2016), is both are for a murder plot of the Feds(FBI and DEA). The murder target is Kat sung.

In 2001 Bush's term, the big events were: 4/11 The crew of EP-3 spy plane released by China - to justify a payment to China. 6/11 the execution of Timothy McVeigh - a distract action. 9/11 attack - part of interest exchange between DOD and DOJ. 7/13 China awarded to host 2008 Olympic Game; 9/17 China awarded the membership of WTO - payment to China.

see: From EP-3 spy plane to 911 attack

However, the Feds failed to eliminate Kat Sung.

In 2016 election, to assure the killing plot to go through, they let a representative of their own - Donald Trump to take over the president power. So we saw an unusual election that an unqualified crook defeated a professional politician.

The Feds(FBI and DEA) obviously have made new secret deal with Chinese secret police. They let the heads of two countries to confirm their deal in a call.

In phone call, China's Xi tells Trump cooperation is only choice

By Michael Martina and Steve Holland

Reuters 11/14/2016

In phone call, China's Xi tells Trump cooperation is only choice - Netscape News

One day later,China got its first payment as assurance.

China's most-wanted corruption suspect surrenders after 13 years abroad

Reuters November 16, 2016

By Sue-Lin Wong

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's most-wanted corruption suspect returned to China from the United States on Wednesday after turning herself in, a major victory for the ruling Communist Party's overseas hunt for fugitive officials. ... 47605.html

The president elected approves the secret deal. (payment too) The lackeys now are preparing for the detail work.

November 16, 2016

U.S. and Chinese diplomats and law enforcement representatives plan to meet in Beijing next week to discuss fighting transnational crime through the China-U.S. Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation. ... 36004.html
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