dutch vote means nothing the AA grumpy column

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the grumps
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dutch vote means nothing the AA grumpy column

Post by the grumps »

hello my little grump followers

i have a story from over the channel for you tonight from the land of windmills , clogs and cheese.. yes holland who have recentley been betrayed by the dictatorship of the EU.

Your vote means NOTHING’ Brussels insists land grab plot WILL go ahead despite Dutch 'no EUROPEAN UNION leaders were tonight plotting to override the democratic wishes of the Dutch people and plough ahead with a rejected plan to tighten their grip on Ukraine.

EU leaders have tonight poured cold water on the historic Dutch referendum result

Arrogant Brussels politicians insisted the plot to bring Kiev further into their sphere of influence will go ahead, even though it was last night overwhelmingly rejected by the Dutch people.

Germany’s Angela Merkel told journalists the Dutch ‘no’ vote will be “managed as we have managed other difficult issues before”, whilst French president Francois Hollande said the EU will “implement and apply” the rejected treaty And EU President Jean-Claude Juncker today expressly REFUSED to rule out steamrollering the Dutch people's democratic rights and enforcing the deal on them anyway.

Their remarks came hours after Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko insisted his country WILL join the EU come what may, regardless of whether the European populace want it to The remarks were tonight set to infuriate pro-democracy campaigners, who had openly expressed fears that the Brussels leadership would simply ignore the views of voters and press ahead with the deal the Dutch electorate rejected the plan by a huge majority, with 61.1% voting to block the deal, compared to just 38.1% who wanted it to go ahead.

But less than 24 hours later the Brussels elite has declared their wishes irrelevant, insisting it will plough ahead with its expansionist and federalist agenda regardless Mrs Merkel told reporters: “We're going to manage this as we have managed other difficult issues before.”

Her comments are believed to refer to the last time the Dutch people rejected an EU power grab, when they voted against the proposed EU Constitution in 2005.

In that case the document was simply rebranded as the Lisbon Treaty and brought into law without any democratic oversight.

Meanwhile French President Francois Hollande reacted to the Dutch ‘no’ vote today by insisting it is irrelevant.

He said: "As far as Europe is concerned, it will implement what it can of the association agreement.

”As far as France and Germany, we will continue to support Ukraine and apply the association agreement in our respective countries.”

Mr Juncker meanwhile refused to rule out pushing through the deal after speaking to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on the phone last night.

The Brussels chief said he was “sad” at the result, but did not encourage Dutch politicians to respect the wishes of their people.

Instead he stated that it was "for the government of the Netherlands to analyse the outcome and decide on the course of action”.

Mr Juncker added: ”The Commission remains strongly committed to the development of its relations with Ukraine.”

Tellingly, his spokeswoman refused to answer questions over the trend of European voters rejecting EU policies whenever they are consulted via referendums, or Brussels' tendency to implement their plans regardless.

Earlier today Ukraine leader Mr Poroshenko arrogantly declared that the crushing referendum result would make no difference to his country’s stated aim of joining the EU.

He told reporters: “I want to stress that this referendum, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of the Netherlands, has only a consultative role and now it is for the government, parliament and Dutch politicians to decide I am sure that strategically this event is not an obstacle to Ukraine’s entry to Europe.”

Their comments came after Eurosceptic campaigners warned that Brussels’ long history of ignoring democratically taken decisions indicated it would probably push ahead with the Ukraine deal regardless.

After the result was declared Labour MP Kate Hoey tweeted: “A great result in the Dutch referendum tonight. No doubt the EU commission will tell them to vote again #Brexit.”

And earlier this week one of the campaigners behind the referendum, Thierry Baudet, said that Britain should vote to sever ties with Brussels if the EU ignores the will of his people and ploughs ahead with the deal.

He said: "If politicians ignore the Dutch 'no' then it will be an even stronger signal than what the British have already received - that there is no way to correct the European political class and that they should vote to leave."

The deal proposes a huge shift in political, trade and defence cooperation between Brussels and Kiev which is seen as the first step towards Ukraine becoming a full EU member.

But it went down like a lead balloon with the Dutch public, who are increasingly turning against the EU as calls for a Brexit continue to gather pace.

Dutch referendum: EU leaders say Ukraine deal will go ahead despite Netherlands 'no' vote | Politics | News | Daily Express


so this proves beyond all reasonable doubt how corrupt and self serving the dictatorship of EU is as it pushes towards a united states of europe while poking the russian bear which is in itself a very dangerous proposition.

and it also gives credability to the out camp prompting the uk to leave the EU but will cameron do exactly as the EU have done and ride roughshod over the vote to exit and totally ignore the vote and keep us in ?

this could lead to riots protests and civil unrest not just in the capital but countrywide with widescale looting and burning cars which will make the last ones seen in london seem like a teddybears picnic.

and picture this what if a group of protesters attempt to storm the gates of downing street or the houses of parliment in a protest to get cameron to stand down as PM would armed police dare to open fire on unarmed civillians to protect the ellite multi millionaire politicians.

these are becoming dangerous times under the dictatorship of cameron and we still have another 4 years before we can legitimatley boot him out by the ballot box unless our so called economic parasites vote to keep the lib/lab con ellite in power in return for asylum a house and benefits here in the uk or the voting rules are changed by the EU to allow them to do so.

look at whats happening abroad as soldiers battle isis and migrants storm the frontier fences to break in to europe and head for france and germany or the the tunnel to get to the uk not only do we need to restore each countries frontiers to limit their movements but we need a brexit now as by 2020 it may be too late.
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