Shooting Death of Black Man by White Officer

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tude dog
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Shooting Death of Black Man by White Officer

Post by tude dog »

Here we go again.

Shooting Death of Black Man by White Officer Spurs Protests in St. Louis Suburb

This time there is VIDEO, but even if clear would anybody expect anything other than burning, looting etc.

We’ve seen the chanted lies of HANDS UP DON’T SHOOT, I CAN’T BREATH to inflame the feral population. I am wondering if this time the mantra will be something along the lines of

Officer Did Not Have Body Camera On

It is a now no win war when we suffer folk like always about Al.

I don't know about New York City politic, the the concept that BIG AL reportedly has the ear of Mayor Bill de Blasio would be desterbing. But then Mayor Blasio is a disterbing concept

It is the business of the folk of New York City.

I am sitting here looking at this crook reportedly has visited the White House 81. times.

Well, Barry learned big city politics in Chicago. Association withe the likes of Rev. Al Sharpton's $4.5 Million Tax Bill

What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
She had the black vote all locked up.
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