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Post by Bruv »

Dear god indeed :-5
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1462538 wrote: Dear god indeed :-5

The shameful ‘Go Home’ campaign | Institute of Race Relations
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Post by FourPart »

Oscar Namechange;1462535 wrote: I don't have to defend myself, Griffin nor anyone else. If you want the low down on them, then do some research. But If you are going to quote him then at least quote him correctly.

First of all I never quoted (or mis-quoted] anyone. I was citing a claim he made, sourced from Bruv's link

Since Islam is not a race based religion there is no offence in criticising Islam.

- Nick Griffin On Islam
Now, that is a quote, albeit a 2nd hand quote from the site I have identified. My point, though was that I agreed with the validity of what he said. I just went on to say that the vast majority of them are of ethnic origin & are generally seen as such. I don't think I've ever come across him, or any other BNP spokesman referring to White Moslems.

Mr Griffin said he would 'have a problem' with any BNP member marrying a non-white.

'We would have a problem with that just as many West Indians, many Sikhs, people of all different races and creeds and nationalities very often have a common natural human instinct which is to want their children and their grandchildren to look like them, to identify with their culture,' he said.

'The whole world faces a big problem with so many different peoples, different ethnic groups mixing that we are losing all our separate cultures and identities.'

Taken from your own link.

Walker's appointment marks the end of any attempts by the BNP to pose as a non-racist party.

He has previously described Britain as a "multicultural shithole" which is under the process of "ethnic cleansing" and warned that the country faces many more Lee Rigby-style executions perpetrated by "tribal African" people.
Taken from Nick Griffin ousted as BNP leader - Westminster

How anyone can believe that the BNP is a non-racist party is beyond me - a party that previously banned non-whites from becoming members, until a High Court ruling said that they had to.

On a slightly different tack...

Oscar is standing for the local council not as MP, she may as be standing as Labour or Independent........local politics at grass roots is almost non grass roots I repeat. Constituents vote for the person they know, regardless of party. It all changes in the council chamber of course........its all the power......(maniacal laughter)
It seems I may have misunderstood. I thought you were standing at the General Election as a BNP candidate. If this is not the case, then I apologise.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

FourPart;1462541 wrote:

It seems I may have misunderstood. I thought you were standing at the General Election as a BNP candidate. If this is not the case, then I apologise. Where did that come from ?... I didn't see that. It's the General election.

Anyway It's been absolutely delightful but I'll have to leave you to It... stuff to do and all that.

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Oscar Namechange;1462543 wrote: Where did that come from ?... I didn't see that. It's the General election.

It came from Bruv's post (#148). I get so easily confused.

btw. I hope you don't take anything I say personally. It's just that I tend to get carried away when it comes to politics.
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Post by Bruv »

I are standing as prospective BNP MP. I was thrown by this wording "It has been deemed and made official that our city has only one parliamentary candidate for the party in a ward of the city rather than stand various candidates." Which I took as meaning, rather than fielding many councilors in many wards,as local councilors, I obviously know less about our system than I thought.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

FourPart;1462546 wrote: It came from Bruv's post (#148). I get so easily confused.

btw. I hope you don't take anything I say personally. It's just that I tend to get carried away when it comes to politics.

I'm not the sort to bear grudges.

It's not so much the politics I get on my high horse with, It's when people, anyone assume's so much without the Inside knowledge. It's when, like you, you've taken the trouble to write a lengthy post, sourced your links for endorsement and then all you get back Is a smart Alec quip with absolutely no Input as to subject matter.

Some time ago, I took a well know British singer to task over a ridiculous comment she made on Twitter about the Grand National. I started a group to boycott the silly mare until she apologised publically to our Jockeys. It got so big and so many famous Jockeys chipping In, they even wrote a piece about me In The Racing Post.

The point Is, I don't have a problem with anyone's politics whoever they support but when assumption about my Party Is written as fact, that's when I have a problem. Same with this singer, her comment was Ignorant assumption that could have led many young people down the wrong path.

Here In my own community, I work alongside local elected Councillors on various Issue's for residents. Currently, we are trying to get some street lights turned back on. I can e mail the Labour Councillor asking for, say, for original planning on something and a day later I'll have It. The Tory Councillor Is a bit of a lazy git and just turns up for the photo shoots for the local newspaers with us. We all meet once a month with the local boys In blue but everyone one of them knows which Party I'm with and there's none of this ridiculous, oh don't deal with her, she's with them' crap... we just get on with It and do our best to help each other... that's the way It should be... your community should be far more Important than who you stand for.

Yet, In Cumbria, a dear friend of mine who decimated the Labour vote and was elected for the BNP winning 42% of the vote, Is having the life hounded out of her by certain Labour MP's. Can't say any more on that for now.

Another assumption of the Party or has been In the past Is that Herr Griffin is some sort of cult figure who has the ability to brainwash his followers. So, I've had this condescending speak from people In the past that Indicates I'm a brain dead housewife who's sole concern of the day Is whether to buy pea's or carrots and I'm being suckered In to something I'll never be able to get out of. If that were true of any of the Party members, Brons would not have been able to decimate the Party during the leadership challenge and the split.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

Here's something Interesting which helps endorse my claim that many British Immigrants want to leave Britain.

The British Muslims who want to live under the Islamic State - Channel 4 News

Now the clown Farage has come out and stated he wants all British Jihadists to have their british Citizenship revoked.... funny that Nige, only Griffin was saying that a year ago.
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I can see both sides of that situation.

First of all we don't want any terrorists in this country, actual or potential, regardless of Race or Religion.

However, although not 'directly' or 'officially' involved in the ISIS affairs, by giving them the safe passage they demand, to live in the Islamic State illegally declared by ISIS is no different than actually allying with ISIS. I would say to allow them to go over to the country of their choice, into the custody of the official ruling Government & let them take it from there.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

FourPart;1462564 wrote: I can see both sides of that situation.

First of all we don't want any terrorists in this country, actual or potential, regardless of Race or Religion.

However, although not 'directly' or 'officially' involved in the ISIS affairs, by giving them the safe passage they demand, to live in the Islamic State illegally declared by ISIS is no different than actually allying with ISIS. I would say to allow them to go over to the country of their choice, into the custody of the official ruling Government & let them take it from there.

I say, let them go, revoke their British Citizenship upon leaving and enforce Immediate arrest should they return with Immediate deportation along with their families Including ole Ginge and the understanding from them, that should they leave, they never return.

My only problem Is with the likes of Farage saying the same from the comfort of his padded cell when It was only Griffin who had the balls to tour Syria a year ago with Assad and discuss the problem of British born Jihadists joining the Muslim brotherhood to fight In Syria.... remember them ? They're the one's William Hague wanted to arm to over-throw Assad forces... now commonly known as ISIS.... couldn't make It up could you?
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Oscar Namechange;1462565 wrote: I say, let them go, revoke their British Citizenship upon leaving and enforce Immediate arrest should they return with Immediate deportation along with their families Including ole Ginge and the understanding from them, that should they leave, they never return.

My only problem Is with the likes of Farage saying the same from the comfort of his padded cell when It was only Griffin who had the balls to tour Syria a year ago with Assad and discuss the problem of British born Jihadists joining the Muslim brotherhood to fight In Syria.... remember them ? They're the one's William Hague wanted to arm to over-throw Assad forces... now commonly known as ISIS.... couldn't make It up could you?
On this we are in 100% agreement (I think).

Personally, I don't think we should have anything to do with Syria. Regardless of how abhorrent it may be, it is still an internal matter & a Civil War which, by rights, means that no external force is supposed to be able to get involved with.

Iraq, however, is a slightly different matter. Rightly or wrongly, we were involved in the establishment of the current Governmental regime & we have a moral duty, if nothing else, to stand by that Government until such time as it is Democratically decided by the people of that country to change it.

Being seen from the other side of the coin, though, it would have been like any other countries kicking IRA sympathisers out of their country (regardless of their citizenship) in order to move over here in order to take up their murderous activities.
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FourPart;1462566 wrote: Being seen from the other side of the coin, though, it would have been like any other countries kicking IRA sympathisers out of their country (regardless of their citizenship) in order to move over here in order to take up their murderous activities.

But there's a world of difference between a sympathiser actually living elsewhere and a terrorist making the trip to Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Nigeria to take up arms. I'm talking about the Jihadists who actually board a plane or boat to fight for ISIS, not someone who remains In their home sympathising.

Here's another one for you. Hypocrisy!

Lutfor Rahman of Tower Hamlet's Council called for Betting Offices and gaming outlets to be shut down. Apparently, he was concerned about the generation of crime In the gaming Industry. That's Lutfor Rahman convicted of fraud.

Lutfur Rahman councillor charged with fraud – Telegraph Blogs

The biggest yard to be subject to a doping scandal In recent years was Godolpin. That's Godolphin owned by Sheikh Mohammed, a Muslim.

Godolphin management blasted by British Horseracing Authority report into drug scandal - Telegraph

Nope, you couldn't make It up
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Post by Betty Boop »

Oscar Namechange;1462568 wrote:

Lutfor Rahman of Tower Hamlet's Council called for Betting Offices and gaming outlets to be shut down. Apparently, he was concerned about the generation of crime In the gaming Industry. That's Lutfor Rahman convicted of fraud.

Lutfur Rahman councillor charged with fraud � Telegraph Blogs

Nope, you couldn't make It up

That's a blog stating that although Lutfur Rahman was charged with fraud it doesn't state he was convicted as you do

We have been asked to point out Lutfur was later sent a police letter saying that there was "no case to answer."

It does state this one of his 'most prominent supporters' Councillor Shelina Akhtar was investigated for benefit fraud.

Maybe he's been convicted of some other fraud?
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Betty Boop;1462579 wrote: That's a blog stating that although Lutfur Rahman was charged with fraud it doesn't state he was convicted as you do

It does state this one of his 'most prominent supporters' Councillor Shelina Akhtar was investigated for benefit fraud.

Maybe he's been convicted of some other fraud? It looks like she omitted " his team". It's difficult to keep up with the guy.

Tower Hamlets Mayor faces High Court electoral fraud trial - Politics - News - London Evening Standard
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Peter Lake;1462582 wrote: It looks like she omitted " his team". It's difficult to keep up with the guy.

Tower Hamlets Mayor faces High Court electoral fraud trial - Politics - News - London Evening Standard

That still claims he 'faces' trial though, and not he's actually been 'convicted'.
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Betty Boop;1462583 wrote: That still claims he 'faces' trial though, and not he's actually been 'convicted'.

My error... he's not been convicted.... yet.
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Post by Bruv »

How do you unilaterally 'revoke' anybodies nationality?
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Bruv;1462588 wrote: How do you unilaterally 'revoke' anybodies nationality? Have to agree It could be tough given that most British Jihadists are British born but those who are not, simples, revoke British Citizenship and deport them and their families back to the land they chose to fight for.

British born Jihadists such as ole Ginge, Immediate arrest on re-entry Into the country, charged under Terror laws and Imprisoned for life for safety of the British public.

With Cameron whittering on about how 700 plus British Jihadists returning home could bring terror to our streets, then even law change where needed and bugger Brussells,
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

Oh look, the clowns are In trouble again.

Ukip MEP apologises for calling Thai party member a 'ting tong' - Telegraph
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And how do you seperate them from those that have gone to give humanitarian assistance ?
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Oscar Namechange;1462590 wrote: Oh look, the clowns are In trouble again.

Ukip MEP apologises for calling Thai party member a 'ting tong' - Telegraph

I thought the other thread was your electioneering one.
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Bruv;1462592 wrote: I thought the other thread was your electioneering one. We've covered everything here from Griffin to Warsi, to BNP to Tower Hamlet's.

Think of It as a universal contribution or keeping me confined to one thread seeing as It's only us Brit's here :wah:
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Oscar Namechange;1462593 wrote: We've covered everything here from Griffin to Warsi, to BNP to Tower Hamlet's.

Think of It as a universal contribution or keeping me confined to one thread seeing as It's only us Brit's here :wah:
Non Brits not allowed, hmm?

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FourPart;1462594 wrote: Non Brits not allowed, hmm?


I think we lost them a long time ago...
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Post by Bruv »

Bruv;1462591 wrote: And how do you seperate them from those that have gone to give humanitarian assistance ?

No seriously How?

There are many UK youth around the world doing what caring youth do, many will be drawn by their ethnic roots to help in the trouble zone, nothing to do with religion.
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Bruv;1462616 wrote: No seriously How?

There are many UK youth around the world doing what caring youth do, many will be drawn by their ethnic roots to help in the trouble zone, nothing to do with religion.


No-one In their right mind Is going to fly out to Iraq to give humanitarian aid alone and without back up and support. Those doing so, more likely will be some kind of agency or charity and will be able to prove so very quickly upon returning at the airports.
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Oscar Namechange;1462631 wrote: Sigh

No-one In their right mind Is going to fly out to Iraq to give humanitarian aid alone and without back up and support. Those doing so, more likely will be some kind of agency or charity and will be able to prove so very quickly upon returning at the airports.

Double sigh

You are far too English and trusting,

How hard would it be, to set up a legitimate charitable organisation for dastardly deeds ?

Remember your enemy cut peoples heads off.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1462640 wrote: Double sigh

You are far too English and trusting,

How hard would it be, to set up a legitimate charitable organisation for dastardly deeds ?

Remember your enemy cut peoples heads off. Then you're paying far too much Intelligence to your average Jihadist.

Of course It's possible but I bet those would be a fraction of those who could verify a bono fide humanitarian org such as the Red Cross.

Triple sigh

I'm British not English :rolleyes:;):)
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Oscar Namechange;1462642 wrote: Then you're paying far too much Intelligence to your average Jihadist.

Of course It's possible but I bet those would be a fraction of those who could verify a bono fide humanitarian org such as the Red Cross.

Triple sigh

I'm British not English :rolleyes:;):)

Im European, British, English a Londoner and a resident of Kent...... any one doesn't bar the other.

Don't ever under estimate the intelligent of your adversary, how much nous does it take to behead somebody.

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I'm proud to be British AND I'm proud to be English.

BTW, if Scotland gets Independence, and no longer part of the United Kingdom, will they still be British? After all, Wales isn't UK, and it's British.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1462646 wrote: Im European, British, English a Londoner and a resident of Kent...... any one doesn't bar the other.

Don't ever under estimate the intelligent of your adversary, how much nous does it take to behead somebody.

The frontline are not where the brains are, in any army I heard this one night re: the World Cup.

How strange the English are...

Beginning of the World Cup... We're English... Engerrrland

England get knocked out In the first round and Scotland and Ireland still In..... we become British.

Scotland and Ireland get knocked out with Spain, Italy and Germany still In.... we're European.

Spain, Italy and Germany get knocked out with Canada and Australia still In.... we're Commonwealth.

They all get knocked out and we cheer on the underdog... Cameroon
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

Back to subject of British Jihadism...

This Is what Nick Griffin said a year ago....

EXCLUSIVE: BNP leader Nick Griffin claims terrorist cells are recruiting for Syrian fight in Manchester | Mancunian Matters

A year on and Cameron Is squawking that returning British Jihadists are a major threat to public safety and Clown Farage suddenly calls for British Citizenships to be revoked...

Oh please...

I'll stick with Nick
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So everyone's in agreement. What's the problem?
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FourPart;1462662 wrote: So everyone's in agreement. What's the problem?

The problem Is, he said all of that a year ago and much more about British Muslims becoming disenchanted about lack of Investment In their communities along with seeing drones taking out the birth people In Pakistan etc.

You'll note the comment at the bottom... The Foreign Office has not commented on Nick Griffin's comments...

That Is the problem.... those so far up their own backsides and so anti far right that when one of them does actually speak a lot of sense, they'd rather Ignore It than even comment, let alone act on It. So much could have been done In that year to stop british Jihadists going to fight In Syria and Iraq, measures that farage Is now talking about, could have been put Into place back then and possibly stopped the returning Jihadists being a threat to the public...
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The point is that, as you have said yourself, Griffin is such a pratt & such an extremist that no-one can take him seriously - even when he comes up with something that makes sense. It's getting to see that needle in the haystack.

Regardless of anyone's political beliefs, surely it has to be recognised that he has done more harm to the party than anything else (thus far) possibly could - much in the same way as Maggie Thatcher set the prospect of a woman getting to be Prime minister back for decades (or more).

Rightly or wrongly, it's all a matter of image.
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FourPart;1462673 wrote: The point is that, as you have said yourself, Griffin is such a pratt & such an extremist that no-one can take him seriously - even when he comes up with something that makes sense. It's getting to see that needle in the haystack.

Regardless of anyone's political beliefs, surely it has to be recognised that he has done more harm to the party than anything else (thus far) possibly could - much in the same way as Maggie Thatcher set the prospect of a woman getting to be Prime minister back for decades (or more).

Rightly or wrongly, it's all a matter of image. That's better...

First of all, I've never said he's ' such a pratt'... I have said he's capable of being a Grade 1 pillock at times. I stress ' at times'... In the main, he's an extremely well educated, worldly wise and one of the best speech givers I've ever seen In my life. Yet, I'm talking about those times when he's not got a hostile camera shoved In his face and when It does go tits up because he's on the defensive. In that respect, I've always said that just due to 4 votes In the leadership challenge, Brons would have been much tougher to crack, media wise had he won. Bron's Is rather unflappable when hostile camera's are on him.

I actually defy anyone to find anything remotely racist In the link I provided.... but the big difference there, Is his words were not warped to suit the Left agenda. If anything, he sympathised with British Muslims and quite correctly, Identifying the problems of disenchantment In our Inner cities.

That In the main Is NG... but you won't ever see that because you are drip fed by the biased media who hone In on one moron. Or lead you down the path of believing that NG's personal opinions are Party Policies and thus, we all follow the same opinion.

Did you see the media cover his call to the European Parliment to bring about better transportation conditions for animals on their way to slaughter through Europe? No. Or his call to end Bull fighting? No Or his call to stop the seal and dolphin culls? Did you hear about his campaign to highlight Muslim grooming gangs or his 10 year fight to get the Charlened Downs murder reopened by police ?No... and you never will.

' The damage he has done'.... what is that exactly ?

During the BNP's finest hour In 2009, we had 112 elected Councillors and two Euro MEP's and a membership of one million. All under Nick Griffin.

Make no mistake, the damage done to the Party was not NG... some may not like him but he does what It says on the tin. Yes, we all groan and raise our eyebrows from time to time. I bet there's a few In UKIP doing that right now at the MEP calling a Thai lady a ting tong.

The damage was done two years ago by Andrew Brons, not Nick Griffin.


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Post by Oscar Namechange »

Good ole Boris chimes In now.

Britons who go to Syria 'are guilty until proved innocent’, says Boris Johnson - Telegraph
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Post by gmc »

Oscar Namechange;1462827 wrote: Good ole Boris chimes In now.

Britons who go to Syria 'are guilty until proved innocent’, says Boris Johnson - Telegraph

You can see why the tories want to do away with the human rights act given half an excuse habeas corpus and innocent till proven guilty will go by the wayside as well.
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There's only one things that annoys me about Boris - He's a Tory!

The thing is that to all intents & purposes he Labour through & through.

Head case though he may be, he speaks for the common man / woman (must be PC) on the street & refuses to toe the Party line.

I want a Labour Government, but with Boris as PM.
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