Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

This is a little thread that I revive from time to time. It's based on an old Air Force psych-exam that has been made more user-friendly. I also add in my own deductions...If I can read anything in you! If you've done this before, trust me, you probably haven't changed much at this point in your life. But if you haven't done this, I think you'll find it interesting and entertaining. This will describe the kind of personality you have built.

Isn't it true that everyone's personality is a bit unique? Yes, that's true, but it turns out that personalities fall into distinct general categories. How did you build your personality? We'll you modeled quite a bit of it from whomever raised you, but when you got older, you picked up traits from other children in the neighborhood that you liked, and even characters from books and movies. You put it all in the stew and now it's you! Your personality encompasses your values, your morals, your sense of art and appreciation of kinds of music. It determines and influences your reactions and your relationships. It's who you are!

Welcome to Saint's Psychoanalysis Couch! Please fill out the following form while you are waiting:

Put a "4" next to the group of words that best describes you, and a "1" next to the group of words that is definitely not you.

Then put a "3" next to the group of words the is kind of like you, and a "2" next to the group of words that are kind of not like you.

In other words 4, 3, 2, 1, with 4 being the most like you and 1 being the least like you. You must use each number and you cannot use any number more than once.

Complete each section!

After you post your numbers, I will analyze you based on this your responses, deductive reasoning, basic psychology tenets, and some intuitive guesswork. (I'm pretty accurate as you will see!)

Section 1

( ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( ) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

( ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( ) competitive, impetuous

( ) practical, sensible, dependable

( ) unique, empathetic, communicative

( ) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

( ) loyal, conservative, organized

( ) devoted, warm, poetic

( ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( ) daring, impulsive, fun

( ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( ) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( ) exciting, courageous, skillful

( ) orderly, conventional, caring

( ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( ) philosophical, principled, rational

What insight might you get into your own personality? Could it affect who you should or should not marry or date? Can it affect the jobs you should or should not have? What would it look like if you were having a bad day?

The answers to these and many more questions await your perusal, just take a chance and find out!
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by AnneBoleyn »

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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Betty Boop »

Saint_;1457774 wrote: Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

This is a little thread that I revive from time to time. It's based on an old Air Force psych-exam that has been made more user-friendly. I also add in my own deductions...If I can read anything in you! If you've done this before, trust me, you probably haven't changed much at this point in your life. But if you haven't done this, I think you'll find it interesting and entertaining. This will describe the kind of personality you have built.

Isn't it true that everyone's personality is a bit unique? Yes, that's true, but it turns out that personalities fall into distinct general categories. How did you build your personality? We'll you modeled quite a bit of it from whomever raised you, but when you got older, you picked up traits from other children in the neighborhood that you liked, and even characters from books and movies. You put it all in the stew and now it's you! Your personality encompasses your values, your morals, your sense of art and appreciation of kinds of music. It determines and influences your reactions and your relationships. It's who you are!

Welcome to Saint's Psychoanalysis Couch! Please fill out the following form while you are waiting:

Put a "4" next to the group of words that best describes you, and a "1" next to the group of words that is definitely not you.

Then put a "3" next to the group of words the is kind of like you, and a "2" next to the group of words that are kind of not like you.

In other words 4, 3, 2, 1, with 4 being the most like you and 1 being the least like you. You must use each number and you cannot use any number more than once.

Complete each section!

After you post your numbers, I will analyze you based on this your responses, deductive reasoning, basic psychology tenets, and some intuitive guesswork. (I'm pretty accurate as you will see!)

Section 1

( 1 ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( 2 ) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

( 3 ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( 4 ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( 1 ) competitive, impetuous

( 4 ) practical, sensible, dependable

( 2 ) unique, empathetic, communicative

( 3 ) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( 4 ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

( 2 ) loyal, conservative, organized

( 1 ) devoted, warm, poetic

( 3 ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( 1 ) daring, impulsive, fun

( 3 ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( 2 ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 4 ) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( 1 ) exciting, courageous, skillful

( 2 ) orderly, conventional, caring

( 3 ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( 4 ) philosophical, principled, rational

What insight might you get into your own personality? Could it affect who you should or should not marry or date? Can it affect the jobs you should or should not have? What would it look like if you were having a bad day?

The answers to these and many more questions await your perusal, just take a chance and find out!

I'm sure these are very contradictory :wah:
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by jones jones »

Saint_;1457774 wrote: Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

This is a little thread that I revive from time to time. It's based on an old Air Force psych-exam that has been made more user-friendly. I also add in my own deductions...If I can read anything in you! If you've done this before, trust me, you probably haven't changed much at this point in your life. But if you haven't done this, I think you'll find it interesting and entertaining. This will describe the kind of personality you have built.

Isn't it true that everyone's personality is a bit unique? Yes, that's true, but it turns out that personalities fall into distinct general categories. How did you build your personality? We'll you modeled quite a bit of it from whomever raised you, but when you got older, you picked up traits from other children in the neighborhood that you liked, and even characters from books and movies. You put it all in the stew and now it's you! Your personality encompasses your values, your morals, your sense of art and appreciation of kinds of music. It determines and influences your reactions and your relationships. It's who you are!

Welcome to Saint's Psychoanalysis Couch! Please fill out the following form while you are waiting:

Put a "4" next to the group of words that best describes you, and a "1" next to the group of words that is definitely not you.

Then put a "3" next to the group of words the is kind of like you, and a "2" next to the group of words that are kind of not like you.

In other words 4, 3, 2, 1, with 4 being the most like you and 1 being the least like you. You must use each number and you cannot use any number more than once.

Complete each section!

After you post your numbers, I will analyze you based on this your responses, deductive reasoning, basic psychology tenets, and some intuitive guesswork. (I'm pretty accurate as you will see!)

Section 1

( 1 ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( 2 ) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

(3 ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( 4 ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

(1 ) competitive, impetuous

( 2 ) practical, sensible, dependable

(3 ) unique, empathetic, communicative

(4 ) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( 3 ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

(1 ) loyal, conservative, organized

( 4 ) devoted, warm, poetic

(2 ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( 1 ) daring, impulsive, fun

( 2 ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

(4 ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 3 ) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

(1 ) exciting, courageous, skillful

(2 ) orderly, conventional, caring

(3 ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( 4 ) philosophical, principled, rational

What insight might you get into your own personality? Could it affect who you should or should not marry or date? Can it affect the jobs you should or should not have? What would it look like if you were having a bad day?

The answers to these and many more questions await your perusal, just take a chance and find out!

Okay ... Analyse away!
"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

OK Betty... I think I have it!

Your dominant personality is:

Betty, you value knowledge and new ideas. Discovering solutions and using your brain are more important to you than feelings, rules, or nonstop excitement. (This is what makes you hard to figure out to other people.) You really want to know why things work a certain way and that goes for everything from electronics to social dynamics and history.

You prefer to work alone, working in groups makes you uneasy. You need your "space" to sort things out and come up with the answers, so you enjoy your quiet time more than others.

Above all...and this is HAVE TO BE COMPETENT! You will never do a half-assed job or even not complete a task, it bugs you too much.

You want to understand and control the realities of life. You control your emotions, they do not control you. You pride yourself on multiple abilites. You are probably pretty good at a wide range of things from singing and music to atomic physics. You usually know a little about something right away, and you pick up abilities and knowledge incredibly fast. (more on that later)

You feel best when your ideas are recognized, money isn't as important to you as recognition. ( I hope your boss understands this.)

Here's something for you to know: Although you experience deep feelings, you do not like to express your feelings openly. (Hey, that makes it tough for you at funerals.)

You enjoy power and control overnature. You store up capabilites, intelligence and skils. You love intelligence and store wisdom. I'd bet the farm you watch things like the learning channel, the military channel, and the discovery channel for fun.

Interestingly, you are highly critical of your own abilites, something which is funny because you are usually doing it better than anybody. Besides your compulsion to learn and your obession to improve, you are a very precise and exact person. You speak with a very wide vocabualry from your constant reading and learning process.

You are highly curious, but can be a perfectionist and you often don't understand why everything isn't obvious to everyone. Although you are actually pretty humble, sometimes people mistake your intellect for arrogance. (Sorry about that, don't let it get to you.)

For you knowledge is play. You hate errors and are probably counting my gammmatical mistakes including the fact that the previous sentence was supposed to have a comma. You think on an abstract level that is so far above the common level that you often lose people or are too subtle for them to understand. Especially your humor, which is far from sophomoric.

You think through your relationships carefully.

You value fairness, insight, and justice. That most likely drives you crazy when you her the local news.

You would make an excellent researcher, computer tech, programmer, or scientist. You MUST HAVE A CONSTANT CHALLENGE in your job. I'll bet you moved from job to job when you were younger out of sheer boredom.

In love, you let your head rule your heart. Since you dislike repetition, you find it difficult to continually express your feelings. You would most likely do well with a mate who would let you establish a relationship, then leave it to maintain itslef while you devote yor creative energies to your career. In other words, someone like yourself.

In childhood you appeared older than yor years, and had a massive imagination. (Hey, I guess that means you enjoy my stories!) In school, you found it necessary to respect your teachers before you could learn anything from them.

When you are having a bad day you will become aloof, get sarcastic, refuse to cooperate, and possibly withdraw. You are at risk for manic depression.

So how did I do?
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

Jones Jones, are you going with your first instincts? Because I'm getting conflicting readings. (That can happen, though.)
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by jones jones »

Saint_;1457786 wrote: Jones Jones, are you going with your first instincts? Because I'm getting conflicting readings. (That can happen, though.)

Oh yes ... I think I once had a twin.
"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

I'll take a stab at it anyways....

OK JJ... This should be easy:

YOU LOVE PEOPLE! Internet forums must be just the coolest thing ever invented for you, eh? I'll bet at a sports event you spend more time watching the crowd than watching the game.

JJ, being liked and having everyone around you getting along and feeling good is more important that stupid facts, rules, adventure or logic. You are an extremely sensitive individual and you get uncomfortable when there's conflict, fighting, or competition around you. Can't we all just get along?

Instead, you love to socialize! You have a very large circle of friends both online and in the real world. You are at your best when people show that they care about you and give you support and feedback.

You are looking for "Your true self." that's your mission in life. Life is a dream to you and you live it with a special flair. making a difference inpeople's lives comes easily to you, which means that you should deifinitely have a job in the "helping" professions. You would make a great teacher, counselor, doctor, or nurse.You have the ability to cultivate the potential in others.

You are an ETERNAL ROMANTIC. You love all those small gestures of romance like candle light dinners, flowers and cards. (have you ever written your own cards?) You write and speak with a poetic flair and you have written your own poetry. (It's pretty good too!)

You are future-oriented, you are honest and you kike to be told you are doing well. Youhave most likely dressed your pet up as a person before. You shower them with as much affection as you give to humans.

You have something special...the power of empathy. Not only do you have a kind of emotional "radar" picking up on other's emotions even when they try to suppress them, you even experience that emotion yourself! When others around you are happy, you are happy, when everyone is sad, you get sad too.

When you were young, you most likely had a "imaginary friend." Unfortunately, your neglect of all matters scientific makes you somewhat of a intellectual butterfly, but that bothers you not.

You are an excellent person to have on a team, since you have a tendency to induce harmony on a group. You work well with a wide variety of personalities. The worst thing that can happen to you is rejection from a group, the "cold shoulder" or as I call it, "The refrigerator treatment" This can be devastating to you and can cause depression, (which you are at high risk for.)

People are comfortable around you and you have quite a gift for dealing with them, so enjoy! Your life will be peaceful, for the most part, fulfilling and happy. Just don't marry any risk-takers or Vulcans.

You apparently have many of the same qualities as Betty, though...which must be tough on you. (You are emotional, but don't like expressing emotion?!)
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

AnneBoleyn;1457778 wrote: Nosy.

Come on, Anne. I promise not to say anything mean.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by jones jones »

Wow ... Awesome! You have me figured 99.99%!

"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Wandrin »

Saint_;1457774 wrote: Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Section 1

( 2 ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( 1) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

( 3 ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( 4 ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( 1) competitive, impetuous

( 3) practical, sensible, dependable

( 2 ) unique, empathetic, communicative

( 4) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( 4) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

( 1) loyal, conservative, organized

( 2) devoted, warm, poetic

( 3) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( 4) daring, impulsive, fun

( 1) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( 2) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 3) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( 1) exciting, courageous, skillful

( 3) orderly, conventional, caring

( 2 ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( 4 ) philosophical, principled, rational

What insight might you get into your own personality? Could it affect who you should or should not marry or date? Can it affect the jobs you should or should not have? What would it look like if you were having a bad day?

The answers to these and many more questions await your perusal, just take a chance and find out!

Okay, I'm ready to be shrunk. Just don't have me committed.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

Wandrin;1457792 wrote: Okay, I'm ready to be shrunk. Just don't have me committed. goes!


You value knowledge. You have insatiable curiousity and want to know everything about everything. It drives you crazy when you don't know something. You store up knowledge the way a squirrel stores up nuts for the winter. This means that you know an incredible amount of information about an incredible amount of things.

Discovering solutions to questions and using the gifted brain you have is more important to you than feelings, rules, or non-stop excitement. So you have a bit of trouble relating to those "touchy-feely" people.

You also pride yourself on being a loner. You much more enjoy working by yourself (at a faster pace) than working in a group. (with all those people problems!) You sometimes feel that you "need your space," and most likely enjoy the late night or early morning hours when things are quiet.

Above must be competent. Let me reiterate that. You HAVE to do a good job. This is linked directly to your sense of self worth. You would never in a million years do a half-assed job or fail to complete a responsibility. The good side is that you get a huge sense of pride and satisfaction at a job well done or problem solved. It's important that someone recognize how well you did. The paycheck isn't as important as the recognition for you.

You pride yourself for the multible abilities you have. You are good with tools, pen and paper, voice, possibly even musical instruments. Name a skill and you can probably do it.

Let's go a little deeper shall we? Beyond the intellectual powerhouse most people see.

You experience very, very deep feelings. But you do not express those feelings openly. It makes you uncomfortable and as a result, emotional times like funerals are difficult for you and the people around you. You must control your emotions because you cannot let them control you.

You speak and write with precision. You are a prefectionist and are very clean and tidy. This sometimes makes people judge you as arrogant but you are not. You are actually quite humble. You just don't understand why they didn't all get it as fast as you did. Unfortunately, you are sometimes in a state of self doubt, you are highly self-critical.

Don't be. You don't know it, but you are doing it better than everybody else.

Not quite done yet: In love, you let your head rule your heart, so please find a mate who can understand that you are sometimes oblivious to other's emotions and that you don't like to constantly repeat yourself. (I told you I loved you on Monday, it's Friday now and I still love you. What? You want me to tell you everyday?)

Find a career that is constantly challenging. You will not do well in a factory. Once you understand the procedures, you have to move on out of sheer boredom. (i'll bet you've had a lot of jobs.)

When you were younger you seemed older than your years.

When you are having a bad day:

You'll get indecisive. You'll get aloof or withdrawn. You'll get snobbish, sarcastic, and highly critical. (Both of yourself and others.)

Whew! OK! How did I do?
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Wandrin »

Wow! You pretty much nailed it. Now, of course, I will have to analyze the test and figure out how that information is derived (as you predicted).
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

The doctor is out until tomorrow. Have a great evening everyone!:yh_glasse
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by tude dog »

I'll play

Saint_;1457774 wrote:

Section 1

( 2) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( 4) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

( 2) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( 4) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( 3) competitive, impetuous

( 4) practical, sensible, dependable

( 2) unique, empathetic, communicative

( 4) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( 4) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

( 4) loyal, conservative, organized

( 3) devoted, warm, poetic

( 3) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( 3) daring, impulsive, fun

( 3) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( 2) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 3) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( 2) exciting, courageous, skillful

( 3) orderly, conventional, caring

( 2 ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( 4) philosophical, principled, rational

What insight might you get into your own personality? Could it affect who you should or should not marry or date? Can it affect the jobs you should or should not have? What would it look like if you were having a bad day?

The answers to these and many more questions await your perusal, just take a chance and find out!
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

Oh! I'm sorry, you came in just as I was leaving. But the secret is that the test tells me everything I need to know because it's a logic sieve. If you answer honestly and don't overthink your answers, it'll nail it ever time. I also put together a few things I've noticed in your posts....and that's considerable since I have memorized every Sherlock Holmes story ever written and pride myself on practicing his tenets often. (It also helps that I've had over 10,000 student to practice personality analysis on!)

Now, I'm off to celebrate my wife's birthday! (Another year which is miraculous that she lived through!)
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

LOL. Tude Dog, just the fact that you didn't read the instructions and use each number only once while using all four numbers tells me a lot already. But try it again, using a 4 for the group that is MOST like you, 1 for the group that is LEAST like you, and 2 for the group that is KINDA LIKE you, and 3 for the group that is KINDA NOT like you.

I'll bet I know this one already. See you tomorrow!
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

Oh..and it's a good thing, TD. You have a strong personality which tells me you designed it that way and you like who you are.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by tude dog »

Section 1

( 1) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

(4 ) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

( 3) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( 2) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( 2) competitive, impetuous

( 4) practical, sensible, dependable

( 1) unique, empathetic, communicative

( 3) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( 4) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

( 3) loyal, conservative, organized

( 1) devoted, warm, poetic

( 2) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( 1) daring, impulsive, fun

( 4) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( 2) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 3) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( 1) exciting, courageous, skillful

( 4) orderly, conventional, caring

( 2) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( 3) philosophical, principled, rational
What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
She had the black vote all locked up.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by AnneBoleyn »

Now, I'm off to celebrate my wife's birthday! (Another year which is miraculous that she lived through!)

Yay! A very Happy Birthday to the wife of a great guy. Much health & happiness to you this year, Saintess_!!!!! :-D
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Lady J »

Saint_;1457774 wrote: Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

This is a little thread that I revive from time to time. It's based on an old Air Force psych-exam that has been made more user-friendly. I also add in my own deductions...If I can read anything in you! If you've done this before, trust me, you probably haven't changed much at this point in your life. But if you haven't done this, I think you'll find it interesting and entertaining. This will describe the kind of personality you have built.

Isn't it true that everyone's personality is a bit unique? Yes, that's true, but it turns out that personalities fall into distinct general categories. How did you build your personality? We'll you modeled quite a bit of it from whomever raised you, but when you got older, you picked up traits from other children in the neighborhood that you liked, and even characters from books and movies. You put it all in the stew and now it's you! Your personality encompasses your values, your morals, your sense of art and appreciation of kinds of music. It determines and influences your reactions and your relationships. It's who you are!

Welcome to Saint's Psychoanalysis Couch! Please fill out the following form while you are waiting:

Put a "4" next to the group of words that best describes you, and a "1" next to the group of words that is definitely not you.

Then put a "3" next to the group of words the is kind of like you, and a "2" next to the group of words that are kind of not like you.

In other words 4, 3, 2, 1, with 4 being the most like you and 1 being the least like you. You must use each number and you cannot use any number more than once.

Complete each section!

After you post your numbers, I will analyze you based on this your responses, deductive reasoning, basic psychology tenets, and some intuitive guesswork. (I'm pretty accurate as you will see!)

Section 1

( 4) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( 1 ) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

( 3 ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( 2 ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( 3 ) competitive, impetuous

( 4 ) practical, sensible, dependable

(1) unique, empathetic, communicative

(2) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( 4 ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

( 3 ) loyal, conservative, organized

( 2 ) devoted, warm, poetic

( 1 ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( 3 ) daring, impulsive, fun

( 1 ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( 2 ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 4 ) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( 2 ) exciting, courageous, skillful

( 4 ) orderly, conventional, caring

( 1 ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( 3 ) philosophical, principled, rational

What insight might you get into your own personality? Could it affect who you should or should not marry or date? Can it affect the jobs you should or should not have? What would it look like if you were having a bad day?

The answers to these and many more questions await your perusal, just take a chance and find out!

OK Saint....let's see what you see!

BTW....this is cool and I know it takes up your time. Thank you for doing this. :)
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High Threshold
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by High Threshold »

Saint_;1457774 wrote: Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

( ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( ) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

( ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( ) competitive, impetuous

( ) practical, sensible, dependable

( ) unique, empathetic, communicative

( ) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

( ) loyal, conservative, organized

( ) devoted, warm, poetic

( ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( ) daring, impulsive, fun

( ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( ) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( ) exciting, courageous, skillful

( ) orderly, conventional, caring

( ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( ) philosophical, principled, rational

I wouldn't mind having a go except for FIRST - I don't see where I'm suppose to put my 1 to 4. SECOND - there are so many contradictions such as Active and Spontaneous. I am spontaneous but not active. Parental but not traditional. Determined but not complex. Skillful but not necessarily courageous. Orderly but not conventional.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

High Threshold;1457828 wrote: I wouldn't mind having a go except for FIRST - I don't see where I'm suppose to put my 1 to 4. SECOND - there are so many contradictions such as Active and Spontaneous. I am spontaneous but not active. Parental but not traditional. Determined but not complex. Skillful but not necessarily courageous. Orderly but not conventional.

Ok, HT. Don't overthink. The test is designed that way on purpose. It'll still work, trust me. Just go with your first instincts. The best way to do it is to figure out which one is MOST like you first. Then decide which group is definitely NOT you. The other two fill themselves in pretty easily after that.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

And Now for the MAIN EVENT ittttttssssss...TUDE DOG! I have to admit, I had you pegged completely wrong. You have some really amazing qualities.

You value traditional things in life. people can count on you. You are to a certain extent, predictable. You are future-oriented and are always ready for tomorrow. "Be Prepared" is your motto. Is it raining outside? You probably have the umbrella.

Your personality, which would best be described as "The Responsible One" above all must belong to a group. The cold shoulder is psychological death to you. No matter what social unit is involved you feel that you must "earn your place."

You like family life, saving money, and you plan "to really make something of yourself." And you're right you have and you will. Your tendency for preparedness has already put you head and shoulders above others your age.

You value order and cherish the traditions of home and family. You will pass these values on to your children. Steadfastness and loyalty are your trademarks.

You are no free-loader and you believe that everything should be earned. Work comes before play for you, even if that means a little overtime now and then.

You have a strong sense of right and wrong. I'd go further and suggest that you despise injustice and want everyone to do "what's right."

At work, people can count on you. You are loyal and giving. You need to be useful. You are also practical and sensible. Running down the highway naked is not you.

In love, you tend to be serious (actually, you are serious most of the time, but not in a negative way) You have traditional, conservative views on love and marriage. You want a mate who can work along with you, building a predictable, secure life together. You should definitely marry a someone like yourself. Do not marry an adventurer.

You show your love for your loved ones through the practical things that you do. The hinges are all oiled and the lawn looks like a golf green. I'd bet your home is well-kept and pretty much perfect shape.

You follow the rules and respect authority. You do not speed and do not double-park. As a matter of fact, you do not have any criminal record of any kind. Guess who's probably never going to prison? You.

You are the backbone of most of the groups you have joined. You have an excellent ability to handle details. You are generous and parental.

When you are feeling down, you worry too much about things you cannot control. Your stress shows itself as watch our for that. Also, and this is a big one, when you are under stress you react by getting authoritarian. "Do it! Because I said so!" Sound familiar?

Overall you're a really decent guy and solid family man.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

Lady J;1457814 wrote: OK Saint....let's see what you see!

BTW....this is cool and I know it takes up your time. Thank you for doing this. :)

No problemo. It sharpens my teacher skills and is lots of fun for me too. I often find that I have been completely wrong about a person, (See: Tude Dog) because, after all, the internet is NOT the same as meeting and dealing with someone in real life. People act differently and there is no nonverbal communication (Did you know that 80% of all interpersonal messages are transmitted nonverbally?)

Here we go for Lady J! (And by the way, you are a very difficult read, you have many of the same qualities as Tude Dog, which conflicts with your true personality. This usually indicates that at some point you rewrote your personality. Possibly high school, since that's when many of us do that.)

At any rate: Lady J, you are spontaneous! A free spirit! Above all, you must be free to act. Action or doing carries its own reward. You do things for the joy of doing.

You choose to be impulsive and act upon the idea of the moment. You take pride in being highly skilled in a variety of fields. Adventure is my middle name. You have a zest for life and a desire to test the limits. Your hands-on approach to problem solving and direct line of reasoning creates excitement and immediate results.

You have a lot os urges or whims, and you want to REALLY LIVE!

You often want to take off for somewhere else. Where? Anywhere!

You like action for itself and you actually thrive when the outcome is unknown. Everyone else will be running around asking "What should we do?!" You'll say "Let's do THIS" (It may not be the right thing, but at least you do something!) That makes you great in a crisis.

You LOVE to test the limits. When you were younger it was "How far can I push Mom?" later it was "How fast will this car go?"

You need variation in your life. Believe me, you'll never be happy working in a factory or a cubicle. You need constant challenge so you are ideal for professions with risk or puzzle solving such as police officer or mechanic. (White Water Rafter and Sky Diving instructor will work too!) : )

You feel pride in your freedom. And why not? You are both charming and witty. You are the life of the party and fun to be around!

For you, clutter is acceptable, because you have so many other things to do than tidy up so let's not open the closet door, shall we?

Others see you as exciting, lighthearted, and full of fun. But here's the kicker... you have to DO IT NOW!!

Waiting is literally psychological death for you. You won't stand in long lines, you'll find something else to do for a while.

Such as ....wandering! You have been in all those nooks, crannies, back alleys, and dead ends that other people avoid. Is there a door with the words "Authorized Personel Only" on it? Well that must be you! Go on in!

Sadly..or not...from your perspective, today is today, there is no tomorrow. That makes it hard for you to save money. Got twenty dollars? Let's go spend it! What about tomorrow? Oh we'll get some more money tomorrow!

You have a tendency to create spontaneous relationships without much thought. You see someone, you like them, it's on!

You live life to the limit and have a cheerful outlook. You learn by doing and are a natural troubleshooter.

Did I mention that you use tools almost like an extension of your own body? You are very skillful with them.

You seek a relationship with shared activities and interest, so someone like yourself is your best bet. You enjoy giving extravagant gifts that bring obvious pleasure to your loved one.

Here's my take as a teacher (which explains my interest in such things and my abilities as an Alternative High School teacher): In childhood, of all types of children, you had the most difficult time fitting into academic routine.

You learn by doing and experiencing, rather than by listening and reading. You need physical involvement in the learning process and are motivated by your own natural competitive nature and sense of fun.

You definitely would have gone to my school!:wah:
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by High Threshold »

Saint_;1457833 wrote: Ok, HT. Don't overthink. The test is designed that way on purpose. It'll still work, trust me. Just go with your first instincts. The best way to do it is to figure out which one is MOST like you first. Then decide which group is definitely NOT you. The other two fill themselves in pretty easily after that.

OK. But where am I suppose to fill it in? You mean copy your original post and post it back to you here with my rating, or post it PM style?
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

High Threshold;1457849 wrote: OK. But where am I suppose to fill it in? You mean copy your original post and post it back to you here with my rating, or post it PM style?

Yeah just quote the original post and see those parentheses on the right of each group of words? You put the 1,2,3,4 in each group using each number only once. 4 = you, 1 = not you, 3 = kinda you, 2 = kinda not you.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by High Threshold »

Section 1

(4) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

(3) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

(4) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

(4) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

(1) competitive, impetuous

(4) practical, sensible, dependable

(4) unique, empathetic, communicative

(4) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

(3) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

(4) loyal, conservative, organized

(4) devoted, warm, poetic

(3) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

(1) daring, impulsive, fun

(4) concerned, procedural, cooperative

(4) tender, inspirational, dramatic

(2) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

(3) exciting, courageous, skillful

(1) orderly, conventional, caring

(4) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

(4) philosophical, principled, rational

*** I see my probelm right away. This test would indicate that I think too highly of myself.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by tude dog »

This is for Mrs. Dog

Saint_;1457774 wrote: Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

This is a little thread that I revive from time to time. It's based on an old Air Force psych-exam that has been made more user-friendly. I also add in my own deductions...If I can read anything in you! If you've done this before, trust me, you probably haven't changed much at this point in your life. But if you haven't done this, I think you'll find it interesting and entertaining. This will describe the kind of personality you have built.

Isn't it true that everyone's personality is a bit unique? Yes, that's true, but it turns out that personalities fall into distinct general categories. How did you build your personality? We'll you modeled quite a bit of it from whomever raised you, but when you got older, you picked up traits from other children in the neighborhood that you liked, and even characters from books and movies. You put it all in the stew and now it's you! Your personality encompasses your values, your morals, your sense of art and appreciation of kinds of music. It determines and influences your reactions and your relationships. It's who you are!

Welcome to Saint's Psychoanalysis Couch! Please fill out the following form while you are waiting:

Put a "4" next to the group of words that best describes you, and a "1" next to the group of words that is definitely not you.

Then put a "3" next to the group of words the is kind of like you, and a "2" next to the group of words that are kind of not like you.

In other words 4, 3, 2, 1, with 4 being the most like you and 1 being the least like you. You must use each number and you cannot use any number more than once.

Complete each section!

After you post your numbers, I will analyze you based on this your responses, deductive reasoning, basic psychology tenets, and some intuitive guesswork. (I'm pretty accurate as you will see!)

Section 1

(1 ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( 3 ) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

(2 ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( 4) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( 1 ) competitive, impetuous

(2 ) practical, sensible, dependable

( 3 ) unique, empathetic, communicative

( 4 ) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

(2 ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

(4 ) loyal, conservative, organized

(1 ) devoted, warm, poetic

( 3 ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

(1 ) daring, impulsive, fun

(4 ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( 2 ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

(3 ) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( 1 ) exciting, courageous, skillful

(4 ) orderly, conventional, caring

(2 ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( 3 ) philosophical, principled, rational

What insight might you get into your own personality? Could it affect who you should or should not marry or date? Can it affect the jobs you should or should not have? What would it look like if you were having a bad day?

The answers to these and many more questions await your perusal, just take a chance and find out!
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Chloe_88 »

Okay, I'll give it a go:

Saint_;1457774 wrote:

Section 1

( 1 ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( 2 ) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

( 4 ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( 3 ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( 3 ) competitive, impetuous

( 4 ) practical, sensible, dependable

( 1 ) unique, empathetic, communicative

( 2 ) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( 2 ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

( 3 ) loyal, conservative, organized

( 1 ) devoted, warm, poetic

( 4 ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( 1 ) daring, impulsive, fun

( 3 ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( 2 ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 4 ) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( 3 ) exciting, courageous, skillful

( 2 ) orderly, conventional, caring

( 1 ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( 4 ) philosophical, principled, rational

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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

tude dog;1457852 wrote: This is for Mrs. Dog

It comes out almost identical to you...which is exactly what should happen for a happy marriage with these two personalities. You both are interested in getting ahead. You do well in pooling your resources and supporting each other. You both are dedicated to making money and preserving family and traditions.

Your wife is loyal, dependable, and always prepared. If it's raining she has an umbrella, if it's sunny, she has dark glasses, and if it's cold, she's wearing her coat. Mrs. Dog is very punctual and sensible. She's most likely not gong to be spending $300 on a pair of shoes. She'll find a $30 pair and save the other $270.

She (and you as well) prefer friends who are careful with their money and plan ahead. You booth are serious about love and show it to each other in practical ways. something I should add is that you both need to be APPRECIATED, but often are taken for granted. You should take a moment to make sure to recognize the things you do for each other.

I guessing Mrs. Dog (and this is my Deductive Reasoning, not the test's results) that Mrs. Dog enjoys frequent celebrations and spending holidays with family members. She even plans ahead for these activities, unlike the rest of us who just show up.

She's caring, concerned,and concrete. Not prone to flights of fancy, she's a realist. that makes her a preserver of family traditions and a good citizen.

The only thing I'd add is that she is a bit smarter than you in arcane areas of knowledge like quantum physics and physical science.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by tude dog »

Overall I would say you pretty much nailed it.

Don't bet on this.

You show your love for your loved ones through the practical things that you do. The hinges are all oiled and the lawn looks like a golf green. I'd bet your home is well-kept and pretty much perfect shape.

I like a nice place to live but nothing for House & Garden.

You are the backbone of most of the groups you have joined. You have an excellent ability to handle details.

I wouldn't go that far, but I do as much as I can.

"Do it! Because I said so!" Sound familiar?

Not those words, but my biggest problem as a supervisor or manager.

Saint_;1457835 wrote: And Now for the MAIN EVENT ittttttssssss...TUDE DOG! I have to admit, I had you pegged completely wrong. You have some really amazing qualities.

You value traditional things in life. people can count on you. You are to a certain extent, predictable. You are future-oriented and are always ready for tomorrow. "Be Prepared" is your motto. Is it raining outside? You probably have the umbrella.

Your personality, which would best be described as "The Responsible One" above all must belong to a group. The cold shoulder is psychological death to you. No matter what social unit is involved you feel that you must "earn your place."

You like family life, saving money, and you plan "to really make something of yourself." And you're right you have and you will. Your tendency for preparedness has already put you head and shoulders above others your age.

You value order and cherish the traditions of home and family. You will pass these values on to your children. Steadfastness and loyalty are your trademarks.

You are no free-loader and you believe that everything should be earned. Work comes before play for you, even if that means a little overtime now and then.

You have a strong sense of right and wrong. I'd go further and suggest that you despise injustice and want everyone to do "what's right."

At work, people can count on you. You are loyal and giving. You need to be useful. You are also practical and sensible. Running down the highway naked is not you.

In love, you tend to be serious (actually, you are serious most of the time, but not in a negative way) You have traditional, conservative views on love and marriage. You want a mate who can work along with you, building a predictable, secure life together. You should definitely marry a someone like yourself. Do not marry an adventurer.

You show your love for your loved ones through the practical things that you do. The hinges are all oiled and the lawn looks like a golf green. I'd bet your home is well-kept and pretty much perfect shape.

You follow the rules and respect authority. You do not speed and do not double-park. As a matter of fact, you do not have any criminal record of any kind. Guess who's probably never going to prison? You.

You are the backbone of most of the groups you have joined. You have an excellent ability to handle details. You are generous and parental.

When you are feeling down, you worry too much about things you cannot control. Your stress shows itself as watch our for that. Also, and this is a big one, when you are under stress you react by getting authoritarian. "Do it! Because I said so!" Sound familiar?

Overall you're a really decent guy and solid family man.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by AnneBoleyn »

tude, did the little woman answer herself, or did you answer for her?
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

Ok Chloe - Here goes:

You are a very global thinking person. You have a powerful analytic mind and you understand the big concepts like Religion, Politics, and Physics. You're a seeker. If you won the lottery, you'd become a professional student and learn all that mankind knows. As a matter of fact, it would please you to find out something that nobody else knows!

You live your life by your own standards. You are cool calm and collected. Everyone else might be running around with their hair on fire, but you understand that that never helps anything. You control your emotions, they don't control you. You'll analyze the situation, then take action.

Even though you have an extremely flexible and talented imagination you want real answers. You need logic and perfection in your life. Some people might think you are a bit compulsive obsessive, but you just like everything in it's place in your life.

You value intelligence, insight, integrity and especially justice. Injustice makes you crazy. You have a fun sense of humor, but you might be just a bit too abstract for people sometimes (Your jokes go over their heads!) You think about "What if?" a lot. You plan out conversations you are going to have the night before you have them. You also love a mystery and like to do your own investigations into things like why the water heater broke or why there's an added charge on your bill.

At work, you honestly work best by yourself. You get easily bored if the subject holds no interest to you. Sometimes you might find it hard to set priorities because, heck, everything is so interesting!

With your friends, you are reserved. People who don't know you might think you are aloof, but your friends know you are just thoughtful. You mostly enjoy people who are interesting, intelligent, and have integrity.

Since you have trouble following rules that don't make sense to you, family gatherings are a bit rough. You'd rather show your love for your family by introducing them to new ideas that you have and new interests. You are probably a wiz at technology and have all the latest!

How'd I do?
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Betty Boop »

Saint_;1457785 wrote: OK Betty... I think I have it!

Your dominant personality is:

Betty, you value knowledge and new ideas. Discovering solutions and using your brain are more important to you than feelings, rules, or nonstop excitement. (This is what makes you hard to figure out to other people.) You really want to know why things work a certain way and that goes for everything from electronics to social dynamics and history.

You prefer to work alone, working in groups makes you uneasy. You need your "space" to sort things out and come up with the answers, so you enjoy your quiet time more than others.

Above all...and this is HAVE TO BE COMPETENT! You will never do a half-assed job or even not complete a task, it bugs you too much.

You want to understand and control the realities of life. You control your emotions, they do not control you. You pride yourself on multiple abilites. You are probably pretty good at a wide range of things from singing and music to atomic physics. You usually know a little about something right away, and you pick up abilities and knowledge incredibly fast. (more on that later)

You feel best when your ideas are recognized, money isn't as important to you as recognition. ( I hope your boss understands this.)

Here's something for you to know: Although you experience deep feelings, you do not like to express your feelings openly. (Hey, that makes it tough for you at funerals.)

You enjoy power and control overnature. You store up capabilites, intelligence and skils. You love intelligence and store wisdom. I'd bet the farm you watch things like the learning channel, the military channel, and the discovery channel for fun.

Interestingly, you are highly critical of your own abilites, something which is funny because you are usually doing it better than anybody. Besides your compulsion to learn and your obession to improve, you are a very precise and exact person. You speak with a very wide vocabualry from your constant reading and learning process.

You are highly curious, but can be a perfectionist and you often don't understand why everything isn't obvious to everyone. Although you are actually pretty humble, sometimes people mistake your intellect for arrogance. (Sorry about that, don't let it get to you.)

For you knowledge is play. You hate errors and are probably counting my gammmatical mistakes including the fact that the previous sentence was supposed to have a comma. You think on an abstract level that is so far above the common level that you often lose people or are too subtle for them to understand. Especially your humor, which is far from sophomoric.

You think through your relationships carefully.

You value fairness, insight, and justice. That most likely drives you crazy when you her the local news.

You would make an excellent researcher, computer tech, programmer, or scientist. You MUST HAVE A CONSTANT CHALLENGE in your job. I'll bet you moved from job to job when you were younger out of sheer boredom.

In love, you let your head rule your heart. Since you dislike repetition, you find it difficult to continually express your feelings. You would most likely do well with a mate who would let you establish a relationship, then leave it to maintain itslef while you devote yor creative energies to your career. In other words, someone like yourself.

In childhood you appeared older than yor years, and had a massive imagination. (Hey, I guess that means you enjoy my stories!) In school, you found it necessary to respect your teachers before you could learn anything from them.

When you are having a bad day you will become aloof, get sarcastic, refuse to cooperate, and possibly withdraw. You are at risk for manic depression.

So how did I do?

Ok apart from I can't sing for toffee and the most I can do musically is play chopsticks on the piano :D
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by G#Gill »

I'm curious, Mr. Saint ! :)

I'll give it a go ..............

(Originally Posted by Saint)

Section 1

(1 ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( 2) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

(4 ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

(3 ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

(4 ) competitive, impetuous

(3 ) practical, sensible, dependable

(1 ) unique, empathetic, communicative

( 2) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

(4 ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

(2 ) loyal, conservative, organized

(3 ) devoted, warm, poetic

(1 ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

(3 ) daring, impulsive, fun

(2 ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

(1 ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 4) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

(2 ) exciting, courageous, skillful

(1 ) orderly, conventional, caring

( 3) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

(4 ) philosophical, principled, rational

I look forward to what you have to say, whenever you can manage it.

I hope you don't regret starting this time-consuming project/exercise, and manage to avoid being totally swamped by all the members who will want to get involved ! ;) :) Thanks for a rather interesting thread ! :-6
I'm a Saga-lout, growing old disgracefully
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by tude dog »

Saint_;1457858 wrote: She's most likely not gong to be spending $300 on a pair of shoes. She'll find a $30 pair and save the other $270.

We had a chuckle cause just this week she spend $170 on a pair of shoes.

Wasn't for style. She has a problem finding a pair of shoes for a problem with one of her feet.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Bruv »

I have taken the test before, but have been challenged to take it expose my frailties to the world.

Be gentle with me Saint.

Section 1

( 4 ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

(1 ) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

( 3 ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( 2 ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( 4 ) competitive, impetuous

( 1 ) practical, sensible, dependable

(2 ) unique, empathetic, communicative

( 3 ) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( 2 ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

( 4 ) loyal, conservative, organized

( 3 ) devoted, warm, poetic

( 1 ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( 4 ) daring, impulsive, fun

( 1 ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( 2 ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 3 ) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( 4 ) exciting, courageous, skillful

( 3 ) orderly, conventional, caring

( 2 ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( 1 ) philosophical, principled, rational
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by High Threshold »

G#Gill;1457877 wrote:

Section 1

(1 ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( 2) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

(4 ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

(3 ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

(4 ) competitive, impetuous

(3 ) practical, sensible, dependable

(1 ) unique, empathetic, communicative

( 2) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

(4 ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

(2 ) loyal, conservative, organized

(3 ) devoted, warm, poetic

(1 ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

(3 ) daring, impulsive, fun

(2 ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

(1 ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 4) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

(2 ) exciting, courageous, skillful

(1 ) orderly, conventional, caring

( 3) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

(4 ) philosophical, principled, rational

Just glancing at it I'd say that you are a killer when it comes to arcade games. Of course, I'm not really qualified to make such judgments.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Chloe_88 »

Saint_;1457873 wrote: Ok Chloe - Here goes:

You are a very global thinking person. You have a powerful analytic mind and you understand the big concepts like Religion, Politics, and Physics. You're a seeker. If you won the lottery, you'd become a professional student and learn all that mankind knows. As a matter of fact, it would please you to find out something that nobody else knows!

True :wah:

Saint_;1457873 wrote:

You live your life by your own standards. You are cool calm and collected. Everyone else might be running around with their hair on fire, but you understand that that never helps anything. You control your emotions, they don't control you. You'll analyze the situation, then take action.


Saint_;1457873 wrote:

Even though you have an extremely flexible and talented imagination you want real answers. You need logic and perfection in your life. Some people might think you are a bit compulsive obsessive, but you just like everything in it's place in your life.

Very much so!

Saint_;1457873 wrote:

You value intelligence, insight, integrity and especially justice. Injustice makes you crazy. You have a fun sense of humor, but you might be just a bit too abstract for people sometimes (Your jokes go over their heads!) You think about "What if?" a lot. You plan out conversations you are going to have the night before you have them. You also love a mystery and like to do your own investigations into things like why the water heater broke or why there's an added charge on your bill.

Scary.. Yes I do plan out conversations! And if something broke, it must have a reason why and i'll find it!

Saint_;1457873 wrote:

At work, you honestly work best by yourself. You get easily bored if the subject holds no interest to you. Sometimes you might find it hard to set priorities because, heck, everything is so interesting!

With your friends, you are reserved. People who don't know you might think you are aloof, but your friends know you are just thoughtful. You mostly enjoy people who are interesting, intelligent, and have integrity.

Since you have trouble following rules that don't make sense to you, family gatherings are a bit rough. You'd rather show your love for your family by introducing them to new ideas that you have and new interests. You are probably a wiz at technology and have all the latest!

How'd I do?

Spot on! just one thing, yes i'm quite a wiz at technology except I don't have all the latest.. I like technology but all the latest stuff costs so much money! and I do like to keep controle on unnecessary spending, I had to learn that over the years though.. These days when I buy something, I stop and think how many hours I had to work for it and work out if it is worth it :wah:

Well done Saint, I enjoyed that!
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by High Threshold »

Saint: Even without the benefit of the quiz I'm guessing ex-Lowry or ex-Kirtland (probably both, at one time or another - depending upon age even "West Kirtland" shortly after the demise of Sandia B. Consolidated) and today teaching in C. Springs.

How well did I do?
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

High Threshold;1457957 wrote: Saint: Even without the benefit of the quiz I'm guessing ex-Lowry or ex-Kirtland (probably both, at one time or another - depending upon age even "West Kirtland" shortly after the demise of Sandia B. Consolidated) and today teaching in C. Springs. How well did I do?

What the devil are you talking about? Where I teach? Not even close. It's of no importance, and for privacy's sake, I wouldn't tell you even if you guessed right. I teach Mathematics at an Alternative High School. That's enough information to know me well.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by High Threshold »

Saint_;1457977 wrote: What the devil are you talking about? Where I teach? Not even close. It's of no importance, and for privacy's sake, I wouldn't tell you even if you guessed right. I teach Mathematics at an Alternative High School. That's enough information to know me well.

Whew! Take it easy. I was being playful. I thought you might think it was funny and kick it around for a laugh. Don't worry, I'll be making no other similar speculations. That's a promiss.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

High Threshold;1457978 wrote: Whew! Take it easy. I was being playful. I thought you might think it was funny and kick it around for a laugh. Don't worry, I'll be making no other similar speculations. That's a promiss.

Oh no hard feelings. I just reacted because I despise Kirtland. It smells like a sewer out there all the time because they have a septic lagoon instead of a water treatment plant. :lips:

Oh...and my ex is from there so that's another reason to hate it.:wah:
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by G#Gill »

Hey, Mr. Saint ! There are a couple of members (including me :wah: ) who are patiently awaiting your expert analysis, so we hope you haven't forgotten about this thread you started. You must be very busy so I won't keep on at you ! :) I'm just rather curious to see what you say about mine ! ;)
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by LarsMac »

Alright Bro, let's give it a run.

Saint_;1457774 wrote: Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

This is a little thread that I revive from time to time. It's based on an old Air Force psych-exam that has been made more user-friendly. I also add in my own deductions...If I can read anything in you! If you've done this before, trust me, you probably haven't changed much at this point in your life. But if you haven't done this, I think you'll find it interesting and entertaining. This will describe the kind of personality you have built.

Isn't it true that everyone's personality is a bit unique? Yes, that's true, but it turns out that personalities fall into distinct general categories. How did you build your personality? We'll you modeled quite a bit of it from whomever raised you, but when you got older, you picked up traits from other children in the neighborhood that you liked, and even characters from books and movies. You put it all in the stew and now it's you! Your personality encompasses your values, your morals, your sense of art and appreciation of kinds of music. It determines and influences your reactions and your relationships. It's who you are!

Welcome to Saint's Psychoanalysis Couch! Please fill out the following form while you are waiting:

Put a "4" next to the group of words that best describes you, and a "1" next to the group of words that is definitely not you.

Then put a "3" next to the group of words the is kind of like you, and a "2" next to the group of words that are kind of not like you.

In other words 4, 3, 2, 1, with 4 being the most like you and 1 being the least like you. You must use each number and you cannot use any number more than once.

Complete each section!

After you post your numbers, I will analyze you based on this your responses, deductive reasoning, basic psychology tenets, and some intuitive guesswork. (I'm pretty accurate as you will see!)

Section 1

(2 ) Active, opportunistic, spontaneous

( 1 ) Parental, Traditional, Responsible

(3 ) Authentic, harmonious, compassionate

( 4 ) versatile, inventive, competent

Section 2

( 2 ) competitive, impetuous

( 1 ) practical, sensible, dependable

( 4 ) unique, empathetic, communicative

( 3 ) curious, conceptual, knowledgeable

Section 3

( 3 ) realistic, open-minded, adventuresome

( 1 ) loyal, conservative, organized

( 2 ) devoted, warm, poetic

( 4 ) theoretical, seeking, ingenious

Section 4

( 2 ) daring, impulsive, fun

( 1 ) concerned, procedural, cooperative

( 4 ) tender, inspirational, dramatic

( 3 ) determined, complex, composed

Section 5

( 3 ) exciting, courageous, skillful

( 2 ) orderly, conventional, caring

( 1 ) vivacious, affectionate, sympathetic

( 4 ) philosophical, principled, rational

What insight might you get into your own personality? Could it affect who you should or should not marry or date? Can it affect the jobs you should or should not have? What would it look like if you were having a bad day?

The answers to these and many more questions await your perusal, just take a chance and find out!
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by Saint_ »

G#Gill;1458575 wrote: Hey, Mr. Saint ! There are a couple of members (including me :wah: ) who are patiently awaiting your expert analysis, so we hope you haven't forgotten about this thread you started. You must be very busy so I won't keep on at you ! :) I'm just rather curious to see what you say about mine ! ;)

Well sorry about the wait. I've been teaching Summer School this month and it has been nothing but drama. Crying, yelling, door-slamming, wall-punching drama. That's over now so I can get back to finishing up this thread.

G#Gill: This is a tough one.

I should elaborate. There are three ways this test can come out. There can be a clear, solid personality. If it is a strong result, that's great. You are who you want to be, you've designed the personality along straight lines and you are fine with that. You will be that way for your whole life. These are the easiest to read.

I sometimes see a split personality. That's not schizophrenia, it just means at some point in your life, usually around the teenage years, you decided that you didn't like who you were and you began to rewrite your personality. This often happens after a move to another country, or state. The teen years can be brutal and a certain personality handles it better than others. Since you wrote your personality originally, you certainly can change it any time you wish. You just begin acting the way you'd like to be, which feels strange at first, a bit like being an actor in your own life's story, but it eventually becomes natural to you.

Here's the kicker: You can write a new personality, but you can't erase the old one. What you get is a personality laid over another personality. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It gives you more flexibility to handle a wider range of situations.

Sometimes, very rarely, I see someone with a completely balanced personality. They have a little of every type of personality. They are the most stable of people since they have a side of themselves for every situation. They can't be flustered, they always know how to handle things, and they are calm and reasonable most of the time. You might have met one in your lifetime. If you did, you knew it. They are easy to recognize because they are chameleons in every situation. Fun at parties, serious at work, loving at home. Like I said...rare.

You are the second variety G#Gill: You began life as a highly intelligent child with a gifted flair for problem solving, a wild imagination, and a solid sense of justice. You excelled at school, although you became bored with repetition and needed to be challenged. You did your best all the time, but not for a grade, you wanted recognition of your work. You had many interesting hobbies, all of them intricate and exciting. You were, and still are, a seeker of knowledge, storing up facts and information. You probably watch things like the Biography channel. the Science Channel, and the History channel (when it still had history on it.)

You have very deep emotions, and they are complex. But you don't like emotional displays so you can seem rather distant sometimes. You have difficulty expressing emotion so you don't like repeating emotion. You'd do best to hook up with someone who is equally devoted to their careers like you are.

Then it changed. Probably because being the smart kid isn't as cool as it used to be. Possibly because you fell in with a wilder crowd. You wanted to be exciting, stimulating, a risk taker. The life of the party. So you started to to work on your "image." You started going to parties, you stayed out later. You tried new and dangerous pursuits. You laughed louder and danced wilder than all your other friends. You wandered and explored many places other people do not go. You became an expert in the use of tools and possibly drove a fast car. Bright colors were your new style and shocking outrageousness your new trademarks.

Now, in adulthood, you have both parts. At work you can be serious, a gifted researcher, and a hard-working, very detail-oriented employee or boss. At play, you are a free spirit and a good natured and charming party animal. Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde...but in a good way.
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Saint's Psychoanalysis Thread

Post by G#Gill »

Wow, Saint, what an involved and detailed analysis ! That must have taken you a long time ! Thank you so much. I shall have to give it a good read, but certainly on the face of it, the analysis seems to be quite good and there are parts which are uncannily accurate ! ;)
I'm a Saga-lout, growing old disgracefully
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