The False Prophet: who and why

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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by ephraim »

The False Prophet: who and why

This letter is written to all Christians interested in Bible prophecy.

Originally, it was never meant to see the light of day. It was developed from a disagreement on Bible prophecy. I was resolved not to send it as I thought it was redundant. It seemed to be a repeat of the issues or a natural conclusion to the facts as stated in my previous letters. Finally, I decided that what I took for granted must be said. Most were either not convinced, or did not understand. Also, this subject matter lends support to my other writings on the end times...

I never know how to start these narratives. I do not comment on many topics, though I may have an opinion. I treat my words as Gold. I keep all my comments strictly on the end times and frequently asked questions. The main subject is always Satan and how he continues to twist the truth to his benefit...

Where prophecy is concerned, it always takes time for events to unfold and become easier to see. This was the case with my posts on prophecy . I never envisioned the six month truce happening between Israel and Hamas, brokered by Egypt. Therefore, events as I see them in my mind, are set back 6 months. A lot has happened though in those six months. The economy is a wreck, the stock market has dropped by nearly half, and oil has dropped to around 30 dollars. The only bright spot is cheaper gas prices, which also means that terrorists get less of our petrol dollars. It's really too bad that our economy is so reliant on oil from countries in the Middle East. These same people want to cut our throats. If we were dealing with any other group of people there would be very little problem, but Islam wants to dominate. It wants everyone in submission to it. Christianity and Islam are incompatible, neither one can accept the other. It has always been this way and will never change. When Islam feels threatened, it finds new and improved ways to subvert the masses. Ask yourself this. Why won't Saudi Arabia allow Christians? In the U.S. we call that discrimination, lacking tolerance or being politically incorrect. When they can't have what they want they use our own laws against us. If all else fails and sometimes not, they use the Jihad excuse. I have heard it said many times. This is just our natural response...

Back to the topic. I was going to keep this part to myself. I really saw no need to post it, but maybe I was wrong. You be the judge. This letter shall be in every place that has received previous posts by me. Therefore, all one has to do to get further explanation is to search out my screen name and all posts by me. This letter is a response to a question from a skeptic. Here we go...

First of all, I did not set any dates. Furthermore, I have never named the false prophet. I have never named him because I saw no reason to name him. I figured by naming the beast (Mahmoud Abbas) everyone could see who the false prophet was. Since according to you I have committed slander, let's take that one step further. I haven't named the false prophet until this very post. I will not keep silent anymore. Here he is.

The false prophet is Ismail Haniyeh. Most of you probably don't know who he is, so indulge me for a second. Ismail Haniyeh is the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. He shared power with Abbas for a short time during 2006 in the Unity Government.

When Hamas chose not to honor the image of the beast, the international community cut off support to Abbas and the Palestinians. The image of the beast is three items; honoring all prior Palestinian agreements, recognizing Israel's right to exist and a renunciation of terror. Hamas enters the picture in Revelation 13:11. They are one horn of the beast, just as Abbas is also a horn. A horn is a king. Hamas exercised all the power of the first beast Abbas and caused them to worship the first beast (Abbas).

How did Haniyeh cause them to worship the first beast?

Because Hamas would not honor or abide by any prior Palestinian agreements and continued to sponsor terrorism, he caused the whole world to honor the image of the beast (which was Abbas and his government without Hamas). By not honoring or worshipping the image, Hamas caused the whole world to reject Hamas. This is just exactly the opposite of what Christians are taught. Most believe the false prophet is supposed to lead worship of some manlike image. This is absolutely wrong. The image is the Palestinian Government prior to the arrival of Hamas as a part in it. Hamas caused the world to honor the image. An Image defined by the international community.

Strong's Concordance translates the word worship as honor. I wouldn't necessarily say the translators made a mistake by using the word worship instead of honor, but surely it confused the situation. BTW, this was by design. We are not supposed to understand until right before the end. Remember, the Lord spoke in parables. Not all are supposed to know...Michael777aka Ephraim
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by spot »

This is the best news I've seen in ages. We're on the final countdown to Armageddon? Not before time either. Hallelujah.

This is the End, of which we have been forewarned, I take it? The last restraint's been removed, we're on the final countdown, nothing can call it off? What a privilege it is to be here and able to make a difference.

What date should I write Armageddon in for, in my diary? I need to plan my movements.

Will there be a wailing and a gnashing of teeth or was that just someone going a little over the top with joyful anticipation?

I'd be grateful if someone would sell me a heavy sniper rifle and lots of ammunition suitable for taking out the Son of God from a distance. Hollow-point, presumably, if He can still do those miracles.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by ephraim »

spot;1092679 wrote:

I'd be grateful if someone would sell me a heavy sniper rifle and lots of ammunition suitable for taking out the Son of God from a distance. Hollow-point, presumably, if He can still do those miracles.

I sense a little sarcasm here. Why so?

Are you just tired of all the religious debates?

Well me too. I'm tired of all the lies. I just want

everyone to have a chance to know the truth.

And hopefully, increase a person's faith a little.

Have a Merry Christmas spot. I still Love you.

Michael777aka Ephraim
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by spot »

They were serious questions I put, ephraim.

Are we on the final countdown to Armageddon? Is this is the End, of which we have been forewarned? What date should I write Armageddon in for, in my diary?

It may be that you don't know the answers in which case you could say so. You might think the questions meaningless in which case you could say so. Or, of course, you might know the answers in which case you might answer them.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
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Oscar Namechange
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Oscar Namechange »

ephraim;1092669 wrote: The False Prophet: who and why

This letter is written to all Christians interested in Bible prophecy.

Originally, it was never meant to see the light of day. It was developed from a disagreement on Bible prophecy. I was resolved not to send it as I thought it was redundant. It seemed to be a repeat of the issues or a natural conclusion to the facts as stated in my previous letters. Finally, I decided that what I took for granted must be said. Most were either not convinced, or did not understand. Also, this subject matter lends support to my other writings on the end times...

I never know how to start these narratives. I do not comment on many topics, though I may have an opinion. I treat my words as Gold. I keep all my comments strictly on the end times and frequently asked questions. The main subject is always Satan and how he continues to twist the truth to his benefit...

Where prophecy is concerned, it always takes time for events to unfold and become easier to see. This was the case with my posts on prophecy . I never envisioned the six month truce happening between Israel and Hamas, brokered by Egypt. Therefore, events as I see them in my mind, are set back 6 months. A lot has happened though in those six months. The economy is a wreck, the stock market has dropped by nearly half, and oil has dropped to around 30 dollars. The only bright spot is cheaper gas prices, which also means that terrorists get less of our petrol dollars. It's really too bad that our economy is so reliant on oil from countries in the Middle East. These same people want to cut our throats. If we were dealing with any other group of people there would be very little problem, but Islam wants to dominate. It wants everyone in submission to it. Christianity and Islam are incompatible, neither one can accept the other. It has always been this way and will never change. When Islam feels threatened, it finds new and improved ways to subvert the masses. Ask yourself this. Why won't Saudi Arabia allow Christians? In the U.S. we call that discrimination, lacking tolerance or being politically incorrect. When they can't have what they want they use our own laws against us. If all else fails and sometimes not, they use the Jihad excuse. I have heard it said many times. This is just our natural response...

Back to the topic. I was going to keep this part to myself. I really saw no need to post it, but maybe I was wrong. You be the judge. This letter shall be in every place that has received previous posts by me. Therefore, all one has to do to get further explanation is to search out my screen name and all posts by me. This letter is a response to a question from a skeptic. Here we go...

First of all, I did not set any dates. Furthermore, I have never named the false prophet. I have never named him because I saw no reason to name him. I figured by naming the beast (Mahmoud Abbas) everyone could see who the false prophet was. Since according to you I have committed slander, let's take that one step further. I haven't named the false prophet until this very post. I will not keep silent anymore. Here he is.

The false prophet is Ismail Haniyeh. Most of you probably don't know who he is, so indulge me for a second. Ismail Haniyeh is the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. He shared power with Abbas for a short time during 2006 in the Unity Government.

When Hamas chose not to honor the image of the beast, the international community cut off support to Abbas and the Palestinians. The image of the beast is three items; honoring all prior Palestinian agreements, recognizing Israel's right to exist and a renunciation of terror. Hamas enters the picture in Revelation 13:11. They are one horn of the beast, just as Abbas is also a horn. A horn is a king. Hamas exercised all the power of the first beast Abbas and caused them to worship the first beast (Abbas).

How did Haniyeh cause them to worship the first beast?

Because Hamas would not honor or abide by any prior Palestinian agreements and continued to sponsor terrorism, he caused the whole world to honor the image of the beast (which was Abbas and his government without Hamas). By not honoring or worshipping the image, Hamas caused the whole world to reject Hamas. This is just exactly the opposite of what Christians are taught. Most believe the false prophet is supposed to lead worship of some manlike image. This is absolutely wrong. The image is the Palestinian Government prior to the arrival of Hamas as a part in it. Hamas caused the world to honor the image. An Image defined by the international community.

Strong's Concordance translates the word worship as honor. I wouldn't necessarily say the translators made a mistake by using the word worship instead of honor, but surely it confused the situation. BTW, this was by design. We are not supposed to understand until right before the end. Remember, the Lord spoke in parables. Not all are supposed to know...Michael777aka Ephraim

Hi ephraim,

I worship the phrophets 'Burnel and Cornwell'.

Tune into an album by the 'Stranglers' called 'The Raven' one day. Bear in mind the tracks were recorded in 1979. Such tracks as 'The Meninblack', 'Genetics' and 'Shah Shah a go go' were ahead of their time and profetic.

Phrophets come in all arena's even in punk rock.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Daniyal »

One of the biggest problems that Religion create is Sectism , Cultism , Denominations , And various other groups that deviate from the fundamentals and facrs of A found Religion and create these Egotistical leaders that claim to be Christ of A Messiah or even God himself without any Credentials . By that I Mean they have nothing that they do or say that would lead one to really believe that they are some kind of Savior . Even Though Each Scriptures Clearly Warns Against These Fake Christs And Messiah

Matthew 24;24 And I Quote ; For There Shall Arise False Christs . And False Prophets , And Shall Show Great Signs And Wonders ; Insomuch That , If It Were Possible . They Shall Deceive The Very Elect .

Mark 13;22 And I Quote ; For False Christs And False Prophets Shall Rise , And Shall Show Signs And Wonders To Seduce . If It Were Possible Even The Elect .

What Are The Dangers Of The Existence Of Fake God's And False Christs ? The danger in this is The Poor Souls then are misled by these Fake Gods And False Christs , And these Propheteers pretending to be Prophets . Then there are many thousands of Ministers across the country who declared God Spoke To Me And Told Me To Tell You This Or That . And Lure Sincere Souls Into A Trap That They Are Unable To Get Out Of Until The Day They Die In Blind Faith , Daring Not To Even Question Or Doubt The Fanatics .

Do The Jehovah's Witnesses Follow The Freemason Doctrine ?

The Jehovah's Witnesses , Their entire doctrine is based on False Prophecies Lies and Freemasonry , Most of the leaders during the 1920s and 1930s were either Freemasons or involved in Secret Societies , Both Charles T. Russell . The founder of The Jehovah's Witnesses as well as Joseph Rutherford , His successor belonged to a Secret Societies .

If you LQQk back on some of The Old Document . Such as The Magazine The Watchtower '' that was published by The Jehovah's Witnesses you will see Symbols and Emblem that shows Their Affiliation . ( Symbol Of The Knights Of Templar Also Symbol As Used On Their First Publications Of The Watchtower Called Zions Watch Tower ..... Joseph Franklin Rutherford ( 1869 A.D. - 1942 A.D. Also Charles T . Russell 1882-1916 A.D. )

Charles T . Russell organized his own Bible study class with a small group of associates . He elected himself Pastor and was called '' Pastor Russell . He was the First President of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Of Pennsylvania . Becoming convinced of Jesus's coming . He began to preach and and spread his teaching and in 1879 A.D. He founded The Wactch Tower Journal . Russell who claimed to be The 7th Angel Mentioned In Revelation 10-7 , 11;15 , And 16;17 , However he died on October 31,1916 A.D. Before he die he made many predictions of the ...

End coming In 1874 A.D. , 1876A.D. 1914 A.D. ,1916 A.D. 1918A.D. 1972A.D. 1975A.D. All of which None as you can see , Never came true . He claimed that Jehovah gave him word of This End Each Time . He was simply saying his God who created the Heavens and Earth and Everything in it , Couldn't make up his mind when he wanted the world to end .

With all of The False Predictions that he made . His congregation had lost their faith because their doctrine was no longer making sense . So they fell apart . After a number of false Predictions . Joseph F. Rutherford , Being A Shrewd Businessman came up with this Million Man Scheme . And that is when they had their Millions Campaign In Washington D.C. As A Ploy To Re-Unite The Followers .

In 1918 A.D. The Jehovah's Witnesses Had A Millions Campaign with the release of A Book called '' Millions Now Living Will Never Die '' . That wasn't published until 1920 A,D, By Joseph F. Rutherford ( 1869 - 1942 A.D. ) . He came to power in 1917 A.D. After their former leader Charles T . Russell Died In 1882-1916 A.D. ) ..

The purpose of The Million Campaign '' . As it was called . Was to gather A Million Jehovahs Witnesses after their Prophecy Of The End Of The World Failed And Their Prophecy Than Abraham , Isaac , And Jacob Would Resurrect Into Human Form In 1925 A.D. And Live On Earth In A Mansion In San Diego California Called Beth Sarim , '' House Of Princes '' Which By They Way Never Happened .

The original leader , Charles T . Russell Died October 31 , 1916 A.D. ) .. As A Freemason he was Buried Under A Pyramid - Like Stone Which Bore The Symbol Of The Knights Of Templar Which Is A Crown With A Cross In It All Of The Leader From Those Days Were A Part Of Mystical Orders .

Half of The Jehovah's Witnessestoday don't even know the event that went on . They don't know about that mansion in San Diego California . They don't even know about The Millions Campaign or The Real History Of The Jehovah's Witnesses. Go Do Your Research . You Will Be Amazed At What You Will Find .

Charles Taze Russell Was Also Considered A Christ . Russell Claimed To Be The Seventh Angel Mentioned In Revelation . He Predicted The End Of The World Several Times ! 1874 A.D. 1876 A.D. 1914A.D. 1916 A.D. And 1918 A.D. Each Time Stating That Word Came To Him From The Creator Whom He Called Jehovah . He Was A '' Fake Christ ''

Now-A-Days In America There Are Many More '' False Teacher '' And '' False Leaders '' . Or What I Refer To As '' Fake Gods '' And False Christs '' Let Me Walk You Through The List .

You Have A Group Referred To As The Moonies , Headed By A Man Named Sun Myung Moon , Who Is A Oriental Who Declared Himself The Messiah . As Stated In An Article In '' Time '' Magazine Dated January 13 , 1992 A.D. Moon Set ( In Part ) .. His Followers Liken The Rise Of Korean Cleric Sun Myung Moon To The Coming Of The Messiah ... Sun Myung Moon Is An Evangelish , Who Claims That Jesus Appeared Before Him When He Was 16 Years Old And Told Him To '' Complete My Still Uncompleted Mission . ''

( Sun Myung Moon '' Fake Christ '' ) .

Then There Was A Religious Leader Name David Korresh Whose Birth Name Is Vernon Howell Korresh Whom The Media Claimed He Declared Himself Christ And Was Head Of The Davidian Church Where He And His Extended Family Lived Called Mount Carmel Located In Waco . Texas . ( David Korresh '' Fake Christ '' ) .

Then You Have A Man Named Hulon Mitchell Jr . Who Later Called Himself Yahweh Ben Yahweh Leader Of The Hebrew Israelites . He Also Declared Himself Christ And The Son Of God . According To The Book Entitled '' Yahweh Judges America '' On Page 81 , In The 7th Paragraph It States '' The Scripture Is Letting Us Know You Must LQQk Up And Observe The Characteristics Of The One That Is Coming As The True Messiah If You Will Open Your Eyes You Will Be Able To See The Right One Clearly ... Yahweh Ben Yahweh , The Son Of Yahweh '' . Here They Are Implying That Yahweh Ben Yahweh Is Christ Of The Son Of God . ( Yahweh Ben Yahweh '' Fake Christ '' ) .

Then You Have Ben Ammi Ben Israel Also Known As G . Parker , Declaring Himself Christ Who Is The Learder Of The Black Hebrews . And The List Goes On And On . ( Ben Ammi Ben Israel '' Fake Christ '' ) .

Then You Have People Like Elizabeth Clare Prophet , Who Has Authored Over 50 Books Within The Series '' The Lost Teaching Of Jesus , The Lost Years Of Jesus '' And Many More , Who Conduct Workshops And Retreats On Jesus's Life And Teachings . You Tell Me . Is She A False Teacher Or False Christ ( Elizabeth Chaire Prophet Fake God Or False Christ ) ..

Then You Have Maittreya The Christ , Most Of The Information About Him Has Come From A Man Named Benjamin Creme . According To '' Creme , Maitreya The Christ '' Descended In July 1977 A.D. And Took Up Residence In A Pakistanian Community In London ( Maittreya The Christ '' Fake God And False Christ '' ) .

And Then You Have Another False Ethiopian Messiah Who Is Called Haile Selassie . Haile Selassie Was Born In Harar, Ethiopia In 1892 A.D. Which Is The Northeastern Part Of Ethiopia . Rastafarians Say That Haile Selassie Is '' The Conquering Lion Of Judah '' King Of Kings '' or Lord Of Lords '' . They Claim That He Is The Person Being Talked About In Revelation 17;14 ( Haile Selassie '' Fake God And False Christ '' ) .

And Let's Not Forget About The Jehovah's Witnesses. As I Mentioned Earlier On In This E-Mail . Their Former Leader . Charles T . Russell Was Also Considered '' A Christ '' He Founded The Sect In The Years 1870 A.D. When He Was Dissatisfied With Christianitty As It Was , He Organized His First Bible Study Class . Six Years Later In 1876 A.D. He Elected Himself Pastor '' In 1879 A.D. He Sold Interest In A Clothing Firm And Began Printing '' The Watchtower '' A Semi-Monthly Publication . By 1884 A.D. His '' Zion's Watchtower And Bible Society '' Was Incorporated In Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania To Brooklyn , New York . Russell Claimed To Be The '' Seventh Angel '' Mentioned In The Book Of Revelation 10;7 , 11;15 , And 16;17 , ( Charles T . Russell '' A Fake Christ And False Angel ) ..

All Of Them Have You Believing In Religious Rhetoric And Claiming That They Are God . Christ The Messiah , Angelic Beings . However None Of Them Can Answer The Simple Question Of Why ? None Of Them Can Give You A Logical Reason About Why The World Is In Chaos . If They Were God They Would Be Able To Answer Simple Questions Like Why ? The Very Holy Book In Which You Claim You Live By Warns You Of These Kinds Of False Prophet And Christ , And I Quote ;

Matthew 24;24 ( In Modern Greek Script )

And In Time There Shall Rise Up Lying Messiah And False Prophet And Shall Have The Power To Do Great Sign And Miracles , So Great That If It Was All Possible They Would Be Able To Deceive The Chosen Ones .

Mark 13;22 ( In Modern Greek Script )

For False Christs And False Prophets Shall Rise And Shall Show Signs And Wonders To Seduce If It Were Possible Even The Very Chosen .

If Even Tells You How To Decipher If These Prophets Or Christs Are Of God In 1John 4;1

1John 4;1 ( In Modern Greek Script )

Beloved Do Not Believe Every Spirit But Test The Spirit To See Whether They Are Of Thehos ; Because Many False Prophets Are Gone Forth Into The World .

Fake God's And False Christs

By M.Z.York
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by BibleProphecy »

As I see it, the false prophet is not yet upon the world scene

He will ascend out from the bottomless pit (hell) after the Fifth Trumpet, the First WOE (Re.9:1-2, 12), after the bottomless pit has been opened.

Trumpet events follow Seal events followed by Plague events.

We have not yet concluded Seal events.

Patricia © Bible Prophecy on the Web
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Oscar Namechange
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Oscar Namechange »

BibleProphecy;1093439 wrote: As I see it, the false prophet is not yet upon the world scene

He will ascend out from the bottomless pit (hell) after the Fifth Trumpet, the First WOE (Re.9:1-2, 12), after the bottomless pit has been opened.

Trumpet events follow Seal events followed by Plague events.

We have not yet concluded Seal events.

Patricia © Bible Prophecy on the Web

What number trumpet are we on now?? Just so i know how long i've got.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
Richard Bell
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Richard Bell »

BibleProphecy;1093439 wrote: As I see it, the false prophet is not yet upon the world scene

He will ascend out from the bottomless pit (hell) after the Fifth Trumpet, the First WOE (Re.9:1-2, 12), after the bottomless pit has been opened.

Trumpet events follow Seal events followed by Plague events.

We have not yet concluded Seal events.

Patricia © Bible Prophecy on the Web

It would seem Seal events were concluded in the summer of 2007 :

BURBANK, CA -- April 10, 2007 -- Grammy-winning pop vocalist and songwriter Seal will hit the road in May for a two-week U.S. tour during which he will preview songs he is currently recording for a new album, his first studio full-length since 2003's "Seal IV." The tour begins May 15th in Westbury, New York, and concludes May 30th in Dallas. Seal will spend June and July on tour in Europe.

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Oscar Namechange
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Richard Bell;1093472 wrote: It would seem Seal events were concluded in the summer of 2007 :

'But were never gonna survive... unless we get a little crazy'
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Ted »

Actually the beast # 666 was a reference to Nero.

There have been hundreds of predictions of the end over the past 2000+ years.

220 Dates for the End of the world!!! Date Setters!


Richard Bell
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Richard Bell »

oscar;1093569 wrote: 'But were never gonna survive... unless we get a little crazy'

Now, there's a prophecy I can follow! :yh_rotfl
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by OpenMind »

oscar;1093218 wrote: Hi ephraim,

I worship the phrophets 'Burnel and Cornwell'.

Tune into an album by the 'Stranglers' called 'The Raven' one day. Bear in mind the tracks were recorded in 1979. Such tracks as 'The Meninblack', 'Genetics' and 'Shah Shah a go go' were ahead of their time and profetic.

Phrophets come in all arena's even in punk rock.


Frothy prophets?:yh_rotfl
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by ephraim »

spot;1092962 wrote: They were serious questions I put, ephraim.

Are we on the final countdown to Armageddon? Is this is the End, of which we have been forewarned? What date should I write Armageddon in for, in my diary?

It may be that you don't know the answers in which case you could say so. You might think the questions meaningless in which case you could say so. Or, of course, you might know the answers in which case you might answer them.

Yes-Yes- Don't ask me a date, Watch.

Ephraim aka Michael777
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by spot »

ephraim;1095218 wrote: Yes-Yes- Don't ask me a date, Watch.

Ephraim aka Michael777

Religious commentators have been saying "Yes-Yes- Don't ask me a date, Watch" since, to my knowledge, the year 999. If I were to produce a list of, say, a couple of hundred people of the stature of John Wesley who also said "Yes-Yes- Don't ask me a date, Watch" through most of the 18th century, would you have a good reason why your "Yes-Yes- Don't ask me a date, Watch" is more informed than theirs? They could read the Book of Revelation alongside their newspapers as well. They all had their line-by-line interpretations into their modern day surroundings.

And all the millions of people they said "Yes-Yes- Don't ask me a date, Watch" to went to their graves without seeing Armageddon, every last one of them, despite all the hype and promises. The obvious recent example would be Garner Ted Armstrong. He preached two things - Armageddon and sending in a regular tenth of your income. He was a very rich millennial evangelist for the Lord.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by ephraim »

spot;1095345 wrote: Religious commentators have been saying "Yes-Yes- Don't ask me a date, Watch" since, to my knowledge, the year 999. If I were to produce a list of, say, a couple of hundred people of the stature of John Wesley who also said "Yes-Yes- Don't ask me a date, Watch" through most of the 18th century, would you have a good reason why your "Yes-Yes- Don't ask me a date, Watch" is more informed than theirs? They could read the Book of Revelation alongside their newspapers as well. They all had their line-by-line interpretations into their modern day surroundings.

And all the millions of people they said "Yes-Yes- Don't ask me a date, Watch" to went to their graves without seeing Armageddon, every last one of them, despite all the hype and promises. The obvious recent example would be Garner Ted Armstrong. He preached two things - Armageddon and sending in a regular tenth of your income. He was a very rich millennial evangelist for the Lord.

Isn't it easy to sit back and accuse me of other peoples failings?

In conversations concerning me, I expect those talking with me to direct

their answers based on my words. I will not be gulity by association. Also,

I do not believe in worthless interpretations and I certainly do not defend

them. In that point, we can agree.

Revelation is a harbinger of Jesus's Second Coming. I am sure you have noticed

that Revelation is what I'm interpreting. When I say close I mean within months.

As far as the date, it is not for me to state. Watch! My mission is two-fold. To

identify who God is and identify the world's false religions. If you know these

truths, you have no need for any other. It is similar to a man knowing the

day of his death. It is unnecessary. BTW, I only know an area of time to

look, not the day. Jesus is God!!!

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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by spot »

Thank you Ephraim. Please come back in - shall we say twelve? - months? is that a reasonable limit to your warning? I want to mock you unmercifully.

Or is twelve too few for you? Would you like to make it twenty four?

Maybe your confidence in your limits isn't up to an entire two years. Would you prefer to say five? Or how about an entire generation? Take twenty?

Whatever it is, come back when it's over so we can throw jibes at you. We've given you a place to write, the least you can do in repayment is to sit in the stocks when your scare-time's expired.

It has to be the end of the world, mind. A few nuclear bombs going off or countries being wiped off the map doesn't count, that's not what Armageddon's about. I want to see a very literal Satan bound in an observable pit before you get off this hook.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
Abram Is Muslim
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

ephraim;1092669 wrote: The False Prophet: who and why

This letter is written to all Christians interested in Bible prophecy.

Originally, it was never meant to see the light of day. It was developed from a disagreement on Bible prophecy. I was resolved not to send it as I thought it was redundant. It seemed to be a repeat of the issues or a natural conclusion to the facts as stated in my previous letters. Finally, I decided that what I took for granted must be said. Most were either not convinced, or did not understand. Also, this subject matter lends support to my other writings on the end times...

I never know how to start these narratives. I do not comment on many topics, though I may have an opinion. I treat my words as Gold. I keep all my comments strictly on the end times and frequently asked questions. The main subject is always Satan and how he continues to twist the truth to his benefit...

Where prophecy is concerned, it always takes time for events to unfold and become easier to see. This was the case with my posts on prophecy . I never envisioned the six month truce happening between Israel and Hamas, brokered by Egypt. Therefore, events as I see them in my mind, are set back 6 months. A lot has happened though in those six months. The economy is a wreck, the stock market has dropped by nearly half, and oil has dropped to around 30 dollars. The only bright spot is cheaper gas prices, which also means that terrorists get less of our petrol dollars. It's really too bad that our economy is so reliant on oil from countries in the Middle East. These same people want to cut our throats. If we were dealing with any other group of people there would be very little problem, but Islam wants to dominate. It wants everyone in submission to it. Christianity and Islam are incompatible, neither one can accept the other. It has always been this way and will never change. When Islam feels threatened, it finds new and improved ways to subvert the masses. Ask yourself this. Why won't Saudi Arabia allow Christians? In the U.S. we call that discrimination, lacking tolerance or being politically incorrect. When they can't have what they want they use our own laws against us. If all else fails and sometimes not, they use the Jihad excuse. I have heard it said many times. This is just our natural response...

Back to the topic. I was going to keep this part to myself. I really saw no need to post it, but maybe I was wrong. You be the judge. This letter shall be in every place that has received previous posts by me. Therefore, all one has to do to get further explanation is to search out my screen name and all posts by me. This letter is a response to a question from a skeptic. Here we go...

First of all, I did not set any dates. Furthermore, I have never named the false prophet. I have never named him because I saw no reason to name him. I figured by naming the beast (Mahmoud Abbas) everyone could see who the false prophet was. Since according to you I have committed slander, let's take that one step further. I haven't named the false prophet until this very post. I will not keep silent anymore. Here he is.

The false prophet is Ismail Haniyeh. Most of you probably don't know who he is, so indulge me for a second. Ismail Haniyeh is the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. He shared power with Abbas for a short time during 2006 in the Unity Government.

When Hamas chose not to honor the image of the beast, the international community cut off support to Abbas and the Palestinians. The image of the beast is three items; honoring all prior Palestinian agreements, recognizing Israel's right to exist and a renunciation of terror. Hamas enters the picture in Revelation 13:11. They are one horn of the beast, just as Abbas is also a horn. A horn is a king. Hamas exercised all the power of the first beast Abbas and caused them to worship the first beast (Abbas).

How did Haniyeh cause them to worship the first beast?

Because Hamas would not honor or abide by any prior Palestinian agreements and continued to sponsor terrorism, he caused the whole world to honor the image of the beast (which was Abbas and his government without Hamas). By not honoring or worshipping the image, Hamas caused the whole world to reject Hamas. This is just exactly the opposite of what Christians are taught. Most believe the false prophet is supposed to lead worship of some manlike image. This is absolutely wrong. The image is the Palestinian Government prior to the arrival of Hamas as a part in it. Hamas caused the world to honor the image. An Image defined by the international community.

Strong's Concordance translates the word worship as honor. I wouldn't necessarily say the translators made a mistake by using the word worship instead of honor, but surely it confused the situation. BTW, this was by design. We are not supposed to understand until right before the end. Remember, the Lord spoke in parables. Not all are supposed to know...Michael777aka Ephraim

Waht prophet and what worship , with in that topic full of nothing,

If you wanna know thewrong prophet go ,to my blog and watch about the reality of Jews for all the christians » Get a Free Blog Here

The Islamic History Of Europe

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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Victoria »

Heres a forum where they are all interested.

I dont believe we are living in the last days... - Rapture Ready
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by ledroyjr »

Daniyal;1093432 wrote: One of the biggest problems that Religion create is Sectism , Cultism , Denominations , And various other groups that deviate from the fundamentals and facrs of A found Religion and create these Egotistical leaders that claim to be Christ of A Messiah or even God himself without any Credentials . By that I Mean they have nothing that they do or say that would lead one to really believe that they are some kind of Savior . Even Though Each Scriptures Clearly Warns Against These Fake Christs And Messiah

Matthew 24;24 And I Quote ; For There Shall Arise False Christs . And False Prophets , And Shall Show Great Signs And Wonders ; Insomuch That , If It Were Possible . They Shall Deceive The Very Elect .

Mark 13;22 And I Quote ; For False Christs And False Prophets Shall Rise , And Shall Show Signs And Wonders To Seduce . If It Were Possible Even The Elect .

What Are The Dangers Of The Existence Of Fake God's And False Christs ? The danger in this is The Poor Souls then are misled by these Fake Gods And False Christs , And these Propheteers pretending to be Prophets . Then there are many thousands of Ministers across the country who declared God Spoke To Me And Told Me To Tell You This Or That . And Lure Sincere Souls Into A Trap That They Are Unable To Get Out Of Until The Day They Die In Blind Faith , Daring Not To Even Question Or Doubt The Fanatics .

Do The Jehovah's Witnesses Follow The Freemason Doctrine ?

The Jehovah's Witnesses , Their entire doctrine is based on False Prophecies Lies and Freemasonry , Most of the leaders during the 1920s and 1930s were either Freemasons or involved in Secret Societies , Both Charles T. Russell . The founder of The Jehovah's Witnesses as well as Joseph Rutherford , His successor belonged to a Secret Societies .

If you LQQk back on some of The Old Document . Such as The Magazine The Watchtower '' that was published by The Jehovah's Witnesses you will see Symbols and Emblem that shows Their Affiliation . ( Symbol Of The Knights Of Templar Also Symbol As Used On Their First Publications Of The Watchtower Called Zions Watch Tower ..... Joseph Franklin Rutherford ( 1869 A.D. - 1942 A.D. Also Charles T . Russell 1882-1916 A.D. )

Charles T . Russell organized his own Bible study class with a small group of associates . He elected himself Pastor and was called '' Pastor Russell . He was the First President of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Of Pennsylvania . Becoming convinced of Jesus's coming . He began to preach and and spread his teaching and in 1879 A.D. He founded The Wactch Tower Journal . Russell who claimed to be The 7th Angel Mentioned In Revelation 10-7 , 11;15 , And 16;17 , However he died on October 31,1916 A.D. Before he die he made many predictions of the ...

End coming In 1874 A.D. , 1876A.D. 1914 A.D. ,1916 A.D. 1918A.D. 1972A.D. 1975A.D. All of which None as you can see , Never came true . He claimed that Jehovah gave him word of This End Each Time . He was simply saying his God who created the Heavens and Earth and Everything in it , Couldn't make up his mind when he wanted the world to end .

With all of The False Predictions that he made . His congregation had lost their faith because their doctrine was no longer making sense . So they fell apart . After a number of false Predictions . Joseph F. Rutherford , Being A Shrewd Businessman came up with this Million Man Scheme . And that is when they had their Millions Campaign In Washington D.C. As A Ploy To Re-Unite The Followers .

In 1918 A.D. The Jehovah's Witnesses Had A Millions Campaign with the release of A Book called '' Millions Now Living Will Never Die '' . That wasn't published until 1920 A,D, By Joseph F. Rutherford ( 1869 - 1942 A.D. ) . He came to power in 1917 A.D. After their former leader Charles T . Russell Died In 1882-1916 A.D. ) ..

The purpose of The Million Campaign '' . As it was called . Was to gather A Million Jehovahs Witnesses after their Prophecy Of The End Of The World Failed And Their Prophecy Than Abraham , Isaac , And Jacob Would Resurrect Into Human Form In 1925 A.D. And Live On Earth In A Mansion In San Diego California Called Beth Sarim , '' House Of Princes '' Which By They Way Never Happened .

The original leader , Charles T . Russell Died October 31 , 1916 A.D. ) .. As A Freemason he was Buried Under A Pyramid - Like Stone Which Bore The Symbol Of The Knights Of Templar Which Is A Crown With A Cross In It All Of The Leader From Those Days Were A Part Of Mystical Orders .

Half of The Jehovah's Witnessestoday don't even know the event that went on . They don't know about that mansion in San Diego California . They don't even know about The Millions Campaign or The Real History Of The Jehovah's Witnesses. Go Do Your Research . You Will Be Amazed At What You Will Find .

Charles Taze Russell Was Also Considered A Christ . Russell Claimed To Be The Seventh Angel Mentioned In Revelation . He Predicted The End Of The World Several Times ! 1874 A.D. 1876 A.D. 1914A.D. 1916 A.D. And 1918 A.D. Each Time Stating That Word Came To Him From The Creator Whom He Called Jehovah . He Was A '' Fake Christ ''

Now-A-Days In America There Are Many More '' False Teacher '' And '' False Leaders '' . Or What I Refer To As '' Fake Gods '' And False Christs '' Let Me Walk You Through The List .

You Have A Group Referred To As The Moonies , Headed By A Man Named Sun Myung Moon , Who Is A Oriental Who Declared Himself The Messiah . As Stated In An Article In '' Time '' Magazine Dated January 13 , 1992 A.D. Moon Set ( In Part ) .. His Followers Liken The Rise Of Korean Cleric Sun Myung Moon To The Coming Of The Messiah ... Sun Myung Moon Is An Evangelish , Who Claims That Jesus Appeared Before Him When He Was 16 Years Old And Told Him To '' Complete My Still Uncompleted Mission . ''

( Sun Myung Moon '' Fake Christ '' ) .

Then There Was A Religious Leader Name David Korresh Whose Birth Name Is Vernon Howell Korresh Whom The Media Claimed He Declared Himself Christ And Was Head Of The Davidian Church Where He And His Extended Family Lived Called Mount Carmel Located In Waco . Texas . ( David Korresh '' Fake Christ '' ) .

Then You Have A Man Named Hulon Mitchell Jr . Who Later Called Himself Yahweh Ben Yahweh Leader Of The Hebrew Israelites . He Also Declared Himself Christ And The Son Of God . According To The Book Entitled '' Yahweh Judges America '' On Page 81 , In The 7th Paragraph It States '' The Scripture Is Letting Us Know You Must LQQk Up And Observe The Characteristics Of The One That Is Coming As The True Messiah If You Will Open Your Eyes You Will Be Able To See The Right One Clearly ... Yahweh Ben Yahweh , The Son Of Yahweh '' . Here They Are Implying That Yahweh Ben Yahweh Is Christ Of The Son Of God . ( Yahweh Ben Yahweh '' Fake Christ '' ) .

Then You Have Ben Ammi Ben Israel Also Known As G . Parker , Declaring Himself Christ Who Is The Learder Of The Black Hebrews . And The List Goes On And On . ( Ben Ammi Ben Israel '' Fake Christ '' ) .

Then You Have People Like Elizabeth Clare Prophet , Who Has Authored Over 50 Books Within The Series '' The Lost Teaching Of Jesus , The Lost Years Of Jesus '' And Many More , Who Conduct Workshops And Retreats On Jesus's Life And Teachings . You Tell Me . Is She A False Teacher Or False Christ ( Elizabeth Chaire Prophet Fake God Or False Christ ) ..

Then You Have Maittreya The Christ , Most Of The Information About Him Has Come From A Man Named Benjamin Creme . According To '' Creme , Maitreya The Christ '' Descended In July 1977 A.D. And Took Up Residence In A Pakistanian Community In London ( Maittreya The Christ '' Fake God And False Christ '' ) .

And Then You Have Another False Ethiopian Messiah Who Is Called Haile Selassie . Haile Selassie Was Born In Harar, Ethiopia In 1892 A.D. Which Is The Northeastern Part Of Ethiopia . Rastafarians Say That Haile Selassie Is '' The Conquering Lion Of Judah '' King Of Kings '' or Lord Of Lords '' . They Claim That He Is The Person Being Talked About In Revelation 17;14 ( Haile Selassie '' Fake God And False Christ '' ) .

And Let's Not Forget About The Jehovah's Witnesses. As I Mentioned Earlier On In This E-Mail . Their Former Leader . Charles T . Russell Was Also Considered '' A Christ '' He Founded The Sect In The Years 1870 A.D. When He Was Dissatisfied With Christianitty As It Was , He Organized His First Bible Study Class . Six Years Later In 1876 A.D. He Elected Himself Pastor '' In 1879 A.D. He Sold Interest In A Clothing Firm And Began Printing '' The Watchtower '' A Semi-Monthly Publication . By 1884 A.D. His '' Zion's Watchtower And Bible Society '' Was Incorporated In Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania To Brooklyn , New York . Russell Claimed To Be The '' Seventh Angel '' Mentioned In The Book Of Revelation 10;7 , 11;15 , And 16;17 , ( Charles T . Russell '' A Fake Christ And False Angel ) ..

All Of Them Have You Believing In Religious Rhetoric And Claiming That They Are God . Christ The Messiah , Angelic Beings . However None Of Them Can Answer The Simple Question Of Why ? None Of Them Can Give You A Logical Reason About Why The World Is In Chaos . If They Were God They Would Be Able To Answer Simple Questions Like Why ? The Very Holy Book In Which You Claim You Live By Warns You Of These Kinds Of False Prophet And Christ , And I Quote ;

Matthew 24;24 ( In Modern Greek Script )

And In Time There Shall Rise Up Lying Messiah And False Prophet And Shall Have The Power To Do Great Sign And Miracles , So Great That If It Was All Possible They Would Be Able To Deceive The Chosen Ones .

Mark 13;22 ( In Modern Greek Script )

For False Christs And False Prophets Shall Rise And Shall Show Signs And Wonders To Seduce If It Were Possible Even The Very Chosen .

If Even Tells You How To Decipher If These Prophets Or Christs Are Of God In 1John 4;1

1John 4;1 ( In Modern Greek Script )

Beloved Do Not Believe Every Spirit But Test The Spirit To See Whether They Are Of Thehos ; Because Many False Prophets Are Gone Forth Into The World .

Fake God's And False Christs

By M.Z.York

You are correct as for as testing the message being presented by the messenger. Scripture tells us that if the message being given is different from the gospel of Jesus Christ as presented by the Apostle Paul it is to be considered false and left as unworthy.

The Scriptures you have referenced above tell us of the coming antichrist in the tribulation period and will be revealed or come on the scene only when the first seal is broken by Christ in Revelation Six. The Church Age is still in full swing and functioning as scripture tells us, as the Church Age is still in full swing we are only in Revelation Four, when Scripture is fulfilled as to the Church Age then the tribulation period will commence and the false prophet and the beast and the antichrist will come on the scene.
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by ledroyjr »

BibleProphecy;1093439 wrote: As I see it, the false prophet is not yet upon the world scene

He will ascend out from the bottomless pit (hell) after the Fifth Trumpet, the First WOE (Re.9:1-2, 12), after the bottomless pit has been opened.

Trumpet events follow Seal events followed by Plague events.

We have not yet concluded Seal events.

Patricia © Bible Prophecy on the Web

The Scriptures that were referenced above by?. tell us of the coming antichrist in the tribulation period and will be revealed or come on the scene only when the first seal is broken by Christ in Revelation Six. The Church Age is still in full swing and functioning as scripture tells us, as the Church Age is still in full swing we are only in Revelation Four, when Scripture is fulfilled as to the Church Age then the tribulation period will commence and the false prophet and the beast and the antichrist will come on the scene as stated in Revelation Six and only then will the Seals begin and then the Trumpets and then the Vials of plagues.
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by ledroyjr »

oscar;1093443 wrote: What number trumpet are we on now?? Just so i know how long i've got.


The Scriptures referenced above by ?, tell us of the coming antichrist in the tribulation period and will be revealed or come on the scene only when the first seal is broken by Christ in Revelation Six. The Church Age is still in full swing and functioning as scripture tells us, as the Church Age is still in full swing we are only in Revelation Four, when Scripture is fulfilled as to the Church Age then the tribulation period will commence and the false prophet and the beast and the antichrist will come on the scene in Revelation Six then and only then will the Seals, Trumpets, and vials of plagues be used in the tribulation period.
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Clown Antics
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Clown Antics »

Well your false prophet better get in line cause he is what the 1000th person in a long list of them everyone from Obama to the RC has been considered the false prophet who's next Mickey Mouse?
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by littleCJelkton »

Clown Antics;1351806 wrote: Well your false prophet better get in line cause he is what the 1000th person in a long list of them everyone from Obama to the RC has been considered the false prophet who's next Mickey Mouse?

The Stay Puff Marshmallow man.

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Clown Antics
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Clown Antics »


He's the most likely candidate since he's so intimidating...........
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by yaaarrrgg »

A false prophet is one who makes false prophecies. :)
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Ahso! »

We're loaded with false profit.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


I have only one thing to do and that's

Be the wave that I am and then

Sink back into the ocean

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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by littleCJelkton »

yaaarrrgg;1352051 wrote: A false prophet is one who makes false prophecies. :)

Hmm MSNBC and FOX news come to mind.
Red Crow
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Red Crow »

I need to let you know that the cheaper gas price is another attempt to keep people pacified into a false sense of security. The Truth is , and the People aren't ever told the Truth in these Times, Our "leaders" taped our strategic Gas reserves. This was not advertised for some reason, they will burn the whole reserve I it keeps the People in the Dark. I am also distressed that there are secret plans to take away our Internet " so we can be safe from the Terrorist's". This is all lies and Deception.

I also need to say that the people in the Oil countries are less free than us, and they most definitely don't intend me or you any harm. These lies and deceptions are Satan's work , to keep people Blinded and Deceived buy Hate and Fear. This is bad, please don't hate people over there, I have made the most beautiful and living friends from many nations over the last few months. Please keep only love in your Heart. See through these evil deceptions. We are one Race, The Human Race.

Now I have some real Prophet Stuff to share, but I'm not sure If it is the time. I am not a catholic, but as of late I have been studying the Bible, listening to what other catholics know, because I have been changed and enlightened to the Truth. I have God, I love Jesus Christ, I thank them often, and I have never had a prayer unanswered. I don't ask for help unless it's a Life and Death situation, When i prey, i ask what It is that i can do for my lord. The only thing I ask without concern of being too needy, is that my soul be relieved of negative energy, my anger, and my hate, and My Fear. I barely have a trace of NEGATIVITY IN MY SOUL THESE DAYS.

I think Pope Benedict is the Greatest. I read and reread revelations over and over, as I discovered just a few weeks ago that some of the visions I had were VERY similar to revelations, This freaked me out. what I am trying to learn is, are there modern Day Prophets? Can I be One? Because I had an experience five months ago, that I am still trying to sort out. I am doing things and I had some Great knowledge and hope planted into my head. I have endless work, I quit a good job so I can learn and act on what I have been blessed with. That's all for now, I will read all your blogs, to get insight and clear up what is Truth and what Satan has replaced with Deception. There's some Super Big Things going on in the world today, and Time is not for wasting. Can't wait to see how people here react to my Messages. May the Smile of God Bless all the Children. God is Here With Us. Jesus Christ seems like He Is almost in arms Reach. I Love You Jesus. I must go. Peace Friend.
Its a narrow way
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Its a narrow way »

this world is solid full of false prophets millions and millions of them , about every man on your TV saying come to Jesus dont know Jesus .

The real church gets its power scattered in the end of this age , its a sign of the end coming the scattering of the power of the holy people.

Yes there will be real prophets in the future REv 11 clearly tells us this , the trouble the earth is so decieved by false prophets the real prophets will ne hated by all men and will be much celabration as they are put to death.

When Jesus returns he will have 2 men burnt up , one is known as the beast who is a world leader most likely the leader of a end time united europe . The other known as the false prophet I figure is the last Pope . All popes are not from God ,but the end time ones looks like he will have great power and will do great miricles to decieve the whole earth . The false prophet helps this end time leader come to power , the guy will be worse then hitler .

The last kindom to rule the earth will be 10 families of the earth giving power to one man . In daniels vission its Iron mixed with Clay . Iron equals strong peoples . the clay that holds them together = False religion . 10 catholic nations will form the beast . The last pope should have power .

The real prophets will be much hated and dispised ..............THE WHOLE WORLD IS THAT DECIEVED !

As it was in Noahs day , so shall it be . in noahs day only one had it right. Its going to be a small number not decieved .
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The False Prophet: who and why

Post by Oblivion4463 »

Its a narrow way;1401579 wrote: this world is solid full of false prophets millions and millions of them , about every man on your TV saying come to Jesus dont know Jesus .

The real church gets its power scattered in the end of this age , its a sign of the end coming the scattering of the power of the holy people.

Yes there will be real prophets in the future REv 11 clearly tells us this , the trouble the earth is so decieved by false prophets the real prophets will ne hated by all men and will be much celabration as they are put to death.

When Jesus returns he will have 2 men burnt up , one is known as the beast who is a world leader most likely the leader of a end time united europe . The other known as the false prophet I figure is the last Pope . All popes are not from God ,but the end time ones looks like he will have great power and will do great miricles to decieve the whole earth . The false prophet helps this end time leader come to power , the guy will be worse then hitler .

The last kindom to rule the earth will be 10 families of the earth giving power to one man . In daniels vission its Iron mixed with Clay . Iron equals strong peoples . the clay that holds them together = False religion . 10 catholic nations will form the beast . The last pope should have power .

The real prophets will be much hated and dispised ..............THE WHOLE WORLD IS THAT DECIEVED !

As it was in Noahs day , so shall it be . in noahs day only one had it right. Its going to be a small number not decieved .

First off the false prophet is Moses...

1. he was the one that CREATED jewish law. Jewish law was the very thing that got Jesus killed and is the reason Jesus died.

2. Moses talks of a vengeful god that lives by the sword (such as...Killing the first born of ever child even if that child had NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING GOD JUST KILLS THEM ALL LIKE AN EVIL PERSON, also Moses has the Canaanites killed with every man WOMEN AND CHILD and they were put to the sword as per Moses saying that its gods design/wishes)!

3. Jesus talks of a Merciful god who dose not live be the sword and is forgiving. Jesus's views contradict Moses's views so either Jesus is right and Moses is wrong on Gods word or Moses is right and Jesus is wrong!

Jesus spoke against Moses's word(jewish law) proving that Moses was wrong and lied to Gods people. This is why Jews dont believe in Jesus and reject him today because they believe Moses was right and Jesus was wrong.

SECOND...Revelations is about Jesus's coming to be killed on the cross and has NOTHING to do with a second coming.

1. Peter comes into Jesus's service through a vision. This vision becomes known as the Revelation of Peter...or Book of Revelations!

2. In this book Peter does NOT recognize this man as a lamb slain as it says in revelations. Why doesnt Peter just say that its Jesus instead of saying that it appears to be a man as a lamb slain if he has already meet Jesus?

3. the angel tells Peter coming quickly, and in peter's case that is true because he later meets this lamb to be slain...Jesus and does not mean that He is coming quickly for the readers sake....People get confused with that one because there not careful with what they are reading.

4. Armageddon in revelations is a greek word and it means a great war in ancient greek! its does NOT mean the end of the world nor does it mean the war to end all wars. The greeks called there war with the Persians to be an Armageddon(a great war).

5. Apocalypse also does not mean the end of the world in ancient greek. It means a revelation. The original name for the book of revelations was called " The Apocalypse of Peter" into what is known today as "The Revelation of Peter".

6. Have you ever wondered why Peter is so protective of Jesus?...its because when he saw Jesus he know that the man as a lamb slain was the same man as Jesus. Ever since then he has said things like "i will fallow you even to death" and was even putting up a fight to protect jesus. He has aways been VERY protective of Jesus if you pay attention. Peter does NOT want Jesus to die as HIS REVELATION from a angel told him he would.

7. It is said in the prophecy that the Messiah would come to earth and bring his fathers kingdom to earth and take the throne. THAT HAS ALREADY HAPPEN! Revelations talks about the Messiah getting killed and why in a coded(symbolism) vision. There is...NOTHING... about a second coming anywhere in the PROPHECY or in the bible itself.

8. The idea of a second coming that is said to happen came from the 1800's by a women who said she had a dream of Jesus telling her that he is coming again and people started to translate revelations that way and forgetting or unclear of the things that i mentioned above.

There is only one coming of Jesus as per the PROPHECY told from the every beginning!
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