Has Cameron really thought this through?

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Oscar Namechange
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Has Cameron really thought this through?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

David Cameron: 'Migrant jobseekers who don't learn English will lose benefits' | Mail Online

The mass Immigration Into the UK Is not down to the present Coalition but I can not see this Is the way to deal with this Issue.

Many Immigrants are here purely attracted by free housing, NHS and welfare.... many are not but dealing with the one's who are.

Cameron says this will save the tax payer money In the long run... will It? I don't think so.

If we had an Immigration system that operated taking Immigrants who could speak English In the first place and enough to support themselves, then his words may be true.

Why should the tax payer pay for Immigrants to go to school and learn English?

What happens when those who refuse to learn English have their welfare stopped and evicted from their homes? Not all, but some could resort to crime for money to feed their families.
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