Eurovision 2011

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Eurovision 2011

Post by mikeinie »

OK, time to Block Vote: Vote for any of the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain).

We want an IMF ECB bailout country to win
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Eurovision 2011

Post by Scrat »

Please quickly enlighten me, I'm not quite up to speed on what's happening in the EU. I know Greece, Spain, and Ireland are basically screwed and the Icelanders told everybody to screw off. I basically ill informed.
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Eurovision 2011

Post by gmc »

Scrat;1359335 wrote: Please quickly enlighten me, I'm not quite up to speed on what's happening in the EU. I know Greece, Spain, and Ireland are basically screwed and the Icelanders told everybody to screw off. I basically ill informed.

Portugal has asked for a bailout and italy is a basket case.
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Bryn Mawr
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Eurovision 2011

Post by Bryn Mawr »

gmc;1359348 wrote: Portugal has asked for a bailout and italy is a basket case.

Personally I liked the Protugese entry - apart from being bouncy and fun as a song I like the idea of going into the major shareholder's backyard and saying it's pointless to keep tightening the belt, stop telling us to go carefully and selling us the very air. We're singing in reaction to all of this so bring the bread, get the cheese, bring the wine :-)
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Eurovision 2011

Post by mikeinie »

Scrat;1359335 wrote: Please quickly enlighten me, I'm not quite up to speed on what's happening in the EU. I know Greece, Spain, and Ireland are basically screwed and the Icelanders told everybody to screw off. I basically ill informed.

OK, in short we are all screwed..

During the so called ‘Boom’ France and German banks gave out money in unbelievable amounts to absolutely anyone who wanted it. Some countries said.. ‘hey free money’ and kept on taking and taking.

When they had the money, they forgot it was all borrowed and thought that they had become the richest places in the world and acted like billionaires. Then one day, after the crash in the USA, the banks said ‘hey can we have all our money back now’ to which all these countries said ‘what money? We don’t have any money, we spent it all’

The banks were fecked, and knew they would crash if they did not get their money back, so the IMF and ECB had to bail out everyone out. So in Ireland for example, we had to borrow even more money (100 billion) to pay off the money we had borrowed.

Those who borrowed the most were Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain… this is where the acronym PIIGS came from, (also an insult as it refers to these countries being pigs for the amount that they took).

Greece was the first to go bankrupt, and even with their bailout, they are again back looking for more, Ireland is the second to go bust.

Then Portugal is looking at a bailout (maybe they already got one.. not sure)

Anyway, now Germany and France are being all high and mightier telling everyone what is what and scolding everyone like bold children when in it was their banks that were as reckless as the rest.

There are a lot of people who like to tell them to get stuffed, as if we default their entire banking systems will collapse as well and many would gladly accept the pain that would come with that just to watch these arrogant feckers suffer themselves.

oh.. and where did all the money go to?? well for one example, the leader of Ireland pays himself more that the President of the USA..

It all went to corrupt politicians, property developers and bankers who have all been bailed out while the tax payers are being asked to pay off all their debts.
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Eurovision 2011

Post by mikeinie »

Ell/Nikki | Participant Profile | Eurovision Song Contest - Düsseldorf 2011

Azerbaizan wins the Eurovision... to be honest I did not think they were the best, the woman was a bit flat on the vocals.

I liked Slovenia better YouTube - Slovenia: "No One", Maja Keuc - Eurovision Song Contest Semi Final 2011 - BBC Three
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Eurovision 2011

Post by G#Gill »

I personally thought Austria would do better. Nadine sings and wrote this song and she is only 20 years old. I though it was the best song.

YouTube - EUROVISION 2011 AUSTRIA: Nadine Beiler - The Secret Is Love (Final)
I'm a Saga-lout, growing old disgracefully
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