Obama's health care plot-

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Obama's health care plot-

Post by hoppy »

Wanna know what's in Obama's health care plan? Nancy tells us how to find out.:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

YouTube - Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it
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Obama's health care plot-

Post by Nomad »

Thats the beauty of it. Who doesnt love a surprise?
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Obama's health care plot-

Post by DrLeftover »

Oh yes.

Remake the US health care system in the image of... the Post Office, FEMA, "no child left behind", Section 8 housing, Fannie Mae, Congress, "don't ask don't tell"....

That will take care of it.
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Obama's health care plot-

Post by Carolyn »

Since an estimated 44,000 Americans die every year because they cannot afford health insurance, can anyone here come up with any ideas that could begin to save at least half of those? We have needed health care reform for decades. We are 38th in the world for the quality of health care, and yet, we are 1st in the cost of our health care. The people in 37 other countries have a longer life span and a lower infant death rate than we do. We have death panels in the health insurance companies deciding who is worthy to get treatment and who isn't. Something has to be done about these problems.

This health reform is just a start in the right direction. I'm hoping that soon there will be a public option that will force the prices of health insurance down. As it stands now, this bill will get health care to millions of Americans who don't have it now. We can't just keep sitting on our thumbs and let 44,000 people die every year. It's a national disgrace. Wanting universal health care does not make us socialists -- it makes us civilized.
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Obama's health care plot-

Post by hoppy »

Carolyn;1296618 wrote: Since an estimated 44,000 Americans die every year because they cannot afford health insurance, can anyone here come up with any ideas that could begin to save at least half of those? We have needed health care reform for decades. We are 38th in the world for the quality of health care, and yet, we are 1st in the cost of our health care. The people in 37 other countries have a longer life span and a lower infant death rate than we do. We have death panels in the health insurance companies deciding who is worthy to get treatment and who isn't. Something has to be done about these problems.

This health reform is just a start in the right direction. I'm hoping that soon there will be a public option that will force the prices of health insurance down. As it stands now, this bill will get health care to millions of Americans who don't have it now. We can't just keep sitting on our thumbs and let 44,000 people die every year. It's a national disgrace. Wanting universal health care does not make us socialists -- it makes us civilized.

I don't think 44,000 people dying a year because of no health care is the issue. Not when we kill many more babies than that each year.
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Obama's health care plot-

Post by Nomad »

Carolyn;1296618 wrote: Since an estimated 44,000 Americans die every year because they cannot afford health insurance

How many people die every year that do have health insurance and how many of those were denied procedural coverage by Medicare?
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Obama's health care plot-

Post by CARLA »

Having spent 22 year in the health care industry and having most of my family still in health care I can tell you simply it has to be done. There isn't one State that can continue on in our present health care delivery system, it has to be done and now is a good time. Will it address everything of course not our present health care delivery system doesn't address everything never has. I'm a senior citizen now Uggh!! and I know Medicare will change just when I'm ready to retire but it has to happen folks, it has to happen. I saw this coming back in the 80's with Medical, HMO's.

Carolyn has hit most of the nails on the head we have to change our delivery of health care in the Country and now is the time.

[QUOTE] Originally Posted by Carolyn

Since an estimated 44,000 Americans die every year because they cannot afford health insurance, can anyone here come up with any ideas that could begin to save at least half of those? We have needed health care reform for decades. We are 38th in the world for the quality of health care, and yet, we are 1st in the cost of our health care. The people in 37 other countries have a longer life span and a lower infant death rate than we do. We have death panels in the health insurance companies deciding who is worthy to get treatment and who isn't. Something has to be done about these problems.

This health reform is just a start in the right direction. I'm hoping that soon there will be a public option that will force the prices of health insurance down. As it stands now, this bill will get health care to millions of Americans who don't have it now. We can't just keep sitting on our thumbs and let 44,000 people die every year. It's a national disgrace. Wanting universal health care does not make us socialists -- it makes us civilized.



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Obama's health care plot-

Post by Steev »

Aside from emergency/life saving techniques, western medicine is a complete & utter farce. Drugs (harmaceuticals) only address symptoms. They cure nothing, rather, they make you much sicker in many other ways.

Surgery - cut parts out of you? :confused: Ridiculous.

There are proven cures for so many major diseases from around the globe but, not allowed here. Not approved by the FDA, as curing disease is not part of their agenda. Have you any idea as to the insane amount of profit made on the backs of the ill? The most powerful lobby in the world - the pharmaceutical corps.

It's the combination of poor western diet & stress that are the key causes of sickness & disease.
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