Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by Jazzy »

LONDON – For the past 50 years, scientists have scoured the skies for radio signals from beyond our planet, hoping for some sign of extraterrestrial life. But one physicist says there's no reason alien life couldn't already be lurking among us — or maybe even in us.

Paul Davies, an award-winning Arizona State University physicist known for his popular science writing said Tuesday that life may have developed on Earth not once but several times.

Davies said the variant life forms — most likely tiny microbes — could still be hanging around "right under our noses — or even in our noses."

Story Link: Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth - Yahoo! News
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by hoppy »

Yes. Very true. I'm a trained android hunter. I can spot an android from a good distance. I have every reason to believe spot and ahso are androids. There are others who are suspect too.

The newest model androids are hard to disable. We are not allowed to approach them. I use a special laser ray to mark them and a disposal crew picks them up later.:)
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by Bryn Mawr »

hoppy;1285534 wrote: Yes. Very true. I'm a trained android hunter. I can spot an android from a good distance. I have every reason to believe spot and ahso are androids. There are others who are suspect too.

The newest model androids are hard to disable. We are not allowed to approach them. I use a special laser ray to mark them and a disposal crew picks them up later.:)

Do androids dream of electric sheep?
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by hoppy »

Bryn Mawr;1285535 wrote: Do androids dream of electric sheep?

I've been present when androids were deprogramed. No sheep came up on the screen. However, more than one showed signs of being smitten by the queen mum. A few had traces of Janet Reno in their memoroid banks.:o
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by ZAP »

jazzy;1285532 wrote: london – for the past 50 years, scientists have scoured the skies for radio signals from beyond our planet, hoping for some sign of extraterrestrial life. But one physicist says there's no reason alien life couldn't already be lurking among us — or maybe even in us.

Paul davies, an award-winning arizona state university physicist known for his popular science writing said tuesday that life may have developed on earth not once but several times.

Davies said the variant life forms — most likely tiny microbes — could still be hanging around "right under our noses — or even in our noses."

story link: scientist: Alien life could already be on earth - yahoo! News

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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by FUBAR »

hoppy;1285537 wrote: I've been present when androids were deprogramed. No sheep came up on the screen. However, more than one showed signs of being smitten by the queen mum. A few had traces of Janet Reno in their memoroid banks.:o

Memeroid banks???? Isn't there a cream for that??:confused::confused:
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by K.Snyder »

"Do aliens exist?" I'm about 99.99% sure they do!

"Are they intelligent enough to be of any immediate danger to human beings?" I'm about 99.99% sure they're not!

Any aliens intelligent enough to be able to use the resources on their home planets to the point they could travel to Earth is absolutely not possible! Why? Because one would have to calculate those expenditures with the distance between Earth and said home planet and that distance is far too great for any amount of resources available on one single planet! Keeping in mind that if an overly gigantic "home planet" is just outside of the space we as human beings are able to view we'd have to add space between that planet and our view.

On a side not,..what in the h:lips: is the fascination with material objects being shoved up peoples' a:lips:s when referencing their encounter(s) with aliens!?!??!?!?

What the h:lips: is that!?
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by FUBAR »

Ah well , in the paper today one scientist said that if aliens were anything like us we shouldn't answer the phone if they called......:thinking::lips::lips:
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Ian;1285555 wrote: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? :)

Oy - I thought I was the pedant around here :yh_rotfl
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by Richard Bell »

Scrat;1285565 wrote:

If there are any advanced civilizations in our immediate part of the galaxy (within say 100 light years) I suspect we will be noticed (once we become very active in the solar system) if we haven't been already.

An advanced civilisation 100 light years away would just be getting our earliest radio transmissions.

They, of course, would need to be at least as advanced as us in order to receive the signals.
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by mikeinie »

I think I dated one of them once… :-2
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by ZAP »

Scrat;1285621 wrote: On the subject of the article.

I think it's a waste of time. Anything we find here, no matter what it is will be similar to us in nature. The laws of physics will demand this. Nature is only allowed so many templates to work from in a given place.

This is some scientists looking for something to do.

To what degree is something "different"? A silicate based life form would be different in my opinion.

Was that "silicate" or "silicone"?
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by K.Snyder »

Scrat;1285565 wrote:

Flat out wrong.

Based off of the fact I've yet to see an alien life form I'm forced to use human technology as the status quo. Alpha Centauri isn't an inhabitable planet. It's a binary star system. The nearest even remotely possible inhabitable planet is Gliese(c)581:yh_think I believe! and it's distance from Earth is roughly 4 times that of Alpha Centauri.

Considering the chances their is life on Gliese(c)581 even I remain 100% convinced that any life in the universe does not have the ability to travel to Earth.

None the less, I suppose this topic will remain debatable but for now I'm off to bed.

PS: Do people still see "UFO"'s anymore or is it politically accurate to suggest everyone's aware of the arms race between the USA and Russia? Can we pull up figures illustrating the percentages associated with "UFO" sightings compared with countries other than the USA and Russia? :yh_think!

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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by YZGI »

K.Snyder;1286016 wrote: Based off of the fact I've yet to see an alien life form I'm forced to use human technology as the status quo. Alpha Centauri isn't an inhabitable planet. It's a binary star system. The nearest even remotely possible inhabitable planet is Gliese(c)581:yh_think I believe! and it's distance from Earth is roughly 4 times that of Alpha Centauri.

Considering the chances their is life on Gliese(c)581 even I remain 100% convinced that any life in the universe does not have the ability to travel to Earth.

None the less, I suppose this topic will remain debatable but for now I'm off to bed.

PS: Do people still see "UFO"'s anymore or is it politically accurate to suggest everyone's aware of the arms race between the USA and Russia? Can we pull up figures illustrating the percentages associated with "UFO" sightings compared with countries other than the USA and Russia? :yh_think!

I saw two green orbs in the woods one day about 3 years ago while turkey hunting. One went one way and one went the other way, both really fast. Both ways were my exits from the woods. Needless to say I waited till sunlight to make a sound or take a breath.
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by K.Snyder »

YZGI;1286086 wrote: I saw two green orbs in the woods one day about 3 years ago while turkey hunting. One went one way and one went the other way, both really fast. Both ways were my exits from the woods. Needless to say I waited till sunlight to make a sound or take a breath.


Patients with encephalitis suffer from fever, headache and photophobia with weakness and seizures also common. Less commonly, stiffness of the neck (nuchal rigidity) can occur with rare cases of patients also suffering from stiffness of the limbs, slowness in movement and clumsiness depending on which specific part of the brain is involved. The symptoms of encephalitis are caused by the brain's defense mechanisms activating to get rid of the infection. Other symptoms can include drowsiness and coughing.


Adult patients with encephalitis present with acute onset of fever, headache, confusion, and sometimes seizures. Younger children or infants may present irritability, poor appetite and fever.

Neurological examinations usually reveal a drowsy or confused patient. Stiff neck, due to the irritation of the meninges covering the brain, indicates that the patient has either meningitis or meningoncephalitis. Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid obtained by a lumbar puncture procedure usually reveals increased amounts of protein and white blood cells with normal glucose, though in a significant percentage of patients, the cerebrospinal fluid may be normal. CT scan often is not helpful, as cerebral abscess is uncommon. Cerebral abscess is more common in patients with meningitis than encephalitis. Bleeding is also uncommon except in patients with herpes simplex type 1 encephalitis. Magnetic resonance imaging offers better resolution. In patients with herpes simplex encephalitis, electroencephalograph may show sharp waves in one or both of the temporal lobes. Lumbar puncture procedure is performed only after the possibility of prominent brain swelling is excluded by a CT scan examination. Diagnosis is often made with detection of antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid against a specific viral agent (such as herpes simplex virus) or by polymerase chain reaction that amplifies the RNA or DNA of the virus responsible (such as varicella zoster virus).

Encephalitis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Photophobia is a symptom of excessive sensitivity to light and the aversion to sunlight or well-lit places. In ordinary medical terms photophobia is not a morbid fear, but an experience of discomfort or pain to the eyes due to light exposure.

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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by ZAP »

YZGI;1286086 wrote: I saw two green orbs in the woods one day about 3 years ago while turkey hunting. One went one way and one went the other way, both really fast. Both ways were my exits from the woods. Needless to say I waited till sunlight to make a sound or take a breath.

Was that in Kansas? I think I saw them too.:wah:

Seriously, I have a photo of "orbs" that my daughter caught on film.
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by YZGI »

K.Snyder;1286331 wrote: Encephalitis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Photophobia Photophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Scrat;1286336 wrote: Sure it wasn't those forest 'shrooms you were eating along the way? :yh_rotfl

Zapata;1286657 wrote: Was that in Kansas? I think I saw them too.:wah:

Seriously, I have a photo of "orbs" that my daughter caught on film.
A buddy and one of my sons was with me and we all saw them. Freaked us out.

It was in southeast Kansas.
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by Saint_ »

I read recently that spores, microscopic chemical pods that fungi and molds make, can survive millions of years in the ice, and even a total vacuum as well as hard radiation, and still come back to life when the conditions are right.

Some scientists are now proposing that spores traveled to Earth on asteroids early in the Earth's formation and that is the source of the original DNA molecules that evolved into all life on Earth.:D
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Scientist: Alien life could already be on Earth

Post by K.Snyder »

Saint_;1288049 wrote: I read recently that spores, microscopic chemical pods that fungi and molds make, can survive millions of years in the ice, and even a total vacuum as well as hard radiation, and still come back to life when the conditions are right.

Some scientists are now proposing that spores traveled to Earth on asteroids early in the Earth's formation and that is the source of the original DNA molecules that evolved into all life on Earth.:D

Naa, was my great grandpapy x 700,000,000 riding a comet in here at a billion miles a minute having sex with me great grandmamy x 700,000,000!


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