Let's Play Doctor

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Let's Play Doctor

Post by Peg »

I have had major problems with my right arm and shoulder for over a year. Between my rheumatoid arthritis specialist and my family doctor, I'm not getting many answers. I go back to the doctor Tuesday, at which time I'm going to tell them to either give me some answers, or send me to someone who can. I'll tell you all my symptoms, and maybe with your suggestions, I can pass along some ideas to them.

It started out as shoulder pain. The muscle in my upper arm feels like a constant charlie horse. My RA doctor says it's a frozen shoulder and to exercise it. Next, starts the tingling in my fingers. They send me for a test for carpal tunnel. It shows that it isn't, yet my RA doctor insists it's carpal tunnel. Now my whole arm gets the pins and needles feeling so badly that it wakes me up never less than twice a night. Laying down it's worst. My index and middle finger feel really huge yet they aren't. Typing is getting harder. To pour drinks, I have to hold bottles below my waist because I can't hold my arm up without severe pain. The lack of sleep due to waking up so often with pain is affecting my ability to think. This all started over a year ago and is getting progressively worse. The last few months, it's been horrible. I cry so much any more out of sheer frustration and pain.

Has anyone gone through this? My opinion is I have a pinched nerve some where.

I went from someone who could not dress or undress herself and had serious doubts how long I could continue to work because of my RA, to living a relatively normal life again. I have a high threshhold for pain, but I am now to the point I can no longer continue to let them mess around. I'm scared to death of losing use of my right arm and hand all together while these doctors **** around. I need you, the FG members to give me ideas of what you think it is so I can maybe suggest it to the doctors. I' m going in Tuesday and telling them, "find the problem NOW, fix it NOW, or send me to someone who can." I'm desperate for answers here. Maybe one of you can do for me, what these doctors can't seem to do.:-1

By the way, while we are playing doctor, I'm not getting naked.:wah:
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by chonsigirl »

I have a serious question Peg. Do you take any cholesterol medicines-like Lipitor or that Crest-one? I took Lipitor, and it can do some very yuchy things as far as muscles, aches and pains. Once they meds reach a certain level in your body after using them a few years, it can build up in muscle tissue and affect your mobility. I mean it can hurt so bad, you think you have a serious back condition, or like your shoulder. It can inflame that area, and make it much worse! Pain can be so severe it can lead up to the point where you say-take me to the ER. I waited until I fell going up the stairs because I couldn't move anymore with the pain, and the kids said-"What the heck, Mom!" I knew inside they were thinking, there goes dinner tonight........................:)
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by chonsigirl »

Yes, I am better now. They took me off the cholesterol meds for 3 months to clear out my body of the toxins that built up, then put me on a different brand. I just have to tell them if I get new muscle pains anywhere-I just genetically have very high cholesterol-in the 300s even after all that weight loss.

But it is something for you to consider, Peg, if you take some brand of cholesterol reducing medicine.
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by Peg »

I've never been on any. Out of sheer desperation, I've gone off all the meds for my RA and take Ibuprofen 800 3x a day. It helped with my RA the most of any of the medicines they gave me, and seems to help me sleep a little better now. Unfortunately, my specialist is the type that either you follow his directions exactly or don't come back. Unfortunately, he is the only specialist in the area. I no longer see a use in going back though. Although I credit the man with helping me soooo much, it's gotten to the point where I'm supposed to follow his directions when they are no longer helping? Guess I won't be going back.:thinking:
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by chonsigirl »

Is it a great distance to travel and find another doctor who specializes in this? They is definitely something else that needs to be looked into.

Also-what do you do for exercise? I know you work a very hard job. But maybe, if you can start something low impact-like yoga or tai chi-it might slowly help you some. I had to start doing that when my husband came home, and I wasn't used to pushing wheelchairs and lugging so much stuff around. I had to build up my strength-because I lost muscle with my weight loss-to be able to take him in the wheelchair up the ramp-it is very steep, at 45 degrees. I digressed, sorry-maybe something that will help stretch out the muscles, and give you some relief.
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by Peg »

I definately think I am going to ask about physical therapy. I'm not a big fan of it since the one time I had it, made matters worse instead of better, but I think it would be a really good idea right now. I can no longer hold my arm straight out. There is always a bend at the elbow. Tells me it is affecting my muscles. Finding another specialist who takes my insurance may be rough right now. Hubby started a new job and the new insurance doesn't start for another nine months.:(
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by chonsigirl »

Oh Peg, that is too much! You cannot hold your arm straight out-you go in there Tuesday and say what are you going to do to help me out!
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by annabelle »

Sounds like a pinched nerve to me too, either in your shoulder or neck. Ask your Doc for an MRI scan which will confirm this one way or the other.

Hope they manage to offer you an accurate diagnosis soon to enable you to be free of pain and discomfort.

Good luck with it Peg ... :)
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by meltonpie »

About a mile from me is an osteopath who really knows his "trade" - this sounds just the thing that is right up his street. Some medics are in favour of osteo's and some dead against, but I know from personal experience who I would trust. My wife was bent double with sudden muscular cramps and the doc could only offer pain-killers. One visit to our osteo and all was back to normal. Can you not find some-one trustworthy (there are some "cranks" about)? Ask around for recommendations - I know it costs, but getting rid of pain is worth an awful lot. I've been helped many times, and the relief is wonderful.
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by BabyRider »

Peg wrote: It started out as shoulder pain. The muscle in my upper arm feels like a constant charlie horse. My RA doctor says it's a frozen shoulder and to exercise it. Next, starts the tingling in my fingers. They send me for a test for carpal tunnel. It shows that it isn't, yet my RA doctor insists it's carpal tunnel. Now my whole arm gets the pins and needles feeling so badly that it wakes me up never less than twice a night. Laying down it's worst. My index and middle finger feel really huge yet they aren't.
Peg, I don't know how I missed this these past couple days, but what you describe here is 100% completely identical to what Bullet went through with his pinched nerve. It took surgery to correct it, plus intensive physical therapy afterwards. He'd made the problem worse by getting into a fist-fight, so that may not be the case for you, (the surgery part) but you describe this exactly the same way he did. To a "T".
[FONT=Arial Black]I hope you cherish this sweet way of life, and I hope you know that it comes with a price.
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by Peg »

LOL Clancy. The thought of running, naked or fully clothed just sounds painful. Now my right leg, from the knee down to my toes has decided to start swelling for no apparent reason. We're talking almost twice the size of my other leg. I miss dancing. It's just not worth waking up in more pain.:( I hate to see what I'm like in 20 years!
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by Peg »

Well, I went to the doctor today. The doctor was very suprised that his office staff said I didn't have carpal tunnel when the tests show I most certainly do.:-5

He wanted to send me to a plastic surgeon, but hubby and I agree that is the LAST course of action, not the first. So here I sit with my splint on.

I also mentioned my knee to my toes were swollen the other night. The doctor acted as if I purposely got the swelling down just so he couldn't see it. I really hate doctors.
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by koan »

Have you seen a chiropractor? A good one? I had numbness in my right thumb and forefinger which was essential to my job as a makeup artist. I tried all sorts of stuff but it was the chiropractor who finally fixed it. A pinch between the neck and the shoulder blades. Good luck to you.
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by Peg »

Hubby and I were just talking about a chiropractor tonight. I'm going to ask a few people who they go to because I know they really reccommend I try it. At this point, what do I have to lose except for a lot of pain?
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by BabyRider »

Peg wrote: Hubby and I were just talking about a chiropractor tonight. I'm going to ask a few people who they go to because I know they really reccommend I try it. At this point, what do I have to lose except for a lot of pain?
Peg, if only you lived a TAD closer to me! I have the most awesome chiropractor ever. What a session involves:

About 15 minutes on a stems machine, which is a deep electric massage that feels like nothing you've ever had. You are given the control to increase the intensity, which, as you get used to it, you can take more and more of it. It's a really strange sensation at first, but it's a-w-e-s-o-m-e. While you are getting this, you are under these really warm, heavy blankets. After you're nice and loose, the nurse comes in and gives you a very thorough rub-down for another 15 minutes. Then, at this point, you're pretty much jello and your muscles and joints are easy to manipulate. The doc comes in and does the adjustments, and you're good to go!! It's fabulous, and the first time I had it done, I crackled and snapped like popcorn. AND, an added bonus: I didn't get my knock-you-out-cold migraines for weeks after! Maybe a road trip is in order!!
[FONT=Arial Black]I hope you cherish this sweet way of life, and I hope you know that it comes with a price.
~Darrel Worley~

Bullet's trial was a farce. Can I get an AMEN?????

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Let's Play Doctor

Post by koan »

It's good if you get a recommendation. I've had good chiros and bad. My last couldn't crack between my shoulders to save my life. Get a good one. You'll see.
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Let's Play Doctor

Post by Peg »

My one question for a surgeon would be this. How much good would the surgery do me since I have arthritis in my hand anyways? I'm also wondering this--my index finger hasn't bent for months. I'm curious as to which is causing that. Sleeping with the splint on helped last night. Whether it was the splint or one of those rare good nights remains to be seen.
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