has anyone ever seen a ghost?

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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by koan »

I've seen, smelled and talked to many ghosts. Children are very open to different layers of reality but as we grow up we are made to believe that our more "unusual" perceptions were just in our imaginations. Also, if afraid of the experience, the mind alters the memory to make it more acceptable.
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by greydeadhead »

No .. you are not crazy. In fact Fred was probably happy that you asked him to come with you. He doesn't sound like a bad spirit..more likely lonely...
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by minks »

the anthropologist wrote: I thought I saw one when I was six. It was a pretty vivid memory, but now I wonder if it was a story I made up as a child and now I believe that it was true.

Anyone else had a similar experience? :confused:

Fleeting experiences yes

After my best friend passed away she came to me one nite while i was in bed and simply stood at the foot of my bed. Then as the years have gone one, she comes as a mere breeze. She comes when I am at my most down times. Generally like a brush of assurance on my arm or cheek. Hard to explain, something tells me via her that I will get through whatever I am facing at that time. Nothing spoken, nothing guided just a spiritual reassurance.
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by Hawke »

I grew up in a house that was built in the 1850s. There have been a number of deaths in that house. A private cemetary lies less than a hundred yards away.

Given these conditions, I must report that in 12 years I have NEVER witnessed a ghost or other paranormal event. This tends to place me in a rather skeptical mood. The only way I will be convinced of the veracity of supernatural phenomena is to experience it for myself. Alternatively, I will find out when I die :)
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by telaquapacky »

I have this thing every once in awhile when I think I see someone out of the corner of my eye, or reflected in some shiny surface or mirror, but when I look more carefully, there's no one there. Then I look again, and what I saw was a coat, or the cover of an appliance, and some other items arranged in such a way that from a certain angle they look like someone is standing there. Am I crazy or what?

Real ghosts are not the spirits of persons who have passed away. They are fallen angels (what you call demons) mimicking them. They have been around since the beginning and are fantastic impressionists with the ability to appear and be heard by people who desire greatly for some kind of communication from beyond. Yes. They are definitely real, but they are not what you think they are- and they definitely are not your friends.

My own angel bounces them out on their ear.
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by koan »


A long time ago, a warlock read my palm at a party (it was his way of hitting on me) and picked up this odd little detail that I see things all the time out of the corner of my eye then turn to look and it is gone. He said it was because I was open to other realities then the mind latches on to an object once you turn and tells you that is what you saw. So we are back to you being psychic again. :-6

I find your description of ghosts quite interesting. Overall pretty accurate to my experience with them. The information received from ghosts is very unreliable as they mostly just want attention. Every once in a while one of my queries is answered by a ghost instead of my guide but it is easy to tell the difference and their info usually makes me question the source. They are tricky little fellows with some very strange ideas. There is definately a difference in energy between a ghost and a spirit that has released itself from the earthly plane.
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by Peg »

I used to work at a bar where the other girls would complain of things such as things turning off and on when they were alone at night. Only once did that happen to me. The jukebox suddenly started playing. I just said out loud, your music sucks now leave it alone. LOL Must've worked. A few times, I'd see someone walk by in the back room knowing I was there alone. As long as they stayed back there and left me alone, I left them alone.
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by rachelg »

the anthropologist wrote: I thought I saw one when I was six. It was a pretty vivid memory, but now I wonder if it was a story I made up as a child and now I believe that it was true.

Anyone else had a similar experience? :confused:
I have seen or experienced several ghosts over my lifetime. I wrote about the one from our old house in another post. I saw him plain as a real person standing by my saddle at the top of the stairs. I later found out he was a horse trainer and owner of many thoroughbreds (spelling?). I also lost my best friend about 3 years ago. Before she got married, we were inseparable. After her death, for at least a year, I would know she was with me, especially on trips to dog shows (she loved animals). I never saw her, but I knew she was there. I also had one ghost dog. I lost my favorite dog unexpectedly when I was out of town. I saw him out of the corner of my eye constantly for awhile. I thought I was losing my mind till my husband (who would formerly have poo pooed the idea of a ghost) said he'd seen him too. I be grooming a dog and see him at my feet like he always had been, or in the door when I went to the bathroom. I really miss him :-1
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by Aura »

I saw an old lady while out one Saturday afternoon who had been reputedly dead for at least 10 years. I often smell my dead aunt’s perfume when she’s near. Its strange how many ghosts seem to re-enact the things they carried out when they were alive. People reported hearing the whistle and hammering of the milkman during the winter mornings.

Nothing strange with that you might think, apart from the milkman in question had died three years previous, yet many people - as well as the man who replaced the dead milkman - all heard his characteristic whistle and singing for a number of weeks.
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by along-for-the-ride »

What if........we have seen a ghost but did not realize it at the time? The experience may have been almost fleeting, but when we thought back on it, we thought :-2
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by David813 »

This subject spooks me. I work alone in a 70 year old building usually until almost midnight. I always think I've seen or heard something. Years of reading Stephen King and Dean Koontz books does not help. If I really were able to see a ghost I'd wish I would have the courage to move closer to it and try to communicate. Instead I'm sure I would scream like Mary Tyler Moore and run.
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by Aura »

I tend to look @ it scientifically now. How would you feel if you had died then appeared to your reletives, only for them to scream in terror and ran away like a hurd of elephants? There are hundred's of lost trapped souls deperate for release, some don't (or refuse) know they are dead, some horrid owners who know their house or business is haunted keep them on because it attract's visitors; they too may suffer the same fate when they die.

What really happens to the soul after we pass on?

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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by RedSoxFan »

At one of my ex girl friends house, she would turn her computer all the way off and we would go to bed. And in the middle of the night it would all of a sudden come on. How is that possible? The comp would be all the way off, no lights on what-so-ever!! It would scare the BUH-Jesus out of her and I would have to protect her....lol.
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by Jives »

MY Ghost Story:

Ghosts, like UFOs are never believed by people unless that person has actually experienced it.

As for ghosts.....Here's my personal experience. Make of it what you will.

In the late sixties, my very progressive parents took to taking in runaway flower children in Boulder, Colorado. These "hippies" were usually younger girls, who were destitute and homeless. My father was a scientist for the National Bureau of Standards, so we had space and money to burn.

The only rules that applied to the guest were:

1. You had to be in school or have a job. My family helped with both of those things.

2. No drugs in the house.

In exchange for this small behavior, the runaway was made an honorary member of our family. They ate at our table, stayed rent-free, and played with us kids.

One day a girl came along who was very different from some of the rowdier drifters that had stayed with us. her name was Rae Jean Kelly.

She had runaway from an abusive father, but despite that bad experience I have to tell you, she was everything that was right about the flower power movement. She was a joy to be with, she wrote songs and excellent poetry. She played Sitar music and burned incense and was highly intelligent.

Although she had been through some hard times, and was sleeping in the street when we found her, she bounced back with an unparalleled enthusiasm.

With my family's help, she went back to school, cleaned up and began what we were all sure was a wonderful life.

She often stated that she had never really had a "real childhood or family" and that the experience had changed her and given her hope.

Then............one fateful night......She went for a ride with some of her friends on a high cliff road. The driver had been taking LSD. No one is quite sure what happened, but everyone in the car was killed. Rae Jean went into a coma and never woke up. She died the next day.

We were all distraught, of course. I was only nine at the time but Rae jean had been my baby-sitter for over a year so I missed her terribly.

Her room had been downstairs next to mine, everyone else lived upstairs. About two nights after she had died. I began to have dreams. I felt as if someone was in my room.

During the course of the next few weeks, things got worse. I began to wake up in the middle of the night and hear music coming from her room. I could smell incense burning. Her perfume hung in the air throughout the house.

I finally couldn't take it any more, so I asked my mom one day if I could move upstairs. When she asked why, I told her what was going on.

She got the most horrified expression I have ever seen on an adult then or now. Apparently, she had also been having "experiences". She found the bed slept in every morning, despite the fact the the door had been locked. Clothing was rearranged in the closet.

She had found the furniture moved, and records on the turntable. Needless to say, we soon moved to a different house.

That would seem to be the end of this story, but a couple of years ago, 36 years after I had first lived there, I passed through Boulder again and decided to see my old homestead.

A nice German lady agreed to give me a tour of the house, despite the fact that her husband and son had been killed in a tragic plane crash the month before.

As I entered the house, I got that strange "hair standing up" feeling again. Something was definitely wrong with the house.

The German woman was very pleasant and gave us a compete tour, I was surprised to see some of the touches of decorating still survived from my parent's time. (Although my playground had become a engine shop) When we got to the room that used to be Rae Jean's, I noticed that the door was still padlocked shut. The German woman passed straight by it and proceeded out into the back yard through the laundry room without a word.

When we came back in, she again began to pass by the room without a word, despite the fact that she had showed everyother room in the house. I gave a look to my wife who had a pleading expression on her face as if to say, "Don't ask!" But of course I had to find out.

So, I asked what that room was used for now. The poor lady turned pure white while she stammered, "No one goes in there anymore."

She went on to explain that the room had a history dating back to the original owners (us). This is interesting because we never told anyone about Rae Jean. It was a personal family secret.

Apparently, guests who had stayed in the room had terrible experiences. Attacks in the middle of the night, sheets being pulled off, books flying, that kind of thing.

Worse yet, the three families that had owned the house since us had all had terrible tragic deaths in their family.

You see my point don't you? Rae Jean is still there. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was the only place she felt comfortable in her whole life. Maybe she's waiting for us to return. Maybe she's just lost.

But there's no doubt in my mind anymore.

Ghosts exist.
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by Aura »

Has anyone tried to speak to her?

Wild Weasil
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by Wild Weasil »

When my Dad died he was on his own which made me cross, especially as I had allowed him to put me off visiting him in hospital a couple of days before.

Anyhow, come the day of the funeral, I left my wife and baby son at my parents house (a funeral was no place for such a youngster I thought.) When I came back to collect them and go to the wake, the weirdest thing happened.

As I came into the room, above my sons play pen was a cloud of cigar smoke. Nobody else was in the room apart from my wife, and nobody had been smoking in the house because of the presence of my youngster, but my Dad did smoke cigars. It might sound daft, but I think Dad came back to see his Grandson.

A few days later I had a dream that my Dad came to see me. As I woke up I felt as if I had been hugged by him as a goodbye. That was 9 years ago and I havent had another experience featuring Dad again, although our last house was haunted, but only in the winter months, but thats another story...
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by Aura »

I believe your father came to see his grandson one last time before he went off into the light, you may see him again one day when it's your time. I often smell my aunt when she's around me. Spirit's come back in many forms in such a way like smells, clothes etc so that you can recogonise them. We do see our loved one's again in spirit, even science is now begginning to accept there may be an afterlife.

Here is some links which explain life after death.



http://www.psychics.co.uk/afterlife/aft ... eek06.html

http://www.psychics.co.uk/spiritualism/ ... lists.html

Wild Weasil
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by Wild Weasil »

Aura wrote: I believe your father came to see his grandson one last time before he went off into the light, you may see him again one day when it's your time. I often smell my aunt when she's around me. Spirit's come back in many forms in such a way like smells, clothes etc so that you can recogonise them. We do see our loved one's again in spirit, even science is now begginning to accept there may be an afterlife.

Here is some links which explain life after death.



http://www.psychics.co.uk/afterlife/aft ... eek06.html

http://www.psychics.co.uk/spiritualism/ ... lists.html


Thanks for that thought. I wonder what Dad thinks of wherever it is that he's at? If it is heaven, I dont know how he got in (that is'nt me being horrible, let me explain.)

When he had his first heart attack he was'nt expected to survive the night. Officially he was listed as Catholic, and so a priest was called to give him the last rites. Dad regained consciousness halfway through the rite and to his credit (he had fallen out with the church many many years before and did'nt want anything to do with religion. Not for him any last minute backsliding) told the priest to 'bugger off.'

If there is a heaven, and he is there, I wonder if 'they' remember that night?!

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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by Aura »

Most likely he does remember. When a person dies, their ancestors of friend who have passed over earlier come's over to fetch them to show them the way. When my gran died she saw grandad standing at the door waiting for her, he'd died ten years earlier. He was young looking and told he not to worry, he would look after her.

I do not fear death, only the humiliation of how we get there.

Death is but a door, you have nothing to fear :)
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by williambrooks23 »

ive never seen a ghost but ive felt them you know when your all alone in the dark and you talk to someone abought ghosts you kind haveing this feeling your not alone or being watch and the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up my thory is talking abought them lets them know you belive so that draws them in you know
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has anyone ever seen a ghost?

Post by telaquapacky »

This thread is a ghost.:p
Look what the cat dragged in.
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