Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

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Oscar Namechange
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1175103 wrote: Exactly which is why you don't need to keep mentioning your father was a spitfire pilot at every opportunity. On the other hand you do seem to have forgotten what brought on the war and want to stand as an MP for a party that is the inheritors of the british union of fascists.

Do you know anything about the rise of fascism and the nazis? If they were worth fighting the the 1940's they are still worth fighting today. Taken from the Mail article:

"To counter the threat, Labour is mobilising at local level wherever there is a sign of heavy BNP activity under the slogan 'Fairness not Fear'. It is also teaming up with anti-fascist groups and sending in anti-BNP 'battlebuses'."

So this is supposed to be a legit government prostesting about the rise of the BNP?

No-one on this thread has addressed my question as to what exactly the UAF is and explain this which is what happens when their 'battlebuses' go into action.:

BBC NEWS | England | Manchester | BNP member attacked with hammer

Is this not a form of fascism for Labour and Conservative Mp's to support and fund this legally?
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Snowfire »

Clodhopper;1174994 wrote: Because Gerry Adams renounced the armed struggle, as did McGuinness. They still oppose the Union, but have resolved to do so by peaceful means and they have every right to do so. The BNP has not renounced racism, has not renounced fascism. It is the NF in a suit.

Let us for a start remember who we are.

We are the people who stood alone against Fascist Germany when it had raped Poland and smashed France and it seemed nothing could stop them. We stood, a small island off the NW coast of Europe isolated from the few left who would help us and said, "Rather Death than Fascism" and with the Commonwealth (Thank you Canada, thank you South Africa, thank you you Aussies bastards and Kiwis) and Empire, and joined by the United States, fought that war until we won, although it left us broke and out of manpower and dependent on American charity to feed ourselves. It cost us the Empire.

Proud to be British? You bet I am!

Against the Japanese the British were a minority compared to the Indian Army (remember that India at that time included what are now Pakistan and Bangladesh) but the forces of the British Empire (including those from Africa) under Bill Slim and Mountbatten defended India from the Japanese and then fought their way back into Burma through some of the most inhospitable terrain on earth, fought and won. Indians, Gurkhas, Africans and British together.

The Poles and Czechs were among the most effective squadrons in the Battle of Britain. The "top scoring" squadron was Polish. Without them we might have lost that Battle and the war.

And who do the BNP hate? Africans, Indians, Poles, Czechs and Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sikhs. The very people who laid down their lives to fight Fascism and militarism! The very people who defended our shores, our people and our Empire!

Ashamed of the BNP? You bet I am!

Just one little example of the sort of thing I'm talking about: There have been a lot of Poles over here - WORKING! In the building trade in particular. I know one who has bought a house here, with money he earned by the sweat of his brow, and now lives here with his wife and daughter. He tells me that since the crash the work has been drying up and the Poles have not been signing on, they've gone back to Poland. They aren't sitting here like fat white Brits, moaning that their dole isn't enough and having kids by the dozen to get a council house. That's British and NOT something you see the Indians doing: If their business fails they get a job shifting luggage at Heathrow, or cleaning toilets - but they get out there and work!

Respect that? You bet I do!

After the Second World War these people showed they admired and respected Britain so much that when we asked them to come over here, to shattered, bankrupt Britain, and help us rebuild, they did and forced us to confront our own racism. Anyone here old enough to remember the signs in the windows of boarding houses: "No Irish or blacks"?

But we did learn, and are still learning, and will continue to learn in the future. And certainly one of the things we are learning now is that those who come here DO need to sign up to British values such as equal rights for all. We need to keep an eye on white fascist racism (it's as ugly and evil as any other sort) but we need also to look at what I might call brown/black racism, and to educate people that freedom of expression does not mean banning the freedom of expression of others, and if we don't like the Pope, or Jesus, or Mohammed, we have every right to say so! AND WE DO NOT NEED THE BNP TO DO THIS! They peddle hate and are part of the problem.

So how do we move forward?

GET INVOLVED! We can no longer afford the luxury of sitting back and criticising our politicians for their failings but doing nothing. How many here even voted in the last election? How many have ever commented on a consultation paper that is there for us the public to comment on? How many have joined a political party and said we need to change policy? (Please note that I regard myself as guilty of all these charges and am not just blaming others)

I believe in the people of this country, black, white, brown yellow or any shade between or beyond! We are a democracy and if enough of us get involved, we can create change. We can go to the Labour Party Conference (or the Tory one, or the Lib Dems) and say ENOUGH! We want the fat cats controlled. We want better schools and hospitals and accept that we have to pay for it and the BNP policy of withdrawing from our biggest trading partner (Europe) will guarantee we don't have the money. We want our Press to be free, not controlled by the political bias of its owner and we can get it put in the manifesto that no individual or organisation can own more than a 25% share in any newspaper, tv station or internet company worth more than x amount.

It isn't easy but it can be done if enough of us decide to do it - and that starts with ME and it starts with YOU, because if we don't get off our arses and take that first step you can be sure no-one else will.

This is a democracy. WE are responsible. If the situation is bad we have to start by admitting that it is our own apathy that has got us here - political parties are only what we the electorate allow them to be and if we don't like them we have only ourselves to blame. It is up to us to change them.

But it doesn't happen overnight. There are no quick fixes for a country of 60,000,000 or so and anyone who says there is is probably lying.

So STAND UP! Get out in your local community and see what you can do. Join your local Party (of whatever flavour as long as it isn't the very Fascism our fathers and grandfathers fought against) and be a force for change but remember that it takes time, it takes work, it takes patience, it takes discussion.

We are the British. We are the Unconquered. Are we going to let all that we stand for be trodden underfoot by the snivelling lying racists of the BNP or the self seeking and amoral of any Party?


But it is the responsibility of me, and it is the responsibility of you. There is no-one there to do it for us. We are grown up now, and it is time we started behaving like adults.

Now MOVE! :)

Excellent post :yh_clap
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Snowfire »

oscar;1175108 wrote:

BBC NEWS | England | Manchester | BNP member attacked with hammer

Is this not a form of fascism for Labour and Conservative Mp's to support and fund this legally?

I'll try and respond after the football. Some things are much more important ;)
"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."

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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Chezzie »

Clodhopper;1174994 wrote: Because Gerry Adams renounced the armed struggle, as did McGuinness. They still oppose the Union, but have resolved to do so by peaceful means and they have every right to do so. The BNP has not renounced racism, has not renounced fascism. It is the NF in a suit.

Let us for a start remember who we are.

We are the people who stood alone against Fascist Germany when it had raped Poland and smashed France and it seemed nothing could stop them. We stood, a small island off the NW coast of Europe isolated from the few left who would help us and said, "Rather Death than Fascism" and with the Commonwealth (Thank you Canada, thank you South Africa, thank you you Aussies bastards and Kiwis) and Empire, and joined by the United States, fought that war until we won, although it left us broke and out of manpower and dependent on American charity to feed ourselves. It cost us the Empire.

Proud to be British? You bet I am!

Against the Japanese the British were a minority compared to the Indian Army (remember that India at that time included what are now Pakistan and Bangladesh) but the forces of the British Empire (including those from Africa) under Bill Slim and Mountbatten defended India from the Japanese and then fought their way back into Burma through some of the most inhospitable terrain on earth, fought and won. Indians, Gurkhas, Africans and British together.

The Poles and Czechs were among the most effective squadrons in the Battle of Britain. The "top scoring" squadron was Polish. Without them we might have lost that Battle and the war.

And who do the BNP hate? Africans, Indians, Poles, Czechs and Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sikhs. The very people who laid down their lives to fight Fascism and militarism! The very people who defended our shores, our people and our Empire!

Ashamed of the BNP? You bet I am!

Just one little example of the sort of thing I'm talking about: There have been a lot of Poles over here - WORKING! In the building trade in particular. I know one who has bought a house here, with money he earned by the sweat of his brow, and now lives here with his wife and daughter. He tells me that since the crash the work has been drying up and the Poles have not been signing on, they've gone back to Poland. They aren't sitting here like fat white Brits, moaning that their dole isn't enough and having kids by the dozen to get a council house. That's British and NOT something you see the Indians doing: If their business fails they get a job shifting luggage at Heathrow, or cleaning toilets - but they get out there and work!

Respect that? You bet I do!

After the Second World War these people showed they admired and respected Britain so much that when we asked them to come over here, to shattered, bankrupt Britain, and help us rebuild, they did and forced us to confront our own racism. Anyone here old enough to remember the signs in the windows of boarding houses: "No Irish or blacks"?

But we did learn, and are still learning, and will continue to learn in the future. And certainly one of the things we are learning now is that those who come here DO need to sign up to British values such as equal rights for all. We need to keep an eye on white fascist racism (it's as ugly and evil as any other sort) but we need also to look at what I might call brown/black racism, and to educate people that freedom of expression does not mean banning the freedom of expression of others, and if we don't like the Pope, or Jesus, or Mohammed, we have every right to say so! AND WE DO NOT NEED THE BNP TO DO THIS! They peddle hate and are part of the problem.

So how do we move forward?

GET INVOLVED! We can no longer afford the luxury of sitting back and criticising our politicians for their failings but doing nothing. How many here even voted in the last election? How many have ever commented on a consultation paper that is there for us the public to comment on? How many have joined a political party and said we need to change policy? (Please note that I regard myself as guilty of all these charges and am not just blaming others)

I believe in the people of this country, black, white, brown yellow or any shade between or beyond! We are a democracy and if enough of us get involved, we can create change. We can go to the Labour Party Conference (or the Tory one, or the Lib Dems) and say ENOUGH! We want the fat cats controlled. We want better schools and hospitals and accept that we have to pay for it and the BNP policy of withdrawing from our biggest trading partner (Europe) will guarantee we don't have the money. We want our Press to be free, not controlled by the political bias of its owner and we can get it put in the manifesto that no individual or organisation can own more than a 25% share in any newspaper, tv station or internet company worth more than x amount.

It isn't easy but it can be done if enough of us decide to do it - and that starts with ME and it starts with YOU, because if we don't get off our arses and take that first step you can be sure no-one else will.

This is a democracy. WE are responsible. If the situation is bad we have to start by admitting that it is our own apathy that has got us here - political parties are only what we the electorate allow them to be and if we don't like them we have only ourselves to blame. It is up to us to change them.

But it doesn't happen overnight. There are no quick fixes for a country of 60,000,000 or so and anyone who says there is is probably lying.

So STAND UP! Get out in your local community and see what you can do. Join your local Party (of whatever flavour as long as it isn't the very Fascism our fathers and grandfathers fought against) and be a force for change but remember that it takes time, it takes work, it takes patience, it takes discussion.

We are the British. We are the Unconquered. Are we going to let all that we stand for be trodden underfoot by the snivelling lying racists of the BNP or the self seeking and amoral of any Party?


But it is the responsibility of me, and it is the responsibility of you. There is no-one there to do it for us. We are grown up now, and it is time we started behaving like adults.

Now MOVE! :)

Winner of the best post 2009:-6

Well said Clods...:-6
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by gmc »

oscar;1175108 wrote: Taken from the Mail article:

"To counter the threat, Labour is mobilising at local level wherever there is a sign of heavy BNP activity under the slogan 'Fairness not Fear'. It is also teaming up with anti-fascist groups and sending in anti-BNP 'battlebuses'."

So this is supposed to be a legit government prostesting about the rise of the BNP?

No-one on this thread has addressed my question as to what exactly the UAF is and explain this which is what happens when their 'battlebuses' go into action.:

BBC NEWS | England | Manchester | BNP member attacked with hammer

Is this not a form of fascism for Labour and Conservative Mp's to support and fund this legally?

You get left wing thugs as well as right wing thugs. I've got no time for either extreme. Just because a left wing thug uses the same tactics of intimidation and threats doesn't somehow vindicate the BNP. You are on the loony right not the loony left. If you want to know what I think of the revolutionary communists that still believe in the proletarian paradise that will follow the inevitable workers revolt or religious extremists that want a hell on earth on their way to paradise start another thread.

You dodged the question I notice.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Chezzie »

oscar;1175108 wrote: Taken from the Mail article:

"To counter the threat, Labour is mobilising at local level wherever there is a sign of heavy BNP activity under the slogan 'Fairness not Fear'. It is also teaming up with anti-fascist groups and sending in anti-BNP 'battlebuses'."

So this is supposed to be a legit government prostesting about the rise of the BNP?

No-one on this thread has addressed my question as to what exactly the UAF is and explain this which is what happens when their 'battlebuses' go into action.:

BBC NEWS | England | Manchester | BNP member attacked with hammer

Is this not a form of fascism for Labour and Conservative Mp's to support and fund this legally?

"Anti-fascists" behaving like fascists - who would've thought?!

UAF should be ashamed of themselves.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Snowfire »

I'd just like to add very quickly that the poster who made more sense in one post than all of Oscar's put together, was by a member who is an involved Liberal Democrat. One who was met by hoots of derision and ROFL emoticons. I couldnt care rats arse if his elbows are sown up with leather patches, he gets my attention and my respect.

If Clods or gmc can offer me proportional repesentation at the next election , they'll get my vote

I can already picture gmc in corduroys anyway :wah:
"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."

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Oscar Namechange
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Chezzie;1175141 wrote: "Anti-fascists" behaving like fascists - who would've thought?!

UAF should be ashamed of themselves. It's the whole hypocritical attitude here. Labour fears the spread of the BNP yet sends in 'battlebuses' to disrupt BNP meetings. I keep saying it but the BNP weather any-one likes it or not is a registered political party. Anyone has the right to vote for them and has the right to attend a local BNP meeting without a 'battlebus' turning up to look for trouble. What Labour and the Tory MP's who support the UAF ideally want is for BNP members to re-act and start trouble. Who is this government or any other MP to tell us who to vote for in what is supposed to be a democratic country?

I have no doubt that the more the UAF opposes the BNP, the more people who are sick to death of this country will look at them.

It's also probably diversion tactics from harmen to take the attention away from the balls up this country is in.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Galbally »

Clodhopper;1174994 wrote: Because Gerry Adams renounced the armed struggle, as did McGuinness. They still oppose the Union, but have resolved to do so by peaceful means and they have every right to do so. The BNP has not renounced racism, has not renounced fascism. It is the NF in a suit.

Let us for a start remember who we are.

We are the people who stood alone against Fascist Germany when it had raped Poland and smashed France and it seemed nothing could stop them. We stood, a small island off the NW coast of Europe isolated from the few left who would help us and said, "Rather Death than Fascism" and with the Commonwealth (Thank you Canada, thank you South Africa, thank you you Aussies bastards and Kiwis) and Empire, and joined by the United States, fought that war until we won, although it left us broke and out of manpower and dependent on American charity to feed ourselves. It cost us the Empire.

Proud to be British? You bet I am!

Against the Japanese the British were a minority compared to the Indian Army (remember that India at that time included what are now Pakistan and Bangladesh) but the forces of the British Empire (including those from Africa) under Bill Slim and Mountbatten defended India from the Japanese and then fought their way back into Burma through some of the most inhospitable terrain on earth, fought and won. Indians, Gurkhas, Africans and British together.

The Poles and Czechs were among the most effective squadrons in the Battle of Britain. The "top scoring" squadron was Polish. Without them we might have lost that Battle and the war.

And who do the BNP hate? Africans, Indians, Poles, Czechs and Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sikhs. The very people who laid down their lives to fight Fascism and militarism! The very people who defended our shores, our people and our Empire!

Ashamed of the BNP? You bet I am!

Just one little example of the sort of thing I'm talking about: There have been a lot of Poles over here - WORKING! In the building trade in particular. I know one who has bought a house here, with money he earned by the sweat of his brow, and now lives here with his wife and daughter. He tells me that since the crash the work has been drying up and the Poles have not been signing on, they've gone back to Poland. They aren't sitting here like fat white Brits, moaning that their dole isn't enough and having kids by the dozen to get a council house. That's British and NOT something you see the Indians doing: If their business fails they get a job shifting luggage at Heathrow, or cleaning toilets - but they get out there and work!

Respect that? You bet I do!

After the Second World War these people showed they admired and respected Britain so much that when we asked them to come over here, to shattered, bankrupt Britain, and help us rebuild, they did and forced us to confront our own racism. Anyone here old enough to remember the signs in the windows of boarding houses: "No Irish or blacks"?

But we did learn, and are still learning, and will continue to learn in the future. And certainly one of the things we are learning now is that those who come here DO need to sign up to British values such as equal rights for all. We need to keep an eye on white fascist racism (it's as ugly and evil as any other sort) but we need also to look at what I might call brown/black racism, and to educate people that freedom of expression does not mean banning the freedom of expression of others, and if we don't like the Pope, or Jesus, or Mohammed, we have every right to say so! AND WE DO NOT NEED THE BNP TO DO THIS! They peddle hate and are part of the problem.

So how do we move forward?

GET INVOLVED! We can no longer afford the luxury of sitting back and criticising our politicians for their failings but doing nothing. How many here even voted in the last election? How many have ever commented on a consultation paper that is there for us the public to comment on? How many have joined a political party and said we need to change policy? (Please note that I regard myself as guilty of all these charges and am not just blaming others)

I believe in the people of this country, black, white, brown yellow or any shade between or beyond! We are a democracy and if enough of us get involved, we can create change. We can go to the Labour Party Conference (or the Tory one, or the Lib Dems) and say ENOUGH! We want the fat cats controlled. We want better schools and hospitals and accept that we have to pay for it and the BNP policy of withdrawing from our biggest trading partner (Europe) will guarantee we don't have the money. We want our Press to be free, not controlled by the political bias of its owner and we can get it put in the manifesto that no individual or organisation can own more than a 25% share in any newspaper, tv station or internet company worth more than x amount.

It isn't easy but it can be done if enough of us decide to do it - and that starts with ME and it starts with YOU, because if we don't get off our arses and take that first step you can be sure no-one else will.

This is a democracy. WE are responsible. If the situation is bad we have to start by admitting that it is our own apathy that has got us here - political parties are only what we the electorate allow them to be and if we don't like them we have only ourselves to blame. It is up to us to change them.

But it doesn't happen overnight. There are no quick fixes for a country of 60,000,000 or so and anyone who says there is is probably lying.

So STAND UP! Get out in your local community and see what you can do. Join your local Party (of whatever flavour as long as it isn't the very Fascism our fathers and grandfathers fought against) and be a force for change but remember that it takes time, it takes work, it takes patience, it takes discussion.

We are the British. We are the Unconquered. Are we going to let all that we stand for be trodden underfoot by the snivelling lying racists of the BNP or the self seeking and amoral of any Party?


But it is the responsibility of me, and it is the responsibility of you. There is no-one there to do it for us. We are grown up now, and it is time we started behaving like adults.

Now MOVE! :)

That's the spirit Clodhopper, well said. :-6

Just for the record, despite the fact I am Irish and an nationalist Irish person I believe that the EU is the best chance Europe has to make its own values count in the world again, and to avoid war between the great nations of Europe over money, everything else is doomed to lead to either our complete Americanization or the outbreak of a general European conflict within about one generation. British people have been brainwashed for decades about the EU, mostly by narrow, bigoted, right-wing nationalists and business interests, cheered on by a similarly minded tabloid press, meanwhile the countries society and culture has been shattered by Americanization and mass immigration, and not much said about it.

Also, my great Grandfather O'Brien was a British Army machine gunner on the Somme, (while his Brother was an IRA man at home after the 1916 Rising fighting the same Army), my Grand Uncle joined the British Parachute Regiment in 1941 and was shot while parachuting into Germany in 1944, my Grandfather was in the Royal Irish Regiment in WWII, My American Grand Uncle was a side gunner on a B29 in 1944, my other grandfather worked as a driver for a a munitions factory in Birmingham, as did several of my grandaunts. These people could have all stayed in Ireland (which was neutral) had an easy life and not been fighting, but they chose not to and decided to join the fight against facism instead, along with tens of thousands of other Irish Citizens, which says something, so lets not pull the patriotism card eh?
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Oscar Namechange
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Galbally;1175834 wrote: That's the spirit Clodhopper, well said. :-6

Just for the record, despite the fact I am Irish and an nationalist Irish person I believe that the EU is the best chance Europe has to make its own values count in the world again, and to avoid war between the great nations of Europe over money, everything else is doomed to lead to either our complete Americanization or the outbreak of a general European conflict within about one generation. British people have been brainwashed for decades about the EU, mostly by narrow, bigoted, right-wing nationalists and business interests, cheered on by a similarly minded tabloid press, meanwhile the countries society and culture has been shattered by Americanization and mass immigration, and not much said about it.


The point is galbally..... it is feared by this government that very shortly in the Euro elections, we will be seeing BNP MEP's. How do you think they will deal with Brussels?
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Galbally »

oscar;1176004 wrote: The point is galbally..... it is feared by this government that very shortly in the Euro elections, we will be seeing BNP MEP's. How do you think they will deal with Brussels?

Well if you vote in BNP, and they wreck Britain's membership of the EU, its not like you won't have seen it coming. I don't think membership of the EU is Britain's problem at all, the problem is Britain's continuing inability to recognize the reality that it is a large European nation, not an American state, or a "global trading power" (or whatever other nonsense some people seem to believe even still), and the nation's basic interests are in protecting and securing its interests as such.

That means simply stopping mass non-EU immigration now, period; along with developing a recognition that England, Wales and Scotland are European Christian nations not post-industrial, poly-glot, multicultural nothing-nowhere places, or immigrant societies.

These places actually already have an identity, they don't need a new one invented by agressive imported cultures and religions, or determined at meetings by health and safety committees, or the leaders of know-nothing PC quangos.

You also need an absolute rejection of American style rapacious capitalism, a rebalancing of the British economy, and the revitalization of a culture that celebrates what the nations of that Island are good at (and understands what they are, who their people are, and always have been); stop engaging in the blind xenophobia, the now comical superiority complex; and its flip side, the left-wing, self-hating post-colonial moral autopsy (that seems intent on making people apologize for their forefathers questionable actions), and ultimately is encouraging them to give up their very hard won birthright for the sake of some nonsensical, multi-cultural, left wing agenda thats mumbled softly in the mouths of certain intellectuals.

Its arguable how best this can be achieved, but I don't think its outside the EU. The EU is the family of European Nations, its economic strength gives European nation states the ability to stand up for their own beliefs in the face of an American capitalist system gone mad, the rising authoritarian (supposedly Communist) China, the ever hard to define Indians, and the rest.

These may all be interesting and good countries, but they don't for the most part share European political, social, or economic values, unlike Britain, which is a European nation, it always has been and always will be whether you like that or not, its the truth. Thats why you are better off in the EU, otherwise you might as well just call it a day and become the three newest States of the USA.

So Britain needs a revival, a renewal, a rediscovery of what makes it a unique and fantastic country, but not in a xenophobic or triumphalist manner. The BNP are not capable of achieving this, I understand why they appeal to people, the problems they highlight are very real, but they don't have the intellectual capacity, or the foresight to realize that the policies they want to adopt will lead to the end of British democracy, the end of freedoms enshrined since Magna Carta, and probably the end of the UK itself.

Its also possible that an English BNP victory would result in likely sectarian conflict within the UK, and certainly the end of Britain's EU (and probably UN membership). I am not sure how other countries would react to a Nuclear Armed, BNP-led Britain either, thats something to consider (seriously). Then of course there is the actual economy. No, I wouldn't think its a wise road to start upon, but I do also think that both mainstream parties total determination to ignore the problems raised by the BNP at all costs is one of the reasons that you are at this point now in Britain.

Its a bad situation. But Britain has been in worse situations, and you have come through them.
"We are never so happy, never so unhappy, as we imagine"

Le Rochefoucauld.

"A smack in the face settles all arguments, then you can move on kid."

My dad 1986.
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Oscar Namechange
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Galbally;1176286 wrote: .


The BNP are not capable of achieving this, I understand why they appeal to people, the problems they highlight are very real, but they don't have the intellectual capacity, or the foresight to realize that they policies they want to adopt will lead to the end of the British democracy, the end of the freedoms enshrined since Magna Carta, the end of teh UK itself, likely sectarian conflict within the UK, and certainly the end of Britain's EU and probably UN membership. Then of course there is the economy. No, I wouldn't think its a wise road to start upon, but I do also think that both mainstream parties total determination to ignore the problems raised by the BNP at all costs is one of the reasons that you are at this point now in Britain. Its a bad situation. The BNP are very much the new guys on the block and you could say the same of the Lib Dems and UKIP. Leaving the public with the likelyhood of either a Labour or Tory government only. The BNP could be just as capable as the Lib Dems in a few years to come. I beg to differ due to the very fact that the UAF are already trying to end Democracy by trying to influence people not to vote BNP. The Labour Party is sending out 'battlebuses' to disrupt BNP meetings. That to me is the end of democracy not the BNP. No government surely should have the right to disrupt a bono fide registered Parties meetings? Yet Labour are getting away with it. Just how far will this government go in these bully boy tactics before they end up the fascist's themselves in years to come? You are however spot on when you say the mainstream parties have the continued determination to ignore the problems raised by the BNP. All the time they continue to ignore these issue's, more and more people will be attracted to the BNP and it will be the mainstream Parties own sorry fault when the BNP do actually achieve MP's and MEP's in the house of commons.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by gmc »

oscar;1176308 wrote: The BNP are very much the new guys on the block and you could say the same of the Lib Dems and UKIP. Leaving the public with the likelyhood of either a Labour or Tory government only. The BNP could be just as capable as the Lib Dems in a few years to come. I beg to differ due to the very fact that the UAF are already trying to end Democracy by trying to influence people not to vote BNP. The Labour Party is sending out 'battlebuses' to disrupt BNP meetings. That to me is the end of democracy not the BNP. No government surely should have the right to disrupt a bono fide registered Parties meetings? Yet Labour are getting away with it. Just how far will this government go in these bully boy tactics before they end up the fascist's themselves in years to come? You are however spot on when you say the mainstream parties have the continued determination to ignore the problems raised by the BNP. All the time they continue to ignore these issue's, more and more people will be attracted to the BNP and it will be the mainstream Parties own sorry fault when the BNP do actually achieve MP's and MEP's in the house of commons.

I agree with galbally on this one. It would be very bad for britain if either ukip or the bnp make significant inroads. If they ever get anywhere not only will our economy go even further down the toilet you would see the break up of the union. Hopefully it is protest votes they are gaining but what kind of half wit supports a party that advocates creating a police state and promotes a violent racist agenda. You even acknowledge that they are an extreme right wing party that will ton down it's policies to get elected. Presumably once in they will set about tearing down our freedoms.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1176418 wrote: I agree with galbally on this one. It would be very bad for britain if either ukip or the bnp make significant inroads. If they ever get anywhere not only will our economy go even further down the toilet you would see the break up of the union. Hopefully it is protest votes they are gaining but what kind of half wit supports a party that advocates creating a police state and promotes a violent racist agenda. You even acknowledge that they are an extreme right wing party that will ton down it's policies to get elected. Presumably once in they will set about tearing down our freedoms.
What pisses me off is that the issue's the BNP raises albeit extreme, are very real issues that the mainstream Parties just refuse to address. Yes, i agree that many votes for the BNP will be protest votes but all the time Labour and the Tories refuse to address the mass immigration, health, education, police and farcical human rights, the BNP will gain in power. Rather than listen to the votors and tackle these issue's to defeat the BNP, they would rather send out 'battlebuses' to disrupt and incite BNP meetings. To me, that's a form of dictatorship not Democracy. Can't the government see what they are doing? No.... with the likes of Smith, Harmen and Blears..... not a ****ing clue!!!!!
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Raven »

oscar;1176499 wrote: What pisses me off is that the issue's the BNP raises albeit extreme, are very real issues that the mainstream Parties just refuse to address. Yes, i agree that many votes for the BNP will be protest votes but all the time Labour and the Tories refuse to address the mass immigration, health, education, police and farcical human rights, the BNP will gain in power. Rather than listen to the votors and tackle these issue's to defeat the BNP, they would rather send out 'battlebuses' to disrupt and incite BNP meetings. To me, that's a form of dictatorship not Democracy. Can't the government see what they are doing? No.... with the likes of Smith, Harmen and Blears..... not a ****ing clue!!!!!
I dont think anyone is ready to admit that this extreme version of socialism doesnt work. In this country anyway, multicultural diversity isnt working. Each group is out for themselves instead of the greater whole. An island can only sustain just so many people.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by gmc »

Raven;1176506 wrote: I dont think anyone is ready to admit that this extreme version of socialism doesnt work. In this country anyway, multicultural diversity isnt working. Each group is out for themselves instead of the greater whole. An island can only sustain just so many people.

What extreme version of socialism? New labour bought hook line and sinker into the Thatcherite economic dream and tony blair was too thick to realise he got elected because people had rejected it. We've gpr a serious problem in this country as our first past the post system effective disenfranchises most people. the first ting both parties do is gerrymander the electoral boundaries in their favour.

What we don't need is the extreme right getting anywhere. Their social policies suck their economic policies are even worse and their constitutional policies would fragment the united kingdom. The protest vote in scotland isn't the far left as it used to be now it's the SNP. You have to be a half wit to think the BNP are any answer.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1176956 wrote: What we don't need is the extreme right getting anywhere. Their social policies suck their economic policies are even worse and their constitutional policies would fragment the united kingdom. The protest vote in scotland isn't the far left as it used to be now it's the SNP. You have to be a half wit to think the BNP are any answer. I had a party letter and some gumph from Nick Griffin yesterday that was written by himself. Do you know, in all the years i have had 'gumph' come through from the Labour Party, I can honestly say that i have never seen anything so written from the heart? He tells it as it is and i even showed it to my muslim pals who said they actually agreed with what he was saying. It was brutally honest and frankly, in this day where all our politicians are lying crooked bastards, it was a breath of fresh air. I'm not talking about the content of what he had written but the way it came from the heart. Also, issue's that he had highlighted actually contradict statements that he is supposed to have made in the past that the UAF use.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Snowfire »

oscar;1176974 wrote: I had a party letter and some gumph from Nick Griffin yesterday that was written by himself. Do you know, in all the years i have had 'gumph' come through from the Labour Party, I can honestly say that i have never seen anything so written from the heart? He tells it as it is and i even showed it to my muslim pals who said they actually agreed with what he was saying. It was brutally honest and frankly, in this day where all our politicians are lying crooked bastards, it was a breath of fresh air. I'm not talking about the content of what he had written but the way it came from the heart. Also, issue's that he had highlighted actually contradict statements that he is supposed to have made in the past that the UAF use.

Did he speak from the heart when he wrote of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century, when refering to the Holocaust ?

Of course he contradicts statements he made in the past. He is trying to dress it up and sanitise it by pretending he didnt really mean what he meant.

He still opposes interacial relationships which confirms the racist stance they ( BNP ) have always had.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

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posted by oscar

farcical human rights,

So now you think human rights legislation is a good idea???? make up your mind will you.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Snowfire;1176979 wrote: Did he speak from the heart when he wrote of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century, when refering to the Holocaust ?

Of course he contradicts statements he made in the past. He is trying to dress it up and sanitise it by pretending he didnt really mean what he meant.

He still opposes interacial relationships which confirms the racist stance they ( BNP ) have always had. The point i was making is that i had never seen anything so honest. A stark contrast to the bilge that our MP's dress up for our reading these days.

It's all bloody hypocrisy anyway. At least he tells it as it is instead of making false promises that our MP's do the moment they get elected. I'd rather hear some honest opinions however likely they are to offend (and that's not to say that i agree with the entire content), than vote for a candidate and then wonder what his hidden agenda is.

Don't tell me our Mp's don't have hidden agenda's...... just look at the shower that GB surrounds himself with?
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by gmc »

oscar;1176984 wrote: The point i was making is that i had never seen anything so honest. A stark contrast to the bilge that our MP's dress up for our reading these days.

It's all bloody hypocrisy anyway. At least he tells it as it is instead of making false promises that our MP's do the moment they get elected. I'd rather hear some honest opinions however likely they are to offend (and that's not to say that i agree with the entire content), than vote for a candidate and then wonder what his hidden agenda is.

Don't tell me our Mp's don't have hidden agenda's...... just look at the shower that GB surrounds himself with?

So he's a sincere racist, misogynist and fascist good for you you've finally found somebody wonderful to idolise.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1176985 wrote: So he's a sincere racist, misogynist and fascist good for you you've finally found somebody wonderful to idolise. You really should stand for the SNP..... you have a wonderfull way of taking something, reading between the lines and making out of it what you want.

Where in the last two posts when i said that i Nick Griffin was writing from the heart, did i say a) I agreed with the content, or

b) did i say that i idolised the man?

Your being a Rodney again arn't you?

For the purposes of the tape officer..... I will repeat what i said. I said that compared to the gumph i have had over the years from the Labour Party, I had not read anything that i believed was written so much from the heart.

Anyway, your just jealous. :p:p:p
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1176983 wrote: posted by oscar

So now you think human rights legislation is a good idea???? make up your mind will you. My opinion of human rights is that it is a chicken and egg situation we are looking at today. The 'farcical' human rights' is the crap introduced by nooooo Labour for the like of Cherie Blair to line her pocket with.

The right to complain has nothing to do with human rights. I won an investigation because i could provide enough imformation for a complaint to be investigated and up-held.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Clodhopper »

Hitler also wrote from the heart. Ever tried to read "My Struggle"? I have. Didn't succeed. It was too disgusting.

If you want, I'll try to post some pictures about where the BNP would take us. For a better alternative you could look here:

Liberal Democrats - home
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Clodhopper;1177152 wrote: Hitler also wrote from the heart. Ever tried to read "My Struggle"? I have. Didn't succeed. It was too disgusting.

If you want, I'll try to post some pictures about where the BNP would take us. For a better alternative you could look here:

Liberal Democrats - home

That's a co-incidence......... I was looking at the Lib Dem web sites earlier tonight along with Labour and Tory.

I find it perplexing that many have said the BNP have no chance of becming main stream, yet you say 'Where the BNP would take us'. This must mean that you are worried by them and believe there is fair chance they could gain more power?

Where you say 'post pictures', I am guessing you mean pictures of Hitler's handiwork. If so, thank you but we actually have boxes full of them inherited from my husbands uncle. :D
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Clodhopper »

'Where the BNP would take us'. This must mean that you are worried by them and believe there is fair chance they could gain more power?

Yes. I don't yet see them winning the next general election, but there will be a big protest vote and they might very well get some seats. I'm seeing a groundswell of support for them, and think to ignore them as a loony extreme is now dangerous.

They have to be opposed seriously, or a lot of people will believe their lies and vote accordingly, and a lot of others won't vote at all, and that is where the danger lies - that they sort of slide in through the back door before anyone really notices.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Clodhopper;1177222 wrote: Yes. I don't yet see them winning the next general election, but there will be a big protest vote and they might very well get some seats. I'm seeing a groundswell of support for them, and think to ignore them as a loony extreme is now dangerous.

They have to be opposed seriously, or a lot of people will believe their lies and vote accordingly, and a lot of others won't vote at all, and that is where the danger lies - that they sort of slide in through the back door before anyone really notices.

Look what i found in today's papers?

British National Party handbook tells BNP members to wear hats to hide skinheads | BNP | News | News Of The World
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by gmc »

oscar;1177265 wrote: Look what i found in today's papers?

British National Party handbook tells BNP members to wear hats to hide skinheads | BNP | News | News Of The World

Must be true it was in the news of the world.

seems you're not the only ex labour member. either that or they have been getting tips.

The Activists' & Organisers' Handbook tells them to:

* USE internet blogs to put out damaging stories about rivals.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1177368 wrote: Must be true it was in the news of the world.

seems you're not the only ex labour member. either that or they have been getting tips. No..... I've seen and heard enough. Not the place for me :(
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by gmc »

oscar;1177370 wrote: No..... I've seen and heard enough. Not the place for me :(

What you've decided not to stand for them?

I still think monster raving loony party is your best bet-on the other hand maybe you could start your own sod them all party
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1177498 wrote: What you've decided not to stand for them?

I still think monster raving loony party is your best bet-on the other hand maybe you could start your own sod them all party

No...... I had a problem with two of the policies and i did a huge amount of reading up on Nick Griffin some of which was worrying. I still say that they have some brilliant policies and i think they are gaining a lot of support and votors.

I'm back in the wilderness now and i despair of the lot of them. It looks pretty certain now that Cameron is going to be the next PM.

Do you think i could register that as a Party title 'The F**k you all Party' :wah:
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by gmc »

oscar;1177552 wrote: No...... I had a problem with two of the policies and i did a huge amount of reading up on Nick Griffin some of which was worrying. I still say that they have some brilliant policies and i think they are gaining a lot of support and votors.

I'm back in the wilderness now and i despair of the lot of them. It looks pretty certain now that Cameron is going to be the next PM.

Do you think i could register that as a Party title 'The F**k you all Party' :wah:

In this PC age probably not maybe the away and play with yourself party might work.
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Government warns that the BNP are a bigger threat than ever as elections loom

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1178133 wrote: In this PC age probably not maybe the away and play with yourself party might work. I'd lose my deposit :wah:
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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